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Thesis Statement:

In the light of “Lawful Earning” describe the factors you would consider while choosing
a suitable career?

Definition of Kasb-e-Halal:
Kasb-e-Halal means legal, lawful earning which is compliant with Shariah. The
income earned in accordance to the instructions of the Allah is known as Kasb-e-Halal.

Allah (SWT) in the Quran says:

“O mankind, eat from whatever is on earth [that is] lawful and good and do not follow
the footsteps of Satan. Indeed, he is to you a clear enemy.” (Quran 2:168) 1

Therefore, it has been commanded that we earn through Halal means.

Islam tells us to work hard and strive. Allah tells in the Qur’an that a person will get what
he will strive for. In Islam, even a Halal thing becomes Haram if it is obtained
by unlawful means.

-Factors Deciding my Career:

1) Sustainability for Family:

My job should be sustainable and fulfils the needs of my family as the sole
breadwinner. Through this my family can be saved from hellfire as well since
they won’t have to seek livelihood through illegal or Haram methods.

2) Job Opportunities for Others:

My career should be such that it provides others job as well so they can earn Halal
Rizq as well. This will result in more employability and the betterment of the
society, which will in turn stop people from turning to Haram/Illegal ways of

3) Fulfillment of Duties of during Job/Career:

Surah Baqarah 2:168 (Translated by Sahih International).
My career would be such that it doesn’t conflict with me worshipping and
performing the duties of Allah. So that I would be able to take reasonable breaks
during my job so I can offer Salat, Hajj etc.

4) Balance between Work and Family life:

My employer considers the importance of family life and life outside work. He
doesn’t constantly force me to work overtime and make me unable to spend time
with my family as commanded by Allah (SWT).

5) Career Enabling to Help the Poor/Needy:

Part of Salary/Profit would go to paying Zakat, the poor and the destitute as
money and family is a form of test from Allah. It would be spent for the
betterment of the society.

6) Free from Interest, Deception etc.:

The field I would be working on wouldn’t would be based on principles forbidden
in Islam like Usury, deceit, cheating, stealing and other immoral acts.

7) Compliance with the Country’s Laws:

My Career would be completely compliant with the country’s law. This means I
will pay my taxes, will follow the relevant laws regarding the worker’s rights,
minimum wage and others. I wouldn’t choose a career that goes against the
laws of the country I am conducting my business in.

8) Transparency:
There will be complete transparency in the way I would conduct the dealing in my
Career. This will help eliminate any sort of deception and I would be fully and
completely accountable in my dealings.

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