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Try to paraphrase (restate in your own words) each of the following uses of the word mean as it is
employed in the sentences below.Which sentences are more reflective of speaker meaning and
which are more reflective of sentence meaning?
a. I mean to be there tomorrow
b. A stalling car may mean a tune-up
c. Calligraphy means beautiful handwriting
d. It wasn’t what he said but what he meant
e. What does the German word Hund mean?
f. Those clouds mean rain

2. For each of the following label it as an utterance (U) or sentence (S), “

a. “Umm, what I …. No, don’t mind.”
b. He went to school.
c. We study English.
d. “Well.. you know…. Errr”
e. “The train now arriving at platform one is the 11.15 from King’s Cross”
f. My dog loves cats.
g. I would like a cup of coffee

3. Indicate whether each of the following sentence pairs expresses the same or different
a. Mary read the book / The book was read by Mary
b. Fred took back the book / Fred took the book back
c. The cat chased the rat / The cat was chased by the rat
d. The chef cooked the meal / The chef had the meal cooked
e. Hondas are easy to fix / It’s easy to fix Hondas

4. Answer the following questions

a. Give an example of an expression that might be used to refer to the President of the United
States in 2007.
b. Give an example of an expression that could have variable reference.
c. Give an example of an expression that always (in normal everyday conversation) has constant
d. Give an example of different expressions having one referent.
e. Give an example of an expression that has no reference.

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