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Computer vision syndrome: A review

Jatinder Bali, Naveen Neeraj1, Renu Thakur Bali2

Computers and mobile computing devices are being used by increasingly larger number of people today. This has led to Access this article online
an increase in the number of patients complaining about ocular and nonocular symptoms related to computer use. Eye- Website:
strain, tired eyes, irritation, burning sensations, redness of eyes, dry eyes, blurred, and double vision reported by the
visual display unit users was termed “Computer Vision Syndrome” (CVS). It is a repetitive strain disorder characterized DOI:
by one or more of the following symptoms – eyestrain, eye fatigue, burning sensations, irritation, redness, blurred 10.4103/2320-3897.122661
vision, and dry eyes when associated with operating a computer and looking at a computer monitor in a temporal Quick Response Code:
association. CVS has a multifactorial causation. Several factors have been linked to symptoms. Many treatment
modalities have been described. Treatment needs to be tailored to the individual patient. However, a large body of
work is still required to uncover gaps in our understanding of the problem. A specially designed ocular examination
for computer users and associated counseling about the current good practices in computer use would go a long way
in preventing loss of productivity and morbidity from the condition.

Key words: Computer vision syndrome, management, pathophysiology, treatment

Computer use is becoming ubiquitous. The affordable prices, at a computer monitor is generally referred to as CVS. It is a
increased productivity, and social changes have led to computers repetitive strain disorder”[11] defined by the American Optometric
and mobile computing devices being used by a large proportion Association as the combination of eye and vision problems
of population. However, it has also led to increased number of associated with the use of computers [Table 1].[13]
patients complaining about ocular and nonocular symptoms.
Table 1: Four major catagories of symptoms in computer
The initial concern about use of visual display terminals (VDTs) vision syndrome
was centered around radiation, which included X-rays, optical,
radio frequency, very low frequency, and extremely low frequency Symptom Symptoms Possible causes
radiation.[1] No clear evidence of any negative effects on computer
users was found in most studies.[2] There were apprehensions of Asthenopic Eyestrain Binocular vision
adverse effects on pregnant women, which were found to be Tired eyes Accommodation
incorrect by evidence.[3] Sore eyes
Ocular surface- Dry eyes
An increased number of symptoms related to rheumatology, related Watery eyes
orthopedics, psychiatry, and ophthalmology emerged in
Irritated eyes
literature.[4-7] Somatic disorders, depression, and obsessions were
reported in increased frequency in computer users especially Contact lens problems
when the operating time was more than 30 hours per week and Visual Blurred vision Refractive error
the duration of usage more than 10 years. Eye-strain, tired eyes, Slowness of focus Accommodation
irritation, burning sensations, redness of eyes, dry eyes, blurred,
and double vision were reported by the visual display unit Double vision Binocular vision
users and termed “Computer Vision Syndrome” (CVS).[8-11] These Presbyopia Presbyopic
symptoms appeared to increase as duration of VDT exposure
increased.[12] “The ocular complaints experienced by computer Extraocular Neck pain Computer screen
users typically include eyestrain, eye fatigue, burning sensations,
Back pain
irritation, redness, blurred vision, and dry eyes, among others.
Shoulder pain
The condition of a person experiencing one or more of these
ocular complaints as a result of operating a computer and looking
Blehm et al. categorized the symptoms in four major categories:
Asthenopic, ocular surface-related, visual, and extraocular.[11]
Department of Ophthalmology, Hindu Rao Hospital and NDMC Medical
College, Delhi, 1Department of Ophthalmology, Swami Dayanand
Hospital, Delhi, 2Department of Medicine, Deep Chand Bandhu Hospital,
The ocular factors leading to CVS have been grouped into two
Delhi, India
major areas:
Address for correspondence: Dr. Jatinder Bali, 55-D, Third Floor,
1. Inappropriate oculomotor responses and
DDA Flats, Kalidas Road, Gulabibagh, Delhi - 110 007, India.
E-mail: 2. Dry eye

Manuscript received: 09.09.2013; Revision accepted: 27.09.2013. When viewing near objects miosis, accommodation and

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convergence take place. Prolonged work at computer terminals can cause muscular and ocular problems. Variation in posture
has been associated with changes in both relative accommodation while sitting behind the computers can improve the symptoms
and vergence.[14] subjects over-accommodated by an average of associated with CVS. Frequent breaks with computer use have
–0.50 to –0.75 diopter (D) when stimuli were placed at 40 cm been shown to increase comfort and relax the accommodative
and by –0.75 D to colored letters on a colored background in two system.[27] Taking a smaller break for 5-10 min more frequently is
different studies.[15,16] A high prevalence of exophoria, convergence better than taking a longer break every 2 or 3 hours.[28] A 10-15 min
insufficiency and low fusional convergence have been reported break from the computer is recommended for every continuous
among VDT workers. Near point of accommodation was measured 1-2 hours of computer use[4,29] but is supported by limited evidence.
for VDT users and nonusers in the beginning of the day at the start
Wiggins et al. reported that there was a significant increase in
of the week. It was measured again at the end of the day 4 days
the symptoms during the computer task if there was a residual
later. the accommodative amplitude was reported to be decreased
astigmatism of up to 1D. This is a common practice while
significantly for VDT users (by 0.69 D) than nonusers (0.18 D)
prescribing soft contact lenses. The authors suggested that toric
between the first examination and the second examination
lenses or spectacle overcorrection be used in these cases.[30] For
4 days later.[17] Another longitudinal study reported that subjects
hyperopic error and high myopic error it is suggested that both be
below 40 years of age who used VDTs lost more accommodative
corrected to produce a clear retinal image and reduce the retinal
amplitude than who did not.[18] It has been suggested that an
blur to reduce the ocular stimulus for accommodation.
inaccurate accommodative response (AR) during working at the
computer terminal or a failure to relax the AR at completion of Bilton has proposed a term ‘1,2,10’ (One to Ten) to describe
the near task is at the heart of the asthenopia experienced by the commonly used distances for the current electronic forms
the users. Blurred vision at near and difficulty to shift to distant of written communication. Mobile phones at a distance of one
gaze is a common complaint in CVS and accommodative infacility foot (about 30 cm), two feet (about 60 cm) to two and a half feet
was the most common oculomotor anomaly reported.[19,20] These for desktop devices and laptops, and 10 feet (about 3 meters) for
changes are transient and workers return to baseline values by the television screens.[31] This new wave of devices has smaller
the end of workday or week. Substantial losses have not been text sizes on smaller screens necessitating a change in the usual
reported in longitudinal studies when corrected for age changes. paradigms of prescriptions. Sheedy and Shaw Mc Minn suggest
that a reserve of three times the visual acuity be present for
The comparisons between near work and computer use have
comfortable near vision tasks. Translated into real terms the usual
shown that the differences between computer and hard-copy tasks
N9 newspaper print (6/19.2 letter) would need a visual acuity of
are not compelling. Wick and Morse using an infra-red optometer
at least 6/6.4 for comfortable, prolonged viewing.[32] The working
to measure the AR in emmetropes reported an increased lag of
distances reported by workers showed that the mean distance for
accommodation of 0.33D in VDT users compared with hard copy
the small screen devices (75% people preferring distances between
users.[21] Penisten et al. using dynamic retinoscopy could not
26 and 40 cm) was lower than for hard copy use.[33] This set of
demonstrate any significant differences in printed card, VDT, or
users would need a near prescription for the reduced distances
simulated computer display when the intraobserver variability
when presenting with asthenopia.
was taken into account.[22]
Visual performance is affected by a number of display
VDT use has been associated with a small and temporary
parameters, such as character size, structure, and style; and by
myopic shift of refraction. These shifts are so small that distant
image contrast and stability.[34] The images on VDTs and liquid
visual acuity is not affected. VDT users experienced a myopic shift
crystal display (LCD) screens are composed of tiny, bright spots
of about −0.12 D after the work period compared with no change
called pixels or horizontal lines called rasters. They collectively
of refractive error of typists in a cross-sectional study.[23] Transient
form images. These images blur at the edges and lack sharp edges
myopia was reported by Luberto et al. in 20% of VDT workers at
that the printed word has. The effect is of a blurred image of hard
the end of their work shift.[24] Interestingly, all subjects exhibiting
print, which is not seen blurred because of the speed at which it
myopic change complained of asthenopia, but only 32.5% of those
is refreshed or rewritten on the screen by the beam of signals. The
with asthenopia demonstrated the transient myopic shift. This
larger the number of dots or lines displayed on a monitor to make
clearly shows that other factors are at work in the symptomatology.
the picture, the sharper and clearer is the appearance of the image.
Objective evidence is not available in the literature to suggest that
Blurred images are known to cause stimulation of accommodation.
the transient myopia acquires permanence over time or prolonged
In the case of VDT it is proposed that there is an understimulation
use when compared with other forms of near work. Standing
of accommodation resulting in a lag of accommodation behind
up, moving away, and looking away from the computer can help
the image on the screen.[35] Ziefle studied search reaction times
reduce ocular symptoms and also neck, back, and shoulder pain.
and fixation durations at resolutions of 62 dots per inch (dpi)
Levy et al. proposed an hourly break while others suggested it to
and 89 dpi and found that both increased significantly when the
be split inside of the hour up to three times. The idea remains that
resolution was lower. Visual fatigue correlated positively with
a frequent work break is taken to avoid repetitive stress disorder.[25]
search reaction times and fixation duration.[36] Conventional
In a study on 291 professional computer users, Telles et al. reported
reading differs from digital form in that the latter is dependent
that yoga practice appeared to reduce visual discomfort, while the
on “Pixels”, which result from an electron beam striking the
group who had no yoga intervention (WL) showed an increase in
phosphor-coated rear surface of the monitor screen. The pixel
discomfort at the end of 60 days.[26]
is brightest in the center and its brightness decreases toward
Maintaining a single posture over an extended period of time the outer edges unlike the print form of the word, which has

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complete contrast sensitivity till the edge and fades to white next Thus the minimum oculomotor response that places the image in
to it. The eyes accommodate well to printed texts due to well- Panum’s fusional area may be more desirable than accurate ocular
defined edges. They have difficulty in sustaining focus on pixels alignment. This may have a bearing in the spectacle prescriptions
due to blurred margins. It relaxes to a point called resting point for computer users. However, larger studies are needed before this
of accommodation (RPA), which is normally 67 cm or behind the can have direct clinical bearings on management.
screen. Then the eyes again try to focus on the pixels and a vicious
Dry eye incidence of 10.1-21.5% among office workers have
cycle starts, keeping the accommodation in a dynamic state. It
been reported from different subgroups in Japan.[46] It is postulated
becomes more visually demanding and even small uncorrected
that dryness, burning, grittiness, or heaviness after an extended
refractive errors become significant in computer users.
session at the computer terminal may be attributed to ocular
The refresh rate of a monitor refers to the number of times the surface problems. Users’ eyes sometimes even hyperlacrimate
screen is painted to make an image every minute. It is measured in in an attempt to restore the chemical balance and rewet the
Hz (times per second). Critical fusion frequency (CFF) is the refresh eye.[11] Environmental factors like dry air-conditioned interiors,
rate at which humans can no longer distinguish the pulsating draught from ventilation fans, static buildup, airborne paper, and
beams of light as separate entities (30-50 Hz). At low refresh rates, general office dust can have some bearing on the ocular surface
the characters on the screen may appear to flicker. This results symptoms. The blink rate while working on the computer has
in subjective complaints of irritation, fatigue, and headache. been reported to be significantly less than the normal. This leads
Berman et al. identified a synchronous electroretinogram (ERG) to poor tear film quality. Mean blink rate went down from 22 per
response for a VDT stimulus operating at 76 Hz.[37] Other studies min in relaxed state to 10 per min when reading a book and 7
also indicate that at higher refresh rates the image blur is reduced, per min on the VDT in a study on 104 office workers.[47] However,
blink interval is decreased, and reading speed also increases.[35,38,39] the tear film quality measured by tear breakup time, Schirmer I
VideoElectronic Standards Association (VESA) had recommended and Jones tests was not significantly affected during computer
a minimum refresh rate of 75 Hz that minimizes flicker at all use.[48] Different blink patterns were described in symptomatic
brightness levels.[37] In today’s scenario, the upper end of refresh patients but none of them has been proved in subsequent studies.
rates on most high end light emitting diode (LED) LCD monitors Blink rates have been found to decrease with reduced font size,
range from 125 to 250 Hz. Therefore this may be set to at least reduced contrast, increased cognitive demand of task, and spacing
80 Hz levels though on older cathode ray tube (CRT) cathode ray between characters and lines.[6,49] Words with upper case and
tube monitors 60 Hz was a common frequency till not so long ago. lower case combinations are better tolerated than all upper-case
documents. It is recommended that spacing between characters
A positive correlation between associated phoria (AP) (prism
and lines should allow one-half character space between words
required to eliminate fixation disparity) and symptoms has been
and one character space between lines. Dark characters against
reported by some studies in the past.[40,41] Watten et al. reported
a light background display screen are better accepted compared
significant decrease in positive and negative relative vergences
to the opposite.[6] Application of elastoviscous drops has not
(vergence range) at near both at the beginning and end of an
been associated with improvement of blink rates.[50] A study
8-hour workday. It implied that computer use decreased the
of 112 noncontact lens using computer operators found that
subjects’ ability to converge and diverge appropriately. [42]
68% men and 73% women reported symptoms of dry eye.[51] A
However, Nyman et al. found no significant change in positive
videokeratoscopy-based study has shown that the optical system
or negative relative vergence at near, distance and near
of the cornea is adversely affected by a compromised tear film.[52]
heterophoria and near point of convergence (NPC) after 5 hours
Ocular tiredness has been associated with ocular dryness in the
of VDT work.[43] Yeow and Taylor found no difference between
past.[53] Increased evaporation and decreased blinking during
VDT users and nonusers over 2 year period of the NPC, near
computer use leads to ocular surface changes and thus was
horizontal heterophoria and AP in the same office environment.
believed to result in ocular tiredness.[47] The incidence of dry eye
NPC declined with age in this study but no significant difference
has been reported to increase with age. The prevalence of dry eye
was observed between the two groups.[18] Jaschinski reported that
and is more common in women than in men.[54] Artificial tears may
near vision fatigue was associated with greater exophoria (or less
be useful in this subgroup with dry eye conditions. Otherwise it
esophoria) fixation disparity as the target was brought closer to
does nothing to reduce symptoms. Frequently, shifting gaze from
the observer. It suggested that symptomatic subjects would tend
printed word to screen and vice versa is associated with eyestrain
to prefer a longer viewing distance to minimize exophoric fixation
and should be addressed.[55-57] Squinting was termed to imply
disparity.[44] In more recent studies, a slightly reduced vergence
squeezing eyelids by Sheedy et al., and it was believed to reduce
response has been reported to increase subject comfort during
the blink rate but recent studies have shown that symptoms were
computer use. In a study on 20 subjects using laptop computers,
less when squinting was used in laboratory conditions. Dry eye
the AR to the computer screen was measured using a Grand Seiko
has been reported to be a cause of eye strain and its associated
WAM 5500 optometer and the AP by prism to eliminate fixation
symptoms in a subset of patients.[32,58] Objective evidence is still
disparity, using a customized fixation disparity target (central lock)
sketchy on the issue.
that appeared on the computer screen. No significant changes
were reported in accommodation or vergence during the 30-min Incomplete blinks are common in computer use. A positive
test period. CVS symptoms were worse in subjects with zero correlation between the percentage of blinks considered incomplete
fixation disparity compared with subjects with exo AP thereby and the symptom score was found in recent studies.[55] Incomplete
implying that those who had exophoric fixation disparity at near blinking was associated with staining patterns in the inferior cornea
may be more comfortable than those with accurate vergence.[45] in some studies.[59] A higher incidence of incomplete blinks was

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found with computer use as compared with hard copy of the same revealed that use of contact lenses was associated with a higher
task.[56,60] However, incomplete blinks are not altogether despicable. blink rate. York et al. examined the effect of contact lenses on
It was found that voluntary blinking affected the concentration different tasks of varying difficulty. The blink rates decreased
on the task at hand. The partial blinks do not interrupt the with increasing level of difficulty. The mean blink rate was
concentration on the task at hand as much as the complete blinks.[59] more in the contact lens using group.[68] This effect was not
found by Pointer who allowed a one month adaptation period.
Systemic diseases and systemic medications also have a
In his study, the task difficulty was the main factor deciding
bearing on dry eye. Sjorgen’s Syndrome, rheumatoid arthritis,
blink rate.[69] However, contact lens wearers reported dry eye
collagen vascular diseases, thyroid disease, allergy, and
symptoms 12 times more frequently than emmetropes and five
autoimmune disorders can have an effect on the symptoms and times more than spectacle users.[70] Workers on contact lenses
dry eye. Drugs like diuretics, antihistamines, antipsychotics, are more likely to suffer a higher severity of ocular discomfort.
antidepressants, oral steroids, increased alcohol consumption, The cause was believed to be lack of lubrication. However,
and antihypertensives are associated with dry eye.[61] The ocular objective evidence shows that other factors may be at work,
condition is affected by the systemic conditions, systemic diseases, which require more subtle tests to differentiate them from the
and systemic medications. Thus all factors need to be taken into symptom free group. A major problem associated with contact
account in assessing the patient’s symptoms. lens use is that the current practice of not correcting up to
Meibomian gland dysfunction is associated with evaporative 1 D of astigmatism results in significant increase in symptoms.
dry eye. This increases the symptoms reported with computer This recommendation needs revisiting in light of the increased
use. Poorly applied cosmetics have similar effect by blocking the amount of screen time. In borderline dry eye states the use
openings of the meibomian glands.[11] of soft lenses aggravates the symptoms experienced. Hence
correct patient selection is imperative when prescribing contact
Bright illumination from large windows, over-head fluorescent lenses in computer users. Dry eye symptoms are more common
tubes, table lamps, and office lighting implements can wash out in contact lens wearers than in the general population.[71] In
screen character images and cause annoyance by reflection and a survey of U.S. eye care practitioners 18-30% of soft contact
glare. Similarly sharp contrast between the illuminated computer lens wearers experienced symptoms of dry eye. The ocular
screen and hard copy written text leads to asthenopia. Glare was symptoms associated with dry eye varied in severity, frequency,
found to increase the amount of time required to read relatively and intensity.[72]
easy passages but decreased the amount of time to read relatively
difficult passages.[62] For long it has been postulated that use of Use of occupational glasses or computer glasses has been
antiglare filters can help alleviate the symptoms as the ambient described by some practitioners. [73] Independent objective
light passes through the glare filter two times (in and out) but the evidence is still not available from large studies. The use of
light emitted from the monitor passes through the filter only once. specialized presbyopia glasses (bifocal) has been described in
Conflicting reports on the intervention have been found. Some the past wherein the upper segment contained lenses focused
small studies reported a benefit but one large study in the past at the intermediate distance of the computer screen. However,
consisting of 25,064 volunteers showed that filters by themselves limited objective evidence limits their use. In addition the use of
did not reduce the occurrence of asthenopia.[63] The difference in laptops and mobile computing devices has changed the way we
these studies was in the duration of use of the system. Most of these look at the screens now.
studies used small times of work exposure. There was a significant Elastoviscous lubricating eye drops and eye ointments have
difference when the intervention was first adopted but over time been prescribed to computer users frequently to alleviate dry eye
there was an adaptation to the use of filters. However, given the or as a placebo. Initially some studies reported that use of such
fact that avoiding reflection and glare decreases annoying images, it drops reduced the symptoms of CVS but this fact was refuted by
appears worthwhile to advocate the use of antiglare or screen filters. other studies later, which stated that the users were dissatisfied
Screen filters improved overall functional indices in schoolchildren with the therapeutic effects. Guillon et al. in their study on 20
with myopia after half an hour of computer usage.[64] The accuracy subjects reported that use of povidone 2% preservative-free
of work remains unaffected by use of screen filters. Blink rate is not eyedrops was associated with an improvement in symptoms
affected by use of screen filters. However, a larger body of work is during sustained computer use.[74] Several studies based on
required before we can be sure of the benefits accruing from use of objective parameters have shown that topical instillation of
antiglare screens or the type of spectral filters to employ. elastoviscous drops does not increase the blink rate. Acosta
It has been proposed that certain patterns of striped lines could et al. have reported that blowing a hot air stream onto the face
give rise to symptoms of eyestrain and this could be ameliorated in the middle of playing a computer game did not increase the
blink rate.[75] In contrast, Portello et al. reported that increased
by use of colored lenses and overlays. Feigin et al. reported that
blink rate induced by using a metronome which is any software
spectral filters in spectacles were of use.[65] However, conflicting
or device that produces regular, metrical ticks or beats or clicks
evidence emerged from other studies.[66,67] The studies are not
during computer use did not result in difference in posttask
comparable because they employed different methods and
symptoms in computer users.[76] Looking down while reading a
filters. Objective evidence in support of antireflective coating on
mobile computing device reduces the exposed corneal surface and
spectacles is thus limited even though they are frequently used
negates the effect of reduced blinking rate. In desktop computers
by computer professionals and prescribed by optometrists.
this is not the case. Thus an evaporative dry eye condition can
Contact lenses also show the effects of adaptation. Studies occur. It was postulated that polyvinyl alcohol (PVA), dextran,

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Bali, et al.: Computer vision syndrome

poly vinyl pyrollidine would be better in this subgroup rather the preferred viewing distance is 20-40 inches and the letter size
than carboxymethylcellulose. However, convincing objective may be increased for smaller monitors. In the older guidelines for
evidence is still awaited.[47] work with VDTs the safe distance from the computer screen was
between 45 and 70 cm. The monitor should be kept directly in front
Limiting the computer and screen time is postulated to have
of the user’s chair so that the head, neck and body face forward
a dramatic impact on symptoms of CVS. Other workers have
when viewing the screen. It should not be farther than 35° to the
suggested the 20/20/20 rule. After working on a computer for 20
left or right. It is recommended that while working from printed
min the computer user should gaze into the distance in excess of
material, the monitor should be placed slightly to the side and the
20 feet for at least 20 s. It is believed that this will improve the
printed material kept directly in front. The printed material and
work efficiency and prevent eye strain.[77,78] However, any break
monitor should be kept as close as possible to each other. Viewing
from work is as good as this rule. In fact, moving around between
the computer screen from a distance (48.42 and 65.33 cm) causes
tasks reduces the musculoskeletal symptoms experienced.
more accommodation and convergence among people working
However, objective evidence is still awaited. Children often do not
with computers than those who do not work behind computer
notice discomfort or other symptoms and hence their computer
screens.[82] Visual strain in computer users was reported to be more
use should be regulated.[77]
at 50 cm than 100 cm with characters twice as large. Therefore a
In the USA, National Institute of Occupational Safety and longer distance is more favorable than the reverse.
Health (NIOSH) suggests that computer users should have a
Single-vision lenses with a focal length designed for computer
detailed ocular examination at the beginning of taking up the
work are to be preferred over bifocals in symptomatic computer
computing job and then repeat it annually.[79]
users. Bifocal presbyopic glasses are designed for near work in the
Suggestions about ergonomic positioning of the computer and lower segment of the glasses thereby forcing the users to view
its chair include the following:[79-81] the monitor by tilting the head backward to see an appropriately
placed monitor through the bottom portion of their lenses. This
Use the computer monitor in an ergonomic position - one arm
stresses the neck muscles, improved lighting quality, screen
distance or 40 inches away with a downward gaze of 14° or more
design, ergonomically designed keyboard and mouse, alternative
appears to help relieve the symptoms of CVS.[79] This is achieved
input methods like touch, speech, stylus, etc., may go a long way
by placing the monitor so that the top line of screen is at or below
in preventing the symptoms related to CVS and computer-related
eye level Figures 1 and 2.
injuries (CRIs).[57,83,84]
Prefer to use a chair specially designed for computer use so
The monitor should not be tilted too much. Excessive tilting
that it provides necessary support to the back, legs, buttocks,
may distort the letters and alter their form by affecting contrast.
and arms. It should help avoid awkward postures, contact
The monitor should be perpendicular to line of sight.
stress, and forceful exertions. A height adjustable lumbar
support can be appropriately placed to fit the lower back. The Desks and computer equipment with hard, angled leading
outward curve of the backrest should fit into the small of the edges impacting a user’s arm, or wrist should be avoided. The
back. The adjustment should allow the user to recline at least contact stress can affect soft tissues, nerves and blood vessels
15° from the vertical. The backrest should lock in place or be resulting in tingling and sore fingers. One way to overcome it
tension adjustable to provide adequate resistance to lower back can be padding edges of the sharp edged furniture with pipe
movement. Use the keyboard in such a position that the arms insulation or other such material. Furniture with rounded desktop
and wrist are in neutral position. Avoid screen reflections, glare edges should be preferred.[79-82]
from window, or overhead lights.
Adjustable setups where different family members especially
According to Occupational Safety and Health Administration, children can modify the setup for themselves is preferable in

Figure 1: Incorrect monitor position Figure 2: Correct monitor position

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Bali, et al.: Computer vision syndrome

households having kids. today are like the automobiles at the beginning of the twentieth
century. A lot of work needs to be done to make them like the
The lighting intensity should be half of normal room
comfortable and safe automobile rendering service on our roads
illumination when computers are used. The brightness of the
today. The current knowledge needs to be shared along with the
monitor should be turned up to the levels of the surroundings.
relevance and importance that it deserves. The ophthalmologists
Lighting requirements vary with tasks at hand. In general, lighting
need to approach the syndrome complex scientifically to educate
levels between 200 and 700 lux (approximately 20-70 foot candles)
his patients to make best possible use of the digital systems, which
measured at the workstation are recommended. More than 500
are here to stay in a big way.
lux will usually be needed only to read poor quality documents.
Glare and reflections on computer screens should be avoided. References
An antiglare cover and use of flat screens has been advocated
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distance. Bifocals or progressives if not properly customized may of video display terminal operator. Wei Sheng Yan Jiu 1998;27:233-6.
not be optimal for computer distances. The direction of gaze is 5. Collins MJ, Brown B, Bowman KJ.Visual discomfort and VDTs.
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Source of Support: Nil. Conflict of Interest: None declared.
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