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NeuroRehabilitation 37 (2015) 489–491 489

IOS Press

Guest Editorial

Commonly used Neuropsychological Tests

for Spanish Speakers: Normative Data
from Latin America

Neuropsychology is a sub-specialty of the field of concentrated in Brazil (Beato et al., 2011; Magalhães
psychology that examines the relationship between & Hamdan, 2010), Mexico (Ostrosky-Solı́s, Ardila, &
brain function and cognitive abilities (Lezak, Howieson, Rosselli, 1999), Argentina (Allegri et al., 1997; But-
Loring, Hannay, & Fischer, 2004). Neuropsychology man, Allegri, Harris, & Drake, 2000), and Colombia
began in 1861–1875 when concurrent advances in (Rosselli, Ardila, Florez, & Castro, 1990). However,
clinical neurology, anatomy, physiology, and psychol- most of neuropsychological tests used in Latin Amer-
ogy combined to create the field (Benton & Adams, ica do not have norms available for the majority of
2000), but in Latin America it has a shorter history. Latin American countries. Thus neuropsychologists
The first neuropsychological laboratory was founded from Latin America must often resort to using norms
in 1958 in Uruguay, and interest in this sub-specialty created in other countries (e.g. Spain, US). Because
spread through other Latin American countries (Dan- there are numerous differences between the populations
silio, 2009). In the past few decades there have been of developing regions like Latin America and devel-
important advancements in the academic training and oped countries, especially in education/literacy levels
resources available (e.g., textbooks, journals, and con- and cultural issues, using norms created with English
ferences in Spanish), and the creation of professional speakers in the US or Spanish speakers in Spain can lead
associations that have together facilitated a growing to inaccurate assessment and misdiagnosis.
number of practicing neuropsychologists. However, the In order to create country-specific norms for some of
advancements have not been homogeneous across all the most commonly used neuropsychological tests in
Latin American countries. adults, a multi-center study in 20 cities in 12 countries
Despite this heterogeneity, there are a certain number was conducted. The goal was to provide standardized
of common barriers to advancing the field of neuropsy- norms for healthy adults ages 18 to 90 while taking into
chology in Latin America, including insufficient aca- account age, education, and sex. A sample of 5,402
demic and clinical training opportunities, poor attitudes Spanish-speaking adults native to Argentina, Bolivia,
towards professional collaboration, and lack of access Chile, Colombia, Cuba, El Salvador, Guatemala, Hon-
to neuropsychological tests (Arango-Lasprilla et al., duras, Mexico, Paraguay, Peru, and Puerto Rico was
2014; Arango-Lasprilla, Rivera, Rogers, Panyavin, obtained. The results from 1,425 Colombians have
& Perrin, 2014; Arango-Lasprilla & Rivera, 2015). been published elsewhere (Arango-Lasprilla & Rivera,
Even when neuropsychologists gain access to tests, nor- 2015). Therefore, this special issue will present the
mative data for their countries for those tests often do procedures and results used to generate normative
not exist. In a review of the literature on standard- data from 3,977 healthy individuals from 14 cities in
ization of tests in Latin America, the major efforts to the remaining 11 Spanish-speaking Latin American
create norms for neuropsychological tests tend to be countries.

1053-8135/15/$35.00 © 2015 – IOS Press and the authors. All rights reserved
490 Guest Editorial

The first article in this special issue will explain Third, to aid clinicians working with individuals with
in detail the methodology used to recruit the sam- neurological conditions, it is helpful to identify cut-off
ple and document the statistical procedures used to points on these neuropsychological tests that suggest
obtain normative data for ten of the most commonly the presence of specific conditions (e.g., Alzheimer’s
used Spanish-language neuropsychological tests for disease) or symptoms (e.g., memory problems). Future
adults. The additional articles will provide informa- comparative studies using these neuropsychological
tion about each test and the resulting norms. The tests tests in adults with various neurological conditions in
included in this special issue are the Boston Naming Latin America should be implemented. Finally, there
Test, the Verbal Fluency Tests, the Modified Wisconsin are 9 Latin American countries (e.g., Ecuador, Uruguay,
Card Sorting Test (M-WCST), the Stroop Color-Word Honduras, Panama, Costa Rica), which are not repre-
Interference Test, The Symbol Digit Modalities Test, sented in this multi-center study and the creation of
the Trail Making Test, the Brief Test of Attention, country-specific normative data for all these neuropsy-
the Rey–Osterrieth Complex Figure, Hopkins Verbal chology tests may be warranted.
Learning Test–Revised, and the Test of Memory Malin- It is important to emphasize that Latin America is
gering (TOMM). a diverse region composed of a total population of
To our knowledge, this is the largest multi-center nor- 604,363,900 individuals from 20 countries who repre-
mative study in the world and its results have several sent many ethnic groups and different ancestries (U.S.
implications for the future of Latin American neuropsy- Census Bureau, 2015). Spanish is the primary, but not
chology. 321,200,000 Spanish-speakers in these 12 the only, language spoken in these countries. Although
countries now have normative data for a representative some of the most commonly used tests were stan-
reference group of healthy adults from their own coun- dardized in this multi-center study, all of the tests in
try and culture for these most used neuropsychological this study were originally developed outside of Latin
tests. Furthermore, these norms may be applicable to America and translated into Spanish. Clinical neuropsy-
individuals from these countries who have recently emi- chologists may find that tests created specifically for
grated to other countries and may currently be evaluated their country and culture that take into account individ-
using the norms of the country of arrival. Emigration ual and country characteristics may be needed in order
is critically important in the Latin America (Durand & to provide a more accurate evaluation of neuropsycho-
Massey, 2010). There are over 20 million people from logical performance.
Latin America who emigrate to other countries and this In conclusion, successful cognitive rehabilitation
totals 4-5% of the region’s population (Organization for depends on the clinician’s ability to adequately assess
Economic Co-operation and Development, 2010). and diagnose neuropsychological deficits and to be
This multi-center study is a step forward, however able to track changes in performance during treat-
much more is needed to provide practicing neuropsy- ment and/or disease progression. This multi-center
chologists in Latin America with the tools and resources study advances the toolbox available to Latin Ameri-
they need to adequately evaluate the populations they can Spanish-speaking neuropsychologists by providing
commonly work with. For example, in Latin Amer- them, as well as other neuropsychologists working with
ica, almost 35 million people over age 15 cannot read Spanish-speaking individuals outside of Latin America,
or write (Croso, Vovio, & Masagao, 2008) and lit- with norms from a country-specific reference group of
eracy has been shown to influence performance on healthy individuals while taking into account age, edu-
neuropsychological tests (Ardila, 1998). Therefore, it cation, and sex. It is hoped that neuropsychologists in
is important to provide normative data for an illiterate the region will work together to expand these efforts to
reference group of healthy adults in Latin American benefit the patients and their families.
countries. Furthermore, assessment and treatment of
attention deficit disorder and learning disabilities is
quite common for neuropsychologists in Latin America
(Arango-Lasprilla, Rivera, Rogers, Panyavin, & Perrin, Guest Editor
2014); however, today, there is a lack of normative data Juan Carlos Arango-Lasprilla, Ph.D
for the most commonly used pediatric neuropsycho- Universidad de Deusto
logical instruments used across Latin America. Future IKERBASQUE, Basque Foundation for Science
multi-center studies with healthy children in Latin Bilbao, Spain
America are needed to develop country-specific norms.
Guest Editorial 491

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