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Promoting a product to your customer

Good morning everyone, thanks for coming to my presentation. I know you‟re

all very busy, so I’ll try to be as brief as possible.
First let me introduce myself, my name is …., as you know, I am the New Product Development
Manager for this company, I’ve been in this position for 5 years and this year is my 15 years working
in this company.
OK then, I‟m going to talk about the new supplement product we’re putting on the market recently,
the SynoFit. I’ll tell you about the test launch we carried out in several malls in Jakarta a few weeks

My presentation is divided into 3 parts. First, I’ll give you some background
about the launch. After that, I’ll tell you how we got on & assess its effectiveness.
Finally, I’ll outline our future plans for the product. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to ask.

Right, let’s start with the background to the launch. As you know, currently we are targeting the new
group of people who addicted to the sport activity such as running, basket ball, futsal, badminton,
kickboxing, marathon and any kind of sport activity.
Can you identify the similar trend of those sport activity?
Correct, all those sport activities is categorize as high impact activity that could create any pain or
event injury to our feet. The process of injury happened due to wrong movement or over used and also
significant contributing factor is lack of nutrition. To prevent those injury, we offer this new active
generation to consume this supplement we called SynoFit. SynoFit is a low-calorie but high calcium
and high vitamins and minerals that give a great benefits to our ligaments, synovial, joints, and
another tissue inside the bonds and muscles. It’s been
thoroughly tested in our labs over the 5 years to make sure that significant effect resulted as expected
and make sure no unwanted side effect in a long term consumption. The ingredient itself comes from
the nature extract of special fruit we called superfruits. This product also passed the tested and
registered by BPOM (Badan Pengawasan Obat dan Makanan) and also certified Halal from MUI
(Majelis Ulama Indonesia).

So, that‟s the background. Right, let’s now move on to the test launch. How
successful was it? Well, in 2 words, very successful. Thanks to the sport community that provide a
significant roles to this successful launch to give us the low cost promotion but targeting the right and
loyal consumer for this product. If you look at the graph, you’ll see the SynoFit actual sales compared
with forecast sales. Quite a difference isn’t there? The sales were over 350% higher than we
predicted. In other words it’s an excellent result. Well, above our expectations. The sales show that
the pricing of the product was correct. And they show that, as a premium line, the SynoFit should be
successful nationwide.

To sum up, a very promising test launch. I believe the SynoFIT has great
potential in the market. Right, where do we go from here? Obviously, we‟ll move on to stage 2 &
have a national advertising & marketing campaign. In a few months, you’ll be visiting our sales
outlets & taking orders, I hope we can be the point reference and also point of excellence in this new
Thank you very much. Any questions?


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