Formal E-Mail

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A formal e-mail should be written as if it is a business letter.

You should be sure

whom it should be addressed to and how you plan to communicate your clear intentions
throughout the e-mail. Here is what you must pay attention to:

1. Use a proper greeting.

Addressing the recipient by name is preferred. Use the person's title (Mr. Mrs. Ms. or
Dr.) with their last name, followed by a comma or a colon. You can precede the
salutation with "Dear..."

2. Introduce yourself in the first paragraph. Also include why you're writing.

3. Write the actual message.

Be sure to get your point across and do not ramble on. Be direct and to the point.

4. Use the correct form of leave-taking.

 Yours sincerely,
 Respectfully,
 Best,

5. Sign with your full name.

6. Double-check your message to make sure that you have contained everything that
you need in your message.
Read your e-mail out loud. Ask someone to proofread the e-mail for you as well.

* Tips & Warnings:

 Identify yourself in a professional manner throughout the e-mail.

 Do not use any abbreviations.

 Always thank the person for her time and consideration at the end of the e-mail.

 Do not send attachments.

 Do not use smileys.

* Formal e-mail format:

To: Professor Snape

Subject: Exam material

[Greeting or salutation] Use a colon or a coma for formal emails. No space before a colon:
Dear Professor Snape: one space after it. “Dear” does not have a period or comma after it.
[Or] Always capitalize the first letter of family names. If you don’t
Dear Mr. Snape, know the name of the recipient, you can use either of these for the
greeting line: To Whom It May Concern: or Dear Sir or
[Body of email]

Yours sincerely, Closings are followed by a comma. The name should be typed after
[Or] skipping one line.
Respectfully, Notice that the second word in a closing is not capitalized.
[Signature line]
Harry James Potter
No punctuation at the end of a line.

* Examples of expressions you may use:

 I am writing to draw your attention to…
 I regret to inform you that…
 I would like to apologize for any inconvenience I may have caused you.
 I would be grateful if you could…
 I find it most unsatisfactory that…
 Please do not hesitate to contact me.
 Thank you for your email regarding…
 I look forward to receiving from you.

* Choose the right item.

1. Hi / Dear
2. Mrs. Johns / Mrs. johns
3. Dear, Mrs. Johns / Dear Mrs. Johns
4. Mrs. Johns. / Mrs. Johns,
5. I want to ask about / I’m writing to enquire about
6. Yours sincerely / Bye
* Write an e-mail:

To: ___________________________

From: _________________________

Subject: _______________________














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