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Master Courses in English 2011


Istituto Europeo di Design

The structure and contents of advanced training at variety of backgrounds to shape innovative profes- masters: research area
the IED are changing to respond increasingly effi- sional profiles in the areas of design, fashion and vi- 2nd Level masters lasting one or two years, with full-
ciently to everyone who aspires to reach higher le- sual communication, as well as enabling those who time attendance
vels in the world of creativity and of management. have already started training in these areas to build These Masters aim to transfer a correct methodolo-
The new structure features courses for those who on their experience, so as to be able to qualify for a gy for basic and applied research. The programme
have decided that they have a professional future 2nd Level Masters course. sets out to facilitate and implement the ability to
in design and customised courses teaching how to choose the general curriculum and specific discipli-
conduct research and then work where the decisions masters: PROFESSIONAL area nes, on the basis of the student’s own propensities
are really made. 2nd Level Masters lasting one or two years, with full- and objectives, leaving plenty of space for experi-
The spirit is the same one that drives Italian design: time or part-time attendance menting, conducting research and free exploration.
the spirit of curiosity and enterprise, the urge to These Masters aim to transfer the knowledge and The course envisages a network logic, identifying
change things with technical competence and plen- skills necessary for practising professions with a areas of research that correspond to the identities of
ty of creativity. high profile. The curriculum provides methodologi- the various IED locations and valorising their cultu-
cal, technical, cultural and design tools pertinent to ral and methodological differences.
MASTERs the various professional areas and the ability to use Students’ professional profiles at the end of the cour-
1st Level Masters lasting one year, with full-time them practically. Students who attend these courses se will be different from one another: researchers,
attendance attain the ability to manage design complexity in who will target planning, the production of culture
These Masters aim at transferring knowledge of the their professional field of reference. Resulting pro- and the dissemination of research, using suitable
methodological, technical, cultural and design tools fessional opportunities include jobs in firms wor- methods and tools of investigation and working
pertinent to the various disciplinary areas. The cour- king in various fields of production, in design and with private research centres; professionals in aca-
se adopts an interdisciplinary approach to provide engineering practices or in communication agen- demic dissemination, who will generate advanced
participants with the fundamental tools they need cies. In particular, their professional role may be that and refresher training in high-level training esta-
to achieve a complete understanding of the Design of expert professional practitioner, with theoretical blishments; managers, who will be capable of iden-
world: functions, methods and synergies between skills combined with significant experience applied tifying targets and related achievement strategies in
design and other fields. This Masters course is avai- to their sector of reference, or product manager, with complex systems, creating innovative and sustaina-
lable in the three areas of Design, Fashion and Vi- outstanding multidisciplinary propensities, respon- ble solutions and interactions in the course of ma-
sual Communication. sible for developing new products and integrating naging production cycles and services, working for
This Masters course format enables students from a them into the environment. private industry or public institutions.
Academic information
CRITERIA OF ADMITTANCE ENROLMENT research topic of their interest to the Masters course
Once admitted, candidates may formalise their enrol- co-ordinator.
MasterS 1st Level ment in the Masters course of their choice by signing
Candidates must hold a first degree or the equivalent, the relevant regulations and paying the enrolment fee DIPLOMAS/CERTIFICATES
in any disciplinary area. and the annual fee. AND ASSESSMENT
The level of knowledge of the English language will At the end of the Masters course, all students who
be assessed in the course of a telephone interview. SCHOLARSHIPS AND FACILITATIONS have no administrative situations outstanding will
Some of the locations may make provision for scho- receive a certificate of attendance.
Masters: Professional larships covering all or part of the fees for particularly The Masters Diploma with a Professional or Research
and Research 2nd Level meritorious students. focus will be awarded to those students who achieve a
Candidates must hold a first degree or the equivalent Special facilitation policies will also be planned to en- positive assessment in all their intermediate evalua-
in the disciplinary area of the Masters course. Any courage students to continue from the 1st Level Mas- tions and their theses. Candidates will be assessed by
equivalent professional experience will be assessed. ters courses to the Masters courses: Professional and combining the results of the entire academic curricu-
Candidates must also be sufficiently conversant with Research (2nd Level). lum of the Masters course with the final examination
the English language to correspond to an intermedia- For further information about scholarships, please assessment.
te level. This must be demonstrated by providing one contact the IED International Affairs Office (admis-
of the following certificates or the equivalent: Laptop
• TOEFL Paper with a mark of 450; A free Laptop will be provided for the following mas-
• IELTS Academic with a mark of 5.0; INTERNSHIPS ter courses:
Admittance is subject to a motivational interview con- In relation to the course contents and the training ob- 1. in Milan: Product Design, Interior Design, Fashion
ducted either directly or by telephone by the co-ordi- jectives, internships may be organised in firms. One Design
nator of the Masters course and/or the person respon- of the fundamental characteristics of the academic 2. in Venice: Yacht Design
sible for the location where the Masters course is held, services offered in the area of Masters courses is the 3. in Turin: Transportation Design, Advanced Design
when the candidate’s academic record and/or pro- IED’s partnership with private sector firms, public for Transportation - Design for Sport, Sustainable
fessional career will be assessed, together with skills sector institutions and agencies, all constituting ben- Architecture. The Laptop will remain property of the
acquired and personal motives and propensities. chmarks in their respective specific fields, who may students.
collaborate in structuring projects to be developed
APPLICATION during the courses, encouraging students to acquire Withdrawal from the course
Documents to send professionally useful knowledge and skills and offe- Withdrawal from the Master courses is permitted
Candidates who hold the minimum qualifications ring them the opportunity to conduct experiments. only after written notice has been submitted, in accor-
may apply for the Masters courses by sending the These internships may be replaced by the develop- dance with the following: Withdrawal 1 month before
following documents to the IED International Affairs ment of a project simulating professional practice, the beginning of the Master course: forfeit of the en-
Office ( applying the professional knowledge and skills acqui- rolment fee, the course fee will be reimbursed. At the
• Application Form; red under the tutorship of professional practitioners end of this period, any student, who for any reason
• Letter explaining your motivation (max 1 page); who lecture at the IED. withdraws from their Master course, will be held liable
• Curriculum Vitae, specifying your academic qualifica- to pay the total amount of the course fee and therefore
tions, professional experience and language and IT skills; THESIS PROJECT will not be eligible for the reimbursement of any mo-
• Portfolio (only for Masters: Professional and Research); The academic curriculum is completed with a pro- nies already paid.
• Copy of your degree certificate, plus any relevant school ject, whose different characteristics depend on the
and/or work certificates; type of Masters course chosen, which is presented to Cancellation of the Corse
• Copy of your English language skills certificate or self-cer- a committee of experts (lecturers and professional The Istituto Europeo di Design reserves the right to
tification (only for Masters: Professional and Research); practitioners) who assess the skills acquired. cancel Master courses, within a month of the sche-
• Photocopy of your passport. Masters course (1st Level): a project that summari- duled commencement date. Enrolled students will
ses the academic contents acquired during the cour- be informed by written communication and all fees
Portfolio se. already paid will be reimbursed, without any further
Your portfolio may include graduation thesis projects Masters: Professional (2nd Level): for the purpose of costs.
and projects conducted during your formal training completing this study cycle, students must develop
and/or professional experience. a thesis in the area specific to the Masters course General Regulation
Candidates for the Masters (1st Level) and for the chosen; agreed in advance with the course co-or- IED reserves the right to change any information con-
Masters: Professional and Research (2nd Level) in the dinator, the topic must be of relevance to design, tained herein without notice.
management area may submit a detailed report of simulate a professional project in every aspect and
their personal academic and/or professional careers result in a credible finished product whose various
instead of the portfolio. implications can all be evaluated.
Masters: Research (2nd Level): as this course featu-
res greater student autonomy in the choice of aca-
demic curriculum, students are free to suggest a

IED Location Addresses

20135 MILAN - ITALY Tel. +39 06 7024025 VIA SAN QUINTINO, 39 CALLE LARRA, 14 Rua Maranhão, 617
Tel. +39 02 5796951 Fax +39 06 7024041 10121 TURIN - ITALY 28004 MADRID - SPAIN São Paulo - SP - Brazil
Fax +39 02 54101493 Tel. +39 011 541111 FLORENCE Tel. +34 91 4480444 Tel. +55 11 36608000 Fax +39 011 5170167 Casa della Creatività Fax +34 91 1892402 Fax +55 11 36608000
IED MODA LAB Vicolo Santa Maria
20141 MILAN - ITALY 122 00153 ROME - ITALY Isola della Certosa Ph. +39 055 2676311 IED DESIGN
Tel. +39 02 583361 Tel. +39 06 5717651 30141 Venezia - Italy Fax +39 055 2645685 IED MODA LAB
Fax +39 02 5833660 Fax +39 06 57305476 Ph. +39 041 2771164 IED ARTI VISIVE Fax +39 041 2770825 IED COMUNICAZIONE TORRENT DE L‘OLLA, 208
Tel. +34 93 2385889
Fax +34 93 2385909
for more information:
Practical information


All foreign students coming from non-EU countries must FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS: FOREIGN STUDENTS IN SPAIN
obtain a visa for study from the Italian/Spanish Consulate 1. Passport or ID (original + 1 copy) All foreign students who plan to study in Spain have to
or from one of the Italian/Spanish diplomatic representa- 2. An original of the Certificate of enrolment from the Is- apply for a residence permit (Tarjeta de Residencia). The
tives in their countries of origin. tituto Europeo di Design with the indication of the length application procedure and the validity of the permit vary
of course from country to country and also with the motivation of
DOCUMENTS YOU NEED 3. Sickness and accident insurance valid for the period of the request.
TO OBTAIN A VISA: the course
1. a valid passport 4. Tax File Number EU Students
2. your enrolment certificate (the declaration issued by Is- 5. Proof of available means of support for the stay in Italy Students from the EU receive a residence permit valid for
tituto Europeo di Design in which the school guarantees (no less than € 5,061.68) 5 years and renewable therafter. Please note that this does
that the student is duly enrolled. You must receive, along not depend in any way on economic activities.
with the visa, one copy of that certificate stamped by the Non-EU students
Embassy/Consulate) All foreign students who plan to study in Italy have to ap- PLEASE PREPARE
3. the conditions of accommodation in Italy/Spain (resi- ply for a residence permit within 8 days of arriving in Italy. THE FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS:
dence or hotel reservation, rental of an apartment etc.) The application procedure and the validity of the permit 1. Three passport photos
4. a consular statement concerning health care in Italy/ vary from country to country. 2. A copy of your passport
Spain. Students must also prove that they have sufficient In Italy, foreigners can now apply for and renew their resi- 3. An original of the Certificate of enrolment from the Isti-
means of subsistence for their entire stay in Italy/Spain dence permit (permesso di soggiorno) at the Post Office tuto Europeo di Design
and to go back in their home country. and then track the progress of their application online at 4. Sickness and accident insurance
Colombian students Non-EU students
IED offers a free service through our partners in Colom- PLEASE PREPARE THE The residence permit for study purposes is valid from the
bia - Family Firm Consulting Ltda. They advise students FOLLOWING DOCUMENTS: beginning until the end of the course, usually no more
about the necessary documentation and handle students’ 1. Four passport photos (all pages - x2 copies of the main than one year. The permit is issued by the local police.
visa applications with the Spanish consulate. This mini- page and visa) Please prepare the following documents:
mises the number of applications refused. 2. A copy of your passport 1. Three passport photos
3. An original of the Certificate of enrolment from the Isti- 2. Your passport, together with two copies of the pages
RESIDENCE PERMIT FOR tuto Europeo di Design, stamped by the Embassy/Consolate with the stamp issued by the Spanish Embassy or Consul-
FOREIGN STUDENTS IN ITALY 4. A health insurance policy providing coverage from the ate in the student’s home country and with the stamp of
EU Students Health Care Service in Italy: the date of arrival in the Schengen Area of the EU from the
All EU students staying in Italy for a period longer than . An insurance policy from your home country with a dec- immigration authorities at the airport
3 months must apply for Registration at the City’s Office laration from the consulate that it is valid in Italy and a 3. Documents regarding your current address in Spain: a
of the Municipality (Iscrizione Anagrafica) where the stu- description of the duration and health service coverage rental contract or any other declaration.
dents live. provided, specifying that there are no limitations on the 4. An original of the Certificate of enrolment from the Isti-
cost or a duration of an urgent hospitalisation. tuto Europeo di Design
. Any other insurance that covers the same risk along with 5. Sickness and accident insurance, so as to be able to ben-
a declaration from the insurance company specifying that efit from the Health Service in Spain.
there are no limitations on the cost or the duration of an
urgent hospitalisation.

Tuition payment procedure from abroad

• IED Design ROME Banca Popolare di Milano Banco Popular Español c/Génova, 20
• IED Arti Visive Unicredit Banca Agency 37 Milano 28004 Madrid Espãna
Banca Popolare di Milano Agency 6824 Roma Eur Ardigò IBAN CODE: Account:
Agency 37 Milano IBAN CODE: IT75H0558401637000000001680 0019-0030-61-4010075554
IBAN CODE: IT52R0322603200000005485844 BIC (Swift): BPMIITM1037 IBAN CODE:
IT75H0558401637000000001680 BIC (Swift): UNCRIT2VRMJ ES6500750322810600446618
TURIN Banca Popolare di Milano
• IED Moda Lab Deutsche Bank Agency 24 Milano BARCELONA
Banca Popolare di Milano Agency 1 Torino IBAN CODE: La Caixa: Ofic. 0644
Agency 24 Milano IBAN CODE: IT09H0558401624000000025052 Torrent de l’Olla, 193-197
IBAN CODE: IT73P0310401000000000081434 BIC (Swift): BPMIITM1024 Barcelona 08012- España
IT09H0558401624000000025052 BIC (Swift): DEUTITMMTOR Istituto Europeo di Design
BIC (Swift): BPMIITM1024 Account:
2100064452020016 5597
• IED Comunicazione SWIFT / internacional:
Intesa San Paolo CAIXESBBXXX
viale Bligny, 52 Milano IBAN CODE: ES37

Payment by Credit Card

American Express Visa Mastercard Eurocard Diners

Please charge the following amount: euro Name of the student

Card Number Expiry Date

Name of card holder Signature

Master Courses in English 2011 / Application form

please write clearly and in capital letters
Surname Given name Male Female

Nationality Date of birth Place of birth

Address City Country

Postal code Tel. home Tel. mobile


You finished your studies at: College University

University graduation in Obtained (date)

University (School)

Town Country
Professional Experience and other specialized Courses attended


Knowledge of English: High-Intermediate Advanced Mother Tongue Toefl - Score...................... Ielts - Score...................... equivalent certificate



Design Sustainable Architecture Design Management
Milan / 1 year full time / January 2011 Turin / 1 year full time / April 2011 Barcelona / 18 month full time including internship/ Dual
Fee € 12.500 (€ 3.500 enrolment, € 9.000 Tuition Fee) Fee € 16.000 (€ 3.500 Enrolment, € 12.500 Tuition Fee) Degree with Universitat de Barcelona / Jan. 2011 / Fee € 17.500
Fashion Urban Events: Design and Management (€ 3.500 Enrolment, € 14.000 Tuition Fee)
Milan / 1 year full time / January 2011 Barcelona / 1 year full time including internship/ October 2010
Fee € 12.500 (€ 3.500 enrolment, € 9.000 Tuition Fee) Fee € 12.500 (€ 3.500 Enrolment, € 9.000 Tuition Fee) MANAGEMENT
Visual Communication Enviromental Design Brand Management and Communication
Rome / 1 year full time / January 2011 Specialization in: Urban or Landscape Design Milan / 1 year full time / April 2011
Fee € 12.500 (€ 3.500 enrolment, € 9.000 Tuition Fee) Rome / 1 year part time/ March 2011 Fee € 16.000 (€ 3.500 Enrolment, € 12.500 Tuition Fee)
Fee € 12.500 (€ 3.500 Enrolment, € 9.000 Tuition Fee) Arts Management
MASTERS: professional area (second level) Venice / 1 year full time including internship/ February 2011
INTERIOR DESIGN FASHION DESIGN Fee € 12.500 (€ 3.500 Enrolment, € 9.000 Tuition Fee)
Interior Design Fashion Design Management for Luxury Goods
Milan / 1 year full time / January 2011 Specialization in: Product Manager or Fashion Specialization in: Marketing or Retail
Fee € 16.000 (€ 3.500 Enrolment, € 12.500 Tuition Fee) Designer Rome / 1 year full time / April 2011
Commercial Spaces Milan / 1 year full time / January 2011 Fee € 16.000 (€ 3.500 Enrolment, € 12.500 Tuition Fee)
Barcelona / 1 year full time including internship/ Dual Degree Fee € 16.000 (€ 3.500 Enrolment, € 12.500 Tuition Fee)
with Universitat de Barcelona / January 2011 / Fee € 12.500 (€ MASTERS: research area (second level)
3.500 Enrolment, € 9.000 Tuition Fee) GRAPHIC DESIGN Advanced Design
Graphic Design Advanced Design for Transportation
PRODUCT DESIGN Florence / 1 year full time / January 2011 Turin / 1 year full time / November 2010
Product Design Fee € 16.000 (€ 3.500 Enrolment, € 12.500 Tuition Fee) Fee € 16.000 (€ 3.500 Enrolment, € 12.500 Tuition Fee)
Milan / 1 year full time / January 2011
Fee € 16.000 (€ 3.500 Enrolment, € 12.500 Tuition Fee) FASHION COMMUNICATION Design Innovation
Design for Sport Fashion Communication European Design Labs: Interdisciplinary Design
Turin / 1 year full time / March 2011 Specialization in: Fashion Stylist or Fashion PR Madrid / 1 year full time / January 2011
Fee € 16.000 (€ 3.500 Enrolment, € 12.500 Tuition Fee) Milan / 1 year full time / January 2011 Fee € 20.100 (€ 3.500 Enrolment, € 16.600 Tuition Fee)
Fee € 16.000 (€ 3.500 Enrolment, € 12.500 Tuition Fee) Strategic Design Labs
Transportation Design Madrid / 1 year full time
Transportation Design FASHION management Fee € 15.500 (€ 3.500 Enrolment, € 12.000 Tuition Fee)
Turin / 2 years full time / April 2011 Fashion Management Product Design Labs
Master of Arts// Dual Degree with Universitat de Barcelona Specialization in: Product Management or Retail Madrid / 1 year full time
Fee: First Year € 16.500 € (€ 3.500 Enrolment, € 13.000 Tuition Management Fee € 15.500 (€ 3.500 Enrolment, € 12.000 Tuition Fee)
Fee) / Second Year € 13.500 (€ 3.500 Enrolment, € 10.000 Milan / 1 year full time / January 2011 Communication Design Labs
Tuition Fee ) Fee € 16.000 (€ 3.500 Enrolment, € 12.500 Tuition Fee Madrid / 1 year full time
Yacht Design Fee € 15.500 (€ 3.500 Enrolment, € 12.000 Tuition Fee)
Venice / 2 years full time / April 2011
Fee: First Year € 16.500 € (€ 3.500 Enrolment, € 13.000 Tuition
Fee) / Second Year € 13.500 (€ 3.500 Enrolment, € 10.000
Tuition Fee )

Istituto Europeo di Design - International Affairs Office The present application must be completed with: passport photocopy, personal profile
via Sciesa, 4 - 20135 Milan - Italy with full description of studies, statement of purpose and portfolio (only for Professional
Ph. +39 02 55192963 | Fax +39 02 5468517 and Research master courses in design). Uncomplete applications will not be processed.
E-mail: |
(compulsory: please specify where you first heard about IED)
Signature .....................................................................................

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