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Big Task for Communication 01: SPEECH CHOIR/ CHORALE SPEAKING

In collaboration with SCI 02 & PE 01

Culminating Performance Standard: The learner writes and

delivers a purposeful and effective presentation appropriate to the

Part 1: Creation of the speech choir piece that will focus on the
3RD global goal of Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) -
achieving good health and well-being. The piece will revolve
around the theme: “Embracing SDG: a way of reaching out to the
lost, the last, and the least”

*Sci 02 – A “speech to inform” that discusses the different

cardio-vascular diseases. This transcript will then serve as one
performance task in Comm 01 before the videocation
procedures will be done.

*PE 01 – Incorporation of a fitness plan to achieve a healthy


The United Nations International Children’s Emergency Fund

(UNICEF) requires the participating delegates of the member
countries to present a chorale speaking/ speech choir about the
Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) in order to educate the
citizens on how to promote good health and well-being (situation).
The event will be dubbed as “Embracing SDG: a way of reaching out
to the lost, the last, and the least” and will be attended by leaders
from all over the world, media practitioners, PE faculty, health
fitness instructors, and fellow advocates (audience). As an
advocate and active member of a non-government organization or
NGO (see list of NGOs), you are tasked to organize a series of
persuasive speeches in a form of a speech choir (goal) which
aims to target the 3rd global goal of S D G (focus on goal 3). The local
press such as: Freeman, Cebu Daily News and etc. will be invited to
document and publish the said video. The speech choir
presentation/competition should have an emcee, facilitator,
presenters, and judges (role). A documentation of the event
(product) will be submitted to the UNICEF following the mechanics:
completeness and thoroughness of the program,
delivery of varied speeches
the relevance of the speeches to SDG (standard).

Mechanics and guidelines for the Creation of Piece

Bearing in mind that ethical communicators are honest, fair, responsible,

demonstrate respect for others, and most of all have integrity, they also have to
remember that speakers are audience-centered. Thus, communicators should
actively consider the expectations, interest, and nature of the audience.

The class is required to come up with a piece that will be used in 1. Science
class’ videocation (basis for rating speech to inform) and will incorporate 2. PE’s
fitness plan before it will be eventually polished into a 3. persuasive speech and
be presented in a form of a chorale speaking/speech choir.

With the different inputs and suggestions from respective subject teachers
collaborating in this task, the class should always remember that aside from the
outputs in Science 02 and PE 01 which the class is expected to comply, further
modifications / tweaking should be made to form a persuasive and meaningful
speech choir piece that targets the 3rd global goal of Sustainable Development
Goal – achieving good health and well-being.

Since a well-thought of persuasive speech should be well-structured and should

be delivered expressively, it should also comprise of the of the following

1. Clarity. This is an essential feature of a good speech. Speech should be clear

and unambiguous so that the audience can understand it easily. If it is not clear
enough to express its meaning to the audience, it will become ineffective.

Definiteness of Message. The message of the speech should be definite

and relevant to the subject matter.

Conciseness. The audience becomes impatient with a long speech. Hence,

speech should be as concise as possible. However, it should not be incomplete.

Interesting. A speech should be delivered in an interesting and pleasing

way so that the audience is motivated to pay attention. In order to make the
speech interesting, various stories, examples, quotations, and jokes can be cited.

Ensuring Participation of Audience A good speech is one that ensures

the participation of the audience with the speaker. That means the audience will
ensure their attention through effective listening, expressing their solidarity with
the speech and so on.
Criteria for Judging (Content):
Style of Language elevated, inspirational, elegant, 30%
poetic, masterful - the speech should be an example of
'beautiful' language and construction.
Structure Look for unity of purpose. The piece needs 30%
to be structurally coherent - have a beginning,
development and close. It is not a loose ramble or
collection of impressions without form.

Theme: The message or the theme running through it 30%

should be worthy of a speech choir treatment, ie. the
style of language specified above. It must be important
and applicable beyond the time it was first delivered.
Over-All Impact 10%
TOTAL 100%

Part 2

Speech Choir Mechanics and Guidelines

1. An original piece highlighting on achieving good health and well

being will be this year’s theme.

2. There should be one conductor in every class.

3. The delivery must NOT exceed ten (10) minutes. This includes setting up
the stage, group’s entrance to and exit from the stage, and re-arranging the
stage or removing used props after performance.

4. Each group should consider the following guidelines during their

A. Use divisions of the whole group into:
 light (high),
 medium (female or male students with deep voices)
 dark (male with low voices).

Individual voices may be used as solo. (solo light, solo medium and solo
B. Blend voices, pause together, and put emphasis on the important and
same words.

C. Speak with appropriate expression, intonation, tempo, and volume.

D. Ensure that voices are in unison, that pauses are consistent among
group members, and that articulation/enunciation is not faulty.

E. Reflect the author’s viewpoint and mood. Use voice, pauses, and rate
of speaking as means of interpreting the text.

F. Use facial expressions and gestures that show the emotions and
intention as reflected in the text.

G. Use costumes and props relevant to the piece.

5. The following should not be used on stage--confetti, black toy guns, guns,
toy grenades, firecrackers, candles, matches or materials that ignite fire.

6. The use of liquid and any other substance that emits or secretes
liquid material that stains the floor of the venue is strictly prohibited.

7. Proper decorum should be observed by the audience during the

performance. Shouting is not tolerated. Deduction of points will be
given to the entry whose members exhibit unruly behavior.

8. The decision of the judges is FINAL and IRREVOCABLE.

Criteria for Judging (Presentation):

Creativity & Propriety–appropriateness of costume, 30%
props and art design, aesthetic effects;
interpretation of the piece
Vocal Delivery –pitch, rate and pausing, 30%
intonation, pronunciation/enunciation, vocal
classification and division, volume or power
Physical Delivery –gestures, degrees of facial 30%
expressions, spacing and blocking, poise,
Impact/Audience Response 10%
TOTAL 100%

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