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IDD Design Worksheet

Filling out this worksheet should help you to organize your thinking about the design of your
individual ID topic.
As you fill in this worksheet, you will be learning how to use the information that you gathered
during the analysis phase to plan your learning solution.
Note: For each section of this worksheet, be sure to refer to the 00 Support for Individual
Assignments document and the samples from former students to assist you.
Note: Except for the first table, I’m expecting to see sentences and paragraphs.
Note: Be sure to turn in your worksheet in MS Word. This makes it about 10 times easier to
provide feedback on your assignment.

Brief Introductory Info

Provide information in this table to give the briefest idea about your topic. This will likely be the
same as in your IDD Analysis Worksheet. If so, just duplicate that information here.
Your Name Gwen Hansen

Your IDD Topic “Impaction Readiness” Learning Module

Organization (Where the learning College of Education, Health, & Human Services
solution will be implemented) (CEHHS) Student Services at California State
University San Marcos (CSUSM)
Learners (Target Audience—it’s Primary: Prospective freshman and transfer students
possible that you’ll have both a applying to the impacted nursing and kinesiology
primary audience and a secondary programs at CSUSM.
Secondary: Potential access for: Community College
Counselors, parents of applicants, and other CSUSM
departments who interact with prospective applicants
(e.g., Campus tours office, Orientation & New Student
Note: I’ve set up the paragraphs after the worksheet prompts to be in normal APA Style (1/2-
inch indent for the first line and double-spaced lines). This will make it easier for you to cut and
paste paragraphs into your final IDD document, which will be in APA Style. This also makes it
easier for your professor to read your document, so please do not alter the paragraph settings.
(Be kind to your professor.)

Learning Objectives
Write four learning objectives that would be relevant for your learning solution. Write two
declarative and two procedural objectives. Review the objectives handouts and samples before
you do this. Writing good objectives may be harder than you think. Write each objective and
then break it into pieces to fit into the tables, with the correct part in each column.
You may have a different number of objectives in your final IDD, and you might organize them
differently. Don’t worry about that now, just write four good objectives related to your topic.

Example. From memory, kindergarten students will be able to recall which colors will

result when mixing any two of the primary colors together with 100% accuracy. (declarative)

Condition Learners Behavior Standard

From memory kindergarten will be able to recall with 100% accuracy

students which colors will
result when mixing
any two of the
primary colors

Two Declarative Objectives

Given a list of statements, applicants applying to the nursing or kinesiology major at

California State University, San Marcos (CSUSM) will be able to indicate whether statements

related to impaction are a “hit” (H) or a “myth” (M) with 100% accuracy. (declarative)

Condition Learners Behavior Standard

Given a list of applicants will be able to with 100% accuracy.

statements, applying to the correctly indicate
nursing or whether statements
kinesiology major related to impaction
at California State are a “hit” (H) or a
University, San “myth” (M)

Given a list of courses, nursing applicants will be able to correctly identify the science

pre-requisites required for the major with 100% accuracy. (declarative)

Condition Learners Behavior Standard

Given a list of nursing applicants will be able to with 100% accuracy.

courses, correctly identify the
science pre-
requisites required
for the major

Two Procedural Objectives

Given access to the website for the official repository of articulation for California’s

public colleges and universities (, nursing transfer applicants will be able

to find articulated prerequisite courses, offered at the community college, that meet the

requirements for admission into the nursing and/or kinesiology major at California State

University, San Marcos with 100% accuracy. (procedural)

Condition Learners Behavior Standard

Given access to the nursing transfer will be able to find with 100% accuracy.
website for the official applicants articulated prerequisite
repository of courses, offered at the
articulation for community college,
California’s public that meet the
colleges and universities requirements for
(, admission into the
nursing and/or
kinesiology major at
California State
University, San Marcos

When provided scenarios of alternative pathways to pursue a degree in nursing,

applicants to the nursing major will be able to select correctly options available to them 80% of

the time. (procedural)

Condition Learners Behavior Standard

When provided 80% of the time.
applicants to the will be able to select
scenarios of
nursing major correctly options
available to them
pathways to
pursue a degree
in nursing,

Test Instruments
Write four test items, one for each objective above. For the declarative objectives, you should be
able to write multiple choice, fill-in-the-blank, short answer, or essay questions. For the
procedural objectives, you may want to describe a performance test.
Note: Test questions do not have to be in APA Style.
Declarative Example. Which of the following colors will result if you mix blue and yellow
paint together? Choose the one best answer.
a. Purple
b. Orange
c. Brown
d. Green
Answer: Green
Procedural Example. The teacher has the students mix the right colors together to create the
following colors: purple, orange, and green. The teacher reviews the results and checks off the
number of correct color mixtures on a checklist.

Two Declarative Test Items

1. For each of the following statements, indicate whether you feel the statement is a
“hit” (H) or a “myth” (M).

1. ____All application deadlines must be met in order to be considered for

admission to the impacted nursing and kinesiology majors.

2. ____Freshman applicants will be admitted to the kinesiology and nursing majors

based on their eligibility index scores. Additionally, applicants are rank ordered
for admission.
3. ____Transfer applicants must complete all required prerequisite courses from the
community college in order to be considered for admission to the kinesiology or
nursing majors.
4. ____Transfer applicants are rank ordered for admission based on specific
impaction criteria for the kinesiology and nursing majors.
5. ____Applicants applying to the nursing and kinesiology majors must select an
alternate major in the event they are not admitted to the impacted major.
6. ____ Due to a limited number of seats available, the impacted nursing and
kinesiology majors are difficult to get into.
Answer: All statements are hits.

2. Which of the following four courses are required for admission to the nursing major?

A. BIOL 175- Anatomy and Physiology I

B. BIOL 176- Anatomy and Physiology II
C. BIOL 316- Biology of Cancer
D. BIOL 160- Microbiology
E. ES 100- Earth Science
F. GES 101- Matter, Molecules, Life and the Environment
G. CHEM 105 General, Organic, and Biochemistry for Life
H. CHEM 311- Chemicals and the Environment

Answer: 1-a, 2-b, 3-d, 4-g

Two Procedural Test Items

1. Using the website, find and provide a URL from a California community
college, that lists the prerequisite courses required for admission to the nursing major
at California State University, San Marcos.
URL: ___________________________________________________________

2. Select the listed alternative pathways, that allow you to pursue a degree in nursing, by
dragging the correct options into the table below.

Consider other majors that have a health focus
Visit the career center to do a career assessment
Apply to the nursing major in high school as a freshman student
Attend a community college and apply to the nursing major as a transfer student
Learn about your aptitudes, interests, and career values to find a different career
Pursue a registered nursing (RN) degree at the community college and then apply to a
Bachelor of Science Nursing (BSN) degree program (e.g., RN to BSN)
Learn about other health related careers that involve helping people
Receive your bachelor’s degree in another major and then apply to the Accelerated
Bachelor of Science Nursing (ABSN) program


Media and Delivery System Decisions

Delivery Format(s)
Identify the delivery format you plan to use: classroom, online, synchronous, asynchronous, self-
study, and/or instructor led. Explain why you chose this format.
The delivery format for this instructional training will be on-line and asynchronous.

Because applicants apply from the local area, from out of state, and internationally,

asynchronous instruction will provide a consistent environment for all learners regardless of

location. Moreover, an asynchronous environment allows applicants to become acquainted with

the impacted programs, the criteria required for admission, and the alternative options they can

explore at their own pace.

Note the types of media you will use, for example: audio files, display boards, print materials,
real objects, slides, video, visual aids. Explain why you made these choices.
1. PowerPoint slide deck-This will serve to introduce instruction regarding impaction

processes, timelines, and criteria for the nursing and kinesiology majors. The

interactive slides will branch to either the nursing or kinesiology major and by

freshman or transfer applicant status. This allows the user to choose the information

that applies to their situation.

2. Screen Capture Video- This will serve as a narrated presentation that navigates the

repository of articulation for California’s public colleges and universities via the website. It will cover required courses needed for the impacted major and

will serve as a visual aid on how to identify required prerequisite courses at the

community college (parallels with activity).

3. ASSIST pdf. - This will give users a printable handout that provides instructions to

learners, so they can search the official repository of articulation for California’s

public colleges and universities at their own pace (supports screen capture video).

4. Case Studies- Scenarios will provide learners realistic situations from different

perspectives. The examples will encourage self-reflection and help learners identify

and select alternative pathways to pursue a nursing degree if not admitted to the

nursing major.

5. Flowchart -This will summarize the impacted nursing and kinesiology majors. It will

serve as a visual aid to learners and provide them access to other resources to explore

at their own pace. Flowchart to include:

• impaction processes
• application timelines
• impaction criteria
• prerequisite courses
• alternative pathways
• links to additional resources

Instructional Strategies and Activities

Provide an agenda for the module (this can be in list form). Don’t forget to include an
introduction and a summary. Remember that your IDD design should be for about 1 hour of
instruction (so this agenda should not be terribly long). It’s a great idea to note about how long
you think each item will take in the agenda.
Here’s an example of a partial, generic agenda:
1. Introduction (5 mins.)
2. Teaching/Learning Activity 1 (10 mins.)
3. ...
4. Summary (5 mins.)
Your agenda should go here:
1. Introduction (3 min)
2. PowerPoint Presentation (12 min)
3. Screen Capture Video (5 min)
4. activity (15 min)
5. Alternative pathway scenarios (10 min)
6. Alternative pathway activity (2 min)
7. Flowchart Summary (10 min)
8. Assessment (3 min)

Major Teaching/Learning Activities

Describe the major teaching/learning activities for your module (for example, readings,
presentations, demonstrations, matching activities, case studies, or other types of practice and
For example, if you are planning an activity where learners in teams solve questions related to a
case study, then provide a sentence or two to describe how you envision the learners interacting
with that case study.

Here’s an example of one activity that might go with learning about primary and secondary
Agenda Item
Activity) Topic Description

All Mixed Up Mixing Primary The students will watch a short video that
Colors demonstrates how to mix primary colors to
create secondary colors.

Choose the major items from your agenda and describe them in the following table. If you need
more rows, put your cursor in the right-most column of the last row and press your tab key.
Agenda Item
Activity) Topic Description

Impaction Impaction Learners will view an interactive presentation

Presentation processes, regarding the different elements of impaction.
timelines, and Learners will respond to imbedded statements to
criteria check their understanding of impaction for the
nursing and kinesiology majors.
DESIGN Transferable Learners will observe a screen capture video on
CHALLENGE- articulated how to navigate the website. At the
Required coursework conclusion of the video, learners will identify
Prerequisites for required prerequisite courses. Additionally,
Impacted Majors learners will search the website to find
prerequisite courses for the nursing major that
are articulated at their local community college.
Following the exercise, learners will provide the
URL of the community college they searched.
Case Studies Alternative Learners will read realistic scenarios on
pathways to alternative pathways to pursue a nursing degree.
nursing After reading the material, learners will select
four options available for nursing through
Flowchart Summary Impaction Learners will view the flowchart and self-
Overview and identify their situation. Learners can navigate to
Resources provided resources and then explore areas of
interest at their own pace.

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