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Academic Writing Task

In day 2, we discussed different Learning Theories and how they are at the foundation of technology
affordances and use.

Now, please post a reflection here, of your understanding about how theories are linked with technology
and vice versa. Your reflection should be worded between 150-200 words and should contain at least
TWO In-Text Citations and at least THREE References.

Harvard style of referencing is to be used for both In-Text Citations and References. The
references/citations can be from anywhere i.e book, journal, e-book, online journal, website etc.

Cognitivism theory focuses on the mental processes and one can use various reinforcement
tools and online quizzes, to build on the prior knowledge to understand new concepts and
ideas. Research shows that Cognitive tools trigger the cognitive and metacognitive learning
strategies, which enables learners to assign meaning to new information by relating it to prior
knowledge, assimilation and reorganisation into the schemata. (Jonassen, 1992)

Behavourism on the other hand tends to focus on the conditioning of the student’s behaviour,
using negative and positive reinforcements. This theory is particularly effective when
considering the appropriate approach for the students diagnosed with anti-social and anxiety

Constructivist views profess learning to be an active process of constructing instead of the

attaining of knowledge passively, which ought to be supported by the teacher. A recent
article cited that “Technology can provide the vehicle for accomplishing constructivist
teaching practices.” Hence, integration of technology into lessons encourages the use of
constructivist behaviours. (Aloka Nanjappa and Michael M. Grant, 2003)

In recent years, it has been recognized that e-Learning is not solely for the purpose of the
transmission of knowledge but it creates interconnectivity between teachers, students and
information thereby creating opportunities for social learning approaches. (Nawaz, 2010)

Aloka Nanjappa and Michael M. Grant, P., 2003. Constructing on Constructivism: The Role of
Technology. Electronic Journal for the Integration of Technology in Education, p. 50.

Jonassen, D. H., 1992. What are Cognitive Tools?. Cognitive Tools for learning.

Nawaz, G. M. K. a. A., 2010. From objectivism to social constructivism: The impacts of

information and communication technologies (ICTs) on higher education. Journal of Science
and Technology Education Research , Volume Vol. 1(2).

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