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LABOR LAW QUIZ Example: Book V of the Labor Code which deals with labor organizations, collective

bargaining, grievance machinery, voluntary arbitration, conciliation and mediation, unfair

1. When is the promulgation/effectivity of the labor code? What is the rationale for labor practices, strikes, picketing and lockout.
the delayed effectivity?
--Nov 1, 1974
2. What are the salient features of the Labor Code? Labor standards - refers to that part of labor law which prescribes the minimum terms and
-- The salient features of the Protection to Labor provision of the Constitution conditions of employment which the employer is required to grant to its employees.
(Article XIII. Section 3) are as follows: Examples: Books One to Four of the Labor Code as well as Book VI thereof which deal with
1. Extent of Protection - Full protection to labor; working conditions, wages, hours of work, holiday pay and other benefits, conditions of
2. Coverage of Protection - Local and overseas, organized and unorganized; employment of women, minors, househelpers and homeworkers, medical and dental
3. Employment Policy - Full employment and equality of employment opportunities services, occupational health and safety, termination of employment and retirement.
for all;
4. Guarantees 4. What is the concept of tripartism?
Tripartism refers to the representation of workers and employers sectors in decision and
4.1. Unionism and Method of Determination Conditions of Employment -
policy making bodies of the government. Through tripartism, workers and employers on
Right of all workers to self-organization, collective bargaining and negotiations.
the one hand, representing their respective interests, and the government on the other
4.2. Concerted Activities - Right to engage in peaceful concerted activities,
hand, representing the interest of the public, help shape labor, social and economic policies
including the right to strike in accordance with law.
and programs of the government.
4.3. Working Conditions - Right to security of tenure, humane conditions of
work and a living wage.
Tripartism is in place in government agencies like the the National Labor Relations
4.4. Decision Making Processes - Right to participate hi policy and decision
Commission (NLRC), Employees Compensation Commission (ECC), National Wages and
making processes affecting their rights and benefits as way to provided by law.
Productivity Commission (NWPC), Technical Education and Skill Development Authority
(TESDA), Social Security System (SSS), Government Service Insurance System (GSIS),
5. Share in Fruits of production - Recognition of right of labor to its just share in
Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA), Overseas Workers’ Welfare
fruits of production.
Administration (OWWA) and Pag-ibig Home Development Funds (Pag-ibig).

other answer:
5. What is the rule in interpreting labor laws? When does Art. 4 not apply?
abolishment of the workmen’s compensation - replaced by sss and gsis --Article 4 of the Labor Code. All doubts in the implementation and interpretation of the
abolishment of the CIR replacing it with NLRC
provisions of this Code, including its implementing rules and regulations, shall be resolved
creation of the overseas employment development board and national seamen
board (later replace by POEA) in favor of labor.
creation of OWWA
introduction of the SEBA, thus of CBA And negotiation The Philippine constitution, while inexorably committed towards the protection of the
working class from exploitation and unfair treatment, nevertheless mandates the policy of
3. Distinguish between labor standards law and labor relations law. social justice so as to strike a balance between an avowed predilection of labor, on the one
--Labor relations - refers to that part of labor law which regulates the relations hand, and the maintenance of the legal rights of capital, the proverbial hen that lays the
between employers and workers. golden egg, on the other. In PLDT v. NLRC, although it is bound by the social justice
mandate of the Constitution and the laws, such policy of social justice is not intended to those whose time and performance are unsupervised. Here, the employer's control
countenance wrongdoing. is over the result of the work. Workers on pakyao and takay basis belong to this group.

6. What are the exemptions to the rule on publication? 10. What are the 3 instances when employment relationship is suspended, explain
--Exempted to the rule on publication is interpretative regulations or those merely internal each.
in nature or the so-called letters of instructions issued by administrative superiors a. Under Medical/health reason
concerning the rules and guidelines to be followed by their subordinates in the Employee is suspended for medical reasons. Medical suspension means requiring the
performance of their duties. employee to stay at home while a medical matter is being investigated.
If the disease or ailment can be cured within the period of six (6) months with proper
7. What is the applicability of labor laws to government employees?
-- The applicability of labor laws to government depends on whether a particular medical treatment, the employer may ask the employee to take a leave of absence. The
corporation is created by a charter or under Corporation Code. If it is organized with employer will reinstate the employee to his former position immediately upon the
original charter, the governing law is Civil Service Law. On the other hand, if it is under the restoration of his normal health.
Corporation Code the applicable law is the Labor Code. The basis is covered under Omnibus Rule Implementing the Labor Code, Book Six, Title 1,
which provides:
8. What are the four-fold test of employment relationship, explain each. SECTION 8. Disease as a ground for dismissal. — Where the employee suffers from a
The usual test used to determine the existence of employer-employer relationship is the
disease and his continued employment is prohibited by law or prejudicial to his health or to
so-called four-fold test. In applying this test, the following elements are generally
considered: the health of his co-employees, the employer shall not terminate his employment unless
there is a certification by competent public health authority that the disease is of such
a. Right to hire or to the selection and engagement of the employee. nature of at such a stage that it cannot be cured within a period of six (6) months even with
--It is the manner by which the company in its discretion, may select or hire their proper medical treatment. If the disease or ailment can be cured within the period, the
own employee. It is evidenced by employment contract, interview letters, Resume, etc. employee shall not terminate the employee but shall ask the employee to take a leave of
b. Payment of wages and salaries for services. absence. The employer shall reinstate such employee to his former position immediately
--Payment of wages proves that the employee is rendering services to the
upon the restoration of his normal health.
employer. It is evidenced by Payroll slip, wage envelop, etc.
c. Power of dismissal b. Under Employee discipline
--The right to hire also constitutes the power to dismiss employees. This test should Suspension is among the step taken in employee discipline, as a penalty for an offense
be exercised only for just and authorized causes. committed. Suspension may be for a certain period ranging from one to several days.
d. Power to control During suspension period, the principle of “no work, no pay” applies, and thus the
--Under this test, an employer-employee relationship exists where the person for employee concerned does not receive his wage for each and every day he is suspended.
whom the services are performed reserves the right to control not only the end to be
c. Under preventive suspension
achieved, but also the manner and means to be used in reaching that end.
Preventive suspension is generally a legally recognized measure used by an employer to
9. Distinguish between supervised and unsupervised employees in the suspend an employee during an investigation in relation to an incident affecting the
determination of employer employee relationship. workplace.
--SUPERVISED EMPLOYEES are those whose time and performance are supervised by the The basis of issuing a preventive suspension is found in Section 8 of Rule XXIII, Book V of the
employer. Here, there is an element of control and supervision over the manner as to how Omnibus Rules Implementing the Labor Code, as amended by Department Order No. 9,
the work is to be performed. On the other hand, UNSUPERVISED EMPLOYEES are Series of 1997 which provides:
“Section 8. Preventive suspension. The employer may place the worker concerned under
preventive suspension only if his continued employment poses a serious and imminent
threat to the life or property of the employer or of his co-workers. 12. Define and explain recruitment and placement . What are the requisites?
-- Article 13(b) of the LC. "Recruitment and placement" refers to any act of canvassing,
It is important to remember that the period of preventive suspension is limited by law that
enlisting, contracting, transporting, utilizing, hiring or procuring workers, and includes
states: referrals, contract services, promising or advertising for employment, locally or abroad,
“Section 9. Period of suspension. No preventive suspension shall last longer than thirty (30) whether for profit or not: Provided, That any person or entity which, in any manner, offers
days. The employer shall thereafter reinstate the worker in his former or in a substantially or promises for a fee, employment to two or more persons shall be deemed engaged in
equivalent position or the employer may extend the period of suspension provided that recruitment and placement.
during the period of extension, he pays the wages and other benefits due to the worker.”
Requisites: (CETCHUP) canvassing, enlisting, contracting, transporting, hiring, utilizing,
(Rule XXIII, Book V, Omnibus Rules Implementing the Labor Code, as amended by
procuring workers. also includes referrals, contract services, promising or advertising for
Department Order No. 9, Series of 1997) employment, locally or abroad, whether for profit or not
With regard to salary during the period of the suspension, an employee placed under
preventive suspension is not entitled to the payment of wages. If. however, the basis for 13. Distinguish between private employment agency and private recruitment entity.
suspension is later proven to be unfounded or invalid, the said employee is entitled to his --PEA means any person or entity engaged in recruitment and placement of workers,
salary during the whole period of his suspension. (Gatbonton vs. NLRC). overseas, for a fee which is charged, directly or indirectly, from the workers or employers
or both. (collect fees, deploy only overseas, given a license,)
11. What are the 2 modes of terminating employment relationship, explain.
According to Article 282 of the Labor Code, an employer can terminate an employee for just causes, --PRE means any person or association engaged in the recruitment and placement of
which could be any of the following: workers, locally or overseas, without charging, directly or indirectly, any fee from the
workers or employers. There must be an authority to recruit. (don’t collect fees, deploy
 serious misconduct or willful disobedience by the employee of the lawful orders of his local and overseas, given authority to recruit)
employer or representative in connection with his work;
 gross and habitual neglect by the employee of his duties; 14. Who are undocumented Filipinos?
 fraud or willful breach by the employee of the trust reposed in him by his employer or duly --Undocumented Filipinos are people who are in another country illegally. TNT or Tago
authorized representatives; nang Tago, which translates to “always hiding”, is what Filipinos call fellow Filipinos who are
 commission of a crime or offense by the employee against the person of his employer or undocumented immigrants or illegal aliens.
any immediate member of his family or his duly authorized representatives; and --Went to another country with only Tourist Visa then started working there
 other similar causes.
15. Who is an OFW in distress?
-- An OFW in distress has been defined as those found in cases where they have valid legal
Employers can also terminate an employee based on authorized causes like business and health
reasons. Art. 283 of the Labor Code states that an employee can be terminated due to business
assistance problems requiring legal representation or any kind of intervention with the
reasons such as: authorities in the country where they are found.

 installation of labor-saving devices; 16. In overseas employment, is the nationality of the employer relevant? Why?
 redundancy; --Overseas employment" is defined by Art. 13(h) of the Labor Code as "employment of a
 retrenchment (reduction of costs) to prevent losses; or worker outside the Philippines." Since the definition does not make a distinction regarding
 the closing or cessation of operation. the nationality of the employer, Filipino employers who deploy their employees abroad
should be deemed covered by the definition (Philippine National Construction Corporation 18. What are the requisites before the State may allow deployment of OFWs to a
v. NLRC, 193 SCRA 410 [1991]). certain country?
--RA10022 SEC. 3. Deployment of Migrant Workers. – The State shall allow the deployment
The Filipinos working overseas share the same risks and burdens whether their employer of overseas Filipino workers only in countries where the rights of Filipino migrant workers
be Filipino or foreign. Thus, Filipino overseas should also receive the same wages and are protected. The government recognizes any of the following as a guarantee on the part
benefits without regard to the nationality of the employer on which they serve. (Eastern of the receiving country for the protection of the rights of overseas Filipino workers:
Shipping Lines, Inc. v. POEA, GR. NO. 77828) “(a) It has existing labor and social laws protecting the rights of workers, including
migrant workers;
17. What are the rules when it comes to repatriation of OFW? “(b) It is a signatory to and/or a ratifier of multilateral conventions, declarations or
--Under Section 15 of Republic Act 8042, the repatriation of the worker and the transport of
resolutions relating to the protection of workers, including migrant workers; and
his personal belongings shall be the primary responsibility of the agency which recruited or
“(c) It has concluded a bilateral agreement or arrangement with the government on
deployed the overseas contract worker. To advance the cost of plane fare and to
the protection of the rights of overseas Filipino Workers:
immediately repatriate the worker should the need for it arise. All the costs attendant
thereto shall be borne by the agency concerned and/or its principal. However, after the
Provided, That the receiving country is taking positive, concrete measures to protect the
worker has returned to the country, the principal or agency may recover the cost of
rights of migrant workers in furtherance of any of the guarantees under subparagraphs (a),
repatriation from the worker if the termination of employment was due solely to his/her
(b) and (c) hereof.
“In the absence of a clear showing that any of the aforementioned guarantees exists in the
When a need for repatriation arises and the foreign employer fails to provide for its cost,
country of destination of the migrant workers, no permit for deployment shall be issued by
the responsible personnel at site shall simultaneously notify OWWA and the POEA of such
the Philippine Overseas Employment Administration (POEA).
need. The POEA shall notify the agency concerned of the need for repatriation. The agency
shall provide the plane ticket or the prepaid ticket advice (PIA) to the Filipinos Resource 19. What is the nature of OFW employment? Is it discriminatory?
Center or to the appropriate Philippine Embassy; and notify POEA of such compliance. The --Contractual employment and never permanent. The fixed-period employment of OFWs is
POEA shall inform OWWA of the action of the agency. not discriminatory because OFWs can't stay there forever.

* Mandatory Repatriation of Underage Migrant Workers 20. Explain the twin notice requirement.
-- The twin requirements of notice constitute the essential elements of due process. This
simply means that the employer shall afford the worker ample opportunity to be heard and
The responsible officer at the Foreign Service post shall immediately cause the repatriation
to defend himself with the assistance of his representative, if he so desires. Any procedural
of underage Filipino migrantworkers. The cost attendant to this activity shall be borne
shortcut, that effectively allows an employer to assume the roles of both accuser and judge
correspondingly by the agency and/or principal or the OWWA as the case maybe.
at the same time, should not be countenanced.
* Emergency Repatriation Fund
The law requires that the employer must furnish the worker sought to be dismissed with
two written notices before termination of employment can be legally effected. First, a
notice which apprises the employee of the particular acts or omissions for which his
dismissal is sought; and second, the subsequent notice which informs the employee of the is an official pronouncement or declaration of the existence of an extraordinary inflation or
employer’s decision to dismiss him (Sec. 13, BP 130; Sec. 2-6 Rule XIV, Book V, Rules and deflation.
Regulations Implementing the Labor Code as amended). Failure to comply with the
requirements taints the dismissal with illegality. This procedure is mandatory, in the 25. Enumerate the funds established under RA 8042
absence of which, any judgment reached by management is void and inexistent. SEC. 15. REPATRIATION OF WORKERS; EMERGENCY REPATRIATION FUND
21. What is the significance of Serrano case? SEC. 25. LEGAL ASSISTANCE FUND
--The Serrano case declared unconstitutional paragraph 5, Section 10 of R.A. 8042 for being SEC. 37. THE CONGRESSIONAL MIGRANT WORKERS SCHOLARSHIP FUND
discriminatory and violative of the equal protection clause. As a result, illegally dismissed
OFWs are now entitled to all the salaries for the entire unexpired portion of their 26. Explain the mandatory remittance rule. What are the proofs of compliance?
employment, irrespective of the stipulated term or duration. -- ART. 22 of Labor Code. It shall be earnings to their families, dependents, and/or
beneficiaries in the country in accordance with rules and regulations prescribed by the
22. What are the entitlements of an illegally dismissed OFW? Secretary of Labor.
-- In the case of Antonio M. Serrano vs. Gallant Maritime Services, Inc., G.R. No. 167614,
March 2009), an illegally dismissed OFW is entitled to all the salaries for the entire SEC. 1 of EO 857. It shall be mandatory for every Filipino contract worker abroad to remit
unexpired portion of their employment contracts irrespective of the stipulated term or regularly a portion of his foreign exchange earnings to his beneficiary in the Philippines
duration thereof.
through the Philippine banking system. Licensed agencies and other entities authorized by
23. Explain the phrases “during the term”and “absolute helplessness” in OFW the Ministry of Labor and Employment to recruit Filipino workers for overseas employment
disability benefit. are similarly required to remit their workers' earnings as provided for in this Order.
-- In OFW disability benefit, the phrase “during the term” implies that the injury or illness
existed during the term of the seafarer’s employment contract. In other hand, the phrase (In short: to support the family, and to keep the PH economy alive)
“absolute helplessness” which is a condition of complete helplessness is not a requirement.
Permanent total disability does not mean absolute helplessness. It means disablement of PROOFS OF COMPLIANCE:
an employee to earn wages in the same kind of work or work of similar nature that he was
SEC. 5 of EO 857. For purposes of this Order, proof of compliance with the mandatory
trained for or accustomed to perform, or any kind of work which a person of his mentality
and attainment can do. remittance requirement as mentioned in Section 1 hereof, may consist of any of the
In disability compensation, it is the not the injury which is compensated, but rather following documents or such alternative as may be approved by the Central Bank of the
the incapacity to work resulting in the impairment of one's earning capacity. [Bejerano v. Philippines showing that the contract worker had in fact effected aforesaid remittance and
ECC, G. R. No. 84777 January 30, 199 ) had caused the surrender of the same for pesos through the Philippine banking system:
a. Confirmed bank (foreign) remittance form;
24. What is the rule in converting foreign currency award? b. Certification from employer, duly authenticated, that remittance has been
--The Supreme Court held that awards paid in foreign currency should be converted at the
exchange rate prevailing at the time of payment.
c. Certification as to the surrender for pesos to the Philippine banking system; and
The provisions of Article 1250 of the Civil Code that the value of the currency at the time of
d. Receipt of International Postal Money Order.
the establishment of the obligation shall be the basis of payment applies only when there
27. What is the rule when it comes to diminishing of OFW salary and benefits? What
is the exemption?
--Diminishing the salary of an employee is illegal unless it is ratified and approved by the
Article 10 of the labor code also prohibits employers from eliminating or reducing the
benefits received by employees unless the benefit is based on
a. an express policy
b. a written contract or
c. a company practice

28. What is illegal recruitment (elements)? When it is considered economic

There is illegal recruitment if the following elements are present:
1. That the offender has no valid license or authority required by law to enable him
to lawfully engage in the recruitment and placement of workers;

2. That the offender undertakes any activity within the meaning of recruitment and
placement defined under Article 13(b) of the labor code, or any prohibited practices
enumerated under Art 34 of the Labor Code, as expanded by Section 6 of RA 8042,
regardless of whether the offender is a non-licensee, non-holder, licensee or holder of

It shall be considered economic sabotage if the first two requisites are present, that is,
illegal recruitment is present, and

1. when it is committed by a syndicate, or when it is carried out by three or more

persons; and/or

2. when it is committed in large scale, or when it is committed against three or

more persons, either individually or as a group.

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