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Dimensional Studies on Dual Liquids

A Laboratory Report Presented to the

Senior High School Department
Davao Doctors College, Inc.
General Malvar St., Davao City

In Partial Fulfillment for the Requirements

Of Chemistry II
Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics

Ampania, Patricia Gale Marinelle

Arreza, Levine
Bucol, Jan Lorraine Faith
Canda, Anjela Marie
Condiman, Jennifer
Ledesma, Khyla


February 2019
Chapter I
This chapter is consist of Introduction, Statement of the Problem, and the
Significance of the Study.
Oil and water plays a substantial role in our everyday lives; both of which are on
high-demand as our basic needs. However, no matter how much you mix oil and water,
they always separate making them naturally immiscible.
According to the National Science and Technology Centre (2019), molecules of
water are strongly attracted to each other because they are polar. Oil and water molecules
are not attracted to each other because oil molecules are non-polar and hydrophobic or
‘water-fearing’. Oil has a lower density than water, so it always floats on top. Water and
oil do not mix because of their molecular properties. On one hand, water has a slight
positive charge and is attracted to atoms and molecules with a negative charge. Oil is an
electrically neutral substance and has no affinity for water. Water molecules also have high
surface tension and are strongly attracted to each other (Bobra, 2016).
Furthermore, as stated by Helmenstine, A. (2018), polar liquids (like water)
dissolve in other polar liquids, while nonpolar liquids (usually organic molecules) mix well
with each other. Each H2O or water molecule is polar because it has a bent shape in which
the negatively charged oxygen atom and the positively charged hydrogen atoms are on
separate sides of the molecule. Water forms hydrogen bonds between oxygen and hydrogen
atoms of different water molecules. When water encounters nonpolar oil molecules, it
sticks to itself rather than mingles with the organic molecules.
The polarity of a molecule tells whether the electron cloud is equally distributed
across the atoms within the molecule, or whether an electronegative atom is affecting the
electron density. The distribution of the electrons will affect the behavior and reactivity of
the molecule (Brilliant Organization, 2019). In addition, the Brilliant Organization also
emphasized that the molecules with high polarity are hydrophilic, and mix well with other
polar compounds such as water. Molecules that are non-polar or have very low polarity
tend to be hydrophobic, and mix well with other non-polar (or nearly non-polar)
compounds such as oil.
Water and oil do not mix well, despite the fact that they are both homogenous
solutions on their own. This behavior can be explained through a deeper look at the polar
forces affecting the two solutions. That is why the researchers find the urge to complete
the study in order to know what other significant compounds allow water and oil to not
mix with each other and these things are related with one another.
Statement of the Problem
This experiment intended to identify the analyze the interaction of oil, water, and
Berocca Vitamins. Specifically, it aimed to answer the following:
1. Composition of Berocca tablet.
2. Property present in oil and water that separates them.

3. Substances that are soluble in:

3.1. Water

3.2. Oil

3.3. Water and Oil

Significance of the Study

The generalization of this experiment would be great contribution to vast
knowledge to assist people with regards to this experiment. The lava lamp experiment was
inside a glass vessel filled with water mixed with food color and oil; the oil rises and falls
as its density changes due to heating from the flash light underneath the glass container.
This experiment will benefit the following: publications, patent, products, people
services, places, and policies. For the publications, this experiment will serve as a guide
for future references. The patent for this experiment being conducted will be helpful for
everyone who experiments’ the same. The product of this experiment can help everyone to
know the importance of density, the ingredients of present in the Berocca vitamin, and
temperature. For the people services, the experiment will help the people running business
with regards to this type of experiment. Places, the experiment being conducted took place
inside their classroom with the supervision of their instructor. For the policies, the students
gathered valid data that will support the experiment. Thus, making the experiment credible.
Chapter II
This chapter includes the
materials and methods that were used in the experiment.
In making the experiment the student involved needs the following materials to
complete the activity, these are: long neck glass bottle where it will be used for the whole
time of the activity. Also, it is where the water will be place with a combination of the food
coloring or dye with one specific color only and the oil that represents as a lava. Extra
container for the mixing process. Flashlight, serves as light to the lamp and to see clearly
the result in the activity. Lastly, Berocca which contain an active ingredient of one
effervescent tablet consist of B vitamins, Vitamin C and the minerals calcium, magnesium
and zinc. Also, it plays an important role in the experiment.
The experiment process starts with gathering all the materials needed such as
empty long neck glass bottle, oil, food coloring or dye, flashlight, and Berocca. In the
different container, put a water and mixed it with the food coloring, make sure the water
is fairly dark in color. If the food coloring is completely mixed with the water, slowly
pour it to the long neck glass bottle. Afterwards, slowly fill the bottle with ¼ full with
canola oil, be careful in pouring for it not to spill. Subsequently, divide the Berocca into
pieces enough for it to fit in the mouth of the long neck glass bottle. Then, Put the
flashlight in the lower most part of the bottle to have a clear observation of the result.
Drop one of the tiny pieces of Berocca into the the oil and colored water mixture. Lastly,
observed the result when you used all the Berocca.
Figure 1. The process of conducting the experiment

1. Prepare all the materials needed for

the experiment

2. In the different container, put a water

and mixed it with the food coloring.

3. If the food coloring is completely

mixed with the water, slowly pour it to
the long neck glass bottle.
4. Fill the bottle with ¼ full with canola

5. Divide the Berocca into pieces

enough for it to fit in the mouth of the
long neck glass bottle

6. Put the flashlight in the lower most

part of the bottle to have a clear
observation of the result

7. Drop one of the tiny pieces of

Berocca into the the oil and colored
water mixture.

8. Lastly, observed the result when you

used all the Berocca.
Chapter III
This chapter comprises the Results, Discussion, and the Conclusion.
Composition of Berocca tablet.
During the conduction of the experiment the researchers observed that by adding
the Berocca vitamins it resulted to a chemical reaction. Because of the reaction, it
allowed oil and water to react with each other.
Berocca is a performance multivitamin that helps improve mental performance and
physical stamina. It contains a specific combination of B group vitamins and vitamin C,
enhanced with added calcium, magnesium and zinc.
When the tablets are fully dissolved in water, it resulted to bubbles. According to
Science Buddies (2013), this is because they undergo chemical reactions that produces lots
of carbon dioxide bubbles or fizz. Carbon dioxide bubbles appear because as the tablets
dissolve, the sodium bicarbonate splits apart to form sodium and bicarbonate ions. The
bicarbonate ions react with hydrogen ions from the citric acid to form carbon dioxide gas
(and water). This is how the bubbles are made.
Property present in Water and Oil that allows them to separate.
The researchers observed that when the oil was poured in the water both of them
separated and didn’t mix. The oil floats on the top because it is less dense than water.
National Science and Technology Centre (2019) stated that, molecules of water are
strongly attracted too each other because they are polar. Oil and water molecules are not
attracted to each other because oil molecules are are non-polar and hydrophobic or ‘water-
fearing’. Even though they have different densities, oil and water would eventually mix
together if it weren’t for polarity. Water molecules are polar because they have lopsided
electrical charge that attracts other atoms. The main reason why water and oil separates is
because of the density and polarity.
Substances that are soluble in oil
In 2018, Papiewski stated that most acids do not dissolve oil because the two types
of substances differ chemically. When mixed, the two form two separate layers as water
and oil does. You can, however, dissolve one type of oil with another; depending on the
oils, the two will make a smooth mixture. Soaps and other substances can dissolve oil,
breaking it into tiny droplets with chemical action. Furthermore he added that detergents
and soaps belong to a class of substances called “surfactants,” Surfactants attach
themselves to oil molecules by electrostatic attraction, in effect breaking the oil up into
microscopic droplets. Because each droplet is surrounded by surfactants, they cannot
recombine into larger drops. The surfactant-oil mixture easily washes away with water;
this is how soap removes oily grime in everyday use. Gasoline and carbon tetrachloride
can also dissolve in oil as well as acetone. In relation to his study another study made by
Zimmerman (2018) claims that Warming, Polarity, Gasoline, Two Nonpolar Substances,
Benzene and Supercritical Water also dissolves oil.
Substances that are soluble in water
According to Kunkel (2010) from the Science Teacher Resources from Baylor
College of said that one of the most important properties of liquid water is its ability to
dissolve many different substances. The same forces of attraction among molecules that
account for the “stickiness” of water also act as tiny magnets that pull certain types of
molecules (such as table salt) apart or allow some substances (alcohol, for example) to mix
uniformly with water. In general, molecules that have a positive end and a negative end, or
that can separate into components with positive and negative charges, will dissolve in
water. Molecules without these characteristics, such as oils, will not dissolve in water.
The uniform mixture that results when one substance (such as table salt) is
dissolved completely in another (such as water) is called a solution. Many common items
are solutions. Household vinegar, for example, is a solution of acetic acid in water.
The reactions that take place inside living cells depend on the presence of water.
Likewise, organisms require water outside of cells to transport nutrients and other
substances from place to place, and to carry waste products away. In our daily lives, we
take advantage of water’s abilities to dissolve and remove unwanted substances by using
it for cleaning and rinsing.
Substances that are soluble in oil
There is no substances that are both soluble in water and oil since they have
different polarity. According to Papiewski (2018), water molecule is more positive on the
hydrogen side and negative for oxygen, making the water a polar molecule. Oils, on the
other hand, are non-polar; their molecules have the same charge all the way around. Water
easily dissolves other polar substances, like sodium chloride salt, but does not dissolve
non-polar molecules such as oil. For the same reason, acids, which are polar molecules,
generally do not dissolve oil.
1. Berocca bubbles because the sodium bicarbonate splits apart to form sodium
and bicarbonate ions. The bicarbonate ions react with hydrogen ions from the
citric acid to form carbon dioxide gas (and water).
2. Water and oil separates because of the density and polarity.
3. A polar molecule substance is dissolved completely in water and nonpolar
substance is dissolved in oil. There is no substance that can be dissolved in both
oil and water.
Bobra, M. (2016). Solubility Behaviour of Petroleum Oils in Water. Retrieved from
Brilliant Organization (2019). Polarity of a Molecule. Retrieved from
Helmenstine, A. (2018). Miscible and Immscible Fluids. Retrieved from
Kunnel D. (2010). What dissolves in water? Retrieved from
National Science and Technology Centre (2019). Oil and Water. Retrieved from
Papiewski J. (2018). Does Acid dissolves in Oil? Retrieved from
National Science and Technology Centre (2019). Oil and Water. Retrieved from
Science Buddies (2013). Carbonation Countdown: The Effect of Temperature of Reaction
Time. Retrieved from

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