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K to 12 Basic Education Program

Wellness Massage




The course provides varied and relevant activities and opportunities to determine
learners‟ understanding of concepts and to demonstrate core competencies as
prescribed in TESDA Training Regulation in Wellness Massage. Thus, it aims to provide
quality service to target clients alongside of assessing the learners as to the aspects of
business that they may need to strengthen and safeguard before they become part of
the health care provider sector.

This module is specifically crafted to focus on the different activities that will assess
learners‟ level in terms of skills and knowledge to be demonstrated. This learning
material will surely make the learners a certified health care provider – well-equipped
and knowledge ready.

Thus, you need to orient learners on the following:

 Entrepreneurship-based Technology and Livelihood Education curriculum
 Parts of the module
 How to use the module


This is a TLE Home Economics, WELLNESS MASSAGE, consists of core
competencies that a learner must achieve. This course is designed to develop
knowledge, skills and attitude to provide health care. The course covers the following as
prescribed in the TESDA Training Regulation.

1. Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies

2. Environment and Market
3. Basic wellness Massage Techniques

The learner demonstrates understanding of principles and key concepts in
Wellness Massage.

The learner independently develops the skills in basic massage techniques and
demonstrates the core competencies in Wellness Massage as prescribed in TESDA
Training Regulation.

The competencies expressed as learning outcomes in this teaching guide are the
exact competencies that will be used to assess the learners for them to secure a
Certificate of Completion (COC) or a National Certificate (NC) in WELLNESS

As facilitator of learning, strategically teach the competencies spread out in the

module; be a model or guide in performing the activities; process understanding; and
assist in applying what learners have learned to an entirely new context.

In utilizing effective teaching methodology and strategies suitable to the learning

needs and requirements of the learners, the following are the competencies that should
be mastered by learners after finishing this module.
 Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECs)
 Business Environment and Business Ideas
 Basic wellness Massage Techniques

At the end of this module, the students are expected to:

 Demonstrate understanding of Personal Entrepreneurial Competence
(PEC‟s) and align them with the competencies of a successful
 Explain key concepts in Wellness Massage;
 Discuss the relevance of the course; and,
 Explain the opportunities for Wellness Massage as a career.

Learners are expected to have prior knowledge of Wellness Massage after
completing the grades 7/8 and 9 as prerogative stages of the course. On this stage,
underscore the on-the-job (OJT) training as ultimate test of skills. Emphasize that this
activity will be the gate way to COC as a requirement to further studies in Wellness
Massage in Grade 11 and 12.

The following are short descriptions of each quarter.
Quarter I Emphasizes on planning the wellness program of the clients. The
history of massage during the early century is also discussed. This will
also help the massage therapist to know what kind of treatment he/she
will give to the client.
Quarter II Explores two major developments in the therapeutic massage and
bodywork. Provides pre-service to wellness massage.
Quarter III / IV Focuses on developing skills of students on the different massage
strokes and techniques through different Demonstration and return
demonstration. Before the end of Quarter IV, On-the-Job (OJT) training
shall be undertaken as part of the requirements for COC.


Present some friendly reminders in using the module. Use this part as a moment of
reflection in going onto the different pages. Get the learners be familiar in each
episodes. Again, underscore the number 6 reminder - to handle the module with utmost


A diagnostic test precedes the activities in the module. Prepare materials necessary
to accomplish the tests in each learning episode. Complete the diagnostic test before
leading the learners through the activities. The diagnostic test determines how much
your learners know about the lessons in the module and identifies the areas learners
ought to learn more. Assist to check and to analyze score in relation to learning needs.

Assess learners‟ prior knowledge and skills in Wellness Massage using:

 Paper and pencil test
 Performance test
 Other appropriate tools

Check their answers using the answer key on this Teachers Guide.

Now, ask the learners to answer the Diagnostic test.


Test I. Multiple Choice
Direction: Choose the letter that best describes the statement. Write the answers on
your quiz notebook.

1. Some massage therapists focus on the shifts in awareness and psychological

insight that can be brought about with massage.

A. Transformational or psychotherapeutic massage

B. Pampering
C. Sports Massage
D. Relaxation/stress/ stress reduction.

2. Modern massage techniques have evolved mainly from a system developed by a

Swedish physiologist called Per Henrik Ling (1776–1839).
A. „effleurage‟,
B. „petrissage‟,
C. „vibration‟,
D. „ventilation

3. The part of personal information form which indicate whether massage will be helpful
to this client and will influence the type of massage to be given,
A. Past Personal Information
B. Past Medical History
C. Present Medical History
D. Present Personal Information

4. This refers to the type of massage treatment that might be found in some spa and
hair salons.
A. Transformational or psychotherapeutic massage
B. Pampering
C. Sports Massage
D. Relaxation/stress/ stress reduction

5. As early as 3000 BC, the _____nationalities practiced massage to cure ailments and
improve general health?
A. Chinese
B. Japanese
C. Vietnamese
D. Swedish

6. Around 500 BC the Greek physician _____ used massage with oils and herbs to treat
medical conditions and diseases.
A. Herodicus
B. Abacus
C. Hepartacus
D. Eherodicus

7. This is the most widely used form of massage used for relaxation.
A. body massage
B. stone massage
C. sports massage
D. pregnancy massage

8. It is defines as simply the exchange of messages by human beings,

A. Communication Process
B. Communication Problem
C. Communication Standards
D. miscommunication

9. As the communication process continues, it becomes a communication ___.

A. cycle
B. stroke
C. routine
D. requirement

10. It is often said that human communication consist of

A. 93% body language while only 7% of communication consists of words
B. 95% body language while only 5% of communication consists of words
C. 90% body language while only 10% of communication consists of words
D. 80% body language while only 20% of communication consists of words

11. Client consultation is being done by whom?

A. doctor
B. dentist
C. specialist
D. therapist

12. Do not make false claims for treatments, but explain the benefits _____.
A. unfairly
B. practically
C. preferably
D. realistically.

13. Before picking up a phone you should discontinue to ______.

A. breathe chewing gum
C. talk
D. smile

14. Type of massage wherein the hand is placed over the area and vibrated either up
and down or from side to side. The action produces vibrations in the underlying
A. Vibration
B. Pounding
C. Frictions
D. Cupping

15. The type of massage strokes in which pressure is applied to the tissues.
A. Vibration
B. Knead
C. Beating
D. Petrissage

16. Massage strokes that skims the surface of the tissues.

A. Vibration
B. Effleurage
C. Beating
D. Petrissage

17. A manipulation technique that lifts the muscle away from the bone and
moves it from side to side in a rocking manner.
A. Vibration
B. Effleurage
C. Muscle rolling
D. Petrissage

18. Massage strokes where the hands strike the tissues.

A. Vibration
B. Effleurage
C. Tapotement
D. Petrissage

19. _____ helps eliminate the toxins from the body.

A. juice
B. tea
C. water
D. wine

20. Kind of food that helps the body to concentrate on healing.

A. light healthy meal
B. heavy healthy meal
C. more vegetables
D. juicy

21. This should be avoided for about 24 hours before performing aftercare services.
A. alcohol
B. exercise
C. too much eating
D. drinking plenty of water

22. After treatment you will usually feel

A. startle
B. creepy
C. canny
D. relaxed

23. The most common body reactions in the aftercare services.

A. aching/soreness of muscles
B. tiredness
C. heightened emotional state
D. dizzy

24. A word which means anything that can cause harm.

A. Risk
B. Danger
C. Hazard
D. Warning

25. Safest substance found in spa salon

A. Oil
B. Disinfectant
C. Powders
D. Water

26. In the 5‟s methodology Seiketsu is the Japanese term for ________.
A. standardize
B. self-discipline
C. seiri - sort
D. sweep

27. The translated English word for seiri is ________.

A. sort
B. sweep
C. self-discipline
D. systematize

28. This can be done as an introduction to massage for clients who may not come in for
an office massage, or can be a continuing form of stress-reduction therapy when
done on a regular basis, as in the office setting
A. Chair Massage
B. Pampering
C. Chiropractic adjunct
D. Relaxation/stress/ stress reduction

29. Different origins of the word massage are the following except one,
A. mass
B. masser
C. mass’h
D. massege

30. This detail will enable you to contact the client quickly should you
need to cancel or change an appointment or for any other reason.
A. personal details
B. doctors record
C. physical records
D. school records

II.TRUE or FALSE. Write T if the statement is true and F if false.

_______31. Drink plenty of water to hydrate & flush toxins.
_______32. You may feel a little light headed after the hot stone massage & body
massage aftercare.
_______33. Home care advice is very beneficial for the client, as it involves them in the
treatment and encourages them to take control of their condition.
_______34. Immediate bathing should be avoided, at least 6 hrs. after the service is
being advised.
_______35. Aftercare products may include but is not limited herbal products and body
_______36. Eat light, easy to digest meals.

________37. For the tense, overworked client she may be advised to reduce workload,
that s/he makes time to rest, takes a relaxing bath and goes to bed early.
_______38. Deep breathing exercises are helpful to everyone as they increase the
intake of oxygen and the elimination of carbon dioxide.
_______39. After any massage, spa or holistic treatment, try to rest and relax for the
rest of the day, if not, for a few hours at least.
_______40. Making the clients feel welcome and at home with a friendly “Hello is a
nice gesture or strategy used in rebooking clients.

III. Fill in the blanks.

Direction: Choose your answer from the box and write it on the space provided.
41. _______ is the chance, great or small that someone will be harmed by the hazard.
42. _______ is technique of using a large towel or sheet to keep you covered while
you‟re getting a massage.
43. An ______ is a region of the body in which nerves arteries, or vein lay close to the
body‟s surface.
44. The time to gather and exchange information with the client is called _____.
45. _______refers to standards and conducts of behavior of an individual or
professional group.
46. __________refers to the type of massage treatment that might be found in some
spa and hair salons.
47. Massage is thought to increase _____ which is desirable in many conditions.
48. _________ is the name of a workplace organization method that uses a list of five
Japanese words.
49. To gain the _____ of clients and establish an excellent reputation.
50. A customer first impression of your practice is formed during their first ____ of
contact over the phone or in person

draping endangerment site risk ethics

blood flow 5’s methodology consultation confidence
interpersonal communication pampering

Answer Key:
1. A 21. A TEST III
2. A 22. D 41. risk
3. C 23. A 42. draping
4. B 24. A 43. endangerment site
5. A 25. A 44. consultation
6. A 26. A 45. ethics
7. A 27. A 46. pampering
8. A 28. A 47. confidence
9. A 29. D 48.5‟s methodology
10. A 30. A 49. blood flow
11. D Test II 50. interpersonal communication
12. D 31. TRUE
13. B 32. TRUE
14. A 33. TRUE
15. D 34. TRUE
16. B 35. TRUE
17. C 36. TRUE
18. C 37. TRUE
19. C 39. TRUE
20. A 40. TRUE

Reading Resources and Instructional Activities

 Guide learners in answering the guide questions and performing the activities to
measure how much they know about the topic.
 Let the learners share their experiences to the class.
 Process learners‟ responses, let them reflect, revise or rethink their understanding

Personal Entrepreneurial Competencies (PECs)

Grade Level Standard:

This is a specialization course which leads to Wellness Massage National

Certificate Level II (NC II). It covers two (2) core competencies that a Grade 10
Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) student ought to possess, namely: 1)
communicate effectively using the English language; and 2) deliver quality
customer service.
The preliminaries of this specialization course include the following: 1)
discussion on the relevance of the course; 2) explanation of key concepts relative
to the course and; 3) exploration on career opportunities.

Content Standard

The learner demonstrates understanding of one‟s Personal Entrepreneurial

Competencies in Wellness Massage.

Performance Standard

The learner independently creates a plan of action that strengthens and or

further develops his/her PECs in Wellness Massage.

Learning Competencies

Develop and strengthen PECs needed in Wellness Massage.

I. Introduction
This teacher‟s guide will lead you to effectively and efficiently teach Module
1. Moreover, this will guide you in determining relevant and appropriate teaching
techniques and strategies that will tailor fit to the learning needs and demands of
the learners to make them best understand, appreciate and be inspired in realizing
the importance of entrepreneurship and the entrepreneurial competencies related
to Wellness Massage.
This module will also provide learners an opportunity to know that individuals
possess different PECs. These PECs include characteristics, attributes, lifestyles,
skills, or traits that make a person different from others. Likewise, when one aligns
these competencies with the competencies of successful practitioners or
entrepreneurs, he or she may become ready to face the experiences of starting a

business or being employed.

Moreover, the module is designed to stimulate the learners mind to think
about entrepreneurship and its role in the business community and in economic
and social development.

II. Objectives

With your assistance and the guidance of this module, learners are
expected to understand the underlying principles and concepts of PECs more
particularly in:
- identifying areas for improvement, development and growth;
- aligning learners‟ PECs according to their business or career choice; and
- creating a plan of action that ensures success in their business or career choice.

III. Presentation of Content

 Guide learners in appreciating and understanding PECs in order to be
successful in business or in the world of work by sharing / telling them inspiring
real-life stories of successful businessman and or well-known workers in the
field of Wellness Massage in your province.
 Explain to learners the importance of assessing their PECs.
 Guide learners in understanding the importance of entrepreneurs and
 Guide learners in identifying and comprehending the objectives of Module 1.
 Use the sample pre-assessment test available in the learners‟ materials or craft
a comprehensive teacher-made test to assess learner‟s prior knowledge and
skills in PECs.
 Evaluate the result of the pre-assessment and prepare a plan of action to
strategically address the learning needs and requirements of the learners.
Guide Questions
 Have learners actively perform Task 2, and let them share their answers and
relevant experiences to the class.
 Process learners‟ understanding on the guide questions presented on Task 2.
Learning Goals and Target
 Help learners in utilizing available technology / resources in planning their own

learning goals and targets as reflected on page 4.

Group Activity
 Group the learners, then ask them perform task 3. Let them share their thoughts
with the class.
 Process learners‟ understanding and guide them in arriving at a relevant and
acceptable generalization.

IV. Know, Process, Reflect and Understand, and Transfer

 Assist learners in individually accomplishing task 6 (Preparation of a Plan of
Action) on page 12. Let them craft their own plan of action intelligently. Have
learners present this in class.
 Process their understanding.
 Guide learners in answering the essential questions presented in task 7 on page
 Have learners share their answers with the class, and then process their
 Provide learners more concrete example and enrichment activities to further
deepen their understanding about PECs and its importance in day-to-day living
as future entrepreneurs or employees.
 Provide learners applicable activities whereby they can transfer to the
community what they have learned.
 Let learners use available resources in the community to accomplish the task.

V. Feedback

Pre / Post Assessment

1. E 6. B
2. K 7. C
3. H 8. I
4. A 9. D
5. J 10. F

VI. References

1. Module 5, Project EASE, Effective and Affordable Secondary Education


Grade Level Standard

This is a specialization course which leads to Contact Center Services

National Certificate Level II (NC II). It covers two (2) core competencies that a
Grade 10 Technology and Livelihood Education (TLE) student ought to possess,
namely: 1) communicate effectively using the English language and 2) deliver
quality customer service.
The preliminaries of this specialization course include the following:
1) discussion on the relevance of the course, 2) explanation of key concepts
relative to the course, and 3) exploration on career opportunities.
Content Standard

The learner demonstrates understanding of environment and market in

Wellness Massage in one‟s province.

Performance Standard
The learner independently creates a business vicinity map reflective of
potential market in Wellness Massage in a province.

Learning Competencies

 Develop a quality and marketable product or service in Wellness Massage

 Select a business idea based on the criteria and techniques set
 Develop a brand for the product

V. Introduction
People who aspire to start a business need to explore the economic, cultural,
and social conditions prevailing in an area. Needs and wants of the people in a
certain area that are not met may be considered as business opportunities.
Identifying the needs of the community, its resources, available raw materials, skills,
and appropriate technology can help a new entrepreneur in seizing a business

To be successful in any kind of business venture, potential entrepreneurs

should always look closely at the environment and market. They should always be
watchful on the existing opportunities and constraints. The opportunities in the
business environment are those factors that provide possibilities for a business to
expand and make more profits. Constraints, on the other hand, are those factors that
limit the business to grow, hence reduce the chance of generating profit. One of the
best ways to evaluate the opportunities and constraints is to conduct Strengths,
Weakness, Opportunities and Threats (SWOT) Analysis.

VI. Objectives

With your assistance and guidance in facilitating this module, learners are
expected to understand the underlying principles and concepts of environment
and market more particularly in:
- identifying what is of “value” to the customer,
- identifying the customer to sell to,
- explaining what makes a product unique and competitive,
- applying creativity and innovative techniques to develop marketable product,
- employing a unique selling proposition (USP) to the product and or service.

VII. Presentation of Content

 Using appropriate activities, lead learners in giving value to environment and
market and its implication to be successful in a business related to Wellness
 Guide learners in understanding the importance of environment and market;
likewise, lead them in appreciating the value of SWOT Analysis.
 Provide relevant, appropriate, and meaningful examples of SWOT Analysis
pertaining to Wellness Massage.
 Help learners in presenting the importance of assessing their immediate

environment and market pertaining to Wellness Massage.

 Using your processing and questioning skills, guide learners in coming up with
a generalization about the environment and market and its relationship to a
successful field of Wellness Massage.
 Guide learners in identifying and understanding the objectives of this module.
 Use the sample pre-assessment test available in the learner‟s materials or
craft a comprehensive teacher-made test to assess learner‟s prior knowledge
and skills in environment and market.
 Evaluate the result of the pre-assessment and prepare a plan of action to
strategically address the learning needs and requirements of the learners.
Guide Questions
 Ask learners to perform task 2 and guide them in presenting their answers to
the class.
 Process learners‟ responses and guide them in making appropriate
Learning Goals and Target
 Help learners in planning their own learning goals and target as reflected on
page 18.
 Provide enrichment activities and guide them in analyzing available resources
and technology in the community to be used in accomplishing their learning
goals and targets.

VIII. Know, Process, Reflect and Understand, and Transfer

Product development
 Discuss product development, concept of developing a product, finding
value, innovation, unique selling proposition, and its relationship to
environment and market and business at large.
 Let learners participate in the discussion on the aforementioned topics.
Assist and/or guide learners in presenting their ideas and relevant
 Design varied levels of learning activities for the learners to better
understand the topics related above.
 Guide learners in reflecting on the importance of product development,
concept of developing a product, finding value, innovation, and unique

selling proposition.
 Design an assessment to evaluate learners‟ knowledge, skills, and
understanding of the previous topics.
 Use the result of the assessment in designing / developing learning
activities that will enrich learners‟ understanding.
 Guide learners in accomplishing task 3 on pages 24 to 25. Let them
conduct a research by interviewing a successful entrepreneur or
practitioner within the province.
 Have learners present their research to the class. Process their
understanding in relation to the objectives of this module.
Reflect and Understand
 Inspire learners to deepen their understanding about the environment and
market by carefully watching the videos related to the prescribed topics on
task 4 on page 25.
 After watching the videos, let them prepare a comprehensive narrative
report on the topics they watched.
 Encourage learners to present their accomplishments to the class.
 Process learners‟ understanding in relation to the objectives of this module.
 Guide learners in developing concepts for their own product or service as
reflected on task 5 on page 26.
 Assist learners in analyzing and utilizing available resources in developing
their concept of their own product or service.
 Evaluate learners‟ output by referring to teacher-made rubrics which is
aligned to the performance standards.
 Let learners eloquently share and present their output with the class.
 Lead learners in reflecting on the importance of product conceptualization.
Generating Ideas for Business
 Let learners read and understand topics related to generating ideas for
business, selecting a business idea, and branding.
 Let learners undergo varied levels of learning activities to better appreciate
the importance of generating ideas for business, selecting a business idea,
and branding.
 Process learners‟ understanding relative to the objectives of this module.

 Lead learners in reflecting on their SWOT Analysis and its importance in

generating business ideas by engaging them in learning opportunities for
interaction with others outside the classroom and with the use of
 Instruct learners to enrich their knowledge on SWOT Analysis by
conducting researches.
 Provide an appropriate type of assessment to evaluate learners‟
understanding of the SWOT Analysis. Use the result of the assessment to
craft more appropriate and productive learning activities.
 Assist learners in performing task 6 (SWOT Analysis).
 Evaluate / Assess learners‟ output and check it against the objectives of
this module.
Reflect and Understand
 Let learners work on an independent learning activity or cooperative
learning (ICL) in accomplishing task 7 (Extra Readings and Video Viewing)
on page 33.
 Assist learners in presenting their output. Assess the evidence of learning
and provide useful input to improve their output.
 Have learners prepare task 8 (Designing a Logo). Assist learners in
accomplishing this task by letting them adhere to their real life experience.
 Assess learners‟ output using teacher-made rubrics following the standards
and objectives of this module.
 Have learners prepare task 9 (Making My Own Vicinity Map). Guide
learners in creating their own vicinity map reflective of potential market in
Wellness Massage in your province. Ask them to present their output and
process their understanding by asking relevant and essential questions.
 Assess learners‟ output using teacher-made rubrics following the standards
and objectives of this module.

V – Feedback

Pre / Post Assessment

1. D 6. D
2. C 7. B
3. A 8. C
4. B 9. D
5. A 10. D

VI – References

8. Module 5, Project EASE, Effective and Affordable Secondary Education




Remind your class of the following target for this quarter. Provide brief discussion for
each objective.

General Objectives
At the end of this quarter, learners are expected to:

 Discuss the concept of wellness.

 Confirm wellness massage program.
 Update the client‟s records.
 Evaluate the client‟s satisfaction.
 Check workplace qualities and procedure.

Let’s See What You Know

Pre – Test 1
A. Let’s try... Multiple Choice
Directions: Choose the letter of the correct answer. Write the letter of your choice in
your quiz notebook.

1. This refers to the type of massage treatment that might be found in some spa
and hair salons.

A. Transformational or psychotherapeutic massage

B. Pampering
C. Sports Massage
D. Relaxation/stress/ stress reduction

2. As early as 3000 BC, the ______ practiced massage to cure ailments and
improve general health.

A. Chinese
B. Japanese
C. Vietnamese
D. Swedish
3. The Greek physician who used massage with oils and herbs to treat
medical conditions and diseases.

A. Herodicus
B. Abacus
C. Hepartacus
D. Eherodicus

4. The most widely used form of massage used for relaxation.

A. body massage
B. stone massage
C. sports massage
D. pregnancy massage

5. This rapidly growing field encompasses athletic training massage, and massage
designed to help an athlete prepare for competition and recover from competing.
A. Transformational or psychotherapeutic massage
B. Pampering
C. Sports Massage
D. Relaxation/stress/ stress reduction

6. The lymphatic drainage system removes excess

A. fats
B. fluid
C. water
D. sweat from all over the body, returning it into the bloodstream

7. This can be done as an introduction to massage for clients who may not come in
for an office massage, or can be a continuing form of stress- reduction therapy
when done on a regular basis, as in the office setting
A. Chair Massage
B. Pampering
C. Chiropractic adjunct
D. Relaxation/stress/ stress reduction

8. This details will enable you to contact the client quickly should you need to
cancel or change an appointment or for any other reason.
A. personal records
B. doctors records
C. physical records
D. school records

9. This is the most common kind of massage, relaxation or stress reduction massage
includes the types of treatments common in resorts, spas, private offices and client‟s

A. Chair Massage
B. Pampering
C. Chiropractic adjunct
D. Relaxation/stress/ stress reduction

10. Some massage therapists focus on the shifts in awareness and psychological
insight that can be brought about with massage.
A. Transformational or psychotherapeutic massage
B. Pampering
C. Sports Massage
D. Relaxation/stress/ stress reduction.

11. Per Henrik Ling developed a system of passive and active exercises known as
„Swedish Remedial Gymnastics‟ and also a system of massage movements. Ling
used the terms, except one (1)
A. „effleurage‟,
B. „petrissage‟,
C. „vibration‟,
D. „ventilation

12. These details will indicate whether massage will be helpful to this client and will
influence the type of massage to be given,
A. Past Personal Information
B. Past Medical History
C. Present Medical History
D. Present Personal Information

13. A massage that releases the chronic patterns of tension in the body. It uses slow
strokes and deep pressure with the use of fingers, thumbs or elbows on
contracted areas, either following or going across the grain of muscles, tendons
and fascia. It can be used for specific work or full-body.
A. deep tissue massage
B. stone massage
C. sports massage
D. hand massage

14. Different origin of the word massage are the following except one,
A. mass
B. mass’h
C. masser
D. massege

15. These details indicate whether massage would be suitable for the client. They will
also provide information regarding the client‟s previous experience of massage.

A. Massage Analysis
B. Arabic Analysis
C. Therapeutic Analysis
D. Psychological Analysis

16. All are included in the five elements of balance except

A. water
B. metal
C. earth
D. air

17. Which statement is true?

A. metal controls wood
B. earth controls fire
C. fire controls wood
D. wood controls metal

18. _______details that will enable to contact the client quickly.

A. massage analysis
B. personal details
C. contra-indication
D. other information

19. A kind massage that uses heated stones during the treatment
A. deep tissue massage
B. sports massage
C. reflexology
D. stone massage

20. The following programs can be offered in a massage salon except.

A. pedicure
B. manicure
C. weight management
D. face surgery

Answer key
1. A 6. B 11. A 16. D
2. A 7. A 12. C 17. A

3. A 8. A 13. A 18. B
4. A 9. A 14. D 19. D
5. C 10. D 15. A 20. C

Enhancement activity
Time Travel: Let’s create a general history of massage using the given timeline.

3000 B.C. 1800 B.C. 500 B.C. 500 A.D – 1400 A.D
Chinese practiced massage A sacred book called the - The practice of massage
This year was
spread from the east into
to cure ailments and Ayur –Veda (The art of considered the
Europe, and it was well
improve general health. life)this describes how Dark Ages. Little is
Same year, Japan used shampooing and rubbing -The Greek physician known about
similar techniques which were used to reduce Herodicus used massage massage or health
they called tsubo and now fatigue and promote with oils and herbs to treat and beauty
popularly known as well-being and medical conditions and practices
shiatsu. cleanliness. diseases.
throughout the
Dark and middle

1776-1839 1517 – 90 1450 A.D.
Dr. Johan Mezgner, a dutch
Per Henrik Ling, a The French surgeon Renaissance period
physician, developed
Swedish physiologist Ambroise Pare (rebirth). Interest in the
massage for use in
developed a system of promoted and arts and sciences
rehabilitation and used it
passive and active developed the use flourished and there
successfully to treat many
exercises known as massage. He is reputed was
diseases and disorders. His
“Swedish Remedial to have successfully renewed interest in
theories, based on sound
Gymnastics”. treated Mary health practices.
scientific principles
Queen of Scots. Massage was once again
became accepted advocated and
ss medical practice. practiced

1894 1968
A group of women founded The first full –time course was
the society of Trained offered in colleges of further
Masseuses. Rules and education. The British Association
regulations for training and of Beauty Therapists and
examinations for qualifying Cosmetologists, The International
were established. These Health and Beauty Council and
women raised standards and other organizations also
fought to establish massage developed courses and offered
as a profession. certificates and diplomas.

Enhancement Activity 2
Define the following ailment.

 Cardio Vascular problem – health problem related to the increased in blood

 Allergic reactions – exaggerated sensibility to an environmental substance or
sensory stimulus.
 Fragile Skin – thin skin causing open wounds particularly with diabetic patient
 Under healing process – any injury or damage to the tissues or fractures of
bones must be allowed to heal
 A pin or plate is inserted in your bone – a metal that is inserted inside the
body to stabilize bones and joints

Note: This activity would be best to do as homework/ assignment so that the students
may ask their parents for an accurate answer.

Answers may vary.

Let’s See How Much You Learned

Post Test 1
Identify essential terms or phrases that are being asked. Write your
answer on the space provided each number.

________1. This refers to the type of massage treatment that might be found in
some spa and hair salons.

________2. Who practiced massage to cure ailments and improve general health
during early as 3000 B. C.

________3. The Greek physician who used massage with oils and herbs to treat
medical conditions and diseases around 500 BC.

_________4. This is the most widely used form of massage used for relaxation.

_________5.This is the most rapidly growing field encompasses athletic training

massage, and massage designed to help an athlete prepare for
competition and recover from competing.

________ 6. This system which removes excess of fluids sweat from all over the
body, returning it into the bloodstream

_________7. This can be done as an introduction to massage for clients who may
not come in for an office massage, or can be a continuing form of
stress-reduction therapy when done on a regular basis, as in the office

__________8. These details will enable you to contact the client quickly should you
need to cancel or change an appointment or for any other reason.

__________9. This is the most common kind of massage, relaxation or stress

reduction massage includes the types of treatments common in resorts,
spas, private offices and client‟s homes.

__________10. A massage therapist which focus on the shifts in awareness and

psychological insight that can be brought about with massage.

__________11. Modern massage techniques have evolved mainly from a system

developed by a Swedish physiologist called Per Henrik Ling (1776–
__________12. These details will indicate whether massage will be helpful to this client
and will influence the type of massage to be given.

__________ 13. Releases the chronic patterns of tension in the body. It uses slow
strokes and deep pressure with the use of fingers, thumbs or elbows
on contracted areas, either following or going across the grain of
muscles, tendons and fascia. It can be used for specific work or full-

__________14. The origin of the word massage.

__________15. These details indicate whether massage would be suitable for the
client. They will also provide information regarding the client‟s previous
experience of massage.

Answer Key :

1. Pampering 11 Effleurage.
2. Chinese 12. Present Medical History
3. Herodicus 13. Deep Tissue Massage
4. Swedish Massage 14. Mash‟her
5. Sports Massage 15. Massage Analysis
6. Lymphatic Drainage
7. Chair Massage
8. Personal Details
9. Relaxation/Stress reduction Massage
10. Deep tissue massage
16-30 Complete the evaluation sheet.

Objective Identify the acupressure point area of the forehead, nose, nape and
Title: Basic Acupressure Massage
Procedure: Write down the process on how to relieve headache by using
acupressure massage.
16. Press the point area of the forehead
17. Release
18.Place your thumbs on point 1 and with a downward sliding stroke, massage
the forehead for 8 seconds starting from the centre point (pt.1)going to the
point area of the temples (pts.2 and 3)
19. Repeat the procedure for 3 times
20-24. Draw the acupressure point area of the forehead and nose.

25-27. Draw the acupressure point area of the nape and back

Classification of massage 28. ______________

29-30. Remarks/ Evaluation

Date: __________________
Learner‟s signature: _____________________

Remind your class of the following target for this quarter. Provide brief discussion for
each objective.

General Objectives
At the end of this quarter, learners are expected to:

 Conduct preliminary services to clients

 Observe good interpersonal relationship
 Evaluate the clients satisfaction

Let’s See What You Know

Pre – Test 2

I. Complete the statement by writing the correct word or phrase.

Choose the best answer from the box below.

1. The most basic and powerful way to connect to another person is to ____.
2. The _____ is a very important part of the treatment – sufficient time must be allowed
so that it is not rushed.
3 Look ______ – be clean, neat and tidy.
4. A _____ provides support to people to live well, by addressing the factors that
influence their health and well-being.
5. One of the best practices in dealing with clients is to _____ and politely to everyone.
Do not use improper language.
6. Always practice the _____ standards of personal and salon hygiene.
7. Communication is _____ when managers are surrounded with a pool of information
which is sometimes misinterpreted by the clients.
8. It is the standards and conduct of behavior of an individual or professional group.
9. Consider the _____ in which you answer or speak on the telephone. Be competent,
helpful and pleasant.
10. _____ is any message which is against their values is not accepted.
11. Do your utmost to deliver the most effective treatment ____ to the needs of the
12. In booking clients you should prepare an/a __________.
13. To gain the _____ of clients and establish an excellent reputation, be honest and
14. A customer first impression of your practice is formed during their first ____ of
contact over the phone or in person.
15. The exchange of feelings and attitude in the communication process is known as

ethics professional few seconds appointment card

listen. suited confidence consultation
interpersonal communication wellness service manner
perceptual and language differences. speak correctly highest
less effective

Direction: Read and analyze the statement carefully. Choose the nearest answer and
write the letter on the space provided.

_____ 16. A pleasant tone of voice in a telephone conversation.

A. Shout C. Speak in a very low
B. Speak clearly D. Speak very soft and

____ 17. Create a friendly working relationship with ______.

A. colleagues C. clients
B. manager D. all

_____ 18 Do not make false claims for treatments, but explain the benefits.
A. fairly D. reasonably
B. practically D. realistically.

_____19. Before picking up the receiver, ________any other conversation .

A. continue C. halt
B. discontinue D. disregard

_____ 20. It is define as simply the exchange of messages by human beings.

A. Communication Process C. Communication Standards
B. Communication Problem D. miscommunication

_____ 21. Be prepared with ________ when you answer the phone.
A. tissue paper C. information form
B. calendar D. pen and message slip

_____22. As the communication process continues, it becomes a communication ___.

A. cycle C. routine
B. stroke D. requirement

_____ 23. It is often said that human communication consist of

A. 93% body language while only 7% of communication consists of words
B. 95% body language while only 5% of communication consists of words
C. 90% body language while only 10% of communication consists of words
D. 80% body language while only 20% of communication consists of words

_____ 24. Smile and the world Smiles With

A. Us C. You
B. Others D. All

_____ 25. For the consultation the client should be seated comfortably, with the
A. doctor C. specialist
B. dentist D. therapist

Answer Key :
Test 1
1. Listen 11.Suited 21.C
2. Consultation 12. Appointment card 22.A
3. Professional 13. Trust 23.A
4. Wellness service 14. Interpersonal communication 24.C
5. Speak correctly 15. Communication 25.A
6. Highest Test II
7. Suited 16. D
8. Ethics 17. C
9. Interpersonal communication 18. D
10.Perceptual 19. B
20. A

26-30 Answer the question on a paragraph form.

In your own words define “Ethics” and how are you going to use this in your

Answers may vary

Enhancement Activity 2.0 – Role Playing

1. Group the students into 5. Then ask them to role play Enhancement Activity 2.0 –
How to book clients on pg. 62-64. Follow the steps indicated.

2. Rate the students according to his/her performance.

Let’s See How Much You Learned


Post Test 2
Direction: Read and analyze the statement below and loop the word that corresponds to
your answer.

s p e a k c o r r e c t l y a n
w e l l n e s s s e r v I c e t
p e r c e p t u a l e t h i c s
p r o f e s s i o n a L m y t h
c o r r e c t s p e a k I n g s
f I h y g i e n e w a y s a t e
o d e n c o n s u l t a t i o n
o s c o m m u n i c a t i o n a
d o u l a n o s r e p r e t n i

1. It is the standards and conduct of behavior of an individual or professional group.

2. It is the most basic and powerful way to connect to another person
3. Always practice the highest standards of personal and salon hygiene
4. It is a very important part of the treatment – sufficient time must be allowed so that it
is not rushed.
5. It should be considered in which you answer or speak on the telephone. Be
competent, helpful and pleasant.
6. It is the exchange of feelings and attitude in the communication process
7. Being clean, neat and tidy is looking
8. It provides support to people to live well, by addressing the factors that influence their
health and well-being.
9. One of the best practices in dealing with clients is to _____ and politely to everyone.
Do not use improper language.
10. It is less effective when managers are surrounded with a pool of information which is
sometimes misinterpreted by the clients.


Read and analyze the statement carefully. Choose the nearest answer and write the
letter on the space provided.

_____ 11. For the consultation the client should be seated comfortably, with the
positioned along side or opposite. The environment should feel warm and private
A. doctor
B. dentist
C. specialist
D. therapist

_____ 12. It is often said that human communication consist of

A. 93% body language while only 7% of communication consists of words
B. 95% body language while only 5% of communication consists of words
C. 90% body language while only 10% of communication
consists of words themselves
D. 80% body language while only 20% of communication consists of
words themselves
_____13. Do not make false claims for treatments, but explain the benefits
______. Be honest when advertising.

A. fairly
B. practically
C. reasonably
D. realistically.

_____ 14. Before picking up the receiver, __________ conversation or activity such
as eating chewing gum, typing etc. that may be heard
by the calling party.
A. continue
B. discontinue
C. halt
D. disregard
_____ 15. It is defines as simply the exchange of messages by human beings,
A. Communication Process
B. Communication Standards
C. Communication Problem
D. miscommunication

_____ 16. Be prepared with _______ message slip when you answer the
A. tissue paper
B. calendar

C. information form
D. pen and message slip

_____ 17. As the communication process continues, it becomes a

A. cycle
B. stroke
C. routine
D. requirement

_____ 18. Smile and the world Smiles With

A. Us
B. Others
C. You
D. All

_____ 19. A pleasant tone of voice in a telephone conversation

A. Shout
B. Speak clearly
C. Speak in a very low
D. Speak very soft and distinctly in

____ 20. Create a friendly working relationship with

A. colleagues
B. manager
C. clients
D. all
III.Enumeration :Supply the answer.
5’s Methodology in Japanese words

Types of Massage
Answer Key:
Test I Test II Test III

1.ethics 11. A 21Seiketsu

2. communication 12. A 22.Seiton
3. correct speaking 13. D 23.Seiri
4. consultation 14. B 24.Seiso
5. speak correctly 15. A 25.Shitsuke
6. speaking 16. C 26. Relaxation
7. professional 17. A 27. Sports
8. wellness service 18. C 28. Medical
9. speak correctly 19. D 29. Transformational
10. perceptual 20 C 30. Pampering


Remind your class of the following target for this quarter. Provide brief discussion for
each objective.

General Objectives
At the end of this quarter, learners are expected to:
 Observe health and safety procedures in wellness massage.
 Prepare client for wellness massage techniques, methods, massage pressure
 Perform wellness massage techniques.

Let’s See What You Know

Pre – Test 3
Test I. Multiple Choice

Direction: Choose the letter that best describes the statement. Write the answers on
your quiz notebook.

1. What do you call the type of drape used to protect the client hair?
a. Facial drape b. Gluteal drape c. Breast drape d. Turban drape

2. a. Risk b. Danger c. Hazard d. Warning

is the very common precautionary measure we oftentimes read in labels of any supplies
used in cleaning or disinfecting.

3. Safest substance found in spa salon is known as the _______.

a. Oil b. Disinfectant c. Powders d. Water

4. What is the technique of using a large towel or sheet to keep you covered while
getting a massage?
a. Draping b. Massage c. Cupping d. Hygiene

5. What do you call the massage stroke wherein the hands skim over the surface of the
a. Effleurage b. Percussion c. Petrissage d. Vibration

6. What massage stroke wherein the hand is placed and vibrated over the target area is
called as _____.
a. Vibration b. Pounding c. Frictions d. Cupping

7. A kind of massage stroke that uses pressure to the tissues.

a. Vibration b. Knead c. Beating d. Petrissage

8. What is the regular time duration for back massage?

a. 20 mins b. 5 minutes c. 7 minutes d. 6 minutes

9. What is the kind of manipulation that pinches and moves the muscle from side to side
in a rocking manner?
a. Vibration b. Effleurage c. Muscle rolling d. Petrissage

10. The massage stroke where the hands strike the target area is known as ______. a.
Vibration b. Effleurage c. Taponement d. Petrissage

Test II. True or False:

Direction: Write the word TRUE on the remarks column if massage is
appropriate with the stated condition and FALSE if it is inappropriate. Use
your quiz notebook to accomplish this task.

Conditions TRUE FALSE

1 Blood clots
2 Bleeding
3 Fever
4 Fracture
5 Heart disease
6 Infectious disease
7 Kidney or liver disease

8 Pregnancy-induced diabetes
9 Severe cold
10 Menstrual Period

Test III. Matching Type

Direction: Match Column A with Column by identifying the pictures below.
Write the letter of the answer.
Column A Column B

1. face towel a

2. thermometer b.

3. basin c.

4. sphygmomanometer d.

5. sanitizer e.

f .
1-5. Write a five-sentence paragraph describing the phrase “Wellness Massage”. Use
your quiz notebook to accomplish this task.


Clarity and Accuracy of Concept: (3 pts)

Grammar Composition (2 pts.)
Total 5 pts

Answer Key
Test I Test 2 Test III
1. A 11. NO 21. C
2. C 12. NO 22. A
3. D 13. NO 23. E
4. A 14. NO 24. B
5. A 15. NO 25. D
7. C 16. NO
8. A 17. NO
9. C 18. NO
10. C 10. NO

Let’s try this. Open-Ended Statement

Directions: Complete the open-ended statements below with your perception, opinion
on the concepts on wellness massage. (10 points)

Topic: Wellness Massage

Before, I thought that___________________________________________
But now, ____________________________________________________
I can ________________________________________________________

Rubric for grading:

Concept: (5pts)
Articulation (5 pts.)
Total 10 pts

Activity 1. Open-Ended Statement.

Answers may vary

Can you still recall?

Direction: Find the 5‟s methodology (in english word) inside the puzzle. Once you find it,
loop the word and write the answers on the opposite of each Japanese word. (2
points each).

a s t a n d a r d i z e s d
s v d b n w e r s d x v y t
d n b c f d t y u s d o p S
S h j k b n d m e r w c d w
o d g s y s t e m a t i z e
r a w f g d y t j n m q o e
t j k t l p c b v n d s w p
f e r t y g f j i o l j b n
s e l f d i s c i p l i n e
1. Shitsuke _______________ 4. Seiton ___________________
2. Seiri __________________ 5.Seiketsu __________________
3. Seiso _________________

Enhancement Activity

Multiple Choice.
Direction: Read and analyze each statement carefully. Choose the nearest answer and
write the letters before the number. Justify your answer. 2 points each.

1. Plug the machine into a near and accessible identified socket so that,
a. it can be switched off or disconnected easily in an emergency.
b. It will lessen your time from walking from time to time if you want to unplug
c. You can sleep anytime you want and confident that it is safe
d. It is easy for you to just reach out if you want to unplug it.


2. Follow the correct procedures when using electrical equipment, a. to avoid

b. to show your expertise
c. to boost your capacity to operate the equipment
d. to play safely

Justify ____________________________________________

3. Ensure that people using electrical equipment are trained and competent
to do so
a. They can easily be hired abroad
b. They can operate the equipment without reading the procedure
c. They can prove that they are trained operators
d. Keep safe in using the equipment

Justify: _________________________________________

4. Training and supervision to all staff will

a. Ensure that all employees understand the risks from all the
hazardous substances they have to deal with.
b. Inform them of the rules and regulations for using, storing and
transporting or disposing of hazardous substances.
c. They can be easily be accepted in their field of training to other
d. Keep your salon clean and orderly

Justify: _____________________________________________

5. Prepare procedures to deal with accidents, incidents and emergencies.

Immediate steps must be taken to minimize the harmful effects and
damage. These procedures should be
a. clearly written and placed in a prominent and accessible place.
a. clearly written and placed inside the cabinet
b. clearly written and placed at the back door
a. clearly written and placed on the table
Justify: __________________________________________

Answer Key:

Activity 5. Mix and Blend

Try to interview the student of his/her finish product of massage oils.

1. What are the ingredients used?

2. How was it made?

Activity 2. Investigate or Interview

Direction: Visit a Wellness Massage Center. Then, Interview an owner/ employee

of a wellness massage spa. Ask equipments, materials and supplies other
than those mentioned in the previous discussion. Include the function of
each item. Be ready to present your output in class. Write your answers in
your notebook.

Equipments/Materials/Supplies Function/Uses

Rubrics for Evaluation: (30 points)

Item 25 15 10 Score

Has additional Lack one Lack two or

equipment equipment more
aside from used. equipment,
what has


Has additional Lack one or Lack three or

Materials materials two more
aside from materials materials
what has being used being

Has additional Lack one or Lack three or

Supplies supplies two more
aside from supplies materials
what has being used being


Let’s try this:

Activity 1: Minute Paper
Directions: Fill out this survey form to evaluate how far you have gone with the lesson.

( _________________________________________ )
T o p i c / L e s s on
Name of Student : __________________ Date : _____________
Year and Section ___________________ Teacher: __________________

After the lesson / activity/ discussion on ________, I have learned that:

1. ______________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________

But I‟m a little bit confused about:

1. ______________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________

I still want to learn more on:

1. ______________________________________________________
2. __________________________________________________________

After the lesson / activity / discussion, I feel ______________ because of the following
1. _________________________________________________________
2. _________________________________________________________
3. ____________________________________________________________

Answers may vary.

Activity 2:
True or False: Write T if the statement is correct and F if false.
_____1. Working uniform can be worn out of the salon.
_____2. Underwear and tights should be changed daily and washed in hot
soapy water.
_____3. Wedding ring and small ear studs can be worn during the massage.
_____4. A daily bath or shower should be taken to maintain cleanliness of the
skin, hair and nails, and to remove stale sweat odours
_____5. Therapists must wash their hands before touching a client and after
cleaning the feet prior to the massage

Answer Key:

1. F
2. T
3. F
4. T
5. T

Activity 1. Let’s Try This.

Directions: Write three sentences answering each question if you have any idea on
how to perform body massage. written inside the box. Use your quiz notebook to
accomplish this task.

What do you think is the most Have you observed/learned one or

important reason why we need two of your family members
to have body massage?? experienced having body
massage? Did they share it to
you? Share it to us.

What do you expect to learn in body


Answers may vary.


Activity 1. Short Quiz

Direction: Put a check (√) mark if the statement is correct and a Cross (X)
mark if incorrect. Write your answer on a quiz notebook.
_____1. A lined bin should be to hand for disposal of waste.
_____2. Cover the entire surface with a towelling or cotton sheet – the fitted types are
best as they stay neat and tidy.
_____3. The therapist should ensure there is enough space to walk around the bed and
work from all sides, and that there is room for a trolley with commodities, and a
_____4. Talcum powder or corn starch may be used instead of oil or cream as a
massage medium. They work well for very hairy clients.
_____5. Shower and toilet facilities for the client‟s use should be accessible and
regularly cleaned.

Answer Key:
1. √
2. √
3. √

Activity 1. Concept Mapping

Direction: Discuss with your group mates and choose a certain area to draft
Standard Operating Procedure using Concept Mapping. Be ready for a
class presentation. Use the pattern to construct your idea.

Detail s Detail
s s

Detail Procedu
s re


Answers may vary.

Activity 1:
Direction: Group the following task in its specific time table. Write the letter on the
table below. Use your quiz notebook to accomplish this task.

End of Business Day Weekly

1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 9,4 6

Activity 1.
Direction: Create a simple Client‟s Information Sheet.

Rubrics for Evaluation:

25% 15% 10%

A. Communication Skills

B. Self Confidence

C. Establishing Rapport

D. Clients Response to
information asked

Activity1. Get your pair and perform the following manipulation. Use the rating below:

Time Duration 25%

Pressure 25%

Effect 50%

Answers may vary.

Activity 1: Demonstration

Student will find a partner and perform effleurage. Ask you partner to give you
his/her rating.

Time Duration 25%

Pressure 25%

Effect 50%

Activity 15. Client’s Information

Answers may vary.

Activity 16. Practice Pressure Massage

Ask the student to find a partner and perform the task that will be instructed by the

Activity 17. Return Demonstration

Watch a Demonstration video and ask the student for a return demonstration.

Student will find a partner and will have to perform “effleurage” on his/her partner.
Let his/her partner rate him/her.

Criteria Points Score

Time Duration 5
Pressure 5
Effect 10

Activity 18. Return Demonstration

Watch a Demonstration video and ask the student for a return demonstration.

Student will find a partner and will have to perform “petrissage” on his/her partner.
Let his/her partner rate him/her.

Criteria Points Score

Time Duration 5
Pressure 5
Effect 10

Activity 19. Return Demonstration

Watch a Demonstration video and ask the student for a return demonstration.

Student will find a partner and will have to perform “pounding” on his/her partner.
Let his/her partner rate him/her.

Criteria Points Score

Time Duration 5
Pressure 5
Effect 10

Activity 20. Return Demonstration

Watch a Demonstration video and ask the student for a return demonstration.

Student will find a partner and will have to perform “vibration” on his/her partner.

Let his/her partner rate him/her.

Criteria Points Score

Time Duration 5
Pressure 5
Effect 10

Activity 21 Return Demonstration

Direction: Work in pairs - one will play at a client/customer and the other will be the
therapist. Demonstrate all massage manipulations at various speeds, depths and
rhythms. Change roles after performing. Rate one another using the checklist
below. After the task, submit the checklist to your teacher the interpretation.
Done Rating

Activity 1.Multiple-Choice
Direction: Choose the letter that best describes the statement. Write the answers on
your quiz notebook.

1. The hand is placed over the area and vibrated either up and down or from side to
side. The action produces vibrations in the underlying tissue.
a. Vibration b. Pounding c. Frictions d. Cupping
2. This massage strokes apply pressure to the tissues.
a. Vibration b. Knead c. beating d. Petrissage
3. Massage strokes that skims the surface of the tissues.
a. Vibration b. Effleurage c. beating d. Petrissage
4. This manipulation lifts the muscle away from the bone and moves it from side to side
in a rocking manner.
a. Vibration b. Effleurage c. Muscle rolling d. Petrissage
5. Massage strokes where the hands strike the tissues.
a. Vibration b. Effleurage c. Taponement d. Petrissage

Answer key:

1. A
2. B
3. B

4. C
5. C

Let’s See How Much You Learned

Post Test 3
Test I. Multiple Choice

Direction: Choose the letter that best describes the statement. Write the answers on
your quiz notebook.

1. What do you call the type of drape used to protect the client hair?
a. Facial drape b. Gluteal drape c. Breast drape d. Turban drape

3. a. Risk b. Danger c. Hazard d. Warning

is the very common precautionary measure we oftentimes read in labels of any supplies
used in cleaning or disinfecting.

3. Safest substance found in spa salon is known as the _______.

a. Oil b. Disinfectant c. Powders d. Water

4. What is the technique of using a large towel or sheet to keep you covered while
getting a massage?
a. Draping b. Massage c. Cupping d. Hygiene

5. What do you call the massage stroke wherein the hands skim over the surface of the
a. Effleurage b. Percussion c. Petrissage d. Vibration

6. What massage stroke wherein the hand is placed and vibrated over the target area is
called as _____.
a. Vibration b. Pounding c. Frictions d. Cupping

7. A kind of massage stroke that uses pressure to the tissues.

a. Vibration b. Knead c. Beating d. Petrissage

8. What is the regular time duration for back massage?

a. 20 mins b. 5 minutes c. 7 minutes d. 6 minutes

9. What is the kind of manipulation that pinches and moves the muscle from side to side
in a rocking manner?
a. Vibration b. Effleurage c. Muscle rolling d. Petrissage

10. The massage stroke where the hands strike the target area is known as ______. a.
Vibration b. Effleurage c. Taponement d. Petrissage

Test II. True or False:

Direction: Write the word TRUE on the remarks column if massage is
appropriate with the stated condition and FALSE if it is inappropriate. Use
your quiz notebook to accomplish this task.

Conditions TRUE FALSE

1 Blood clots
2 Bleeding
3 Fever
4 Fracture
5 Heart disease
6 Infectious disease
7 Kidney or liver disease
8 Pregnancy-induced diabetes
9 Severe cold
10 Menstrual Period

Test III. Matching Type

Direction: Match Column A with Column by identifying the pictures below.
Write the letter of the answer.
Column A Column B

1. face towel a

2. thermometer b.

3. basin c.

4. sphygmomanometer d.

5. sanitizer e.

f .
1-5. Write a five-sentence paragraph describing the phrase “Wellness Massage”. Use
your quiz notebook to accomplish this task.



Clarity and Accuracy of Concept: (3 pts)

Grammar Composition (2 pts.)
Total 5 pts

Answer Key:
Test Test II Test III
1. / 11. A 21. C
2. / 12. C 22. A
3. / 13. D 23. E
4. / 14. D 24. B
5. / 15. A 25. D
6. / 16. A
7. / 17. C
8. / 18. A
9. / 19. C
10. / 20. D

26-30. Essay:

Direction: Write a five-sentence paragraph to answer the essay question below. Use
your answer sheet to accomplish this task.

Answers may vary.



Remind your class of the following target for this quarter. Provide brief discussion for
each objective.

General Objectives
At the end of this quarter, learners are expected to:

 Perform after care service

 Identify and explain products
 Enumerate and explain other services
 Suggest quality and acceptable massage products.

Let’s See What You Know

Pre – Test 4
Multiple Choice: Read the statement carefully. Choose the best answer and write it in
your answer sheets.

1. The ______helps eliminate the toxins from the body.

a. juice b. tea c. water d. wine, helps eliminate the toxins from

the body.

2. A person must maintain a ______

a light healthy meal

b heavy healthy meal
c more vegetables
d juicy fruits

3. If possible avoid __________ before performing aftercare services.

a. alcohol

b. exercise
c. too much eating
d. drinking plenty of water for about 24 hours

4. After treatment has been given to a client, he/she feels

a. startle b. creepy c. canny d. relaxed

5. The most common body reactions in the aftercare services,

a. aching/soreness of muscles,
b. tiredness,
c. heightened emotional state
d. dizzy

6. The backbone of any successful business is customer service and meeting clients‟
needs and expectations in terms of
a. both product use and beauty therapy services
b. products services
c. beauty therapy services
d. supplies

7. In preparation of a room to be used in services, which is more appropriate?

a. warm, well-ventilated area
b. a quiet area, away from distracting noise
c. low and diffused lighting
d. a spotlessly clean environment

1. What is the best after care products to be advised to clients?

a. Pre-blended aromatic plant oils
b. Exfoliates
c. Herbal teas and beverages
d. Mud/clays

9. .It helps to increase the intake of oxygen and the elimination of carbon dioxide
a. Deep breathing exercises
b. Weights
c. Dancing .
d. travelling are helpful to everyone as they
10. One of the after care services given to client is,

a. eatingt a light healthy meal

b. taking variety of soups
c. eating more fruits
d. drinking litres of water so the body can concentrate on healing.


Direction: Read and analyze carefully the statements. Write the word TRUE if it is
correct and FALSE if it is wrong. Write your answers in your quiz notebook.

_______1. Making the clients feel welcome and at home with a friendly “Hello is a nice
gesture or strategy used in rebooking clients
_______2. After any massage, spa or holistic treatment, try to rest and relax for the rest
of the day, if not, for a few hours at least.
_______3. Deep breathing exercises are helpful to everyone as they increase the intake
of oxygen and the elimination of carbon dioxide.

_______4. For the tense, overworked client she may be advised to reduce workload,
that s/he makes time to rest, takes a relaxing bath and goes to bed early

_______5. Eat light, easy to digest meals

_______6. Aftercare products may include but is not limited herbal products and body
_______7. Immediate bathing should be avoided, at least 6 hrs. after the service is
being advised.
______ 8. Home care advice is very beneficial for the client, as it involves them in the
treatment and encourages them to take control of their condition.

_______9. You may feel a little light headed after the hot stone massage & body
massage aftercare

_______10. Drink plenty of water to hydrate & flush toxins

II. IDENTIFICATION: Write your answer on the space provided each number.

_____________1. It means being free from tension and anxiety.


_____________2. It involves visualizing pleasantly, suiting situations.

_____________3. It allows the client short time to settle and let go of tension.

_____________4. It is a technique used which means pull the feet up hard

and let go.

_____________5.It is a term used to push the feet down hard and let go.

III. Classify the following massage product if supplies , tools and equipment. Write A
if supplies and B if tools and equipment

_______1. massage oil

______ 2. shiatsu foot warmer

______ 3. food supplement

______4. neck and shoulder massager

______5. massage cream

Answer Key:

Test I Test II Test III Test IV

1. C 11. TRUE 21. Relaxation 26. A
2. A 12. TRUE 22. Visualization or imagining 27. B
3. A 13. TRUE 23. Relaxation 28. A
4. D 14. TRUE 24. Dorsi-flexion 29. A
5. A 15. TRUE 25. Plantar flexion 30. A
6. C 16. TRUE
7. A 17. TRUE
8. A/B 18. TRUE
9. A 19. TRUE
10. A 20. TRUE

Activity 1. Planning the Spa

Group the students into 5.

Answers may vary.


Let’s See How Much You Learned

Post Test 4

Multiple Choice: Read the statement carefully. Choose the best answer and write it in
your answer sheets.

1. The ______helps eliminate the toxins from the body.

a. juice b. tea c. water d. wine, helps eliminate the toxins from

the body.

2. A person must maintain a ______

a light healthy meal

b heavy healthy meal
c more vegetables
d juicy fruits

3. If possible avoid __________ before performing aftercare services.

a. alcohol
b. exercise
c. too much eating
d. drinking plenty of water for about 24 hours

4. After treatment has been given to a client, he/she feels

a. startle b. creepy c. canny d. relaxed

5. The most common body reactions in the aftercare services,

a. aching/soreness of muscles,
b. tiredness,
c. heightened emotional state
d. dizzy

6. The backbone of any successful business is customer service and meeting clients‟
needs and expectations in terms of

a. both product use and beauty therapy services

b. products services
c. beauty therapy services
d. supplies

7. In preparation of a room to be used in services, which is more appropriate?

a. warm, well-ventilated area
b. a quiet area, away from distracting noise
c. low and diffused lighting
d. a spotlessly clean environment

2. What is the best after care products to be advised to clients?

a. Pre-blended aromatic plant oils
b. Exfoliates
c. Herbal teas and beverages
d. Mud/clays

9. .It helps to increase the intake of oxygen and the elimination of carbon dioxide
a. Deep breathing exercises
b. Weights
c. Dancing .
d. travelling are helpful to everyone as they
10. One of the after care services given to client is,
a. eatingt a light healthy meal
b. taking variety of soups
c. eating more fruits
d. drinking litres of water so the body can concentrate on healing.


Direction: Read and analyze carefully the statements. Write the word TRUE if it is
correct and FALSE if it is wrong. Write your answers in your quiz notebook.

_______1. Making the clients feel welcome and at home with a friendly “Hello is a nice
gesture or strategy used in rebooking clients
_______2. After any massage, spa or holistic treatment, try to rest and relax for the rest
of the day, if not, for a few hours at least.
_______3. Deep breathing exercises are helpful to everyone as they increase the intake
of oxygen and the elimination of carbon dioxide.

_______4. For the tense, overworked client she may be advised to reduce workload,
that s/he makes time to rest, takes a relaxing bath and goes to bed early

_______5. Eat light, easy to digest meals

_______6. Aftercare products may include but is not limited herbal products and body
_______7. Immediate bathing should be avoided, at least 6 hrs. after the service is
being advised.
______ 8. Home care advice is very beneficial for the client, as it involves them in the
treatment and encourages them to take control of their condition.

_______9. You may feel a little light headed after the hot stone massage & body
massage aftercare

_______10. Drink plenty of water to hydrate & flush toxins

II. IDENTIFICATION: Write your answer on the space provided each number.

_____________1. It means being free from tension and anxiety.

_____________2. It involves visualizing pleasantly, suiting situations.

_____________3. It allows the client short time to settle and let go of tension.

_____________4. It is a technique used which means pull the feet up hard

and let go.

_____________5.It is a term used to push the feet down hard and let go.

III. Classify the following massage product if supplies , tools and equipment. Write A
if supplies and B if tools and equipment

_______1. massage oil

______ 2. shiatsu foot warmer

______ 3. food supplement

______4. neck and shoulder massager

______5. massage cream

Answer Key:
Test I Test II Test III

1.C 6. Relaxation 11. A 16. A

2. A 7. Visualizing or imagining 12. B 17. B
3. A 8. Relaxation 13. B 18. A
4. D 9. Dorsi - flexion 14. B 19. A
5. A 10. Planta Flexion 15. A 20. A

Test IV
21. TRUE 26. TRUE
22. TRUE 27. TRUE
23. TRUE 28. TRUE
24. TRUE 29. TRUE
25. TRUE 30. TRUE


I.TRUE or FALSE. Write T if the statement is true and F if false.

_______1. Drink plenty of water to hydrate & flush toxins

_______2. You may feel a little light headed after the hot stone massage & body
massage aftercare

_______3. Home care advice is very beneficial for the client, as it involves them in the
treatment and encourages them to take control of their condition.

_______4. Immediate bathing should be avoided, at least 6 hrs. after the service is
being advised.
_______5. Aftercare products may include but is not limited herbal products and body
_______6. Eat light, easy to digest meals
________7. For the tense, overworked client she may be advised to reduce workload,
that s/he makes time to rest, takes a relaxing bath and goes to bed early.

_______8. Deep breathing exercises are helpful to everyone as they increase the intake
of oxygen and the elimination of carbon dioxide.

_______9. After any massage, spa or holistic treatment, try to rest and relax for the rest
of the day, if not, for a few hours at least.
_______10. Making the clients feel welcome and at home with a friendly “Hello is a
nice gesture or strategy used in rebooking clients.

II. Multiple Choice. Read each questions carefully. Encircle the letter of your

1. Some massage therapists focus on the shifts in awareness and psychological

insight that can be brought about with massage.
a. Transformational or psychotherapeutic massage
b. Pampering
c. Sports Massage
d. Relaxation/stress/ stress reduction.

2. Modern massage techniques have evolved mainly from a system developed by

a Swedish physiologist called Per Henrik Ling (1776– 1839). He developed a
system of passive and active exercises known as „Swedish Remedial
Gymnastics‟ and also a system of massage movements. Ling used the terms,
except one (1)
a. „effleurage‟,
b. „petrissage‟,
c. „vibration‟,
d „ventilation

3. These details will indicate whether massage will be helpful to this client and
will influence the type of massage to be given,
a. Past Personal Information
b. Past Medical History
c. Present Medical History
d. Present Personal Information

4. This refers to the type of massage treatment that might be found in some spa
and hair salons.
a. Transformational or psychotherapeutic massage
b. Pampering
c. Sports Massage
d. Relaxation/stress/ stress reduction

5. As early as 3000 BC, the

a. Chinese
b. Japanese
c. Vietnamese
d. Swedish
practiced massage to cure ailments and improve general health

6. Around 500 BC the Greek physician

a. Herodicus
b. Abacus
c. Hepartacus
d. Eherodicus
used massage with oils and herbs to treat medical conditions and diseases.

7. This is the most widely used form of massage used for relaxation.
a. body massage
b. stone massage
c. sports massage
d. pregnancy massage

8. It is defines as simply the exchange of messages by human beings,

a. Communication Process b. Communication Standards

c. Communication Problem d. miscommunication

9. As the communication process continues, it becomes a communication


A. cycle B. stroke C.routine D. requirement

10. It is often said that human communication consist of

A. 93% body language while only 7% of communication consists of words
B. 95% body language while only 5% of communication consists of words

C. 90% body language while only 10% of communication consists of words


D. 80% body language while only 20% of communication consists of words


11. For the consultation the client should be seated comfortably, with the
A. doctor B. dentist C. specialist D. therapist positioned
along side or opposite. The environment should feel warm and private.

12. Do not make false claims for treatments, but explain the benefits
A. fairly B. reasonably
C. practically D. realistically.
Be honest when advertising.

13. Before picking up the receiver, _______ or activity such as eating

chewing gum, typing etc. that may be heard by the calling party.
A. continue B. halt
C. discontinue D. disregard any other conversation

14. The hand is placed over the area and vibrated either up and down or
from side to side. The action produces vibrations in the underlying
a. Vibration b. Pounding c. Frictions d. Cupping

15. This massage strokes apply pressure to the tissues.

a. Vibration b. Knead c. beating d. Petrissage

16. Massage strokes that skims the surface of the tissues.

a. Vibration b. Effleurage c. beating d. Petrissage

17.This manipulation lifts the muscle away from the bone and moves it

from side to side in a rocking manner.

a. Vibration b. Effleurage c. Muscle rolling d. Petrissage

18. Massage strokes where the hands strike the tissues.

a. Vibration b. Effleurage c. Taponement d. Petrissage

. 19. _____ helps eliminate the toxins from the body.

a) juice b) tea c) water d) wine

21. . Eat _____so the body can concentrate on healing

a) light healthy meal c) more vegetables
b) heavy healthy meal d) juicy fruits

22. If possible avoid ____________ water for about 24 hours before performing
aftercare services.
a) alcohol b)exercise c) too much eating d) drinking plenty of 22.

23. After treatment you will usually feel

a) startle b) creepy c) canny d) relaxed

24. The most common body reactions in the aftercare services,

a) aching/soreness of muscles, c) heightened emotional state
b) tiredness, d) dizzy

25. Massage was introduced and found in the _______________.

a. harbor b. caves c. mountains d. forest

26. Safest substance found in spa salon

a. Oil b. Disinfectant c. Powders d. Water

27. In the %‟s methodology Seiketsu is the Japanese term for

a. standardize c. seiri - sort
b. self-discipline d. sweep

28. The translated English word for seiri is ________.

a. sort b. sweep c. self-discipline d. systematize

29. This can be done as an introduction to massage for clients who may not
come in for an office massage, or can be a continuing form of stress-

reduction therapy when done on a regular basis, as in the office setting

a. Chair Massage
b. Pampering
c. Chiropractic adjunct
d. Relaxation/stress/ stress reduction
30. Different origin of the word massage are the following except one,
a. mass
b. mass’h
c. masser
d. massege

31. This details will enable you to contact the client quickly should you
need to cancel or change an appointment or for any other reason.
a. personal details
b. doctors record
c. physical records
d. school records

III. Fill in the blanks. Choose your answer from the box and write it in the space

32._______ is the chance, great or small that someone will e harmed by the hazard.

33._______ is technique of using a large towel or sheet to keep you covered while
you‟re getting a massage.

34.An ______ is a region of the body in which nerves arteries, or vein lay close to the
body‟s surface.

35.The time to gather and exchange information with the client is called

36.__________refers to standards and conducts of behaviour of an individual or

professional group.

37.__________refers to the type of massage treatment that might be found in some spa
and hair salons.

38.Massage is thought to increase _____ which is desirable in many conditions.


39._________ is the name of a workplace organization method that uses a list of five
Japanese words.

40.To gain the _____ of clients and establish an excellent reputation,

41. A customer first impression of your practice is formed during their first ____ of
contact over the phone or in person

draping endangerment site risk ethics pampering

blood flow 5‟s methodology consultation confidence
interpersonal communication

Answer Key:
Test I Test II Test III
1. TRUE 11. A 21. A 31 A 41 Risk
2. TRUE 12. A 22. D 32 D 42 Draping
3. TRUE 13. C 23. C 33 A 43 Endangerment site
4. TRUE 14. D 24. A 34 A 44 consultation
5. TRUE 15. B 25. D 35 D 45 ethics
6. TRUE 16. A 26. D 36 A 46 pampering
7. TRUE 17. A 27. E 37 D 47 blood flow
8. TRUE 18. A 28. C 38 A 48 5‟s methodology
9. TRUE 19. A 29. C 39 A 49 confidence
10. TRUE 20. A 30. A 40 A 50. interpersonal communication

The teacher‟s guide aims to assist teachers and prepare learners in focusing on
certain topics relevant in their health being.
Planning a wellness massage program give emphasis on the history of massage
which is visible nowadays.
In providing pre-service to wellness massage has to do with how behavior is
being promoted in performing after care services, care should be done. Giving advices
with what to be and how it should be maintained is another concern of both the therapist
and clients.


Process is simply the exchange of messages by human beings. It is the transmission of

ideas from the sender to the receiver through channels. Communication is not
complete if there is no feedback or response from the receiver back to the sender.
Consultation- is a very important part of the treatment – sufficient time must be allowed
so that it is not rushed. This is the time to gather and exchange information.
Ethics refers to the standards and conduct of behavior of an individual or professional
Hazard – means anything that can cause harm.

Hearing refers to the sounds that you hear, whereas listening requires more than that: it
requires focus. It means being aware of both verbal and non-verbal messages.

Hygiene requirements the hygiene standards specified by an organisation or laid down

by law

Information Overload. surrounded with a pool of information.

Interpersonal Communication is the exchange of feelings and attitude in the

communication process

Listening is the ability to accurately receive and interpret messages in the

communication process. Listening is key to all effective communication, without the
ability to listen effectively messages are easily misunderstood communication breaks
down and the sender of the message can easily become frustrated or irritated.

Massage – the application of touch by one person to another, using manual techniques
of rubbing, stroking, kneading or compression, when done to produce relaxation,
pain relief, injury, rehabilitation, athletic preparedness or a career at your fingertips)

Massage Therapists – A massage practitioner who has received training in the

theory and practice of massage, and is competent to use massage as a means if

promoting pain relief, injury rehabilitation or health improvement. ( Massage a career

at your fingertips)

Personal details includes the basic information. These details will enable you to
contact the client quickly should you need to cancel or change an appointment or for
any other reason. They will also enable you to seek advice from his/her doctor
should this be necessary. Essential oils - Volatile plant oils extracted from certain
aromatic plants that have both physiological and psychological effects on the human

Policies – set of basic principles and associated guidelines, formulated

and enforced by the governing body of an organization, to direct and limit its action in
pursuit of long term – goals.

Procedures – A fixed, step-by-step sequence of activities or course of

action (with definite start and end points) that must be followed in the
same order to correctly perform a task.

Risk – is the chance, great or small, that someone will be harmed by the
Safety – the state of being safe; freedom from the occurrence or risk of
injury, danger, or loss

Williams, Anne, 2007, Spa Body Work A Guide for Massage
Mo, Rosser , 2004 , Body Massage Therapy Basics (2nd Edition),
Anatomy, Physiology and First Aid
Telephone Etiquette and Customer Service
Body Shop Business, March 2007, Newsletter
Borg, John. Body Language; 7 Essay Lessons to Master/Silent Language, Prentice hall
Life, 2008
Communication with Clients – Wendy S. Mayers, (Step-by-Step, Guide to Diagnosis
and Treatment) 2014, Educational Concept

Lifestyle wellness Coaching (2nd edition), James Gavin and Madeleine Mcbrearty,
copyright 2013
Wellness Services – Evidence Based Review and Examples) Good Practice, Final
Report, Lyn Winter Armatage, Stanfield et al, Observatory Report Series No. 76,
Published 2010.
Williams, Anne E. , Spa Bodyworks, Guide for Massage Therapist, 2015
Rosser, Mo, Body Massage Therapy Basics, Second Edition 2004
Roseberry, Monica, The Body Shop Massage, 2005
Ashley, Martin, Massage a career at your fingertips, 3rd Edition, skill:htm (#ixzzz2ve/smnpS) skill:htm (#xzzz@ve2ATJP

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