Soal Bahasa Inggris

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Subdistrict of Lemito, Regency Of Pohuwato- Gorontalo
Academic year of 2018/2019

Grade : Eight (VIII)

Choose one of correct answer by marking (X) between letters a, b, c or d!

1. Teacher : Attention, please. Are you ready to learn English now?

Students : Yes, sir
The underlined word above means …
A. Perhelatan C. Perhatikan
B. Pelajarilah D. Pastikanlah

Mrs. Narwin : may I have your attention, please

Students : ….
2. The best response to complete the dialogue above is …
A. Yes, Ma’am C. Yes, sir
B. Yes, Please D. Thank you
3. Expression of asking attention is …
A. I know you C. excuse me
B. Amazing D. do you understand?

4. Teacher : do you understand what I talking about?

Students : yes, sir
What kind of expression that teacher gives?
A. Asking for attention C. Asking for suggestion
B. Giving opinion D. Checking understanding

5. Agus : ….?
Lisa : yes, I know what you mean?
A. You don’t understand C. Attention to me
B. Do you know what I mean? D. Alright

6. Teacher : Listen students, I’ve got some news from the Principal!
Students : ……
A. Alright, sir C. Yes. We understand, sir
B. Thank you, sir D. What is it, Sir?

7. Yulan : … May I borrow your pen, please

Dayu : yes, here is it
A. Sorry C. Yes, please
B. Excuse, me D. Really
For numbers 8 & 9
Rasya : do you understand the homework?
Listi : No, I don’t. how about you? Do you understand the homework?
Rasya : yes, I do
8. Does Rasya understand the homework?
A. Yes, she do C. No, she don’t
B. Yes, she does D. No, she doesn’t
9. Does Listi understand the homework?
A. Yes, she do C. No, she don’t
B. Yes, she does D. No, she doesn’t
For numbers 10-12
Reza : (10) what do you think about my new hairstyle? Am I beautiful with it?
Risa : (11) I think you are beautiful with it
Reza : and you are so a beautiful too, Risa
Risa : thanks my (12) Twin
10. The underlined expression is the express of …
A. Asking opinion C. showing appreciation
B. Giving opinion D. respond understanding
11. The underlined expression is the express of …
A. Asking opinion C. giving understanding
B. Giving opinion D. respond understanding
12. “thanks my twin”
Twin is means …
A. Kembaran C. teman sekelas
B. Sahabat D. saudara

For numbers 13 – 14
Nur : (13) …. Of my short story.
Topan : I think it is awesome. How about mine? Is it bad or good?
Nur : I think it is an excellent short story
Topan : (14) … I think it is bad because I don’t write it seriously
13. A. what do you thing C. how do you thing
B. what do you think D. who do you think
14. A. Yes, I agree C. I don’t think so
B. Right D. I think so

15. X : “ can you go to the library now?

Y : ” .........”
A. No, I can. C. Yes, I can
B. Yes, I can not D. No, You can not
16. X : “will you bring a pencil’s sharpener today?
Y : “ ......”
A. yes, I will C. yes, I can
B. Yes, I can not D. No, I can
17. A : can you make a cup of coffee ?
B : “ .....”
A. yes, I can not C. no, they can not
B. No, I can not D. yes, they can
18. Husain : “..... tell the teacher that I am sick today?
Juniard : Yes, I will tell him?
A. Are you C. will you
B. Are you D. do you
19. Mr. Firman : Attention students, I’m going to give you the project of our class.
Students : Yes, Sir.
the sentence does mr. Firman expresses is ...
A. asking for attention C. to check other’s understanding
B. to show attention D. to indicate understanding
20. the sentence do students express are ...
A. asking for attention C. to check other’s understanding
B. to show attention D. to indicate understanding
21. what does Mr. Firman mean?
A. Mr. Firman is checking the students’ attendance
B. Mr. Firman is checking the students’ attention
C. Mr. Firman is checking the students’ understanding
D. Mr. Firman is checking the students’ answer
22. Rizki : hear, I’ve got some news to tell you.
Fauzi :
A. Yes. C. what is it?
B. What’s up? D. really?

23. Andre : .....

Abdul : yes, I understand what you say!
the best sentence to fill the blanks is ...
A. Do you know what I say? C. do you understand what I say?
B. are you with me? D. do you follow me?

Yudi : Arif, do you understand what Mrs. Delwin said?

Arif : Yes, he gave us task for homework
Yudi : can you tell me how to answer the question number four, I don’t know to fill it.
Arif : OK, to find the question Number Four. You Must focus on paragraph one, are you with me?
Yudi : Yes, I’m with you. Thanks

24. Arif, do you understand what Mrs. Delwin said?

A. Arif, apakah kamu dengar yang Ibu Delwin katakan?
B. Arif, apakah kamu Kenal dengan Ibu Delwin?
C. Arif, apakah kamu mengikuti penjelasan Ibu Delwin?
D. Arif, apakah kamu mengerti apa yang Ibu Delwin katakan?
25. Are you with me?
Is express to ...
A. to ask for attention C. to check other’s understanding
B. to show attention D. responses indicating understanding
26. Yes, I’m with you thanks.
the following sentence is express to ...
A. to ask for attention C. to check other’s understanding
B. to show attention D. responses indicating understanding
27. Aldi : do you understand what Mr. Firman asking to you?
Gazali : Yes of course, I know what he mean.
What is the meaning in Bahasa Indonesia of Asking in the following dialogue
A. Meminta C. Menanyakan
B. Menjawab D. A dan B benar

28. Nur Shiam : Can you dance Dana-dana’s dance?

Amel : .......
A. Yes, I can C. alright
B. No, thank you D. good dance

Ery : My uncle, Anton. is a very skillful person.

Nita : really?
Ery : yes, he can do many things.
Nita : interesting. can he drive?
Ery : yes, he can drive. he is a good singer and dancer, and he can speak ten languages.
Nita : wow!
Ery : he can even sew

29. He can do many things.

the sentence is express to ...
A. ask about ability C. ask about willingnes
B. express about ability D. express about willingnes
30. Can he drive?
the sentence does Nita’s ask is ...
A. ask about abilty C. ask about willingnes
B. express about ability D. Express about willingnes

Read the table bellow and fill the question number 31 to 33

Do Play Ride a Swim Play Play Play Do
math chess motorcycle Basketball football baseball martial
Aldo      X X X
Marry X   X X X X 
Alfred     X X  X
Sascha X X X X X  X X
31. Aldo and Marry ... Play chess
A. can not C. can
B. Will not D. will
32. Anggelina : can Sascha and Marry paly basketball?
Jihan : ....
A. Yes they can C. yes they will
B. Yes they understand D. alright
33. Titi : Can alfred play chess ?
Ilham : .....
A. Yes, he can C. Yes, he will
B. No, He can not D. No, he will not
Read the dialogue and answer questions number 34 to 40!
In the kitchen...
Mother : (34) ...., Bob?
Bob : (35) .... fried rice.
Mother : do you need any help?
Bob : Thanks, but I can do it my self
Mother : do you know how to do it?
Bob : (36) ..., I have the recipe with me
Mother : be careful with the stove
Bob : (37) .... I can manage
a few minutes later
Bob : ouch
Mother : (38) ....
Bob : I burnt my fingers. will you help me?
Mother : OK, No problem. we can do it together. you have to hold the frying pan like this..
34. A. what is that? C. what are you doing?
B. what’s up? D. what’s the matter?
35. A. I’m eating C. I’m cooking
B. I’m washing D. I’m taking
36. A.Yes, I will C. Yes, I can
B. Yes, I understand D. Yes, I Know
37. A. No problem C. No I can’t
B. Don’t worry D. I don’t know
38. A. what is that? C. what are you doing?
B. what’s up? D. what’s the matter?
39. will you help me?
what expression does Bob say to his mother?
A. to ask for attention C. to ask about willingness
B. to ask about ability D. to ask for permission
40. OK, No problem.
what expression does Bob’s mother say?
C. to respond for attention C. to respond about willingness
D. to respond about ability D. to respond to a request for permission


Work in pairs. Fill in the blanks with the words in the box

Responding Someone’s else Asking for



1. “what should I do? Is expression used for ____

2. “ I think so’” is an expression of ____ To an opinion
3. “ I think …” is an expression of ____ an opinion
4. “ In my opinion … “ is an expression of _____ An opinion
5. “ according to my father …” is an expression of telling ______ opinion

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