Objects Plus Test Items

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Running head: Objectives Plus Test 1

Objectives Plus Test Items

Gwen Hansen

California State University, Monterey Bay

October 9, 2018

IST522 Instructional Design

Dr. Jeanne Farrington

Objectives Plus Test 2

Objectives Plus Test Items

Objectives and Question 11

From memory, applicants applying to the nursing major will be able to describe

impaction. Their description should be congruent with those on the nursing website. (declarative)

In your own words, describe nursing impaction. Write your response in the text box.

Objectives and Question 22

Given a list of courses, nursing applicants will be able to correctly identify the science

pre-requisites required for the major with 100% accuracy. (declarative)

Which of the following courses are required for admission to the nursing major?

A. BIOL 175- Anatomy and Physiology I

B. BIOL 176- Anatomy and Physiology II
C. BIOL 316- Biology of Cancer
D. BIOL 160- Microbiology
E. ES 100- Earth Science
F. GES 101- Matter, Molecules, Life and the Environment
G. CHEM 105 General, Organic, and Biochemistry for Life
H. CHEM 311- Chemicals and the Environment
Objectives Plus Test 3

Objectives and Question 33

Given a computer and access to the website for the official repository of articulation for

California’s public colleges and universities (https://www.assist.org), nursing transfer applicants

will be able to find articulated prerequisite courses, offered at the community college, that meet

the requirements for admission into the nursing major at California State University, San Marcos

with 100% accuracy. (procedural)

Using the assist.org website, find and provide a URL from a California community

college, that lists the prerequisite courses required for admission to the nursing major at

California State University, San Marcos.


Objectives and Question 44

When provided scenarios of alternative pathways to pursue a degree in nursing,

applicants to the nursing major will be able to select correctly options available to them 80% of

the time. (procedural)

Select the listed alternative pathways, that allow you to pursue a degree in nursing, by

dragging the correct options into the table below.

Consider other majors that have a health focus
Visit the career center to do a career assessment
Apply to the nursing major in high school as a freshman student
Attend a community college and apply to the nursing major as a transfer student
Objectives Plus Test 4

Learn about your aptitudes, interests, and career values to find a different career
Pursue an RN degree at the community college and apply to an RN-BSN program
Learn about other health related careers that involve helping people
Receive your bachelor’s degree in another major and apply to the ABSN program


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