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It was a surprisingly balmy day in Leeds.

The stillness of the park, the sound of the maple

leaves rustling in the breeze and the feel the glowing sunbeams on her face Fiona feel at ease.
There she was: (sitting on a bñpa bña bench descascarado) Her rosy cheeks resting on her cupped
hands, . Fiona was a slight and slender 31 year-old nurse who had the sweetest look in her hazel
eyes and she had been waiting for Anthony, her husband, for half an hour already. She could not
believe her persnickety husband was arriving ten minutes late to their own anniversary. She had
tied her light blond hair in a bun, just the way Anthony loved/preferred. Anthony was a scrawny-
looking 45-year-old man, a shrewd and successful lawyer. Not a single detail ever escaped his
piercing pitch-black eyes. However, it haD been months since Fiona felt that Anthony’s look was
different:(attitude, looks) noun,,, noun, she could no t quite tell… but there was something
missing. It seemed now that their once blissfully happy marriage was on the verge of collapse.

She looked at her (golden) wristwatch again: two hours late. Too much. Fiona stood up in
a huff. all of a sudden she spotted a seemingly familiar face who semmed was reading a book. he
was a rather lanky, full-beadrded man, who was wearing a greyish knit hat over his long brown
hair . Fiona recognized him at once, in spite o f the years: It was Brian, her old high school fling. No
sooner had she recognized him, than her face lit up with a broad smile . She walked with a spring
in her steps towards him and greeted him. Brian’s smoldering dark eyes widened,Blushing and
fluttering her eyelashes, Fiona sat next to him. B´s heart pounded resltessly. I Would you like to
hear my latest poem? Brian asked. - Certainly, I have always loved them- Fiona replied. She
looked at him deeply, and her old feeligns rekindled.

The evening was cool and dry .As Fiona opened the front door of her house she noticed
the dining room was gloomy and there was only a dim light lit on Anthony’s desktop. All Fiona
could see was Anthony’s hand right next to a bottle of Vodka. Fionna heard the squeaky sound of
the closing door. Her blood ran cold. “Hh-hi, love” Fionna stuttered. “So...deceiving your husband
on your anniversary” Anthony craoked. “I loved you!” he quivered. The tension grew as Anthony
strode across the darkened room.
What they did not know was that Brian had been following Fiona to her house, AND was
crouching on their garden NOW. He stooped, so as not to be seen, and witnessed the scene from
behind the window pane.He saw Fionna cowering in a corner while Anthony RAISED his arms to
strangle her. bRIAN was bewildered by this terrible sight. His mind raced with wild thoughts. he
sprinted towards the door and broke it down. Brian shoved Anthony and punched him on the
nose. In his fury Anthony clenched his fist and rushed towards Brian beating him on the ribs. Near
hysteria and driven by fear, Fiona grabbed a big metal lamp and glared at Anthony with bulging
eyes. Her face turned red with WRATH. jUST a thud WAS HEARD. nO MORE. nO MORE OF HIM.
Fiona and Brian stared in RELIEF. Their faces etched with PAIN AND DELIVERANCE.

Fiona 31 (nurse) and Anthony 45 (lawyer)

Married for 13 years

Fiona (Soft –innocent - Shy)

Anthony (problematic – severe – judgemental – marrow minded- alchoholic)

She falls in love with Brian young and passionate poetic (31) (Literature)

Anthony doesn’t ever get there, and Fionna happens to find an old fling sitting in the park
reading. They chat and remember old memories and fall madly in love. He steals a kiss from Fiona
and in doing so Fiona’s cell phone bips. It was Anthony saying they’d better met home. Fiona
blushes. They exchange cellphone numbers and Fiona goes home. But she didn’t know Brain was
following her.

Problem: Fiona gets home. All lights off except Anthony’s desk. All you could see was a
bottle of Vodka and Anthony’s hand. He had been drinking a lot. He starts shouting at Fionna how
could she do this to him on his own anniversary! He had seen everything. Brian stalks Fiona and
finds out she had been mistreated by Anthony so he intercedes before Anthony raises a hand on
fiona. They have an argument outside in the garden and brian kills Anthony in a confussing

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