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International Journal of Food Microbiology 230 (2016) 45–57

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Predicting outgrowth and inactivation of Clostridium perfringens in meat

products during low temperature long time heat treatment
Zhi Duan a,b, Terese Holst Hansen b, Tina Beck Hansen a,⁎, Paw Dalgaard a, Susanne Knøchel b
Division of Microbiology and Production, National Food Institute (DTU Food), Technical University of Denmark, Kgs. Lyngby, Denmark
Department of Food Science, University of Copenhagen, Frederiksberg C, Denmark

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: With low temperature long time (LTLT) cooking it can take hours for meat to reach a final core tempera-
Received 20 July 2015 ture above 53 °C and germination followed by growth of Clostridium perfringens is a concern. Available and
Received in revised form 23 December 2015 new growth data in meats including 154 lag times (tlag), 224 maximum specific growth rates (μmax) and 25
Accepted 20 March 2016
maximum population densities (Nmax) were used to developed a model to predict growth of C. perfringens
Available online 6 April 2016
during the coming-up time of LTLT cooking. New data were generate in 26 challenge tests with chicken
(pH 6.8) and pork (pH 5.6) at two different slowly increasing temperature (SIT) profiles (10 °C to 53 °C)
Slowly increasing temperature (SIT) followed by 53 °C in up to 30 h in total. Three inoculum types were studied including vegetative cells,
Low temperature cooking non-heated spores and heat activated (75 °C, 20 min) spores of C. perfringens strain 790-94. Concentra-
Fail-safe acceptable zone (FSAZ) approach tions of vegetative cells in chicken increased 2 to 3 log CFU/g during the SIT profiles. Similar results
were found for non-heated and heated spores in chicken, whereas in pork C. perfringens 790-94 increased
less than 1 log CFU/g. At 53 °C C. perfringens 790-94 was log-linearly inactivated. Observed and predicted
concentrations of C. perfringens, at the time when 53 °C (log(N53)) was reached, were used to evaluate the
new growth model and three available predictive models previously published for C. perfringens growth
during cooling rather than during SIT profiles. Model performance was evaluated by using mean deviation
(MD), mean absolute deviation (MAD) and the acceptable simulation zone (ASZ) approach with a zone of
± 0.5 log CFU/g. The new model showed best performance with MD = 0.27 log CFU/g, MAD =
0.66 log CFU/g and ASZ = 67%. The two growth models that performed best, were used together with a
log-linear inactivation model and D 53 -values from the present study to simulate the behaviour of
C. perfringens under the fast and slow SIT profiles investigated in the present study. Observed and predict-
ed concentrations were compared using a new fail-safe acceptable zone (FSAZ) method. FSAZ was defined
as the predicted concentration of C. perfringens plus 0.5 log CFU/g. If at least 85% of the observed log-
counts were below the FSAZ, the model was considered fail-safe. The two models showed similar perfor-
mance but none of them performed satisfactorily for all conditions. It is recommended to use the models
without a lag phase until more precise lag time models become available.
© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction (National Research Council, 1999; Voidarou et al., 2011). Vegetative

cells of C. perfringens are inactivated by pasteurization (D70-value of
Clostridium perfringens is an anaerobic and endospore-forming bac- 0.32 ± 0.37 min) whereas spores can survive this heat treatment
terium able to produce toxin that causes a broad spectrum of human (D 70 -value of 407 ± 454 min) (Van Asselt and Zwietering, 2006).
and veterinary diseases. It occurs naturally in many environments in- During subsequent cooling spores may germinate and are able to
cluding soil, water and the intestinal tract of animals and humans grow rapidly at about 45 °C (Labbe and Huang, 1995) but fast
(McClane, 2001). C. perfringens contamination of raw meat is common cooling from 54.4 °C to 26.6 °C within 1.5 h and from 26.6 °C to
with high natural occurrence for various types of raw meat products 4.4 °C within 5 h minimize germination and outgrowth (EFSA,
2005; Taormina and Dorsa, 2004). Martens (1999) recommended
a heat treatment of 90 °C for 10 min combined with chill storage
(b 10 °C) to manage non-proteolytic Clostridium botulinum. Howev-
⁎ Corresponding author at: Division of Microbiology and Production, National Food
er, guidelines related to control of C. perfringens during low temper-
Institute (DTU Food), Technical University of Denmark, Mørkhøj Bygade 19, DK-2860
Søborg, Denmark. ature long time (LTLT) cooking are lacking. A well-established
E-mail address: (T.B. Hansen). example of this type of heat treatment is sous-vide cooking where
0168-1605/© 2016 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
46 Z. Duan et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 230 (2016) 45–57

ingredients are vacuum-packaged and heated at temperatures as three existing C. perfringens growth and subsequent inactivation
low as 60 to 65 °C for 2–8 h. Advantages of this technology include models were evaluated under these conditions.
higher water retention of meat, improved texture and tenderness as
well as higher flavour intensity of the final products (Church and 2. Materials and methods
Parsons, 2000; Garcia-Linares et al., 2004). For LTLT cooking at below
60–65 °C these properties are further increased (Christensen et al., 2.1. Experimental design
2011; Vaudagna et al., 2002). However, Willardsen et al. (1978) showed
that extensive growth of C. perfringens can occur during LTLT cooking Growth curves for C. perfringens in various meats were collected
with slowly increasing temperature (SIT) profiles and they questioned from 15 previously published studies (Table 1) and used for develop-
the safety of this type of heat treatment. ment of a new growth model. Seven growth curves in pork at a con-
In relation to sensory properties of products, numerous SIT stant temperature of 45 °C were generated in the present study to
profiles can be relevant for LTLT cooking of meat. Therefore, predic- supplement those data. For evaluation of the developed and existing
tive modelling of C. perfringens growth and inactivation seems an models, growth and subsequent inactivation of C. perfringens in meat
interesting approach to evaluate the safety of these processes. A products was studied in a series of challenge tests performed with
few growth models (Jaloustre et al., 2011; Juneja et al., 2011; Le two different SIT profiles. Chicken or pork meat was inoculated
Marc et al., 2008) and some inactivation models (Foegeding and with vegetative cells, non-heated spores or heat activated (75 °C,
Busta, 1980; Jaloustre et al., 2012; Van Asselt and Zwietering, 20 min) spores of C. perfringens strain 790-94 (see Section 2.2). For
2006) are available to predict responses of C. perfringens in meat. the two different SIT profiles this resulted in 15 challenge tests
However, the performance of available growth models has exclu- with chicken and 11 challenge tests with pork. Fourteen growth
sively been evaluated for cooling profiles (Jaloustre et al., 2011; and inactivation curves for SIT treatments of beef were collected
Juneja et al., 2011; Le Marc et al., 2008) and these models remain from the literature (Foegeding and Busta, 1980; Willardsen et al.,
to be evaluated for SIT profiles in relation to LTLT meat cooking. 1978; 1979) and included in the model evaluation.
The objective of the present study was to evaluate the performance
of C. perfringens growth and inactivation models under conditions 2.2. Bacterial strain, reagents and pre-culture conditions
of relevance for safety evaluation of LTLT meat cooking. Specifically,
the effect of two different SIT profiles on growth and inactivation of The studied C. perfringens isolate 790-94 originated from a human
C. perfringens was studied and the performance of both a new and food poisoning incidence and it is carrying a chromosomal cpe gene

Table 1
Literature growth data used for determination of lag time (tlag) and maximum specific growth rate (μmax) values.

Type of meat pH NaNO2 (ppm) aw (w/w% NaCl) No. of strains No. of tlag-values No. of μmax-values Reference
Reported Used Reported Used

Poultry (autoclaved) 6.3 0 0.999 (0)a 2 10 8b 10 8b Andersen et al. (2004)

Poultry (80 °C cooked) 6.0 (adjusted) 0 0.999 (0)a 3 2 1b 2 1b Juneja and Marmer (1996)
0.993 (1)a 2 2 2 2
0.985 (2)a 2 2 2 2
0.977 (3)a 2 0b 2 0b
Poultry (75 °C, 20 min) 6.2c 0 0.999 (0)a 3 32 28b,d,e 32 29b,d Juneja et al. (2009)
Poultry (60 °C cooked) 6.2c 120 0.974 (3.5)b 3 20 16b,f 20 16b,f Juneja and Marks (2002)
Pork (75 °C, 20 min) 5.8c 0 0.999 (0)a 3 32 24d–f 32 28d,f Juneja et al. (2010)
Pork (fresh) 5.6 0 0.999 (0)a 1 3 3 3 3 Present study
Pork (75 °C, 20 min) 5.9 (adjusted) 1 1 1 1
Pork (autoclaved) 5.8 1 1 1 1
5.6 (adjusted) 1 1 1 1
5.9 1 1 1 1
Pork (heat-shocked) 5.8c 156 0.990 (1.25)a 3 4 4 4 4 Amezquita et al. (2005)
Beef (autoclaved) 5.9 0 0.999 (0)a 4 none none 18 18g Labbe and Huang (1995)
Beef (80 °C cooked) 7.0 (adjusted) 0 0.999 (0)a 3 4 1b,d 4 1b,d Juneja and Majka (1995)
0.975 (3)a 3 1b,d 3 1b,d
Beef (autoclaved) 6.3 0 0.999 (0)a 1 8 6b 8 6b Juneja et al. (1994a)
Beef (autoclaved) 6.2 0 0.999 (0)a 3 none none 7 7g Juneja et al. (1994b)
Beef (autoclaved) 6.2c 0 0.999 (0)a 1 none none 9 9 Foegeding and Busta (1980)
Beef (fresh) 5.8c 0 0.999 (0)a 8 4 4 4 4 Willardsen et al. (1979)
Beef (autoclaved) 6.2c 2 2 2 2
Beef (autoclaved) 6.2c 0 0.999 (0)a 8 none none 25 25 Willardsen et al. (1978)
Beef (steamed) 5.8 0 0.999 (0)a 1 none none 4 4 Schroder and Busta (1971)
Beef (60 °C cooked) 6.0c 120 0.999 (0)a 3 26 20b,d,f 26 20b,d,f Juneja et al. (2001b)
Beef (75 °C, 20 min) 6.1a 0 0.999(0) 3 32 28d,e 32 30d Juneja et al. (2008)
Total number 192 154 255 224
The estimated aw values were calculated from concentration of NaCl and dry matter of meat by using “% water phase salt (%WPS) = %NaCl × 100 / (100% × dry matter + %NaCl)” and
“aw = 1–0.0052471 × %WPS – 0.00012206 × %WPS2” from Ross and Dalgaard (2004). Dry matter content was obtained from the Danish National Food Institute's Food Composition
Databank (, as 28.8% for turkey, 26.0% for chicken, 30.4% for pork and 34.6% for beef. Concentrations of NaCl were calculated from molar equivalent of sodium in
the meat from the same Databank.
Data from poorly fitted curves (R2 b 0.9) or data not consistent with model (including no growth) were removed.
Estimated values determined by measuring pH of similar types of meat.
Growth curves with less than three cell concentrations (log CFU/g) in the exponential phase and/or no cell concentrations in late lag phase were not used.
Reported lag times of 0 were removed.
Poorly fitted curves and/or curves without enough data points but at same the condition were pooled together.
Reported μmax-values from the Gompertz model were corrected by multiplying with a factor 0.8521 (see Section 2.6.1).
Z. Duan et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 230 (2016) 45–57 47

(Brynestad et al., 1997). A mixture of vegetative cells and spores, was and pH was adjusted from 6.2 to 6.8 by 1 M NaOH to mimic the high
prepared in 10 ml of cooked meat medium (Difco 226730, BD Corpo- pH of chicken legs.
rate, NJ, USA) as described by McDonel and McClane (1988) and main- All meat used for challenge tests was ground. Batches of 10 kg of
tained at −20 °C. All chemicals and culture reagents were purchased pork tenderloins (porcine M. psoas major) and chicken breasts,
from Sigma-Aldrich (St. Louis, MO, USA), unless otherwise specified. respectively, were obtained from a local supermarket. Pork tender-
loins were surface sterilized by immersion in boiling rapeseed oil
2.2.1. Sporulation and spore purification (240 °C, 5 s). Inside a horizontal laminar airflow clean bench
C. perfringens 790-94 was heated for 20 min at 75 °C in freshly (Holten Laminair HBB2460, Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc., MA,
prepared fluid thioglycollate medium (FTG; Oxoid CM0173, USA), the fried surface was removed using a sterilized knife. This
Basingstoke, UK) and incubated (18 h, 37 °C) in a 20-ml tube with procedure was not required for the chicken meat as the microbiota
a screw cap at an atmosphere with 0% oxygen, 1.0–2.5% hydrogen, was below 2 log CFU/g at the time of purchase. Both types of meat
and N97.5% nitrogen using an anaerobic chamber (Vinyl Anaerobic were passed through a 3 mm holeplate by using a grinder (OBH
Airlock Chamber, Coy Laboratory Products INC., MI, USA). Subse- Nordica 6681, OBH Nordica Denmark A/S, Taastrup, Denmark),
quently, 1.0 ml was transferred to 10 ml of freshly prepared FTG which had been decontaminated using 70% ethanol. Three kg of
and incubated (4 h, 37 °C) with the same atmosphere. Two ml each type of ground meat was placed in sterile plastic bags, and
was then transferred to 200 ml of modified Duncan Strong (DS) ground chicken was mixed with an appropriate amount of 1 M
medium and incubated for 24 h at 37 °C. The original DS formula- NaOH to increase pH to 6.8 as described above. The ground meat
tion was modified by replacing starch with 0.4% raffinose to im- was manually tumbled for at least 5 min to make the batch as
prove sporulation (Juneja et al., 1993). The sporulation homogenous as possible. Portions of 500 g were vacuum packaged
percentage was determined after 8 h (Andersen et al., 2004) in using sterile plastic bags and stored at − 20 °C until use. The
modified DS medium by using a phase contrast microscope, 400 × microbiota in ground pork and chicken was checked using TSC
magnification and a digital camera (Olympus BH-2 and Dp11, agar (see Section 2.4) and exclusively batches with concentrations
Olympus Denmark A/S, Denmark). The number of phase bright below the detection limit (2 log CFU/g) was applied in the chal-
spores out of approximately 1000 cells was determined lenge tests.
(Andersen et al., 2004). After 24 h at 37 °C, cells and spores were
harvested by centrifugation (8000 × g, 20 min, 4 °C) and re- 2.3.2. Inoculation
suspended in 50 ml of cold (5 °C) sterile deionized water. The sus- The 500 g portions of meat were thawed overnight at 5 °C and
pension was stored at 10 °C for 5–6 d to release spores from the 10 ± 0.1 g were aseptically transferred into sterile laminar-film-
mother cells (Yang et al., 2009). Then sonication (4 × 1 min, 0 °C) bags (65 mm × 140 mm) with low-oxygen permeability (thickness
with an ultrasonic processor (Vibra Cell, model 72,434, Bioblock 90 μm; oxygen transmission 50 cm 3 /m 2 d bar; Allfo
Scientific, Illkirch, France) was performed at 50% of max power to Vakuumverpackungen, Hans Bresele KG, Waltenhofen, Germany).
release spores from vegetative cells. To remove debris of vegetative The 10 g meat samples were added 20 μl of one of the three pre-
cells the spores were washed three times using sterile deionized cultures, resulting in 3–4 log CFU/g. The meat was manually mas-
water (100 ml, 5 °C) and centrifugation (8000 × g, 20 min, 4 °C). saged for 3 min to evenly distribute the inoculum, and then
The spore pellet was re-suspended in sterile deionized water vacuum-packaged at − 683 mbar (Komet X200, Maschinenfabrik,
(50 ml, 5 °C) and stored at 4 °C for up to 3 months. Phase contrast Stuttgart, Germany). To mimic chilled storage of meat prior to
microscopy was used to determine the ratio between free spores LTLT cooking, the samples inoculated with vegetative cells or
and vegetative cells in the suspension. non-heated spores were stored overnight at 5 °C before starting
the challenge tests. Heated spores were prepared immediately be-
2.2.2. Pre-cultures fore starting challenge tests to reduce germination into vegetative
For pre-culturing of vegetative cells, 0.1 ml of the spore suspen- cells before inoculating the meat samples.
sion (see Section 2.2.1) was transferred to 10 ml of freshly pro-
duced FTG and then heated (75 °C, 20 min) and incubated (24 h, 2.3.3. SIT treatments
37 °C) with the same anaerobic atmosphere described above. This Two SIT profiles were studied. The fastest SIT mimicked the tem-
resulted in a stationary-phase pre-culture of vegetative cells perature profile used in a study of the sensory quality of LTLT meat
which was diluted in sterile water to obtain an inoculum with ca. cubes (Line Christensen, University of Copenhagen, personal com-
5 × 10 6 CFU/ml. Non-treated spores were prepared directly from munication). The 10-g-meat-samples were transferred from the
the spore suspension (see Section 2.2.1) by diluting 40-fold in ster- 5 °C storage to a water bath at 25 °C and the temperature was then
ilized water to obtain about 5 × 106 CFU/ml. This solution was heat- increased following a predetermined SIT profile up to 53 °C
ed (75 °C, 20 min) to obtain heat-treated spores. The pre-culture of (Figs. 1a and 2a). A slow SIT profile was adopted from Smith et al.
heat-treated spores was cooled to room temperature prior to (1980). In brief, the 10-g-meat-samples at 5 °C were transferred to
inoculation. 400 ml water at 10 °C. This water bath, with the samples, was then
moved to room temperature and left there until samples and water
2.3. Challenge tests together reached 22 °C which took approximately 45 min. Then sam-
ples were placed in a water bath at 25 °C and the temperature was in-
2.3.1. Meat preparation for challenge tests creased following a predetermined SIT profile up to 53 °C (Figs. 1b
To study the growth potential of C. perfringens in LTLT meat hav- and 2b). For both fast and slow SIT profiles, heating at 53 °C contin-
ing a wide range of pH values, pork (pH 5.6) and chicken (pH 6.8) ued for up to 30 h including the coming-up time. Temperature pro-
were selected for investigation. As several previous challenge tests files of 10-g-meat-samples were recorded by a thermocouple data
had studied growth in LTLT beef (Foegeding and Busta, 1980; logger (EL-USB-TC-LCD with a K-type Probe, Lascar Electronics Ltd.,
Willardsen et al., 1978; 1979), this kind of meat was not experimen- Salisbury, UK).
tally tested in the present study.
Chicken legs purchased from a local supermarket were found to 2.4. Microbiological sampling and analysis
have a high level of microorganisms that interfered with the detection
of C. perfringens on the selective TSC agar used for enumeration (see The 10-g-meat-samples were removed at regular time intervals
Section 2.4). To overcome this problem, chicken breasts were used during the SIT treatments and cooled to 10 °C to stop growth of
48 Z. Duan et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 230 (2016) 45–57

Fig. 1. Observed growth and subsequent inactivation of Clostridium perfringens 790-94 in chicken heated under slowly increasing temperature (SIT) profiles. Measured pH (⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅) and
temperatures (——) are shown for fast (a) and slow (b) SIT. Vegetative cells during fast (c) or slow (d) SIT, non-heated spores during fast (e) and slow (f) SIT and heated spores during fast
(g) and slow (h) SIT. Observed data from trial 1 (♦, ▲), trial 2 (□, ×) and trial 3 ( ) with ▲ and × indicating values below the limit of detection. Vertical dotted lines show the time when
53 °C was reached.

C. perfringens. Meat from each sample was diluted 10-fold in physio- UK). Appropriate ten-fold serial dilutions in PSP were spread plated
logical saline (PSP, Difco 211,820, added 0.1% peptone) and homog- (0.1 ml) or drop plated (3 × 15 μl) (Herigstad et al., 2001) on
enized for 2 min with a Stomacher 400 (Seward Limited, London, Tryptose Sulfite Cycloserine (TSC) agar (Perfringens agar base
Z. Duan et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 230 (2016) 45–57 49

Fig. 2. Observed growth and subsequent inactivation of Clostridium perfringens 790-94 in pork heated under slowly increasing temperature (SIT) profiles. Measured pH (⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅) and
temperatures (——) are shown for fast (a) and slow (b) SIT. Vegetative cells during fast (c) or slow (d) SIT, non-heated spores during fast (e) and slow (f) SIT and heated spores during
fast (g) and slow (h) SIT. Observed data from trial 1 (♦, ▲), trial 2 (□, ×) and trial 3 ( ) with ▲ and × indicating values below the limit of detection. Vertical dotted lines show the
time when 53 °C was reached.

(Oxoid CM0587) with TSC supplement (Oxoid SR0088)). These 2.5. pH and aw of meat samples
plates were dried, overlaid with 10 ml TSC at 48 °C and incubated
in an anaerobic chamber (24 h, 37 °C). Black colonies were counted pH was measured using a Knick Struers Portamess 751 calimatic
as C. perfringens. pH metre (Knick, Berlin, Germany) in 10 g of ground meat
50 Z. Duan et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 230 (2016) 45–57

homogenized with 10 ml of sterile deionized water. 4.0 g of ground where t is time, Nt is cell concentration at time t (CFU/g), N0 is the ini-
meat was used for measuring the water activity (AquaLab 3TE, Deca- tial cell concentration (CFU/g), Nmax is maximum population density
gon Devices, Inc., WA, USA). (CFU/g), μmax is the maximum specific growth rate (1/h), and tlag the
lag time (h). This simple primary model was chosen as it directly and
2.6. Available C. perfringens growth data accurately estimates the kinetic parameters tlag, μmax and Nmax
(Rosso, 1995).
Data describing growth of C. perfringens in meats, either growth
curves, generation times, maximum specific growth rates (μmax) and/ 2.7.2. Secondary growth models
or lag times (tlag), were collected from 15 previously published studies The cardinal parameter model of Le Marc et al. (2008) was modified
(Table 1). As different primary growth models had been used for fitting to include a pH term as suggested by Presser et al. (1997) and a simple
of the growth parameters in these studies, refinement and standardiza- term to take into account the effect of sodium nitrite (NIT) (Eq. (2)).
tion of the growth data was required.   
logðμ max Þ ¼ log bðT  T min Þ2  1  ecðTT max Þ  ðaw  aw min Þ
2.6.1. Refinement of isothermal growth data   NIT 
max  NIT
Four different methods of refinement were used. 1) As the modi- ð2  aw  aw min Þ∙ 1  10ðpH min pHÞ 
fied Gompertz model overestimates μmax-values by 10 to 20% com- NIT max
pared to the Logistic and to the Baranyi and Roberts models ð2Þ
(Baranyi et al., 1993; Dalgaard et al., 1994; McMeekin et al., 1993),
growth curves originally fitted with the modified Gompertz model where μmax is maximum specific growth rate (1/h), b and c are con-
to estimate μmax and t lag-values were re-fitted using the Baranyi stants, T is temperature (°C), Tmin is the theoretical minimum tem-
and Roberts model (Baranyi and Roberts, 1994). 2) When growth perature of growth (°C), T max is the theoretical maximum
curve data were reported in studies having used the modified temperature of growth (°C), aw is water activity, awmin is the theoret-
Gompertz model, a factor of 0.852 was used to correct the reported ical minimum water activity for growth, pHmin is theoretical mini-
μmax-values. This correction factor corresponds to the 10 to 20% dif- mum pH for growth and NIT max is theoretical maximum sodium
ference previously determined from a large number of growth nitrate concentration for growth. With T b Tmin, T N Tmax, aw b awmin,
curves for different microorganisms. It was estimated here based pH b pHmin or NIT N NITmax, μmax was defined as zero.
on four growth curves for C. perfringens (Andersen et al., 2004; A simple secondary lag time model Eq. (3) relying on a constant rel-
Foegeding and Busta, 1980; Labbe and Huang, 1995) which were ative lag time (RLT)-values was used (Mellefont and Ross, 2003).
fitted with both the Gompertz and Baranyi and Roberts models and 
  RLT ln ð2Þ
the average value of the relation between the two μmax-values was log t lag ¼ log ð3Þ
μ max
used as the correction factor. 3) Data from poorly fitted growth curves,
i.e. R2 b 0.9, and data from conditions showing no growth were omitted. where tlag (h) is lag time and RLT is the relative lag time.
4) Growth curves with less than three cell counts (log CFU/g) observed The maximum population density (Nmax) was determined as the av-
in exponential phase and/or no cell counts observed in late lag phase erage value (8.27 log CFU/g) from five growth curves in pork at 45 °C
were not used directly. For these growth curves, tlag and μmax-values from the present study as well as from 20 previously published growth
were not used if only one growth curve was available. However, when curves at 30 to 50 °C, that clearly had entered the stationary phase
several growth curves were determined for the same specific condition, (Amezquita et al., 2005; Juneja et al., 1994a; 2008; 2009; 2010).
then all replicates were pooled prior to fitting of tlag and μmax-values by
using the Baranyi and Roberts model. 2.7.3. Combined growth and inactivation model to predict effects of SIT
2.6.2. Estimation of pH and aw values The secondary growth models (Eq. (2), Eq. (3) and log(Nmax) were
When pH was not reported in the studies from literature, the same combined with a log-linear thermal inactivation model (Eq. (4)) to pre-
kind of meat was bought at a local supermarket in Denmark and pH dict the effect of SIT profiles on growth and subsequent inactivation of
was measured (see Section 2.5 and Table 1). With aw-values missing C. perfringens. The simple log-linear model was chosen as it seemed suf-
in studies from literature, these were calculated from the concentra- ficient to describe the observed inactivation kinetics (Figs. 1 and 2).
tions of NaCl and dry matter of similar meat cuts, collected from the
Danish Food Composition Databank ( at DTU logðN t Þ ¼ logðN53 Þ  ðt  t 53 Þ=D53 ð4Þ
Food, using the method suggested by Ross and Dalgaard (2004)
(Table 1). where Nt is the cell concentration at time t, N53 is the cell concentration
at the time (t53) when the SIT profile reaches 53 °C and D53 is the deci-
2.7. New model for growth of C. perfringens mal reduction time in min at 53 °C. D53-values in the present study were
obtained by fitting the cell concentrations (log CFU/g) observed after
To take into account the effect of both processing temperature and the SIT profile reached 53 °C to Eq. (4). Student's t-test was performed
product characteristics (water activity, pH and sodium nitrite) a new to examine whether there were difference of D53-values among meat
model for growth of C. perfringens was developed. types (chicken or pork), type of inoculums (vegetative cells, non-
heated or heated spores) or SIT profiles (fast or slow).
2.7.1. Primary growth model Numerical integration was used to predict the effect of SIT profiles
The logistic model with delay (Rosso et al., 1996) was used as pri- on growth before the temperature reached 53 °C and on the subsequent
mary model to describe growth of C. perfringens in meat (Eq. (1)). thermal inactivation after 53 °C was reached. The Euler method was
used for numerical integration (Press et al., 2007) in combination with
a short time step of 0.167 min during growth and 30 min during thermal
> ðN0 Þ
Log0 1 t b t lag inactivation to obtain accurate predictions (Press et al., 2007). The lag
< fraction approach was used to calculate the effect of changing tempera-
LogðNt Þ ¼ B N max C ð1Þ
> B   C t ≥ t lag tures during the lag phase of C. perfringens (Zwietering et al., 1994).
> Log@
> N −μ max ðt−t lag Þ
: 1þ
−1  e Microsoft Excel 2010 was used for numerical integration (Microsoft
N0 Corp., Redmond, WA, USA).
Z. Duan et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 230 (2016) 45–57 51

2.8. Validation of models (Møller et al., 2013). Besides the FSAZ%, also the MD and MAD measures
were calculated (see Section 2.8.1).
The effect of SIT profiles on growth and inactivation of C. perfringens
in meat samples was evaluated in two ways. First, growth of 2.9. Statistical analyses and curve fitting
C. perfringens during SIT cooking until 53 °C was simulated using both
the developed model (see Sections 2.7.1 and 2.7.2) and three available The Baranyi and Roberts model was fitted using DMFit (http://
growth models (Jaloustre et al., 2011; Juneja et al., 2011; Le Marc, UK Food Standards Agency). Parameter values in
et al., 2008). From each of these simulated growth curves, the final con- Eqs. (2)–(4) were estimated with non-linear regression using
centrations of C. perfringens were predicted and compared to observed SigmaStat 3.5, from Systat Software Inc. (San Jose, CA, USA) (http://
values of log(N53) (log CFU/g). Next, combined growth and subsequent To stabilize variance of data, μmax (Eq. (2)),
inactivation of C. perfringens was simulated using the two growth tlag- (Eq. (3)) and Nt -values (Eq. (4)) were log-transformed.
models, showing best performance when predicting log(N53). Growth Square-root transformation of μmax-data and of the right-hand side
and subsequent inactivation of C. perfringens at 53 °C was predicted by in Eq. (2) was evaluated and resulted in similar parameter estimates.
using the growth models in combination with Eq. (4). Observed log- The log-transformation of both μmax- and tlag-data was selected as it
counts were compared to simulated log-counts using the growth resulted in close-to-constant variance of the data (Fig. 3). The root mean
models with and without lag time. squared error (RMSE) was used to evaluate the goodness-of-fit.

2.8.1. Evaluation of available growth models for C. perfringens 3. Results and discussion
The three available growth models were evaluated using all meat tri-
als, i.e. pork, chicken and beef (n = 39; Table 4). The growth model of Le 3.1. pH and water activity of meat products during SIT profiles
Marc et al. (2008), included the effect of temperature, pH and aw on μmax
and tlag in broth, whereas Nmax was assumed to be a constant of Increasing pH-values were observed during the coming-up time of
9.0 log CFU/g. The models of Juneja et al. (2011) included the effect of SIT profiles (Figs. 1a, b, 2a, b) whereas water activity did not change
temperature on μmax and tlag for growth of C. perfringens in meat either (P N 0.05). For chicken with initial pH of 6.8 the increase was from
from beef or other meats than beef, e.g. pork and chicken. For the models 0.04 to 0.15 pH-units and the observed changes were unlikely to signif-
of Juneja et al. (2011), Nmax for beef was assumed to be the average of icantly influence growth of C. perfringens. The opposite can be expected
the maximum population densities (MPD) found by Juneja et al. for growth in pork where pH increased from 5.6 to 5.8 which is expected
(2008), whereas Nmax for other meats was assumed to be the average to increase the growth rate significantly (Le Marc et al., 2008). These re-
of MPDs found for pork in Juneja et al. (2009) and for chicken in sults indicated that it was important to include the observed dynamic
Juneja et al. (2010). The model of Jaloustre et al. (2011) included the ef- changes in pH when predicting growth of C. perfringens in pork during
fect of temperature on μmax and tlag in beef. Also in that model Nmax was SIT conditions.
assumed to be a constant of 9.0 log CFU/g. When necessary the α0, q0
and h0 values from these models were converted into relative lag time 3.2. Growth and subsequent inactivation of C. perfringens in SIT challenge
(RLT)-values (RLT = tlag ⋯μmax/ln (2)) by using Eq. (5). tests

  There are marked differences in the ability of C. perfringens strains to

ln 1 þ grow in the temperature interval from 12 to 50 °C (Andersen et al.,
 ln ðα 0 Þ q0 h0
RLT ¼ ¼ ¼ ð5Þ 2004; Xiao et al., 2015). For the present study, we chose an isolate,
ln 2 ln2 ln2
C. perfringens 790-94, with a high growth rate in the upper temperature
range as this is most relevant for LTLT cooking. Following inoculation
where α0 is the physiological state (Le Marc et al., 2008), q0 is the phys- with vegetative cells or non-heated spores the C. perfringens 790-94
iological state constant (Juneja et al., 2011) and h0 is a parameter char- counts in chicken increased 2.3–2.9 log CFU/g which was more than
acterizing the “work-to-be-done” for cells to reach the exponential the 1.5–2.0 log CFU/g observed for heated spores (Fig. 1). For pork
phase (Jaloustre et al., 2011). with lower pH, the growth was in general less pronounced but more
For evaluation of the performance of these models, observed and variability of the growth response was observed for vegetative cells
predicted log(N53) values (see Section 2.7.3) were compared using (Fig. 2). These results suggest that low pH meat contaminated with veg-
i) the mean deviation (MD; log CFU/g), ii) the mean absolute deviation etative cells represents a higher risk of growth than similar meat con-
(MAD; log CFU/g) and iii) the percentage of observed values inside an taminated with spores. This is important for LTLT cooking where
acceptable simulation zone (ASZ) of ±0.5 log CFU/g as previously ap- contamination of the meat raw material with vegetative cells of
plied in several studies including Møller et al. (2013). C. perfringens is likely (National Research Council, 1999; Voidarou
et al., 2011).
2.8.2. Evaluation of model to predict growth and subsequent inactivation of Lag times for C. perfringens 790-94 were short (b 1 h) and seemed in-
C. perfringens dependent of inoculum type (vegetative cells, non-heated spores or
The performance of models to predict growth and subsequent heated spores), type of meat (chicken or pork) or SIT profiles (slow or
inactivation of C. perfringens during SIT profiles was evaluated by a fast) (Figs. 1 and 2). Slightly longer lag times of approx. 1.5–2 h were ob-
fail-safe acceptable zone (FSAZ) method. FSAZ was defined as the served for vegetative C. perfringens cells in beef when exposed to slow
predicted concentration of C. perfringens (log CFU/g) plus linear heating SIT profiles with 4.1–8.5 °C/h (Foegeding and Busta,
0.5 log CFU/g. If an observed concentration was below the FSAZ 1980; Willardsen et al., 1978; 1979). However, these studies did not
then the prediction for that particular point was defined as safe and apply overnight 5 °C-storage of inoculated samples prior to the LTLT
the evaluated model was considered fail-safe when the percentage of cooking which could explain the longer lag times.
observed counts below the FSAZ was at least 85%. A percentage of 85 Independent of SIT conditions and of the type of meat the highest
means, that no more than 100% − 85% = 15% of the observed concen- concentration of C. perfringens 790-94 cells was always observed at
trations can be under-predicted for the model to be evaluated as fail- the time when the product temperature approached 53 °C. The excep-
safe. Thus, the FSAZ method considers all over-predicted concentrations tion was the absence of growth in pork inoculated with heated spores
as acceptable. This FSAZ method is a modification of the ASZ method (Figs. 1 and 2). After 53 °C was reached, an apparently log-linear inacti-
(see Section 2.8.1) where 70% has been used as acceptability level vation of vegetative C. perfringens 790-94 cells was observed (Figs. 1 and
52 Z. Duan et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 230 (2016) 45–57

Fig. 3. Previously published maximum specific growth rates (μmax, 1/h, n = 224) and lag times (tlag, h, n = 154) for Clostridium perfringens growing in different types of meat. μmax- (a) and
tlag-values (c) were shown for beef ( ), beef with NaNO2 added (♢), pork ( ), pork with NaNO2 added (□), poultry (▲) or poultry with NaNO2 added (△). Published μmax- and tlag-values
were compared with prediction (——) from Eq. (2) (b) and Eq. (3) (d) using parameter estimates shown in Table 2.

2). In line with these observations, log-linear inactivation was also ob- The new secondary μmax-model (Eq. (2)) was based on data for all
served for C. perfringens in beef at similarly low temperatures types of meat and described data appropriately with statistically signif-
(Foegeding and Busta, 1980). The thermal inactivation at 53 °C resulted icant parameter estimates, relatively small standard errors, a RMSE-
in C. perfringens 790-94 concentration in chicken being lower than the value of 0.137 and a R2-value of 0.909 for log-transformed μmax-values
initial concentration after about 15 h (Fig. 1). For pork this overall reduc- (Table 2 and Fig. 3b).
tion of C. perfringens 790-94 concentration was obtained after 1–15 h The estimated Tmin (10.3 °C) and Tmax (52.9 °C) values were both a
depending on the inoculum and the SIT profile (Fig. 2). little lower than the values of 12.2 °C and 54.5 °C reported by Le Marc
et al. (2008). Importantly, the estimated Tmax-value of 52.9 °C in the

3.3. New growth model for C. perfringens Table 2

Estimated parameter values in secondary Clostridium perfringens growth models (Eqs. (2)
and (3)) determined by fitting literature data (Table 1).
154 out of 192 tlag-values and 224 out of 255 μmax-values from liter-
ature studies were selected for development of a new C. perfringens Response variable Parameter Estimate Std. error P value
growth model (Table 1). Added curing agents, like NaCl and NaNO2, re- μmax (n = 224) b 1.705 0.608 0.006
duced μmax-values and extended the tlag of C. perfringens in meat. Poultry Tmin (°C) 10.3 0.23 b0.001
appeared to result in slightly faster growth of C. perfringens (Fig. 3a), but c 0.166 0.032 b0.001
Tmax (°C) 52.9 0.42 b0.001
there was no obvious difference in the μmax-values and tlag determined
pHmin 4.7 0.39 b0.001
for different types of meat as also found in the study of Juneja et al. awmin 0.945 0.009 b0.001
(2011). The high variability of observed μmax-values at different storage NITmax (ppm NaNO2) 334 37 b0.001
temperatures (Fig. 3a), especially for beef, was most likely due to differ- tlag (n = 154) RLT 5.97 0.35 b0.001
ences in product pH and differences between the many strains studied Nmax (n = 25) Nmax (log CFU/g) 8.27 0.088 n.a.

in those experiments (Table 1). n.a.: Not applicable.

Z. Duan et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 230 (2016) 45–57 53

present study corresponded well with the observed inactivation of 3.5. Model performance
C. perfringens 790-94 starting at 53 °C (Figs. 1 and 2). The estimated
awmin-value (0.945) was lower than the value of 0.976 reported by Le 3.5.1. Growth models
Marc et al. (2008) and the new estimate is in agreement with growth Based on the coming-up time and temperature profiles, characteriz-
of C. perfringens observed for beef with aw of 0.974–0.975 (Juneja and ing the fast and the slow SIT conditions, the log-concentration of
Marks, 2002). The estimated pHmin-value (4.7) was similar to the 4.76 C. perfringens obtained when 53 °C (log(N53)) was reached was predict-
reported by Le Marc et al. (2008) and both values corresponded well ed using three previously reported growth models as well as the new
with the pH growth boundary of 5.0 reported by Smith (1972). The es- model developed in the present study. The same procedure was repeat-
timated NITmax-value of 334 ppm sodium nitrite corresponded to stud- ed for linear SIT profiles for beef collected from Foegeding and Busta
ies observing growth in meat with 200 ppm (Juneja et al., 2013) but we (1980) and Willardsen et al. (1978; 1979) (Fig. 4). Table 4 shows the
have found no cardinal parameter values for the effect sodium nitrite on comparison of these predictions to the observations. The new growth
growth of C. perfringens in the literature. model developed in the present study showed overall the best perfor-
Considerable variability was observed for the lag times and RLT- mance for predicting log(N53), with the lowest MD (0.27 log CFU/g)
values obtained from isothermal growth in meat products (Figs. 3c, d), and MAD (0.66 log CFU/g) and the highest total ASZ (67%). These values
but no significant effect of temperature on RLT-values was observed show that, on average, the new model overestimated the observed
(P N 0.05). Short tlag-values below 1 h [log(tlag) b 0] were observed C. perfringens log(N53) counts (Fig. 4d). From a food safety perspective,
mainly for growth in uncured meats (Fig. 3d). The fitted RLT-value overestimation of log(N53) could be considered as fail-safe if it provides
was 5.97 (Table 3), which corresponded to values reported by others, the basis for calculation of the number of log-reductions required for the
e.g. 6.5 (chicken), 5.7 (pork) and 5.8 (beef) by Le Marc et al. (2008), LTLT meat product to be safe to eat. Figs. 4a, b in combination with the
6.6 (chicken), 6.2 (pork) and 3.9 (beef) by Juneja et al. (2011), and 6.5 positive MD-values (Table 4) for the models from Le Marc et al.
(beef) by Jaloustre et al. (2011). (2008) and Juneja et al. (2011) showed that these models also generally
The estimated Nmax-value of 8.27 log CFU/g in the developed model overestimated log(N53), whereas the model from Jaloustre et al. (2011)
(Table 2) was slightly lower than the level of 9 log CFU/g used in both Le with a negative MD, on average, underestimated the log(N53) values
Marc et al. (2008) and Jaloustre et al. (2011). However, Nmax in the pres- (Fig. 4c).
ent study was comparable to the levels 8.5 log CFU/g (beef) and Le Marc et al. (2008) used what they described as robust strains to
8.1 log CFU/g (pork and chicken) estimated from the studies of Juneja build their model, i.e. strains with the cpe gene on their chromosome
et al. (2008; 2009; 2010) and also comparable to the levels found by resulting in a high heat tolerance of spores and strains showing good
Roy et al. (1981) after growth at 37, 41, 45 and 49 °C in beef. growth potential after heating/cooling regimes. The model of Jaloustre
et al. (2011) was built from growth of many strains and relied on data
3.4. Thermal inactivation model for C. perfringens in meat after SIT reported in 14 different studies with beef. The model of Juneja et al.
treatment (2011) relied on growth of a cocktail of three strains but this model ex-
clusively included the effect of the storage temperature on growth. The
D53-values determined for inactivation of vegetative cells of better performance of the Le Marc et al. (2008) model mainly resulted
C. perfringens 790-94 at 53 °C (Fig. 1, Fig. 2) were significantly different from its ability to take into account the effect of the product's pH. Al-
(P = 0.04) for the two SIT profiles but no significant difference was though, it performs better than other available C. perfringens growth
found between the types of meat (Table 3). The slow SIT profile resulted models, the Le Marc et al. (2008) model has a limited ability to predict
in higher heat resistance of C. perfringens 790-94 and in a 1.3-fold higher the effect of reduced water activity. This results from an awmin-value
D53-value compared to the fast SIT profile (Table 3). A similar effect of of 0.976 indicating that C. perfringens is predicted not to grow at aw-
SIT profiles has previously been observed for C. perfringens (Roy et al., values below 0.976. However, Juneja and Majka (1995) and Juneja
1981), Salmonella (Stasiewicz et al., 2008) and Listeria monocytogenes and Marks (2002) observed growth of C. perfringens in beef with aw of
(Hassani et al., 2005; Stephens et al., 1994). The D53-values determined 0.974–0.975. Furthermore, the Le Marc et al. (2008) model has a theo-
in the present study were close to those determined by Foegeding and retical maximum temperature of growth (Tmax) of 54.5 °C resulting in
Busta (1980) for C. perfringens in beef but markedly higher than D53- growth being predicted at 53 °C where the present study observed
values extrapolated from both Van Asselt and Zwietering (2006) and C. perfringens 790-94 to be inactivated (Figs. 1 and 2). Tmax of the new
Jaloustre et al. (2012) (Table 3). Those lower D53-values were extrapo- model was 52.9 °C (Table 2) and, therefore, more realistic also resulting
lated from D- and z-values determined at higher temperatures. This un- in fewer observed log(N53) being overestimated compared to the Le
derlines the importance of validation when D-values are extrapolated. Marc et al. (2008) model (Fig. 4).

Table 3
Decimal reduction times at 53 °C (D53-values) for vegetative cells of Clostridium perfringens.

Reference Treatment before heat inactivation Tested medium pH aw D53-value


Present study Fast SIT Pork or chicken 5.60/6.80 0.999a 256 ± 60

Slow SIT Pork or chicken 5.60/6.80 0.999a 320 ± 78
Foegeding and Busta (1980) Growth at 45 °C followed by heating at constant temperature Autoclaved ground beef 6.20a 0.999a 278.3
of 53 °C
Van Asselt and Zwietering (2006) Average value from five studiesb including inactivation in FTG 17.0c
broth and beef
Jaloustre et al. (2012) Average value from eight studiese including inactivation in FTG 66.2d
broth and beef
Estimated values (see Table 2).
Studies included ICMSF (1996), Juneja and Marmer (1998), Juneja et al. (2001a), Novak et al. (2001) and Roy et al. (1981).
Converted from D70–value of 0.38 min (log10 D70 = −0.42) and z-value of 10.3 °C.
Converted from D60–value of 3 min and z-value of 5.21 °C.
Studies included Foegeding and Busta (1980), Heredia et al. (1997), Juneja and Marmer (1998), Juneja et al. (2001a), Novak et al. (2001), Roy et al. (1981), Sarker et al. (2000) and
Smith et al. (1981).
54 Z. Duan et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 230 (2016) 45–57

Fig. 4. Comparison of observed and predicted concentrations (log CFU/g) of Clostridium perfringens 790-94 when 53 °C was reached (log(N53)) in pork exposed to fast (□) or slow (■) SIT
profiles and in chicken exposed to fast (△) or slow (▲) SIT profiles. Predicted values are from models of Le Marc et al. (2008) (a), Juneja et al. (2011) (b), Jaloustre et al. (2011) (c) and the
present study (d).

In particular, the new model performed well for beef (ASZ = 93%) take hours (Mafart, 1995) which will result in higher RLT values for bac-
and chicken (ASZ = 73%) but poorly for pork (ASZ = 20%) (Fig. 4d). terial spores compared to vegetative cells. This appeared not to be the
The Le Marc et al. (2008) model also performed well for beef trials case in the present study as Figs. 1 and 2 do not indicate longer tlag for
(ASZ = 71%) and relatively well for slow SIT chicken trials whereas spores than for vegetative cells of C. perfringens 790-94 under the non-
log(N53) for fast SIT chicken and most pork trials were overestimated isothermal growth conditions. However, as shown in Fig. 2, there
with more than 1 log-unit (Fig. 4a). With the exception of the model seemed to be a difference in the time point where the decrease of the
of Jaloustre et al. (2011), the models performed better for heated spores population started for inocula consisting of vegetative cells, heated
as compared to vegetative cells and non-heated spores (Table 4). As the and non-heated spores in pork. The decrease of C. perfringens 790-94,
majority of the available growth data of C. perfringens at isothermal con- when either heated or non-heated spores were used, started before
ditions (Table 1) used heated spores as inocula, and the fact that the 53 °C was reached and, therefore, earlier than observed for the vegeta-
model of Le Marc et al. (2008) also was developed using heated spores, tive cells. This could mean that Tmax in the μmax model was lower for
this indicated that different models might be needed for other types of spore inocula of C. perfringens 790-94 in pork. As this was not observed
inocula. Other researchers have shown that spore germination can for chicken (Fig. 1), which had a much higher pH (6.8), an interaction

Table 4
Evaluation of available growth models for predicting the effect of slowly increasing temperature profiles on the number of Clostridium perfringens (log CFU/g) at the time when the tem-
perature reached 53 °C (log(N53)).

Evaluation measure Condition evaluated n Le Marc et al. (2008) Juneja et al. (2011) Jaloustre et al. (2011) New model from
model models model present study

MDa (log CFU/g) All data 39 0.40 0.96 −0.35 0.27

MADb (log CFU/g) All data 39 0.79 1.29 1.00 0.66
ASZc (%) All data 39 41 28 26 67
Beefd 14 71 7 57 93
Porke 10 30 0 20 20
Chickene 15 20 67 0 73
Fast SITe 13 15 38 8 54
Slow SITe 12 33 42 8 50
Vegetative cellse 9 22 22 22 56
Sporese 9 11 33 0 33
Heated sporese 7 43 71 0 71
Mean deviation.
Mean absolute deviation.
Percentage of observed values inside the acceptable simulation zone of ±0.5 log CFU/g.
Pooled data from Foegeding and Busta (1980) and Willardsen et al. (1978; 1979).
Observed data from the present study.
Z. Duan et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 230 (2016) 45–57 55

Table 5
Evaluation of growth models, combined with the thermal inactivation model from the present study, for predicting the effect of slowly increasing temperature profiles on the number of
Clostridium perfringens 790-94 (log CFU/g) using the mean deviation (MD), mean absolute deviation (MAD) and fail-safe acceptable zone (FSAZ) methods.

Type of meat Temperature profiles n Le Marc et al. (2008) model New model from present study

Fitted RLT RLT = 0 Fitted RLT RLT = 0


Pork Fast SITa 54 0.64 0.80 98 2.03 2.04 100 0.91 0.97 100 2.39 2.40 100
Slow SITb 105 0.08 0.76 76 1.55 1.61 98 1.07 1.28 90 2.53 2.39 100
Chicken Fast SITc 129 0.83 0.96 95 2.27 2.27 100 −0.20 0.48 64 1.35 1.35 100
Slow SITd 93 −0.43 0.51 60 1.21 1.21 100 −0.33 0.45 65 1.10 1.10 100
All SIT challenge tests 381 0.29 0.77 82 1.78 1.80 99 0.27 0.76 77 1.76 1.72 100
Data in Fig. 2a, c, e. Both growth and thermal inactivation phases were included.
Data in Fig. 2b, d, f, h. Both growth and thermal inactivation phases were included.
Data in Fig. 1a, c, e, g. Both growth and thermal inactivation phases were included.
Data in Fig. 1b, d, f, h. Both growth and thermal inactivation phases were included.

between pH and temperature may also be involved. Such an interaction profiles which is illustrated in Fig. 5a. For pork, prepared from slow
could also explain part of the overestimations of log(N53) found for pork SIT profiles (Fig. 5b), only the new model performed satisfactorily
with all four models (Fig. 4). with an FSAZ value of 90%, whereas only the Le Marc et al. (2008)
As the growth model of Le Marc et al. (2008) and the new model model performed satisfactorily for chicken prepared from fast SIT pro-
showed better performance than the models of Juneja et al. (2011) or files having an FSAZ value of 95% (Fig. 5c; Table 5). As shown in
Jaloustre et al. (2011), the former were selected for further performance Fig. 5d, both models underestimated the numbers of C. perfringens
evaluation in combination with the thermal inactivation model deter- 790-94 surviving during heating of chicken at 53 °C after a slow SIT pro-
mined in the present study. file resulting in FSAZ values as low as 60–65% and negative MD values
(Table 5). For both models, this appeared to be caused by underestima-
3.5.2. Combined growth and thermal inactivation model for SIT profiles tion of log(N53) which could be a result of the models predicting too
None of the validated models was found acceptable at the overall long tlag, in particular for the slow SIT trials (Figs. 5b, d). It is well
level as the FSAZ values were below 85% (Table 5). The new model known that the temperature history of pre-cultures and temperature
had an overall FSAZ value of 77% which was slightly lower than the shifts influence subsequent tlag (Ross and Dalgaard, 2004), and the
82% found for the model of Le Marc et al. (2008) when combined with short tlag of C. perfringens 790-94 exposed to SIT profiles could be due
D53-values obtained in the present study (Table 5). Both models, how- to both the overnight incubation of inoculated meat at 5 °C (see
ever, performed to an acceptable extent for pork prepared at fast SIT Section 2.3.2) and the dynamic temperature cooking. However, as

Fig. 5. Observed and predicted concentrations (log CFU/g) of vegetative cells of Clostridium perfringens 790-94 in pork exposed to fast (a) or slow (b) SIT profiles and in chicken exposed to
fast (c) or slow (d) SIT profiles. Observed data from trial 1 (♦) and trial 2 (□, ×) with × indicating values below the limit of detection. Concentrations were predicted using primary growth,
Eq. (1) and inactivation, Eq. (4) models in combination either with the secondary growth models, Eqs. (3) and (4) from the present study (——) or with the secondary models from Le Marc
et al. (2008) (⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅⋅).
56 Z. Duan et al. / International Journal of Food Microbiology 230 (2016) 45–57

Table 6
Evaluation of growth models, combined with the thermal inactivation model from the present study, for predicting the processing time needed to reduce the increment of Clostridium
perfringens 790-94 back to the initial level.

Type of meat Temperature profiles Predicted values Observed values

Le Marc et al. (2008) New model from present Vegetative cells Non-heated spores Heated spores
model study

Fitted RLT RLT = 0 Fitted RLT RLT = 0

Pork Fast SITa 8h 15 h 9h 17 h 10 h 2½ h No growth

Slow SITb 8h 17 h 15 h 24 h 12–14 h 4–5 h 4–5 h
Chicken Fast SITc 18 h 24 h 13 h 19 h 15–17 h 15–16 h 13–14 h
Slow SITd 14 h 24 h 14 h 23 h 18–19 h 16–17 h 16–17 h
Data in Fig. 2a, c, e, g. Both growth and thermal inactivation phases were included.
Data in Fig. 2b, d, f, h. Both growth and thermal inactivation phases were included.
Data in Fig. 1a, c, e, g. Both growth and thermal inactivation phases were included.
Data in Fig. 1b, d, f, h. Both growth and thermal inactivation phases were included.

mentioned in section 3.2, longer lag times have been observed for Acknowledgements
C. perfringens growth at SIT profiles in beef but without pre-incubation
at 5 °C. Further studies are needed to determine the quantitative contri- We thank Sigrid Brynestad and Per Einar Granum from the Norwe-
butions of temperature shifts on tlag of C. perfringens. Importantly for the gian School of Veterinary Science, Oslo, Norway for providing the Clos-
safety assessment of LTLT cooked meat, Smith et al. (1980) found very tridium perfringens isolate 790-94. The work was supported by a grant
short lag times for C. perfringens in naturally contaminated beef kept 3304-FVFP-07-044 from the Danish Agriculture and Food Council and
overnight at 4 °C before exposure to SIT profiles. This illustrates the rel- by DTU Food.
evance of predicting C. perfringens growth with short or no lag time for
LTLT cooking.
Using a worst case approach and excluding tlag, by setting RLT equal References
to 0, from both models resulted in overall FSAZ values of 99 and 100% for Amezquita, A., Weller, C.L., Wang, L., Thippareddi, H., Burson, D.E., 2005. Development of
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during the cooling of cooked, boneless ham. Int. J. Food Microbiol. 101, 123–144.
(Table 5). As indicated by the positive MD values and the high MAD
Andersen, K.G., Hansen, T.B., Knøchel, S., 2004. Growth of heat-treated enterotoxin-
values in Table 5, the consequence of using such a worst case approach positive Clostridium perfringens and the implications for safe cooling rates. J. Food
was over-prediction of C. perfringens 790-94 concentrations in all cases, Prot. 67, 83–89.
being most pronounced for the pork trials and the trials using the fast Baranyi, J., Roberts, T.A., 1994. A dynamic approach to predicting bacterial-growth in food.
Int. J. Food Microbiol. 23, 277–294.
SIT profile. Baranyi, J., Roberts, T.A., McClure, P., 1993. A non-autonomous differiential equation to
One way to use the new combined growth and inactivation model model bacterial growth. Food Microbiol. 10, 43–59.
for evaluation of LTLT cooking could be to predict heat-treatments suf- Brynestad, S., Synstad, B., Granum, P.E., 1997. The Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin gene
is on a transposable element in type A human food poisoning strains. Microbiology
ficient to reduce the increment of C. perfringens back to its starting UK 143, 2109–2115.
level. As shown in Table 6, this approach resulted in safe predictions Christensen, L., Ertbjerg, P., Aaslyng, M.D., Christensen, M., 2011. Effect of prolonged heat
for pork with the new model without excluding tlag, whereas excluding treatment from 48 degrees C to 63 degrees C on toughness, cooking loss and color of
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