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21st Century Literature of the Philippines and the World

Select the best answer.

1. It is an expression of ideas and feelings generally presented in line often grouped into stanzas.
a. poetry c. text
b. prose d. manuscript
2. The Book of Kings is the English version of Persia’s ____________.
a. Iliad c. Beowulf
b. Odyssey d. Shanamah
3. The theme of a piece of fiction is its view about life and how people behave. It could be
uncovered with the following ways except:
a. Checking out the title because sometimes it tells a lot about the theme.
b. Disregarding allusions that are made throughout the story.
c. Noticing repeating patterns and symbols as these lead to the theme.
d. Asking what are the details and particulars in the story or what greater meaning may
they have.
4. A narrator who knows everything about all the characters or is all knowing is ____________.
a. omniscient c. first person
b. transient d. third person limited
5. Sia Sells Sea shells on the sea shore can be classified as a/an __________.
a. Simile c. metaphor
b. Allusion d. alliteration
6. Ode to the West Wind was written by
a. John Keats c. Percy Byshe Shelley
b. William Wordsworth d. Joseph Conrad
7. When values and customs by which everyone else lives are being challenged in a story, the
conflict is said to be:
a. Human versus Self c. Human versus Human
b. Human versus Nature d. Human versus Society
8. A __________ is a causal sequence of events, the "why" for the things that happen in the story.
a. Tone c. plot
b. Theme d. setting
9. Which of the following is an example of hyperbole?
a. I could eat mountain of chocolate.
b. You can’t fight here, this is a war room.
c. The candle is crying.
d. Try to light the fire.
For items 10-13, read the sonnet below:

Adore by James DeFord

Turn back the heart you've turned away

Give back your kissing breath
Leave not my love as you have left
The broken hearts of yesterday
But wait, be still, don't lose this way
Affection now, for what you guess
May be something more, could be less
Accept my love, live for today.
Your roses wilted, as love spurned
Yet trust in me, my love and truth
Dwell in my heart, from which you've turned
My strength as great as yours aloof.
It is in fear you turn away
And miss the chance of love today!

10. The foregoing sonnet is classified as:

a. Shakespearean c. Italian
b. Spenserian d. Envelope
11. What theme could be extracted from the sonnet?
a. undying love for someone c. friendship and loyalty
b. betrayal of trust d. anger towards someone special
12. Paradox appears when word contradicts itself in the same sentence. In what line can we find its
a. 4 c. 6
b. 5 d. 7
13. Spurned in the sonnet means
a. adored c. lurked
b. rejected d. drooped
14. A Rose for Emily was written by
a. William Wordsworth c. William Shakespeare
b. William Faulkner d. William Sydney Porter
15. A criticism patterned from Sigmund Freud’s theory on human fulfillment is:
a. Historical c. Psychoanalysis
b. Feminism d. New Criticism
16. In order to be considered good, a piece of literature must consider/present the following except
a. Values b. attitudes c. customs d. price
17. Why is good culturally diverse literature important?
a. It illuminates similarities and differences in people around the world
b. It educates readers about our unique situations and our common humanity.
c. It offers an experience that is likened to see another's world clearly
d. All of the above
18. What in not included in diversity?
a. race and ethnicity
b. gender and class
c. sexual preference and exceptionalities
d. none of the above
19. Good culturally diverse literature are important because they contribute to cultural
understanding in positive way. The effect is best exemplified in which of the following situations?
a. Anna is having a hard time understanding why an Igorot Congressman wore his native dress in
a plenary session.
b. Jonas, a Filipino adds -san to the end of the name of his online Japanese students as a sign of
respect to their belief.
c. Felipa is laughing on how Koreans greet the old people.
d. Donna cannot accept the fact women is some parts of Africa are being circumcised.
20. What is the best line to complete this sentence: If children never see other cultures in books,
they get the message that people from other cultures are
a. the same in all aspect
b. likened to aliens.
c. not valuable in the society
d. always better than them.
21. What is not a way to describe culturally diverse literature?
a. everybody looks beautiful
b. faces of different colors are equal.
c. respects differences of culture
d. culturally rich

22. Which of the following does not speak about language?

a. Language plays a vital role in human interactions.
b. It is this language that allows us to communicate with others in an effective manner.
c. Language is not a major consideration in human existence
d. Language has a variety of classifications.
23. When a language or particular words are used in its original sense or else in its direct meaning, it
is said to be in its _____________ form.
a. jargon
b. literal
c. basic
d. literary

24. The type of language that we use in our day to day conversations is the ________

a. jargon
b. literal
c. literaral
d. basic
25. "I waited for his response for time and eternity." This language is an example of:

a. literal
b. nonliteral
c. technical
d. direct

26. What best describes a nonliteral or figurative language?

a. It requires skills in denotation.
b. In the nonliteral language, you have to go a step further to fully grasp the meaning.
c. It is much easier to comprehend.
d. The meaning is explicitly stated.
27. Which of the following is in its nonliterary form?
a. I am presently in a very difficult situation.
b. I feel like I am tossed and torn because my Goliath-like struggles.
c. The stars seems to be winking at me every time you pass by near me.
d. I cried a river when we broke up.
28. This point of view often helps readers identify the narrator and the narrator is one of the characters
and calls himself or herself "I"

a. first-person point of view

b. second-person point of view
c. third-person limited
d. third-person omniscient

29. The category of literary composition which may be determined by literary technique, tone, content,
or even (as in the case of fiction) length.
a. technique c. tradition
b. genre d. history
30.It can be described as the organizational method of the written material.
a. literary composition c. structure of literature
b. elements of texts d. components of literature
31. The turning point of fiction and includes the highest level of tension
a. rising action c. exposition
b. climax d. falling action
32. Many people think that they can get sick by going into cold weather improperly dressed; however,
illnesses are not caused by temperature- they are caused by germs. So while shivering outside in the
cold probably won’t strengthen your immune system, you’re more likely to contract an illness indoors
because you will have a greater exposure to germs.
The text is an example of what type of method of organization?
a. cause-and-effect c. deductive
b. inductive d. compare and contrast
33. In this type of paragraph, you lead in with a topic sentence, with the following statements providing
supporting evidence in its support.
a. compare and contrast c, deductive
b. inductive d. chronological
34. Students are not allowed to chew gum in my class. While some students think that I am just being
mean, there are many good reasons for this rule. First, some irresponsible students make messes with
their gum. They may leave it on the bottoms of desks, drop it on the floor, or put it on other people’s
property. Another reason why I don’t allow students to chew gum is because it is a distraction. When
they are allowed to chew gum, students are more worried about having it, popping it, chewing it, and
snapping it then they are in listening, writing, reading, and learning. This is why I don’t allow students to
chew gum in my class.
Analyzing this type of paragraph, we can infer that the it shows what type of structure of literature?
a. inductive c. deductive
b, cause and effect d. narrative
35. If an author creatively infuses events in his life in his masterpiece, what context did he apply?
a. socio-cultural c. historical
b. linguistic d. biographical
36. Why is becoming aware of the background information of a certain piece of literature important?
a. It helps reader understand the text.
b. It would be much more appreciated by the reader
c. It helps to draw more responses more effectively from readers.
d. All of the above.
37. A story that is created with a touch of what is happening socially and politically in a particular part of
the country is of ____________ type.
a. historical c. cultural
b. linguistic d. biographical
38. If an author displays versatility on the full command of the language, or plays well with deep words,
the type of context is said to be:
a. linguistic c. socio-cultural
b. historical d. biographical
39. This context includes traditions, customs, beliefs, practices and the like in their creations.
a. linguistic c. socio-cultural
b. historical d. biographical
40. It is the act of adapting of a literary source to another genre such as film, stage play or video game.
a. translation c. literary adaptation
b. transcription d. movie adaptation
41. May Day Eve which has already a literary adaptation available thru Youtube was written by:
a. N.V.M. Gonzales c. Nick Joaquin
b. Paz Marquez Benitez d. Jose Corazon de la Cruz
42. "Oh, how I detest you, you pompous young men! You go to Europe and you come back elegant lords
and we poor girls are too tame to please you. This is a line from the literary adaptation of May Day Eve.
Pompous as used in the sentence would nearly mean:
a. arrogant b. kind c. brave d. heroic
43. The Lottery Ticket was written by:
a. Anton Chekhov c. Guy de Maupassant
b. Edgar Allan Poe d.
44. The main character in the story is:
a. Ivan de la Torre c. Ivan Dimitrich
b. Ivan Rich d. Ivvon Dmitrich
45. Why do you think Filipinos are also fond of buying lottery tickets?
a. Because they are tardy.
b. Because tickets are cheap.
c. It gives them a nice feeling even if they won just the balik-taya.
d. Because they are hopeful that winning is their way of escaping poverty.
46. What is the lesson of the story?
a. There is always the next time.
b. Luck is just within the corner.
c. Karma is real.
d. Being mindful of correct details is important.
47. The wife in the story The Lottery Ticket is....
a. Maria c. Marsa
b. Martha d. Mara
48. ... And he looked at his wife, not with a smile now, but with hatred. She glanced at him too, and also
with hatred and anger. She had her own daydreams, her own plans, her own reflections; she understood
perfectly well what her husband's dreams were... What can we infer from this text?
a. Love of money can destroy even the strongest relationships.
b. It is common for couples to fight about money.
c. Planning without the consent of your spouse will not likely to prosper.
d. Money is the root of all evil.
49. It is a comparison that is done by stating that one thing is another in order to suggest their similarity
or shared qualities.
a. simile c, personification
b. metaphor d. alliteration
50. What figure of speech compares two unlike things with a common quality. The comparison is done
using words such as like or as.
a. simile c, personification
b. metaphor d. alliteration
51. What figure of speech does not belong to the group?
a. hyperbole c. oxymoron
b. personification d. paradox
52. Doubting, dreaming dreams no mortals ever dared to dream before. What type of figure of speech
is this?
a. alliteration c. assonance
b. simile d. onomatopiea
53. ARIEL:
Hark, hark!
The watch-dogs bark!
Hark, hark! I hear
The strain of strutting chanticleers
Cry, ‘cock-a-diddle-dow!’
–from The Tempest by William Shakespeare
This text used animal sounds to enhance its meaning, therefore, it falls under what type of figure of
a. alliteration c. assonance
b. consonance d. consonance
54. “My food loves to prance, to jump, to dance.” This is an example of __________.
a. personification c. alliteration
b. imagery d. metaphor
55. It is a work of fiction tat could be read in a single sitting
a. novel c. poem
b. short story d. essay
56. He wrote famous essay entitled, Aeropagitica.
a. William Shakespeare c. John Milton
b. Robert Burns d, Francis Bacon
57. Wen do we say that a novel is in its Gothic form?
a. When it is full of abstract.
b. When the atmosphere is sad
c. When the atmosphere is full of tenor
d. When it is hard to understand.
58. A brief tale told to give moral lesson is:
a. fable c. legend
b. myth d. riddle
59. Who is the author of the Iliad and the Odyssey?
a. Virgil c. Homer
b. Boccaccio d. Cervantes
60. The Nibelungelied is the greatest epic of _________.
a. India c. France
b. Persia d, Germany
62. A poem about death and other solemn subjects is called __________.
a. elegy c. metrical tale
b. ode d. epic
63. In the story "A Rose for Emily", rose was in title yet it is not tackled in the body of the literary piece.
What can you infer from this?
a. The author just picked a title without realizing its signifucance.
b. Rose might be the favorite flower of the author.
c. William Faulkner is trying to mislead his readers.
d. Rose symbolizes the main character, Emily Grierson
64. What does the line "Love alters not wen its alteration finds" mean"
a. Love is always altering
b. Love changes from time to time.
c. Love is firm whatever challenge may come.
d. Love changes when there is a need to.
65. Why is the story "A Rose for Emily" perfect for Psychoanalytic Criticism?
a. The plot is good.
b. It is story about a woman.
c. It is complex in nature,
d. It deals with human behavior that drives one to act the way he/she does.
66. What do the feminist critics cry for?
a. Eradicate the practice of writers wherein their compositions always center upon men.
b. Maximize the role of women in literature
c. To stop the transmission of traditional literature where women are ignore.
d. All of the above
67. In making a literary adaptation, being careful must be in mind because the author can lead a court
case when:
a. the story is being edited without his approval
b. the literary adaptation earned much money
c. the individual or group who made an adaptation became more popular than the author
d. None of the above
68. The following are all reason why we create literary adaptation except one:
a. to work in a smaller cast
b. to work in a smaller venue
c. to work for a different but valid purpose
d. to prove to the world that literary adaptations are better than the original ones
69. Why are literary adaptations appealing?
a, It works as a story with interesting characters who say and do interesting things
b. It is a way to see your crush play a part
c. It is way to escape from problems.
d. It is the talk of the town.
70. All are considered necessary dimensions in literary adaptation except one:
a. concept and story
b. characters
c. dialogues and actions
d. cost of materials
71. In order to succeed as a group kin making a literary adaptation, what characteristic must be preset in
every member?
a. jolly c. spirit of cooperation
b. resourcefulness d. waiting for command before one works
72. What must have been the problem of a group of students who had all the materials for the literary
adaptation but failed to submit their output on time?
a. procrastination of work c. some of their time were spent chatting
b, being uncooperative d. all of the above
73. The school doesn't allow students to work on their projects during Saturday and Sunday without the
presence of the subject teacher. How can you finish certain projects literature like literary adaptation?
a. ask for another type of project
b. Use all possible time and other resources in the school
c. get absent
d. don't participate anymore
74. Manuel E. Arguilla’s “How My Brother Leon Brought Home a Wife” is a story told through Baldo’s,
Leon’s brother, point of view. He narrated how Leon brought his soon-to-be wife, Maria, in their
hometown (Nagrebcan, La Union) to meet his family. To analyze this story, let us first consider some
facts about Arguilla.
Arguilla was born on June 17, 1911 in Bauang, La Union to Crisanto Arguilla and Margarita Estabillo.
He was the fourth child and his family owned a small piece of land in their town.
He was married to Lydia Villanueva, who was from Ermita, Manila.
Based on the facts presented above, we can infer that Arguilla’s “How My Brother Leon Brought Home a
Wife” was a creative retelling of how his then girlfriend Lydia Villanueva met his folks in La Union.
Moreover, Maria fondly calls Leon “Noel,” which also reads as Leon in a reverse manner or simply
referring to the author since his first name was “Manuel.”
The context presented in the above text is:
a. biographical c. socio-cultural
b. historical d. linguistic
75. A story set during the American Occupation used what type of context?
a. biographical c. socio-cultural
b. historical d. linguistic
76. Aira Mortel, a neophyte writer is using the the newly included Filipino words in the International
DIctionary as a way to enrich her own writing.What context is she observing?
a. biographical c. socio-cultural
b. historical d. linguistic
77. Edgar Allan Poe always talked about deaths in most of his writings. This incorporated in his works
his own sufferings including losing a love one. What type of context can we deduce from this?
a. biographical c. socio-cultural
b. historical d. linguistic
78. It is literary presentation intended to staged.
a. novel c. poem
b. drama d. ode
79. ______________is a composition that offers opinion on a subject which aimsto inform, to persuade
or analyze a subject.
a. essay c. metrical tale
b. short story d. novel
80. Pride and Prejudice, an example of novel of manners was written by:
a.John Hamilton c. Jane Austen
b. Francis Bacon d. Charlotte Bronte

1. D
2. B
3. A
4. D
5. C
6. D
7. C
8. A
9. C
10. A
11. D
12. B
13. B
14. C

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