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Indicator of globalization (global cities)

a) Economic power (tremendous wealth, high income)

b) Economic opportunity (opportunities attracts talents all over the world such as programmers, engineers,
London nurses, Dubai, generate demands for unskilled labors like maids, hotel cleaners, waitresses…)
c) Cultural Power (Hollywood-home of film industry, Saigon in London)
d) Global cities are center of authority (white house in Washington Dc, Malacañang palace in Manila
e) Center of high learning (Harvard in Houston, Paris -fashion designer school), books are mostly published
in NY or London
Globalization is it viewed as:

a) View as economic process (international trade deals, foreign investments, electronic trading
b) Global expansion (creation of social networks by means of global networks (international competition-
Ms universe, Asean Olympics) which creates global connection (global communication and friendships
c) Global movement of people (e.g. culture exchange base on the story of latif and gio)
d) Globalization is spatial because it occurs on physical space and acts on global cities (skyscrapers, famous
cities in the world, New York (NY), Las Vegas (Nevada), LA (CA), Tokyo (JAPAN), shanghai (CHINA), United
Arab Emirates (city state Dubai
Challenges of global cities

a) Inequality (rich and poor, discrimination)

b) Poverty
c) Violence (crimes ex in SFO of Filipinas who stole their stuff inside the car)
d) Density (population), cause sickness transportation
e) Pollution cause by vehicles
f) Terror attacks (potential terrorist place ex 911)

The Contemporary World as Modern”.

a) Modern Age of Technology (digital age, means of communication, innovation)

b) Changes and transformation
a. People (character, trends on teens, fashion and style, preferences
b. Renovation (culture and tradition, Tranportation, Infrastructure)
c) Industrialization (Emergance of business and trades)
The Contemporary World as Complex

a) Massive-(severe) e.g. contemporary arts, engineering, architecture, paintings, writers…

b) Spontaneous- nonstop, automatic
c) Inevitable-unavoidable
d) Influential- e.g.In daily life
We need to study the contemporary world for:

a) Awareness analyze knowledge (advantages)Provide warnings, develop critique and curiosity

b) Cure to parochialism (close minded)
c) Teach you about yourself (compare yourself to other people in other country) policies in other countries
can work in the Philippines, reflect yourself about your country, your experiences
d) Interacting with it (interdependent)ex. working on foreign countries, buying imported goods online,

In studying contemporary world, facts should be distinguished from opinion. Distinguishing facts are (base on observation,
event and experience from opinion (impression, supposition, incomplete information)

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