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Sādhanā, Vol. 26, Part 4, August 2001, pp. 379–385.

 Printed in India

A note on stability of motion of a projectile


Institute of Armament Technology, Pune 411 025, India


MS received 16 February 2000; revised 12 March 2001

Abstract. A projectile is stabilised using either gyroscopic or aerodynamic

stability. But subcalibre projectiles with sabot have both spin and fins. Separate
stability criteria are researched generally for each type of projectile. In this
paper a stability criterion which can be used for all such bodies has been
developed through the Liapunov second method.

Keywords. Projectiles; aerodynamic stability; potential function; spin; sabot;


1. Introduction

The basic class of problems in stability of an axis-symmetric body has been discussed
by many researchers. Before 1930, the condition 0 < σ < 1 dominated every design in
flight dynamics. Fowler attempted the stability of high angle of fire through his β-type
equations. As awareness of the implications of mathematical modelling to investigate the
motion in its full entirety developed during the Second World War, many models were
made and linear motion was developed in its completeness. Kebby (1948) investigated
nonlinear motion where the parameter is positive and established that if 1 − 4qs > 0,
the ensuing motion is bounded. Rath & Sharma (1965) have derived the McShane–
Murphy stability condition for slowly yawing motion from Fowler’s dynamical equations
generalised by Rath taking into account the complete aerodynamic force system (Nielsen
& Synge1946). The motion of a nonlinear Lock–Fowler missile under the same conditon
using the Routh–Hurwitz criterion has been discussed by Rath & Namboodiri (1980).
The dynamical motion of an axi-symmetric projectile in the cross plane moving in
the atmosphere (Bakshi & Sharma 1988) is governed by
Ẍ¨ + (−K1 I + K2 J )Ẋ + (K3 I − K4 J )X = 0, (1)
0 1 v / u
where J = ,X = , and
−1 0 w / u
K1 = ε 2CA − f1 g2 Kt2 − 2gx l u2 ,
K2 = B 0 ς + ες f1p + g2p Kt2 ,

A list of symbols is given at the end of the paper

380 S D Naik
0 2 g1 gx l 2 gx l ε gx l 
K3 = −ε B ς f1p + 2 + + 2 2 g2 − ε 2CA − f1 ,
Kt u u Kt u 2
g gx l g x l g2p
K4 = εςB 0 CA − f1 + 2 − B 0 ς
− ες f + .
Kt u2 u2 1p
For the spin-stabilized projectile K3 < 0 while for aerodynamically stable projectiles
K3 > 0. For a subcalibre projectile with sabot, none of these means can be used simply
as a stability criterion, as a spin-stabilised body requires high angular spin and finned
stabilised systems need large fins and these fins disturb the sabot design. The better way
out is obtained by giving some percentage of spin and smaller fins. Obviously for such
a body K3 is small with sign indefiniteness. An attempt has been made here to discuss
the stability criterion for such a body. It also gives the stability for spin-stabilised as
well as fin-stabilised bodies.

2. Stability criterion

The P-method (Sharma 1977) has been used here to obtain the generating functions V
and V̇˙ .
Let N ≡ 2Ẋ + P X, (2)
be the generating function. Here P = P1 +P2 , P1 is a symmetric and P2 a skew-symmetric
2 × 2 matrix. The inner product of (1) and (2) gives
h  i
2Ẋ t Ẋ + Ẋt P X + X t P t Ẋ + X t 2 K3 + Q Ẋ˙
= Ẋ t P + P t + 4K1 Ẋ + Ẋ t K1 I + K2 J P + 2K4 J + 2Q
X + X + X t K1 I + K2 J P + 2K4 J + 2Q
Ẋ − Xt K3 I + K4 J P + P t K3 I − K4 J X, (3)
which is of the form (V ) = V̇ . We have introduced an arbitrary matrix Q to develop
suitable quadratic forms. The motion is said to be asymptotically stable if
V >0 and V̇ < 0.
Now V and V̇ can be expressed as
t Xt P t PX t P tP
V = 2 Ẋ + Ẋ + + X 2K3 + 2Q − X, (4)
2 2 2

1/2  t
V̇ = − Ẋ t − P + P t + 4K1 − X t K1 I + K2 J P + 2K4 J + 2Q
−1 1/2 1/2  −1 1/2
× − P + P t + 4K1 − P + P t + 4Kt Ẋ − − P + P t + 4K1
× K1 I + K2 J P + 2K4 J + 2Q X − X t K1 I + K2 J P + 2K4 J + 2Q
× − P + P t + 4K 1 K1 I + K2 J P + 2K4 J + 2Q
− K3 I + K4 J P + P t K3 I + K4 J X. (5)
Stability of motion of a projectile 381

The asymptotic stability is achieved if V < 0 and V̇ < 0. That is

2K3 + 2Q − P t P 2 ≥ 0, (6)
 t  t
K3 I + K4 J P + P t K3 I + K4 J − K1 I + K2 J P + 2K4 J + 2Q
× − P + P t + 4K1 K1 I + K2 J P + 2K4 J + 2Q > 0. (7)
The values of P and Q are arbitrary. One choice of these values (Naik 2000) is
P = −K1 I + K2 J,
Q = −K3 + P t P 2 I,
reduce these conditions to a single condition,
K12 K3 + K1 K2 K4 − K32 − K42 > 0. (8)
Another choice for P and Q, one can get by generalizing P and Q as
K2 K2
P =2 α J − βI , (9)
K4 K1
K 4K 1 K22
and Q= β + α 2 I. (10)
K2 K1
These values are selected as P is expressed as P = p1 I + p2 J and Q is diagonal. α, β
are scalar quantities. These values of P and Q reduce V and V̇ to
t t K4 K2 K4 K2
V = 2 Ẋ + X −α J − βI Ẋ + α J − βI
K2 K1 K2 K1
K2 K2 KK K2
+X t − 42 α 2 22 + β 2 + K3 + 4 1 β + α 22 X , (11)
K2 K1 K2 K1
K4 t t K4
V̇ = 4 K 1 − β Ẋ − X K 4 J (α − β + 1) 2 K 1 − β
K2 K2
× Ẋ + K 4 J (α − β + 1) 2 K 1 − β X
.   !
K4 2
− K4 (α − β + 1) 4 K 1 − β
2 2
K4 K 4K 2 K4
+ K 3β + α K1 − β , (12)
K2 K1 K2
Asymptotic stability is guarranteed for V > 0 and V̇ < 0 and is obtained if
K2 K2 KK K2
− 42 α 2 22 + β 2 + K3 + 4 1 β + α 22 > 0, (13a)
K2 K1 K2 K1
K1 − β < 0, (13b)
382 S D Naik
K4 K4 K 4 K2
−K42 (α − β + 1)2 + 4 K1 − β K3 β + α > 0. (13c)
K2 K2 K1
α and β can be arbitrary. In particular, α = 1, β = 0 reduce (13) to
K1 < 0 (14a)
− K42 K12 + K3 + K4 K2 K1 > 0, (14b)

K12 K3 + K1 K2 K4 − K42 > 0, (14c)

which are conditions for spin-stability. Similarly α = 0, β = 1, reduce the above conditions
(13) to

K4 K2 < 0, (15a)
K1 − K4 K2 < 0, (15b)

K3 > 0. (15c)

These are the conditions for fin-stability. For a body which is stabilised with small
spin and fins, one can select α and β that are arbitrary but real and nonzero. A linear
relation between α and β has been attempted here. On examining various values, the
one that is applicable is
α − β = 1.
This reduces the stability conditions to
K42 2 K2
K4 K1 K22
− 2 (1 − β) + β + K3 +
β + (1 − β) 2 > 0, (16a)
K2 K12 K2 K1
K1 − β K4 K2 < 0, (16b)
−K42 1 − β 2 + 4 K1 − 4 β K3 β + (1 − β) 4 2 > 0. (16c)
K2 K2 K1
The value of β can be selected in such a way that V > 0. Let
K42 K12 + K22 2 K4 2K4 K2
9(β) = − β + K 2
+ K 2
− β
K12 K22 K1 K2 1 2
+ 2 −K42 + K3 K12 + K1 K2 K4 .
The condition for V > 0 is 9(β) > 0. 9(β) is a quadratic in β and has two roots.
Its maximum value should provide a practical design situation and is obtained when
the two roots are equal.
βmax = K1 K2 2K4 1 − 2K2 K4 K1 K12 + K22 , (17)

9(β) > 0, implies

K12 + K22 + 4K3 − 4K42 K12 + K22 > 0. (18)
Stability of motion of a projectile 383

It is same as (16(a)). The last term in the above equation appears through the interaction
of spin and fins combination stability. This term being positive decreases the spin stability
situation. This arises due to the coupling in magnus and damping coefficients. We need
a strongly damping force due to spin appearing in K1 .
For a subcalibre projectile which is stabilized with spin as well as fins, condition (18)
can be called the dynamic stability condition. The corresponding condition for spinning
bodies is K12 + K22 + 4K3 ≥ 0. If K22 + 4K3 ≥ 0, the above condition is always satisfied.
This is static stability for a spinning body.
In particular, if we
 damping parameter K1 , the dynamic stability (18) becomes
K22 + 4K3 − 4K42 K22 ≥ 0. 
This contains a parameter µ = K4 K2 which is very important for the design. For
this, βmax = −1, gives the fin stability.
With this βmax defined as (17) , the other two conditions for asymptotic stability coming
from V̇ < 0 are
K1 2 + K2 K4 K12 + K22 < 0, (19)
K12 + K22 K12 K3 + K1 K2 K4 − 2K42 + 4K2 K42 K1 K4 − K2 K3 ≥ 0. (20)

The condition (20) for a marginally stable projectile, K3 = 0, and a damped system
K1 < 0 implies that K4 , the magnus coefficient should be negative, a situation which
is a generally a design situation. Hence this result is likely to be met. This negative
magnus coefficient also strongly satisfies (19).
Thus a negative magnus coefficient with a marginal value as sign indefinite is necessary
for stability of a subcalibre projectile.

3. Verification

Let us consider a projectile with the following data.

ρ = 1.125,
m = 3.6,
d = 0.028,
p = 145,
u = 1447,
l = 0.486,
CD = 0.35,
f1 = 12.9,
g1 = 2.5,
g2 = −574.6,
g2p = −25.86,
Ixx = 3.66,
Iyy = 549.06.
To verify the stability criteria, we have to calculate the parameters K1 , K2 , K3 and
K4 first. Here
ε = ρSd 2m, Kt2 = Iyy md, B 0 = Ixx Iyy and ς = pl u.

Generally ε 2 and −
x are small and ignored. The values of Ki ’s are simplified to
K1 = −3.742 × 10−5
384 S D Naik

K2 = 0.00203796
K3 = 0.454 × 10−10
K4 = −0.007354 × 10−5 .
It can be further observed that
(a) All the conditions (8), (18),(19) and (20) are satisfied.
(b) The spin required for stability of this projectile is 140 rev/s. Hence the projectile
is over-stabilized as actually the spin applied is 145 rev/s. It is thus concluded that
sufficient stability criterion meets the technology requirements.
(c) To stabilize this projectile only with the help of spin ,the requirement is 387 rev/s.
The spin can be reduced by introducing small fins in the design. In this design the
energy saved because of the fins is 85% of that of the spin-stabilised projectile,
which can be utilised in any other form.

4. Conclusions

A simple analysis has provided very important design critera for a subcalibre projectile.
These are as below.
(1) The spin-stability is determined by fins through the magnus parameter. This will
be smaller if fins are smaller which is the case for subcalibre projectile.
(2) The magnus moment has to be negative.
(3) The negativeness of the magnus moment damps the oscillations faster as seen from

List of symbols

CD drag force coefficient;

d diameter of the projectile;
f1 normal force coefficient;
g1 aerodynamic moment coefficient;
g2 damping moment coefficient;
g2p magnus moment coefficient;
l total length of the projectile;
Ixx moment of inertia of the projectile about X-axis;
Iyy moment of inertia of the projectile about Y -axis;
K1 damping parameter;
K2 spin parameter;
K3 conservative force parameter;
K4 magnus parameter;
m mass of the projectile ;
p constant spin of projectile;
ρ density of air;
u avarage speed of the projectile.


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Stability of motion of a projectile 385

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