D3 Debug

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User defined symbols path: F:\Programs\Diablo III

2017.05.12 12:24:04.907709300 Diablo III Release (No Assertions) running under

Windows 7 (Version 6.1.7600)
2017.05.12 12:24:04.909271300 <BUILD> (128902-1545426)</BUILD>
2017.05.12 12:24:04.911384300 Cheats: DISABLED
2017.05.12 12:24:04.920307800 CPU Vendor: GenuineIntel
2017.05.12 12:24:04.947774300 CPU Details: Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-2675QM CPU @
2017.05.12 12:24:04.949287300 CPU Processors: 1
2017.05.12 12:24:04.951296300 CPU Cores: 4
2017.05.12 12:24:04.952912800 CPU Threads: 8
2017.05.12 12:24:04.956449300 2216.73 MB of total physical memory
2017.05.12 12:24:04.959750300 OS Language: English
2017.05.12 12:24:04.962091800 Application Path: F:\Programs\Diablo III\
2017.05.12 12:24:04.976684300 --- OS memory stats -----
2017.05.12 12:24:05.016914300 Virtual size: 531.22 Mb
2017.05.12 12:24:05.018595800 Total free: 1516.63 Mb
2017.05.12 12:24:05.020877800 Largest free block: 530.75 Mb
2017.05.12 12:24:05.022471300 --- OS memory stats end-----
2017.05.12 12:24:05.024748300 --- Main memory stats ---
2017.05.12 12:24:05.026390300 Total size: 404.00 Mb
2017.05.12 12:24:05.028694800 Total free: 359.72 Mb
2017.05.12 12:24:05.030400300 Largest free block: 359.72 Mb
2017.05.12 12:24:05.032540800 Total small size: 42.00 Mb
2017.05.12 12:24:05.034131300 Total small free: 41.99 Mb
2017.05.12 12:24:05.036409300 Largest small free block: 41.98 Mb
2017.05.12 12:24:05.038016300 --- Main memory stats end ---
2017.05.12 12:24:05.040240800 ----------------------------------------------

2017.05.12 12:24:05.041783800 Command Line: OnlineService.SSO=true -launch -uid

2017.05.12 12:24:05.044110800 Monitor BPP: 32
2017.05.12 12:24:05.045644300 Lowest monitor BPP: 32
2017.05.12 12:24:05.344060300 Clock freq = 2143632
2017.05.12 12:24:05.345689300 Adjusted initial working directory:
F:\Programs\Diablo III
2017.05.12 12:24:05.348129300 NGDP detected
2017.05.12 12:24:05.349927800 WinSock started successfully!
2017.05.12 12:24:36.453579800 Detecting first installed locale.
2017.05.12 12:24:36.455878800 Detected: enUS
2017.05.12 12:24:39.292927300 Agent is successfully started or running already.
2017.05.12 12:24:39.352652300 AgentManagerImpl::GetStatus - bResult: 1, StatusCode:
2017.05.12 12:24:39.359950800 Agent is not reporting speed - this is a problem.
2017.05.12 12:24:39.361910300 Detecting installed locales:
2017.05.12 12:24:39.363550300 Found: enUS
2017.05.12 12:24:39.539826800 Agent selected locale: enUS
2017.05.12 12:24:39.578336300 FileSystemGetLocale, AgentSettings: 1
2017.05.12 12:24:39.580421800 FileSystemGetLocale, using agent locale: enUS
2017.05.12 12:24:39.581896300 FileSystemGetLocale, returned locale: enUS
2017.05.12 12:24:39.585330800 SNOFilesInitialize('Data_D3', PC, enUS)
2017.05.12 12:24:39.587544800 Working Directory: F:\Programs\Diablo III
2017.05.12 12:24:39.668467300 --- OS memory stats -----
2017.05.12 12:24:39.670050800 Virtual size: 552.57 Mb
2017.05.12 12:24:39.672448300 Total free: 1495.24 Mb
2017.05.12 12:24:39.673955800 Largest free block: 530.75 Mb
2017.05.12 12:24:39.676224300 --- OS memory stats end-----
2017.05.12 12:24:39.677672300 --- Main memory stats ---
2017.05.12 12:24:39.679981300 Total size: 404.00 Mb
2017.05.12 12:24:39.681428300 Total free: 323.67 Mb
2017.05.12 12:24:39.683539300 Largest free block: 321.09 Mb
2017.05.12 12:24:39.685061300 Total small size: 42.00 Mb
2017.05.12 12:24:39.687329800 Total small free: 29.67 Mb
2017.05.12 12:24:39.688922800 Largest small free block: 29.67 Mb
2017.05.12 12:24:39.691086800 --- Main memory stats end ---
2017.05.12 12:24:39.704318800 No NGDP Manifest key found for
2017.05.12 12:24:39.706372800 SNOFileLoadTextFile:
2017.05.12 12:24:39.707789300 No NGDP Manifest key found for
2017.05.12 12:24:39.709651300 SNOFileLoadTextFile:
2017.05.12 12:24:39.710974800 No NGDP Manifest key found for
2017.05.12 12:24:39.713267300 SNOFileLoadTextFile:
2017.05.12 12:24:39.714455800 No NGDP Manifest key found for
2017.05.12 12:24:39.716335300 SNOFilesAsyncInitialize()
2017.05.12 12:24:39.732865300 --- OS memory stats -----
2017.05.12 12:24:39.736072300 Virtual size: 553.57 Mb
2017.05.12 12:24:39.737418300 Total free: 1494.23 Mb
2017.05.12 12:24:39.739298800 Largest free block: 530.75 Mb
2017.05.12 12:24:39.740568800 --- OS memory stats end-----
2017.05.12 12:24:39.742561300 --- Main memory stats ---
2017.05.12 12:24:39.743857800 Total size: 404.00 Mb
2017.05.12 12:24:39.745867800 Total free: 323.65 Mb
2017.05.12 12:24:39.747871800 Largest free block: 321.09 Mb
2017.05.12 12:24:39.749744300 Total small size: 42.00 Mb
2017.05.12 12:24:39.751080300 Total small free: 29.67 Mb
2017.05.12 12:24:39.753092800 Largest small free block: 29.67 Mb
2017.05.12 12:24:39.754423300 --- Main memory stats end ---
2017.05.12 12:24:39.812103300 Found 188432 assets in the TOC!
2017.05.12 12:24:40.095145800 Client SNOPackHash: 0xBD2002AE
2017.05.12 12:25:08.539029800 SNOPreload::InitializeForApp submit required SNOs in
2017.05.12 12:25:16.512228800 SNOPreload::InitializeForApp in 13002726us
2017.05.12 12:25:16.575805800 GamelessGameGlobalsInit()
2017.05.12 12:25:16.577051800 CGameGlobalsInit()
2017.05.12 12:25:16.578950800 CGameGlobals::Init()
2017.05.12 12:25:16.580141300 Disabling loading screen for 31, 0
2017.05.12 12:25:16.953978300 >>> initializing Battle.net Game Service SDK v1.8.1
"3129f41f27"/142 (Feb 16 2017 16:54:46) win32-i386-vc140-public
2017.05.12 12:25:17.083969800 REGION[D3]: value=US
2017.05.12 12:25:17.086345300 CONNECTION_STRING[D3]: value=
2017.05.12 12:25:17.088133300 CONNECTION_STRING_US[BNA]: value=us.actual.battle.net
2017.05.12 12:25:17.426466300 Protocol Hash = 0x7775FDA
2017.05.12 12:25:17.619813800 Build VersionEx: (128902-1545426)
2017.05.12 12:25:17.640211800 Initializing graphics subsystem...
2017.05.12 12:25:17.650373800 dpi = 96 96
2017.05.12 12:25:17.797432800 *************
2017.05.12 12:25:17.799013300 Device supports the following modes:
2017.05.12 12:25:17.940626300 800x600, 60 Hz, 32 bits, Format = 22
2017.05.12 12:25:17.942491300 1024x600, 60 Hz, 32 bits, Format = 22
2017.05.12 12:25:17.945333800 1024x768, 60 Hz, 32 bits, Format = 22
2017.05.12 12:25:17.947301300 1280x720, 60 Hz, 32 bits, Format = 22
2017.05.12 12:25:17.950216800 1280x768, 60 Hz, 32 bits, Format = 22
2017.05.12 12:25:17.952145800 1280x800, 60 Hz, 32 bits, Format = 22
2017.05.12 12:25:17.981028300 1440x900, 60 Hz, 32 bits, Format = 22
2017.05.12 12:25:18.005087800 End GetValidDisplayModes *************
2017.05.12 12:25:18.007407800 *************
2017.05.12 12:25:18.028362800 Device supports the following texture formats:
2017.05.12 12:25:18.030649800 Usage = 0, Format = 0
2017.05.12 12:25:18.032593300 Usage = 1, Format = 0
2017.05.12 12:25:18.034813800 Usage = 0, Format = 2
2017.05.12 12:25:18.053245800 Usage = 1, Format = 2
2017.05.12 12:25:18.054799800 Usage = 0, Format = 3
2017.05.12 12:25:18.057085300 Usage = 1, Format = 3
2017.05.12 12:25:18.058686800 Usage = 0, Format = 4
2017.05.12 12:25:18.060950800 Usage = 1, Format = 4
2017.05.12 12:25:18.062703800 Usage = 0, Format = 5
2017.05.12 12:25:18.080978800 Usage = 1, Format = 5
2017.05.12 12:25:18.082507300 Usage = 0, Format = 6
2017.05.12 12:25:18.084672800 Usage = 1, Format = 6
2017.05.12 12:25:18.086123800 Usage = 0, Format = 7
2017.05.12 12:25:18.088181300 Usage = 0, Format = 9
2017.05.12 12:25:18.089921300 Usage = 0, Format = 10
2017.05.12 12:25:18.092312300 Usage = 0, Format = 11
2017.05.12 12:25:18.094016300 Usage = 0, Format = 12
2017.05.12 12:25:18.096470800 Usage = 0, Format = 23
2017.05.12 12:25:18.098177300 Usage = 0, Format = 24
2017.05.12 12:25:18.100620800 Usage = 1, Format = 24
2017.05.12 12:25:18.102386800 Usage = 0, Format = 25
2017.05.12 12:25:18.104663800 Usage = 1, Format = 25
2017.05.12 12:25:18.106498800 Usage = 0, Format = 26
2017.05.12 12:25:18.108545300 Usage = 1, Format = 26
2017.05.12 12:25:18.109878800 Usage = 0, Format = 30
2017.05.12 12:25:18.112674300 Usage = 2, Format = 30
2017.05.12 12:25:18.113988300 Usage = 0, Format = 31
2017.05.12 12:25:18.115983300 Usage = 2, Format = 31
2017.05.12 12:25:18.117313800 Usage = 0, Format = 32
2017.05.12 12:25:18.119322300 Usage = 2, Format = 32
2017.05.12 12:25:18.120626300 Usage = 0, Format = 33
2017.05.12 12:25:18.122596800 Usage = 2, Format = 33
2017.05.12 12:25:18.124035800 Usage = 0, Format = 36
2017.05.12 12:25:18.158812800 Usage = 2, Format = 36
2017.05.12 12:25:18.160214800 Usage = 0, Format = 37
2017.05.12 12:25:18.162090300 Usage = 2, Format = 37
2017.05.12 12:25:18.163421300 Usage = 0, Format = 38
2017.05.12 12:25:18.165426800 Usage = 1, Format = 38
2017.05.12 12:25:18.166768800 Usage = 0, Format = 39
2017.05.12 12:25:18.168773800 Usage = 1, Format = 39
2017.05.12 12:25:18.170089800 Usage = 0, Format = 40
2017.05.12 12:25:18.172126800 Usage = 1, Format = 40
2017.05.12 12:25:18.173468800 Usage = 0, Format = 43
2017.05.12 12:25:18.175477800 *************
2017.05.12 12:25:18.260819800 --- OS memory stats -----
2017.05.12 12:25:18.262969800 Virtual size: 660.80 Mb
2017.05.12 12:25:18.264572800 Total free: 1386.98 Mb
2017.05.12 12:25:18.266596300 Largest free block: 530.75 Mb
2017.05.12 12:25:18.268205300 --- OS memory stats end-----
2017.05.12 12:25:18.270346800 --- Main memory stats ---
2017.05.12 12:25:18.271859300 Total size: 404.00 Mb
2017.05.12 12:25:18.273978800 Total free: 204.47 Mb
2017.05.12 12:25:18.275577300 Largest free block: 165.73 Mb
2017.05.12 12:25:18.277855800 Total small size: 42.00 Mb
2017.05.12 12:25:18.279446300 Total small free: 28.85 Mb
2017.05.12 12:25:18.282014300 Largest small free block: 28.83 Mb
2017.05.12 12:25:18.283642300 --- Main memory stats end ---
2017.05.12 12:25:18.297768300 ACTIVATE APP 1 iconic 0
2017.05.12 12:25:18.577879800 Opening Fullscreen Direct3D at 1280x800, 32 bit, 60
2017.05.12 12:25:18.580106300 VSync: Disabled
2017.05.12 12:25:18.581569300 ****** Graphics Device Info ******
2017.05.12 12:25:18.583836800 aticfx32.dll
AMD Radeon HD 6750M
2017.05.12 12:25:18.585588300 Driver Version
2017.05.12 12:25:18.587597300 VendorID = 0x1002, DeviceID = 0x6741
2017.05.12 12:25:18.589043800 ****** Graphics Device Caps ******
2017.05.12 12:25:18.591324300 Max Vertex Shader Consts = 256
2017.05.12 12:25:18.592881300 Max Texture Blend Stages = 8
2017.05.12 12:25:18.594888800 Max Tex Dimensions = 16384 x 16384
2017.05.12 12:25:18.596226300 Max SimultaneousTextures = 8
2017.05.12 12:25:18.598106300 Max Streams = 16
2017.05.12 12:25:18.599442800 Max Render Targets = 4
2017.05.12 12:25:18.601363800 Max Active Lights = 8
2017.05.12 12:25:18.603112300 VertexShaderVersion = 3.0
2017.05.12 12:25:18.604488800 PixelShaderVersion = 3.0
2017.05.12 12:25:18.606061800 Supports Gamma Control : TRUE
2017.05.12 12:25:18.616476800 Supports Depth Bias : TRUE
2017.05.12 12:25:18.618244300 Supports Scissoring : TRUE
2017.05.12 12:25:18.620032300 Supports Auto MipMap Generation : TRUE
2017.05.12 12:25:18.622010300 Supports Per-Stage Constant Color : TRUE
2017.05.12 12:25:18.628137300 Supports Temp Register : TRUE
2017.05.12 12:25:18.629654800 Supports Separate Alpha Blend : TRUE
2017.05.12 12:25:18.631122300 Supports Frame Buffer Blend Op: TRUE
2017.05.12 12:25:18.632598300 Supports Anisotropic Filtering : TRUE
2017.05.12 12:25:18.640025800 Supports StretchRect From Textures : TRUE
2017.05.12 12:25:27.819237300 Est. Available Texture Memory = 1347 MB
2017.05.12 12:25:27.889871800 ****** Graphics Query Support ******
2017.05.12 12:25:27.906060300 FRAMEQUERY_EVENT: Yes
2017.05.12 12:25:27.908622300 FRAMEQUERY_BANDWIDTH: No
2017.05.12 12:25:27.910419800 FRAMEQUERY_CACHEUTILIZATION: No
2017.05.12 12:25:27.913169300 FRAMEQUERY_INTERFACETIMINGS: No
2017.05.12 12:25:27.915478800 FRAMEQUERY_PIPELINETIMINGS: No
2017.05.12 12:25:27.918703300 FRAMEQUERY_VERTEXSTATS: No
2017.05.12 12:25:27.921041300 FRAMEQUERY_VERTEXTIMINGS: No
2017.05.12 12:25:27.923969300 FRAMEQUERY_RESOURCEMANAGER: No
2017.05.12 12:25:27.926198800 Direct3D window opened...007D6DC0
2017.05.12 12:25:28.783032300 Video Card: AMD Radeon HD 6750M
2017.05.12 12:25:28.785232300 Video Driver:
2017.05.12 12:25:28.788587300 Video RAM: 503 MB
2017.05.12 12:25:28.790740300 PCI Vendor and Device: 1002, 6741
2017.05.12 12:25:28.793725300 HW Class = 3
2017.05.12 12:25:28.800627300 Initializing input subsystem...
2017.05.12 12:25:28.817666300 Initializing sound subsystem...
2017.05.12 12:25:28.842281800 ****** Sound Device Caps ******
2017.05.12 12:25:30.167551300 Found 3 sound drivers:
2017.05.12 12:25:30.169745300 Driver 0: 'Headphones (Cirrus Logic CS4206A (AB 29))'
2017.05.12 12:25:30.171931800 Min Freq: 48000, Max Freq: 48000
2017.05.12 12:25:30.173521800 Speaker Mode: Stereo
2017.05.12 12:25:30.175497800 Driver Capabilities:
2017.05.12 12:25:30.176998800 Device can output to 8bit integer PCM.
2017.05.12 12:25:30.179019800 Device can output to 16bit integer PCM.
2017.05.12 12:25:30.180459300 Device can output to 24bit integer PCM.
2017.05.12 12:25:30.182621300 Device can output to 32bit integer PCM.
2017.05.12 12:25:30.184093300 Device can output to 32bit floating point PCM.
2017.05.12 12:25:30.186827300 Driver 1: 'Speakers (Cirrus Logic CS4206A (AB 29))'
2017.05.12 12:25:30.188132300 Min Freq: 48000, Max Freq: 48000
2017.05.12 12:25:30.190291300 Speaker Mode: Quad
2017.05.12 12:25:30.191900300 Driver Capabilities:
2017.05.12 12:25:30.194143300 Device can do multichannel output, ie greater than
2 channels.
2017.05.12 12:25:30.196294800 Device can output to 8bit integer PCM.
2017.05.12 12:25:30.197604800 Device can output to 16bit integer PCM.
2017.05.12 12:25:30.199608800 Device can output to 24bit integer PCM.
2017.05.12 12:25:30.200937800 Device can output to 32bit integer PCM.
2017.05.12 12:25:30.202948800 Device can output to 32bit floating point PCM.
2017.05.12 12:25:30.205141800 Driver 2: 'Digital Audio (S/PDIF) (Cirrus Logic
CS4206A (AB 29))'
2017.05.12 12:25:30.207237800 Min Freq: 44100, Max Freq: 44100
2017.05.12 12:25:30.208726800 Speaker Mode: Stereo
2017.05.12 12:25:30.210725300 Driver Capabilities:
2017.05.12 12:25:30.212062800 Device can output to 8bit integer PCM.
2017.05.12 12:25:30.214233800 Device can output to 16bit integer PCM.
2017.05.12 12:25:30.215711300 Device can output to 24bit integer PCM.
2017.05.12 12:25:30.217815800 Device can output to 32bit integer PCM.
2017.05.12 12:25:30.219426800 Device can output to 32bit floating point PCM.
2017.05.12 12:25:30.221585800 Selecting driver 0 (Headphones (Cirrus Logic CS4206A
(AB 29)))
2017.05.12 12:25:30.223039800 Speaker Mode: Stereo
2017.05.12 12:25:30.225161800 Initializing sound with 32 channels
2017.05.12 12:25:30.600390800 --- OS memory stats -----
2017.05.12 12:25:30.603281800 Virtual size: 906.06 Mb
2017.05.12 12:25:30.604929300 Total free: 1141.69 Mb
2017.05.12 12:25:30.607305300 Largest free block: 336.38 Mb
2017.05.12 12:25:30.608799800 --- OS memory stats end-----
2017.05.12 12:25:30.610923300 --- Main memory stats ---
2017.05.12 12:25:30.612871300 Total size: 404.00 Mb
2017.05.12 12:25:30.615868300 Total free: 204.40 Mb
2017.05.12 12:25:30.618225800 Largest free block: 165.73 Mb
2017.05.12 12:25:30.620940800 Total small size: 42.00 Mb
2017.05.12 12:25:30.622577300 Total small free: 28.84 Mb
2017.05.12 12:25:30.624889300 Largest small free block: 28.83 Mb
2017.05.12 12:25:30.626482300 --- Main memory stats end ---
2017.05.12 12:25:30.654594300 GameDisposeGames()
2017.05.12 12:25:30.666438300 STARTING Menu
2017.05.12 12:25:30.668822800 CGameGlobalsInit()
2017.05.12 12:25:30.670551300 CGameGlobals::Init()
2017.05.12 12:25:30.672811300 Disabling loading screen for 31, 0
2017.05.12 12:25:30.826683800 SNOPreload::InitializeForGame submit required SNOs in
2017.05.12 12:25:37.755223300 SNOPreload::InitializeForGame in 7080571us
2017.05.12 12:25:41.079126800 Setting depth texture, fmt = 36
2017.05.12 12:25:41.113498300 PostFXGfxInit() success
2017.05.12 12:25:41.117373800 SubObjectGfxInit() 1
2017.05.12 12:25:41.157092800 Initializing client world BattleNet_Act1Screen...
2017.05.12 12:25:43.664288300 Disposing UI for World
2017.05.12 12:25:43.772771800 Client Disposed world.
2017.05.12 12:25:43.795437300 Initializing client world BattleNet_MainScreen...
2017.05.12 12:25:46.198188800 EndScene hooked to 63C8CE09
2017.05.12 12:25:47.275572800 ===== Battle.net Platform : Connect =====
2017.05.12 12:25:47.465328300 I 19:25:40.186321 [BGS] |
ca_hash_size(0) (src\low\network\network_connection.cpp:267)
2017.05.12 12:25:49.827965800 I 19:25:42.398447 [BGS] |event=Connection metering
enabled.|connection_id=1 (src\low\core\connection_handler.cpp:244)
2017.05.12 12:25:49.829354300 I 19:25:42.400447 [BGS] |event=Connection to
Battle.net ready.|connection_id=1|address=us.actual.battle.net|port=1119
2017.05.12 12:25:49.831433800 ===== Battle.net Platform : Connected to Battle.net
2017.05.12 12:25:49.859263300 ===== Battle.net Platform : Authentication.Logon
[SSO] =====
2017.05.12 12:25:50.733407800 >>> Logon Queue: 0 or less time remaining:
endTime=1494617141s 838776mu now=1494617143s 197493mu
2017.05.12 12:25:51.072797800 >>> (no hero selected) InvokeAccountLevelInfoUpdated
2017.05.12 12:25:51.075051300 >>> fujiwara123#6198 BnetRID::GameAccountLogon
id={id=12359221, program=D3, region=1}
2017.05.12 12:25:51.905526300 >>> fujiwara123#6198
BnetRID::GameAccountLogon_SelectGameAccountCallback code=0
2017.05.12 12:25:51.937553300 SendCustom hero:(no hero selected) id:6 attribute
{ name: "Version" value { string_value: "" } } attribute { name:
"CustomMessageId" value { int_value: 6 } } attribute { name: "CustomMessage" value
{ message_value: "\010\310\240\001\022\0132.5.0.44247" } } attribute { name:
"CustomMessageDestination" value { uint_value: 0 } } count:0
2017.05.12 12:25:52.935265800 >>>
BnetRID::GameAccountLogon_OnInitialLoginDataQueuedResponse code=0
2017.05.12 12:25:52.947301800 >>>
BnetRID::GameAccountLogon_OnInitialLoginDataQueuedResponse: service_id=838130035
2017.05.12 12:25:54.536326300 >>> BnetRID::OnInitialLoginData: Expected
service_id=838130035 message service_id=838130035
2017.05.12 12:25:54.539385300 >>> BnetRID::OnInitialLoginData code=0
2017.05.12 12:25:54.541573800 MyContentFlags=4233 ServerContentFlags=4294967295
2017.05.12 12:25:54.545825800 >>> BnetRID::OnInitialLoginData: server reported time
at logon is 547932345807787000
2017.05.12 12:25:54.681216300 >>> fujiwara123#6198 My Hero List:
[deleted] fujiwara123#6198 (Cyrill) Barbarian level 4 aaLevel=0 pvpRank=0
flags=33554432 highestAct=1 { 12359221,D3,1 } heroId=88911589 lastPlayed=ACT_1-
72221(A Shattered Crown)-Step41 secsPlayed=1120
fujiwara123#6198 (jaysuarez) Demon Hunter level 11 aaLevel=0 pvpRank=1
flags=42467424 highestAct=1 { 12359221,D3,1 } heroId=88911590 lastPlayed=ACT_1-
72738(The Broken Blade) secsPlayed=13063
fujiwara123#6198 (Dizard) Wizard level 6 aaLevel=0 pvpRank=1 flags=41943056
highestAct=1 { 12359221,D3,1 } heroId=88911591 lastPlayed=ACT_1-72221(A Shattered
Crown)-Step37 secsPlayed=3487
fujiwara123#6198 (ladyjane) Monk level 36 aaLevel=0 pvpRank=1 flags=512753650
highestAct=5 { 12359221,D3,1 } heroId=88911592 lastPlayed=ACT_1-72801(The
Imprisoned Angel)-Step2 secsPlayed=69906
-------- Total: 3 --------
2017.05.12 12:25:54.709955300 Loading new achievements static data file. hash:
2017.05.12 12:25:54.711923300 SendCustom hero:(no hero selected) id:16 attribute
{ name: "Version" value { string_value: "" } } attribute { name:
"CustomMessageId" value { int_value: 16 } } attribute { name: "CustomMessage" value
{ message_value: "" } } attribute { name: "CustomMessageDestination" value
{ uint_value: 0 } } count:0
2017.05.12 12:25:54.724025800 Chat System Message: Welcome to Diablo III!
Type /? for a list of available chat commands.

2017.05.12 12:25:54.728831800 >>> (no hero selected) BnetGames::RefreshFactories

calling CGamesHandler.ListFactories page=0 attrs=op: MATCH_ALL attribute { name:
"version" value { string_value: "" } } attribute { name: "ServerPool"
value { string_value: "Default" } }
2017.05.12 12:25:54.953852800 ptCutscene->m_eCutsceneState: PRELOADING
2017.05.12 12:25:55.075034800 Ogg logical stream 6d3c is Theora 1280x544 24.00 fps
1280 544
2017.05.12 12:25:55.152825300 4:2:0 video
2017.05.12 12:25:55.160380300 Ogg logical stream 6d3b is Vorbis 6 channel 44100 Hz
2017.05.12 12:25:55.165352300 ptCutscene->m_eCutsceneState: PLAYBACK
2017.05.12 12:25:55.199176800 OpenOVTStream
2017.05.12 12:25:55.201999800 PlayOVTStream
2017.05.12 12:25:55.429940800 >>> (no hero selected) RefreshFactories -- code=0
page=0 results=9 total=9
2017.05.12 12:25:55.431870800 >>> (no hero selected) RefreshFactories -- Enumerated
9 game factories.
2017.05.12 12:25:55.437349800 >>> (no hero selected) RefreshFactories Coop game
factory factoryId=10886310247003274361 attributes= [name: "MonsterLevel" value { },
name: "Game.Tag" value { }, name: "HandicapLevel" value { }, name:
"Game.CurrentQuest" value { }, name: "ServerPool" value { string_value:
"Default" }, name: "Game.ContentActLicense" value { }, name:
"MatchmakingPartition_v2" value { int_value: 0 }, name: "version" value
{ string_value: "" }, name: "Game.CurrentAct" value { }, ]
2017.05.12 12:25:55.440143300 >>> (no hero selected) RefreshFactories Coop game
factory factoryId=2016690959335218064 attributes= [name: "MonsterLevel" value { },
name: "Game.Tag" value { }, name: "HandicapLevel" value { }, name:
"Game.CurrentQuest" value { }, name: "ServerPool" value { string_value:
"Default" }, name: "Game.ContentActLicense" value { }, name:
"MatchmakingPartition_v2" value { int_value: 3 }, name: "version" value
{ string_value: "" }, name: "Game.CurrentAct" value { }, ]
2017.05.12 12:25:55.441804800 >>> (no hero selected) RefreshFactories Coop game
factory factoryId=18028891038165597467 attributes= [name: "MonsterLevel" value { },
name: "Game.Tag" value { }, name: "HandicapLevel" value { }, name:
"Game.CurrentQuest" value { }, name: "ServerPool" value { string_value:
"Default" }, name: "Game.ContentActLicense" value { }, name:
"MatchmakingPartition_v2" value { int_value: 4 }, name: "version" value
{ string_value: "" }, name: "Game.CurrentAct" value { }, ]
2017.05.12 12:25:55.444088800 >>> (no hero selected) RefreshFactories Coop game
factory factoryId=16595973551114250353 attributes= [name: "MonsterLevel" value { },
name: "Game.Tag" value { }, name: "HandicapLevel" value { }, name:
"Game.CurrentQuest" value { }, name: "ServerPool" value { string_value:
"Default" }, name: "Game.ContentActLicense" value { }, name:
"MatchmakingPartition_v2" value { int_value: 7 }, name: "version" value
{ string_value: "" }, name: "Game.CurrentAct" value { }, ]
2017.05.12 12:25:55.445742300 >>> (no hero selected) RefreshFactories Coop game
factory factoryId=17225572951273417466 attributes= [name: "MonsterLevel" value { },
name: "Game.Tag" value { }, name: "HandicapLevel" value { }, name:
"Game.CurrentQuest" value { }, name: "ServerPool" value { string_value:
"Default" }, name: "Game.ContentActLicense" value { }, name:
"MatchmakingPartition_v2" value { int_value: 1 }, name: "version" value
{ string_value: "" }, name: "Game.CurrentAct" value { }, ]
2017.05.12 12:25:55.447972300 >>> (no hero selected) RefreshFactories Coop game
factory factoryId=5663489174843082956 attributes= [name: "MonsterLevel" value { },
name: "Game.Tag" value { }, name: "HandicapLevel" value { }, name:
"Game.CurrentQuest" value { }, name: "ServerPool" value { string_value:
"Default" }, name: "Game.ContentActLicense" value { }, name:
"MatchmakingPartition_v2" value { int_value: 2 }, name: "version" value
{ string_value: "" }, name: "Game.CurrentAct" value { }, ]
2017.05.12 12:25:55.450624800 >>> (no hero selected) RefreshFactories Coop game
factory factoryId=11593967202784525457 attributes= [name: "MonsterLevel" value { },
name: "Game.Tag" value { }, name: "HandicapLevel" value { }, name:
"Game.CurrentQuest" value { }, name: "ServerPool" value { string_value:
"Default" }, name: "Game.ContentActLicense" value { }, name:
"MatchmakingPartition_v2" value { int_value: 5 }, name: "version" value
{ string_value: "" }, name: "Game.CurrentAct" value { }, ]
2017.05.12 12:25:55.451997300 >>> (no hero selected) RefreshFactories Coop game
factory factoryId=18061290611709202099 attributes= [name: "MonsterLevel" value { },
name: "Game.Tag" value { }, name: "HandicapLevel" value { }, name:
"Game.CurrentQuest" value { }, name: "ServerPool" value { string_value:
"Default" }, name: "Game.ContentActLicense" value { }, name:
"MatchmakingPartition_v2" value { int_value: 6 }, name: "version" value
{ string_value: "" }, name: "Game.CurrentAct" value { }, ]
2017.05.12 12:25:55.453805800 >>> (no hero selected) RefreshFactories Coop game
factory factoryId=17377917822805116608 attributes= [name: "MonsterLevel" value { },
name: "Game.Tag" value { }, name: "HandicapLevel" value { }, name:
"Game.CurrentQuest" value { }, name: "ServerPool" value { string_value:
"Default" }, name: "Game.ContentActLicense" value { }, name:
"MatchmakingPartition_v2" value { int_value: 8 }, name: "version" value
{ string_value: "" }, name: "Game.CurrentAct" value { }, ]
2017.05.12 12:25:55.455249300 >>> (no hero selected) RefreshFactories success --
found 8 standard Coop factories, 1 StarterEdition factories.
2017.05.12 12:25:56.142186800 [Telemetry] (TELE): Requested sending batch messages
by multi-part http POST messages count 2
2017.05.12 12:25:58.548062300 Achievements: Static Data attribute: :timestamp: =
Friday, February 24, 2017 11:38:12 AM
2017.05.12 12:25:58.549973300 Achievements: Static Data attribute:
:seasons_in_cycle: = 12
2017.05.12 12:26:03.206163300 [Telemetry] (TELE): Requested sending batch messages
by multi-part http POST messages count 1
2017.05.12 12:26:03.324874800 StopOVTStream
2017.05.12 12:26:03.327277800 SendCustom hero:(no hero selected) id:3 attribute
{ name: "Version" value { string_value: "" } } attribute { name:
"CustomMessageId" value { int_value: 3 } } attribute { name: "CustomMessage" value
{ message_value: "\010\350\335\262*" } } attribute { name:
"CustomMessageDestination" value { uint_value: 0 } } count:0
2017.05.12 12:26:03.761990800 >>> fujiwara123#6198 ((no hero selected))
ClientService::NotifyAccountMigrationCompletedEvent evt=alt_levels {
partition_id: 2
alt_level: 0
alt_levels {
partition_id: 3
alt_level: 0

2017.05.12 12:26:04.243698300 SendCustom hero:ladyjane id:9 attribute { name:

"Version" value { string_value: "" } } attribute { name:
"CustomMessageId" value { int_value: 9 } } attribute { name: "CustomMessage" value
{ message_value: "\010\350\335\262*" } } attribute { name:
"CustomMessageDestination" value { uint_value: 0 } } count:0
2017.05.12 12:26:04.642792300 SendCustom hero:ladyjane id:10 attribute { name:
"Version" value { string_value: "" } } attribute { name:
"CustomMessageId" value { int_value: 10 } } attribute { name: "CustomMessage" value
{ message_value: "\010\350\335\262*\022\004\010 \020\000" } } attribute { name:
"CustomMessageDestination" value { uint_value: 0 } } count:0
2017.05.12 12:26:06.837990300 Disposing UI for World
2017.05.12 12:26:06.867678800 Client Disposed world.
2017.05.12 12:26:06.870409800 Initializing client world BattleNet_Act1Screen...
2017.05.12 12:26:17.206638800 >>> ladyjane BnetParty::_OnPartyJoined ladyjane
partyId=[id:156996,type:1] members:
>>> ladyjane >>> [0] identity { game_account_id { high: 144115192370840627
low: 12359221 } } state { role: 2 privileges: 64439 info { battle_tag:
"fujiwara123#6198" } } ONLINE_AVAILABLE(1)
2017.05.12 12:26:32.960147300 GameDisposeGames()
2017.05.12 12:26:33.163992300 ENDING GAME
2017.05.12 12:26:33.203737800 Disposing UI for World
2017.05.12 12:26:33.255451300 Client Disposed world.
2017.05.12 12:26:33.803397300 >>> (no hero selected)
2017.05.12 12:26:34.295559300 Disposing UI root!
2017.05.12 12:26:34.644469300 Disposing sound subsystem...
2017.05.12 12:26:34.646763300 Start SoundPlatform::Dispose()
2017.05.12 12:26:34.648380800 StopOVTStream
2017.05.12 12:26:34.651877300 - Releasing DSP effects
2017.05.12 12:26:34.653451800 - Releasing FMOD System
2017.05.12 12:26:34.679663300 Finish SoundPlatform::Dispose()
2017.05.12 12:26:34.681824800 Closing Direct3D window...007D6DC0
2017.05.12 12:26:35.389508300 ...Direct3D window closed
2017.05.12 12:26:35.391823800 de activate app 0 iconic 0
2017.05.12 12:26:35.394830800 Disposing graphics subsystem...
2017.05.12 12:26:35.629577300 >>> (no hero selected) ===== Battle.net BnetService :
Shutdown =====
2017.05.12 12:26:35.720262800 ===== Battle.net Client Service Shutdown =====
2017.05.12 12:26:35.753142300 [Telemetry] (TELE): Requested sending batch messages
by multi-part http POST messages count 1
2017.05.12 12:26:36.873471300 SNOFilesDispose()
2017.05.12 12:26:37.505436300 SNOFilesAsyncDispose()
2017.05.12 12:26:39.016195300 WinSock cleaned up successfully!

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