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Zach Wong grew up in Malaysia where he studied Western and Asian mythology. He now lives in Australia,
has a degree in architecture, and works in illustration/graphic design. The art featured in Revelations Tarot will be
exhibited in local galleries and on his website.

Llewellyn Publications Woodbury, Minnesota

Revelations Tarot Companion © 2005 by Zach Wong. All rights reserved. No part of this book may be used or
reproduced in any manner whatsoever, including Internet usage, without written permission from Llewellyn
Publications except in the case of brief quotations embodied in critical articles and reviews.
First Edition
Third Printing, 2007
Book design and editing by Joanna Willis
Card art by Zach Wong
Cover design by Kevin R. Brown
Llewellyn is a registered trademark of Llewellyn Worldwide, Ltd.
ISBN 13: 978-0-7387-0607-8 ISBN 10:0-7387-0607-8
Part of the Revelations Tarot kit, which consists of a boxed set of 78 cards and a perfect-bound book.
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The Revelations Tarot was conceived in the midst of a journey of self-discovery, which I embarked upon in
early 2000. The start of the new millennium triggered a need to uncover and understand the self, and I turned to the
language of the Tarot to uncover my own mysteries. However, the various decks that were available on the market, with
their many metaphors, enticing imagery, and dramatic symbolism (both traditional and contemporary), failed to connect
with my inner being.
I grew weary of my journey to try to find that one special deck with which I could conduct my own readings,
and decided to venture on a sister journey to create one of my own. Each card would have its own meaning that
resonated with myself as well as incorporated the rich visual language of the Tarot.
With the aid of the Rider-Waite deck in one hand, and the other scanning over various text and reflections in
print and online, I spent many nights weaving the detailed line work that became the basis of the deck. Over the years
the illustration style grew more confident and bold. When it finally came to the coloring stage of the cards, even I sur-
prised myself with the wonders of bold colors and vibrant hues. Each artistic layer of the cards added to the meaning
and the evocation of my own consciousness.
The end result unfolded in the form of the deck titled the Revelations Tarot.

The major arcana has always been to me a story of the journey of the Fool through stages in his or her life. The
Fool is the child or the inner child who has yet to experience the world and grow. The Fool faces different trials and
experiences throughout the major arcana, only to come back to the beginning again to embark on the journey once
more. This endless journey occurs in life on a micro scale as well as on an overall one.
The cards are drawn in a style similar to stained glass. Iconic images represent a lesson to be learned, a being
to be studied, or a situation. Each character in the major arcana wears a mask over his or her face, which is depicted by
lines that break each face down into sections. The mask is merely a representation of a "human" relation, similar to that
of the mythical gods who stand in human form amongst us to ease our comprehension of the messages they deliver.

He is a free spirit without worry and full of optimism while embarking on a new journey. He sees the world with fresh new
eyes. His views are unconventional.
This card symbolizes the free spirit within one's self. It urges you to let go of all the things that hold you back
and embrace new ideas and take new paths.
When this card represents an individual, that person may embody the qualities of the card, such as spontaneity,
refreshing optimism, and lightheartedness. Depending on your own character, this person may be utterly enjoyable to be
around for laughs and jovial occasions, or dreadfully annoying for his or her lack of seriousness and conformity to
propriety. In terms of a situation, the energy of this card lends itself to a certain level of nervous tension and an
undisciplined attitude. Depending on the nature of the individual, this can be read in both a positive and negative light.
He is cautious before he leaps for he worries about the risks involved. He ponders his movements and takes things slowly.
The reverse of this card embodies a nervous individual who expresses caution with the steps that he or she
takes. The environment around this person does not lend itself to the carefree spirit that is freely expressed in the upside
of this card. Here innocence is lost and replaced with paranoia and fear.
When this card represents an individual, that person would embody the characteristics of a cautious individual.
This person often worries about the world around him or her, but desperately tries to fight within him- or herself for the
right to be free. In a relationship this individual may be difficult to pin down as commitments or comfortable routines
threaten his or her freedom.
In a situation, this card warns against taking any big risks. The stakes may be too high to be wasted on a
whimsical urge.
Images and Symbolism
The butterfly represents the chasing of the childlike dream.
The baby in the rose symbolizes the innocence of the beginning of a journey.
The mountains in the background are symbols of the height of knowledge to which the figure on this card has
yet to climb.
On the reverse, the moon represents the subconscious, which is linked to intuition and the unknown.
The floating/flying people in the background represent caution thrown to the wind, loss of control, and
The canyonlike background represents the erosion of the mind through time and doubt.

He brings together all elements as he is the catalyst of all. He is the energy that drives; the one who sparks interest. He is charming, he is
witty, and he is at home with the world around him.
The Magician represents a witty individual who is at home with his or her surrounds. It highlights the characteristics of
intelligence, leadership, self-management, and understanding of oneself.
The Magician embodies the individual who begins all projects. He or she is often the manager of a group or a
person in a similar role who leads people and brings elements together to give birth to a new project. This person can
have many roles, such as organizer, administrator, or even teacher, all to aid the project.
In situations, this card represents the positive beginning of new ventures. This card also represents the presence
of an individual who may act as a catalyst for new things to come. In relationships, this card gives the go-ahead to start
and begin something new with someone you may have had your eye on.
Outside forces hold him back. He is unable to channel his energy. He is distracted or blinded by other things.
You may find when you draw this card that the block you are experiencing is within yourself. This card urges
you to look outside as well as within yourself to find what unforeseen force is holding you back and keeping you from
moving forward.
As an individual, this card represents someone who has found him- or herself in a rut in life. This person shows
all the signs and promise of success, yet he or she lingers in the same spot for weeks to months. This person is often
blinded by what holds him or her back and can become self-loathing and destructive if he or she focuses on it for too
In situations, this card brings to light a block in the flow of any project or relationship. Sometimes the block
may be an external influence, and other times the block can come from within the project or relationship. Either way,
the hindrance needs to be identified and addressed in order to overcome the situation.
Images and Symbolism
The dove represents the freedom of creation, which can come from within.
The hands in the background represent outside forces that control and affect the paths and choices the magician
takes. The upside hand is open with the palm facing toward the sky. This is the release of expression, the release of self.
The hand on the reverse holds the magician back from his full potential, and thus represents an expression of constric-
tion and control.
The staves of the two magicians show a contrast in the control they have over the energies in their lives. The
upside magician utilizes a stiff and straight staff, a representation of the sureness of his direction and conviction of his
power. The reversed magician utilizes a crooked staff from a fallen branch, a representation of the haphazard nature of
his mind and powers.
The direction in which the magicians' hands that hold the staves gesture indicates that magician's direction—of
moving forward or dwelling on the situation for too long.
The magician carries all four elements of the minor arcana: the sword for wind, the wand for fire, the cup for
water, and the pentacle for earth. He has command over these elements.
The varying green background represents the deep relationship the magician has with nature in all its seasons.


She patiently waits for things to unravel. She is in control of all things in her life. While the world around her is in constant motion, she
stands firm in her ground of logic and allows her intuition to guide her through.
The High Priestess represents the voice inside us that calls to us to heed our intuition. It tells us to interpret our
dreams, read the signs, and follow our gut feelings. It also embodies a wisdom that comes through time and patience,
and it asks us to practice the same.
In an individual, this card represents a maternal-like figure who is strong within him- or herself and
authoritative. This can mean a man who exudes extreme feminine characteristics or a woman in which these
characteristics are highlighted. In line with the theme of a high priestess, the individual may often act in a secretive
manner, finding counsel in the privacy of other women and projecting an image of self- sufficiency. In a situation, the
High Priestess represents dealings with women of higher authority. This card also beckons the use of intuition and of
trusting one's feelings when unsure of the next step to take. In relationships, this card oken symbolizes a partner who
may be difficult to attain, for he or she is independent and reclusive in his or her own way.
Things are bidden behind masks. More things lie beneath the facades and superficial appearances of the situation. Be aware and be ready
to take the time to unravel the mysteries.
The reversed version of the High Priestess represents an extreme side of the reclusive nature of the card. Here
issues of superficiality and masks that shield come into play, often hiding something mysterious deeper within oneself.
These issues often hide repressed feelings and emotions that may have been put aside due to their hurtful and damaging
nature, but which need to be addressed to allow the healing process to begin.
In an individual, the reverse of this card represents hidden enemies who are working against you in the
background. Their indirect nature makes it difficult to spot and confront them, leaving you to defend yourself with your
own counsel and intuition only.
In a situation, this card advises taking a step back and examining more than the initial layer. It warns of
superficiality, which may come in many forms such a distractions, bonuses, gifts, and gestures, all to aid averting your
attention to what really lies beneath. Do not act quickly, but take the time to ascertain all the facts before making an
informed decision.
Images and Symbolism
The priestess has no real body illustrated, but her form is defined by the continual unraveling and wrapping of
a ribbon cloth. This illustrates the great power she holds in controlling the elements around her to create both a presence
and a mystery.
The scroll in her hand represents the knowledge she holds firmly in her grasp. It remains a secret and is read
only by her and her kind.
The moon represents the triad of womanhood: the girl, the woman, and the crone.
The images of pomegranates and female shapes in the back herald fertility and issues relating to the core of her
On the reverse, the masks of different shapes and sizes reinforce the notion of the mystery of the unknown.
Sometimes they hide a pleasant surprise; other times they hide unforeseen dangers.
The deep blues and purples play on the ideas of the darkness of night and the reflective depths of still water.


She is mother of all things. She nurtures all within her grasp with her generous giving nature and her overabundance of
joy. She brims full of life and life revolves around her.
This card represents the strong creative force within oneself to bring forth life. This energy gives fuel to grow
and expand any current projects or ventures. Artistically, the energy will guide you to produce endless images and
ideas. Careerwise, creatively engaging projects will move along with ease. In the home environment, you will explore
decorative tasks and gardening with delight.
In an individual, this card represents a strong maternal character who often provides for you and urges you
along these creative paths. This person gives unconditionally for your growth and nurtures your needs to the best of his
or her abilities.
In situations, this card heralds a positive creative growth. You may be surrounded by creature comforts and
material wealth. In relationships, love and fertility can be found in abundance and sometimes can also be embodied in
She is lost in the wilderness of despair. The joys of life escape her. She runs away from love and hides in the mountains and the rock faces
of loneliness.
The reverse of this card represents a creative block found within oneself. The sorrow felt is self-inflicted as the
measure of your happiness is quantified by the lack of production. Projects are started in vain, canvases remain blank,
and the home feels more like a hollow vessel that is barely warm.
As an individual, the reversed card embodies someone lost in the wilderness of his or her own self. The self-
pity this person feels for him- or herself is due to his or her blocked creativity. Growth has taken this person to the path
of extreme despair and self-affliction.
In a situation, this card symbolizes a hindrance in the creative flow of a project or a task. In a relationship, one
partner or both experience frigidity, sex without love, or even an unwanted pregnancy or abortion. In terms of material
wealth, this card forecasts the shadow of poverty and financial difficulty.
Images and Symbolism
The warmth of the sun and the golden fields of wheat and grain indicate growth that surrounds the empress.
The background shows a waterfall cascading from a lush forest, which illustrates the gift of life flowing
through nature.
This water changes the path of life and erodes away things of old. The flow of water represents change, which
comes from the continual flow of life.
The warm hues add to the radiating beauty of the empress's kindness and joy as she basks in the glory of the
The moon in the background represents the empress's connection with the symbol of womanhood. Stars crown
her head for she is the mythological Ishtar/Eoster.
The world represents nature, which sits in her lap. She lays it under her bosom, for she is the mother of
nature— she is Mother Nature.
The dark purples and blues of the reverse help mask the desolate background of the empress's anguish.
The rain lines indicate a veil, which clouds her path to happiness. Nature has turned against her, and she tries
in vain to seek refuge under her drenched robes.
Her face is carved by the anguish of her tears and sorrow.

He is the ruler of all. He holds power effortlessly in his hands. He commands. He controls. He dominates.
This card represents characteristics of ambition, authority, leadership, and paternity that can be found within
oneself. Here one can look within to find the drive and determination to lead and to be in control.
In an individual, this card often represents a person in power. This could be a manager, a successful individual,
a father figure, or a dominant character in your life. This person's position in your life is determined by you. The indi-
vidual ultimately seeks control of any situation.
In a situation, this card reflects upon the influence people of power play within agreements, relationships, and
projects. Here you may find that the card highlights the presence of such individuals and advises you to pay attention to
the role they can play in your own life. In a relationship, this card may highlight characteristics of dominance or a
power play between partners.
Others are in control. He is but a puppet in play—he has no say.
The reverse of this card expresses the loss of control within oneself over any given situation. Here higher
powers are at play and you may feel threatened for a lack of authority you once had.
In an individual, this card represents an overshadowing character who takes whatever power you had away
from you. You willingly or unwillingly become a pawn in his or her game.
In a situation, external forces (not necessarily being an individual or a group of individuals) strip you of any
control you once had over your destiny. Rules and regulations may govern your path, forcing you to conform and obey.
Images and Symbolism
Aries is the Emperor's ruling sign. He is the ambitious leader, the instigator of all things new. He is dominant
and he is warlike in his leadership. Symbols of the Ram adorn his shoulders as well as his throne.
Purple, the color of royalty, is lavishly used to affirm his position.
The city in the background is mirrored by the mountains on the other side, which shows his dominance over
issues of both man and of nature. There is no mountain too high for him to control nor city too wide for him to reign
He holds an ankh in his hands. It is the Egyptian symbol for life, and it is life over which he rules.
The moon contrasts the sun in the Empress card. Here the moon is nothing more than a source of light.
On the reverse, the strings that control the emperor are illuminated to represent their invisibility. He is one of
many who are controlled by a higher power.
The reversed emperor is the powerless one. His stare is blank and soulless.

He is the maker and follower of rules. He is a man of routine. He has his processes, his plans, and his routines. He helps all that he can
through structured guidance. He is removed from his surroundings.
This card often represents the characteristics of teaching, organization, and routine. It may represent the need
to learn and educate oneself, the comfortable routines one can have in life, or the need for structure and organization
within one's life. Often you may find things hard to deal with or comprehend if there is uncertainty dancing around you.
As an individual, this card often represents a teacher, a parent, a priest, or a mentor. This individual often plays
a role of structure in your life and helps guide you down a path that has been tried and true for him- or herself. In terms
of a mentor, this card can also represent a relationship you have with an older friend or figure in your life who often
offers advice from experience.
In situations, this card manifests itself in dealings with structured organizations, large corporations, processes
and routines, and religious institutions. Here a knowledge of patterns, routines, and hierarchies is required for a clearer
understanding and dealing with the situation. In terms of relationships, this card highlights the routine and clear roles
that can be developed over time within partnerships.
He is unorthodox. He marches to a different tune. He guides the way but by an unconventional path. He is at one with his
The reverse of this card represents the urge to fight against the establishment. There is a need within yourself
to question the structures set up around you and to seek out new and different ways to break past the rigidity of life.
Rules and regulations are the bane of your existence and you turn your back to any of the conventional lessons you have
learned in your past.
In an individual, this card represents a person who would be viewed as eccentric and unorthodox. This person
gives very little care to the ways of society and cares only for the rules he or she makes for him- or herself. This
individual can often be difficult to interact with, but can often provide an alternative route to a solution for a task or
situation. This person's beauty lies in the different way that he or she perceives the world.
In a situation, this card warns against accepting the conventional as the norm. It suggests exploring a second
option or an alternative route before reaching a decision. Within a relationship, this card advises entertaining
nonconventional ideas and paths for further enrichment.
Images and Symbolism
The symbols of the staff and keys relate to the pope and the structure associated with organized religion.
The symbol of earth is formed between the keys. Here it complements the house of Taurus—the house of
materialism, worldly possessions, and financial security.
The hierophant's fingers point up, drawing attention to a higher power and the teachings that come from above.
He is adorned in the symbolic luxury of the church: the golden headdress, the purple robes. The background is
a floating montage of stained glass. Both of these images reinforce the structure and rigidity that accompany years of
church tradition.
The druidlike man on the reverse points to the side, indicating the idea of "the other" as an all-around source of
He wears robes colored of clay and earthen tones, which symbolize his relationship with the earth.
The background has a faint mosaic of a pentagram, which reflects the teachings of pagan/unorthodox
He does not look directly at you, but instead looks to the side, encouraging you to find your own path instead
of following his own.


Together through the guidance of an angel, the lovers find their souls entwining as they look into each others eyes.
Lovers symbolize the love that comes from within oneself. Here the card suggests love that can be found in
romance, as well as the union of mind, body, and soul. In terms of self, this card indicates a resolute love of oneself—a
comfort and balance that leads to an outward-radiating positive energy.
In terms of an individual, this card represents the idealized and perfect partner. It can also represent an external
force or individual who brings the two together, much like a matchmaker or friend.
In terms of a situation, the Lovers card can symbolize an ideal partnership where everything feels right and
there is an unspoken unison that envelops everyone involved. The card can also question the method of achieving the
ideal, in terms of which paths or tasks need to be taken.
The pleasures of the flesh are to be enjoyed through the passion that often accompanies love.
The reverse of this card symbolizes the urge to enjoy the pleasures of passion. Here sex is had without love and
relationships may be breaking down. The negative emotions associated with love can be felt here, such as jealousy from
lack of love and anger from passion within.
In terms of an individual, this card represents the wandering eye of one's partner. It also plays on the theme of
adultery in a relationship with the idea of "the other woman" in the background. The question that needs to be addressed
here is not who the other person is but what he or she symbolizes.
In a situation, this card serves as a warning and a wake-up call to the existing relationship or partnership. It
beckons one to look within for the flaws and deceit that may lie underneath and to question the integrity of the love that
Images and Symbolism
The angel of love brings together two lovers under his protective wings to foster a relationship that transcends
the physical nature of the body.
The lovers represent the twins in Gemini. Being children of the air, they deal with issues of the mind more than
the body.
Roses fall all around them in this blessed union, reinforcing the notions of romance and of love.
The reversed finds two lovers entangled in a moment of lust, which is only an indulgence in the pleasures of
the flesh.
The winged creature in the backdrop is a bedeviled seductress. She represents the temptations associated with
affairs and adultery or the exploration of fantasies, such as through sexual role-play.


He wins the race after traveling far and wide to achieve his goals. The crowd behind him roars as the scale of his accomplishment reaches
new heights.
Self-discipline and willpower have brought you to your final victory. This card represents the drive and
determination you have to win the race. Even though the victory may feel sudden or effortless to others, you will know
within yourself the time and energy you invested to achieve your goals.
As an individual, this card represents a friend or a person who fights to the very end. This person can serve as a
positive role model and inspire you to persevere through difficult times. In the case of his or her own race or journey,
success will be within his or her grasp.
In terms of a situation, this card is a vehicle for good news from distant places and friends. It represents
support that can come in many forms, including verbal, physical, and spiritual, all of which guide you on a path toward
victory and celebration. This card also heralds a positive outcome through a current struggle or difficulty.
His focus and drive has taken him to a state of uncontrollable obsession. His ambition has driven him to rage and to abuse his position
and power. He only sees the finish line and will stop at nothing till he gets there.
Self-control is lost along your destructive path to achieving your goals at any cost. The drive to reach your
final goals may blind you to the fact that others may be cast aside in the wake of your path. Your overambitious nature
may in the end get the better of you, leaving you with a failed or hollow victory.
In an individual, this card represents a person who cares little for those who may have helped him or her
achieve success. This person is self-centered and blindly driven, and becomes self-destructive and hurts those around
him or her. This person may also have difficulty facing the reality of his or her actions and drown his or her sorrows in
forms of addiction such as drugs or alcohol.
In a situation, this card warns of compromising the ethics, morality, or integrity of a project/situation for the
sake of completion or profit.
Images and Symbolism
The crab on the shield represents the sign of Cancer, which is ruled by the moon. This card indicates a victory
felt through emotion. The seahorses also add a layer of meaning to this card as a water card.
The city in the background represents the monumental achievement the rider of the chariot has won.
His face is not one of immense joy or elation, for he knows that he has struggled far to reach this point. He
deserves this victory.
The intensity and the speed that the driver on the reversed side shows through his face and his clenching fists
indicate the rage of an obsessed individual. He only leaves a path of destruction behind him, both physically and
The sea dragons that he rides frantically drag his chariot in a haphazard manner. They hurl him uncontrollably
to his destined path.
The bottles of wine in the background warn of a leaning toward substance abuse in coping with such highly
stressful situations.

She is calm in knowing that it is her courage and gentle nature that will overrule the ferocity of the lion. From within her comes the
strength that will triumph over all.
Strength comes from within oneself when this card is drawn. Here it is the courage that is experienced when
faced with danger or the ability to stand up to whatever the universe throws in your direction. It is driven by the power
of your personal convictions and faith.
Strength comes embodied in those that help you along the way, fueling your own need to be bigger than is
expected of you. They can be generous and giving individuals and may also be there to help fight on your behalf or by
your side.
In a situation, the Strength card indicates that issues of unpleasant natures should be confronted, arguments are
to be settled, and antagonism should be addressed. It advises drawing from within the strength and experience to deal
with and overcome these situations. In terms of relationships, this card summons patience and understanding to allow
for any difficulties to be addressed.
Courage has deserted her. She cries in despair and fears for herself.
Here courage and strength have left your side. Life may be difficult to face with daily chores and routines
wearing you down. You may try and find a hidden place to dwell on your sorrows, but eventually you will need to find
your strength to live once again.
As an individual, this card reversed represents a person who has lost hope due to defeat. He or she is generally
woeful and full of sorrow and self-pity. This person has lost touch with his or her inner strength and finds it difficult to
push through the barriers and difficulties in life.
In a situation, this card advises summoning your inner strength to carry on despite any difficulties you are
going through. Inevitably, your fear will need to be overcome and your enemies and obstacles will require
Images and Symbolism
The lion represents Leo, a sign of generosity, loyalty, and reliability.
The greens represent the richness of nature, which the card is grounded in. The lady not only conquers the lion,
but a lion of the wild.
The stained glass and large wooden door draw on the spiritual aspect of the card—of finding inner strength.
The reversed lady has lost all strength and dwells in fear and sorrow.
The thorns, dried-up vegetation, and dark forest in the background represent the arid nature of the loss of


He resides in the darkness of solitude. He finds comfort in his reflection. The only light, which guides his path, is the brilliance of his
When representing the self, this card highlights the need to become reclusive. It signifies time needed to be
spent by yourself to reflect, contemplate, and understand. This card suggests a path toward the understanding that
comes from spiritual doctrines, philosophy, and meditation. This will be a period of peace and with little to no
When representing an individual, this card often signifies a teacher, someone wiser, or an old soul who can
point you in the right direction. Often only advice is given by this person, as wisdom is acquired through experience.
In a situation, this card acts as a warning for careless and thoughtless actions. It recommends wisdom and
forethought before making a decision. As much time as is needed is to be taken to be able to see the situation from
every angle and to fully understand the scope of things.
He runs away from everything. He turns away from life. He must retreat for bis own good.
Here the card reflects the need to run away from situations and to hide from facing problems. Here escape is
what the hermit seeks from the troubles on his shoulders.
In an individual, this card represents a person who is unable to face or deal with his or her demons. This person
fills his or her life full of distractions and excuses, which only makes his or her burden more difficult to carry as time
passes. This person does not listen to any advice, blinded by fear and comforted by seclusion. This person may even be
afraid of being around others and chooses to shun society.
In a situation, this card advises acknowledging the issues at hand and facing the facts that need to be dealt with.
It is time to stop running away, as well as to place the distractions in your life aside.
Images and Symbolism
The druids on the card represent knowledge and traditions of old.
The hermit finds himself alone in a mountainous area. This signifies his quest for knowledge, which one has to
take alone. These are the same mountains that can be found on the Fool card.
The Star of David illuminates the hermit's path, which represents the use of knowledge and wisdom to
illuminate his long journey ahead.
The image of the clock denotes the passing of time and its importance to the meaning of the card. In this case,
the clock has no hands, which indicates that time is standing still.
The snakes that coil around the hermit's staff represent his knowledge of medicinal remedies.
On the reverse, the hermit struggles on a path on top of the mountains, the wind blowing him forcefully along.
This signifies an enforced retreat in which even the universe takes an active role.
Behind him the path is overcast with faint shadows, which form no specific shape. This signifies a dark and
difficult journey should he depend only on his sense of sight.

The wheel of fortune spins in the direction of good fortune and luck.
When this card is drawn, it signifies a time of strange coincidences, fortunate meetings, lucky moments, and
chance occurrences, all of which put a positive spin on your life.
In the case of an individual, this card may embody an old friend, a lost flame, a benevolent patron, or a caring
In terms of situations, this card shines a positive light on any outcome, and usually with abundance. The wheel
will spin a full cycle, and at the end of your journey you will start afresh with something new.
The universe hands you a dish of bad luck. Be careful not to ask for seconds.
When the reverse is drawn for this card, your luck has unfortunately run out. Projects will be difficult to
initiate, relationships will prove difficult to sustain, gambling will be met with great losses. Luck will have abandoned
you at every path that required a choice but which you left to chance.
In the case of an individual, this card may represent someone who is either a victim of the cruel fate of bad
fortune or someone who is on a destructive path of loss. He or she may be a gambling addict with no self-control,
hoping for a lucky break and never acknowledging that in the end "the house will always win."
In terms of a situation, this card signifies delays that arise from the ether. Roadblocks, restrictions, and bad
weather will all work their way into every situation to slow down the process to fruition. However, much like the
turning of the wheel, it will only be a matter of time before good luck will come back into play.
Images and Symbolism
Once again the ankh, the Egyptian symbol for life, is held in the hands of the spinner of the wheel. This card
deals with issues of the circle/cycle of life and constant motion. Here the holder of the ankh is happy for the good
fortune that life has presented to him.
The actual wheel is adorned with the letters TARO and the Hebrew letters yod, heh, vav, and heh, consonants
that made God's "true" name unpronounceable. The wheel also houses the head of a jackal representing Anubis, the son
of Set and guide to souls going to the underworld. The snake on the wheel represents Set himself as the god of evil.
The strong symbols within the wheel are contrasted with the symbols of the cycle of life outside the wheel: the
angel (spring), the lion (summer), the bull (autumn), and the eagle (winter).
On the reverse side, the spinner of the wheel is defiant and struggling to gain control of the wheel. The
universe has dealt him a bad run of luck and he vainly tries to spin the wheel in hopes of better luck.

Legal matters will eventuate in a positive light. Balance will be reached.
This card often symbolizes a clear- and level-headed thinker who is able to use logic and deduction to achieve
a fair and amicable result. This is reflected in his or her dealings with life, love, and career. When drawn, this card can
also reflect on the pros-and-cons method with which one may address all of his or her decisions in life.
In terms of an individual, this card may represent someone from the legal practice or someone connected to the
making of law, contracts, and formal agreements. This card can also often symbolize actual legal documents such as
leases, contracts or court cases, and negotiations. The person is usually suited to be calm and logical in his or her
dealings and negotiations.
In situations, the Justice card often reflects a positive and speedy outcome in favor of the inquirer. It does play
toward the ideals of fairness, which means that you will only receive what is due to you and nothing more.
Legal matters will be slow; there will be delays. Imbalance ivill play against you.
The reverse of this card signifies an imbalance in your life that needs to be addressed. The world of legality
and processes seems to be working against you, causing extreme frustration. Matters may turn unfavorably upon you
and leave you paying more than what you bargained for.
In terms of an individual, this card will often represent the obstruction in the matter. It may be a vengeful
spouse looking for a messy divorce, an overbearing attorney who wants to make an example out of you, or the taxation
office requiring all of your missing receipts for auditing purposes. Whatever the case is, it will impede any swift
resolution in legal matters.
In terms of a situation, the reverse of this card casts a shadow of delay over all proceedings. Should
proceedings reach an outcome, there would be a high possibility that it would not work in your favor. In terms of
relationships or partnerships, this card acts as a sign marking the end of any agreements. Difficulties may continue to
persevere should both parties maintain any existing arrangements.
Images and Symbolism
The dominant sign of this card is the Libra scales, which symbolize balance and partnerships.
The sword of justice indicates dealing with issues of the mind.
The open eye of the sword implies the third eye of the mind opening to see things that may not be apparent.
The men in the background posing in the manner of da Vinci's study of proportion and scale of man reinforce
the notion of achieving balance within one's mind as well as body.
The parchment scrolls and pen in the background relate directly to issues of contracts and agreements—which
usually deal with legal matters.
On the reverse, the eye of the sword is closed and the mind's eye cannot see past the blindness of justice.
The clock implies the passing of time in terms of proceedings. In this case the hands are absent, which
symbolizes the delay in the movement of time.
The chain of rings indicates issues relating to partnerships and commitments.


He takes time from life. He waits patiently as he sacrifices something in the process.
Note: This card is read from the bottom. For the upright position, the man in green should be on the bottom
half of the card.
Life has come to a grinding halt when this card is drawn. Sensible decisions cannot be made, nor can you
effect any changes at this juncture. The Hanged Man calls for a stasis of the mind and of the body, and to only react to
the actions of others. Here patience plays a major role in deciding the final outcome, and it may come at the sacrifice of
something else in order to make time.
In terms of an individual, this card can signify someone who is currently in this state of flux, or someone who
is about to cause him- or herself to be in one. Nothing in this person's life would seem as if it has changed; routines are
observed with little to no deviation from the norm. From an outside appearance, this person has not changed in days,
weeks, or months—seemingly from waiting for something to happen. He or she can also embody someone who will

cause you to reflect and enter this state of flux for your own development. This card advises that if a decision is to be
made, now would not be the right time in any given situation. It warns of delays and restrictions, even if you went
ahead. The best course of action is to hang around, conserve energy, and wait for a sign.
He is caught in a trap and is left to hang. His money slips from his pockets and luck has run out. He is a victim of someone else's plan.
Note: This card is read from the bottom. For the reversed position, the man in blue should be on the bottom
half of the card.
The reverse represents the loss of self in situations that run away with you. This card illustrates how you can
hold on to what you have so tightly that you fail to grasp the next opportunity as it crosses your path. This card warns of
looking past your current situation to explore newer horizons.
In terms of an individual, this card represents a person holding you or someone else back from developing or
moving on. He or she manipulates you for his or her own ends by feeding your eagerness to move on.
In situations, the reverse of this card warns against making bad investments, a loss of belongings, and a
reversal of luck. It always warns to express caution and to consider your motives and actions before executing them.
Images and Symbolism
The hourglass on its side denotes the stillness of time. The sands in the glass represent the movement of time
determined by the forces of nature, such as gravity. Here even gravity cannot move the sands of time for the glass is
suspended sideways.
The man in green hangs in suspension, meditating to reach a level of enlightenment. From his head his aura
glows as he reaches an understanding.
The images in the background indicate sacrifices that one has to make in order to find time to hang and
contemplate. On the left side are images of people blown about by the winds of change. This symbolizes a loss of
control over the situation, which also brings the man to his current state.
The coins falling from the man in blue indicate the loss of material well-being. He has hung on for too long to
the situation from selfishness and materialism. This card warns of letting go and unhanging oneself from the current
The red hues of the card warn of danger from outside players in life and forewarns grief associated with loss.

Kali does her fluid dance. She sings a tune that marks the end.
Something painful in life is about to come to an end. The Death card symbolizes the death of any horrid
situations or trying times that may be affecting the inquirer. It also heralds a time of change that will be experienced
shortly after the end. Major changes lie ahead.
In a situation, this card symbolizes the end of any projects, relationships, or dialogue the inquirer has entered.
The end has come for the situation because it has finally reached its lifespan. One has to remember that nothing lasts
With every end comes a new beginning.
The aftermath of death brings the hope of rebirth. Here a new beginning is to start from the remains of the
previous situation. The future looks brighter than before as something new has come into your life.
In a situation, the reverse of this card marks the beginning of something new from the ruins of the previous
situation. New projects are to come to light and new hope will bring forth the slow and steady growth of something
Images and Symbolism
The skull, the black lotus, and the scythe are all icons associated with death.
Kali is the goddess of death in Hindu traditions.
On the reverse, the baby amongst the bloodied tendrils shows that even from dramatic change can some new
hope blossom.

Effortlessly the angel brings a balance between air, water, and fire. Creation finds birth in its vessel.
Once again the theme of balance, similar to Justice, comes into play in one's life. Here, the balance achieved
extends into the resolution of issues outside of just legal matters, such as life and love. This card heralds the ability
within oneself to bring together differing elements to work in unison. Calm and serenity along with ease will be
experienced when this card is drawn.
In terms of an individual, this card brings to light the presence of a person who exhibits qualities of being a
counselor, a creator, or a well-rounded individual who knows everything. He or she can be an artist who brings new
media together, an instigator who brings people together, or an inventor who merges ideas to form new and exciting
avenues of exploration.
In terms of situations, any arguments will be resolved with happy endings. Relationships will blossom under
this card as balance and union will be achieved. This card may also advise seeking out a third party to bring closure to
any resolutions, such as a mediator, a counselor, or even a diplomat.
The elements ivork against the angel as conflict comes from within.
The reverse often implies that things are out of balance within oneself. Tasks do not seem to work out.
Relationships with others do not seem to meld. Ideas and concepts cannot live harmoniously inside your head. Life
seems to overrun you with little to no balance between your work and social life.
In terms of an individual, this card would reflect upon a person who has too many things on his or her palette
and is trying desperately to balance everything at once and not succeeding very well. This person burdens him- or
herself, and eventually you, with his or her dilemmas while frustration takes his or her emotions on a roller coaster ride.
This person may come across as unstable and erratic as he or she desperately tries to settle all of his or her issues at
In a situation, this card indicates an atmosphere of tension from this imbalance. There may be arguments,
quarrels, or competitiveness between teammates and factions. In a relationship, there could be the same restlessness and
tension, which will prevent one or both partners from living harmoniously. This card advises one to look within to find
the source of the imbalance first before anything can be resolved.
Images and Symbolism
The angels of this card represent the high level of energy within each of us. We draw upon this energy to bring
elements together and to form objects of beauty and of use. The liquids represent water and fire. Unlike some of the
extreme elements that cancel each other out, when water and fire are brought together they form useful forces such as
steam. The synthesis and dance, orchestrated by the angel, illustrates this. This synthesis represents the fine art of bal-
ance and patience.
The reversed side plays on the idea of chaos that comes from imbalance. Here the forces do not work
harmoniously. The background of random shapes also lends to the uneasy feel of this card. The frustration shows on the
angel's face as the elements do not meet eye to eye.

Material things, pleasures, lust, and desire drive him.
This card embodies the need for material well-being. Surrounding you are ambitious thoughts of having more:
more wealth, more pleasure, more physical satisfaction. This card grounds itself to the earth, fueling lust and desires
that can only be satisfied by the flesh. There will be a need for clothes of rich texture, items of social value, and
exuberant flourishes all around you. This card warns of the dangers of money overtaking your life and blinding you to
the path of true fulfillment. Here the desire to surround yourself with wealth may flirt dangerously with crossing the line
of obsession.
In terms of an individual, this card symbolizes the obsessed soul who surrounds him- or herself with items of
glamour and material wealth. This person cares for nothing more than the satisfaction that money can bring him or her,
whether it be from the things he or she can buy or the people he or she can entice with it.
In situations, this card warns of being too driven by the ultimate goal of profit in terms of wealth or stature. In
relationships, it indicates that the passion experienced is deeply rooted in sensual pleasures and is not of a romantic
nature. It also warns of an overwhelming sexual attraction to another, which may transform desire into obsession.
He abuses his power. He is trapped by the lure of money. He only cares for the fulfillment of his own desires.
Here is a warning that power and sexual prowess may lead to abuse. Greed and egocentricity may take over
and cause a path of destruction. Life seems to have space for very little else than your obsession with material wealth
and physical pleasures.
In terms of an individual, the reverse of this card foretells a person who has entered or will enter your life and
treat you as an object for possession. He or she will care nothing for your feelings and goals but only for him- or herself
and what he or she can derive from your existence. You may find yourself infatuated and strongly attracted to this per-
son, knowing full well he or she will only cause you pain and heartache, for he or she cannot offer you more than
superficial pleasures of the flesh and of wealth.
In situations, this card warns of the destructive influence of greed and wealth on the outcome of any
arrangements or agreements. Here the other party may exploit your finances, play on your ambitions for his or her own
ends, or even use you to achieve his or her goals. In a relationship, the reverse of this card often implies a destructive
relationship, which may draw out emotions of jealousy, anger, and fiery passions.
Images and Symbolism
The devil is drawn as a well-dressed charmer here to indicate the power of illusion.
The background and foreground show the trappings of material things, which keep him occupied.
The golden wheel in the foreground shows two people tied up in bondage, indicating sexual fantasies and role-
playing. The devil plays to the pleasures enjoyed by the flesh, whether it be from pain or from tenderness.
The background on the reverse side is highlighted by a flash of lightning. This plays on the notion of abuse of
power, which may lead to a sudden destruction of those material things that are held precious.


There is a change in the wind, which will bring forth new beginnings.
Here the Tower symbolizes a dramatic change in your life where new values, new outlooks, new ideas, and
new experiences will be the outcome. Like a great gust of wind, a change will come and uproot your life as you know it
and land you in a whole new world. The change experienced will be positive, leaving you with something to look
forward to after you have finally settled down.
In terms of a situation, dramatic change can only imply something unexpected that causes the outcome to be
serendipitous. You can expect new things in life, or a change in career or position. Arrangements and contracts that
have been ongoing will terminate and be replaced with new and more exciting ventures. Pending issues will be tossed to
the wind, leaving more interesting things to consider. In relationships, new partners could come into play or a whole
new environment could bring new challenges for existing couples to explore together.
A tornado is about to tear everything apart and nothing in its path will be the same.
The reverse of this card heralds a dramatic change that cannot be stopped. Much like the above wind, change
will be experienced, but it is likened more to a tornado that sweeps through and leaves a path of destruction. Dramatic
change may leave you out of a career, out of a home, or out of a relationship. However, change, regardless of how nega-
tive it may seem, has a purpose: now you have a type of freedom that should be explored.
In situations, this card implies that relationships will come to an abrupt end; careers, contracts, and
arrangements will experience the same fell swoop; and life around you would appear to be in ruins in the wake of
destruction. However, as stated before, this sudden change gives an individual a chance to explore new options,
regardless of how damaging or hurtful the change was.
Images and Symbolism
The tower is composed of panels and sheets, which represent the multiple elements that can create a larger
structure when brought together. However, just as one item is constructed with parts, it can just as easily be
deconstructed into parts too.
The upside of the card shows that the tower's construction is in a state of flux; it is neither forming nor
breaking apart. The lightning symbolizes a dramatic surge of energy, which has changed the forces around the tower.
Burning panels fly away from the formation.
The reverse illustrates the dramatic destruction of the tower. Lightning has definitely broken through and there
will no longer be any tower. Change, and a destructive one at that, seems inevitable.


She oozes with inner and outer hope and balance. She embodies the giver of hope in our lives.
When this card is drawn, it is implied that there is hope in your life. Hope can come from within you to drive
you further in life and down your chosen path, and it can also help inspire others around you to achieve their goals or to
carry on.
In terms of an individual, this card may symbolize a person who cares deeply for you and helps you along the
way. In effect, this person can give you hope directly or indirectly in your dire times of need. He or she also can be an
inspiration to people who go out of their way to help others, such as activists, humanitarians, or volunteers for aid
In situations, this card reflects favorably on any outcome. It also asks to keep hope alive in tougher situations
and not to lose faith in any struggle. In relationships, this card implies a positive and balanced ideal relationship
between partners.
She turns her back on the world for she has lost all hope. She cannot give what she does not have within herself.
Depression plays heavily on your heart as all hope has left you. Pessimism and doubt toil in your mind and
thoughts, leaving you to feel sorrow and self-pity.
In terms of an individual, the reverse highlights characteristics of a woeful individual who hides in the shadows
of his or her own self-loathing. He or she has lost hope for the rest of the world and chooses to shun it by turning his or
her back on it.
In a situation, a loss of hope may cause tension and a loss of faith in any positive outcome. Contracts may fall
through, promotions may be abandoned or put aside, or arrangements may be tossed to the wind. In relationships, a loss
of hope feeds on the insecurities of each person, leaving partners to distrust each other and forget any form of uncondi-
tional love.
Images and Symbolism
The concept of the Aquarian water bearer, being the giver of life, plays a symbolic role in this card. The sign of
Aquarius also is one of air and not water, thus dealing with matters of the mind and thought. This card plays on the hope
one can have in one's mind and not necessarily in one's heart.
The stars illuminated around her serve as a metaphor for the dreams and hope we look toward. They number
eight— this is the sister to the card of Strength.
The doves in flight around her represent the freedom we feel inside when we are released from the troubles of
life. She is also not dressed in any robes. She is bare, with only her own hair to comfort her. She is not trapped by any
material possessions, nor does she want to be.
There is only a dramatic swell of red around the woman on the reverse, representing an inner loss of hope. The
loss frustrates her to a point of anger but she can only show grief.
The woman showing her back symbolizes turning away or shutting out the world outside. Her posture shows
she is leaning toward her sorrow as she burdens the weight of her misery.


The heavenly body gives birth to illusions, dreams, and psychic inspirations.
This card represents the fantastical side of your being. Here dreams and fantasies play a major role in shaping
your frame of mind or path in life. This card urges you to heed these dreams and interpret them, to live out your
fantasies for fulfillment, to see past the illusions and understand them. Here intuition and your psychic abilities must
take hold and be explored. Creative things can be derived from these elements: plays can be written, art can be

produced, stories can be told to many.
In terms of an individual, the Moon represents an embodiment of dreams, fantasies, or illusions. Here, a
benevolent soul may help you bring to life your deepest fantasies, or help you explore and understand your dreams. This
person could be highly psychic or merely working in the field of creative exploration. Either way, he or she provides
you with the medium with which to reach for your dreams.
In situations, the Moon often reflects the inquirers current environment. Here the atmosphere would seem far
from ordinary, relating more to areas of amusement such as nightclubs, amusement parks, or even themed office parties.
Here the air is filled with fun and enjoyment for the exploration and indulgence of many. This card advises taking a
lighter, less serious step in dealing with situations, and allowing for the exploration of new and more enjoyable avenues.
The darker side of the moon leans toward the world of delusions, nightmares, dementia, and mental suffering.
Illusions can often take a negative turn when all caution is thrown to the wind. Here you may find yourself
being a little delusional in the way you treat or see situations and people; you could be blinded by an idea fixed in your
head. Your nights may be tormented with nightmares that awaken you suddenly, causing you to be irritable. Your
mental prowess can also be drained due to your obsession with your dreams, which leaves you hiding from reality.
In terms of an individual, the reversed Moon can often symbolize a person who promises false fantasies. He or
she can lure you into a financial or physical trap by playing with your mind. Be wary of superficial people who show
interest in you while stroking your ego. This card may also reflect upon the individual who has shunned reality and
taken to the world of drugs and alcoholism to deal with his or her demons. In extreme cases, this card may represent the
mentally disturbed or insane, from whom reality has long left them.
In situations, this card warns against making any deals or commitments as they may be false or misleading.
Relationships could be clouded in a picture-perfect illusion but hide deceit and lies beneath.
Images and Symbolism
The pair of fish, as a symbol of Pisces, leans toward representing the notion of the unconscious.
This is a highly emotive card. As a water card, it lends itself to the effects that dreams and nightmares have on
the mind.
The fairies by the moonlit garden indicate fantasies of gentle and beautiful dreams or images, which stir the
imagination in a positive way. These dreams bring color and hope to daily living.
On the reverse, the darker notion of mermaids drowning sailors in the depths of the ocean reflects upon the
destructive nature of delusions and nightmares and the outcome of following them out of blind faith.


The sun illuminates the path to happiness and good tidings. They are happy within and with the current situation.
Happiness is about to enter and partake in your life. The sun shines brightly in your darkest moment and has
brought you out of any depressive slump you may have been experiencing. You will find the drive and energy to
achieve any goals you set out to reach. The air around you will be filled with joy and color and you will be able to bask
in the calm and serenity of it all.
In terms of an individual, the Sun represents a bundle of joy that can enter your life and bring a smile to your
face. This can be someone who makes you laugh till you cry, tickles you till you can't bear it any longer, or just makes
you smile by being there for you. This person can be a friend, a family member, or even a stranger with a powerful act
of kindness or charity.
In the case of a situation, the Sun always shines in a positive light for any outcome. Everything will go
according to plan, profits can be enjoyed, and arguments will be settled on a happy note. Relationships will blossom
fruitfully under the guidance of the Sun, leaving room for the possibility of new projects, experiences, or even births.
The pursuit of happiness can lead to delays or even failure. Be wary of flying too close to the sun for the risk of being burned.
There is too much energy in your life, and it could lead to self-destruction. You could be too driven to push
yourself to reach your goals. The pursuit of happiness may leave other plans behind to crumble or responsibilities cast
In terms of an individual, the reverse of this card may represent someone who is too bright and brilliant to
spend too much time with. He or she can be someone who parties too hard or overindulges in the pursuit of happiness
and runs a risk of burning out.
In situations, this card can signify difficulties in achieving goals swiftly. There could be a breakdown in
communication between partners and their goals, or an imbalance of effort into achieving their goals, which can cause
resentment. Projects may also be delayed because goals were set too high. Team members may feel burned out because
managers may push them too hard. In relationships, neglect may be a concern as one partner may feel he or she is
contributing to the relationship more than the other. In families, children could be hard to contain due to hyperactivity
and restlessness.
Images and Symbolism
Happiness and fulfillment can be derived from the radiance of the sun.
The children playing in the background herald the possibility of new beginnings and childbirth.
The sunflowers in full bloom symbolize projects and growth coming to fruition.
The sign of Leo, which embodies warmth, comfort, and caring of the soul, rules this card. The image of the
lion can be found in the banner flag flying in the background.
On the same flag also rides a white stallion. This symbolizes the purity of energy that comes from being free
and happy.
On the reverse, the cherubs in the sky fly too closely to the sun in their pursuit of happiness. They are blinded
by the light, fatigued by the heat, and burned by the radiation.

Hear the trumpets calling; heed the blaring sounds. Answer the call of the awakening sounds of the universe.
Decisions are made when this card is drawn. The right decision will become apparent within yourself if you
listen to your inner voice. Sometimes the answers are obvious, but we fail to hear them for distractions and background
noise. When the decision is reached, you will feel at ease with yourself because the hardest part will be over. The
awakening within oneself can also mean a confidence has been regained.
When this card represents an individual, the person acts as a sign or a giver of advice that only reaffirms what
you have always known within you.
In a situation, this card calls for a decision to be made to resolve any issues. It is more important to consider
what lies ahead of your decision than to waste any more time in making it. Much like the Death card, the call of
Judgement means a closure to the end of a journey, and it is now time to decide on which path to travel. You may
consider a new job, a new career, a new relationship, or even a whole new environment.
The deafening sounds cannot be avoided; the constant beckoning cannot be ignored.
Procrastination has caused a delay in the making of your decisions. The trumpets blare for a response, and yet
you hold back on moving on. Time is wasted through distractions and dithering. This card warns of making a decision
soon or the opportunity will pass, leaving you with only regret.
In terms of an individual, this card embodies the ultimate procrastinator. This person not only wastes his or her
time making a decision, but the time of others. The excuses are endless, and he or she has mastered the art of diversion.
This person is afraid to commit to the possibilities of the future or to take responsibility for his or her own actions.
In terms of a situation, the reverse of this card signifies a fear of change and of responsibility. Projects may
never begin, relationships may never get past the initial stages, and life decisions may never be executed. Everything
remains stagnant and in flux, festering away with neglect, which will eventually lead to decay and dissipation.
Images and Symbolism
The angel of Judgement represents the call from a higher source. A choir of angels accompanies the sound of
the trumpet. The message is of a life after death.
The man in the middle opens his arms wide to accept this new stage in his (after)life. He is as naked as all
beings are born and as they shall die.
On the reverse, the angel blares his call, but the man covers his ears to hide from the sound. The choirs of
angels sing in vain. The man does not want to move on from the grave of his fate.


Things will come full circle,
When the World is drawn, it would seem that you would come across a stage of fulfillment and completion in
your life. This card, similar to the Wheel of Fortune, brings to an end a journey in your life and is a cause for
celebration and rejoicing. It represents entering a new phase in your life and leaving an old one behind, whether it be a
new job, a marriage, or even a new social circle.
In terms of a situation, this card represents the closure of any deals, contracts, or arrangements, thus opening
up the door for a new one to take its place. In terms of relationships, it foretells balance and happiness, for the journey
has ended and the celebrations may begin.
There is a bumpy road along the journey of the circle.
When the reverse of this card is drawn, there will be delays in reaching one's goals. The path may be difficult
or the distractions along the way too tempting. Whatever the case, the end must be reached as a new phase awaits.
In situations, things have not been completed on time. Projects are still in their final stages even though the
deadline has been crossed, relatives unexpectedly turn up to stay when your house is still being renovated, or there is
talk of marriage and children when the finances are not available. All around you the atmosphere will be that of nearing
completion, but not necessarily there yet.
Images and Symbolism
The World card is very similar to the Wheel of Fortune as it plays on the theme of completion and things
coming full circle.
The two dancers hold on to two wands that each fly a purple flag. Purple is the color of divinity, and the wands
represent fire, the element of creation. The dancers dance upon a serpent, which represents the world.
Surrounding the wreath of laurel leaves are once again the four symbols of the seasons and the elements: the
lion head for summer and fire, the bull head for autumn and earth, the angel head for spring and air, and the eagle head
for winter and water.
The deep blues and purples of the background blend into the darkness of space where stars shine the
This is the world set within the universe, where everything begins and ends—a full circle.

The minor arcana contains lesser versions of the lessons learned from the major arcana. It is broken up into
four different suits, and each suit is aligned with one of the four elements.
The suit of wands is associated with the element fire, intuition, magic, the powers of creation, and matters of
the soul. The characters of the suit are magicians, warriors, sages, and opulent individuals. They embody the use of
magic in daily life. With their staves or wands, they move to create or fight.
The suit of swords is associated with the element air, thought, intelligence, mentality, and matters of the mind.
The characters of the suit are warriors, highly ornate and decorated, firm, and serious. They embody the logic and
sensibility that can only be found in those who remove themselves from the burdens of emotion. With their swords, they
cut through life as well as protect themselves.
The suit of cups is associated with the element water, emotions, and matters of the heart. The characters of the
suit are merpeople of the oceans and seas. They embody freedom of movement and freedom from the restraint of life on
They also embody the fantastical luxury of living life for the pleasures it presents. With their cups, they swim
through the oceans of life searching for things to fill their vessels with.
The suit of pentacles is associated with the element earth; the sensations of touch, sight, sound, and taste;
physical pleasures; and matters of the body. The characters of the suit are metallic humanoids that are one with their
element. They embody the fruits of the earth, metals, the built environment, material possessions, and the ingenuity of
creation. With their pentacles, they go through life enjoying what the earth has to offer them.
Each number of the suits has its own theme:
Ace—basic quality of the suit, new beginnings, raw energy and power
Two—synthesis, balance
Three—full growth, potential of the suit
Four—structure, stability
Five—conflict, loss, change
Six—pivotal points
Seven—karma, cause and effect
Eight—balance, movement
Nine—contentment, completion
Page—exploration, study
Knight—action, expression
Queen—feminine aspect of the suit, creation, appreciation
King—male aspect of the suit, ultimate energy, power

The cup overflows with joy, happiness, and friendships.
The Ace of Cups embodies the birth of emotional happiness, joy, and loving and caring relationships. Self-
expression, creativity, and the urge to be a part of life will be projected from within. Inspiration will come from the
heart, and your mind will be flooded with dreams and fantasies. Matters of love will be paramount and affairs of the
heart will be predominant.
Around you will be participation in meaningful projects, evocative endeavors, passion, and great emotional
rapport with workmates and friends. Relationships will blossom between those who open their hearts and express their
feelings freely, which includes the possibility of the birth of new life.
The contents have spilled as the cup empties. The vessel only represents what there could have been.
There is a sense of emptiness within you. You may feel drained and emotionally exhausted. Love affairs may
be ending, traumas may have been experienced, or difficult situations have had you in a spin. Creative self-expression
may also be difficult as you find yourself scraping the bottom of the barrel. Your mind is filled with unattainable
fantasies and dreams that you waste time chasing.
In situations, the atmosphere around you feels like a vacuum emotionally. Colleagues and partners will seem
distracted and uncaring, lethargic, or even drained. Relationships will be strained and peoples attentions seem to
Images and Symbolism
The ornateness of the cup represents the preciousness of the vessel. The vessel itself holds water, a metaphor
for the emotions. The vessel is much like the body: precious in its own right and beautiful in the eye of the beholder.
Inside it holds the emotions of the being, both good and bad.
Color: deep blues, associated with the element water.

Together they entwine in an understanding of partnership and commitment.
The Two of Cups represents the harmony that can be found in partnerships. Here the bond and understanding
between two individuals exemplifies their symbiosis. The connection can be on both a mental and an emotional level.

This card can also herald the arrival of a new partner in your life, engaging you in a loving and romantic relationship.
In terms of work and career, this card indicates a fantastic partnership between two people. Positive and
productive mergers and arrangements will blossom under this card as both parties are passionately driven in the same
direction. Relationships with loved ones and friends will also experience a deeper connection in this period of time.
They can't see eye to eye and stand to lose everything if they continue this way.
There will be distrust and a failure of communication. Egos will be bruised and resentment will be felt between
partners. Difficulties will seem to be the special of the day every day. The balance that was once experienced will seem
to have left in the middle of the night, leaving both parties in a vicarious juggling act of emotions.
In situations, this card warns of a possible separation arising from these difficult times. Contracts may be
dissolved, and time will be wasted mending fences. Disharmony will shadow over the atmosphere around you. In
relationships, this card highlights the highly emotional time that both parties may be experiencing. Feelings are not
expressed and moods swing from high to low.
Images and Symbolism
This card has always been viewed as the lesser version of the major arcana's the Lovers.
Here the partnership seems less about two people being together for love and more for an object or project.
The cups symbolize their commitment to be together.
In the background a guardian/sentinel watches over their union. The sentinel represents a higher level or force
that played a role in forming the partnership.
In the background on the reverse the sentinel has his hands up in the air in a gesture of appeal to a higher
power for the sake of the union.
The merpeople have their backs turned to each other. ' They are so caught up in their own pride and egos that
they couldn't care less for the cup, the symbol of their partnership.
Color: pastels and blues, associated with Cancer.

They celebrate with joy and merriment. They hold their cups up high and spin endlessly in laughter.
It is time for celebration. Here, parties will not be rare, joyous events will be around the corner, and it will not
be long before a smile will stretch across your face. Good health and a stable mind will also be evident.
Socially, this card reflects upon the environment you are in. Friends and work colleagues will be happier, and
families will have joyous occasions to celebrate (possibly births or marriages). Frivolity and dressing up will be
prerequisites for the atmosphere that will be dancing around you.
He loses control and has drunk too much. He spins with them, but cannot hold on for long.
Here we find the loss of control that can only be associated with overindulging oneself. There is gluttony and
sloth to be experienced, followed by indigestion and excessive consumption of liquids. Drunken debauchery will reign
over all celebrations, taking the alcoholic in us that one step further. You may also find yourself overpleasuring your
senses with unnecessary toys and gifts or flirting dangerously with strangers.
The atmosphere that surrounds you will be loud and excessive. The workplace may seem counterproductive as
jokes and jibes take over. Office humor and gossip may divert any focus from colleagues' overindulgence. Families may
be disrupted from entertaining others instead of taking care of their own.
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This card represents an enjoyment of happy emotions to their fullest. Here the merpeople are celebrating and
having fun.
The background on the bottom of this card is littered with bottles, indicating an overindulgence in celebration.
The excessiveness can take its toll, as indicated by the merman who cannot even keep his eyes open.
Color: pastels and blues, associated with Cancer.

She lies back, pondering and waiting. She does not move or care for offerings around her.
Complacency overrides emotional growth. Here stability breeds a bored and lifeless character. You may find that
you are too comfortable in your environment and have reached a sense of numbness. Even when approached by
something of remote interest, you may find yourself unwilling to apply yourself. This card advises you to break out of
your rut and perhaps go on a short trip or a vacation for a change of scenery.
The environment around you feels lifeless and still. Energy behind projects seems to lack drive and motivation,
and interest is waning due to the lack of excitement. Relationships feel routine and inconsequential.
She grasps the situation and the opportunities presented.
The reverse of this card reflects a spirit of finding one's calling out of the darkness of complacency. Here the
emotional need to succeed will drive you to achieve more than you already have. Your eagerness and tenacity to do will
be rewarding enough to lift your spirits up.
In situations around you, there will be a can-do and willing-to-do atmosphere. People all around will cheer you
on and encourage you to strive for more for your own sake. In relationships, you will be dragged along on a roller
coaster ride of excitement and fun, all to aid being a part of more than the conventional.
Images and. Symbolism

This card explores the ideas of stability and of the rut one may fall into when seeking it. Both mermaids are
presented with the same emotional possibilities, but one takes them (reversed) while the other is so lost within herself
that she cannot see them (upright).
On the upright half of the card, the mermaid plays with her hair out of boredom while waiting for something
better to come along. As she sinks slowly toward the bottom of the ocean floor on the nautilus shell, she does not notice
the offering of cups to her or the dangers of the free tentacles, which may entwine around her. Her complacency does
not make her aware of both the opportunities and dangers around her.
On the reverse, the mermaid seizes her opportunity and takes the cups. She does not stay around long enough
for the tentacles to grab on and hold her back.
Color: deep reds, blues, black; associated with Scorpio.

He lies there contemplating the loss in his life. He laments and grieves over what could have been and cannot see what is yet to come.
Here you may find yourself crying over spilt milk. You may be blinded by the loss or failure and feel unable to
carry on. You worry over emotional wounds and wallow in self-pity.
In situations or relationships, this card indicates an inability to let go of the past. You beat yourself up over
previous errors and mistakes, and are unwilling to appreciate them as part of life and learning. Progress is hindered
here, and depression only makes your issues harder to deal with.
She grasps whatever is left and rejoices in what is not lost. She leaves the situation, salvaging what is left of her own emotions and self.
From your emotional scars you rise up and take control of the pieces that remain. You are driven by a will to
rebuild your life and to learn from your mistakes. These shall be the foundations of your growth into the next phase of
your life. You will find yourself moving on from previous endeavors, taking with you the knowledge you gained in the
process. The hurt will be forgotten, but the lessons learned will stay with you forever as experience.
Images and Symbolism
This card plays on the notion of "crying over spilt milk."
The merman dwells on three cups that have been knocked over, while the mermaid on the reverse moves on
with the two remaining. Each shows a different way of dealing with the same situation.
Color: deep reds and silver green, associated with Scorpio.

He lies in a pleasant daydream of happy childhood memories.
Emotions of the past will resurface again in the form of happy memories. Past lovers or old friends will
reappear in your life, rekindling flames or taking you for a ride down memory lane. You may also reflect on the past to
find answers for the present and future. Pleasant dreams of the past may also float in and out of your sleep.
In work situations, you may find yourself revisiting past endeavors or contacts to help you along the way. You
may also reflect upon memories of past achievements and happiness in an attempt to incorporate those goals into your
present life.
He is haunted by disturbing memories of his past.
Here the memories of the past cause more grief than happiness. Bad experiences haunt and torment you while
you sleep and in your waking hours. Issues such as these need to be resolved before you can properly move on.
Relationships may crumble under the pressure of previous indiscretions. One partner may not let the other
partner go. Old flames and exes come back to pester and annoy. Past failures at work resurface to torment you.
Promotions may be jeopardized by old grudges and bad reviews.
Images and Symbolism
The baby seahorses represent this card's association with memories from one's younger years or childhood. A
pleasant smile stretches across the merman's face as he reminisces.
On the reverse, the arguing baby seahorses contrast this notion, casting their banter over the merman's rest. He
fights in vain to block out the haunting sounds, which resound in his head.
Color: deep reds, blues, silver green; associated with Scorpio.

All that glitters is not gold, and nothing is as it seems. Illusions play with his heart.
Options surround you in abundance, but all is not as it seems. Many of these choices may seem alluring, but
ultimately they may not be what you had imagined. Caution is urged in the face of making a decision, and patience may
prevail as you observe closely what there is to offer.
In situations, you may feel that you are being forced to make a decision. Often it could be between people in a
relationship or paths within your career. Whatever the case, this card advises taking the time to make a well-informed
decision or else face a terrible mistake.
She takes hold of her dreams and breaks free to make more of it.
The reverse of this card urges you to take hold of the fantasies and illusions before you and find the drive
within your self to reach them. It recommends using your inner power to make these illusions come to life by drawing
from your own resources and not waiting for external forces to deliver. You owe it to yourself to try
In relationships, the time has come to stop wishing for something better and to actually go out and seek it. Find
the ideal partner within yourself first before you look to others. Channel your emotional drive to get more of what you
deserve. Do not stand aside and hope for something better; strive for it yourself.
Images and Symbolism
The merman faces cups, which represent his fantasies. Shadows and ghosts rising out of the cups beckon him
and draw him in all directions. They are merely illusions of mermaids leading him astray.
On the reverse, the mermaid takes hold of a "fantasy" and makes it real by striving to achieve it.
Color: color of the oceans, orange, blues; associated with Pisces.

Away he swims from the troubles of his life. He moves on and abandons all that he has achitsvid in order to search for meaning,
happiness, and contentment.
Movement away from emotional stress is indicated here. Bad memories or burdens of the heart will be left
behind, and you will be able to move on with your head held high. You may also be moving away from a relationship or
a project that has not been rewarding or has kept you from being happy.
In situations, this card suggests a lackluster and boring environment. It advises you to walk away from
unpleasant events, unnecessary dramas, and negative situations. It could also highlight the fact that you are currently on
a journey moving away from some previous trauma or incident, and finding time to deal with your emotional responses.
She is trapped within her own depression, anxiety, and hopelessness. She can't see past her emotions and floats amongst the ruins of her
The reverse of this card represents the stagnant feeling associated with depression and self-delusion. You may
be finding it hard to deal with difficult situations, often hiding in your own moods and blocking others out. Sleeping,
using distractions, moping, and other forms of escapism may be explored in this period. Sadness and a sense of failure
prevents you from moving on in your life.
In situations, your judgment is clouded by your emotions. You may find that you will be ineffective or counter-
productive, and even absent in some situations. A lack of affection will strain relationships as one partner secludes him-
or herself from the other, or relationships will falter under the unfair expectations each partner has.
Images and Symbolism
The boldness of the merman as he pushes through the barrier of the cups evokes a movement and a sense of
drive toward the light.
On the reverse, the long flowing hair of the mermaid represents the time she has spent there in that moment,
still and without activity. She closes her eyes to hide away from the reality around her. She sits comfortably amongst
the rocks as she does not want to move on.
Color: color of the oceans and blues, associated with Pisces.

He basks in the contentment of personal fulfillment. His radiance comes from inside him, and everything seems to dance around the song
of his heart.
Contentment, physical health, and success will grace your life. This card favors positive vibes all around you.
Dreams will come true and life will be enjoyed.
Relationships, too, will be fulfilling as emotions will flow easily, including love, trust, and friendship.
Satisfaction in one's job and career will be reached, along with a better level of camaraderie with your workmates and
Caution is advised. Avoid becoming complacent, for success may go to your head and could impair your judgment.
The reverse warns against feeling invincible and encourages expressions of some humility. Sure the time has
come to bask in your own brilliance and enjoy the spoils, but complacency in considering your future and what is to
come will only hold you back. Do not take your achievements for granted, and be aware of how the rest of the world
may perceive you. Your success may only be in your mind.
The reverse of this card encourages further development and exploration after a peak has been reached.
Working toward new personal bests and endeavoring to better oneself will be the next challenges you will face in the
workplace or competitive field. In relationships, the honeymoon may be coming to an end, so it will be time to reinvest
more effort and time into development.
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The merman rejoices effortlessly in his brilliance. He has reached a personal and emotional contentment within
himself. The fish circle harmoniously around him, reflecting his happiness.
The reverse merman has a smug look on his face. He is unaware of the eels that dance around him, waiting to
tear him apart at the next opportunity.
Color: color of the oceans, orange, blues; associated with Pisces.

Happiness is found within the family and in those whom you hold dear.
Happiness will be found in your home environment or around close friends. You will enjoy marital bliss, fun
activities with children, and other enriching times with loved ones. Here the inner satisfaction gained overflows into life

around you as you share your joy with others. You may find yourself developing closer and stronger bonds with your
peers and taking friendships to new levels.
In situations, this card reflects a sense of success or achievement with career goals and projects. Life will work
to your advantage and relationships will blossom in happiness and productivity.
Quarrels and unrest disrupts the home environment. Those who seemed close are now more distant.
You may find your relationships at home deteriorating. There will be arguments, hurtful words, unpleasant
acts, and a general air of frustration. Some may break down under the emotional stress, while others will engage in
regretful acts.
In situations, there may be a breakdown of team spirit at work, or factions will form and work against each
other. Disagreements and arguments will cause tension to fill the air. General unhappiness will shadow projects or
activities, leaving everyone less fulfilled than when they started.
Images and Symbolism
The lights from above illuminate the happy family. Each person is content with his or her life.
The children play without a worry in the world. This symbolizes the innocence of youth and the enjoyment of
simpler pleasures.
On the reverse, the merman leaves the mermaid and heads off into the darkness, which symbolizes the
unknown. She lies there in despair, their home broken from an argument. The separation ruins the original happy image.
Color: blues, greens, purples; associated with Pisces, Cancer, Scorpio, and the element of water.

She rejoices in her cup. It represents her intuition, which she holds dear.
The Page of Cups represents the dawning of intuition within oneself. It manifests in a sudden realization that is
outside of logic, and it bears to the individual the mysteries of the unknown. Here you may also find yourself in the
infancy of love or happiness in a relationship, or relearning what it is to bear your emotions to others.
When representing others, this card speaks of a young child or adolescent who is just coming of age and
exploring his or her emotional limits and psychic abilities. In situations, this card represents the beginning of an
emotional time when the self needs to be explored and understood before moving forward.
She dives deeper to the ocean floor, unaware of the dangers around her. She doesn't sense them as she is careless and blindfolded.
Note: Refer to the bottom half of this card in the upright position.
Here the world of illusion plays with your heart. You may find yourself dealing in situations that are over your
head (or over your heart) and not surviving very well. Delusions may be driving you to engage in dangerous acts that
have damaging emotional repercussions. Messages seem to get mixed up, and signs seem to be read incorrectly.
In the work environment, the atmosphere seems reckless and challenging. Workmates may be conducting high-
risk activities and experiments and not foreseeing future consequences. Here the energy to reach a goal is dangerously
driven by emotion and not by logic or reason.
Images and Symbolism
The golden princess or page of cups embodies the exploration and study of the cup. Here she raises it high as
her vessel. Not only does it contain her emotions, but it is also the medium through which she will learn to explore her
empathic abilities. She is the student of the cup.
The two ornate fish that circle her are her familiars—the Piscean pair. They heighten her awareness on an
intuitive level.
The reverse page dives blindly to the bottom of the ocean floor, proving her skills and intuitive gifts. However,
she fails to "see" the dangers of the tentacles around her prize, which will keep her down forever.
Her brash nature and the heavy influence of her emotions will cause her more hurt than good.
Color: gold and purple, royal colors.

He is a sensitive, gentle soul and a dreamer—a hopeless romantic who awaits love.
The Knight of Cups represents a spiritual, soulful, and emotional young person. He or she can be artistic,
musically inclined, or just generally a dreamer. This person can often have his or her head in the clouds, and so can be
difficult to pin down. He or she also provides light and enjoyable company, is deeply sensitive as a listener, and is
loving as a partner. In situations, this card represents the search or journey for higher ideals. Tasks of greater meaning
or projects of humanitarian proportions may surround you. There can also be an air of creativity that compels you to
produce works of art or to dabble in theatre or dance.
He is removed from his emotions. He turns a blind eye toward them and remains despondent and aloof.
The reverse of this card represents someone who is out of touch with his or her emotions and inner voice. This
person can often be lost or distracted, frequently asking for suggestions or advice but rarely following through.
Sometimes he or she can appear aloof and numb to the emotions in his or her surrounding environment. This person is
the ultimate escapist, often sleeping or living within fantasies and avoiding the realities of his or her life.
The situations around you leave you feeling numb. It may be a reflection of how you have been dealing with
difficult issues or projects. You may find others in your area are cold and heartless too, being logical or clinical and not
showing a shred of humanity. Relationships feel amiss as lovers or friends are distant and unattainable.

Images and Symbolism
The knight carries with him an ornate cup, which represents the ideal of the holy grail. He holds the cup close
to him as it contains what he deems precious to his life: his emotions and feelings. He uses them wisely and carefully.
He looks into the cup for guidance. His movements are made through the interpretations of his emotions and
where they will take him.
On the reverse, the knight barely holds on to his cup. It is of no importance to him. His arms are crossed, for he
refuses to budge or take responsibility for his emotions or his feelings.
Color: gold and red, colors for a coat of arms and colors of movement.

Her eyes are closed for she sees all within her cup. She is the sensual lover, the alluring fantasy, and the mermaid that haunts the dreams
of many. She embodies the magical fantasy that fulfills desires.
The Queen of Cups represents a woman who is artistic, expressive, and extremely psychic. Her imagination is
vivid and her creativity shows in all aspects of her life. She is loving and empathic, gentle in her nature and emotional
in her responses. She will fight for the underdog and side with the weak for she is the proverbial pillar of emotional
In situations, this card heralds a time when high creativity and expressiveness is required. Projects may call for
a twist of flair or imaginative delivery. Presentations will have to be spruced up. Clients may need a more sympathetic
ear to meet their needs. Relationships will be loving and may carry emotional connections that can withstand distance
and time.
She is a temptress. She plays with your emotions. She dances, dazzles with her magic, and charms with her flirtatious
promises of happiness.
The Queen of Cups reversed represents an overemotional wreck of a woman who can be driven to
manipulation as well as vindictiveness. Her mood swings make life for others difficult. When she's in control, she poses
to be an emotional drain on your life. She will play your emotional heartstrings to her advantage and dazzle you with
illusions of love and romance. Within her, she could also harbor angst and self-loathing for her inability to do more with
herself and her talents.
In relationships, this card heralds a time when separating the emotions from any sense of sensibility may be
difficult. Strong emotions may seem to take all parties on a roller coaster ride. Within projects, jobs, or workplaces, ail
members may feel their emotions are a little frayed from stress. This card also warns against entering into any
agreements with those who seem to play on your sense of guilt or pull on your emotional heartstrings, for they may not
be what they seem.
Images and Symbolism
The queen sits on a coral throne that is illuminated by lights from the ocean. She doesn't need light to see her
way for she has her cup to guide her to better understanding. She rules over the emotions of the heart. She is gentle and
sensual, and cares only for love and the happiness of others.
She is surrounded by unconventional and natural beauty.
Her eyes are not opened, for her powers extend beyond the mind's eye. She can see all from channeling
through her cup.
The queen on the reverse is the seductress with eight tentacles. She represents the woman who enjoys the
pleasures of love only for herself. She dwells on extreme Feelings and will not fear unleashing her tentacles when
Color: gold and green, colors of royalty and of healing and nature.

He rules the currents of the soul; he is the keeper of the waters. He has an unrivaled imagination, is the source of creativeness, and
charms the heart with his understanding and intuition.
The King of Cups represents a highly intuitive man who brims with creative juices and captures the
imagination. He is charming, entertaining, and evocative. His gut feelings often land him in the right place at the right
time. He relies heavily on his mind's eye to plan ahead. As a lover, he is highly sexual and leaves your heart aching for
more. He will touch your soul through his sensitivity and create an air of mystery through his unconventional and
unpredictable nature.
In situations, this card appeals to unconventional approaches when dealing with people and tasks. Creative
solutions and imaginative ways may resolve issues faster than expected—or produce unexpected results. When making
decisions, this card urges going with your gut feeling or listening to your inner voice for guidance. In relationships,
sexual pleasure will be reached through engaging the heart. Romance, gestures of love, and evocative lovemaking will
heighten the bond between partners.
He cannot tear himself away from his emotions—they rule him and his heart. He embodies depression and sorrow, and abuses substances
to escape from it all.
The reversed King of Cups embodies a depressive individual who has allowed his emotions to overrun his life.
He mopes and laments his feelings and has a tendency to do so with excessive drinking. As an escapist, he may also
indulge in drugs and other vices to take his mind off his emotional traumas. He may also feel the need to abandon or
repress his feelings, leaving him out of touch and hard to deal with.
In relationships, this card warns of a destructive relationship involving false love and pleasures that are
confused with lust. Sexually, the bond may be intoxicating, leaving very little space for a level head or any form of
sensibility. In work-type situations, this card can warn of being out of touch with emotions when dealing with
colleagues, clients, or customers.
Images and Symbolism
The regal merman on the shell-like throne represents a man at ease within himself. He has a comfortable smile
on his face and is surrounded by lush greens and ocean floor life.
The Piscean pair dances around him. They represent the presence of his intuitive and empathic natures.
The reversed merman king represents a man who cannot let go of the object of his heart's desire: the cup. This
will be the source of his problems and the emotional obstacle that he will need to overcome.
Behind him are the tentacles of a creature that slowly sways around him, waiting for a false move to take him
further down on his path of destruction.
Color: gold and blue, colors of royalty and command.

This ace represents prosperity and abundance in all things physical and material.
When the Ace of Pentacles is drawn, the world surrounding you is filled with wealth and financial stability.
There will be an increase in financial wealth, more comfortable surroundings, and a better quality of life to be enjoyed.
You may also be lucky in terms of the lottery or in gambling. Gifts may find their way into your lap along with rewards.
In work situations, profits will arise from effort, colleagues will all endeavor to push the limits to achieve
goals, and production will enter a phase of rapid growth. In relationships, there is a grounded sense of stability
supported by the physical comfort of each other's presence.
Material obsessions and money vanish before you as a darkness casts a shadow over wealth and well-being.
Here your wealth may find itself disappearing. Greed may see that you lose more money than you gain. Money
may also be wasted and spent on disposable things and whimsical fancies. Wealth and financial stability will escape
you as well as your pockets.
Projects will suffer financial blows. Support and backing in both physical and financial aspects will seem to
slip out from under you. Relationships may feel cold and lonesome as physical intimacy has lost its place in your
Images and Symbolism
The pentacles fan out in the pentagram format to reinforce the pattern of the design. The intricacy of the design
is derived from Islamic and Celtic motifs, deeply rooting the infused design in a history of its own.
Color: golds, greens, earth tones; associated with the element of earth.

She balances all her tasks and jobs in the perfect juggle.
Here the Two of Pentacles signifies the ability to balance or juggle the many aspects of your life. Work, play,
family, and leisure all seem to move seamlessly and in perfect unison with your daily routine. You may even be
balancing two or more jobs and still manage to have fun on the weekends. Much like juggling though, this card has its
ups and downs, and warns of not pushing yourself too far in the endless juggle that is your life.
In situations, this card highlights the dual natures or dichotomies that have to be dealt with in any given situa-
tion. Like two sides of a coin, this card implies that both sides or parties need to be acknowledged, addressed, and
managed. In life and financial situations, you may find yourself going up in the world one week, while sliding down in
She has lost control of her tasks and jobs. She desperately tries to keep them up in the air.
Here the juggler has taken on too much and loses the rhythm. Too many responsibilities and tasks are in
motion at once, and you may fail to keep them all up in the air. Even if you succeed, this card warns that it would be at
a cost to yourself. You may feel tension and stress from attempting to manage your affairs and begin to take it out on
those around you.
In situations, the multitude of tasks and deadlines may wear you down. The instability of the juggled objects
may also manifest in terms of extreme differences in your weekly income, ranging from poverty to luxury. In relation-
ships, you find it difficult to meet the needs of your loved ones versus the responsibilities you have at work. There never
seems to be enough time, and neglect will soon take its toll.
Images and Symbolism
A string that forms the infinity sign entwines the pentacles. This symbolizes the same magic that can be found
in the mastery of the Magician and the inner power of Strength.
Following the theme of balance, the woman seems to hardly touch the balls she juggles. These balls symbolize
the many tasks and responsibilities we may find in daily life.
The woman on the reverse is stressed and disturbed by her lack of balance. She has lost control of her balls and
one by one they cause her more grief.
Color: gold and greens, colors of the earth and of Capricorn.

He works hard at his task to achieve his dreams.

Hard work and determination will be the source of rewards. The act of creation—to bring something to this
world— will be reward enough for you. Here your skills and knowledge will be put to good use. You will thrive in your
chosen profession because it is your passion that fuels your desire and not the financial reward. All efforts will be
In situations, this card foretells the investment of labor needed to reach determined goals. Teamwork and
constant contribution will lead to fulfilling rewards. Finished projects will be works of art in and of themselves. The
surrounding atmosphere will be one of constant improvement and the bettering of the self. New personal bests will be
reached and broken. In relationships, this card encourages you to push past the comfort of each other to find a whole
new level of connection.
Complacejtcy and lack of drive or recognition has left the work and himself idle and incomplete.
The reversed Three of Pentacles shows a lack of productivity through boredom and low drive. A fear of failure
through pushing one's limits can cause this hindrance. External forces may make you feel unworthy of accomplishing
your goals, disregarding your talents and leaving them to waste. Everything moves slowly around you and eventually
comes to a grinding halt.
Projects stay in initial stages and situations feel stagnant. A stalemate has been reached within yourself or with
others, forcing production to cease. Idle hands and workers add to low morale and motivation. Relationships feel like
they have not progressed, and routine and familiarity breed contempt.
Images and Symbolism
The teeming city behind the man tells of the level of achievement he can reach if he works hard at his goals.
On the reverse, the scaffolding in the background indicates the beginning of construction, and it plays on the
notion that the nature of construction is temporary. Nothing is produced.
Color: gold and greens, colors of the earth and of Capricorn.

He holds on to his money with his life. Nothing is more paramount than the security it provides him.
The Four of Pentacles symbolizes the protection and stability one feels from his or her material wealth. Here
matters of finances are stable, cash flow remains constant, and contentment surrounds you in the form of good clothes, a
nice home, and a stable life. Comparatively, you are doing better than everyone else and you are loving it.
At work, your career path is steadfast and sure. Promotions are incremental, and pay raises are annual. You
move up the ranks slowly but surely. In relationships, the comfortable pace at which it develops is embraced with a
smile. Nothing dramatic challenges you, and the motion is a gentle sway.
The money he has surrounded himself with has blinded him. He spends it only on himself and dances in his own wealth.
Here the miser has taken over the mind. You are overwhelmed by the need to secure your security. Nothing
else takes as important of a position. Your obsession with money makes you anxious when spending or sharing. You
spend hours assessing your worth and comparing it with others. You cut corners and save, never wasting any excess on
others but spending lavishly on yourself.
In situations, this card warns of a debilitating need to focus on the cost and not the outcome. Financial gain is
what remains paramount, and everything else, like service or quality, can be compromised. In relationships, it is all
about what you gain from it and not what is gained together. The selfish, focused need for material gain will only drive
the other person away, leaving you alone with nothing to show for it but your wealth.
Images and Symbolism
The piercing, glazed glare of the man is deathly cold and without a soul. He holds on to the pentacle with
obsession and a fear of loss. It covers him and shields him from all.
The use of gold on his skin is scarce and limited, reflecting the ultraconservative nature he expresses.
The man on the reverse is driven to a state in which he lacks coherence. He spends because he knows nothing
of value anymore. He is only driven by the comforts of his own needs.
In contrast, the color of gold is abundant on the skin of the man, which expresses his exuberant nature.
Color: somber colors and metallic tones, colors of Taurus.

Poverty and self-pity plague bis existence. He lies there in woe and grief.
Poverty and difficulty lie on the road ahead. Financial struggle will be experienced, along with a change of
lifestyle. Making ends meet will be difficult, and managing funds will be a daunting task. Physically, you may be
starved of comfort of many forms: love, food, clothes, or even pleasure.
When reflecting on situations, this card foretells difficult and tight times ahead. Low budgets, alternate
avenues, and even abandonment may be paths that have to be explored. In relationships, this card highlights the lack of
comfort and wealth shared between partners or those involved. A deprivation and starvation of pleasure or physical
proximity can lead to a falling-out or arguments between couples.
Poverty may have taken its toll, but there is hope if he pulls himself out of the situation.
There is light at the end of this dark tunnel. You will be coming out of a period of hardship and suffering, but
there is hope that will bring you back on your feet. Soon you will pull yourself out of the gutter and stand back on your
own two feet, ready to face the world once again.

This card reflects on situations of dire loss and difficulty. The time will come soon when the pain of failure or
abandonment can be left behind and a new path or project can begin. Insolvent or bankrupt companies or individuals
will be able to pick up the pieces and start again. Broken relationships will be forgotten and life will carry on. The pain
may never go away, but the lesson will be learned.
Images and Symbolism
The colors of this card are less than luxurious. This emphasizes the absence of the wealth and comfort depicted
in the rest of the suit. Destitution plays a major role in this card.
The anguish and loss of energy and drive is accentuated through the poses of the impoverished bodies on this
Color: somber and cold tones, earthen hues; colors of Taurus.

His generosity is in abundance. He gives freely to all who need.
Charity and generosity will fill your heart and overflow. You could be the giver or the receiver in this situation
as wealth is shared for all to enjoy. Those in need will receive what is due to them and more.
Helping hands will extend from nowhere to help you along in your career. Problems will be solved for you and
paths will be cleared of bumps and hurdles. Promotions from above will bring you closer to your goals. Family
members may share their winnings. Partners may invest more of their time or themselves in relationships. Whatever
your pleasure may be, there it will be in abundance.
He throws money around without a care or a worry. He knows not what he is doing because he is silly and extravagant.
Generosity is tossed out the window and replaced with stupidity. Money is thrown away effortlessly for fun or
gambling without a thought of others. Extravagant gestures of material lavishings will be wasted, leaving nothing to
show for it but glitter and fool's gold. Large dents will be found in wallets and pockets once the last penny is dropped.
Your inhibitions will be cast aside too for the joys of sensuality and pleasure.
Carelessness and stupidity will see the loss of contracts and arrangements around you. Your career may be in
jeopardy from the mismanagement of resources. Relationships will crumble under the weight of financial insecurity.
Partners may not take your commitment seriously, especially when you flirt with others for the pleasure of the body.
Images and Symbolism
The man's open arms suggests he has a generous nature. He is charity personified—the jovial giver, the sharer
of wealth.
The man on the reverse is one who has lost his sense of wealth, for he empties his bags of gold without much
thought. He is careless with his generosity.
Color: rich greens, somber colors, metallic tones; colors of Taurus.

He stands and waits for his work to come to fruition.
Patience is a virtue to be invested in work. Time and effort will eventually pay off, but it is the waiting that can
make or break you. Take a slow pace and allow for things to develop. Toil if you must, but never overwork or push, for
growth is rarely ever instantaneous. Cultivate and nurture, and refine and polish, for a diamond is worth more than the
carbon it once was.
All around you growth will seem slow. Projects may take up to several months before any real results can be
seen. Experiments and tests will need to be conducted over and over again to determine real feasibility. Time will have
to be allotted to fully reap any benefits. Relationships may also feel like they are moving at a snail's pace. Ongoing
issues may complicate things, or temporary distance may keep you apart. However, time will resolve all things and
patience, once again, is advised.
Frustration fuels his anger and his disappointment festers, ruining his mood.
All your efforts seem to be in vain, which feeds your frustration. Patience is tossed out the window and anger
resounds in your paced steps. Tension and anxiety, which have been felt every step of the way, have compounded into a
terrible knot in your stomach. The only release seems to be to vent.
This card warns of losing your cool. The long-term consequences may not be apparent, but even in reverse this
card foretells an eventual positive outcome. By worrying and venting your frustration, you only hinder the progress of
development and cause more drama than is required. This card also advises reassessing your original intention and
questioning whether the outcome is really worth the effort.
Images and Symbolism
This card plays on the theme of waiting, and patiently at that. It depicts a man who waits with determination
for the end result.
The pentacles around him are in flux and have not become solid—they are merely ideas, or ether, at the
The man on the reverse is frustrated and discards his pentacles. The lack of patience on his part has caused him
to destroy the progress of his work.
Color: grays and navy blues, colors of Virgo.

He works hard into the darkness. He has goals and ambitions and he is going to put his back into it.
Similar to the Three of Pentacles, this card represents an industrious spirit working away at production. It
highlights the application of skills in labor-intensive work, focusing on newly acquired knowledge or recent training.
The constant need to better oneself and to produce new things should be explored.
In situations, this card could indicate a promotion based on acknowledged skills. The environment around you
could also be conducive to personal growth and the learning of new skills. In relationships, this card plays on the theme
of expansion. You may want to get to know your partner better by spending more time with him or her or walking in his
or her shoes.
The work is not done and he lies there questioning and contemplating his motives and drive.
You may find yourself staring blankly at your work for hours on end, wondering where it is all leading. Hands
remain idle and work seems to slow down. The task may be of little interest to you or you may lack the skills. Either
way, time and effort will be wasted. You may be in the wrong job, feeling underutilized, or even insulted by the misuse
of your talents.
In work situations, your path seems to have hit a dead end. Projects do not have the energy or drive to be com-
pleted, and team members have lost faith or interest. The atmosphere is full of contempt and idleness, and everyone is
looking for something better to do. In relationships, you may find you are both working toward different goals and
neglecting each other. One partner may be tired and bored of the other, as his or her original intentions have been
clouded by the mundane nature of the bond.
Images and Symbolism
The high contrast of the images draws one's focus to the main characters: the industrious worker and the idle
one. The card plays out the theme of achieving success through determination.
Color: navy blues, colors of Virgo.

She sits back in contentment and surveys her riches. All of nature grows well around her.
Contentment and material wealth have been reached. There is nothing more to do but to bask in the glory of it
all. You will be surrounded by good company, teased by the pleasures of sight, taste, and sound, and not have to worry
about where the next paycheck is coming from. You are no longer dependent on the influences of others as you stand
your own ground and only answer to yourself. Self-sufficiency sustains you.
All around you is calm. The environment is warm and giving. Nothing stands in your way of achieving what is
necessary. There is no need to try for any more than what you have or need. Relationships will have reached a pinnacle
of comfort. You will only need each other to sustain you along your journey.
He sits back in contemplation. His struggles have weakened him. He surveys all that he has yet to achieve.
Worry clouds your stability. Restriction holds you back from expansion. There may be a lack of funds or
overexpen-diture in other areas. An impending drought will come soon to test your durability and financial resources.
The air that surrounds the situation seems desolate and meek. A lack of hope prevails from the insufficiency of
resources or efforts to back up any projects. Things may seem so close, and yet so far to attain. The reverse of this card
advises waiting for a better time to invest or expand.
Images and Symbolism
The lady reflects an image of comfort and contentment. She does not need to work any longer, but just enjoy
her spoils.
The ivy leaves grow lushly behind her and the sky is calm.
The bird that flies freely to perch on her arm represents the freedom of spirit from the chains of
Behind the man on the reverse the ivy has dried, leaving only the withered branches.
His worried, uncomfortable look reflects the struggles he has endured and has yet to experience.
Color: light tones, colors of Virgo.

With tradition and family comes support.
The Ten of Pentacles symbolizes the stability that comes from grounding oneself in tradition and family. Here
the themes of home and family play roles of both financial and physical support; family members help one another, give
advice, and give support. Loans can also come from family or "old money."
In situations, this card highlights the support that can come from external sources. Money from lenders, banks,
or other older establishments can be drawn from for investments or expansion. Financial support may also come in an
accumulated lump sum from sources such as superannuation, long-term deposits, property investments, or shares that
have been lying dormant for years.
The old man stares back as us, reminding us of the coin and the burdens and responsibilities of tradition.
Here the burdens of tradition and family tie us back and curb our growth. Dependency on old money and not
creating any of our own will keep us trapped. By doing so, older family members may also take advantage of this
dependence by being overbearing or demanding. Whatever the case, our experience of wealth and stability is not of our
own making but of others'.
The theme of financial misfortune is present in situations when this card is drawn. External forces seem to hold
projects back from being initiated or moving forward. Support and resources may be difficult to attain as those who
should offer may not choose to.
Images and Symbolism
The family all around the old man reflects the importance of tradition and respecting one's elders. They look up
to him (and hold on to him), for he is their anchor to their pasts.
The surrounding environment represents a wealthy household—stability through "old money."
On the reverse the old man holds the coin up as if for ransom or to serve as a reminder. The image highlights
the concept of enforced responsibility to observe the burdens of tradition and to respect the old ways.
Color: greens, golds, earthen tones; associated with the element of earth.

She is fixated on the pentacle as she sees it and sees through it.
The Page of Pentacles represents the soul who has begun to understand the pleasures of the physical world.
Here emotions are attached to sensations of pleasure and touch. This card also represents embracing the earth and its
fruits and being at one with nature. The Page of Pentacles represents someone who keeps in touch with the ground and
also in touch with him- or herself. This person is able to tap into the power of the earth and will it to his or her heart's
In situations, this card indicates small gains in the areas of work and life. In relationships, it symbolizes
entering the stage of infancy or childbearing, where the consummation of bodies culminates in the creation of life.
She is done with the pentacle and she begins to disassemble it— only to reassemble it again.
The reversed Page of Pentacles often implies a persons lack of connection with the rest of the world. You can
find yourself lost in the wilderness of your own mind, distracted by the function or form of the pentacle, and not
understand the magical or symbolic nature behind it. Your limited views are bogged down by practicalities and
This card tells of small losses in the area of work. Difficulties can also arise from distraction and a lack of
imagination from other team members who may choose to be more pragmatic and conservative.
Images and Symbolism
All around the page things are in flux and moving toward forming something. The background represents the
concept of bringing things together—in this case, it is through the focus and magic of the page as she wills all that is
around her to do her bidding.
On the reverse, the background shows a dense forest of autumn trees that have lost their leaves. The ideas of
wilderness and the wild play on the theme of the unorthodox. The page pulls apart the pentacle with ease, which
indicates a complacency with the object.
Color: gold and purple, colors of royalty.

He is determined to work to reach his goals. His focus drives him only to work hard and to ride his ambitions to fruition.
Hard-working and patient, the Knight of Pentacles represents the proverbial workhorse in all of us who is
determined to achieve our goals no matter what the cost. Conventional and pragmatic, this card can often represent a
robust or firm individual who cares little for the luxuries in life and more for the comfort that comes from stability. Like
a rock, he or she is solid, loyal, and dependable in times of need.
In terms of situations, this card represents a phase or period where work becomes pragmatic and routine. The
steps are easy to follow, but effort and determination are what will drive it to completion. The tasks will be laborious,
but also enriching. This card also urges you to begin saving for the future and to set attainable goals.
He finds it hard to carry on his journey. All the hard work and trudging has driven down his energies and he loses confidence in himself.
He holds on to his goals, but his energies are low.
The reverse of this card shows a knight who is defeated and depleted of confidence. He does not have the
strength to continue, nor does he have the determination to move on. Like a broken man, his trauma will extend to his
personal life as well as his career. He will experience financial restrictions and may even be poor.
In terms of work situations, this card warns against overex-tending yourself in the areas of health and money.
The world around you would seem to deplete your finances and generally make life a game of physical endurance.
Images and Symbolism
The large knight sits on his equally robust horse. The two of them are an image of strength and stability. The
firm determination in the knights eyes reflects his unwavering focus on his goals.
In the background lies a city for his taking and a large pillar of support.
On the reverse, the knight is taking a moment to collect himself. He grieves from his tired efforts. His horse
turns away and moves on, even if the knight still has no direction or control over it.
The background only shows faded shapes, which reflects a lack of focus. The pattern on the pillar behind him
breaks apart slowly.
Color: gold and red, colors of the coat of arms and of movement.

She is a warm-hearted woman surrounded by luxury and wealth. She gives from her wholesome heart for the pleasures of the body.
The Queen of Pentacles represents goodheartedness, a love for luxury, a great cook, a patron of fine clothes,
and a frequenter of elegant places. She is also a friend who can be practical in times of need and supportive when the
chips are down. As a lover, she is deeply sensual and is comfortable with her body. She is methodical in her business
sense and pragmatic in her dealings. She budgets out of practicality and perseveres through chores for the good of
herself and of others.
In situations, this card heralds a period of luxurious material wealth and the acquisition of beautiful things.
Here, wealth that has been earned is spent as a reward or as a treat.
She is wild like the wind and cares for nothing but herself. Everything is about her, for her, and to be done by her.
Here the Queen of Pentacles enjoys the pleasures of the flesh purely for her own gain. She dances to seduce the
wealth from others. She is consumed with the need for more and will stop at nothing to get what she wants. She can be
over-ambitious and will only keep practical acquaintances and friends by her side for future use.
In situations, the reversed Queen of Pentacles represents a selfish attitude toward money, which may distract
one from the goals of projects or agreements. This form of greed may manifest as a disproportionate sharing of wealth
or unfair dealings of any profit returns.
Images and Symbolism
The queen here is like the lesser version of the Empress. She, too, has the world at her grasp, as she is one with
nature and with all those around her. Her gentle and trusting gaze shows the kindness in her heart.
She is flanked by two pillars of support and crowned by roses, which reflects her caring nature and natural
The queen on the reverse is moved by the wind. Much like her, it is a force of nature that can cause destruction
as it travels through the lives of many. She consumes for pleasure and her own enjoyment.
She is barely covered, which indicates the ease she feels with her own body as well as the ease others may feel
with it too.
Color: gold and green, colors of royalty and of healing and nature.

He holds himself back upon his sturdy throne. He is grounded, in control of himself, and enjoys the luxuries that life has to offer.
The King of Pentacles represents a level-headed man who has an eye for business and a wisdom of the ages.
His fortunes amass from patience and diligence. He also understands the full worth of material wealth and holds
financial stability as paramount. He is down-to-earth and extremely sensual in his nature, enjoying the sensations of
touch and the pleasures of luxury. He is loyal, and when required, can be as unmovable as a mountain. He may not be
dashing or alluring, but he offers reliability and steadfastness.
In terms of a situation, drawing the King of Pentacles indicates good growth and profit in a financial sense.
Career-wise, a senior position may become available or you may receive recognition from a senior member of the
company or organization. In relationships, this card represents a sense of stability and comfort has been reached.
He is the stick-in-the-mud that does not move—willingly. His face wears boredom like a second skin as he grumbles and moans.
The reversed King of Pentacles symbolizes the boredom that can be derived from a mundane-but-comfortable
existence. A man of power without any imagination, he seeks entertainment to the displeasure of others and proves to
be difficult in a confrontation. His possessive nature may overrun any logic and can overwhelm or ruin relationships.
His self-destructiveness derives from his inability to take a risk or to think outside the box.
In a situation, this card represents the failure of any businesses, activities, investments, or joint ventures. It also
warns against dealing with larger companies or entities as there will be no sympathy, support, or equal standing. Other
advice is to manage your resources today, as there may be a colder winter lying ahead.
Images and Symbolism
The throne is adorned with hardwoods and bullhead capitals, indicating a closeness to earth and Taurus. This
card is rich in materialism and comforts produced from the earth. The king has a firm face and a collected pose, for he is
a man of no nonsense or flamboyancy. He is sturdy, robust, and stable, and he rules his life that way.
The king on the reverse is lounging in boredom. Materials and riches do nothing for him. He is out of touch
with his responsibilities and concerns.
The throne is adorned with autumn leaves, indicating the passing of summer toward a cold winter. It is the
transition period from a joyous time to one of caution and the need for material comforts.
Color: gold, blue, purple; colors of royalty and command.

Powerful forces have come into play that will bring swift change in life.
Mental prowess and intellect will grace your mind. New ideas, new ways of thinking, and clearer logical
thought will be a way of life for you. The sword will sweep through your mind and clear out any doubts, dissipate
clouds of confusion, and help you aim for your goals with a diamondlike clarity. When this card appears, it also offers a
sign of protection from fear, which can haunt the mind. Be not afraid and stand firm and tall—logic will prevail over
In matters of legality, work, and contracts, this card often shines a positive and fair light on any outcome.
Relationships will be intellectually stimulating as you engage in games of the mind and tease and test each others limits.
Stress and tension plague life as the point of the sword bears down.
The swiftness of the sword has left you and it is stuck in 1 he ground. There will be delays holding you back,
misunderstandings that add to confusion, and fear that will fuel paranoia and illogical thought. Stress and tension from
overstimulation of the mind may also come into play.
Around you, others may feel the need to mess with your mind for their own gain. External forces seem to be
holding back progress, and lies and deceit can often dog your path to success. In relationships, you may find yourself or
your partner spending too much time thinking and not acting. Procrastination and distractions of the mind will add up to
neglect and a misunderstanding of everything involved.
Images and Symbolism
The ideas of air and movement play in the background while the sword firmly gleams in the forefront.
The golden crown and laurel leaves are symbols of wisdom and thought, which are associated with this suit.
Color: light blues and purples, silvers, whites; associated with Libra, Gemini, Aquarius, and the element of air.

He balances his heavy sword as well as himself somewhat gracefully on a wire high above the clouds.
The Two of Swords indicates an ability to balance the mental forces of your mind. Multitasking, management,
and stress will all be handled with ease. You may find yourself managing two projects at once or studying for exams
and finishing off projects, all with great mental confidence. High-stress situations keep you stimulated and tension gives
you a sense of normality.
In relationships, this card highlights the ability to deal with internal and external stresses, which under normal
circumstances could cause a breakdown. Organizing family functions or parties while managing your work life at the
same time seems to be a fine juggling act you will triumph over. Workwise, you may well find yourself handling
several tasks or roles that may overlap with uncompromising deadlines.
The situation becomes difficult as he loses his confidence. The wind shakes his act as he can barely keep the sword on his palm much less
himself on the rope.
The reverse of this card warns of getting in way over your head. Here the tension and stress of your workplace
or relationship may cause you to falter and either injure yourself or someone else along the fall. You struggle to reach
deadlines and find it almost ludicrous that you have taken on so much in such a short time. It will be a precarious
journey trying to get across to the other side.
The strain will show in your home life and relationships. The inability to deal with the dramas of your mind
will cause stress in others as the atmosphere thickens with tension. Coworkers may seem highly strung as deadlines
come closer. The pressure imposed by others or by yourself may cause you to think irrationally and emotionally instead
of logically.
Images and Symbolism
The card plays on the literal idea of balance and the tension associated with staying on balance. The man on
the rope performs a difficult task of balancing himself and his sword as he progresses from one end of the line to
another. The sword, representing his thoughts, is just as important as himself in this journey.
The reverse shows the man trying to gain some balance in a precarious journey along the line. The winds
around him, which represent outside influences, contribute to the difficulty of the situation.
Color: pastels, rose, light purples, blues; associated with Libra.

He lies there and does his crying in the rain. He wallows in the sorrow of his heartache.
The heart has been broken and so has your mind. The emotions associated with the broken heart overrun any
logical thought process, leaving you a debilitated mess of sorrow and woe. Unrequited love, love triangles, and doomed
relationships will be littered all around you. Failed trust and broken promises may also lead you down this path of
In relationships, this card often foretells the end, either by separation or by sudden departure. Arguments, harsh
words, or general conflicts will leave a bitter taste at the end. Careers and partnerships may also suffer the same treat-
ment. In workplaces, miscommunication and misunderstanding will be counterproductive, and thus cause more grief
than required.
He cries out to the skies in his anxiety. His mind is a playing field for chaos. He suffers extreme anguish from mental and emotional stress.
Here the heartache has taken a terrible turn. Anxiety and sorrow have merged together to cause a deafening
wail of grief. You may find yourself disoriented, unable to carry out simple daily tasks without breaking down, or
simply escaping into sleep or substance abuse.
In situations, this card indicates that disaster and melodrama will find its way into your love life or workplace.
Tragic losses will test and taunt you and cause stress and emotional upheaval. On the bright side of things, this card
suggests you can only go up from here.
Images and Symbolism
This card depicts two different ways of dealing with heartache and sorrow. One lies in defeat upon a sword.
The feeling of self-pity clouds the man's judgment as he runs his arm along the edge of the sword. He lies there feeling
sorry for himself, lost in his own anguish.
The reverse is an image focused on the unleashing of great sorrow and anger, which comes from the stresses
within. The scream is released, which frees the body of all its tension.
Color: rose and rich purples, associated with Libra.

He finds time for rest and recuperation.
The Four of Swords warns of finding the time to rest and to allow the body and the mind to heal. Often you
will find that your life seems to be on a fast track in every direction, leaving little time for rest and recuperation.
Socially, you may be juggling parties, invites, and dinners, while work has you pinned down for overtime and early
starts. Eventually your body and mind will crack under pressure if you don't take some time out. Sleep. Relax. Do
In situations such as work and projects, this card tells of taking a break or stepping back. Too much time and
effort may be channeled, causing team members to burn out or become highly agitated. In relationships, this card urges
taking a break or rest between partners. Time spent apart to find each other's self will help strengthen the relationship in
the future.
Rest is forced upon him now as he did not heed to do so in the first instance.
The reverse of this card takes a negative turn. Where rest was warned before, here it is forced upon you. You
will probably find you've burned out and become lethargic. High-stress patterns over the past few days may have finally
taken their toll on your body. In the most serious cases, you may find yourself hospitalized from a momentary lapse or
even institutionalized from a mental breakdown.
In situations, this card warns of overexerting yourself in any projects or commitments. Here the workload may
be too much to handle. This card can also forewarn damaging results if current situations continue on their current
paths. In relationships, the worry and angst that you may be experiencing may lead to more heartache and sorrow.
Depression may cause you to be suicidal or cause harm to yourself. Take some time away or time will take you down.
Images and Symbolism
This card plays on the notion of rest of the mental kind. Here, stress from life, situations, or the environment
may require one to take some time out. In the case of the reversed side, rest was not taken when it was required, so now
it is being enforced.
Color: electric blues and turquoise, associated with Aquarius.

He performs the ritual of suicide as a result of bis failure.
This card represents the magnitude to which failure has affected you. The thought of dramatic change, whether
it be through death or just changing your environment, can be in the forefront of your mind. You may have experienced
a personal loss or failure and find the situation difficult to deal with.
Lies and slander can also be implied in this card due to its airy nature. More specifically, such malice can be
closely related to any unfair defeat or cheat you may have experienced. The loss of control over your own success and
the amount of anguish you experience as a result will depend on your spirits. In situations such as at work, you may be
retrenched or fired for not meeting standards. Breakups in relationships may also be linked to not meeting the other's
expectations or even your own.
Great sorrow is wept from her eyes as she grieves a great loss and a failure of her own accord.
The reverse of this card represents the great sorrow experienced after such failure. Similar to the Three of
Swords, the emotions experienced here are of an extreme level. Wailing depression or hollowness will be felt inside.
Externally, you have lashed out and blamed others, have contempt for those around you, or experienced extreme
jealousy or envy of others' success.
In a working environment, team members remain contemptuous of each other, management is scorned, or a
general disregard for others will be experienced. The selfish, self-pitying aspect of your current state may also cause bad
rifts with partners and those who are close to you.
Images and Symbolism
The Japanese-themed images reflect upon the magnitude to which failure can affect one's psyche.
Hara-kiri, or the ritual of committing suicide out of dishonor or failure, adds a certain mental dimension to
suicide that has to be played out before performing the actual act. It is calculated and planned and not merely an
emotional reaction.
The reversed side shows a Japanese woman in deep mournful sorrow. Her despair is related to what the death
of the man on the upside represents: failure.
Color: electric blues and turquoise, associated with Aquarius.

He pushes through the waters of life, taking with him only his wits. He is on a journey away from a place where his skills were not utilized.
Here movement through the calm waters represents a journey away from a previous situation that involved the
realm of the mind. You may be walking away from an old stressful job or a relationship that involved mind games. Here
you have identified the cause of your problems and taken the next logical step by moving away. The journey will aid
you in either allowing you to deal with it at another time or to abandon it and cut your losses.
In relationships, this card advises taking a step back or away from a disturbing or hurtful situation. Perhaps the
bond is no longer fulfilling and is causing more grief than joy. In work situations, problems being faced at the moment
may be out of your league. Tensions in the atmosphere may be disruptive. Whatever the case is, the logical step here is
to know where to stop and know when to move on.
The journey is difficult and the waters are rough. He pushes through as hard as he can manage.
The reverse of this card tells of the same journey as above, but the path taken will be difficult. This may come
in the form of a messy divorce, litigation from breaking a contract, or individuals who will not let you go. The difficulty
may also come from within, where it may be hard to just sever yourself from the past or to deal with your emotions in a
clear manner. There may be a sense of guilt from abandonment or a sense of failure from the damage sustained.
Images and Symbolism
This card is about a journey away. The swords represent a mental journey, a condition of the mind that may
need to change internally or with external help.
The transparent vessel is meant to indicate the delicate nature of the transition. A boat of fragile glass requires
skillful and slow movement to prevent its bow from crashing against a rock and breaking.
The man on the reverse experiences difficulty moving through the fog and the torrent of waves. The journey
will be difficult as he attempts to stay anchored with his oar to prevent himself from being swept away.
Color: electric and deep blues, associated with Aquarius.

He pushes through the waters of life, taking with him only his wits. He is on a journey away from a place where his skills were not utilized.
Here movement through the calm waters represents a journey away from a previous situation that involved the
realm of the mind. You may be walking away from an old stressful job or a relationship that involved mind games. Here
you have identified the cause of your problems and taken the next logical step by moving away. The journey will aid
you in either allowing you to deal with it at another time or to abandon it and cut your losses.
In relationships, this card advises taking a step back or away from a disturbing or hurtful situation. Perhaps the
bond is no longer fulfilling and is causing more grief than joy. In work situations, problems being faced at the moment
may be out of your league. Tensions in the atmosphere may be disruptive. Whatever the case is, the logical step here is
to know where to stop and know when to move on.
The journey is difficult and the waters are rough. He pushes through as hard as he can manage.
The reverse of this card tells of the same journey as above, but the path taken will be difficult. This may come
in the form of a messy divorce, litigation from breaking a contract, or individuals who will not let you go. The difficulty
may also come from within, where it may be hard to just sever yourself from the past or to deal with your emotions in a
clear manner. There may be a sense of guilt from abandonment or a sense of failure from the damage sustained.
Images and Symbolism
This card is about a journey away. The swords represent a mental journey, a condition of the mind that may
need to change internally or with external help.
The transparent vessel is meant to indicate the delicate nature of the transition. A boat of fragile glass requires
skillful and slow movement to prevent its bow from crashing against a rock and breaking.
The man on the reverse experiences difficulty moving through the fog and the torrent of waves. The journey
will be difficult as he attempts to stay anchored with his oar to prevent himself from being swept away.
Color: electric and deep blues, associated with Aquarius.

He chuckles at his victim's stupidity as he walks away with yet another bundle of stolen goods.
Here caution is advised because those around you will take advantage of you. Theft of your ideas or concepts
could occur if you do not watch carefully. Naivety and stupidity will be your own downfall and you will only have
yourself to blame.
Those around you will lie, steal, and cheat for their own gains. Be wary of shadowy characters in your
environment, whether you are at home or in your workplace. In relationships, cloak-and-dagger actions will also be
telltale signs of cheating and unfaithfulness. Keep those around you who are of questionable origin at arm's length.
He is crafty with his words and clever with his lies. He hides under a mask of sincerity. He represents all things superficial
and false.
The reverse of this card warns us to be skeptical as well as aware. Those who may be close to us will attempt
to dazzle us with superficiality and lies. Question their true intentions constantly, in your own mind or aloud. You lie in
danger of being manipulated based on trust and underhanded deceit.
You will be surrounded by those who dress themselves well to represent who they are not. Fast or smooth
talkers will be in abundance for their confidence, a mask, hides their true intentions. You may be enticed into money-
making schemes or investment traps. In relationships, you may have met someone who has sold you on the idea of
romance but will never deliver it.
Images and Symbolism
Because this card is one of swords, both images represent the theft of or lies associated with thought and the
mind. The swords may represent ideas, which are stolen or wasted on a situation.
On the reverse, the man is covered or flanked by swords. This represents the shallow use of thought or ideas to
project the wrong image or concept.
His hands are in a mock prayer as he bows forward with his superficial smile. He aims to please, but only for
his own gain.
Color: bicolored, warm hues, yellows; associated with Gemini.

She binds herself in a velvet rope. She feigns entrapment of her own accord.
This card represents the bonds we find ourselves in but from which we choose not to break free. You may be
stuck in a job or a relationship that isn't working, but the fear of failure or of loneliness keeps you bound. The mind can
only learn to set itself free once it has overcome the fear it feeds inside.
In work situations, decisions seem difficult to make. You may feel that you owe loyalties to many different
parties, and cannot decide which one to favor. You may also be trapped in a loop of logic within yourself and require
external help to get you out. A new perspective or at least a different one may help.
She frees herself only to see the error of her ways.
The reverse of this card indicates the breaking of the bonds mentioned above. Here you will have overcome
your fears and see things clearly through the eyes of logic. Mental barriers that were once there will have been broken
down. The correct path will be taken and all other worries will be cast aside. The thought process has been long and
demanding, but it has been necessary for a sense of certainty.
In relationships and work situations, the path to move forward will be clear and it will be time to move on.
This card advises getting over all fears and thinking logically through the steps and procedures that will get you where
you want to be.
Images and Symbolism
The swords she lies upon pose no direct threat to her. Here the swords represent issues that torment her mind—
they lie in the background and are threats to her, but only indirect ones.
She holds on to the ropes as she tries to bind herself harder. The ropes are holding her back from dealing with
the situation, but she chooses to hold on to them.
The blindfold is her excuse for not seeing the situation as it really is.
The reversed image shows her freeing herself from the binding and the blindfold. She has liberated herself
without the help of others.
Color: bicolored, warm hues; associated with Gemini.

She suffers mental anguish from oppression, fear, and stress. She cannot sleep and is haunted by nightmares.
Nightmares and bad memories haunt your sleeping hours. Your waking hours are spent in worry and stress
over things you have to do or tasks that have yet to be completed. You may feel like someone else is putting you down
or cornering you into an unpleasant situation. You remain anxious of what is to come and live in fear of the unknown.
This card can embody painful relationships riddled with mind games, horrible workmates or neighbors who
taunt you, or friends who turn on you or belittle you. The air of negativity that surrounds you forces you to react badly.
This card advises looking within to find the strength to overcome the pain and suffering and to not allow it to hurt.
There is escape, but it comes at a price as he pushes through the barriers of the swords to free himself.
The reverse of this card indicates an end of a dark tunnel. However, effort and courage is advised to overcome
the demons within. Externally, issues need to be confronted and dealt with in order to move on. You may need to
rethink the way you approach things and make some sacrifices in order to overcome barriers or hurdles in your way.
In situations, this card advises taking control and pushing through any difficulties that may arise. Projects may
require reevaluation to find a different approach to overcoming obstacles. Relationship difficulties may require clear
thought and a little bit of courage to get past personal fears or issues.
Images and Symbolism
The image of the swords surrounding the two individuals represents a mental threat closing in. Being swords,
the threat is in the mind and both react to the situation differently.
Color: bicolored, warm hues; associated with Gemini.

He lies in a pool of blood from being stabbed ten times. He now knows of no defeat so extreme or as definite.
Here the suit of swords comes to its extreme. Damage through slander, bad reputation, or litigation can be
crushing. Similar to the pain and suffering experienced in the Three and Five of Swords, here the source is external and
unavoidable. Betrayal, disloyalty, malice, and distrust will all take a stab at your life, each blow taking you down
further. In situations, this card warns of entering into contracts or agreements that may cause you more damage than you
realize. Read the fine print and understand all the clauses. As a result card, this card indicates an extremely dramatic end
to relationships or agreements. Hurtful words may be thrown in heated moments, which will later be regretted. This
card can also predict darker times ahead with losses expected to be sustained.
He remains defiant even till his end, always looking upward for hope.
The reverse of this card symbolizes the defiance of such a defeat. Even after all that has passed, it suggests that
the only way to go from here is up. What remains important is how you perceive the situation and what you can take
from it.
Images and Symbolism
The idea of being taken down by swords is a metaphor for being ruined by slander and bad reputation—pain
inflicted by words or ideas.
His pale green skin has lost its color, as he has long accepted this fate. His face is covered to hide his shame.
The card does pose a positive side to it though: once you have hit rock bottom, the only way to go is up.
The reversed side shows a man pierced as well, but his fists are clenched and his head is turned upward in
defiance of the situation.
The advice here is to take the situation and turn it on its head and keep fighting back.
Color: reds are associated with spilled blood; greens and pale tones reflect drained life (the colors here were
chosen for the dramatic tone of the card).

She is a shrewd lady who wields her sword in a protective manner. She is cautious of others and hides behind her words.
The Page of Swords presents the awakening of one's mind to the endless possibilities and ideas that surround
us. Here, new thoughts and ideas will spring to mind and breeze through your life like a refreshing gust of air. You may
feel a youthful energy flowing within you, urging you to participate and join in activities that stimulate the mind as well
as the psyche.
As a person, this card embodies an individual with a stern but curious outlook on life. This person is forever
examining, dissecting, and psychoanalyzing others. He or she could be a student of anthropology or of the sciences.
Bright, refreshing, and intelligent would be attributes common to this person.
In situations, you will find yourself entering and exploring new and uncharted regions of the mind. New ideas
and new concepts will be put into play, exposing you to endless possibilities for the future. Around you will be games to
play, wittiness, and humor to tickle your funny bone.
She is a spiteful lady who disturbs the peace through lies and malicious gossip. She whispers in the winds, planting seeds
of doubt.
The reverse of this card warns that those around you will spread lies and gossip for their own enjoyment. Lies
and trickery will fly all around you to add to the confusion.
As a person, this card embodies the individual who uses news and knowledge to his or her own advantage. As
a gos-siper, propagator of untruths, and cunning liar, this person moves around swiftly and in the shadows, spinning a
web of deceit in which to entrap others.
In situations, you may find yourself involved in a scandal. Friends and acquaintances seem to talk behind your
back to others. You overhear snippets of gossip and whispers of terrible things that others have done. A cloak-and-
dagger atmosphere fills the air.
Images and Symbolism
The page is drawn as a cautious individual. She looks firm and defiant in her pose and threatening with her
sword. She represents caution and cunning. She would be bright and knowledgeable, agile with her mind.
On the reverse, the page represents the mis-telling of stories and words. After a message is whispered from one
ear to another, the original message often becomes distorted along the way.
Color: purple and green, colors of royalty and of envy.

He confidently flies across the sky, wielding his sword brashly against the wind. He knows of no fear and lives life to the fullest.
This card embodies the individual who is confident, intelligent, witty, and reasonable. This energy often finds
this person restless and involved in social activities, projects, and other mental pleasures. He or she can be intellectually
alluring, engaging in conversation, and entertaining in social settings.
In situations, the Knight of Swords heralds a powerful gust of inspiration that may result in the swift execution
of projects or plans. Bright ideas and concepts may speed up the process. The environment will be buzzing with team
members or colleagues all burning the midnight oil to beat a deadline.
In relationships, this card symbolizes an intellectual partnership where both people prefer the stimulation of
their mind over their body. The Knight of Swords can also represent a fresh, new individual who has entered your life,
swept you off your feet, and taken you for the ride of your life.
He is reckless with his life and others'. He doesn't care for anything and seeks excitement and enjoyment at any cost.
The reversed Knight of Swords embodies a person who can be secretive and underhanded. Unreliable and
brash, this person does as he or she pleases and only for personal gain. He or she can also be deceitful by stealing your
ideas, recognition, or undermining you.
In terms of work situations, this card warns of individuals who may be using you for their own gain.
Organizations and projects that you may be a part of could also be fraudulent in their intentions and goals. In
relationships, this card warns of another taking you for a ride by playing to your ideals or to a false image. This person
could charm you with his or her words or dazzle you with his or her actions.
Images and Symbolism
Both images play on the theme of riding a winged stallion. This serves as a metaphor for the control or

conquering of expressive thoughts or ideas.
The knight has no fear on either side of falling off the creature. He is in command of the elements of wind and
air, and knowing no boundaries, he expresses a freedom and ease of traveling through it.
The reverse side shows a wilder stallion taking the knight for a ride. The knight does not care for taming the
creature, but rides on it recklessly. This represents being unable to use knowledge or the mind without causing injury to
oneself. Color: gold and red, colors of the coat of arms.

She is stunning, charming, and cool. Her head rules over her heart as she prides herself in her logic and mental abilities.
The Queen of Swords embodies a lady who is charming, intelligent, logical, and perceptive. She deals with
situations with her head first before her heart. In social settings, she can be cool, quick-witted, stunning, and brilliant.
Her intelligence will radiate from her, drawing listeners and followers wherever she goes.
This card advises using logic, cool wit, and perception to deal with difficult situations. In relationships, it urges
exploring the romancing of the mind instead of the heart. Clever games, mentally stimulating activities, and
conversation would be encouraged.
She is troubled by the conflicts of her mind. She experiences sorrow in the deepest form: the anguish that plays over and over in her
The reversed Queen of Swords is one that suffers mental anguish and sorrow. Her failure to connect with her
caring, emotional side has left her cold and hollow. She can be bitter and self-pitying. When provoked, she may even
lose her cool and become vindictive, slanderous, and spiteful. In social settings, she creates unease around her with her
taunts, jibes, and comments about others. She projects her own shortcomings on others, belittling them to make herself
feel better.
In situations, this card warns of disruption to projects and partnerships due to a lack of coherence and
communication. Past failures, poor efforts, and emotional strain will riddle the atmosphere. Here egos will be damaged,
jealousy will breed, and anguish suffered in the aftermath. In relationships, the Queen of Swords represents a mentally
unstable partner with low self-esteem, poor communication skills, and a lack of balance between his or her feelings and
Images and Symbolism
The queen, similar to the king, is a winged creature upon a heavenly throne. Metaphorically the wings
represent a higher level of consciousness, which she has reached.
Here the queen has a firm, cold look on her face, for she embodies logic. For her, stimulation comes from the
mind, not from the body.
The queen on the reverse is distraught as she suffers from mental anguish. For the queen, who prides herself on
her command over matters of the mind, the anguish and sorrow she suffers is an indication of her own personal failure.
Color: gold and green, colors of royalty and of healing and nature.

He is intellectually keen and clear. His piercing gaze shows a depth of knowledge and understanding that cuts through all who stand
before him. He is firm in his decision as well as wise in his movements.
The King of Swords embodies the individual who is witty, funny, logical, extremely knowledgeable, and
charming. He offers the stability of his mind to others in terms of advice and logical thought. He is often consulting
others, helping them through problems or offering clever solutions. Socially, he is the source of entertainment at parties
or of intellect in discussions.
When the King of Swords is drawn in terms of situations, it advises drawing conclusions from a logical
thought process before reaching a decision. It could also suggest seeking advice from a wiser friend or elder who would
be able to objectify and put matters into perspective for you. This card also urges you to rely on your thoughts and
logic, as opposed to feelings, when making decisions. In relationships, this card symbolizes the strong intellectual or
mental bond between partners. Here love transcends the physical and emotional but is stimulated in the mind.
He is blinded by his own brilliance; be abuses bis power as he wields the sword for his own gain. He cuts down those before him in his
path and manipulates others.
The reversed King of Swords represents an individual who abuses his or her knowledge for personal gain. This
person is malicious and manipulates others easily by preying on their insecurities and trust. In social situations, this per-
son will cause a stir for fun, play the devil's advocate to be challenging, and often find him- or herself in arguments for
the sake of displaying his or her mental capacity.
The reverse of this card advises not signing any contracts or agreeing to anything to avoid being manipulated.
Advice from others in relation to investments or property should not be heeded as it could be of questionable origin. In
relationships, this card warns of getting involved with a person who seems to only stimulate your mind. Empty will be
this person's promises as he or she fails to deliver the promised pleasures of the flesh or the joys of the heart.
Images and Symbolism
Similar to the queen, the king is a winged creature upon a heavenly throne. The wings represent a higher level
of consciousness, which he has reached. The king wields his sword (the symbol for thought and intelligence) with a
firm grip, using it as both a shield as well as a weapon.
The sword covering the reversed king's face indicates he not only hides behind the weapon, but also abuses it
in ways of deception.
Color: gold and indigo, colors of royalty and command.

The fires of life are alight around the wand of inspiration. Here marks the birth of all creation.
This card embodies the flash of creative energy that can start a raging inferno. It exhibits the potential that lies
in each and every one of us to create, to begin, and to start anew. When drawn, this card reflects upon a passion within
us that drives us to take up a new course, join up in a new field of interest, or be inspired to create works of art.
In situations, this card represents beginnings of new projects and inventions that are filled with optimism and
energy to continue.
The energy of life is blocked, with the inner power difficult to unleash.
When reversed, this card indicates a block in creativity that is difficult to overcome. Life seems stale and
stagnant as the inability to create something new begins to wear away any optimism or hope. It would feel like all
previous efforts have been in vain.
In situations and relationships, this card reflects this block as a hindrance to further development and
fulfillment. This card also warns of delays.
Images and Symbolism
The Latin word adflatus means "breath" or "inspiration."
The scroll unfurls as the power of the stone embedded in the wand erupts, causing the energy around it to
illuminate. The wand represents the birth of raw energy and creation.
On the reverse, the scroll wraps itself around the stone. The physical blocking of the stone is a metaphorical
representation of the lack of access to the inner energies of life and creativity.
Color: red and warm hues, associated with Aries, Leo, Sagittarius, and the element of fire.

He channels the energy between the two wands to bring forth a creation based on synthesis.
The Two of Wands signifies a point where creative energies are brought together to flourish and produce. This
card foretells prosperity in partnerships and production. The partnering of talents will generate not only a stimulating
environment, but also help challenge the partners to achieve higher goals.
In a situation, this card heralds a prosperous partnership, venture, or merger of any sort. It also shines
positively on the purchase of new investments and properties, along with other matters dealing with money.
He blocks his own energy, holding back all the potential he possesses.
The reverse of this card implies that the energies are blocked by oneself. There may be external issues
affecting the chance or possibility for a fruitful partnership. This card also advises looking within to find what may be
the cause of this to allow oneself to move on.
The reversed meaning does not look favorably upon situations involving partnerships or joint ventures.
Prosperity is delayed by blockages and unwillingness to cooperate. External forces, such as lack of funds, restricting
regulations, or a lack of support, may cause the chances for prosperity to be difficult or slim.
Images and Symbolism
The wizard in this card conjures an ethereal dragon above him. The dragon is the embodiment of fire and
The glowing sphere above him is the focus of energy he generates to give birth to the dragon and much more.
The elements swirl around this sphere, illustrating his command over them. This dramatic display shows his
creative abilities in controlling and combining the raw energies around him.
On the reverse, the wizard holds the wands down to block their energy from escaping.
The ethereal dragon above him fades slowly as the elements around him disperse. The wizard's energies are
low or blocked, causing the slow dissipation of his creation.
His hair flows wildly in the winds, indicating the loss of control he has over the elements.
Color: glowing scarlet and reds, associated with Aries.

Effortlessly the energies flow out of their bodies and connect with the rest of the universe.
The Three of Wands embodies the epitome of creative success. Here the ability to bring forth new projects to
completion seems effortless. All skills and talents have already been acquired with only bigger challenges to await in
the future. In situations, this card foretells increased profits, new experiences, or mergers with beneficial ties. In terms
of career, it tells of new things coming your way and opportunities that can enhance your life.
He fails to grasp the opportunity, and darkness and confusion find company in his sorrow.
The reverse of this card plays on the theme of loss. Here the sorrow and pity felt by the individual overwhelms
any chance of pursuing paths of creativity. Sometimes your own arrogance and pride can be the impediment, as you
could feel that the job is not worth your effort or energy. At the end of the day, opportunities will be lost, leaving only
inner emptiness in which to wallow.
In terms of a situation, the reverse of this card indicates failure in projects or partnerships. In terms of the
theme associated with threes, the cause of failure can be attributed to being overambitious or plain impracticality. Jobs
may be abandoned or relationships may not work out.
Images and Symbolism
The three sages have come together in a circle to form a vortex for creation. They channel their energies to the
heavens to spread over the land. The image illustrates the level of ease with which the energy of creation flows through
their bodies.
On the reverse, the sage is in anguish over his loss of connection with the power within. He loses his grip on
the wands for he is blinded by his own pity.
Behind him, the elements are blowing his world apart, creating chaos and confusion.
Color: glowing scarlet and reds, associated with Aries.

Stability and harmony can be found amongst the endless planes of life.
Your life will be a calm pool with stillness covering its surface. The fires that burn around you will be steady
and steadfast, bringing fruition to your life. Here creativity and love will blossom in a gentle cradle of life.
In terms of situations, prosperity and celebration can be found around you. Good harvests, abundant crops,
steady profits, and happy returns will find their way to your door. Relationships and partnerships blossom under this
cover of harmony.
There will be instability through radical change as life breaks away from itself.
Patience is encouraged at this point as things are calming down. The elements are still in flux around you as
they begin to form a stable environment. Slow down, stop fidgeting, and allow things to settle themselves. Do not be
afraid to take some time out to rest all excess energies.
In situations, this card warns not to be overwhelmed by the noises and rushes that fly around you. All
movement here is part of the symphony's crescendo toward a stable, harmonious life. Projects will be incomplete and
relationships will feel tense, but not to worry, for they are settling down. Keep vigilant and stay patient as this busy
phase will pass.
Images and Symbolism
The constant flow in all directions of the rectangular planes is a metaphoric representation of routine and
stability through repetitiveness.
The structured four wands create a band of energy among themselves, which keeps them stable.
The reverse of this card shows a change to this flat plane through a disturbance. The layers begin to break
away. This is a metaphoric representation of instability, which comes through change.
Color: warm, golden hues; associated with Leo.

The youths scuffle wands playfully, preparing themselves for future battles.
You will be entering a period where little games or tasks will help you prepare for the future. New skills that
will test you and help you grow will present themselves. You may be helping out a friend in need, only to find yourself
faced with the same situation in the future. You could also be engaging in new activities that may help you further down
the road in your career.
In situations, present experience will be an indication of what is to come in the future. What would seem like
practice runs or trivial times will eventually amount to something important later down the track. Enjoy this period and
learn from it for the sake of your future.
Tension in the air causes arguments between the two as they wave their fists at each other.
The conflict is no longer playful. Arguments will arise and the atmosphere around you will be tense and
serious. Others may take things too seriously and decisions may be harder to reach or situations to resolve. There will
be struggles experienced and difficult situations to work through.
In terms of these situations, most will arise from differences of opinions or miscommunication. The fiery
situation will only escalate if fuel is thrown in. Focus on the issues and work toward resolution before egos and feelings
overrun the situation.
Images and Symbolism
This card acts to give advice and warn.
The youths fight a mock battle to sharpen their skills and wit. They practice for the real battles of life. The
advice here is to prepare by means of practice and learning new skills.
On the reverse, the youths argue violently and vocally. Their energies run wild around them as their threats rise
with their anger. The warning here is of arguments that can escalate to disruption.
Color: warm, golden hues; associated with Leo.

He rides into a crowd that celebrates his victory.
Similar to the Chariot, this card exemplifies the feeling of success and victory that has been won or achieved
through strife. Effort has been exerted to reach this stage, and your peers now rejoice and celebrate your triumph. It is a
time for reflection and festivity as you are ready to reap the rewards.
In situations, this card heralds possibilities for promotion, good news, and triumphs over adversity. In relation-
ships, the sailing will be smooth as both parties have overcome their issues and have found the time to focus on their
love and achievements.
He moves cautiously through a crowd of enemies.
The support you once had from your peers is now failing or lacking. The atmosphere is filled with annoyances
as you have to watch your own back and become self-sufficient. Caution is warned here as you reiearn that you have to
first take care of yourself before you continue and not to fully depend on others.
In situations, the environment feels like it's working against you. Colleagues and workmates do not pull their
own weight. Enemies seem to come out of the cracks and cause grief. Tensions rise from resentment and a paranoia of
the abilities (or lack thereof) of those around you.
Images and Symbolism
A celebratory crowd greets the rider. Here is the victory parade for his achievements at the end of his journey.
On the reverse, the rider runs into a battlefield. He is to be cautious of his movements through this passage.
Color: warm, golden hues; associated with Leo.

He fights all till the end. He is resilient and determined.
The fighting spirit is alive within you. Draw on this and keep facing your demons. This card advises to keep
soldiering on to the very end.
This card tells you that no task is too hard to manage and no situation is too daunting to handle. Challenging
situations will arise, but resilience will overcome any hurdles. Draw from your personal strengths and the resources
around you.
He who hesitates will lose.
Hesitation will cost you your current position or ground. Outside forces will work swiftly around you and
against you. This card warns to take control of the moment and fight on with determination. Holding back will only cost
you valuable time to respond. In situations, this card calls for seizing the day or the moment. In relationships, do not
fear what may or may not be the outcome and continue living for the moment.
Images and Symbolism
This is a warrior who thrives on battle. He relishes the moment and laughs his enemies off as he fights them,
even at the edge of a cliff. Within him is the strength and energy to carry on.
On the reverse, the warrior is clouded in the darkness of self-doubt. His hesitation and indecisiveness will cost
him precious time to react. This card warns to be quick to decide and to seize the moment.
He is too distracted to notice that his enemy will take advantage of his shortfall and attack by surprise.
Color: royal purples and sapphire blues, associated with Sagittarius.

They are carried through the skies with their wands, taking them to new horizons and experiences.
Swift movement brings you to where you want to be. You'll find all around you—people and processes—
speeding you along to your final destination. Friends will drive you there, generous souls will fund your financial needs,
and good fortune will find you landing in happier times. This card also advises taking the bull by the horns and pushing
your way through with haste, for you are also responsible for your own path.
Workmates and colleagues will lend a helping hand in any given situation. Seek to speed things up, for they
may be moving too slowly. Tap into the energy or creative juices to find a quicker path to achieve your goals. In
relationships, you may also find yourself in a whirlwind romance, which will barely give you time to catch your breath
by the time it ends.
They move through the skies with hesitation. They keep their counsel close and their eyes watchful.
The reverse of this card warns against moving through with any great speed. Movement is still advised to get
to your final destination, but hesitation and caution is advised. The path may be dogged with difficulties and bumps, and
caution may save you from facing them. Be aware of your limitations but push to achieve your goal.
The atmosphere surrounding your current situation should be observed for impediments or blocks. Sometimes
these may manifest in strikes, demonstrations, or natural disasters that you may not be able to overcome. Persevere and
move forward or around. This card also warns of stepping too quickly into arrangements and contracts, so allow time to
deal with the natural path of things.
Images and Symbolism
They channel the energies of the wands to move forward and upward. The image gestures toward movement
away and utilizing the power from within.
On the reverse, they move forward with their wands crossed for protection. The hesitation and caution in
movement means that there will be a delay in their journey.
Color: royal purples and sapphire blues, associated with Sagittarius.

He finds the strength inside to carry on with the battle.
This card urges you to fight on, even though you may feel beaten. Once again it asks you to draw on the
strength and power you have within to carry on till the end. It suggests that your efforts are not in vain and that your
reward is not far off.
In terms of difficult situations, this card advises to fight on once again and to draw on whatever resources you
have left. Difficulties may continue to dog your path but your efforts will carry you through.
The battle has worn him down and he is close to defeat.
The reverse of this card serves as a warning that you are at your last wits. Your strength has been depleted and
your energies run dangerously low. Healthwise, you may feel run down or depressed, for the difficulties and obstacles
you have encountered have been taxing and all-consuming.
In situations, this card warns that the effort you have wasted will get you nowhere. Defeat is a possibility and
delays can be expected. It can only advise you to try and rest and to recover what you have left in order to move on.
Images and Symbolism
The dragons behind each character are familiars of each warrior and reflect their inner energies, which are
being summoned.
The dragon looks fiercely back, which indicates a defiance. This defiance is required to overcome the situation
that has brought the warrior down.
On the reverse, the dragon turns to its side and moves away. The man cannot summon the strength to face the
situation, and his face is drained of all energy to continue on.
Color: royal purples and sapphire blues, associated with Sagittarius.

He bears the burden often wands ambitiously. He exerts immense control over them with power from within.
The Ten of Wands highlights the level of power and energy that has been reached to burden difficult tasks.
Here you may feel that you are carrying a heavy weight on your shoulders, but you will be able to manage it.
Multitasking, micro-and macromanaging, and helping out different departments will all be commonplace in your daily
This card warns of a period when there will be plenty of work and situations where you will be stretched.
Managing relationships in both personal and public realms will seem like a juggling task as well. Be not afraid, for you
will be able to draw from the strength and knowledge within to deal with it all.
He realizes that he has taken on too much of a task, and the wands break out of formation.
The reverse of this card warns of burdening yourself too much. The stress that you feel from carrying too much
will wear you down emotionally and physically. It suggests not letting this continue for too long as it may cause more
damage in the long run.
In situations, this card represents tasks and commitments that at the moment may be too much to handle.
Perhaps you have spread yourself too thin.
Images and Symbolism
The energy within the sage has reached its full potential. He can now handle the task of bringing together ten
wands after years of training and experience. He has reached his peak.
On the reverse, the sage loses control over the task. He has not reached the level that is required to command
the other wands, and they break out of formation. The image advises not to overburden oneself with a task that is
beyond one's abilities.
Color: reds and warm purples, associated with the element of fire.

She has just discovered her inner powers of creation as she tries to bring to life the illusion of a dragon.
The Page of Wands represents beginning realizations of the power that we hold within. It reflects a dawn of
creativity or an upsurge of energy within. You may begin to feel you understand things more, have the need to apply
yourself, or explore all avenues of interest.
In a situation, this card invites possibilities and opportunities for new things and new experiences to be
explored and enjoyed. Party invitations, new and interesting people, and lively activities will be around the corner. The
chance to travel to new and exotic or interesting places could also pop up.
She tries in vain to channel her energy and bring anything forth to fruition. Her frustration and self-imposed strain has
blocked the flow within her.
Frustration comes from a blockage within. You may feel tired from pushing so hard, and you may feel that
your efforts have been in vain. Unable to get in touch with your inner powers, creative energies seem to spurt out in
sparks with nothing else to show for it. This card suggests taking a break and letting the energy come naturally.
In a situation, this card warns of difficulties in venturing in new fields. There may be creative or artistic
difficulties, or an instability of emotion from stress and general unhappi-ness. Partnerships and relationships will be
Images and Symbolism
The page has discovered her ability to conjure. The ethereal dragon marks the birth of her powers. She reflects
the beginning of lessons and training, which one has to take to fully comprehend and control one's inner energy.
On the reverse, the page is unable to channel her powers for she is trying too hard. Her frustration only

compounds the situation and creates a further block. This card suggests taking slower steps and allowing the energy to
flow outward naturally.
Color: red and purple, colors of raw energy and royalty.

He embodies refined energy. He rides his dragon with confidence and daring.
This card embodies a charming, extroverted, and knowledgeable young person. He or she will burn with a fiery
confidence and can be alluring, enjoyable, and attractive on many different levels. This persons drive fuels his or her
ambitious plans for success in the future. Projects seem to spring to life around this person.
In situations or relationships, this is a time of expanding horizons and activity. You may have visitors, friends
to entertain, or receive phone calls, letters, and e-mails. Socially, there will be parties to be a part of and festivities to
partake in.
He is not sure of his direction. He cannot be trusted to save his own life much less others'.
This card in reverse represents a lack of the Knight of Wands's qualities. Your drive may be waning, and your
boredom overtakes you as you search for the next best thing. You may also come across others who are charmers and
sweet-talkers or cunning fast-talkers. Worst of all, you may not be able to resist their charms or attractive promises.
In situations, this card warns of taking up consuming projects that may fall through. Observe the instigators
carefully and question their motives. When out in the public arena, be wary of overindulgent people and situations, such
as drunken debauchery and narcissistic parties.
Images and Symbolism
The knight is sure of himself. His confidence is contagious; his charisma smolders underneath his armor.
He rides the dragon as if it were an extension of him. The dragon symbolizes the raw powers of creation and of
wisdom. The control the knight has over the dragon is a metaphor for his command of the direction of his life and for
his firm leadership. Those around him are in awe of him.
On the reverse, the dragon turns away from the knight. The knight has lost control over his ride and holds on to
uncertainty. This is a metaphor for a loss of control over projects, life, and the self.
Color: red and gold, colors of the coat of arms and royalty.

She is a caring woman who looks out for others and provides for all.
The queen embodies the qualities of warmth, loyalty, love, and independence. She can often be found in a
great friend, a generous soul, someone who gives unconditionally, or a terrific hostess. She is supportive and full of
inspiring ideas and will go out of her way to aid the ones she loves. She is also deeply sensual and passionate and often
fills her relationships with laughter and excitement.
In situations, this card represents benevolence in the form of charity and care. Support will be found where it is
needed, and help will only be a phone call away. Relationships will blossom under the umbrella of nurturing love.
She is devious and tantalizing. She indulges her own fantasies and takes advantage of others for her own pleasure.
The reverse of this card embodies the negative qualities of a passionate being. Her love will turn to jealousy,
her passion into rage, and her sensuality into a lusty inferno. Her caring nature will turn possessive and, to a degree, she
will develop some codependence.
In relationships, you may find one partner being extremely controlling or vindictive. There may be hurt
emotions from neglect and underappreciation. Situations may be clouded with broken promises and lies. Unreliability
may cause projects and agreements to falter or fail.
Images and Symbolism
The dragon and lion on her throne are symbols of wisdom and loyalty.
Behind her a sunflower crowns her, which symbolizes the ever-providing gift of the sun.
On her lap sits a white cat, which is her familiar. It protects her like the lion does the lady on the Strength card.
White represents the purity of her power and her selflessness.
On the reverse, two male slaves flank the queen. They represent her insatiable lust for the body and forewarn
unfaithfulness, affairs, and sexual indulgence.
The weary eye of the dragon that crowns her reflects her untrusting nature, which may lead to extreme jealousy
and deceitfulness.
Color: gold and green, colors of royalty and of healing and nature.

He is charming, charismatic, and flamboyant. He is the embodiment of the energy of life and all are drawn to his radiance.
The King of Wands embodies a man full of charisma and charm. He is the worldly gentleman who has been to
all four corners, has seen all of its wonders, and has enjoyed the pleasures life has had to offer him. He is witty and
intelligent, and often provides excellent company. He also contains a fire that fuels his ambitious drive both in the bed-
room and in the boardroom.
In situations, this card offers a positive light on most dealings and agreements. It usually deals with business
ventures or negotiations. The generous nature of the King of Wands may find you in an atmosphere of charity, philan-
thropy, or volunteer work. The environment surrounding relationships will be loving and supportive, coupled with
excitement and an exploration of new horizons.
He is a selfish man who has no time for anyone else but himself. He consumes life and manipulates for his own means.
The reverse of this card highlights the self-indulgent needs of the King of Wands. He takes pleasure in lust,
demands attention, and will be destructive when determined to cause ruin. His patience for others wears thin, and he
will scrutinize all whom he does not see eye-to-eye with.
In situations of work and career, he may represent an overbearing boss or leader, a cunning workmate who
undermines others for his own glory, or an egotistical player who cares only for him- or herself. The environment would
be competitive and ruthless, leaving no space for fair play or compassion. In relationships, this card warns of falling in
love with a person who may only be using you for purposes of entertainment or pleasure.
Images and Symbolism
The majestic dragon representing ancient wisdom and strength adorns the throne of the king.
The king is draped in richness and luxury, which reflects his radiant charm and ostentatiousness.
The roses that surround his throne reflect his loving and romantic nature.
On the reverse, naked women wearing masks represent the king's indulgence in carnal pleasures and sexual
The watchful eye of the dragon behind his throne represents his mistrust for all and his demanding nature.
Color: gold and blue, colors of royalty and command.

This is a simple spread used to ask questions or used in a reflective manner.
Examples of questions that could be asked are:
"Where is my current relationship taking me?"
"What will become of my investments in my neighbor's joint venture?"
"When should I consider traveling?"
Shuffle the deck with the question in mind and then randomly pick out three cards. Lay the cards out as "Past,"
"Present," and "Future" in any direction.
"Past" is usually read in relation to the reasoning behind your question. In work situations, it will often shed
light on the conditions or circumstances that led you to arrive at your current job or position.
"Present" will reflect on the current state or issues surrounding the nature of the inquiry.
The "Future" position will indicate a possible path or outcome to the question posed.


The cards should be laid out like the points of a compass, one in each direction (Figure 1).
This is a short reflective spread, used to determine the areas to focus on within the self.
Ask when shuffling the deck and dealing the cards, "What aspects within these sections should I be focusing
North: Fire/Intuition
Reflect upon this card to see how it may affect or help you determine the path that would enhance or better
your powers of intuition. For instance, if the Two of Wands were drawn, it could be interpreted that a symbiosis of
talents or gifts may help heighten your intuition. You may be artistic and choose to explore your intuitive abilities
through painting or sketching. If the Three of Swords is drawn, then perhaps there has been a recent occurrence of
heartache or sorrow that has caused a block. This leaves you to address these emotions before you can refocus on
developing further.
East: Air/Thought
Reflect on how this card may guide you through the expanse of your own knowledge. Here you may consider
the field or aspect the card is set in to find a new path. If the Death card is drawn, then perhaps it is time to bring the
path you've been on to a close or end and consider a new one for the further expansion of your knowledge. If the Eight
of Pentacles is drawn, then new technical skills may be the next avenue to consider.


Figure 1. The Four Elements spread.

South: Earth/Sensation
Reflecting on the card drawn here will help you determine which issues of your physical self require
addressing or improving. If the Nine of Swords is drawn here, the card could be read as representing anguish and fear
felt from outside forces that could be holding you back. These forces need to be identified and dealt with before you can
successfully improve your physical well-being. If the Two of Cups is drawn, it could simply imply that you may require
a partner or a friend to help you along the way. He or she may be a gym buddy or someone who just offers emotional
support to sustain your interests.
West: Water/Feelings
Reflection here should help you identify aspects of your emotional being that may require focus or exploring.
If the Four of Pentacles is drawn, it could imply that you have been so consumed with material wealth that you have lost
touch with your feelings. If the Seven of Wands is drawn, the card advises you to not hold back and explore your
emotions and feelings to their full potential. Hesitation here would mean a lost opportunity.


This spread is best done to answer a question that will allow the cards to give a possible outcome:
"What should I do about my current job?"
"What will become of a loving relationship with my partner?"
Shuffle, cut, and lay out the cards with the question always in mind (Figure 2).
Monday: The Past
Monday is the first day of the week and corresponds to the moon. The moon often is associated with psychic
explorations and one's feelings and emotions. The card in this position is usually read in a reflective manner, focusing
on the issues and emotions of the past leading up to the question.

M Tu W Th F Sa Su

Figure 2. The Seven Days spread.

Tuesday: The Present
Tuesday is the second day of the week and corresponds to Mars. Mars is associated with action, motion, and
the present moment. The card in this position can shed light on or give a brief description of what the current situation
holds for the inquirer.
Wednesday: Hidden Influences/Hopes, Fears, Expectations
Wednesday is associated with Mercury, the planet associated with magical knowledge, medicine, crossroads,
and trickery. This position highlights the complex thoughts that go on in the mind of the inquirer. These are unknown or
hidden driving forces that usually go unsaid but are felt or thought of in the subconscious.
Thursday: Obstacles to Overcome/Areas of Conflict
Jupiter is associated with Thursday. This planet is associated with a higher force, usually one that decides fates,
luck, and surprises. The card in this position is read in relation to the external unknown forces that may need to be
addressed before the current situation can be dealt with. This could lead up to a possible suggestion later on in the
Saturday position.
Friday: The Environment/Outside Influences
Friday is associated with Venus, the planet of home and hearth, love and beauty. Here is the immediate
environment the inquirer exists in and which may influence the situation. The card in this position highlights such
external influences that will affect the outcome or situation.
Saturday: What Should Be Done
Saturday is associated with Saturn, which represents the government of time. The card in this position indicates
that a path is to be taken as the moment has arrived to make a decision.
Sunday: Possible Outcome
Sunday is associated with the sun, the beginning and the source of life. The card in this position reflects upon a
new path that is developed as a possible outcome (or warning of what may come as a result) to the path taken in the
Saturday position.


Lay out twelve cards counterclockwise in a circle, starting at eight o'clock (card 1 in Figure 3). In the middle of
the circle place a significator—this can be an image, item of belonging, or a card representing the inquirer.

1: Aries/Self
This card describes you and your thoughts and feelings. It represents a way of approaching the problem. Read
it with the significator.
2: Taurus/Resources and Money
This card represents your financial situation, material goods, and your attitudes toward financial matters.
Pentacles in this position are good, and cups indicate your beliefs/value system.
3: Gemini/Communications
This card represents letters, phone calls, and visits; short journeys or travel associated with work; movement
and the mental energy flow of ideas; and news of outer events.
4: Cancer/Home
This card represents feelings and thoughts of family, home, parents, and people close to you.
5: Leo/Pleasure, Romance, Creativity
This card represents love, pleasure, romance, and creativity.
6: Virgo/Health and Work
This card represents health matters (physical, spiritual, and mental) and day-to-day work.
7: Libra/Partnerships
This card represents joint ventures, marriages, formal relationships, and your feelings and attitudes about them.
8: Scorpio/Sex, Death, Money
This card represents deaths, major changes, sexuality, and inheritance.
9: Sagittarius/Far Horizons
This card represents distant travel, your philosophy on life, education, and future hopes.
10: Capricorn/Career
This card represents your goals, ambitions, job prospects, and your feelings and attitudes about your career.


10 8

11 7

12 ifica 6

1 5

2 4

Figure 3. The Horoscope spread.

11: Aquarius/ Friends

This card represents all groups gathered for a social purpose, friends, and your social life.
12: Pisces/What Is Hidden
This card represents your hidden fears, unconscious wishes, limitations and blocks, secrets, and repressed feel-
ings and thoughts.


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