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HW14 Solutions (due Thurs, May 7)

1. T&M 30.P.003
Which of the following statements are true? (Select all that
a) the electric and magnetic fields of an electromagnetic wave in
free space are in phase.
b) Electromagnetic waves are transverse waves.
c) None of these statements are true.
d) The electromagnetic wave equation can be derived from
Maxwell's equations.
e) Maxwell's equations apply only to electric and magnetic fields
that are constant over time.
f) In an electromagnetic wave in free space, the electric and
magnetic energy densities are equal.

a) True, b) True, c) False, d) True, e) False, f) True.

2. T&M 30.P.031

The amplitude of an electromagnetic wave is E0 = 400 V/m. Find

(a) Erms, (b) Brms, (c) the intensity I (d) the radiation pressure Pr

Picture the Problem The rms values of the electric and magnetic fields are found
from their amplitudes by dividing by the square root of two. The rms values of the
electric and magnetic field strengths are related according to Brms = Erms/c. We can
find the intensity of the radiation using I = ErmsBrms/µ0 and the radiation pressure
using Pr = I/c.

(a) Relate Erms to E0: E0 400 V/m

Erms = = = 282.8 V/m
2 2
= 283 V/m
(b) Find Brms from Erms: E rms 282.8 V/m
Brms = =
c 2.998 ! 10 8 m/s
= 0.9434 µT = 943 nT

(c) The intensity of an Erms Brms

electromagnetic wave is given by: µ0

Substitute numerical values and

(282.8 V/m )(0.9434 µT )
evaluate I: 4# !10 "7 N/A 2
= 212.3 W/m 2 = 212 W/m 2

(d) Express the radiation pressure in I

Pr =
terms of the intensity of the wave: c

Substitute numerical values and 212.3 W/m 2

Pr = = 708 nPa
evaluate Pr: 2.998 ! 10 8 m/s

3. T&M 30.P.033
(a) An electromagnetic wave of intensity 200 W/m2 is incident
normally on a rectangular black card with sides of 20 cm and 30
cm that absorbs all the radiation. Find the force exerted on the
card by the radiation. (b) Find the force exerted by the same
wave if the card reflects all the radiation incident on it.

Picture the Problem We can find the force exerted on the card using the
definition of pressure and the relationship between radiation pressure and the
intensity of the electromagnetic wave. Note that, when the card reflects all the
radiation incident on it, conservation of momentum requires that the force is

(a) Using the definition of pressure, Fr = Pr A

express the force exerted on the card
by the radiation:

Relate the radiation pressure to the I

Pr =
intensity of the wave: c

Substitute for Pr to obtain: IA

Fr =

Substitute numerical values and

Fr =
(200 W/m )(0.20 m )(0.30 m )

evaluate Fr: 2.998 ! 10 8 m/s

= 40 nN

(b) If the card reflects all of the Fr = 80 nN

radiation incident on it, the force
exerted on the card is doubled:

4. T&M 30.P.037
An electromagnetic plane wave has an electric field that is
parallel to the y axis, and has a Poynting vector given by S(x,t)
= (100 W/m2) cos2(kx - ωt) (in the z direction). x is in meters, k
= 10.0 rad/m, ω = 3.00 x 109 rad/s, and t is in seconds.
(a) What is the direction of propagation of the wave?
(b) Find the wavelength and the frequency of the wave.
(c) Find the electric and magnetic fields of the wave as
functions of x and t. (Use x and t as necessary.)


Picture the Problem We can determine the direction of propagation of the wave,
its wavelength, and its frequency by examining the argument of the cosine
function. We can find E from S = E 2 µ 0 c and B from B = E/c. Finally, we can
use the definition of the Poynting vector and the given expression for S to find
! !
E and B .

(a) Because the argument of the cosine function is of the form kx " !t , the wave
propagates in the +x direction.
(b) Examining the argument of the 2#
k= = 10.0 m !1 ⇒ ! = 0.628 m
cosine function, we note that the "
wave number k of the wave is:

Examining the argument of the $ = 2#f = 3.00 "10 9 s !1

cosine function, we note that the
angular frequency ω of the wave

Solving for f yields: 3.00 !10 9 s "1

f = = 477 MHz
(c) Express the magnitude of S in ! E2 !
S = ⇒ E = µ0c S
terms of E: µ0c

Substitute numerical values and evaluate E:

E= (4# !10 "7

)( )( )
N/A 2 2.998 ! 108 m/s 100 W/m 2 = 194.1 V/m

! E (x, t ) = (194 V/m )cos[kx " !t ] ˆj
S (x, t ) = (100 W/m 2 )cos 2 [kx " ! t ] iˆ
where k = 10.0 rad/m and
! 1 ! !
and S = E!B: ω = 3.00 × 109 rad/s.

Use B = E/c to evaluate B: 194.1 V/m

B= = 647.4 nT
2.998 ! 10 8 m/s

! 1 ! ! !
Because S = E ! B , the direction B (x, t ) = (647 nT )cos[kx " !t ] kˆ
! where k = 10.0 rad/m and
of B must be such that the cross ω = 3.00 × 109 rad/s.
! !
product of E with B is in the
positive x direction:
5. T&M 30.P.046

An electromagnetic wave has a frequency of 100 MHz and is

traveling in a vacuum. The magnetic field is given by B(z, t) =
(1.00 x 10-8 T) cos (kz - ωt) (in the x direction).

Picture the Problem We can use c = fλ to find the wavelength. Examination of
the argument of the cosine function will reveal the direction of propagation of the
wave. We can find the magnitude, wave number, and angular frequency of the
electric vector from the given information and the result of (a) and use these
results to obtain E (z, t). Finally, we can use its definition to find the Poynting

(a) Relate the wavelength of the c

wave to its frequency and the speed f
of light:

Substitute numerical values and 2.998 ! 108 m/s

"= = 3.00 m
evaluate λ: 100MHz

From the sign of the argument of the cosine function and the spatial dependence
on z, we can conclude that the wave propagates in the +z direction.
(b) Express the amplitude of E : ( )(
E = cB = 2.998 !108 m/s 10 "8 T )
= 3.00 V/m

Find the angular frequency and $ = 2# f = 2# (100 MHz ) = 6.28 " 108 s !1
wave number of the wave: and
2" 2"
k= = = 2.09 m !1
# 3.00 m

! !
Because S is in the positive z direction, E must be in the negative y direction in
order to satisfy the Poynting vector expression:

[( ) ( )]
E (z , t ) = ! (3.00 V/m )cos 2.09 m !1 z ! 6.28 "108 s !1 t ˆj

(c) Use its definition to express and evaluate the Poynting vector:
S (z , t ) =
1 ! ! " (3.00 V/m ) 10 "8 T
E!B =
( ) [( ) ( ) ]( )
cos 2 2.09 m "1 z " 6.28 !108 s "1 t ˆj ! iˆ
µ0 4# !10 N/A 2

( ) [( ) (
S (z , t ) = 23.9 mW/m 2 cos 2 2.09 m !1 z ! 6.28 "108 s !1 t kˆ)]
The intensity of the wave is the I=S= 1
2 (23.9 mW/m )

average magnitude of the Poynting

vector. The average value of the = 11.9 mW/m 2
square of the cosine function is 1/2:

6. T&M 30.P.047

A circular loop of wire can be used to detect electromagnetic

waves. Suppose a 104 MHz FM station radiates 40 kW uniformly
in all directions. What is the maximum rms voltage induced in a
loop of radius 30 cm at a distance of 105 m from the station?


The intensity of the radiation is given by the power divided by

the area: I = . This is related to B0, the amplitude of the
4! d 2
2 µ0 I
magnetic field, as follows: B0 = . The induced rms voltage is
" B0# r 2
! rms = , such that
(2" f )" r 2 Pµ0 fr 2 P" 3 µ0 (104 # 10 6 )(.32 ) (40 # 10 3 )" 3 (4" # 10 $7 )
! rms = = = = 6.75mV
2 2" d 2 c d c 10 5 2.998 # 10 8

7. T&M 31.P.051

What is the polarizing angle for light in air that is incident on the
(a) water (n = 1.33) (a) glass (n = 1.50)

Picture the Problem The polarizing angle is given by Brewster’s law:

tan ! p = n2 n1 where n1 and n2 are the indices of refraction on the near and far
sides of the interface, respectively.

Use Brewster’s law to obtain: &n #

( p = tan '1 $$ 2 !!
% n1 "

(a) For n1 = 1 and n2 = 1.33: & 1.33 #

( p = tan '1 $ ! = 53.1°
% 1.00 "

(b) For n1 = 1 and n2 = 1.50: & 1.50 #

( p = tan '1 $ ! = 56.3°
% 1.00 "

8. T&M 31.P.053

Two polarizing sheets have their transmission axes crossed so

that no light gets through. A third sheet is inserted between the
first two such that its transmission axis makes an angle θ with
that of the first sheet. Unpolarized light of intensity I0 is incident
on the first sheet. Find the intensity of the light transmitted
through all three sheets for the following values of θ.
(a) θ = 45° and (b) θ = 30°


Picture the Problem Let In be the intensity after the nth polarizing sheet and use
I = I 0 cos 2 ! to find the intensity of the light transmitted through all three sheets
for θ = 45° and θ = 30°.

(a) The intensity of the light between I1 = 12 I 0

the first and second sheets is:

The intensity of the light between the I 2 = I1 cos 2 !1, 2 = 12 I 0 cos 2 45° = 14 I 0
second and third sheets is:

The intensity of the light that has I 3 = I 2 cos 2 ! 2,3 = 14 I 0 cos 2 45° = 1
8 I0
passed through the third sheet is:

(b) The intensity of the light between I1 = 12 I 0

the first and second sheets is:

The intensity of the light between the I 2 = I1 cos 2 !1, 2 = 12 I 0 cos 2 30° = 83 I 0
second and third sheets is:

The intensity of the light that has I 3 = I 2 cos 2 ! 2,3 = 83 I 0 cos 2 60° = 3
32 I0
passed through the third sheet is:

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