Earth and Life Science Midterm

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First Examination in Earth and Life Science 11

I. Multiple Choice: Choose the correct answer. Write only the letter before each number.

1. After the big bang, the formation of universes never stopped and is continuously making other
universes or multiverses.
a. Big Bang Theory c. Eternal Inflation
b. Steady Sate Theory d. Oscillating Theory
2. It stated that the universe is constantly expanding and cooling. This hypothesis is also known as
the Cosmic Egg.
a. Big Bang Theory c. Eternal Inflation
b. Steady Sate Theory d. Oscillating Theory
3. This phenomenon occurred between big bang and the big crunch wherein our universe
continues to expand and will collapse after it reach its maximum expansion.
a. Big Bang Theory c. Eternal Inflation
b. Steady Sate Theory d. Oscillating Theory
4. This theory explains that no new galaxy is being formed, that the density of the universe is the
same all through eternity.
a. Big Bang Theory c. Eternal Inflation
b. Steady Sate Theory d. Oscillating Theory
5. Which of the following planets is considered as the fastest rotator that rotates in its own axis for
only 10 earth hours?
a. Uranus b. Neptune c. Jupiter d. Mars
6. Which of the following planets is considered as the hottest because of the amount of Carbon
dioxide present in its atmosphere?
a. Mercury b. Venus c. Mars d. Jupiter
7. This hypotheses for the origin of planets in the solar system proposed that the planets formed
gradually and naturally as the sun formed.
a. Catastrophic hypotheses c. Solar system hypotheses
b. Evolutionary hypotheses d. Planetisimal hypothesis
8. What is the Fog Theory that was stated by Imanuel Kant and Piere Simon de Leplace?
a. Solar Nebula Theory c. Steady State Theory
b. Collapsing Theory d. Big Bang Theory
9. Which does NOT belong to the group?
a. Flattening b. Condensation c. Accretion d. Excitation
10. This solar nebular stage states that the disk becomes a sphere due to rotation, because of fast
rotation, some of the fog from gas ball mass escape.
a. Flattening b. Condensation c. Accretion d. Excitation
11. The last stage in the solar nebular theory where the core of smaller masses turn into planets,
while most of the remains in a state of high-temperature flare and called the sun.
a. Flattening b. Condensation c. Accretion d. Excitation
12. This is the material that remained after the formation of the planets and satellites.
a. Planetisimals b. Asteroids c. Cosmic Debris d. Cosmos
13. It is commonly called “Shooting Stars”. They are NOT stars, but small bits of rock and metal
colliding with earth’s atmosphere and bursting into incandescent vapor.
a. meteors b. meteoroids c. meteorites d. asteroids
14. How has Earth been able to hold on to its oceans while those on other planets freeze or fry?
a. It’s because Earth has great internal energy that prevents the planet to destruct.
b. It’s because Earth’s magnetic field that controls the amount of heat that enters the planet’s
c. It’s because of the Earth’s North and South pole that prevents the Earth to totally fry.
d. It’s because Earth location is not too far and not too near towards the sun.
15. It is Earth’s “just right” location in the solar system which helped to support life.
a. red ribbon b. goldilocks c. elena d. pannys
16. Which of the following is NOT considered as a sub- system?
a. Geosphere b. Hydrosphere c. Atmosphere d. Asthenosphere
17. This part of the geosphere consists mostly of iron and nickel.
a. Crust b. Mantle c. Core d. Atmosphere
18. Which of the following covers the LARGEST part of the earth?
a. Crust b. Mantle c. Core d. Atmosphere
19. Which of the following covers the THINNEST part of the earth?
a. Crust b. Mantle c. Core d. Atmosphere
20. It is the blanket of gases that surrounds our planet.
a. Crust b. Mantle c. Core d. Atmosphere
21. Who formulated the first complete statement of the continental drift hypothesis?
a. Alfred Lothar Wegener b. William Beebe
c. Richard Assman d. Rachel Carson
22. Who alerted the world of the environmental impact of fertilizers and pesticides?
a. Alfred Lothar Wegener b. William Beebe
c. Richard Assman d. Rachel Carson
23. Between the planets Mars and Jupiter, there is an asteroid orbiting around the sun that bears
the name of a Filipino scientist. Who is this scientist?
a. Dr. Raymundo S. Punongbayan b. Father Victor L. Badillo
c. Nick Joaquin d. Antonio Salazar
24. This type of crust can range from 25 km thick at the edges to 70 km thick near the center.
a. continental crust b. oceanic crust c. lithosphere d. geosphere
25. This type of crust is only about 7 km thick and is considerably denser.
a. continental crust b. oceanic crust c. lithosphere d. geosphere
26. It is the resistance of minerals to abrasion.
a. cleavage b. luster c. fracture d. hardness
27. Which of the following minerals has the smallest Moh Scale?
a. talc b. apatite c. corundum d. feldspar
28. It is the breakage along irregular surfaces when NO weak planes exist.
a. cleavage b. luster c. fracture d. hardness
29. It was stated that minerals are naturally occurring inorganic substance which has fairly definite
chemical composition and physical properties, whereas rocks are considered as:
a. chemical compounds b. physical mixtures
c. chemical elements d. physical compounds
30. Which of the following minerals has the largest Moh Scale?
a. talc b. apatite c. corundum d. feldspar
31. Magma is produced when the rocky material of Earth’s solid interior begins to partially melt.
Which of the following is NOT considered as a factor that can cause this melting to occur?
a. High temperature b. High altitude c. Decrease in pressure d. Addition of water
32. This type of rock is formed by the cooling and crystallization of magma or lava.
a. igneous rock b. sedimentary rock c. metamorphic rock d. basaltic rock
33. This type of rock literally mean “changed in form”.
a. igneous rock b. sedimentary rock c. metamorphic rock d. basaltic rock
34. Which of the following is the correct order for the sedimentation of rocks?
a. erosion, weathering, deposition, sedimentation
b. erosion, deposition, weathering, sedimentation
c. weathering, erosion, sedimentation, deposition
d. weathering, erosion, deposition, sedimentation
35. What is the process of sedimentation that literally means “turn to rocks”?
a. compaction b. lithification c. cementation d. cremation
36. It is the breaking down or dissolving of rocks and minerals on Earth’s surface.
a. weathering b. deposition c. sedimentation d. erosion
37. It is the taking away of rocks after its disintegration.
a. weathering b. deposition c. sedimentation d. erosion
38. Which of the following weathering processes is considered as physical weathering?
a. In order for the sea turtle’s eggs to hatch, they tend to bury their eggs under the sand.
b. The bacteria caused the beautiful rock to change in color.
c. The rocks beside the lake broke because of the freeze- thaw action of the water.
d. The acid rain formed by rainwater and dilute carbonic acid can cause landslide.
39. Which of the following weathering processes is considered as chemical weathering?
a. In order for the sea turtle’s eggs to hatch, they tend to bury their eggs under the sand.
b. The bacteria caused the beautiful rock to change in color.
c. The rocks beside the lake broke because of the freeze- thaw action of the water.
d. The acid rain formed by rainwater and dilute carbonic acid can cause landslide.
40. Which of the following is NOT considered as a factor that affects the type, extent, and rate at
which weathering takes place:
a. Rock Structure b. Topography c. Season d. Rock type
41. Running water is considered as one of the agents of erosion. What is the movement of water
over the land and downslope toward a surface water body?
a. overland flow b. stream flow c. hydraulic flow d. corrosion
42. It is the volume of water passing through a cross-section of a stream during a given time.
a. competence c. capacity d. velocity d. discharge
43. What is the style of erosion in running water wherein it is the undercutting of a stream’s banks
and valley walls as the stream swings from side to side?
a. vertical erosion b. lateral erosion c. headward erosion d. horizontal erosion
44. What is the style of erosion wherein it is the lengthening of a channel due to the concentration
of runoff at the point where the channel begins?
a. vertical erosion b. lateral erosion c. headward erosion d. horizontal erosion
45. The following occurs during the streamflow erosion, EXCEPT:
a. hydraulic action b. abrasion c. solution d. corrosion
46. What do you call the stream’s ability to transport the size of the largest particle?
a. competence b. capacity c. velocity d. discharge
47. Shoreline erosion processes in ocean or sea waves occurred through the following, EXCEPT:
a. hydraulic action b. abrasion c. corrosion d. solution
48. It is defined as a moving body of ice on land that moves downslope or outward from an area of
a. glacier b. gravity c. groundwater d. running water
49. It is a type of glacier that covers large areas of the land surface and unconfined by topography.
a. alpine b. ice sheets c. ice shelves d. ice age
50. It is the grinding and scraping by sediments that are already in the ice.
a. plucking b. abrasion c. erosion d. deposition
51. Which of the following is the landform that was formed through plucking?
a. erratics b. drumlins c. roche moutonnee d. yardangs
52. What is the type of deposits by glaciers that is deposited directly by ice, unsorted, and
composed of many different particle sizes?
a. ventifacts b. stratified drift c. fjord d. till
53. What is the type of deposits by glacier that is deposited by the glacial meltwater and thus has
experienced the sorting action of water?
a. ventifacts b. stratified drift c. fjord d. till
54. It is the removal of loose, fine particles from the surface.
a. deflation b. abrasion c. corrosion d. solution
55. What is the type of wind deposits which are extensive blankets of silt that were once carried in
a. dunes b. loess c. cavern d. dolines
56. Can slow moving groundwater erode rocks through mechanical processes?
a. yes, because the groundwater simply dissolves the soil and rocks underground.
b. yes, because there are running water underground that carries the soil and rocks.
c. no, because only solution can dissolve the soil and rocks.
d. no, because only the biological agents are responsible to weather and erode rocks.
57. Rainwater reacts with carbon dioxide from atmosphere and soil to form a solution of diluted
acid. What is this acid?
a. salicylic acid b. nitric acid c. carbonic acid d. uric acid
58. These are circular depressions which form through dissolution of underlying soluble rocks or
collapse of a cave's roof.
a. sinkholes b. cavern c. ridges d. quicksand
59. What is the downslope movement of soil, rock, and regolith under the direct influence of
a. landslide b. mass wasting c. abrasion d. deflation
60. It adds weight to the slope, has the ability to change angle of repose, water pore pressure
reduces shear strength of materials, reduces friction on a sliding surface.
a. slope angle b. role of water c. presence of clays d. rock formation

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