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Prolong the elevation of stress hormones

(cortisol, epinephrine, and glucagon)
Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) is one of the 3. Degradation of insulin by the placenta
most common types of diabetes mellitus and
considered the most complication of pregnancy. This The total effect of these mechanisms raises the
health problem is like pregnancy-induced maternal glucose level for fetal usage.
hypertension (PIH) that develops during pregnancy Hyperglycemia normally occurs with the protective
and disappears after delivery of fetus, or as maternal mechanism that predisposes a pregnant mother in the
body returns to its pre-pregnant state. triggering of her pre-diabetic state, or heightens an
existing diabetes mellitus.
Gestational Diabetes Mellitus may or may not with
co-existing maternal diabetes. It heightens the level The effects of pregnancy on diabetes mellitus are
of diabetes (if with previous diabetes) by a notch in summarized as:
response to the rise in fetal carbohydrate demand.
40% of pregnant mothers who develops GDM will 1. First Trimester – glucose level is relatively
eventually develop non-insulin dependent diabetes stable or may decrease
mellitus (NIDDM or Type II DM) within 5 years. 2. Second Trimester – there is rapid increase in
glucose level
TYPES OF GDM 3. Third Trimester – there is rapid decrease
glucose level and return to its pre-pregnant state
 Gestational Diabetes Mellitus (GDM) Type
A1: abnormal oral glucose tolerance test FACTS ABOUT INSULIN
(OGTT) but normal blood glucose levels during
1. The insulin is a normal body hormone that is
fasting and 1-2 hours after meals; diet
produced by the beta cells of the Islets of
modification is sufficient to control glucose
Langerhans in the pancreas.
2. The release of insulin is regulated by a negative
 Type A2: abnormal OGTT compounded by
feedback in response to high glucose level. The
abnormal glucose levels during fasting and/or
high glucose level may come from excessive
after meals; additional therapy with insulin or
glucagon action or through high carbohydrate
other medications is required
ANATOMY AND PHYSIOLOGY 3. The insulin secretion of the pancreas and its
action on the liver makes it maintain a normal
A normal body uses insulin as a channel for glucose value of 80-120 mg/dL.
to enter the cells for utilization. This process is also 4. Insulin is essential in the following actions:
applicable with the fetus (during pregnancy) for a. Carbohydrates – utilization of glucose by the
growth and development. As the fetus grows, the cells
maternal body executes autonomic response by b. Proteins – conversion of amino acids to replace
doubling the level of glucose level through lowering muscle tissues
insulin secretion and with the aid of some gestational c. Fats – conversion of excess glucose to fatty acids
hormones that antagonizes the effects of insulin a and store them to adipose tissues
process known as protective mechanism. Along with d. Endothelial and nerve cells are the only
this, this mechanism causes the rise of placental cells/tissues that can use glucose even without
lactogen, estrogen, and progesterone to cause the insulin.
following effects: e. Low insulin level causes the rise in plasma
1. Antagonizes the effects of insulin glucose concentration and glycosuria.
f. Diabetes mellitus develops as the body secretes DM:
low amount or as body cells rejects its utilization.
 Blurred vision
Etiology  Vulvar pruritus
 Paresthasia
Gestational diabetes is a disorder of late
 Peripheral neuropathy
pregnancy (typically), caused by the increased
pancreatic stimulation associated with pregnancy.  Weakness
 Normal/elevated pulse rate and temperature
 Normal/decreased blood pressure
 Kussmaul’s respiration
1. Obesity  Dehydration
2. Family history of DM  Recurrent infections
3. Age of >45 years old (when got pregnant)  Non-healing wounds
4. Previous delivery of baby weighing 9 lbs or more
5. History of any autoimmune disease ASSESSMENT FINDINGS
6. Belonging to/with ethnic background from 1. Associated findings include a poor obstetric
African American, Latino, and native Americans history, including spontaneous abortions,
7. History of previous GDM unexplained stillbirth, unexplained
8. With any level of hypertension hydramnios, premature birth, low birth weight
9. With elevated high-density lipoprotein or birth weight exceeding 4,000 g (8lb, 13 oz),
and birth of a newborn with congenital
2. Common clinical manifestations include:
The clinical manifestations of GDM coincide with  Glycosuria on two successive office visits
the signs and symptoms of other types of diabetes  Recurrent monilial vaginitis
 Macrosomia of the fetus on ultrasound
mellitus. These are popularly known as the “3Ps” or
 Polyhydramnios
polydipsia, polyuria, and polyphagia. Aside from
3. Laboratory and diagnostic study findings.
these manifestations, there are also other sign and  Fasting blood sugar test will reveal
symptoms that are general manifestations and elevated blood glucose levels.
pregnancy-specific manifestations.  A 50-g glucose screen (blood glucose
level is measured 1 hour after client
GDM: ingests a 50-g glucose drink) reveals
elevated blood glucose levels. The normal
 Higher glucose level (20-30 mg/dL) than the plasma threshold is 135 to 140 mg/dL.
pre-pregnant level  A 3- hour oral glucose tolerance test
 Very rapid weight gain (performed if 50-g glucose screen results
 Polyhydramnios are abnormal) reveals elevated blood
glucose levels. (Table 1)
 Recurrent monilial infections  The glycosylated hemoglobin (HbA 1c)
 Glycosuria test (measures glycemic control in the 4 to
 Nocturia 8 weeks before the test is performed;
 Large for gestational age (LGA) or small for performed on women with pre-existing
gestational age (SGA) fetus diabetes) results reflect enzymatic bonding
of glucose to hemoglobin A amino acids.
 More severe state of edema This is a useful indicator of overall blood
glucose control. The upper normal level of
HbA1c is 6% of total hemoglobin.
 Screens for fetal (and later, neonatal) When β-cells lose the ability to adequately sense
complications, including: blood glucose concentration, or to release
sufficient insulin in response, this is classified as
 Maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein level β-cell dysfunction. β-cell dysfunction is thought
to assess risk for neural tube defects in to be the result of prolonged, excessive insulin
newborn. production in response to chronic fuel excess.
 Ultrasonography to detect fetal However, the exact mechanisms underlying β-
structural anomalies, macrosomia, and cell dysfunction can be varied and complex.
hydramnios. Defects can occur at any stage of the process:
 Nonstress test (as early as 30 weeks), pro-insulin synthesis, post-translational
contraction stress test, and biophysical modifications, granule storage, sensing of blood
profile because of risk of unexplained glucose concentrations, or the complex
intrauterine fetal demise in the machinery underlying exocytosis of granules. β-
antepartum period. cell dysfunction is exacerbated by insulin
 Lung maturity studies (by resistance. Reduced insulin-stimulated glucose
amniocentesis) to determine uptake further contributes to hyperglycemia,
lecithinsphingomyelin (L/S) ratio and to overburdening the β-cells, which have to
detect phosphatidylglycerol (PG); the produce additional insulin in response. The
adequacy of L/S and PG, predictor of direct contribution of glucose to β-cell failure is
the newborn’s ability to avoid described as glucotoxicity.
respiratory distress
 Chronic Insulin Resistance
Insulin resistance occurs when cells no longer
PATHOPHYSIOLOGY adequately respond to insulin. At the molecular
level, insulin resistance is usually a failure of
1. The remainder of this review will discuss
insulin signaling, resulting in inadequate plasma
molecular processes underlying the membrane translocation of glucose
pathophysiology of GDM. GDM is usually transporter—the primary transporter that is
the result of β-cell dysfunction on a responsible for bringing glucose into the cell to
background of chronic insulin resistance use as energy. The rate of insulin-stimulated
during pregnancy and thus both β-cell glucose uptake is reduced by 54% in GDM
impairment and tissue insulin resistance when compared with normal pregnancy. While
insulin receptor abundance is usually
represent critical components of the
unaffected, reduced tyrosine or increased
pathophysiology of GDM. In most cases, serine/threonine phosphorylation of the insulin
these impairments exist prior to pregnancy receptor dampens insulin signaling. In addition,
and can be progressive—representing an altered expression and/or phosphorylation of
increased risk of T2DM post-pregnancy. A downstream regulators of insulin signaling,
number of additional organs and systems including insulin receptor substrate (IRS)-1,
phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase and GLUT4, has
contribute to, or are affected by, GDM.
been described in GDM. Many of these
These include the brain, adipose tissue, molecular changes persist beyond pregnancy.
liver, muscle, and placenta. The pancreatic
beta cell functions are impaired in response  Neurohormonal Networks
to the increased pancreatic stimulation and Neurohormonal dysfunction has been implicated
induced insulin resistance. in the pathogenesis of diseases of insulin
resistance, such as that present in GDM. This
 Beta Cell Dysfunction network regulates appetite, active energy
expenditure, and basal metabolic rate, and it is
The primary function of β-cells is to store and made up of a complex network of central and
secrete insulin in response to glucose load. peripheral. These contribute to GDM by
influencing adiposity and glucose utilization. concentrations in obese individuals. GDM is
This network is highly regulated by the similarly associated with decreased adiponectin.
circadian clock, which may explain why In contrast to leptin, there is a stronger
association of adiponectin with insulin
pathological sleep disorders or those individuals
resistance than with adiposity. Adiponectin
undertaking shift work are correlated with GDM enhances insulin signaling and fatty acid
rates. Neural networks controlling body weight oxidation, and it inhibits gluconeogenesis.
are most likely set in early life, as demonstrated Furthermore, adiponectin stimulates insulin
in animal studies. For example, rats that are both secretion, by upregulating insulin gene
under- and over-fed in early life experience expression and exocytosis of insulin granules
epigenetic alteration of the regulatory set-point from β-cells.
of hypothalamic neurons. This adds to the  Adipose Tissue
previously mentioned suggestion that
Adipose tissue both ensures that energy is
predisposition to GDM may be set in the womb.
partitioned safely and it actively secretes
circulatory factors, including adipokines (the
 Leptin aforementioned leptin and adiponectin) and
Leptin is a satiety hormone secreted primarily
by adipocytes in response to adequate fuel  Liver
stores. It primarily acts on neurons within the
GDM is associated with upregulated hepatic
arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus to decrease
glucose production (gluconeogenesis).
appetite and increase energy expenditure.
Gluconeogenesis is increased in the fasted state,
Specifically, leptin inhibits appetite-stimulators
and not adequately suppressed in the fed state.
neuropeptide Y and agouti-related peptide, and
This is not believed to be entirely the result of
it activates the anorexigenic polypeptide pro-
inaccurate glucose sensing due to insulin
opiomelanocortin. When leptin was first
resistance, as the majority of glucose uptake by
discovered, it was lauded as a potential
the liver (~70%) is not insulin dependent.
treatment for obesity. Like insulin resistance, a
Common factors between the insulin signaling
degree of leptin resistance occurs in normal
pathway and the pathways controlling
pregnancy, presumably to bolster fat stores
gluconeogenesis, such as PI3K, might
beyond what would usually be required in the
contribute to these effects. Increased protein
non-pregnant state. Leptin resistance is further
intake and muscle breakdown may also
increased in GDM, resulting in hyperleptinemia.
stimulate the process by providing excess
However, pre-pregnancy BMI is a stronger
gluconeogenesis substrate.
predictor of circulating leptin than GDM.
 Placental Transport
The placenta also secretes leptin during human
pregnancy. In fact, the placenta is responsible The placenta contributes to insulin resistance
for the majority of plasma leptin during during pregnancy via its secretion of hormones
pregnancy. Placental leptin production is and cytokines. As the barrier between the
increased in GDM, probably as a result of maternal and fetal environments, the placenta
placental insulin resistance, and this further itself is also exposed to hyperglycemia and its
contributes to hyperleptinemia. This is also consequences during GDM. This can impact
thought to facilitate amino acid transport across transport of glucose, amino acids, and lipids
the placenta, contributing to fetal macrosomia. across the placenta:
 Adiponectin Glucose—Glucose is the primary energy source
for the fetus and the placenta, and therefore
Similar to leptin, adiponectin is a hormone that
must be readily available at all times. For this
is primarily secreted by adipocytes. However,
reason, insulin is not required for the placental
plasma adiponectin concentrations are inversely
transport of glucose. However, the placenta still
proportional to adipose tissue mass, with low
expresses the insulin receptor, and insulin Also, a woman who developed or experienced GDM
signaling can influence placental metabolism of is expected to have type 2 diabetes mellitus within 5
glucose. The receptiveness of the placenta to years for the rest of her life.
glucose uptake means that it is particularly
sensitive to maternal hyperglycemia, and this DIAGNOSIS
directly contributes to increased fetal growth
and macrosomia.  Blood glucose monitoring—this can either
Protein—Amino acid transport across the be done through fasting blood sugar (FBS)
placenta is also an important determinant of or randomly. This reveals the glucose level
fetal growth. These can also be modulated by and indicates the plan of care needed.
pro-inflammatory cytokines. Altered amino acid  Glucose tolerance test (GTT)—to evaluate
transport may also be one mechanism by which the response of insulin to loading glucose.
excess protein intake contributes to GDM.
 Glycated haemoglobin
Lipids—Finally, while GDM has traditionally (Glycohemoglobin)—measures glycemic
been described as a disease of hyperglycemia, control by evaluating the attachment of
the rise in obesity-associated GDM has glucose to freely permeable erythrocytes
prompted a greater focus on the role of
during their whole life cycle.
hyperlipidemia in GDM. The majority of
placental gene expression alterations in GDM  C-peptide Assay (connecting peptide
occur in lipid pathways (67%), as compared assay)—useful when the presence of insulin
with glucose pathways. Preferential activation antibodies interferes with direct insulin
of placental lipid genes is also associated with assay.
GDM compared with T1DM. These data  Fructosamine assay—is much more useful
correlate with the results of the HAPO Study,
than glycosylated hemoglobin tests in cases
which revealed independent effects of maternal
obesity and glucose on excessive fetal growth. of hemoglobin variants.
Therefore, it appears that GDM influences the  Urine glucose and ketone monitoring—may
placental transport of glucose, amino acids, and be performed in cases where blood glucose
fatty acids, and that all three must be considered monitoring is not available, but, is not as
when discussing the impact of GDM on accurate as the former.
placental function and fetal growth.
 Amniocentesis
 Non-stress test
 Sonography


The chronic effects or the uncontrolled glucose level 1. Altered nutrition: more or less than body
during pregnancy would lead to the development of requirements related to weight gain
the following complications: 2. High risk pregnancy: high risk for infection,
ketosis, fetal demise, cephalopelvic
 Preterm labor and delivery disproportion, polyhydramnios, congenital
 Urinary tract infection (UTI) anomalies, preterm labor.
 Infertility 3. Knowledge deficit related to disease and
 Stillbirth insulin use and interaction.
 PIH – pre-eclampsia – eclampsia
 Congenital anomalies
 Spontaneous abortion Information is crucial to help women understand the
importance of good glucose control for her health
and the health of her baby. Good glucose control When metformin was compared to insulin it was
throughout pregnancy will reduce the risk of fetal found to have no significant differences between
macrosomia, trauma during birth, induction of outcomes such as shoulder dystocia and infants
labour and/or caesarean section, neonatal born large for gestational age. Additionally the
hypoglycaemia and perinatal death (14). administration is considered much easier and
preferred compared to insulin.
Alongside strict monitoring of blood glucose with
input from an endocrinologist, women will also be Glibenclamide
offered an increased antenatal care package
including more frequent ultrasound scans to assess Glibenclamide is also a well-established medicine
the size and well-being of the baby and liquor that drives the pancreas to produce more insulin. In
volume. more detail, glibenclamide is a sulphonylurea and
acts by stimulating insulin release from the beta-
Blood glucose monitoring kits should be given to cells in the pancreas. There are no significant
women and self-monitoring should be taught with differences between the use of insulin and
repeat prescriptions for necessary equipment and metformin compared to glibenclamide for the
medications e.g. needles, sharps bins. prevention of shoulder dystocia or large for
gestational age, however there is no long-term data
Treatment for the effects of glibenclamide in pregnancy and
The main form of treatment is blood glucose control therefore metformin and insulin are used
and the initial treatment offered is dependent on the preferentially.
results of the OGTT (see Table 2).
Lifestyle changes When oral medications don't control gestational
Simple lifestyle changes are enough in many diabetes, insulin is needed. Exogenous insulin is
women to control their glucose level and all women used in conjunction with diet, exercise and
should be referred to a dietician to review their diet metformin if required for glucose control. Insulins
and provide information on low glycaemic index that are used preferentially are isophane/detemir
foods. In addition to this, exercise has been shown insulin and lispro/aspart insulin as long-acting and
to stabilise post prandial blood glucose and reduce short-acting insulin respectively. It is important to
the need for insulin. warn women of the effects and prevention of
hypoglycaemic events. Users must also be made
Metformin aware of DVLA guidelines with insulin use.

Metformin is a well-established drug that reduces Blood glucose aims

the amount of glucose created in the liver and
makes the body more sensitive to insulin. In detail, Women should record their blood sugar monitoring
metformin is a biguanide oral antidiabetic daily. If they have repeatedly high blood glucose
medication and it works by suppressing hepatic they should seek medical advice in order to change
gluconeogenesis, increasing insulin sensitivity and or increase their current management. Those on
decreasing the absorption of glucose from the glibenclamide and insulin should maintain a blood
gastrointestinal tract. This glucose-lowering therapy glucose above 4mmol/l in order to prevent
should be offered first to women who have problematic hypoglycaemias.
uncontrolled hyperglycaemia unless NURSING MANAGEMENTS
History taking on:  Teach/present the list of things/foods
that need to be available at all times
a. First presentation of the manifestations of
(in case of hypoglycemic attacks)
diabetes (3 P’s)
 Have identification band indicating
b. First diagnosis of DM
the health condition (DM) for fainting
c. Family members with DM
Review of systems: 4. Activity tolerance
 Plan for regular exercise
1. Weight gain, increasing  Increase carbohydrate intake before
fatigue/weakness/tiredness exercise
2. Skin lesions, infections, hydration, signs of  Instruct to avoid exercise of blood
poor wound healing
glucose level exceeds 250 mg/dL and
3. Changes in vision – floaters, halos, blurred
urine ketones are present
vision, dry/burning eyes, cataract, glaucoma
 Advise to use abdomen for insulin
4. Gingivitis, periodontal disease
injection if arms and legs are used for
5. Orthostatic hypotension, cold extremities,
weal pedal pulses
5. Skin integrity
6. Diarrhea, constipation, early satiety,
 Avoid alcohol use, instead, lotion
bloating, flatulence, hunger and thirst
 Teach on proper foot care
7. Frequent urination, nocturia, vaginal
 Advise to stop smoking and alcohol
8. Numbness and tingling of the extremities,
6. Fetal well-being
decrease pain and temperature sensation
 Continuous monitoring of fetal
INTERVENTIONS activities and fetal heart tone
 Monitor fetal activities during
1. Nutrition
maternal activities
 Assess timing and content of meals
 Monitor early signs of labor
 Instruct on importance of a well-
 Advise to report of any discharge
balanced diet
coming from the vagina
 Explain the importance of exercise
 Monitor daily weight and advice to
 Plan for a weight reduction course
report on rapid weight gain
2. Insulin use
7. Educative
 Encourage verbalization of feelings
 Teach on lifestyle modifications
 Demonstrate and explain insulin
 Advice to see psychologists with
other family members for therapies
 Allow client to do self-administration on the possibilities of fetal
 Review mastery of the whole process abnormalities
3. Injury from hypoglycemia  Advice to call emergency response
 Monitor maternal blood glucose level team in case of emergency
 Instruct on insulin-activity-diet  Advise to religiously follow the
interaction health instructions
 Teach on the signs and symptoms of
Nursing Interventions Rationale

Assess and record dietary pattern and caloric To help in evaluating client’s understanding
intake using a 24-hour recall. and/or compliance to a strict dietary regimen.

Assess understanding of the effect of stress on It is proven that stress can increase serum blood
diabetes. Teach patient about stress glucose levels, creating variations in insulin
management and relaxation measures. requirements.

Weigh the client every prenatal visit. Encourage

Weight gain serves as an indicator for determining
the client to periodically monitor weight at
caloric adjustments.
home between visits.

Nausea and vomiting may be brought about by

Observe for the presence of nausea and
a deficiency in carbohydrates, which may result
vomiting, especially during the first trimester.
in the metabolism of fats and development of ketosis.

Teach the importance of regularity of meals and

Eating very frequent small meals improves insulin
snacks (e.g., three meals or 4 snacks) when
taking insulin.

Insulin needs for the day can be adjusted based on

Teach and demonstrate client to monitor sugar periodic serum glucose readings. Note: Values
using a finger-stick method. obtained by reflectance meters may be 10-15%
lower/higher than plasma levels.

Metabolism and maternal/fetal needs fluctuates during

the gestation period, requiring close monitoring and
Provide information regarding any required
adaptation. Research suggest antibodies against insulin
changes in diabetic management; e.g., use of
may cross the placenta, causing inappropriate fetal
human insulin only, changing from oral diabetic
weight gain. The use of human insulin decreased the
drugs to insulin, self-monitoring of serum blood
development of these antibodies. Reducing
glucose levels at least twice a day (e.g., before
carbohydrates to less than 40% of the calories ingested
breakfast and before dinner) and
reduces the degree of a postprandial peak
reducing/changing time for ingesting
of hyperglycemia. Because pregnancy provides severe
morning glucose intolerance, the first meal of the day
should be small, with minimal carbohydrates.

Hypoglycemia may be more sudden or severe during

Provide information regarding the signs and the first trimester, owing to increased usage of glucose
symptoms and difference of hyperglycemia or and glycogen by a client and developing fetus, as well
hypoglycemia. as low levels of the insulin antagonist human placental
lactogen (HPL).
Ketoacidosis occurs more frequently during the
second and third trimester because of the resistance to
insulin and elevated HPL levels.

Sustained or intermittent pulse of hyperglycemia re

mutagenic and teratogenic for the fetus in the first
trimester; may also cause fetal
hyperinsulinemia, macrosomia, inhibition of lung
maturity, cardiac dysrhythmia, neonatal hypoglycemia,
and risk of permanent neurologic damage.

Maternal effects of hyperglycemia can

include hydramnios, vaginal and urinary tract
infections, hypertension and spontaneous termination
of pregnancy.

Insufficient caloric intake is reflected by ketonuria,

indicating a need for an increased intake of
carbohydrates or additional snack in the dietary plan
(e.g., recurrent presence of ketonuria on awakening
may be eliminated by 3 am a glass of milk).
The presence of ketones during the second trimester
Recommend monitoring urine ketones on
awakening and when a planned meal or snack is may reflect “accelerated starvation” as the diminished
delayed effectiveness of insulin results in a catabolic state
during fasting periods (e.g., skipping meals), causing
maternal metabolism of fat. Adjustment of insulin
type, dosage, and/or frequency must be required.

Using plenty of simple carbohydrates to treat

Instruct client to treat symptomatic
hypoglycemia causes serum glucose values to elevate.
hypoglycemia, if it occurs, with an 8-oz glass of
A combination of complex carbohydrates and protein
milk and to repeat in 15 minutes if serum
maintains normoglycemia longer and helps maintain
glucose levels remain below 70 mg/dl.
the stability of serum glucose throughout the day.
Division of insulin dosage considers basal maternal
needs and mealtime insulin-to-food ratio and allows
Discuss the type of insulin, dosage and schedule more freedom in meal-scheduling. The total daily
(e.g., usually 4 times/day: 7:30am-NPH; 10am- dosage is based on gestational, current maternal body
regular; 4pm-NPH; 6pm-regular). weight, and serum glucose levels. A mix of NPH and
regular human insulin helps mimic the normal insulin
release pattern of the pancreas, minimizing
“peak/valley” effect of serum glucose level. Note:
Although some providers may choose to manage
clients with GDM with oral hypoglycemic agents,
insulin is still the drug of choice.
Prenatal metabolic needs change throughout the
trimesters, and adjustment is determined by weight
gain and laboratory test results. Insulin needs in the
Adjust diet or insulin regimen to meet
first trimester are 0.7 unit/kg of body weight. Between
individual needs.
18-24 weeks of gestation, it increases to 0.8 unit/kg; at
34 weeks’ gestation, 0.9 unit/kg, and 1.0 unit/kg by 36
weeks gestation.
Incidence of fetal and newborn abnormalities is
Monitor serum blood glucose levels (Fasting decreased when fasting blood sugar levels range
blood sugar, preprandial 1 and two hr between 60 and 100 mg/dl, preprandial levels between
postprandial) on the first visit, then as indicated 60 and 105 mg/dl, 1-hr postprandial remains below
by client’s condition. 140 mg/dl, and 2-hr postprandial is less than 120
Provide an accurate picture of average serum glucose
Ascertain results of HbA1c every 2-4weeks. control during the preceding 60 days. Serum glucose
control takes six weeks to normalize.
Provides an opportunity to review the management of
Coordinate multispecialty care conference as both pregnancy and diabetic condition, and to plan for
appropriate. special needs during intrapartum
and postpartum periods.
Diet-specific to the individual is necessary to maintain
normoglycemia and to obtained desired weight gain.
Refer to a registered dietician to individualize
In-depth teaching promotes understanding of own
diet and counsel regarding dietary questions.
needs and clarifies misconceptions, especially for a
client with gestational diabetes.
Prepare for hospitalization if diabetes is not Infant morbidity is linked to maternal hyperglycemia-
controlled. induced fetal hyperinsulinemia.


1. Body weight is within the normal range for the age of gestation.
2. Demonstrates proper technique in self-administration of insulin
3. No episodes of hypoglycemia as claimed by the client
4. No skin problems/lesions.
5. Verbalized readiness on the possible fetal defects.
6. Stable feta heart rate.


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