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iN,c*" óo,g"-N""l. ó"bB- N""t

?§N& 1924 2] b 1924 ?1 lld 1924 r] ib{ 1924 al k 1924
rl §.p l9?9 lsM4l9żs lAĘlgrs
26lun 1926 2s AĘ 19ż6 15 ibv 1926 30]Un1926 9!.p1926
1M1923loAE1927 10 ]ul 1927 1 tó 1927 l w 1911
lo Apr 1929 J5 oct 1927 ] D< 1927 ] AĘ 1927 150.rl9?7
1s1923 6 f€6
l9r3 łĄ,l92s
m Ap,l9r3 ,0 Apl'9żs
łel, ,o!ł.rr./, ,dddd,
Pró§reń. 19żs 1929 1929
'.rlD 1929
Pl!s, nd
łojd io
Buildg DuĘM N.ilg cil caR
odg 27Ag 1925 s]un 1926
L.ldd@n 1926 r9 Ną 1926
L.ueh.d 1929 23 Mą 192a
25 May
i&ńn.d fol tlat lfldlgr7 1^u9l929 lAp.l929
A@rrae tń.k 7 oR 1927 27 F.b 1923 ]0 s.pl929 20 Jun 1929
c6ńidoił 1 AF ]923
cspld.d 1931 8 Ap( 1930
Eni€Ed 9 k€ 90<1923 'Mł r9ip,l9r0

Bulldg rcMc.łll.
old6 14Ę1,1921
[.ld d@n 9Nov19272]l.pl97
L.urh.d l7]ull9l3
M..n.d follńt 1lv§y 1929 rApll9]020Apll9Ż9
A@B.R.tirL 7 AUq 1929
a6mislon.d 20 Jan 1930
c6plł.d śNk l, De 19ro
we in irterupted screw

oEA Mle 192] (]4,85k6)
oE.l Mle 192,

7,7ka BM9 in.ańrid8e Mle


The rew 1]omm 8un M e 1924 incorporated a number of modifcatior s w th a view

to implovin8 on the performarce ofthe earliel Mle 19r9, lt was essentially a s.aled
down version ofthe 138,6mm Mle l92] develoPed fol the neń Beneratior of
cantr.lorpilleu\ indeeó lhe drawiras ofthe two 6uns in the cM documentation
are ideniicalin every respe.t saveovera ldimensions,

The automatic loadin8 t.ay retro fitied io ihe Mle r 9!9 du.inB the late 192os Gee

eb3ŁE!§_! and 2) was fitted from the ouiset, and the ilunnions ofthe 8un Were
owered by 16cm, makin8 ii easier to load at low anBles of elevation, Howevel,
manyofthe less advan.ed features ofthe ori8ina mourtin8, in Pa.ti.u artheVdin
irtetrUPied screw breech, Were retained, ard the additior ofnew safeiy locks meant
that the desi8ned firin8 cy.le of8 9lPm was never a.hieved, The frst ofthe new
8eneration ofdeskoyer 6urs with a s|idin8 bree.h irfluen.ed by cermar pra.ti.e
qbus de zeforarion en Eonre semi A.mour Pielcin6 (sAP)
would be the 138,6mm Mle ! 927 insla led in lhe @ntre taryil]euR of the Aide.lasś
(see e!3p_tś!5), on ythen Would a fir n8.ycle in ex.ess of 5 6lpm be.ome a real
Hi8h Exp osive (HE)

ln place ofthe single 75mfi HA oftt€ Bourrasąues, the tAdro'' class Was fitted cun t}ata
with two single 37mm M|e 1925 guns, which Were mounted directly on the
weight ofgun r58kg
upper deck abeam the after deckhouse. For its time the 37mm Mle l9u5 was a
useful weapon, capable of engaging attacking aircraft out to sooom. lt had a
Proiectiles oEA N4le r925 (o.73kg)
sliding breech and was fed from magazines ofsix rounds. Howevet the prac
tical rate offire was limited to, which meant that it would be outclassed ol N4le r924 (o.73kg)

as an M weapon when higlrer performance aircraft began to appear during the Propellant BM2 in cańridge (o,3kg)
mid l93os, There was also no initial provision for remote fire control, and the complete round
guns fired through open sights.

37mm/50 Mle 1925 cAs 4o8mm x 6rmm

Muzzle Velocity 8rom/s

Max..ange 8ooom theoretical

5ooom efrective
Mounting Data

Mounting designation cAs Mle 1925

weight ofmounting 47o kc

Elevation ofguns 15' / +8o'

Firing cycle 20rpm

M le Modżlę Model
oEA Qbus Explosif en kier High Explosive (HE)

(@ lean Moulin 2012)

ol qbus lncendiake lncendiary shell

CAs eońre Ąvions AA single mounting


Ihe l:Adrojt c ass had two stern chutes each for six 2ookg Cuiraud depth Three successive Notes dated Apri r93r to June ,933 proposed the fitting of
charges, Like Ihe Bourrasques, they Were also to have been fitted With four the tarpilleurs of the LAdroit c ass as fast rninesweepers to clear a path ahead

Thornycroft depth charge throwers M e r9r8, but Whereas in the former these be fitted in l93, fo||owed by Bardelais
ofthe battle fleet. Bdsqre was the first to
were suppressed before the ships Were cornpleted, in the ŁAdroi' c ass a deci
and the four ships ofthe r926 estirnates in r934 the remaining ships ofthe
sion Was rnade (9 May r927) to install two out ofthe four DCTS. The rationale class were rnodifed r935 6.

for this decision is unclear but it rnay have been related to the insta lation of The insta ation comprised two c6 paravanes. A channel 164 metres wide
the 37mrn ight M guns in place ofthe 75mm HA, Which resulted in topweight could be swept at a speed of20 knots; the cables were z3om ong and the
savings; the greater theoretical buoyancy ofthe bow may also have been a fac paravanes Were towed at a depth ofr5 metres,
tor, The two depth charge throwers Were installed at the after end ofthe fore
cast e, and three rookg depth charges per thrower were provided,
There Was provision for an active ultrasonic device, the 45omm tube being
located between the transverse fuel tanks and the forward boier roorn, as in
the Bourrasąues (see CA planr, lndeed the cornpartment in Which the tube
was to be housed Was enlarged, HoWeVer, the equiprnent Was never ńtted fol
lowing the unsuccessful trials aboard the Bo,rrdsa,ćs Gee eb3plel2),

Main guns
Concentration dials Were fitted from l93o onwards (see eb3plśj-l). The for
ward dial was alTxed to the face ofthe upper bridge; the alter dia was installed
on a platforrn above the afier r3ornm hoists, as in the Bourrasques.
An EMC directive of 28 Novernber 1934 stated that the original 3 metre co
incidence rangefinder was to be replaced by a stereoscopic rnodel With a 4
rnetre base, The Bordrldi§ Was equipped with the new RF in l935, followed by Lz
MaR and L'Atlrait in )anuary 1936. The four ships of the r926 estirnates Were
Above and below:Two views ofa l3omm Mle l924 being instal ed aboard a de
subsequently fitted With the new 5 metre S rangefnder (Pc.1%6). Foudroyant
stroyer ofthe LAdroit c ass: the view ofthe lefi hand side shows the trainels
received hers in November r936, and her three sisters in April r937, The fore
seat and the handwheels for training and e evation; the View ofthe right side,
rnast search ight platform was modified to enable the rangefinder to train
the seat for the eunlayer and the hand wheel for elevation, Note the Cranat CD
through 360 degrees.
t |8,

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