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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region 2
Division of Tuguegarao City
Tuguegarao City Science High School

There are two kinds of people in this world - followers and leaders. People that
never take a leadership role in any activity are followers. In the other way, leaders are
the ones that use their skills as a leader to make a difference in a community. Being a
leader takes a lot of time and effort. Boldness is required to take this responsibility. It
is not something that you learn from a book, but, this skill can be obtained through
experiences. In this environment, surrounded by individuals who may well be the
leaders and influencers of the future – all things seemed possible.
As an ordinary student, leadership wasn’t something I had continuously pursued
amidst all the learning. But, I quickly found myself in a leadership position. I decided
to apply for the position of Grade 10 representative and set about trying to represent
the views of over 130 students, which has been challenging at times.
March 21, 2018, I was elected and chosen by the student body to serve the whole
TCSHS body. It is overwhelming that majority of the school body chose you to be
their leader and gave you the floor to speak for them. Along the way, I have gained
many insights not just about facing the students and faculty but also, doing things that
are for the betterment of the school establishment.
With the experience I gained, I felt more interest in learning and talking about it.
Some asked me what it feels to be a leader, to have an authority. As I continue to
serve Tuguegarao City Science High School, I continuously think the answer to that
question. I write my experiences and talk about issues in order to fully understand and
to help make a possible solution. It has been giving that problem full atention and
being brave at times.
I consider myself a helper simply trying to help where I could. But with the help
of the Supreme Student Government, together with my co-officers, I have come to
realize that leadership is exactly what I have been doing. I saw the importance of
recognizing this within myself. As a leader, I’m a symbol of trust, honor, friendship,
security, peace, and love.
With the summits I have attended as an SSG officer, it opened a new knowledge
that I can use to solve an issue within our school. It is a great help that I have the
chance to attend to these summits because it is an eye-opener to see the problems that
our school and community facing. Also, as leaders, we have to organize an event that
will surely benefit not only the student body but the whole TCSHS community.
Organizing an event enhanced my artistic skills as we have to decorate and make a
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region 2
Division of Tuguegarao City
Tuguegarao City Science High School

backdrop. It also enhanced my communicating skills because of the letters that we

have to make for our event to be possible.
For the past 11 months of my service, I have tried to the best of my ability to live
up to my commitments. I thank the student body for choosing me to become their
representative. It has been a big part of my learning. It inspires me to continue doing
the right things and thinking not just myself, but also others. I also express my
gratitude to my co-officers for bringing out the best within myself. They have brought
a great amount of learnings that I can use to become an effective leader.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region 2
Division of Tuguegarao City
Tuguegarao City Science High School

School Year 2018-2019 Welcome Program (June 4, 2018)

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region 2
Division of Tuguegarao City
Tuguegarao City Science High School

Brigada (May 28 - June 2, 2018)

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region 2
Division of Tuguegarao City
Tuguegarao City Science High School

4th Quarter Recognition S.Y. 2017-2018 (April 4, 2018)

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region 2
Division of Tuguegarao City
Tuguegarao City Science High School

Grade 11 Orientation (May 31, 2018)

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region 2
Division of Tuguegarao City
Tuguegarao City Science High School

Grade 7 Orientation (May 5, 2018)

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