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(Some) LE3 Review Questions Math 21: Elementary Anaysis 1 - Second Semester AY 2018-2019

1. How to find the absolute extrema of a function on an open interval? on a closed interval? on a half-open, half-closed
interval? on R?
2. When will absolute extremum exist for a function on a given interval? When will it not exist?
3. What does the Extreme Value Theorem say?
4. What is the difference between relative extremum and absolute extremum? How are they related?

5. How do you approximate certain function values using local linear approximation?
6. How do you approximate the change in the dependent variable using local linear approximation?
7. Given a function f and a value of x0 , how do you approximate f (x) for some value of x very close to x0 ?
8. Suppose y depends on x. What does the sign of dx say about the change in y with respect to x?
9. When is a limit to be evaluated an indeterminate form?
10. How do you evaluate limits of indeterminate form?
11. What does the L’hb
opital’s Rule say?

12. When is it applicable to use L’hb

opital’s Rule when evaluating limits?
13. What are some applications of derivatives and differentiation?
14. In solving optimization problems, it will be helpful to do the following (in order):

(a) Diagram: If applicable, draw a diagram pertaining to the scenario in the problem.
(b) Variables Used: Indicate what each variable represents, including the units.
(c) Relationship among the Variables: Use these to reduce the number of variables needed for the problem.
(d) Function and Interval for Optimization: Indicate if it is a maximization or a minimization problem.
(e) Solving: Use theorems on absolute extrema to get what is asked.
(f) Conclusion: Go back to the question and answer it with correct units.
15. In solving differential problems, it will be helpful to do the following (in order):
(a) Diagram: If applicable, draw a diagram pertaining to the scenario in the problem.
(b) Variables Used: Indicate what each variable represents, including the units.
(c) Relationship among the Variables: Use these to reduce the number of variables needed for the problem.
(d) The Local Linear Approximation Problem: Suppose y and x are the dependent and the (remaining) indepen-
dent variables, respectively. Let y = f (x). Identify which between f (x) and ∆y is needed to be approximated.
(e) Solving: Choose an appropriate x0 and identify dx, then use the approximation ∆y ≈ dy = f 0 (x0 )dx or
f (x0 + dx) ≈ f (x0 ) + f 0 (x0 )dx.
(f) Conclusion: Go back to the question and answer it with correct units.
16. In solving rectilinear motion problems, it will be helpful to do the following (in order):
(a) s(t) and the Object’s Position: Identify s(t) as well as the positive and negative directions.
(b) Velocity and Acceleration: Compute for the functions v(t) and a(t).
(c) Table of Signs: Make a table of signs for v(t) and a(t) for t ≥ 0. You may also include s(t) when necessary.
(d) Conclusion: Go back to the question and answer it with correct units.
i. Use the sign of s(t) to know if the object is located at the origin, or to the positive axis, or to the negative
ii. Use the sign of v(t) to know if the object is moving to the positive direction, or moving to the negative
direction, or changing direction, or at rest.
iii. Use the sign of a(t) to know if the velocity is constant, or increasing, or decreasing.
iv. Use the sign of a(t)v(t) to know if the speed is constant, or increasing (speeding up), or decreasing (slowing
(Some) LE3 Review Questions Math 21: Elementary Anaysis 1 - Second Semester AY 2018-2019

17. In solving problems on related rates with respect to time, it will be helpful to do the following (in order):

(a) Let t > 0 be the elapsed time.

(b) Diagram: If applicable, draw a diagram pertaining to the scenario in the problem.
(c) Variables Used: Indicate what each variable represents, including the units. Select the variables representing
quantities that change with respect to time. For the variables representing quantities that do not depend on
time, label them with their given constant values.
(d) Numerical Facts and Rates of Change: Write down any numerical facts or relationship among the variables.
Interpret each rate of change as the derivative of a variable with respect to time.
(e) The Equation: Find the equation relating the variables that is valid for any t > 0.
(f) Differentiation: Differentiate both sides of the equation from the previous step implicitly with respect to t.
(g) Solving: Using the result from the previous step and the given facts in the problem, solve for what is being
(h) Conclusion: Go back to the question and answer it with correct units.
18. Recall the following from high school geometry and trigonometry, as well as from earlier parts of Math 21:

(a) evaluating limits (useful for L’hb

opital’s Rule problems)
(b) evaluating derivatives (useful for all topics)
(c) differentiation techniques (useful for all topics)
(d) values of trigonometric and inverse circular functions, especially when special angles are involved (that is,
θ = 0, π6 , π4 , π3 , π2 , etc.)
(e) Pythagorean theorem (useful for problems on related rates whose diagram involves a triangle)
(f) similarity of triangles (useful for optimization problems whose diagram involves a triangle)
(g) perimeter, circumference, area, surface area, volume (useful for word problems)

Additional Exercises:

A. Find the absolute extrema of the function f (x) on the given interval I.

(x−1)2 (x+2) 2x2

1. f (x) = 2 , I = (−2, 1) 9. f (x) = (x−2)2 , I = (2, +∞)
2. f (x) = (x−1) (x+2)
, I = [−2, 1) 10. f (x) = x + 2 sin x, I = (0, 2π)
2 √
(x−1)2 (x+2) 11. f (x) = x −x + 1, I = [−2, 1]
3. f (x) = 2 , I=R p
12. f (x) = (x + 2)2 + (2x − 5)2 , I = R
4. f (x) = 3x − 9x + 6, I = [−2, 1]
13. f (x) = −x2 + [[ x ]] , I = (−1, 1)
5. f (x) = 24x − 2x2 , I = (0, +∞) √ √
14. f (x) = x2 + cos x2 , I = (− π, π)
6. f (x) = −ln x2 , I = [e, e2 ]
15. f (x) = 2x + e4−2x − 1, I = [1, 3]
7. f (x) = − 4−x 2, I = (−∞, −2)
16. f (x) = sin(cos x), I = [0, 2π]
8. f (x) = 3(x+2)2 , I = [2, 3] 17. f (x) = x ln x, I = (0, +∞)

B. Use the local linear approximation for f (x) at x = x0 to estimate the value of y.

1. f (x) = x7 − 3x5 + x2 − 9, x0 = 1, 8. f (x) = ln (x + 1) cosh x, x0 = 0,

y = (0.99)7 − 3(0.99)5 + (0.99)2 − 9 y = ln 1.01 cosh 0.01
√ √
2. f (x) = 3 ex , x0 = 0, y = e0.001 9. f (x) = 6x2 sinh (x − 1), x0 = 1,
3. f (x) = 34 πx3 , x0 = 5, y = 43 π( 81
16 )
3 y = 6(1.01)2 sinh 0.01
4. ln(2 − sec x), x0 = 0, y = ln(2 − sec 0.005) 10. f (x) = cosh x + e1+cos x , x0 = 0,
√ √
5. f (x) = (x − 1) x, x0 = 4, y = 2.99 3.99 y = cosh (0.001) + e1+cos (−0.001)
6. f (x) = sin(tan−1 x), x0 = 1, y = sin(tan−1 (1.04)) 11. f (x) = sinh x + sin x, x0 = 0,
7. f (x) = cos(cot−1 x), x0 = 1, y = cos(cot−1 (1.03)) y = sinh (0.002) − sin (−0.002)
(Some) LE3 Review Questions Math 21: Elementary Anaysis 1 - Second Semester AY 2018-2019

C. Evaluate the following limits.

tan−1 x cot−1 x− π

1. lim 4x x−2
x→0 x 5. lim 1−ex−1 9. lim x+2
x→1 x→+∞
1−sin x
2. lim 6.
−5 cos x
lim x sinh
x→ π 1+cos 2x x 10. lim+ x − x2
2 x→−∞
4x5 −sin x cos x x→0
3. lim sinh x 7. lim− x ln (−x3 )
x→0 x→0
ex +tan−1 x−1
4. lim x2 8. lim cot(3x) ln[1 + tan(5x)]
x→0+ x→0+

D. Word Problems

1. A particle is moving along a horizontal line with its position given by the function

s(t) = (t − 1)2 (5t − 4),

where t ≥ 0, t is in seconds, s is in meters, and the positive direction is to the right of the origin. Describe
completely the motion of the particle.
2. A particle is moving along a horizontal line with its position given by the function

s(t) = (t − 2)2 (2t − 3),

where t ≥ 0, t is in seconds, s is in feet, and the positive direction is to the right of the origin.
(a) Compute for the velocity v(t) and the acceleration a(t).
(b) Determine the time interval/s when the particle is moving to the left.
(c) Determine the time interval/s when the velocity of the particle is increasing.
(d) Determine the time interval/s when the particle is slowing down.
(e) Determine the time/s when the particle is changing direction.
(f) Determine the time/s when the particle is at rest.
(g) Determine the time interval/s when the particle is to the right of the origin.
3. A particle is moving along a horizontal line with its position given by the function

s(t) = (t − 1)2 (t − 4),

where t ≥ 0, t is in seconds, s is in meters, and the positive direction is to the right of the origin.
(a) Verify that the table below is the table of signs for v(t) and a(t).
t 0 (0, 1) 1 (1, 2) 2 (2, 3) 3 (3, +∞)
v(t) + + 0 − − − 0 +
a(t) − − − − 0 + + +
(b) Determine the time interval/s when the particle is moving to the right.
(c) Determine the time interval/s when the particle’s velocity is decreasing.
(d) Determine the time interval/s when the particle’s speed is increasing.
(e) Find the total distance traveled by the particle at the end of 4 seconds.
4. Assume that the position function s(t) of a particle moving along a horizontal line is continuous on [0, +∞),
and that the positive direction is to the right of origin. Suppose further that the graph of v(t) is as follows:

(a) Determine the time interval/s when the particle’s

velocity is increasing.
(b) Determine the time interva/s when the particle is
moving to the right.
(c) Determine the time/s when the particle is at rest.
(d) Determine the time/s when the particle is chang-
ing direction.
(Some) LE3 Review Questions Math 21: Elementary Anaysis 1 - Second Semester AY 2018-2019

5. Find the radius and height of the right circular cylinder of largest volume that can be inscribed in a right
circular cone with radius 9 inches and height 15 inches.
6. A circular cylindrical can with a volume of 2000π cubic centimeters is made with minimum amount of metal.
How much metal is used in manufacturing the can, and what are the radius and height of the can?
7. A closed box with a square base is made using 2000 square centimeters of cardboard. If the box has a
maximized volume, find its volume and dimensions.
8. Find a point on the graph of y = x2 that is closest to the point (0, 16).
9. A box with an open top is to be constructed from a square piece of cardboard 6 decimeters wide by cutting
out a square from each of the four corners and then bending up the sides. Find the largest volume that the
box can have.
10. Find the dimensions of the largest rectangle that can be inscribed in a semicircle with radius 4 inches.
11. Approximate the amount of paint needed to apply a coat of paint 0.05 centimeters thick to a sphere having a
diameter of 10 meters.
12. The population of a bacterium in a nutrient broth is given by P (t) = 100000e0.002t t hours after it was
introduced. Estimate the net change in the population within the first six minutes.
13. Cheezmuozoo, an infamous gossiper, loves to collect stories from their community. He claims that the number
Z of distinct secrets he knows and the elapsed time t in months from January 14, 1949, the date he started
gossiping, is related by the function Z(t) = t + t2 . Assuming his claim is true, estimate the number of secrets
he collected from January 14, 2019 until the Valentine’s Day this year.
14. Which increases faster as the length of a side of a cube increases starting from 4 units: the cube’s surface area
or the cube’s volume?
15. A particle is moving along the ellipse whose equation is x2 + y4 = 1. At any time t in seconds, the particle is
at (x, y), where x = cos t and y = 2 sin t. At what rate is the particle’s distance to the origin changing when
t = π2 ?
16. A balloon is at a height of 50 meters and is rising at the constant rate of 5 meters per second. A car passes
beneath it, traveling in a straight course at the constant speed of 10 meters per second. How fast is the
distance between the car and the balloon changing 2 seconds later?
17. A right circular cylindrical object is being modified continuously, where the radius is increasing at the rate of
3/in while the height is decreasing at the rate of 1 in/s. What is the rate of change of its total surface area
when its radius and height are 20 in and 50 in, respectively?
18. An elastic box, originally measuring l millimeter × w millimeters × h millimeters with l = 1, is changing with
respect to time. If the ratio l : w : h is 1 : 2 : 3 and the length is changing at a rate of 2 millimeters per hour,
at what rate is the volume changing 3 minutes later?

Answer Key:

A. Legend: AMx - Absolute Maximum, AMn - Absolute Minimum

1. AMn: none; AMx: x = −1 10. AMn: none; AMx: none

2. AMn: x = −2; AMx: x = −1 11. AMn: x = −2; AMx: x = 2
3. AMn: none; AMx: none 12. AMn: x = 58 ; AMx: none
4. AMn: x = −2, x = 1; AMx: x = −1
13. AMn: none; AMx: x = 0
5. AMn: none; AMx: x = 6
14. AMn: 0; AMx: none
6. AMn: x = e2 ; AMx: x = e
√ 15. AMn: x = 2; AMx: x = 1
7. AMn: none; AMx: x = −2 3
8. AMn: x = 2; AMx: x = 3 16. AMn: x = π; AMx: x = 0, x = 2π
9. AMn: none; AMx: none 17. AMn: x = 1e ; AMx: none
(Some) LE3 Review Questions Math 21: Elementary Anaysis 1 - Second Semester AY 2018-2019

B. 1. −9.94 3. 12 5. 5.9725

7. 203
9. 0.06 11. 0.004
51 2 2
2. 1.0003 4. 0 6. 100 8. 0.01 10. 1 + e

C. 1. 1 3. −1 5. 2−π
4 7. 0 9. e14
2. 14 4. +∞ 6. 0 8. 53 10. 1

D. 1. s(t) = (t − 1)2 (5t − 4) (d) (1, 2) and (3, +∞)

v(t) = (15t − 3)(t − 1) (e) 12 meters
a(t) = 30t − 28
4. (a) (0, 1)
At t = 0: to the left, moving to the right, decreas-
ing velocity, slowing down (b) (0, 2)
On (0, 13
15 ): moving to the right, decreasing velocity,
(c) (0, 1) and (2, +∞)
slowing down (d) t = 2 seconds
At t = 15 : to the right, changing direction 5. radius: 6 inches; height: 5 inches
13 14
On ( 15 , 15 ): moving to the left, decreasing velocity,
speeding up 6. amount of metal (surface area): 600π cm2
At t = 1514
: to the right, moving to the left, constant radius: 10 cm; height: 20 cm
√ √ √
velocity 7. : has dimensions 10 3 30 cm × 10 30
3 cm × 10 30
3 cm

On ( 14
15 , 1): moving to the left, increasing velocity, and volume 100009 30 cm3
slowing down √
62 31
At t = 1: at the origin, changing direction 8. the point ( 2 , 2 )
On (1, +∞): moving to the right, increasing veloc- 9. 16 cubic decimeters
ity, speeding up √ √
10. 4 2 inches × 2 2 inches
2. (a) v(t) = 2(t − 2)(3t − 5), a(t) = 12t − 22
11. 50000π cubic centimeters
(b) ( 35 , 2)
(c) ( 11 12. 10
6 , +∞)
(d) [0, 35 ) and ( 11
6 , 2)
13. 1681
(e) t = 53 seconds, t = 2 seconds 14. cube’s volume

(f) The particle did not rest. 15. 7 39
units per second
(g) ( 23 , 2) and (2, +∞) √
5 10
3. (a) v(t) = 3(t − 1)(t − 3), a(t) = 6t − 12 16. 2 meters per second
(b) [0, 1) and (3, +∞) 17. 500π inches per second
(c) [0, 2) 18. 43.56 mm per hour

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