What's The Harm: An Environmental Perspective Chemical Properties

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Environment (45.

33% prevalence):
Harmful Long term effects to aquatic
Effects of APAP on aquatic life, a study
done by the National Institutes of
Health in 2013 revealed
Levels of APAP in aquatic habitats have
negative long term effects on the
aquatic species under study. Outlining
What’s the Harm: an
major issues within the shared
environmental perspective
ecological environment of varies
In England 2002, during the production of
species of organisms.
390,954.26 kg of APAP was found present
(Antunes S.C., et al, 2013)
Chemical Properties
in the environment. (NCBI)
♦Molecular weight:
>APAP undergoes thermal
♦Formal charge: 0
decomposition, producing toxic fumes of
♦Polar Surface: 𝟒𝟗. 𝟒𝟐
carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and
nitrogen oxides. (NCBI) ♦Most likely Combustible,
♦Reactivities and
>Hazardous decomposition products Incompatibilities: oxidizing
formed agents (NCBI)
- Carbon oxides
- Nitrogen oxides (NOx) (NCBI)
Physical Properties Uses Chemical Basis of Toxicity
˃Acetaminophen is largely converted
♦Odorless, colorless white PRINCIPAL USE IS MEDICINAL,
to nontoxic glucoronate.
crystalline solid. Acetaminophen (APAP) is commonly used as a ˃A minor amount is metabolized to
intermediates that can be toxic,
♦Slightly bitter taste drug to treat mild-to-moderate pain and for fever
particularly N-acetyl-p-

♦pH Saturated aqueous reduction. (NCBI) benzoquinoneimine.

solution: 5.5-6.5 Health hazards: Percent Prevalence ˃Normally, this intermediate is

(98.67%): Oral ingestion-harmful-toxic reaction to changed to glutathione.
♦Boiling point: >500 °C oral cavities ˃If this pathway is overwhelmed by
(28%): Skin contact-causes skin irritation/corrosion- high doses of acetaminophen the
♦Melting point: 336 to 342° intermediate will accumulate and lead
irreversible damage to the skin/irritation
F (27.56%): Eye Contact-Causes serious damage by to cell injury. (NIDDK)
irritation-(a reaction that causes inflammation and ˃Goal of APAP overdose treatment is
♦Water Solubility: 14000 to increase this non-toxic version of
itchiness compromising cell activity)
mg/L (at 25 °C) (11.11%): Inhalation-Respiratory irritation to lung APAP- Glutathione : chemical formula:
tissues-compromising gas exchange (NCBI) C10H17N3O6S
♦Very slightly soluble in ˃N-acetylcysteine (chemical class
Human Drug Toxicity
cold water, soluble in Cysteine) is used as treatment to
Hepatic (Liver) injury occurs 24 to 72 hours after
boiling water increase levels of Glutathione by
the ingestion (see toxicity values below) of more
making drugs more soluble to be
♦Freely soluble in alcohol; than 4 g per day. If additional liver problems
excreted through the bloodstream.
present, the daily dose is reduced to 3 g.
slightly soluble in ether; ˃Like cysteine, glutathione contains
Drug is metabolized in the liver therefore
practically insoluble in the thiol (-SH) group that makes it an
enzymes that perform this task increase.
effective antioxidant-which means it
petroleum ether Toxicity Values
detoxifies harmful substances to
Toxicity > 10 g Hepatotoxicity (liver) 4-10 g
prevent cellular damage to liver cells
(NCBI) Fatalities rare < 15 g (NIDDK) (NCBI)
What does this mean to Food and Drug administration (FDA): References

society? >Working on solutions to reduce levels of APAP in Antunes S.C., Freitas R., Figueira
medications to improve safeguards against E., Gonçalves F., Nunes B. (2013)
Data from 2005 revealed Toxic Exposure overdose (Ganley, 2009) Biochemical effects of acetaminophen in
Surveillance System that aquatic species: edible clams Venerupis
decussata and Venerupis philippinarum.
“among all poison center calls involving National Center for Biotechnology
Information (NCBI). 20(9):6658-66
acetaminophen-containing products, 6.3%
Ganley, C. (2009). Acetaminophen
(3,845/61,289) of those requiring Overdose and Liver Injury — Background
treatment could be attributed to and Options for Reducing Injury. Retrieved
1 November 2017, from
overdosing on OTC combination
products”. (Ganley, 2009, p.15) briefing/2009-4429b1-01-FDA.pdf

Mercola, J. M. (2014). FDA Finally Changes

Annual statistics:
Prescription Recommendations for High-
Dose Acetaminophen. Retrieved 1
>56,000 Emergency department visits November 2017, from
>2,6000 hospitalization rchive/2014/03/26/acetaminophen-
>Approx. 458
National Center for Biotechnology
Information (NCBI). PubChem Compound
APAP overdose accounts for ½ on the
Database. Retrieved 1 November 2017
non-long term cases liver failure from,
(Mercola, 2014) /1083

Acetaminophen (APAP) is the National institute of Diabetes and Digestive

and Kidney diseases (NIDDK).
leading cause of liver failure, its
https://www.slideshare.net/EbeySoman/acetaminophen-apap- Acetaminophen. Retrieved 1 November
overuse is perpetuated by its well toxicity-clinical-cases-diagnosis-pathology-treatments-and-patient- 2017, from
tolerated therapeutic effects https://livertox.nlm.nih.gov//Acetaminophe

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