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A. Levant
Institute for Industrial Mathematics, 4/24 Yehuda Ha-Nachtom St., Beer-Sheva 84311, Israel
Fax: +972-7-231211 and E-mail:

Keywords: Variable Structure Control, Trajectory Tracking parameter needs to be adjusted [8, 10]. The control can be
in Non-linear Systems, Stabilization of Non-linear Systems, made an arbitrarily smooth function of time, totally removing
Robust Filtering, Non-linear Observers. the chattering effect and providing for ultimate accuracy in
Hence, the real-time robust exact differentiation becomes the
An arbitrary-order finite-time-convergent exact robust main problem of output-feedback HOSM control design. Even
differentiator is constructed based on higher-order sliding the most modern differentiators [3, 2, 14] do not provide for
mode (HOSM) technique. Being used in a feedback together exact differentiation with finite-time convergence or require
with previously proposed HOSM controllers, it produces a some knowledge on the noise and would actually eliminate the
universal controller, formulated in input-output terms only, above-listed advantages of the HOSM controllers [10]. The
which causes the output of any uncertain smooth SISO derivatives may be calculated by successive implementation of
minimum-phase dynamic system with known relative degree a robust exact first-order differentiator [7] with finite-time
to vanish in finite time. That allows exact tracking of convergence. That differentiator is based on 2-sliding mode
arbitrary real-time smooth signals. The control can be made and is proved to feature the best possible asymptotics in the
arbitrarily smooth, providing for arbitrarily-high tracking- presence of infinitesimal Lebesgue-measurable measurement
accuracy order with respect to the sampling step. Only one noises if the second time derivative of the unknown base
parameter is to be tuned. signal is bounded.

The accuracy of the mentioned differentiator is proportional to

1 Introduction 1/2
ε , where ε is the maximal measurement-noise magnitude.
Therefore, having been n times successively implemented, that
Control under heavy uncertainty conditions remains one of differentiator will provide for nth-order differentiation
the main research fields of the modern control theory. One of -n
(2 )
the most simple and effective ways to withstand the accuracy of the order of ε . Hence, the differentiation
uncertainty is based on the sliding-mode technique [13]. accuracy deteriorates rapidly. On the other hand, it is proved
Sliding modes keep equality of some output variable σ to [7] that when the Lipschitz constant of the nth derivative of
zero. With σ being the deviation of some real-time given the unknown clear-of-noise signal is bounded by a given
signal from the output, the standard sliding mode provides constant, the best possible differentiation accuracy of the ith
actually for full output control in the case when the relative derivative is proportional to ε , i = 0, 1, ..., n.
degree is 1 (i.e. the control appears explicitly already in the Therefore, a special differentiator is to be designed for each
first total derivative of σ). In order to apply that approach differentiation order. Such second-order differentiator was
with higher relative degrees some auxiliary output is to be proposed in [8, 9]. Having been used in combination with the
found with relative degree 1. Another restriction is that above-mentioned r-sliding controller, an (r-1)th-order
standard sliding modes may cause possibly dangerous system asymptotically optimal differentiator would provide for sup|σ|
vibrations (the so-called chattering effect). These restrictions to be proportional to the maximal measurement error [8].
are removed by higher-order sliding modes (HOSM) [4, 6,
1]. An arbitrary order asymptotically-optimal robust exact
differentiator with finite-time convergence is presented for
Arbitrary-order sliding mode controllers [8, 10] provide for the first time in this paper. Computer simulation and a model
full output control of any uncertain smooth SISO minimum- example of the differentiator usage in a closed loop are
phase dynamic system with known relative degree r, demonstrated.
provided r-1 exact successive output derivatives σ, σ , ...,
σ being estimated in real time. The auxiliary-constraint In spite of the good features of the proposed differentiator
construction is avoided, the convergence time is finite and the author does not claim to solve immediately a very
may be made arbitrarily small, while only one scalar complicated practical problem of the input-based output

Proceedings of the European Control Conference 2001 996

control under heavy uncertainty conditions. Nevertheless, he z 1 = v1 , v1 = -λ1 | z1 - v0| sign(z1 - v1) + w1,
believes that the proposed theoretical solution indicates a w 1 = -α1 sign(z1 - v0); z2 = w1.
way promising future practical success. At the same time the
proposed differentiator is possibly the best solution for the Similarly, a 2nd-order differentiator from each of these
single problem of real-time numerical differentiation. sequences may be used as a base for a new recursive scheme.
An infinite number of differentiator schemes may be
constructed in this way. The only requirement is that the
2 Arbitrary-order differentiator resulting systems be homogeneous in a sense described
further. While the author has checked only the above two
Let input signal f(t) be a function defined on [0, ∞) consisting
schemes (1), (2) and (3), (4), the hypothesis is that all such
of a bounded Lebesgue-measurable noise with unknown
schemes produce working differentiators, provided suitable
features and an unknown base signal f0(t) with the nth
parameter choice. Differentiator (1) takes on the form
derivative having a known Lipschitz constant C > 0. The
n/( n + 1)
problem is to find real-time robust estimations of f0 (t), z 0 = v0 ,v0 = -λ0 | z0 - f(t)| sign(z0 - f(t)) + z1,
(n-1)/ n
f (n)
(t), ... , f0 (t) being exact in the absence of measurement z 1 = v1 ,v1 = -λ1 | z1 - v0| sign(z0 - v0) + z2,
noise. (n - i)/ ( n - i + 1)
z i = vi , vi = -λi | zi - vi-1| sign(zi - vi-1) + zi+1, (5)
Two similar recursive schemes of the differentiator are ...
1/ 2
proposed here. Let an (n-1)th-order differentiator Dn-1(f(⋅), C) z n-1 = vn-1 , vn-1 = -λn-1 | zn-1 - vn-2| sign(zn-1 - vn-2) + zn,
produce outputs Dn-1 , i = 0, 1, ..., n - 1, being estimations of z n = -λn sign(zn - vn-1),
(n-1) (n-1)
f0, f0 , f0 , ..., f0 for any input f(t) with f0 having Theorem 1. The parameters being properly chosen, the
Lipschitz constant C > 0. Then the nth-order differentiator following equalities are true in the absence of input noises
has the outputs zi = Dn , i = 0, 1, ..., n, defined as follows: after a finite time of a transient process for both
differentiator schemes:
n/( n + 1)
z 0 = v , v = -λ0 | z0 - f(t)| sign(z0 - f(t)) + z1, (i)
z0 = f0(t); zi = vi-1 = f0 (t), i = 1, ..., n.
0 n-1
z1 = Dn-1 (v(⋅), C), ..., zn = Dn-1 (v(⋅), C). Moreover, the corresponding solutions of the dynamic
systems are Lyapunov stable, i.e. finite-time stable [12]. The
Here D0(f(⋅), C) is a simple nonlinear filter (i)
Theorem means that the equalities zi = f0 (t) are kept in
D0: z = -λ sign(z - f(t)), λ > C. (2) 2-sliding mode, i = 0, ..., n-1.

Thus, the first-order differentiator coincides here with the Theorem 2. Let the input noise satisfy the inequality | f(t) -
differentiator published in [7]: f0(t)| ≤ ε. Then the following inequalities are established in
z 0 = v , finite time for some positive constants μi, νi depending
v = -λ0 | z0 - f(t)| sign(z0 - f(t)) + z1, (3) exclusively on the parameters of differentiators (1) or (4):
z 1 = -λ1 sign(z1 - v) = -λ1 sign(z0 - f(t)). (i)
|zi - f0 (t)| ≤ μi ε
(n - i +1)/(n + 1)
, i = 0, ..., n;
(i+1) (n - i )/(n + 1)
|vi - f0 (t)| ≤ νi ε , i = 0, ..., n-1.
Another recursive scheme is based on the differentiator (3)
~ Consider the discrete-sampling case, when z0(tj) - f(tj) is
as the basic one. Let Dn −1 (f(⋅), C) be such a new (n-1)th-
~ substituted for z0 - f(t) with tj ≤ t < tj+1, tj+1 - tj = τ > 0.
order differentiator, n ≥ 1, D1 (f(⋅), C) coinciding with the
differentiator D1(f(⋅), C) given by (3). Then the new scheme Theorem 3. Let τ > 0 be the constant input sampling
is defined as interval in the absence of noises. Then the following
z 0 = v , inequalities are established in finite time for some positive
v = -λ0 | z0 - f(t)|
n/( n + 1)
sign(z0 - f(t)) + w0 + z1 , constants μi, νi depending exclusively on the parameters of
(4) differentiators (1) or (4):
(n - 1)/( n +1)
w 0 = -α0 | z0 - f(t)| sign(z0 - f(t)); (i) n-i+1
~ ~ |zi - f0 (t)| ≤ μi τ , i = 0, ..., n;
z1 = Dn0−1 (v1(⋅), C), ..., zn = Dnn−−11 (v(⋅), C). (i+1) n-i
|vi - f0 (t)| ≤ νi τ , i = 0, ..., n - 1.
The resulting 2nd-order differentiator was presented at
In particular, the nth derivative error is proportional to τ. The
ECC’99, CDC’00 [8, 9]:
latter Theorem means that there are a number of real sliding
z 0 = v0, v0 = -λ0 | z0 - f(t)| sign(z0 - f(t)) + w0 + z1, modes of different orders [6]. Nevertheless, nothing can be
w 0 = -α0 | z0 - f(t)| sign(z0 - f(t)); said on the derivatives of vi and of z i, because they are not
continuously differentiable functions.

Proceedings of the European Control Conference 2001 997

Homogeneity of the differentiators. The differentiators are The Theorems are proved by induction. Define the main
invariant with respect to the transformation features of differential inclusion (6), (7) which hold with a
proper choice of the parameters λi .
 ( ηt, η f, η
n+1 n-i+1 n-i n-i
(t, f, zi, vi, wi ) zi, η vi, η wi).
The parameters αi, λi are to be chosen recursively in such a Proposition 2. Let ξδ(t) satisfy the condition that the integral
way that α1, λ1, ..., αn, λn provide for the convergence of the ∫|ξδ(t)|dt over a time interval δ is less than some fixed K > 0.
(n-1)th order differentiator with the same Lipschitz constant Then for any 0 < Si < S′i, i = 0, ..., n, each trajectory of (6),
C, and α0, λ0 be sufficiently large (α0 is chosen first). The (7) starting from the region |σi| ≤ Si does not leave the region
best way is to choose them by computer simulation. |σi| ≤ S′i during this time interval if δ is sufficiently small.
Substituting f(t)/C for f(t) and taking new coordinates z′i = C
zi, v′i = C vi, w′i = Cwi achieve the following proposition. Proposition 3. For each set of numbers Si > 0, i = 0, ..., n,
there exist such numbers Σi > Si, ki >0 and T > 0, εM ≥ 0 that
Proposition 1. Let parameters α0i, λ0i, i = 0, 1, ...., n, of for any ξ(t) ∈ [-ε, ε], ε ≤ εM , any trajectory of (6), (7)
differentiators (1), (2) or (3), (4) provide for exact n-th starting from the region |σi| ≤ Si enters within the time T,
order differentiation with C = 1. Then the parameters αi = and without leaving the region |σi| ≤ Σi , the region
2/(n-i+1) 1/(n-i+1)
α0i C , λi = λ0i C are valid for any C > 0 and |σi| ≤ ki ε
and stays there forever.
(i) i/(n + 1) (n - i +1)/(n + 1)
provide for the accuracy |zi - f0 (t)| ≤ μi C ε
for some μi ≥ 1. It is easy to see that these Propositions are true with n = 0, λ0
> C. Prove these Propositions by induction. Let them be true
Remark. It is easy to check that differentiator (5) may be for the differentiator of the order n - 1. Prove them for the
rewritten in the non-recursive form nth order differentiator (1) with sufficiently large λ0.
n/( n + 1)
z 0 = -κ0 | z0 - f(t)| sign(z0 - f(t)) + z1, Proof of Proposition 2. Choose some SMi, Si < S′i < SMi,
... i = 0, ..., n. Then
(n - i)/( n + 1)
z i = -κi | z0 - f(t)| sign(z0 - f(t)) + zi+1, i = 1, ..., n-1 n/( n + 1)
... | σ 0 | ≤ λ0 | |ξ(t)| + |σ0| | + |σ1|
n/( n + 1) n/( n + 1)
z n = -κn sign(z0 - f(t)) ≤ λ0 |ξ(t)| + λ0 SM0 + SM1.
for some positive κi calculated on the basis of λ0, ..., λn. Thus, according to the H|lder inequality
1/( n + 1) n/( n + 1) n/( n + 1)
∫| σ 0 |dt ≤ λ0δ (∫|ξ(t)|dt) + δ(λ0 SM0 + SM1).
3 Proofs
The remark that σ 0 serves as the input disturbance for the
Consider for simplicity differentiator (5). The proof for (n-1)th order system (7) and satisfies the conditions of
differentiator (4) is very similar. Introduce functions σ0 = z0 -
Proposition 2 finishes the proof. ‡
f0(t), σ1 = z1 - f0 (t), ..., σn = zn - f0 (t), ξ = f(t) - f0(t). Then
any solution of (5) satisfies the following differential Lemma. If for some Si < S′i , i = 0, ..., n, and T > 0 any
inclusion understood in the Filippov sense [5]: trajectory of (6), (7) starting from the region |σi| ≤ S′i enters
n/( n + 1) within the time T the region |σi| ≤ Si and stays there forever,
σ 0 = -λ0 |σ0 + ξ(t)| sign(σ0 + ξ(t)) + σ1 , (6)
then the system (6), (7) is finite-time stable.

(n-1)/ n
The Lemma is a simple consequence of the invariance of (6),
σ 1 = -λ1 | σ1 - σ 0 | sign(σ1 - σ 0 ) + σ2, (7) with respect to transformation (8). The convergence time
... is estimated as a sum of a geometric series.
1/ 2
σ n −1 = -λn-1 | σn-1 - σ n −2 | sign(σn-1 - σ n −2 ) + σn, Proof of Proposition 3. Consider first the case εM = 0.
σ n ∈ -λn sign(σn - σ n −1 ) + [-C, C], Choose some larger region |σi| ≤ S′i, Si < S′i , i = 0, ..., n, and
let Σi > S′i, i = 0, ..., n - 1, be some upper bounds chosen with
where ξ(t) ∈ [-ε, ε] is a Lebesgue-measurable noise function.
respect to Proposition 3 for (7) and that region. It is easy to
It is important to mark that (6), (7) do not “remember”
check that for any q > 1 with sufficiently large λ0 the
anything on the unknown input basic signal f0(t). ( n + 1)/n
trajectory enters the region |σ0| ≤ (qΣ1/ λ0) in arbitrarily
System (6) is homogeneous in sense [12] with ε = 0, its small time. During that time σ 0 does not change its sign.
trajectories are invariant with respect to the transformation Therefore, ∫| σ 0 |dt ≤ S′0 for sufficiently large λ0. Thus, the
Gη: (t, σi, ξ, ε)  ( ηt, η
σi, η
n+1 n+1
ξ, η ε). (8) disturbance - σ 0 entering the subsystem (7) satisfies

Proceedings of the European Control Conference 2001 998

Proposition 2 and the inequalities |σi| ≤ S′i are kept. From These parameters can be easily changed, for the
that moment on | σ 0 | ≤ 3 Σ1 is kept with a properly chosen q. differentiator is not very sensitive to their values. The
tradeoff is as follows: the larger the parameters, the faster
the convergence and the higher sensitivity to input noises and
Differentiating (6) with ξ = 0 achieve
the sampling step.
-1/( n + 1)
 0 = -λ0 |σ0| σ 0 + σ 1 ,
Differentiator (11) - (16) and its 3rd-order sub-differentiator
where according to (7) the inequality | σ 1 | ≤ 4λ1Σ1 + Σ2 (13) - (16) were used for simulation. Initial values of the
holds. Thus, with sufficiently large λ0 within arbitrarily small differentiator state were taken zero with exception for the
-1 1/n initial estimation of f , which is taken equal to the initial
time the inequality | σ 1 | ≤ λ0 (4λ1Σ1 + Σ2) (qΣ1/ λ0) is
measured value of f. The base input signal
established. Its right-hand side may be made arbitrarily small
with large λ0. Thus, due to Proposition 3 for (n-1)-order f0(t ) = sin 0.5t + cos t. (17)
system (7) and to the Lemma, the statement of Proposition 3 was taken for the differentiator testing. The higher
is proved with εM = 0. derivatives of f0(t ) do not exceed 1.25 in absolute value.

Let now εM > 0. As follows from the continuous dependence Third order differentiator. The measurement step τ = 5⋅10

of the solutions of a differential inclusion on the right-hand was taken, noises are absent. The attained accuracies are
side [5] with sufficiently small εM all trajectories concentrate -11 -7 -4
9.40⋅10 , 2.97⋅10 , 2.40⋅10 , 0.0401 for the signal
within a finite time in a small vicinity of the origin. The tracking, the first, second and third derivatives respectively.
asymptotic features of that vicinity with εM changing follow -15

now from the homogeneity of the system. ‡ The derivative tracking deviations changed to 9.44⋅10 ,
-10 -6
2.97⋅10 , 2.42⋅10 and 0.00410 respectively after τ was
Theorems 1 and 2 are simple consequences of Proposition 3 reduced to 5⋅10 . That corresponds to Theorem 3.
and the homogeneity of the system. To prove Theorem 3 it is
sufficient to consider Fifth order differentiator.. The attained accuracies are
-13 -10 -7 -4
n/( n + 1) 1.46⋅10 , 7.16⋅10 , 9.86⋅10 , 3.76⋅10 , 0.0306 and 0.449
σ 0 = -λ0 |σ0 (tj)| sign(σ0(tj)) + σ1 , (9) for tracking the signal, the first, second, third, fourth and
instead of (6) with tj ≤ t < tj+1 = tj + τ. The resulting hybrid fifth derivatives respectively with τ = 5⋅10 . The derivative
-16 -12
system (9), (7) is invariant with respect to the transformation tracking deviations changed to 4.44⋅10 , 6.34⋅10 ,
-8 -5
2.24⋅10 , 2.44⋅10 , 0.00599 and 0.265 respectively after τ
 ( ηt, ητ, η
(t, τ, σi) σi). (10) -5
was reduced to 5⋅10 . The latter results are demonstrated in
On the other hand, it may be considered as system (6), (7) Fig. 1. Reduction of τ no longer leads to noticeable
with arbitrarily small ε for any fixed region of the initial improvement of the fifth-derivative tracking. Following is
values when τ is sufficiently small. Applying successively the explanation.
Proposition 3 and the homogeneity reasoning with
transformation (10) achieve Theorem 3. ‡ The demonstrated asymptotics is not trivially obtained by
computer simulation. For example, the computer realization
Remark. It is easy to see that the above proof may be accuracy of the harmonic functions is not sufficient here. In
transformed in order to obtain a constructive upper other words, in computer GWG sin t ≠ cos t, and even the long
estimation of the convergence time. Also the accuracy may double precision does not help here. For that reason the
be estimated by means of the suggested inductive approach. input was modeled as a solution of the corresponding
differential equation and most calculations were carried out
4. Numeric differentiation results with the long double precision. Nevertheless, there is such a
value of the sampling interval τ = τ∗ that any further
Following are equations of the 5th-order differentiator with reduction of τ no longer leads to any considerable accuracy
simulation-tested coefficients for C = 1. As mentioned, it improvement. In particular, τ∗ is about 10 with the
contains also differentiators of the lower orders: -3
differentiation order 4 and τ∗ ≈ 10 with the differentiation
5/6 order 5, when the Lipschitz constant C of the 4th and 5th
z 0 = v0 , v0 = -50| z0 - f(t)| sign(z0 - f(t)) + z1 , (11)
4/5 derivative respectively is C = 1. While preparing this paper
z 1 = v1 , v1 = -30 | z1 - v0| sign(z1 - v0) + z2 , (12)
3/4 the author wanted to demonstrate 10th order differentiation,
z 2 = v2 , v2 = -16 | z2 - v1| sign(z2 - v1) + z3 , (13) but found that differentiation of the order exceeding 5 is
z 3 = v4 , v4 = -8 | z3 - v2| sign(z4 - v3) + z4 , (14) unlikely to be performed with the standard software. Further
1/2 calculations are to be carried out with precision higher than
z 4 = v4 , v4 = -4 | z4 - v3| sign(z4 - v4) + z5 , (15)
z 5 = -2 sign(z5 - v4); (16) the standard long double precision (128 bits per number).

Proceedings of the European Control Conference 2001 999

∂ (r) r
Km ≤ ∂u
σ ≤ KM, | La σ | ≤ L for some Km, KM, L > 0. The
controller has the form
u = - α sign(φ(β 1,..., βr-1, σ, σ , ..., σ )).
Here β1,..., βr-1 may be chosen in advance, α is adjusted
mainly by computer simulation, not using the unknown exact
(r) (r) r
values of Km, KM, L. The identity σ = u ∂∂u σ + La σ
implies |σ | ≤ L + αKM , which allows implementation of the
proposed (r-1)th-order differentiator [8]. A list of such
controllers is presented in [8, 10].

Fig. 1: 5th-order differentiation

Sensitivity to noises. The main problem of the differentiation
is certainly its well-known sensitivity to noises. As we have
seen, even small computer calculation errors appear to be a
considerable noise in the calculation of the fifth derivative.
Recall that, when the nth derivative has the Lipschitz
constant 1 and the noise magnitude is ε, the best possible
accuracy of the ith order differentiation, i ≤ n, is kε
Fig. 2: Kinematic car model
[7], where k > 1 is a constant independent on the
differentiation realization. That is a minimax (worst case)
Consider a simple kinematic model of car control [11]
evaluation. Since differentiator (11) - (16) assumes this
Lipschitz input condition, it satisfies this accuracy restriction y1 = v cos ϕ, y 2 = v sin ϕ, ϕ = v/l tan θ, (18)
as well (see also Theorems 2, 3). In particular, with the noise
-6 1/6 θ = ξ, ξ = u, (19)
magnitude ε = 10 the 5th derivative error exceeds ε = 0.1.
For comparison, if successive first order differentiation were where x and y are Cartesian coordinates of the rear-axle
used, the respective error would be at least ε
(2 )
= 0.649 and middle point, ϕ is the orientation angle, v is the longitudinal
some additional conditions on the input signal would be velocity, l is the length between the two axles and θ is the
required. Taking 10% as a border, achieve that the direct steering angle (Fig. 2). The system is artificially extended by
successive differentiation does not give reliable results (19) in order to provide for smoother performance, u is the
starting with the order 3, while the proposed differentiator resulting control. The task is to steer the car from a given
may be used up to the order 5. initial position to the trajectory given by the equation y2 =
g(y1), while y1 and y2 are assumed to be measured in real
The lack of place does not allow to list here detailed time. Define
simulation results with noisy inputs. With the noise s = y2 - g(y1),
magnitude 0.01 and the noise frequency about 10000 the 5th
Let v = const = 10 m/s, l = 5 m, g(y1) = 10 sin 0.05y1 + 5, y1
order differentiator produces estimation errors 0.000200,
0.0136, 0.184, 0.649, 1.05 and 0.740 for signal (17) and = y2 = ϕ = θ = ξ = 0 at t = 0. Suppose that x, y, ϕ, θ are
its 5 derivatives respectively. The author found that the available, and apply the universal 4-sliding controller [8, 10]
second differentiation scheme (4) provides for slightly better with α = 40
3 2 6 1 4
accuracies. u = - 40 sign{ D3 (s(⋅))+3 (D3 (s(⋅))) + (D3 (s(⋅)))
3 1/12 2 1 4 3 1/6 1
+|s| ) sign[ D3 (s(⋅))+(D3 (s(⋅)) +|s| ) sign(D3 (s(⋅))
5. Output-feedback HOSM control 3/4
+0.5 |s| sign s )]},
1 2 3
Universal HOSM controllers [8, 10] are used in order to where D3 (s(⋅)), D3 (s(⋅)), D3 (s(⋅)) are the outputs of the third
make vanish in finite time the output σ of any uncertain order differentiator (6) with parameters λ0 = 15, λ1 = 20, λ2
minimum-phase system x = a(t,x) + b(t,x)u with an output σ = 40, λ3 = 88. During the first half-second control was not
= σ(t, x). Here x ∈ R , a, b, σ are unknown smooth functions, applied. The trajectory of the car is shown in Fig. 3 and the
u ∈ R, n is also uncertain. The relative degree r of the system corresponding steering angle θ in Fig. 4. The tracking
is assumed to be constant and known. It is supposed that 0 < accuracy 1.63⋅10 was attained with τ = 0.001.

Proceedings of the European Control Conference 2001 1000

(r-2) (r-2)
Thus, it may be replaced by sign Δσ , where Δσ is the
first difference between successive discrete measurements. In
such a way the second order differentiator appears to be
sufficient in many cases.

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r equals 2, 3 and 4. Indeed, according to the Newton law, the
Automat. Control, vol. 38, no. 5, pp.700-716, (1993).
relative degree of a spatial variable with respect to a force,
[12] L. Rosier, “Homogeneous Lyapunov function for
being understood as a control, is r = 2. Taking into account
homogeneous continuous vector field,” Syst. Control
some dynamic actuator, achieve relative degree 3. If the
Lett., vol. 19, no. 4, pp. 467–473, (1992).
actuator input is needed to be a continuous Lipschitz
[13] V.I. Utkin, Sliding Modes in Optimization and Control
function, the relative degree has to be artificially increased to
Problems, Springer Verlag, New York, (1992).
4. As was mentioned above, the rth order sliding controller
(r-1) [14] X. Yu and J.X. Xu, “Nonlinear derivative estimator”,
requires availability of σ, σ , ..., σ . Thus, in practice the Electronic Letters, vol. 32, no. 16, (1996).
need for more than 3 successive output derivatives is very
rare. In fact, often only the sign of σ is actually required.

Proceedings of the European Control Conference 2001 1001

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