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There was so many places to see in Bali that I decided to join the tours to see as much as possible.
I stayed in Kuta on arrival. I spent first three days for swimming and surfing on Kuta Beach. I visited
some tour agents and selected two tours.

The first one was to singaraja, the second was to Ubud. On the day of the tour, I was ready. I and
my group drove on through mountains. Singaraja is a city of about 90 thousands people. It is a busy but
quite town. The street are lined with trees and there are many old Dutch houses. Then we returned very
late in the evening to Kuta.

The second tour to Ubud was very different tour. It was not to see the scenery but to see the art
and the craft of the island. The first stop was at Batu Bulan, a center of stone sculpture. There , I wathes
young boys were carving away at big block stone. The next stop was Celuk, a center of silversmiths and
goldensmiths. After that, I stopped for lunch at Sukawati.

My ten days stay ended very quickly. Beside my two tours, all my day was spent on the beach. I
went sailing and surfboarding every day. I was very satisfied.

1. What is the first paragraph about?

a. Two tours
b. A trip to Singaraja
c. The first three days in bali
d. Seeing the art and the craft in Ubud
2. How long did the writer spent day in Bali?
a. Two days
b. Three days
c. Five days
d. Ten days
3. From the text we know that…
a. Most of the writer’s days was spent in beach
b. The writer visited some places in Bali
c. Ubud is well known with its beach
d. The writer felt frustrated in Bali
Junior high school Permata will celebrate 20th
anniversary on:
Day/date : Saturday/ 7 January 2017
Place : Sport Hall
Date : 8.00 am – 02.00 pm

To highlight this event, a special bazaar will be

held together with music show of the school band
featuring the Indonesian Idol, Regina. All of the
teachers and students are supposed to attend this
celebration. For this reason all the extracuricular
activities at school will not be done for that day.

Principal – Agung Suryatma

4. The announcement is addressed to…

a. Regina
b. School band
c. Agung suryatma
d. Teachers and students
5. How long will the event be held?
a. 4 hours
b. 5 hours
c. 6 hours
d. 7 hours
6. “ To highlight this event,…” the word “ highlight “ means…
a. Attract attention
b. Make interesting
c. Understate
d. Minimize

Last Sunday was a terrible day for me. My cousins and I played football in front of my neighbor’s

It was really fun at the beginning. But later on it become horrifying. I kicked the ball so strong
that it rushed to the window and broke it. When we wanted to escape, all of a sudden we all heard a
loud voice. The owner of the house came out of the fence,s he yelled at us. We were very afraid, but we
did not what to do. Then, one of my cousin told us to run. We all ran, but suddenly we heard a loud
bark. Then we saw that house owner had her dogs to chase us. And we struggled to run as fast as we
could. But unfortunately, I fell down so the dog managed to capture me and bit my leg. I was badly
hurt. Then, the dog ran back into the house.

My cousins took me to the doctor. After examining me, the doctor said that I was exposed to
rabies. Then I was hospitalized for one week. That was so terrifying that I would never forget it.
7. From the text, we can conclude that the writer and his cousins are…..boys
a. Disruptive
b. Disobedient
c. Irresponsible
d. Undisciplined
8. “ I kicked the ball so strongly that it rushed to the window and broke it.” (p.2)
The underlined word refers to….
a. The ball
b. The voice
c. The house
d. The window
9. “ I fell down so the dog managed to capture me and bit my leg” (p. 2)
The underlined word has similar meaning to..
a. Get
b. Hold
c. Catch
d. Arrest



10. What is the notice meaning?

a. Only adult can use it
b. Only a supervisor can use it
c. When a child uses it, he/she must be supervised by an adult
d. A supervisor needs to be employed


11. The word “ flammable “ means…

a. Poisonous
b. Burn easily
c. Very dangerous
d. Light and expensive
Nutrition Facts
Serving size 1/2 (20 g)
Serving Per Container 2
Amount Per Serving
Calories : 370 calories from fat

170% Daily Value *

Total Fat : 15 g 29%

Saturated Fat : 12 g 60%
Cholesterol : 15 mg 5%
Sodium : 25 mg 10%

Total Charbohidrat : 45 g 15%

Dietary fiber : 2g 8%
Sugar : 33 g
Candy Bar

12. What is the name of the product ?

a. Adam
b. Nutrition Facts
c. Serving Size
d. Candy Bar
13. From the label we know that the product contains …saturated fat
a. High
b. Low
c. Small
d. Little
14. When you want to serve the product, you should split it into …
a. Five
b. Four
c. Three
d. Two
15. The product contains … % of the suggested sodium we should consume daily
a. 15
b. 10
c. 7
d. 5
Jl. Surtikanti 10
Denpasar 21010
November 15, 2009
Lucy mutiara
Jl. Panglima poliom 2
Jakarta 12983

Dear Lucy,
My parents and I are in Bali now. We are staying in Nusa Dua Beach Hotel. Our room is big and
cozy. It is viewing the beach !
It is my second visit to Bali and Bali is still wonderful. There are many things to see and to do here. The
beaches and temples are awesome. The ceremonies are also interesting.
So far, we have shopped a lot. I bought some t-shirts and hundreds of wooden accessories. My mom
bought a beautiful statue and my dad bought a large painting. The painting is not only beautiful but also
very expensive.
I will return to malang next week. Hope to see you again soon!

16. Where is astuti?

a. In Nusa Dua Island
b. In Samarinda
c. In Jakarta
d. In Bali
17. What is the purpose of the text?
a. To tell Lucy about the hotel
b. To inform Lucy about Astuti’s plan
c. To share the joy of Astuti’s birthday
d. To tell Lucy about Astuti’s activity in Bali
18. What is so special about the Hotel?
a. It has a very large swimming pool
b. It makes Astuti feel home
c. It is so close to the beach
d. It has so many rooms
19. What did Astuti’s mother buy?
a. Wooden accessories
b. A painting
c. A statue
d. T-shirts
June 16, 2016
Mr. Haddi Hutomo
Headmaster of Smp 40

Dear sir,

On behalf of the class VIIB, I am writing this to ask for your permission to hold
an end of year party on June 30th , 2009. We would like to use the VIIB
classroom for the party and will make sure that it is cleaned up after the party.

Mrs. Umrotun Alif, our teacher, would be the person in change for this event.
She will be us during the party.
Hopefully, you would kindly allow us to use the classroom. Thank you.

Your sincerely.

Bayu satria
VIIB Class Captain

20. Who will be with be the students during the party?

a. Mr. Haddi Hutomo
b. Mrs. Umrotun Alif
c. Parents
d. Seniors
21. The purpose of the letter is…
a. To let the readers know about the programme
b. To inform the readers of an event
c. To invite the readers to come to an event
d. To ask permission
22. We would like to use the VIIB classroom…”
the underlines word refers to…
a. Mr. Hutomo and Mrs. Alif
b. Bayu Satria and Mrs. Alif
c. The students of VIIB
d. Bayu Satria and Mr. Hutomo
23. “hopefully, would kindly allow us to use the classroom”.
The underlined word has a similar meaning to….
a. Set
b. Get
c. Permit
d. Borrow
Clear Liquid Soap

A delicately balanced formula for all types of skin to clean

gently and effectively one’s hands leaving soft and healthy

Instruction : apply to hands. Wash and then rinse with


Available in 360 ml

REF No: BB1030D

24. According to the text, the product…

a. Is for external use
b. Is for dry skin only
c. Is applied on our faces
d. Contains a half litre liquid
25. “A delicately balanced formula….”
the word ‘ delicate’ means….
a. Mild
b. Fragile
c. Accurate
d. Fragrant



26. The notice means that…

a. The item is quite heavy
b. The item is easy to carry
c. We must not touch the item
d. We must carry the item carefully.
Let me introduce myself. My name is Adiba Salma Zakiya, just call me
Salma. I'm from Bima, Nusa Tenggara Barat. I read your profile in NONA
magazine and would like to be one of your friends. It's a bit hard to find internet
connection here, so I decided to write a letter instead of an e-mail to you. I hope you
don't mind.
I'm the first child in my family. My parents have four children. I go to SMP
3 Sape, Bima. Now, I'm in the ninth grade. My hobby is cooking, that's why I can
cook many kinds of Bimanese traditional dishes. Besides, I also like to play Kareku
Kandei. It's a traditional music performance from Bima. Girls pound their pestles to
a mortar to create harmonious sound. Kareku Kandei is usually performed on
special events such as Independence Day, Kartini Day, etc.
I would love to know you better, would you tell me more about yourself too.


27. How did Salma know about Ima's profile?

a. By writing a letter to Ima.
b. By sending an e-mail to Ima.
c. By reading her profile in a magazine.
d. By being one of her friends.
28. What is the main idea of paragraph one?
a. Salina described her hometown.
b. Both Salma and Ima liked NONA magazine.
c. Salma found Ima's profile in NONA magazine.
d. Salma complained about the internet connection.
29. The text mainly tells us about ....
a. the description of Salma's hometown
b. Salma's introduction to Ima
c. Salma's family and her hobbies
d. the condition of a remote area in Bima



30. What is the notice about?

a. Asking people to plug in the wire
b. Forbidding people from holding the wire
c. Telling people not to connect the wire
d. Explaining how to touch the wire.
Do not leave any valuable in lockers. The
security officers will not be held
responsible for any losses

31. What is the purpose of the text?

a. To explain what the lockers are available for.
b. To inform people where they can find the lockers
c. To tell people to keep their valuables in the lockers
d. To remind people to be responsible for their valuable

To: All Students of Grade IX

Please attend additional classes for the national

examination preparation. This programme will be
held twice a week for two months. Each meeting
will last for ninety minutes and il will start on 6th
march, 2017 at 2 p.m.

I hope all ninth grade students will participate in the

programme. Please enroll to your class captain
night. Don’t miss it.

Hermawan. (headmaster)
32. What is the text written for?
a. To inform the ninth grade students about the national examinantion.
b. To invite the ninth grade students to attend additional classes.
c. To explain about a programme for the ninth grade students.
d. To invite the ninth grade students to join the national examinantion
33. How long will the programme last?
a. At 2 p.m sharp
b. Twce a week
c. For two month
d. On 6th March, 2017
34. What should all ninth grade students do after reading the announcement?
a. Contact Mr. Hermawan
b. Attend additional classes
c. Enroll to their class teacher
d. Register to their class captain
Good News!

Our school will open a Mandarin class, every Wednesday

and Saturday. The class will take place after the school
ends. Those who are interested. Please register to Mr.
Adnan. By 30th June 2017. Due to lack of mandarin
teaching staff, only thirty students may attend the class

The schedule will be announced before the school year


Contact Mr.Adnan for futher information

35. What is the text mainly about?

a. The opening of mandarin class
b. The schedule of mandarin class
c. The registration for a mandarin class
d. The participants of a mandarin class
36. According to the text, the mandarin class will…
a. Be held once a week
b. Recruit thirty students or less
c. Be taught by mr. Adnan
d. Finish by the end of the school year.
37. “Those who are interested. Please register to Mr. Adnan.
The underlined word can be replaced by..
a. Follow
b. Contact
c. Sign up
d. Participate

Last weekend, my classmate and I went to the countryside to have picnic. Before leaving, we
made some sandwiches for lunch. We left quite early to avoid the traffic jam.

After driving for two hours, we arrived at a nice place. It was near a driver with some big trees
around it. the driver parked the car under the tree. Seeing the clear and cool water of the river, my
friend and I decided to swim. After having lunch together, we went around the area to enjoy the
scenery. We saw some beautiful birds and butterflies.

After walking for about an hour, we decided to return to the car and go home. Unfortunately, we
could not start up the car. Finally after sometime, we could not start up by pushing it. we were happy
although we left a bit tired when we got home.

38. What is main idea of the second paragraph?

a. After doing some activities, the writer went home by car
b. The writer made sandwiches for lunch
c. The writer did some fun activities during their picnic
d. Last weekend, the writer prepared a picnic in the countryside.
39. Why did the writer and his friends decide to swim in the river?
a. They felt hot after having lunch
b. They felt tired after having lunch
c. The water was cool and clear
d. They wanted to make cool their body.
40. What is purpose of this text?
a. To entertain the readers
b. To retell about the writer’s experiences went to picnic
c. To inform that the writer did some activities in countryside
d. To show about what the writer wanted to do

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