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Stéphane proJess0r
isassociate 0fhisioryeducation
ol 0ttawa.
thinking, andcomputer
literacy, ir history
techfology educatiof.

historicalfacts. a particulaf
lt necessitates mode
ooksatwhatit means
using Carad

Lefaitdecomprendre estplus quedeconfaître
complexe desfaits
Cela fécessteunmode d'engagement
avecI'histo cequec0mprendfe
re.Cetexteexamine historiquement enutilisant'historien
signlfie TimC00k

'lhc proccss
Whâl should history students know i\,hen they of disciplinrry hoDrogenizâiion,which
gmduatcironllrhigh school?Il\e O tatio lznchert'Manual lcadstealhersto usea cohmonr,ar"hrd,ând sel ofstfâte-
for Historyof l915indicrt€s thrt "histofyis usurllycrlle.d.r gi€s âcfoss subjccts, prevonts siudcrts from taking
'rnelnofy'subjcct,rnd is,rccordingly oftcn trught as,rmerc adv.rniagc ofthe disciplines.Hcr€it is importantto diltèr-
memofizinB01'l'ùcts,nâmes,ând dates.")Surely,tor û'ost cntiaic bctwccn"subjcctJ'ancl"disciplin€s."Subjectsare
educatofstoday meûrorizingaontent knowledgeis no orgânizeddepartmentsof knowledgcdcviscdlbr *ruc-
Longerân âdequat€answerto this fundan€rlal questior lurirg schedulesând rssessinglcaming objcctivcs.
thât hâs puzzledschoolsând societylor ovcf â centufy. I)isciplinesconsist of "approachcsdeviscd by scholÂfs
Nowadays, th€fe is widespreÂd talks and beliefiir "critical ove! the ceDturiesiD ofder io âddressessentiàlquestions,
thinking," "skills" and "literâcy".rs overurching goalsol issucs,Ànd phcnomcnr drâwn lrom the ratural and
educàtion.Yet, thcre is not àlwaysagrcêmcntns to what humàn worlds."r Îcy irrcludc distinctive nethods of
these m€àn.ln Ontffio, the Nlinistry of EducàtiônhÀs inquiry,theoreticalframework,nctworksof conccptsand
respondedwith a series of documenis aDcl reports, idens,symbolssystens âl1d nodes of repfesentâtions,
includingresourcepackâges to help studeDis"developâs History, wiih lil of th€serelinelnenls,is that discidine
fully litefâtereàders, writers,ralkers,!nd think€rs."r which se€ksto ûràkeserNeofthe p!st. l"lisioryis not the
Despite lhe value ol âll ihese, nuch of whai is pâstj rather il is the processrnd lhe result of màking
(urrertly àvâilàbleon 'tross-cufriculàr literàcy"only lneâning out ofbitsandfrâgmenis ofthe pâst.
seNesto obscurefundamertàldifièrencesin disci inrry
expeftise- or whât my colleaguePefryKlein refefsto as TITERACY
.oDtentliteracy.rTo clâin, for iùstm.e, thât leârningto Lit€rlcy is lhe àbility to r€àd, wfite, ànd rhink criti-
readin math€maticsrenrforcesihe abiliiy to reâdhisiory câily âbout n rànge of medià including print texls,
suggestsvery n.riveepistemologicàl distinctionsbetween imrges, and clectronic tcxts. lt is r cognitive ând sociâl
domanrsofknowledgeand alsonawedâssumptioùs aboùt practice, ân tool for personâl growrh ând
lextmeàning.5As SamWinebufgrightlyobserves, "in our a c t i v ep â r t i c i p â t i o ni n à d e m o c r a t i cs o c i c t y . " rB e c o n i n g
zeâ]to arrive rt ov€rarchingmodeisof r€âding,w€ ofren lit€ràte is critic{l in this inlormârion agc and it is no
ignore quâlities of the text that give it shape ând surprise thât the ontârio curriculum p]Àces greàt
meânirg."" Although sharing some common symbot emphasis on early literacy instruction and progressioDin
systens,understândingin history and understandingin reading and writing.'
mathematicsor iù literatureposeradicallydifièrentchal- Yet despite signiûcant progress in stuclenls
perlormance in stândârd literacy tcsts (EQAO fesùlts

2002 2008), the.€ is still no cl€ar evid€ncc of improvc rerding bet$.€en thc lines, it is possible to comprehend
ment in students' abiliiy to rcad, write, interpret, or and eryâge more cmciently in â vafiety of 'o called
think criticâlly in history. Parr of the probtem has bcen iiction and non fiction texts. Bccause of thc kind of
oùr inabilitl to teach "historicàl lirerâc)-." Fof Tony habits of mind it dcvelops, cross curricuH, lre.acy
Taytor, bccoming literaie in history necessitates a rànge promotes whât might bc .alled "proro disciplinâry,,
of âbilities and understandings r€quircd to gnsp rhe kDowledge, that is knovlcdge extending beyond
nâture of histo.)'."r0flirty yeafs of rescarch in the {ictd to include some gen€ral teatures of
has showD that expertisc iir histo.y disciplinary higher-order thinklng.rl At this level, for instâncc,
coirpetence is couDter-inruirivc, best crLltivatcd \îhen stuclentscan feàd â varicty of rexts and nrake â distinc-
s t u d e D t s( 1 ) u n d e r s t â n dh i s t o r y â n d ( 2 ) u n d e r s t â n dt h e tion betnccn a historical narrativc and â Dovel or
beiwcen "facts" and "opinions." But this type of literâq
Studcnts come to school u,ith powerful bcliefs and is largely inadcquate to sophisticated undcrstàndlig in
stories about the pàst. Thcse so-called "cotrxùon-sense history because it does not ofiginate fton1 rhc texts and
id€as acquifcd,rl home, in the mediâ or in everyday lifb n c t h o d s o f t h e d i s c i p l i n e .O n c c ù n n o r r c r d i h e d € v e l o p -
experienccs,are gradùally ch.rllenscd in highef lcarning nrent of thc tlNA Act in the samc wày as the
by somc more complex and scicntific ones.,, tiut does developmcnt ol DNA.' lb illustratc my poinr, I will
public cducation feally chàlleùge lcàfnefs to replùce rhese consider an ex.rnple on world \vaf ]i Shock 'hoaps:
intuitive ideas {'ith more wàrrànted ones às produced by Ca adia,$ Iighting the Grutt \Yat by War Museun
histofians? A central principle of hisrory cducation histofian l im Cook.r'
coDtinLLesto be thâi students need a firm ground of ht Sho.k 1iôops,Cookîalloivs rhe Cânadi{n fighting
i(nowl€dgc dborLt thc pùst (Âroùrd rh€ conlnrunity, rhc fofces during the key battlcs ofVimy Ridge,Hill70, pâss-
nati r, demo(racy, ctc.) to bo competent - and ultimatcly chcndacle,ânclthc Hundf€d Dâys canlpâign. ftrough rhc
cycs ofthe officcrs lnd soldicrslrho fought and di€d in thc
lllrt histori€àl uDcterstandingis Droro compt€x than ucnchcs on lhe Wcstefn lront, .rnd bÀsed on ncwty
understânding rhe substâncê o l t h ( ' p a s t ,i . e . ,t h c s t â g n r n t uncov€rectarchivîl sourccs,Cjook "presentsA ncw view of
picccs of lncls. As Perer Soixas contends, students afc thc Cânrdiân Cofps'brttles in thc Gfeat War," looking
c x p o s c dt o . r v a r i c t y o l c o n t l i c t i n g h i s r o r i c â l. r c c o u r t s w i t h î r c f f e s h i n gc y c . r t h o w t h i s s m  l l b u r ( o n c s r v e
(insidc and outsidc th€ school) and 'îccd thc k) lnilitary fofce quickly cLrrnedthc ritlc o[ "shock trcops." :
nssess thc rohtive strcDgths rnd wcrknesses or rnese In his study, Cook rims to rcveàl th{j largcly ignor.cdyet
inlefpr€tûtions."'r Translofming studcrk' nltuitivc icleas signiRcart contributioD of C.ln.rdns ârmy âs pari of the
i n d e q u i p p i n gt h e m w i t h t h e t o o l s t o m a k e s e I l s eo r r n e È r i t i s h E x p e d i t i o n , r r yF o r c c . A w â r e o t t h c c h â l l e n g i n g
prst rcccssit.te whût Peter Lcc cÀlls procedural trsk làcing hirn, Cook is câutious to obscfve thât "hÀving
knowlcdge - or'lnetâhistorical" knowlcdgc.'r UDlike the rc0d allnost ev.ry book pûblishcd in Cânada on the war,
bstance ol thc pàst, this knowledge shapcs ttre way we ûnd by irtefnàibnal scholârs, I am only too
go aboul doiDg histofy. Whât m.rkes hisrorirns expcrts is awafe thât evcn ù two,volune history lan present jùst n
noL only, of so nrùch, their vasi knowledge of historical ffàction of dr€ nxtionl, experiencc in rhe Cjrert \X/âf.,3To
perio.ts but theif sophisticâted bclicfs .rbotri hisrofy ân.l ofler â compelling âc.ount of ihis ùrique experieDcc,his
. r i t i c â l u s e o f k e y . o r l c c p r s l i l e c v i d e n c e ,h i s i ô f i c â t rnalysis is brscd ôn over â dccâde of siudy of otnci and
eùpâthy, and narrâtive. Instead ôfnrjv€ly âsking "Whài is n r i v r t - , r o ,r ' . n e r r { .l , l u d . ) t s " , t c r s .
the best story to l.nor'? histofiaDs fàcc rhe complcxity of àrtefacts, postcârds, photogfaphs, and âfrlvorks. ',Ân
the pasl with sù.h furdam.ntâl questions as "How do we undcrstllndnu olthe conplexiry ofbàitle," hc points out,
know àbout the past?""Why did it hâppen?""Whâi was ir "can
be achicved oDly by consultnlg these Dlultiple
lil€ back then?" Quesiions of this sorr engagehisroriâns sources of informâtion not to ùrcnriorl wâlking the
in â rescârch process of investigêting past evcnrs ancl brltlelields to explore the very groûnd upon which rh.
rl pfoducing evidence-bâsed àccounts- nris disciplinary soldiersfought. ''
enterprise is dyDarnic and Devcr cotnplete, subjecr ro h history, undcrstanding wôrld Waf I and th.
I debàteand rcvision. contribution of CâDadian soldiers rcquires more lhin
recâllhg stagnant facts about rvaf and bâttles. E! thrnr
HISTORY . " v , . . I a c r s, l o r Ùw o u l dh , r \ , n o l , i , t " . r â t ç r g n i hJ, n ,, , r
strâicgiesro developcross-cùfriculâr x,e.â(y are ilrey were not connecied together by the hisrorian in :
ùseful in helpmg students develop everydayskitts to read, nârrrtive that seelc to represetlt thc past br erprarnrnr
\vrite, and int€rpret â rànge of nedia. With sùch tech w h a t h â p p e n e d ." H i s t o f i c a l i n r e l l i g i b i t i t \ : L ô \ e n r h a l
n i q u e sa s d e c o d i n g ,s k i m m i n g , m a k i n g p r e d i . t i o n s ,a n d r " m r d . u . r e q u re i t d n o to n \ p \ I i r e n | \ ô ( r u , I I n ,
TÀBLE between
distincti0ns literacy

Y/hri e t h c l e À t u r e s . ! i h r t e x t ?( ' n a i n i . l e âL, r . $ , o P i n i o n s V/hrtistherrCumcftolrh'âLrL|oI?hit'onvimi'g?Horrisit
\ u f f n t c ! L r )I ' r L t r r à l È \ L f l r . " d r " ê l l o n r \ t r .es7

\Ihrt proccss,ererto' bie.l isbeinserpt.inedt WhiL is the scqùcn.e ofevcnis? Whnt ir. ihc .truses/'onsequen'c:r
! l' .1'r {' p od L q"d

vhrl g.od sutst cin yoù hùle nonr ihis text/Ptrssrg.? \Vhât thc.vidÈr.e tellyou ùbout th. dcrc? \\r hcn sns rt
prcdùùed? $rh3l rre the subtcxls ofthc $urce!? F'{ Lsthe ev'dcntc

H.s is trP fr{ dillerent hom rhe p'eRft]\Yhrrr'rs it lilk llr bc ihcrc?
ù J h î tn r r o u t i . w i b o u t r h ei o D i t ?
V h ù t d o , v o uL l , n ) l . t t h . i e x l ?\ ! \ ? w h â t s l o r t s l n ù L d , v o ( b e l i e r c i n ? ( ) .w h t r tg r n û t r l s ?\ ! i t f { h r t

'llolly$'ood Cfe.riivc
àt pùfticulàr timcs, blLt i trrherenL story Ln rvhicli natty measurcdand Dot f.llrciflrllile
e v c n t s . u e s k i p p e d ,o l h c r s c f e c o r l . s c e d , ù D . l t e n i p o f i l inlcfpfctationin history trust b€ rcconp.rtied by legiti_
s<tu.ncc is oltcn sùbordinxted lo crplânrtion .nd mrte usc ol the .videDcc ltxtbooks bclic historical
i n t c f p f e l r t i o n . ' : "l h e h i s t o t i . r t i h ù s n e e d sI s t 0 1. l i s c i loorccs by rvoiding Lhc hcdgirg thùt hisrofiins nr.kc
pliDary strnd:irds ;1nd nrols lo .filicrlly issess th. t f . r n s p a f c l l il n t h c i r w r i t i n e
s i g n i l i c r n c €o l t h c s e l e c t . d c v e n t s r n . l t h € p i f t i c u l . r f 1 ) c v c l o p i r gh i s l o f i c n l l i t c r â c y r l c c c s s i l ù t e3s p . r r t i c -
p c L s p e c l i ! cr n d b d i c l l ( t h ù t h e b f i n g s t o l h c s t u c t y L h . 1 ulir modc of (llgrging wiih histoLl bolh in tcfms ol
i s ,h i s o $ t p o s i t i o r r r l i l Y . e!iclfl)ce .rrr.l niÛ ûii!c. V/htn slNlcnts .uc ch.rllcnge.llo
I l u t u D l i k e o i h c f t l P c s o l s t o r i e s ,i h c û n . t j v c o l r h i n l i l i k c h i s t u i t n s l h c y n n l s l t i ( l i l c a s c f i c so l e s s c n t i r l
hisi(r'y is dcpqxLort upon onPificrl cviddrcc dcriv.d q ù e s t i o n st h i r l . I n n o l b e . t s w c r f t l w i L h c l a s s ù D l nt c r t s
l r ) n r n m r ( c s i h r t D L r s tb e r n t r l l Z c d( r f r l L r l l y w i i h x d n l ) r n d c r o s s . u l r ' i c u l . i l i t c r c Ï s l i i l l s .D c l i n i n g c o n i f r r u ù l -
s o D s cd i h i s t ( r i i : r l lp f f $ p c . i i v c r , l ( l c n t P r l h y .i \ s W i n d m r g i z o d h i s i ù i ( a l ! c . r d i n g ,\ \ ' f i t i n g , l n d t h i n l ( i n g i s r r r o f c
o b s c f l c s , l c x t s r f c n o t l i l c l c s ss t r i n g s o f l r d s . . W o f d s ( o p l i c . r i i l dl h r n s i t r r P i yo u t l i n i n gt r s c t o l h c u f i s { r c sr s n )
h x l o t ( x l u r c r l r d s h ù p c ,x n d i i i s t h c j r i l n r o s i t i ( 1 i 1 . nruch dqrcDds orr thc qucsti(nrs, tho tci(ts, rncl (he
q u r r l i t yl h ù t l . l s ù ' . d t r s s c u l p l i n u g e s o i r h c r u l h o r s w l r ( ' (nnext. SLill, it is Possiblf tô oullil!c annc rn lho
uscthen\."' ln oihcf w,)ûs, histoficrltrxls do tot sPtxli q u u d i d r s t h r i h i s l o i i x n sb r i n g t o t h c l r s k :
on owi).'lh.l, hrle thcir owt sulÎcxls xs hutrrtr l . U s c o l i D q ù i r y : H o w d o w c l t o $ r i b o u t U r ) r ' l ' \l v r f I ?
ù r t c l à c i sw i t h h i c n i i n l c r t n t l , r \ o t i v c r n d p u r P Ô s cn 1 c , v 2. Need of signilicrncc. Why is it imPort.rrl to study
inusi be sel(.ctcd,irL€rfogi1c.1,contcxturlizcd, (,ùPùfc.i, V / o r l dW L r rI ? l h c C d ] r , r d ittrr. o n t l i b u t n n t o i l l
ù n d s o n r c t i n e sd i s n i s s e . l d o P o l . l i u go n t h c c d n t i ' \ t o r t h c rl. Role of scu/identity: l low does nly i.lcntiLy shaPcille
ifgùùrerrl pfcsentedb-vùe hislofian $ry I eùgngcwiih thc Pasi?
q. Sense of enrpâthy: Whri ii lile to bc sokliers
Th'ough c.rfciirl enprlhcti. reâdirtg ot !rr,ous
Cùnùdiin, Bfitish .nd Gofmàn sourccs (looLr
is rble to iùaginc to fe_enr.t rvh.l il ('ùs lilie b!.k 5. Usc of eviderce, \\rhit evidetcc do we hrvc lLl.\l
" s h o c LL t roops o{ lhc Lnpire/ lhw
t h c r â n d û , r L c ù c o r v l l r c i n g e v i d e i ) c cb x s e . l r r g u ù r c t l l C a n r d i à r l sw È r e
"re-enù.trble" !f. lhe sotrfces use.l? V hât
o n t h e u n i q u . C r D â d i . r ns v s i e D o l ù ' a g i n g w ù r ' l n t L l e
s e c o n dv o l û m e a l o n e ,h e d e d i . a t e s1 ) ol c s s t L 1 ù n5 9 p ù g e s persp,rctive(s)do thcy (re)Pfescnt?
t o f o o t n o t e sâ n d r c f c r e D c e s,;r k e y t e x L u r co f h i s t o r i . i l 6. l!ùportànce of c.rusatn'r: What sere lhc (âuses à|d
w f i l l n g t h i t h a s s o m e h o w m , v s i e r i o u s l yd i s â p p e a r c d cÊects of thc selectedcvents/
" 7. Conne.tioD lo thc Presen. lD whùt $'rys does thc
f f o ù s . h ô , r l t c x t b o o k s .( l o t r c e P l sâ r d i d e â s l i k c
" t r e n c hs y s t . m , " ^ \ o N l c n ' sL â r r d , "â n c l ' r n l i c o n presenl shafc the $ay we make scnseot' lhe \sâr? How
scriptidi crkis" cnefge ffom à Pârticulaf Yrorld War i is the prcscnt ir conthuily ttilh the!?
c o n t e x t t h à t C o o k s k i L f ù l l vb r i D g s t o l i t . T h i s d y n a m i c S. Role ofjudgnentr Why should t believe in til€ .rfgu
interplal bctù,een the tcxts ând language ot thc pâst àird mcnt pfesentc.i by Cook? Witir whât rescrvàtion?
C o o k ' o w n i n t c r p r e t â l i v el c n s p r o d u c c st n î c c o u n t t h i l \ Y h à t i s t L l em o r a l o f h i s s l o f Y ?
l v o i d s i r - pp r e s e n t i s l n t c r p r e h t i o n s .C o o k l a c c o n n ti s 9. Lânguâge of history: How do we use aDd deàl with
nore yivid lnd conpelling thàD.rny tc{tbook, yct the languàg. ofthÊ pàst?How do we rePresentit?
0I HrsToRtcÀL
t|ÎÊnacy,LEAR GT0rHtrl(LtXElISToRtÀr{S

10.Use ofhistoricâl nârrâtiv€r Whâr is rhe organization ' As ân examplcof this literacytrend, seethc inrfoduction
and stfucture of a convincing story? How arc historicâl Ontrfio Minist.I of Educàtion,Ttiuk Liretuc!: CrôN C\ftn-
nârratives difiercnt fron/sim ilû r to historicâ1 n oveis? utdt Appna.res Grader 7t, (Toronto:eùeent printer fo.
Helping our studcnrs learn ro answer rhese (ànd O n t a f i o , 2 0 0 31) ',5 .
'rany other such) questions provides one, perhaps thc ! Sam V\vineburg, Historical thiikittg 44à Other LIn"|turdl
n1ostelïc€tive way of introducing them ro the power ànd Acts: C:harti.tgthe Iùtut. o.fTea(hirgth? past. (lhllâdelphia:
iimits olhistoricâl thinking Geetàble 1).} Schoolsare in â TetnplêUùivesity Prèss,2001),79.
privilegcd positioD to châll€Dgc populaa intuftive ideas
aboùt the pàst that students bring to clâsswirh "Ân oricn llowàrd (jamcr & Veftntica Boii lvlânsilla,"Tcùching fol
tation to the past inforned iry disciplhâry c.rnons of Uftlcrstanding in th€ DGcidincs .\nd Belond,' in Tre
DerclapnerLdnd Educatioro/tr. rutl, .d. H. caùrer (
eviden(e and rules of a.gùment."! Of course, very few
York:Ro(tledge,2006),147.().igiDalworkpùblishedin 1994
students $'il1 ever gfow into histofians like Coo(, or even
contemplatc the profession,but nltroducing them to the NOrtârio iUinistr)'oi Edu.ariotl.(2004).Liten.!
"rùles Jor L.dtnin!:
of the gnme" hclps novices dev€lop morc soptristi- RepatxoI th( Erpe Pdrcl o, Liteturr itr Cimtles4 h 6 in
catcd ideis ând stories thaD pfovided by popul.rr cuttufe Orkrb, 5. sec llso EarbaraMoss,"Nlatringâ c$e rhd a pircc
and other sites of nlcmory. [âccd with ûnfànriliÀr lôr elfectivccontehta.calitc cy instmctionin th€ eternentÀrI
docunents or conflicting âccounts on !n issue, smocnls Ètndes,'me R.t.lihgT.a.h.[ 59 (2005),46-55.
who havc developedhistoricâl bettcr cqLripped ' Ont.rioMinistryof Ed(carior,Likta.t
ft, t,earrirg,t oj
to re,1dnnd qLtcstion them ànd judge their nerit than thc EîpetL1\lelak Litera.:!ih (rad61b6 ht(r1ùiia,S.
thosc who reiyon the â{0rdrnces olevcrydaylife.
Whcn we conlpare how stud€nts ând historiÂns lbny Taylor, 'l]|o|n l-listory Horfof Sro.ies to HisbLic.l
ongagelvith thc prst, w€ âfti in I b€tter position tu dcfine LitctÀcy, ilonash Mdg.i,? (2004),2. Itetficvcdon May 5,
2010lk,n httpr/^!vw.mo11,!.ruhubs/monmâg/i$sucu-
tlrogtessioy itr historicâl lerflling. School history is srill 2004rrews/h istoryhtn I
d o m i n a t c d b y â s t o r y , r c l l i n g a p p r o û c ht o r h e n a t i o n À l
past with approved tcxtbooks that sâDciion whât ought ' scc Howdkl c.rtltrcr, ?ra urtrlLaoledMitit: Hor)
t o b c l e , i r n c d- o r d i s D r i s s c dI.h e y t e n d t o b e w r i t t c n i n nntk akl tlaw schaolsSrto,l.l (Ncw y('t,Itasic Bool$,
rn ruthoriiativc voice without refcrcnce to thc vary 2001),17?-I75.
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