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Title page

Title of the case report:

Case report of sudden death in Williams Syndrome following administration of anaesthesia


Corresponding author: du Toit-Prinsloo L

Co-Authors: Dippenaar JM
Honey EM

Affiliation and addresses of the authors:

L du Toit-Prinsloo: MBChB; DipForMed(SA)Path; FCForPath(SA); MMed(Path)(Forens)

Specialist / Lecturer; University of Pretoria; Department of Forensic
Medicine, Private Bag X323, Arcadia, 0007 SOUTH AFRICA

JM Dippenaar: MBChB; DA(SA); MMed(Anes)

Principal Specialist;Clinical Head: Anaesthesiology; Department of
Maxillo-Facial-Oral-Surgery;Oral and Dental Hospital
University of Pretoria; Private Bag X323, Arcadia, 0007 SOUTH AFRICA

EM Honey: Senior Lecturer; University of Pretoria; Department of Genetics, Private


Name, postal address, e-mail address, telephone and fax numbers of the corresponding author:

L du Toit-Prinsloo
Postal address : University of Pretoria; Department of Forensic Medicine, Private Bag X323,
Arcadia, 0007 SOUTH AFRICA
Telephone numbers: +27 (0)12 323 5298 (work)
+27 (0)83 406 4056 (mobile)
Fax number: +27 (0)12 323 0921

Key words:

Williams Syndrome, Supravalvular aortic stenosis, Intra-operative deaths, sudden death, Deletion of
genes on chromosome 7q11.23

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