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A difficult family member

Dear Hannah,
I hate to start on such a negative note like this, but I certainly hope you’re doing
much better than I’m, because I’m absolutely livid!
Do you remember my cousin Andy? The one who broke my bedroom window with
a football? Well, he stayed with us for just four days, but by the end of the first day alone, I
was already at the end of my rope.
He had absolutely no regard for anyone nor anything in the house – he smashed
mum’s favourite vase on arrival, because he carelessly tossed his backpack on the ground
and knocked it over. He didn’t even apologize for it! He had then proceeded to loudly stomp
up the stairs – stepping on poor Whiskers’ tail in the process – complaining about just how
tiring his 20 minute car ride here was.
By the time he left this morning, even my ever-patient mother was annoyed. As
for me, having survived several of his temper tantrums over the course of just four days, I
was on the verge of tears. I truly doubt if I’ve ever felt so relieved in my entire life. Perhaps
it’s awfully rude to say such horrible things about a relative, but Andy is absolutely
I feel like I’m going to burst in frustration. I’m craving some sense of sanity and
comfort. Please write back soon!

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