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Blood Smear Pic of stomatocytes
Ans: Liver Disease

Blood smear pic of retics and heinz bodies (focus on heins bodies) Retics count= 18% What to do
next? Note: Bite cells are also seen in the picture
Ans: Heinz body staining
Also in the choice: Report retics count Do Prussian blue staining

Blood smear pic of echinocytes:
Ans: Uremia

Blood smear pic of (orange red spiky cells)
Ans: faulty drying

Blood smear pic of Target Cells: WBC count: High WBC count using another diluent: Normalized
What can be the possible explanation?
Ans: Lyse resistant RBC

Blood smear pic of agglutination, whats causing it?
Ans: cold agglutinins

Same Blood Smear picture of agglutination:caused by what org?
Ans: Mycoplasma Pneumoniae

Picture of T. trichuira

Picture of Penicillium

Picture of crithidialuciliae
Ans: dsDna

Patient with lesions in his arms, given description what is seen in culture?
Ans: SporothrixSchenkii

About 4 items of Automated Coagulation Studies: please read on PT and APTT reagents and
corresponding effect of the values on the test sample
Around 7 to 10 Blood bank prob and discrepancies all situational
Ex: O neg Rh pos patient Dat positive
Screen cell - all neg 37 deg control - pos Rh control - neg
(Remember rh control is BSA - serve as neg control)

Given: mother of blood type AB neg and baby type O pos. what should u do?
Ans: Get a new heel stick from baby ( for me getting new sample is the best answer) it might be
sample switching or px misidentification since its impossible for an AB mom to have a O baby
Other Choices: Administer Rh Ig Get sample from father (blood bank staff dont go look for the father
of the baby to counter check result)lol

Titer of EBV, IM, Toxoplasmosis
Choices: primary infection EBV -( my answer) Coinfection with Toxo Secondary infection IM

Values of the following blood chem were re-run (2 values have significant difference) BILI, CREA,
GLUCOSE, TROP I Which should you prioritize for validation?
Ans: Trop I
Note: normal values are not indicated

Sample taken from indwelling catheter. Not on anticoagulant but PT and APTT is elevated:
Ans: heparin contamination

==== Second Irreversible step in platelet aggregation studies?

Ans: release of ADP

Mannitol Positive
Ans: Staph Aureus

Potassium Permanganate in auraminerhodamine stain for myco
Ans: Quenching agent

After CSF gram stain, how would you store the CsF for culture the next day?
Ans: Incubate @ 35 deg C

Patient with Rheumatic Disease develop AGN. What org do u expect to see in Renal biopsy?
Ans: S. Pyogenes

Group D strep BE positive, NaCl negative
Ans: S. Bovis
Parathyroid hor level: Normal Ionized calcium: increased
Ans : metastatic Carcinoma (not sure) or hypoalbuminemia

Primidone monitoring: Suspected to have primidone overdose but the serum concentration is within
the normal range, what should you do next?
Ans: Measure phenobarbital concentration

Suspected deficiency when a patient exhibits prolonged apnea and paralysis after injection of
Ans:Pseudocholinesterase deficiency

Specimen for diagnosis of rotavirus
Ans: Stool

After being diagnosed with walking pneumonia, a patient is given penicillin. After a few days, the
penicillin did nothing to treat the disease because:
Ans: The bacterial agent has no cell wall

Hair perforation test is used to differentiate
Ans: Trichophytonrubrum and Trichophytonmentagrophytes

Mature trophozoites and schizonts are not seen in the blood smear:
Ans: Falciparum

Initial ELISA for HIV testing: reactive Repeat ELISA (In duplicate): Non-reactive
Ans:Report as nonreactive

Blood group that deteriorates on storage
Ans: P (thats the only P in the choices)

Urine pH of less than 4.5 is possible in the case of:
Ans:Renal Tubular Acidosis

Reagent strip test for glucose: Positive Clinitest: Negative
Ans:Glucose is positive

A patient is suspected to have DM FBS: 130 mg/dL 2 hour glucose: 242 mg/dLWhat to do next?
Ans:Diagnostic for DM

FBS: 120 mg/dL
Ans: Impaired plasma glucose
Reactive monocytosis
Ans: Tuberculosis

Marker for pancreatic carcinoma
Ans: CA 19-9

Different Fecal fat tests are affected similarly by:
Ans:Weight and extraction

HBa1C are not to be done in
Ans:patients with condition that shortens the RBC lifespan

Post prandial turbidity of the serum is due to the presence of
Ans: Lipoproteins

Comparison of two means
t-test (theres a word before ttest in the choices still itsttest)

Urine bilirubin : None Urine Urobilinogen: High Unconjugated bilirubin: High
Ans: hemolytic Anemia

Treated Prostate cancer patient....after 9 months, PSA level is above normal
Ans: Recurrence

Antibody detection for HTLV I/II : positive What should you do next?
Ans: Repeat test

Lifetime marker of MBV infection
Ans: Anti-HBc

==== 33. Interpret: Anti-A - Anti-B MF A cell - B cell -

Ans: Bx subgroup

What blood type should be transfused to the baby? Mother: Type “O”, Rh Negative, with anti-D, anti-
C, anti-I, anti-Lea Child: Type “A”, Rh Positive, DAT +
Ans: Type “O”, Rh negative without C, I, and Lea antigen

Only 390mL were collected after bleeding, what component can still be used?
Ans: Only Packed RBC
38. Which one should be deferred:
Ans: Donor who received HBsAg immunization 6 months ago

Le (a+b-)
Ans: Lea

PT: Prolonged APTT Prolonged TT: Prolonged Fibrinogen: 150 mg (Normal valued not given)
Acute DIC

Normal WBC Normal Platelets Reticulocyte count 0.1% (age of patient not indicated in the problem)
Pure red cell aplasia

Falsely decreased ESR can be due to:
Ans: Eight hours standing before testing

Enzyme test controls: within 3 SD Non-Enzym test contro: within 2 SD What is the possible
Ans: Instrument temperature too cold

PT: Normal APTT: Prolonged Mixing studies: APTT + Normal plasma : Prolonged
Ans: Factor IX (encountered this prob in harr, kindly verify)

Blood collected into sodium citrate tube for coagulations studies, after centrifugation, packed red
blood cells comprise 80% of the whole blood. What should you do next?
Ans: Recollect blood in a tube with less amount of citrate

53. TSI: Acid slant, Acid butt Oxidase positive

Indole negative MR negative LDC negative ODC positive ADH positive
Ans:Enterobacter cloacae

How can you differentiate P. aeruginosa from other Pseudomonas species?
Ans:Growth at 42degC

Rapid test or Legionella
Ans:Urine antigen test
Cat-scratch disease
Ans:Bartonellahenselae (Be careful P multocida is in the choice, disease is caused by cat BITE)

Major problem in PCR caused by:
Ans: Contamination with nucleic acid

Computation on CSF rbc
Formula =( cells counted ) (dil) / 2 (0.9) x (0.1)
Ans: 222 (Forgot the given)

Adrenal Cushing
Ans: increased cortisol, decreased ACTH

2 Urine analysis (choose the disease that correlates with the UA result)
Ans: Acute tubular necrosis
Ans: renal calculi

Lupus Anticoagulant
Ans: increase thrombosis

Ans: test for metanephrines

TB testing for PPD
Ans: t cell mediated type 4 hypersensitivity

Decreased in Sodium but all other electrolyte and serum osmolality were normal.
Ans: Perform Sodium ISE

Carbon Dioxide in ISE measures?
Ans: CO2 content

Cushing Syndrome
Ans: Hyperglycemia

Iron studies ( tibc , ferritin , s iron)
Ans: Anemia of Chronic Disease
Enzyme with 9.8 ph. What disease associated with ALP?
Ans: Pagets disease

Cofactor to 300 enzyme
Ans: magnesium

Description of Tap water bacillus
M. Gordonae

the items above might come out on your exam and It would be better to verify if the answers are
correct or if you have the best answer ===> (means higher points)
ASCP RECALLS: 8-08-2016
ASCP RECALLS: 08-12-2016
*POLANSKY:Quick Review Cards
*QUICK COMPENDIUM of Clinical Pathology by Daniel D. Mais,MD 2nd edition
*CLS: A Bottomline Approach by Patsy Jarreau

ASCP RECALLS: 08-12-2016

1. Electrolytes serve as cofactor to more than 300 enzymes?

2. HBA1C result is affected in what condition?

A: Hemolytic Anemia

3. Increase level of 5-HIAA, associated in what condition?

A: Carcinomoid tumors / M____ Carcinoma

4. What condition associated with an enzyme has a of PH 9.8 using P-nitrophenylphosphate ?

A: Pagets disease of the bone (ALP)

5. Test use to separate LDL and HDL?

A: Enzyme Hydrolysis (Lipase??)

6. BUN determination measures?


7. Albumin first to migrate at anode?

A: Normal

8. Test use for Hepatic Encephalopathy?

A: Ammonia (Other choices: BUN, Creatinine, Uric acid)

9. Enzyme use to distinguish Hepatiobillary disease?


10. Tumor marker for Hepatocellular Carcinoma?


11. TP / TP+ FN
A: Sensitivity TN/ TN+FP A: Specificity

12. Quality Assurance plan in the laboratory?

A: Program that extend to the interactions of other healthcare professionals
13. RESULT of patient, What condition?
Serum B1: Normal Urine Urobilinogen: Decrease ALP: also given
Serum B2: Increased Urine Bilirubin: Increase
A: Billary Obstruction

14.RESULT of patient in numerical form: (Reference range given in Conventional & SI Units)

Serum B1: Increase Urine Urobilinogen: Increase

Serum B2: Normal Urine Bilirubin: Positive
What is inconsistent with the result?
A: Urine Bilirubin (should be Negative)
Patient Hemolytic Anemia (Condition not given)

15. Laboratory DATA results: all INCREASE results for

BUN:39+ CREATININE:400+ NA+:146, K+:__, Glucose: 46mmol/L, Osmolality: 300 ?
(Consistent for Renal Dialysis patient NA+: 146? Edematous patient should have hyponatremia? )
What is inconsistent with the result?
A. Na+,
B. Osmolality
C. BUN …

16: Test for glucose collected using a heparin anticoagulant, specimen not tested within 3hrs? what
should the technologist do?
A: Wrong anticoagulant use
B: Separate plasma within 1 hr after the collection
C: Hemolysis occurs within 3hrs
D: Do nothing run the test

17: Female patient: TSH result of 0.2 __ (RR: 0.5-2.___),

What is the next test should be tested?
A: Free T3
B: Anti-TSH receptor (Hyperthyroidism, Graves)
C: Anti-microsomal antibodies (Hypothyroidism, Hashimotos)

18: SD/mean x100 = Coefficient of Variance Data are given in tabulated form I-II-III-IV.
What is the best precision?
A: IV- 2. 3 (other choices: 2. 5, 2.8, 3.9) lowest CV good precision.

19: Reference range in laboratory results are from?

A: Quality control sera
B: Calibration of the machine
C: Manufacturer package insert

20: A drug (Phenytoin) that is best evaluated at?

A: peak and through state
B: Time of collection and _______

21. Female pale patient with chronic menstrual bleeding for the past months…
What result is consistent?
Study Increase and Decrease ofFERRITIN, TIBC, TRANSFERRIN


1. Tap water bacillus?

A: M. gordae

2. Organism associated with Gentamicin?

A: Enteroccocusfaecium

3. Standardization of MH agar?
A: adjust PH to 7.2

4. Presumptive gram stain test for Neisseria will be accepted if?

A: growth of colony from Chocolate Agar Plate

5. Description of growth: 3weeks , Lowenstein agar.

A:Mycobacterium tuberculosis


A: Mycobacterium Tuberculosis

7. A blood culture no growth for 24hrs? what to do next?

A: Incubate for 21days (Organism not indicated Brucella spp.)

8. Staph. Aureusfrements?
A: Mannitol

9. Butcher’s Disease, H2s+ , gram + bacilli?

A: Erysiphelothrix

10. Best screening use for Rotavirus?

A: Electron Microscope

11. PCR Sequence?

A: Denaturation, Annealing, Elongation/Extension

12. Description for yeast uses OLIVE OIL to enhanced structure?

A: Malassezia furfur

13. Description for Micrococcus?

A: Lysostaphin RESISTANT

14. Description for Zygomycete?

A: Aseptate&Hyaline _____?
15. No rhizoids, description?
A: Mucor

16. Description & PICTURE from Bone marrow?

A: Histoplasmacapsulatum

17. Mold and yeast are best evaluated at?

A: petridish growth?

18. Parasite causes autoinfection?

A: Strongyloidesstercolaris

19. PICTURE of trophozoite with ingested RBC?

A: Entamoebahistolytica

20. Recommendation to use/Advantage of IGRAS?

Interferon-Gamma Release Assays for Mycobacterium tuberculosis?
A:person who have received BCG vaccine


1. PICTURE of RBC Cast? Condition associated?

A: Glomerulonephritis

2. Picture A:WAXY cast

3. Final degenerative form of cast?

A: Waxy Cast

4. Urinalysis results
A: Nephrotic Syndrome

5. Sperm count is done?

A: After liquefaction

6. Increase gram – bacilli, Nitrite: Negative, what is probable cause?

A: Increase in bacteria due to nitrate reduction to Nitrogen gas


1. PICTURE of Spherocytes
Condition associated: Hemolytic anemia, WAIHA, HTR HDN (Not included in the choice)

A: Heinz bodies (please focus on Heinz bodies smear is consistent with rbc, wbc)

3. PICTURE Blood smear no platelet seen? Inconsistent?

A: Platelet

4. PICTURE from Bone Marrow stain with PRUSSIAN Blue, what condition?
A: Sideroblastic Anemia

5. CBC results of patient 4 results are given Hemoglobin: inconsistently decreasing from
14-12-9.5-9, what cause?
A: Lipemic sample? Other choices: wrong patient was exctracted.

6. Hookworm infection?
A: Microcytic, hyopochromic

7. PICTURE: of Heinz bodies

A:Antimalarial drug effect

8. Young patient ingested naphthalene ball, findings on blood smear?

A: Heinz bodies

9. Hemoglobin SA trait negative at solubility test?

A: Hemoglobin D (co migratior of HgbS)

10. Protein C and Protein S are? Functions & description

A. Natural occur in the body
B. anti thrombin III assay

11. Patient MALE 63 y/o with a CBC result: WBC: 44 Segmenters: 20+ Lymphocyte: 60-70+
Condition associated?
A: Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia?
(other choices: ALL,etc., Leukemia associated in children)

12. Coumadin are? Study function & description

13. M7 or Acute Megakaryocytic leukemia? CD MARKERS?

A: CD41, CD42, CD61

14. CBC results INCREASE WBC, Neutrophils, almost results are consistent with
A: Leukomoid Reaction
(other choices ALL, CLL, CML)

15. PLATELET Aggregation curve for Aspirin effect 2 photo optic graphs indicated:
A. NORMAL ADP,Collagen, Epinephrine, etc.
B. ABNORMAL ADP, Collagen, Epinephrine etc.

16. Corrected WBC count computation:

Answer: 0.5 x 50/
88+ 50
=25/138 = o. 18
1. Specific IgE:
A: test for direct and particular Antigen

2. CLL are?

3. Patient result after 5months, What is inconsistent with the results?

HBsag: NEG
Anti-Hbe: NEG
A: False positive anti-Hbc,
B: False Negative HbsAg,
C: False NegativeHbeAg

4. CD 8 are?
A: Cyctotoxic cells

5. Anti-Smith pattern?

6. Epstein Barr Virus is associated in what condition?

Choices: RA, SLE, etc..

7. Newborn tested for Toxoplasma gondii negative at IG G:

What should next thing to do?
A: TEST maternal serum
B: Repeat the test using new sample from the newborn

1. D mosaic individuals?
A: persons whose rbc lack components of D-antigen

2. Proper storage of FFP given -35C?

A: -65C (-18 Not given) etc.

3. CPDA is preferred because?

A: 35days storage

4. Anti H reacts LEAST with?

A: A1

5. Type O individuals has?

A: Anti-A, Anti-B, Anti A-B
6. Enhanced by enzyme?
A: anti-Jka
(other choices MNS, Duffy destroyed by enzyme)

7. Autologous Donor collection at JANUARY 1 9AM WB was stored at 4 degreeC –At 1PM,
then on JANUARY 5technologist added40% glycerol.
What is the expiration of the blood?
A. January 1, for 1 year C. January 5, 1 year
B. January 1, 10years D. January 5, 10years

8. Screening cells: AT 37C After washing with LISS

Screening cells I : O Screening cells: O
Screening cells II: O Screening Cells II: O
Anti-A1: + Anti-A1: O
Antib B: + Anti B: O

What should the technologist next to do?

a. Report the result
b. Repeat the test with new Screening cells
c. Use enhancement media

9. ANTIBODY PANEL testing on ANTI-P and Anti-K, ANTI-E

10. Almost 10 QUESTIONS encountered using

Blood group causes DOSAGE effects

11. Kleihauerbetke test use for? Between Baby and Mother.

12. Mother has High anti-D, Baby was jaundice, HDN? What cause?
A. False + DAT,
B. False – DAT,
C. False: + antibody result etc.
13. Administration ofRhogam given to mother who is?
A: no anti-D, baby is rh +

The items above might come out on your exam and It would be better to verify if the answers are
correct or if you have the best answer ===> (means higher points).

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