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Dear IVES Families,

I’m excited to welcome you all to the learning commons. I look forward to
assisting all of our students here at IVES develop their information literacy skills and
become enthusiastic readers.

As your librarian, I will be teaching students the following skills:

• How to locate information (both print and online)

• How to evaluate information
• How to be an ethical user of information
• How to be an effective digital citizen

I will also be working with your child’s classroom teacher throughout the year to
support learning in their various units of study.

Libraries are no longer just a place to read and check out books. Students at IVES will
also participate in makerspaces (e.g., coding). To learn more about these programs,
please visit the links on the STEM page.

All of our students are encouraged to take their library books home to share with their
families. We have a small but growing collection, so please help your child(ren) with
book care at home. Find a safe place to keep books and keep them away from anything
that might damage them (e.g., food and drink). Books that are lost or damaged beyond
repair will incur a replacement fee.

The learning commons is currently open from 11:40 am – 3:40 pm Monday through
Friday. Students visit once a week with their class for a lesson and to check out books.
Volunteers are always welcome in the commons. If you are interested in volunteering,
please visit the D49 volunteer page to apply.

Happy Reading!

Michelle de Freitas, M.Ed. Library Media

Library Assistant

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