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Optimizing Reservoir Characterization During Underbalanced Drilling: Tools, Analysis

Methods and Results
Sara Shayegi, Isabel Gil, Joe Ansah SPE, Halliburton Energy Services, Inc.

Copyright 2007, AADE

This paper was prepared for presentation at the 2007 AADE National Technical Conference and Exhibition held at the Wyndam Greenspoint Hotel, Houston, Texas, April 10-12, 2007. This conference
was sponsored by the American Association of Drilling Engineers. The information presented in this paper does not reflect any position, claim or endorsement made or implied by the American
Association of Drilling Engineers, their officers or members. Questions concerning the content of this paper should be directed to the individuals listed as author(s) of this work.

Abstract •Identification of natural fissures as they are intercepted

Underbalanced drilling (UBD) provides engineers with the •Determination of total depth (TD) based on inflow
opportunity to quantitatively describe and evaluate each performance
geologic zone as it is penetrated. This provides them with the • Improved PI completions
flexibility to adjust a drilling program still in progress if • Improved Rate of Penetration (ROP)
warranted by confirmed reservoir characteristics. UBD is • Extended bit life
different from conventional drilling in that all reservoir • Minimization of differential sticking
intervals are tested automatically while drilling, whether or not • Reduction of lost circulation.
they are believed to contain commercial volumes of Unlike conventional overbalanced drilling or even
hydrocarbons at the outset. By drilling in a UB mode and by managed pressure drilling (MPD) with reduced overbalance
maximizing the discrete characterization of each formation, margin, the underbalanced drilling environment provides a
many instances have occurred in which zones previously unique opportunity to gather data that have the potential to
thought to be uneconomic—or missed altogether by available provide important information about the reservoirs
modeling and planning data—have been found to contain encountered during drilling. In underbalanced drilling, the
reserves adequate to justify completion. wellbore pressure is lower than the reservoir pressure. This
wellbore condition allows formation fluids to flow into the
Introduction wellbore during the drilling process. Proper instrumentation,
This paper describes the basis of analysis for this reservoir data acquisition, and drilling procedures allow acquisition of
evaluation process, the analytical methods that have been data that is then interpreted and analyzed to extract
developed and used in the field to determine reservoir information about the reservoir.
properties such as permeability, reservoir pressure, skin Subsequent well operations have the potential to cause
damage - if any and reservoir extents (extent, will depend damage to the reservoirs that have been opened to the
upon whether there is sufficient time to see influence of wellbore during drilling. To evaluate these reservoirs in an
boundaries) for each zone drilled based upon history undamaged state (or as close to undamaged as possible)
matching. A key enabler to performing analysis while drilling requires capability to evaluate the data acquired during the
has been the ability to obtain the mathematical solution to the drilling process. During underbalanced drilling the data can be
moving boundary condition problem. In conventional well accessed when the reservoirs are first encountered and
testing, the length of the wellbore open to flow is constant, analysis performed with the formation fluids flowing into the
since it is assumed that the well has already been drilled; in wellbore. Results such as reservoir permeability from this
UB drilling, however, obtaining a solution is more evaluation allow the operator to determine the potential of
complicated, because the length of the wellbore open for flow each productive interval encountered during drilling. These
increases as the well is being drilled. This problem has been results, when integrated with logging-while-drilling data and
solved and has been implemented in software for easy other geological, geophysical, and petrophysical data, can
application. A case history will be described comparing provide a more complete reservoir characterization than would
conventional and UBD results as well as well testing while have been possible using conventional drilling and formation
drilling. evaluation techniques.
Underbalanced drilling provides both drilling and reservoir The reservoir-related or production-related benefits of
benefits including the following: UBD are quite significant when compared with conventional
• Reduced formation damage overbalanced drilling (OBD). Primarily, these benefits are
• Early production recovery while drilling seen through higher productivity of UBD wells, and in some
• Formation evaluation or “testing-while-drilling” cases, improvement in hydrocarbon recovery factors and
• Identification of production zones (if oil, optimize; if added reserves. These latter benefits can be due to either:
water, shut-off). 1. improved well-reservoir connectivity and avoidance of
2 Sara Shayegi, Isabel Gil, Joe Ansah AADE-07-NTCE-42

near wellbore impairment, which allows lower (permeability, k, Reservoir Pressure)?

abandonment pressures 2. Is there poor knowledge of productive zone location?
2. the discovery of a productive interval that had not 3. Are good formations seen on logs, but no or very poor
appeared to be productive during overbalanced production noted when formation is tested?
drilling. 4. Are the formations depleted or classified as a
brownfield or a mature field? If so, is there a need to
Underbalanced Drilling Candidates know where flood front is (if break through has
Proper candidate selection is critical to the success of UBD occurred) or to identify locations of high permeability
projects, especially when these projects focus on the reservoir. that are allowing early break through and inefficient
It is essential that the main project objectives are identified at flooding?
the beginning of the project to ensure that they can be 5. For conformance, is their a need to determine the
achieved. location of a high water-production zone for
The candidate selection process consists of analyzing the optimization of conformance treatment?
drilling, geological, reservoir, geomechanical and petro- 6. Is the formation naturally fractured and would it be
physical information to determine whether a particular well useful to determine location and potential of fractures
and/or reservoir is a potential candidate evaluating some of the or “sweet spots”?
main reservoir and wellbore characteristics. These include: 7. Is there an interest to determine whether 1) a shorter
• the type of formation damage lateral or drilled interval will meet the production
• the possible effect of UBD on its mitigation targets by testing productivity while drilling, and 2)
• wellbore stability should sustained rates and possible depletion, be
• potential for stuck pipe determined (if sufficient time is given)?
• hard rock drilling 8. Is interconnectivity of zones in different wells of
• possible rate of penetration (ROP) improvement interest to be tested while drilling UBD?
9. Is there high formation damage seen while drilling
• lost circulation problems
conventionally, and is there an interest in determining
• presence of sour gas
the undamaged potential of the formation while
• operational feasibility.
Preliminary wellbore-hydraulics modeling is performed to
10. Has stimulation proven ineffective in the target
determine the operational feasibility; i.e., if underbalanced
reservoir, and would another possible technique be
(UB) conditions are possible and can be maintained
useful to evaluate possible productivity?
throughout the entire hole section while maintaining adequate
11. Is the formation very tight requiring stimulation, and
hole cleaning and satisfying the downhole motor constraints.
would characterization of the formation be helpful to
If there are multiple candidates, characteristics of each of
optimize the stimulation treatment?
these would be compared, and an initial ranking would be
If a prospect proves to be a candidate from a technical
performed, and then ranked according to the key variables that
standpoint, it is also important to consider the economic
would have the highest potential for success.
aspects and determine whether the cost savings from reduction
in non-productive time (NPT), savings from mobilization of a
Reservoir Characterization Candidates separate well testing kit (conventional), and possible revenue
To perform reservoir characterization while drilling, it is
from potential production improvement as well as reservoir
important that the system remain underbalanced throughout
knowledge would justify the added cost of UBD.
the operation. It is important to note that while it is possible to
perform reservoir characterization while drilling under-
balanced with some short periods of overbalance, it is not
Tools and Analysis Methods
possible to do this with overbalanced drilling or managed
pressure drilling (MPD) because of the deliberate suppression
of reservoir influx during these operations. Even if the system
Reservoir characterization while drilling began to gain
is kept in an at-balance condition, the pressures would be
recognition as a testing option in the 1990s as rate and
fluctuating above and below the formation pressures, making
downhole pressure data were observed to be of sufficient
it difficult to clearly identify and characterize the properties of
quality for transient analysis. Several investigators looked at
the productive intervals; This is due to the fact that it would
different means to perform this type of analysis including
not be possible to determine what section in the open hole
Kardolus, van Kruisjdijk, Larsen, Nielsen, Kniessel, Rester,
being drilled is producing when and in response to what
Hunt, Biswas, Vefring et al.1-6 Reservoir characterization-
corresponding drawdown pressure.
while-drilling methods and software development described
Potential candidates for real-time reservoir evaluation can
and used in this paper began in earnest in 1998 with the
often be distinguished by several key questions. These
development of a model for the moving boundary condition
seen while drilling and implementation and testing of the
1. Is there poor knowledge of reservoir properties
model.3,7 From the initial analytical model for a vertical well
AADE-07-NTCE-42 Optimizing Reservoir Characterization During Underbalanced Drilling: Tools: Analysis Methods and Results 3

in a circular reservoir, the development grew to handling of analysis for Real Time Reservoir Evaluation (RTRETM) while
any reservoir or wellbore geometry. Currently, both an drilling underbalanced differs from conventional pressure
analytical model and numerical simulator are used. Both allow transient software. There is a significant difference between
the handling of a range of complexities from simple well and multilayer models available in the literature for well testing 9,10
reservoir geometries with single-phase flow all the way and models for underbalanced drilling, since with UBD, the
through complex multilaterals in a complex fractured reservoir model needs to consider the increasing wellbore length, which
with multiphase flow in the reservoir. could traverse different productive formations that have
Similar to a conventional well test, the reservoir evaluation different characteristics. Each of these intervals would be
process during underbalanced drilling monitors the rates, drilled and open to the wellbore at a different time.
pressures, temperatures, depths and fluid properties, and uses Additionally, each zone would be partially penetrated for a
this data to characterize the permeability, reservoir extent (if period of time until another zone was reached. In contrast, the
sufficient time), reservoir pressure, PI, or fracture properties of well is essentially static with respect to wellbore geometry for
the zones drilled. From comparison with conventional well conventional well testing, and production commences at the
testing, it has been found that the radius of investigation is same time once the well is put on production. Rester and
similar to other well tests and depends on the formation Hunt7 described the initial model that was developed to
properties and the time spent producing from that particular address these issues. The current model has been expanded
zone.8 If underbalanced conditions are maintained throughout further as described by Ansah et al.8
the operation, it also provides an opportunity to review the With this model, the reservoir initial pressure,
undamaged reservoir potential, which in some cases, reveals permeability, thickness, and boundary (if seen) can be
productive intervals missed when drilled conventionally and a determined for each layer drilled. Different reservoir outer-
quantification of their contribution. If, per chance, the system boundary conditions are modeled including infinite, radial,
goes overbalanced, then skin damage can also be determined one-boundary, two-vertical boundaries, etc. for either
using the analytical and numerical simulators developed for homogeneous or naturally-fractured reservoirs. In practice, it
well testing while drilling. was found that during underbalanced drilling, overbalanced
(OB) events, resulting in skin damage, can occur. It was
Analysis Methods found that a multiple damage model was needed to quantify
The reservoir characterization-while-drilling process this damage (skin factor).
begins several months prior to the operation in conjunction The analytical simulator has proved very useful and
with the engineering design and job preparation phase. At this applicable to most reservoir scenarios encountered; however,
time, offset data and information are obtained from the field’s it was found that a numerical simulator was needed in some
geologists, reservoir, and drilling engineers to build a model of cases. An analytical simulator is limited to simple wellbore
the reservoir and estimate expected reservoir behavior while and reservoir geometries and to single-phase flow in the
drilling underbalanced for different possible scenarios. As reservoir. Thus, the UBD numerical reservoir simulator used
mentioned above, wellbore hydraulics will also be modeled to is a full 3-dimensional, 4-phase, non-isothermal, pseudo-
ensure that underbalanced conditions and hole cleaning can be compositional, multi-well reservoir simulator. By history-
maintained with the expected influx. Then, the testing matching rates and pressures, formation properties for the
procedures are developed for all productive formations and zones traversed based on the optimum match between the
discussed with the project team to ensure that objectives will measured and predicted 3-phase flow of oil, gas, and water
be met within the time and operational constraints of the from the reservoir into the wellbore while drilling. The
project. numerical simulator is capable of simulating multiple layers
The required data are transmitted while drilling with varying layer properties (i.e. porosity, thickness, initial
underbalanced through the reservoir intervals, and these data pressure). Additionally, it accounts for the moving boundary
are reviewed and quality controlled prior to analysis. The first problem (increasing well length) for complex wellbore
step is to calculate the sand-face rates downhole based on the geometries including multi-laterals within complex reservoirs
rates measured at surface. The calculations must take into with complex outer boundaries. Multiphase analysis of
consideration the time lag and transients in the wellbore. reservoirs with complex fluid systems (volatile oils, gas,
These data are fed to the pressure-transient analytical model, condensates, etc.) is performed and non-Darcy effects - can be
and, in cases where the system is complex, to the UBD modeled. The simulator allows for better representation of
numerical simulator. non-conformities, and fractures compared to the analytical
Reservoir characterization requires an integration of all the model, although like the analytical model, a dual-porosity
data sources to minimize uncertainty and non-uniqueness of a model and discrete fracture model are included.
solution; therefore, access to well logs, mud logs, and fluid At the present time, a downhole rate-measurement tool that
characterization during the operation is key, and this can accurately obtain the influx rate and pressure at the
information is integrated with the transient analysis results. reservoir sandface downhole has not been developed. This
means that while the pressures are accessed downhole with a
Analysis Tools pressure while drilling (PWD) tool, the rates are measured at
The analytical software developed for pressure transient surface. The lag time and transients in the wellbore must be
4 Sara Shayegi, Isabel Gil, Joe Ansah AADE-07-NTCE-42

considered using wellbore hydraulics software. Some attempts underbalanced drilling would be more capable of allowing the
have been made to link the reservoir model and the wellbore hole to reach the target successfully. Other wells drilled in the
hydraulics model, however, either one of the models must be area generally produced in the range of 8 to10 MMScf/d after
overly simplified to allow timely convergence and calculation some type of stimulation treatment. Prior to stimulation, the
time, or alternative numerical methods such as neural nets can production ranged between 2 to 5 MMScf/d. The area is
be used to minimize the complexity of linking two transient highly stressed, resulting in faulting and fractured formations.
simulators. Some of these faults can form sealing barriers, which were
thought to result in possible compartmentalization. Sufficient
Data Acquisition Requirements data were not yet available to confirm that this was the case. It
The zone-by-zone characterization with UBD is only was thought that the reservoir was still close to the original
possible by using systems with adequate bottomhole -pressure reservoir pressure, although there was the potential for varying
control, fluids and solids separation, metering, and data- pressures if multiple compartments were traversed. Offset
acquisition systems (DAS). wells and seismic information indicated that there might be a
A DAS system that performs very basic operations well-developed fracture network composed of macro-fractures
primarily used for monitoring the system for safety or very parallel to the faults and micro-fractures interconnecting any
limited data gathering may have a limited number of channels. available porosity.
In terms of analysis, this would be considered a basic level of
analysis where the instantaneous “pseudo” Productivity Index Project Drivers
(PI) is sought for a UBD operation. The primary objective of the well was to solve the drilling
For performing reservoir characterization while drilling problems by safely drilling to the target depth while
underbalanced, more data will be required, and typically, a maintaining pressure control at all times and minimizing fluid
100 to 120-channel data acquisition system may be used with losses. The secondary objectives were to minimize reservoir
a data-management system that has been specifically damage and evaluate the productivity of the different reservoir
configured for that underbalanced operation. intervals, characterizing their properties from flow testing,
If reservoir characterization is required for underbalanced determining production sustainability, and finally, if
drilling, then a total data-management software would be stimulation would be needed.
required to provide the capability to integrate all worksite well By drilling underbalanced, all objectives were met
information from whatever source for real-time display and successfully; and it was possible to drill into the reservoir
data manipulation at the rig site, and optionally, in the client section without any losses. The well did not reach the target
office via a wide area network (WAN) system. depth due to unexpectedly high production rates (Fig. 1),
A system for reservoir characterization in UBD would making it unfeasible to drill further underbalanced.
require capability to monitor all pressure, temperature, fluid
levels, and flow-rate information normally associated with the Results
surface separation package. It would also need capability to When comparing underbalanced drilling with overbalanced
accept, manage, store and display other rig-site data such as drilling in this field, savings in several areas were noted.
measurement while drilling (MWD), logging while drilling These included a reduction in nonproductive time (NPT), bit
(LWD), surface data logging (SDL), etc., which are generally runs, number of bits used, savings on mud, and stimulation
integrated by the data-acquisition-and-management system via costs. NPT from conventionally overbalanced drilling
the Wellsite Information Transfer Specification, (WITS) resulted in time spent controlling the well and dealing with
protocol. This collected data are viewed historically or in real stuck pipe, which was approximately 4 times more than the
time via XY plotting, charts, and logging tools. average time it took for drilling underbalanced. As for bits,
typically 6 to 8 bits were required for the high compressive-
strength rock when drilling overbalanced in this interval.
Field Case During underbalanced drilling, only 3 bits were used for this
Background However, what made this project remarkable was the
A recent underbalanced drilling operation was initiated production improvement seen in the underbalanced wells. This
when conventional overbalanced drilling (OBD) resulted in magnitude of improvement had not been seen in the offset
severe losses, and it was found that to minimize non- wells drilled OB, since the formation was found to be very
productive time, another solution would be required. sensitive to damage.
Conventional lost–circulation-control techniques proved Looking at the plot in Fig. 2, it can be seen that consistent
inadequate, as after large quantities of lost-circulation material peaks in flow rate, which in most instances correlate very well
were pumped in an effort to block what appeared to be a major with the decreases in bottomhole pressures. There were two
fracture, the drill string became stuck. Underbalanced drilling shut-in periods ― one at 0.6 days and the other commencing
was considered as a potentially more economical option at about 2.6 days.
compared with the cost of time and fluids required to drill Prior to the second shut-in, a multi-rate test was
overbalanced (OB). Also considered was the possibility that performed. Optimally, during each rate step the bottomhole
AADE-07-NTCE-42 Optimizing Reservoir Characterization During Underbalanced Drilling: Tools: Analysis Methods and Results 5

pressure should be kept as constant as possible. It can be seen previously when drilling had been overbalanced.
that the bottomhole pressure was pretty constant for each step; The permeability, height, reservoir pressure, reservoir
however, some variation was observable in the measured rate extents, PI, and skin damage (due to period of overbalance)
data at the start of each step as the transients in the wellbore were calculated for the different zones. Two of the intervals
adjusted to the new gas and liquid-rate combination. For this exhibited behavior best described with the naturally fractured
well, drilling fluid was injected at a constant rate with no gas model, and these fracture properties were calculated. In
injection necessary. The reservoir pressure was sufficient for addition to the normal analysis of the production-while–
flow drilling (where underbalance is achieved without gas drilling data, periodic flow tests were conducted to
injection). Typically, a 3-step multi-rate test is recommended substantiate inflow potential along with determination of
as seen in this case. For this well, it was possible to perform associated fluids production as can be seen in the plot. The
both multi-rate tests as well as buildups, and the results were flow tests were conducted while circulating fluid down the
analyzed and were in good agreement. drill string and monitoring bottomhole pressure with the PWD.
To determine the formation properties of the intervals Stimulation treatments were not required, further proving that
drilled, different reservoir models were needed; the first zone added cost savings can be generated from drilling with
that was encountered was produced from the matrix, while a underbalanced techniques.
naturally-fractured dual-porosity-fracture model best
described the rate/pressure behavior of the second and third Conclusions
productive intervals. A method using a multilayer reservoir model to analyze
The predicted gas-flow rates were matched with the flow-rate data acquired during underbalanced drilling has been
measured gas rates using the downhole pressure data as input presented. This process was demonstrated on an example
and tuning the value of the permeability-thickness product, kh. dataset based on actual data from a field case.
The actual reservoir pressure had been estimated initially Using the multilayer reservoir model to analyze data
based on the data acquired while drilling and was then verified acquired during the underbalanced drilling process provides a
with the multi-rate test and buildup data. more complete reservoir characterization than would have
The production improvement seen with underbalanced been possible using conventional drilling and formation
drilling showed approximately a 10-fold increase over the evaluation techniques. The characterization is further
sustained offset overbalanced well rates and a 5-fold increase enhanced when integrated with existing geological,
compared to the best stimulated well in this and an adjacent geophysical, petrophysical and engineering data.
concession. In attempting to perform reservoir characterization while
Another important advantage gained was the opportunity drilling underbalanced, it is not possible to separate out the
for reservoir characterization that only UBD allowed. The different aspects associated with each discipline such as can be
reserves of this field had not been confirmed, and this done with conventional drilling, where after the geologists and
confirmation became a primary objective for the next UBD reservoir engineers determine the best location to drill, the
wells. Logging, PLT, and long-term production tests drilling group drills the well,; then, the well is turned over to
confirmed the characterization performed while drilling. completions, then testing, and production operations. To
To determine the reservoir characteristics while drilling in optimize the underbalanced drilling operation and maximize
this UBD well, the equipment setup shown in Fig. 3 and data the knowledge gained from reservoir characterization while
acquisition setup illustrated in Fig. 4 were used with a high- drilling underbalanced, input from all the specialists involved
end data acquisition system and additional metering for the and integration of the other data acquired is necessary to cross
gas rate. It was possible to have both a PWD and downhole check results.
memory gage to obtain bottomhole pressure, which allowed The primary reason for conducting well tests while drilling
verification of this very important parameter. Two different is the capability to obtain reservoir engineering information
types of gas meters, which provided verification and cross- about each of the zones traversed, layer by layer. Each zone
check of the gas rate at all times, were used. The acquired tested during underbalanced drilling yields information about
data were sent via a satellite transmission system to the possible near wellbore and reservoir boundaries as well as
reservoir evaluation center, where the analysis of the data was reservoir connectivity throughout the field. Testing-while-
carried out in real time. As mentioned above, periodic flow drilling provides an opportunity to identify additional zones
tests and pressure build-ups were conducted along with the that potentially might affect the completion strategy for the
normal analysis of the data acquired while drilling ahead. well.
Throughout the drilling of the underbalanced well, the rate
and pressure data were analyzed, and the formation properties Acknowledgments
determined. In Fig. 2, an excerpt from the data that has been The authors wish to thank the management of Halliburton
normalized is shown. The bottomhole pressure, actual Energy Services, Inc. for their support in the preparation and
measured rate, and calculated predicted rate using the presentation of this paper.
underbalanced analytical software are shown. It was
determined that multiple zones were responsible for the References
production seen, one of which had not been productive 1. Kardolus, C.B. and van Kruisjdijk, C.P.J.W.: “Formation Testing
6 Sara Shayegi, Isabel Gil, Joe Ansah AADE-07-NTCE-42

While Underbalanced Drilling,” paper SPE 38754 presented at IADC/SPE Underbalanced Technology Conference and
the 1997 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, San Exhibition, Houston, Texas, U.S.A., 25–26 March 2003.
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2. Larsen, L. and Nielsen, F.: “Inflow Predictions and Testing While Potential using Enhanced Analytical Techniques with
Underbalanced Drilling,” paper SPE 56684 presented at the Underbalanced Drilling,” paper SPE 90196 presented at the
1999 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, 2004 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition,
Houston, TX, Oct. 3-6. Houston, TX, Sept. 26-29
3. Hunt, J.L. and Rester, S.: “Reservoir Characterization During 9. Ehlig-Economides, C.A. and Joseph, J.A.: “A New Test for
Underbalanced Drilling: A New Model,” paper SPE 59743 Determination of Individual Layer Properties in a Multilayered
presented at the 2000 SPE/CERI Gas Technology Symposium, Reservoir,” SPEFE, Sept. 1987, pp. 261-283.
Calgary, AB, April 3-5. 10. Kucuk, F., Karakas, M. and Ayestaran, L.: Well Testing and
4. Kneissl, W.: “Reservoir Characterization Whilst Underbalanced Analysis Techniques for Layered Reservoirs,” SPEFE, Aug.
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Mar. 01.
5. Biswas, D., Suryanarayana, P.V., and Frink, P.J.: “An Improved SI Metric Conversion Factors
Model to Predict Reservoir Characteristics During °F (°F - 32)/1.8 =°C
Underbalanced Drilling,” paper SPE 84176 presented at the ft x 3.048* E - 01 = m
2003 SPE Annual Technical Conference and Exhibition, in x 2.54* E + 00 = cm
Denver, CO, Oct. 5-8.
6. Erlend H. Vefring, , Gerhard Nygaard, Rolf Johan Lorentzen, Geir
psi x 6.894 757 E + 00 = kPa
Nævdal, and Kjell Kåre Fjelde: “Reservoir Characterization gal x 3.785 412 E - 03 = m3
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7. Hunt, J.L. and Rester, S.: “Multilayer Reservoir Model Enables *Conversion factor is exact.
More Complete Reservoir Characterization During
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RTRETM is a trademark of the Halliburton Company

Fig. 1― Field case showing gas flared during the UBD operation.
AADE-07-NTCE-42 Optimizing Reservoir Characterization During Underbalanced Drilling: Tools: Analysis Methods and Results 7

Interpreted Reservoir Pressure

Bottom Hole Pressure

Gas Rate, MMSCFD

BHP, psia
Measured Rate Calculated/Predicted Rate

0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5

Elapsed Time, days

Measured Rate Calculated Rate BHP

Fig. 2 ― Analytical results showing predicted and measured rate along

with measured bottom hole pressure.
8 Sara Shayegi, Isabel Gil, Joe Ansah AADE-07-NTCE-42

Nitrogen available for pressure

testing and contingency.

Fig. 3 ― UBD Equipment Setup.

Rig Communication Remote






SCAN Control

Tools SDL Satellite Link to INSITE & INSITE Anywhere System
(WITS) Data Hub


Client Workstations RTRE Workstations

Fig. 4 ― Data Acquisition Setup.

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