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Portland Port Ltd

Portland Port Ltd





Portland Port Ltd

November 2011
Portland Port Ltd





Schedule 1 Tender Rates

Schedule 2 Health and Safety – CDM Regulations 2007

Portland Port Ltd



1.1 Portland Port Ltd (PPL) from here in seeks to appoint, through open tender process, a
suitably qualified contractor for the performance of maintenance works and services to jetties and
other waterfront and water-based structures, and their ancillary infrastructure, as may become
necessary from time to time.

1.2 The structures and related infrastructure which are the subject of the proposed Contract
for maintenance works and services are of a variety of constructions including steel, concrete,
timber and masonry, as well as buildings, and are generally of fairly advanced age. They formerly
served naval vessels when the Port was a Royal Navy Base.

1.3 In this Specification:

a “Bank Holidays” means Good Friday; Easter Monday; the first Monday in May; the last
Mondays in May and August; Christmas Day; Boxing Day; December 27 (if either
Christmas Day or Boxing Day falls on a Sunday); 1 January and any other day that is
proclaimed a bank holiday;

b “CDM Regulations” mean the Construction (Design and Management) Regulations


c “Contract” means the contract to be entered into as a result of this tender;

d “Contract Period” means the period from the date of the Contract until 31 December
2016 or an earlier date if termination provisions apply;

e “Contractor” means the successful tenderer;

f “Landside Manager” means the Service Delivery and Support Manager, General
Manager (Landside), or any other employee of PPL designated by PPL in writing to
perform some or all of the functions of a Landside Manager in this Specification;

g “Port Estate” means Portland Port including the breakwaters forming part of the Port;

h “Project” means works or services, with or without ancillary materials to be provided by

the Contractor under a Purchase Order;

i “Rates” means the rates tendered by the Contractor and set out in Schedule 1;

j “Resources” means the resources by way of labour, plant and materials set out in
Schedule 1, or similar resources, to be utilised in respect of a Project;

Portland Port Ltd

k “Site” means the part of the Port Estate on which a Project is to be carried out;

l “Standard Terms and Conditions” means PPL‟s standard terms and conditions as
displayed on its website at the date of this tender.


2.1 The purpose of this tender is to have available to PPL, under a framework agreement for
the Contract Period, the resources of a Contractor to support PPL‟s in-house maintenance
function in the general maintenance of jetties and other waterfront and water-based structures,
and ancillary infrastructure, to a safe and operational standard. Tenderers are advised that the in-
house maintenance function of PPL is limited in terms of available manpower and equipment, as
they may ascertain by visiting the Port Estate, and it is not the intention that this will be
significantly enhanced during the Contract Period.

2.2 The works and services to be performed under the Contract will be to buildings and
structures within the Port Estate and will generally be performed in the vicinity of jetties and
waterfront and water-based structures. The tenderer must satisfy himself as to the nature of the
operational regime in the Port, the existing waterfront and other infrastructure, buildings and
services, the nature of the existing roads or other means of communication, the access to and
egress from the Port Estate. PPL will use its reasonable endeavours to make a suitable working
area available within the Port Estate for the Contractor for the purposes of a Project. The
Contractor must notify PPL immediately if the allocated area is insufficient or otherwise

2.3 As an indication of the range of works and services that the Contractor may be called
upon to perform, but not as a limitation to the scope, tasks could involve the repair, restoration,
enhancement and/or replacement of:-

 Timber fender piles

 Timber fender facing strips
 Rubber fender blocks
 Mooring bollards
 Buoyant fenders („catamarans‟)
 Hand railings, fences and barriers
 Ladders and access ways
 Surfacing
 Line painting to demark area restriction, corridors and the like
 Health and safety and other signage

Portland Port Ltd

 Life jacket posts

 Lighting and/or reflective lighting
 Buildings and interiors, such as jetty toilet blocks and the sullage house
 Jetty utility supplies including pipework, cabling, manholes and service pits and covers
and the equipment accommodated therein
 Security fencing and gates
 Painting works

2.4 The Contract will apply only to works and services as generally described above,
although PPL shall be entitled to require the Contractor to undertake similar works and services in
other parts of the Port Estate within the price framework of the Contract.

2.5 Resources provided under the proposed Contract shall be in accordance with the
Standard Terms and Conditions, which will be incorporated into the Contract.

2.6 The Contractor must comply with the PPL‟s quality assurance system and conform to
PPL‟s health and safety and environmental policies and accreditations, with formal consents to
non-conformances being issued where appropriate. These policies and accreditations are
available for inspection on request from the Landside Manager.

2.7 The Contractor will be expected, within the Rates, to provide all necessary supervision of
a Project which will also be subject to routine monitoring by a Landside Manager of PPL.

2.8 Throughout the Contract Period the Contractor shall maintain insurance to cover all
Services carried out at the Port Estate by the Contractor and their personnel. The insurance will
be on terms equal to the policy set out in Schedule 1.


3.1 The Contractor must comply with the CDM Regulations 2007 generally and as detailed in
Schedule 2.

3.2 The tenderer shall submit with his tender sufficient evidence to demonstrate his
competence in relation to the works and services set out in this Specification including:

 his health and safety policy;

 an outline submission giving evidence that health and safety has been adequately
provided for in the tender submission;

Portland Port Ltd

 a clear specification of the resources to control and manage the major health and
safety risk;
 evidence of competence to carry out Contract works and services to the requirements
of health and safety legislation.


4.1 The basis of payment shall be either:

a In respect of the replacement of timber jetty piles, the fixed lump sum price as been
given in Schedule 1;
b In other cases, the Resources used in undertaking the Project at the Rates.

4.2 The Rates and tendered prices are to remain fixed for the duration of the Contract Period.

4.3 The tenderer is required to complete Schedule 1 with his proposed Rates, insofar as the
listed items are relevant to the Resources that he expects to deploy. He is invited to add
additional or alternative Resources where appropriate.

4.4 If PPL requires the Contractor to carry out works or services that are not specifically
covered by the Rates, the Contractor shall be entitled to payment at rates which are
commensurate with the Rates for comparable works or services.


Subject to the Standard Terms and Conditions, the Contractor shall have exclusivity during the
Contract Period for matters within this Specification, except that PPL may use internal personnel
to carry out the Services. For the avoidance of doubt, the exclusivity shall not apply to any Project
that is notifiable under the CDM Regulations.


6.1 Every Project will, be the subject of a separate Purchase Order. A Purchase Order will be
issued before the Project commences unless PPL considers that the Project is urgent and
precludes such prior issue.

6.2 Every Purchase Order will set out

 the scope of Project;

Portland Port Ltd

 the method of working;

 either the resources to be used or any fixed price;
 the programming for Project, including any times during which the Project cannot be
worked on;
 any specific service levels;
 a Contract Reference Number which must be stated on all of the Contractor‟s invoices
for the work or services covered by the Purchase Order.

6.3 Whenever PPL requires a Project to be performed under the Contract:

a PPL will issue a Purchase Order to the Contractor. The Purchase Order will describe
the scope of the Project, the dates by when the Project must be completed, the times
when the services can be carried out and any service levels to be met;
b If the price payable for the Project is capable of being determined the Purchase Order
will state the price; otherwise, the Purchase Order will be a draft Purchase Order;
c If PPL issues a draft Purchase Order, the Contractor must submit its Purchase Order
Response to PPL within the time scales set out in 7.1. The Purchase Order
Response must confirm the programming, the date for completion of the Project and
the price for the Project;
d If the Contractor‟s Purchase Order Response is acceptable to PPL, PPL will issue a
Purchase Order for the Project, setting out the Contract Reference Number;
e If the Contractor‟s Purchase Order Response is not acceptable to PPL, PPL will notify
the Contractor of those items that are not accepted and PPL and the Contractor will
negotiate in good faith to resolve those items. If the items are not resolved to PPL‟s
satisfaction within 5 working days following the date of PPL‟s notification of non-
acceptance to the Contractor, PPL will be entitled to obtain the services described in
the draft Purchase Order from an alternative contractor;
f If the Contractor has not submitted a Purchase Order Response to PPL within the
timescale set out in paragraph c or any longer period specified in the draft Purchase
Order, PPL will be entitled to obtain the services described in the draft Purchase Order
from an alternative contractor.


7.1 Subject to 7.3, unless PPL shall agree or specify a longer period, the Contractor will
provide a Purchase Order Response within
a 24 hours, if PPL specifies that the Project is urgent or
b 5 working days in any other case

Portland Port Ltd

7.2 Subject to 7.3, unless PPL shall agree or specify a longer period, the Contractor will

a any Project that PPL considers to be urgent within 48 hours of being notified of the
Project whether or not a Purchase Order has been issued;
b any other Project with 5 working days of a Purchase Order being issued.

7.3 Where PPL considers that operational pressures or emergency circumstances demand,
the Contractor will be required to commence a Project within 24 hours and to mobilize to
undertake such works and services expeditiously.

7.4 Once commenced a Project must be carried out expeditiously and in accordance with any
programme specified in a Purchase Order or otherwise agreed.

7.5 It is a requirement of the Contract that every Project is planned and executed by the
Contractor in a manner that is least disruptive to PPL‟s port and other operations. The Contractor
will be required, through reasonable dialogue with PPL, to arrange for access to the Site, and to
plan and undertake the Project in a careful and safe manner.

7.6 Any damage to any infrastructure in the Port Estate consequent upon his undertaking of
works and services shall be made good at the Contractor‟s expense.

7.7 No important operation shall be commenced without the consent in writing of a Landside
Manager nor without full and complete notice, also in writing, being given to him sufficiently in
advance of the time of the operation so as to enable him to make such arrangements as he may
deem necessary, including internal notification to other departments in the Port, and to port users,
and for any inspection considered appropriate.

7.8 If there is no Purchase Order, the Contractor will be required, prior to commencement of
the Project, to have obtained the approval of a Landside Manager to his proposed order of
procedure, methods of working and time scheduling.

7.9 The Contractor will be required to give PPL 24 hours' notice if he proposes to perform any
work outside

a the times specified in an agreed programme or

b normal working hours if there is no agreed programme

and shall obtain the approval of a Landside Manager before commencing such work.

Portland Port Ltd



The tenderer is required to complete the following tables for labour, plant and materials with his
proposed Rates, insofar as the listed items are relevant to the resources that he expects to
deploy. He is also required to complete Item W1-W10 in respect of a fixed lump sum price for
replacement of damaged timber fender piles.

The Rates are to include the use, repair and sharpening of tools; the use of consumable stores;
the use and repair of staging, wharves, workshops, plant, floating craft and scaffolding and
appliances of all descriptions; water, lighting, office charges, insurance, supervision by the
Contractor, staff, foremen and gangers, and Contractor‟s overheads and profit. The time of use of
any Resources shall be measured while they are at the place of work and ready to work. Time
getting to and from the place of work, maintenance time and waiting time will not be included in
the measurement for payment.

The blank spaces at the end of this schedule are for additional items of labour, plant and materials
that the tenderer may suggest and for which he wishes to quote Rates.

Portland Port Ltd

(Rates to be inserted by tenderer)


Item No. Description Unit Rate


XI Diver whilst engaged under water;

(a) with use of apparatus and

boat, with crew for same,
pumpers and signalman.
2 divers plus 1 crewman Hour
(b) with self-contained breathing
apparatus working from
boats, staging, etc,
2 divers plus 1 crewman. Hour
X2 Mason Hour
X3 Bricklayer Hour
X4 Carpenter Hour
X5 Welder Hour
X6 Electrician Hour
X7 Smith Hour
X8 Fitter Hour
X9 Concreter Hour
X10 Driller Hour
X11 Crane, dragline or grab operator Hour
X12 Bulldozer, scraper, grader,
traxcavator, or face shovel operator. Hour
X13 Painter Hour

Portland Port Ltd

Item No. Description Unit Rate


X14 Steel fixer and bender Hour

X15 Helpers and attendants for all the

above-mentioned trades, including
banksmen Hour
X16 Boatman Hour
X17 Labourer Hour
X18 Piling Ganger Hour
X19 Piling Topman Hour
X20 Piling Labourer Hour
X21 Qualified Project Manager Hour
X22 Qualified CDM Co-ordinator Hour


Overtime shall only be paid for in excess of the Contractor‟s normal Rates when he would
normally have to pay overtime to his labour, and if PPL instructs the Contractor in writing to work
overtime. The overtime rates shall be____________% of the above-mentioned rates. Overtime
shall not be payable where the Contractor has given a fixed price, unless PPL imposes
restrictions on the Contractor‟s ability to work within normal working hours, after a fixed price is

Note: Overtime rate to be inserted by tenderer.

Portland Port Ltd


Item No. Description Unit Rate


The following rates for plant shall
include, in addition to the
overheads and conditions
enumerated at the beginning of this
schedule, fuel, lubricants, power,
prime movers and maintenance.

X23a Mobile crane 3 tonnes and under Hour

X23b Mobile crane 3 tonnes to 5 tonnes Hour

X23c Mobile crane 50 tonnes Hour

X23d Mobile crane 70 tonnes Hour

X23e Mobile crane 90 tonnes Hour

X24-X25 Not used

X26 Air compressor with hose and tools

nominal delivery of free air per
minute under 300 cu.ft. Hour

X27 Air compressor with hose and tools

nominal delivery of free air per
minute under 300 cu.ft. Hour

X28 Electric welding equipment

including electrodes Hour

Portland Port Ltd

Item No. Description Unit Rate


X29 Oxyacetylene cutting plant, Hour

including burner

X30 Pumps of any type delivering

10,000 litres per hour and under Hour

X31 Pumps of any type delivering over

10,000 litres per hour Hour

X32 Barge or pontoon 50 tons

displacement or under Hour

X33 Barge or pontoon over 50 tons

displacement Hour

X34 Launch Hour

X35 Concrete skip Hour

X36 Vibrator concrete immersion type Hour

X37 Apparatus for pumping concrete Hour

X38 Motor lorry up to and including 3 Hour


X39 Motor lorry over 3 tons Hour

X40 Motor lorry tipper 3 tons and under Hour

X41 Motor lorry tipper over 3 tons Hour

Portland Port Ltd

Item No. Description Unit Rate


X42 Tractor, caterpillar or wheeled

including bulldozer or angle dozer
up to and including 90 H.P. (draw
bar). Hour

X43 Tractor, caterpillar or wheeled

including bulldozer or angle dozer
over 90 H.P. Hour

X44 Grader road Hour

X45 Road roller Hour

X46 Vibrating roller Hour

X47 Traxcavator or faceshovel Hour

Portland Port Ltd


Item No. Description Unit Rate


X48 Portland cement Tonne

X49 Rapid hardening Portland cement Tonne

X50 Sand suitable for mortar or

concrete Tonne

X51 Sand suitable for backfill Tonne

X52 Concrete aggregate maximum size

19mm Tonne

X53 Concrete aggregate maximum size

30mm Tonne

X54 Concrete aggregate maximum size

10mm Tonne

Any materials or stores other than
the foregoing will be paid for at
rates to be arranged with PPL on
the basis of net invoice price and
freight, insurance and handling
charges, delivered to Site, plus
[Tender to complete ]% for
Contractor‟s administrative charges
and profit

Portland Port Ltd


Contractor to supply PPL with details and copies of Insurance policy in respect of the works
outlined in this agreement. Policy to be inserted by tenderer.

Additional types of labour not covered in Items X1 to X22 for which the Contractor wishes to have
propose rates:

Additional types of plant not covered in Items X23 to X47 for which the Contractor wishes to have
propose rates.

Portland Port Ltd

Additional types of material not covered in Items X48 to X54 for which the Contractor wishes to
propose rates.


A number of the jetty structures are of suspended deck construction on isolated pile foundations
with vertical timber baulk fendering (as tenderers are expected to familiarize themselves with in
preparing their tender). Replacement of these fender piles after damage through heavy berthing
is a regular requirement and tenderers are required to submit a fixed lump sum price per complete
pile replacement.

This price should cover all resources of plant, labour and materials found to be necessary in
completing the work in the manner achieved heretofore including, but not by way of limitation,
removal of the existing damaged pile complete with all attachments, rubber blocks steel plates
etc; installation of a replacement pile of equal or better quality together with all attachments such
as timber facing strips, rubber blocks and a new steel plate to the top of the pile flush with surface
of jetty, this plate being inscribed with an identification number.

Tenderers are required to insert their unit prices for this work against schedule Items No W1 to
W10 in the Fixed Price Works Table on the next page.

Portland Port Ltd


Item No. Description Unit Price £

W1 Replacement of jetty timber fender Lump

pile complete, being the first or only sum
replacement per Project

W2 Replacement of jetty timber fender Lump

pile complete, being a second or sum
subsequent replacement per

W3 Install one pile, 17 to 20m in length, Lump

356 x 406 x 287 kg/m., being the sum
first or only pile installed per Project

W4 Install one pile, 17 to 20m in length, Lump

356 x 406 x 287 kg/m being a sum
second or subsequent pile installed
per Project

W5 Install one pile, 20 to 25 in length, Lump

356 x 406 x 353 kg/m., being the sum
first or only pile installed per Project

W6 Install one pile, 20 to 25m in length, Lump

356 x 406 x 353 kg/m being a sum
second or subsequent pile installed
per Project

W7 Test a 25t 150t bollard being the Lump

first or only one tested per Project sum

W8 Test a 25t  150t bollard being a Lump

second or subsequent set tested sum
per Project

W9 Refurbish a 25t  150t bollard Lump

being the first or only one tested sum
per Project

W10 Refurbish a 25t  150t bollard Lump

being a second or subsequent set sum
tested per Project

Note : Refurbish = Sand blast bollard. Zinc coat bollard. Paint top yellow, stem black.
Paint bollard number on top in black.

Portland Port Ltd



1 Under the Contract the Contractor has agreed to carry out Projects. Some or all of the
works comprised in a Project are likely to be subject to the CDM Regulations.

2 The Contractor acknowledges it has been given full opportunity to familiarise itself with the
Port Estate in the knowledge that it may be required to carry out a Project at short notice
and in a timescale that might not otherwise allow it to fully assess the Health and Safety
considerations and to properly plan for them.

3 PPL has identified a number of potential risks associated with the performance of any
Project. The risks listed in paragraphs 4 and 5 are intended as a guide for the Contractor
and are not intended to be a substitute for the Contractor carrying out its own assessment.
The lists are not to be considered definitive.


4.1 Working Over Water/Falling

(a) The existing waterfront structures in the Port Estate are high and in some cases
narrow, and have minimal edge protection.

(b) The harbour is subject to tidal currents, high winds and a moderate residual wave
climate on some occasions.

Therefore the following should be provided:-

 adequate edge protection and warning;

 rescue equipment;

 appropriate grab lines and temporary ladders;

 appropriate personal protective equipment.

Portland Port Ltd

4.2 Jetty Stability

(a) The jetties and other waterfront and water-based structures which are the subject
of maintenance works and services under the Contract are of a variety of
constructions in steel, concrete, timber, masonry and other building materials and
are generally of fairly advanced age. In undertaking the maintenance works and
services, which may involve demolition of parts of the existing structures and the
imposition of construction loads on them, it is imperative that all necessary
measures are taken to ensure the stability of the structure. These measures may

 Temporary Works to support the structures during reconstruction works;

 safe working positions for constructional or other plant;

 suitable boarding/netting to prevent materials fouling the Port Estate or the

harbour and adversely affecting its users.

4.3 Cranes

Full and appropriate consideration should be given to the following requirements:-

 working area level and capable of taking load;

 daily inspection of lifting gear and automatic safe load indicators;

 trained banksmen known to trained driver;

 control of indiscriminate lifting not planned in method statements for particular


4.4 Vehicles and Plant

The Port Estate is accessed via the public roads of Castletown and is used for an active
port operation that will generate its own traffic. Nearby parking is restricted and care is
required in planning deliveries and unloading. The following requirements should be
given full effect to:-

 strict demarcation of crane and road haulage areas;

 proper circulation and control of road haulage trucks;

Portland Port Ltd

 control of, and warning for, plant operating along the Pier;

 appropriate planned routing of vehicles coming to or going from the Site.

4.5 Port Operations

(a) The works and services are to be performed adjacent to and within a busy working
port. Where possible, Site workers should be kept away from areas where port
operations are taking place.

(b) The works and services may be performed adjacent to berthed or berthing ships
with attendant risks associated with berthing and unberthing, mooring lines, cargo
transfer and other operations.

(c) The port operations generate considerable vehicular traffic and workers should be
made aware of this. „Hi Viz‟ clothing should be worn in the area.

4.6 Existing Pipework, Utilities and Other Services

As a consequence of the Port Estate being a former Royal Naval base over many years,
there exist within the Port Estate generally, and in particular within and beneath the
waterfront / water-based structures, a range of pipework, utilities and other services, both
obsolete and live. Because of their provenance, it is to be expected that they would not
have been installed to the standards applicable today and especial care is required in
physically locating live services to the extent that they may impact of the maintenance
works being undertaken.

4.7 Asbestos

A number of buildings and structures within the Port Estate have been found to contain
asbestos. PPL has asbestos reports which are available and the Contractor must take full
account of these and ensure that all appropriate measures are taken in relation to any

Portland Port Ltd


5.1 Public Access to the Sites of Works

(a) The Contractor is to take all necessary measures to ensure the safety of people
using the Port Estate.

(b) The Contractor is to fence off Site areas as considered appropriate to prevent
access by unauthorized personnel during execution of the Project.

5.2 Health and Safety of the Public on Access Roads

(a) The Contractor is to take all necessary measures to ensure the safety of the public
using the access roads - including:-

 warning signs at the entrance of the access road leading to work sites and
the parking areas;

 demarcation or segregation of traffic where necessary.


6.1 Where possible, PPL will designate a Secure Area (areas for the Contractor to use in
association with a Project). If the Contractor considers that a Secure Area is not large enough to
meet the requirements of Health and Safety in general and the CDM Regulations in particular, it
must notify PPL in writing before commencing the Project.


7.1 The Contractor to is responsible for planning and managing a Project. if any timescale
stipulated by PPL does not allow this to be done properly, the Contractor must inform PPL‟s Chief
Executive, in writing, before commencing a Project.


8.1 The Contractor is responsible for Site welfare requirements for its employees and

Portland Port Ltd

8.2 PPL will, on request, use reasonable endeavours to designate toilets, washing facilities,
drinking water, rest facilities, changing rooms and lockers (if special equipment or clothes are
required) for use by the Contractor or an area in which the Contractor can locate temporary


The Contractor shall have the primary responsibility for complying with Part 4 of the CDM
Regulations following is a summary of the primary duties under Part 4.

9.1 Place of work

So far as is reasonably practicable, the Contractor must:

 Provide a safe and suitable place of work.

 Provide safe Site access.

Give sufficient space for construction work to be properly carried out

9.2 Good order and Site security

The Contractor must:

 Ensure that the perimeter of the Site is identified by suitable signs or is fenced off,
where this is necessary in the interests of health and safety and to the extent that this
is reasonably practicable. Whether the perimeter is marked or fenced off will depend
on the level of risk posed by the Site;
 Ensure that the construction Site is kept clean and tidy;
 Not allow, and must remove, any sharp projections from timber on Site, which could be
a source of danger (for example, exposed nails).

9.3 Stability of structures

The Contractor must ensure that:

 All practicable steps are taken to prevent structures collapsing (for example, when
undergoing modifications during construction);
 Temporary supports are properly designed;

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 No part of the structure is overloaded.

9.4 Demolition

The Contractor must:

 Plan for demolition to be carried out without danger. If this is not possible, the
Contractor must reduce any danger to as low a level as is reasonably practicable;
 Record, in writing, any plans for demolition and dismantling.

9.5 Explosives

The Contractor must:

 Store, transport and use explosives safely and securely, so far as reasonably
 Take suitable and sufficient steps to protect people from flying debris as well as

9.6 Excavations

The Contractor must:

 Take all practicable steps to avoid:

o the collapse of an excavation;
o falls into an excavation; and
o workers being buried if there is a collapse in an excavation;
 Ensure that excavations with supports are inspected by a competent person.

9.7 Cofferdams and caissons

The Contractor must:

 Make sure that cofferdams and caissons are properly designed, maintained and used;
 Provide a means of shelter or escape in case of failure of any cofferdam or caisson
 Ensure that cofferdams and caissons are inspected by a competent person.

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9.8 Energy distribution

The Contractor must:

 Check and identify energy distribution installations where this is necessary to prevent
danger. Where there is a risk from electric power cables, live cables should be directed
away from the Site or isolated or earthed. Where it is not possible to direct cables
away or to isolate or earth cables, a duty holder must provide signs and effective
barriers to protect health and safety;
 Take suitable and sufficient steps, so far as reasonably practicable, to prevent health
and safety risks from underground services.

9.9 Drowning

The Contractor must:

 Take all practicable steps to:

o prevent falls into water or other liquids; and
o minimise the risk of drowning in the event of a fall;
 Provide and maintain rescue equipment in case there is a fall into a liquid;
 Ensure that, if people are transported to work by water, suitable and sufficient steps are
taken to transport them safely and that boats or vessels carrying people to work are not

9.10 Traffic

The Contractor must:

 Organise any Site so that vehicles and pedestrians can use the Site safely and without
risks to health;
 Provide suitable traffic and pedestrian routes so that
o Pedestrian routes and vehicle routes do not come into conflict;
o All routes are kept free from obstruction;
o Where applicable, a pedestrian-only route is available away from dangerous
areas such as loading bays, a pedestrian gates provided near to vehicle gates,
with both clearly identified;
o Construction traffic must warn pedestrians of its approach.

Portland Port Ltd

9.11 Vehicles

The Contractor must:

 Take suitable and sufficient steps to avoid unintended vehicle movements and to see
that vehicles warn others of their approach;
 Ensure that vehicles are operated and loaded safely;
 Ensure that vehicles cannot be used to transport people unless they are designed to do
 Take suitable and sufficient steps to prevent vehicles falling into excavations or water.

9.12 Fire and Flooding

The Contractor must take suitable and sufficient steps to prevent fire, explosion, flooding or
asphyxia, so far as reasonably practicable.

9.13 Emergency procedures

The Contractor must:

 Assess whether emergency procedures should be set up for a Project;

 Ensure that any emergency procedures that are required are clearly communicated
and tested.

9.14 Emergency routes

The Contractor must:

 Assess whether emergency routes and exits should be set up;

 Ensure that any emergency routes that are required are clearly communicated and

9.15 Fire detection and fire fighting

The Contractor must:

 Assess whether fire detection systems should be installed;

 Ensure that any fire detection systems installed are automatic or easily accessible;

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 Ensure that any fire detection or fire fighting equipment is properly maintained and that
all people affected are trained in the use of the systems, so far as reasonably

9.16 Fresh air

The Contractor must:

 Take suitable and sufficient steps to provide fresh or purified air, so far as reasonably
 Ensure that any equipment needed to supply air has visible or audible warnings in the
event of failure.

9.17 Temperature and weather

The Contractor must take suitable and sufficient steps to provide a reasonable working
temperature and to provide protection from adverse weather, so far as reasonably practicable.

9.18 Lighting

The Contractor must:

 Take suitable and sufficient steps, so far as reasonably practicable, to ensure that sites
are lit, with a preference for natural light;
 Ensure that the colour of any artificial light does not affect the perception of any sign or
signal used for health and safety;
 Use a suitable and sufficient secondary lighting system if necessary to protect health
and safety.


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