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Scholarship Grants

Throughout my three years here at ISU, I have been fortunate to be provided financial support. I
have received the New Faculty Start Up Grant, Mid-Year First Year Faculty Research Grant, and
the National Center for Urban Education Course Redesign Grant.

New Faculty Start Up Grant

Bertrand, S. K. (2017). An Examination of How Teacher Candidates are Prepared to Teach
in High-Poverty Schools. Office of Research and Graduate Studies New Faculty Startup
Support Program, Illinois State University, $3,500.

Mid-Year First Year Faculty Research Grant

Bertrand, S. K. (2018). Does Poverty have a Color? : An Examination of how Preservice
Teachers Perceive Students that Attend High-Poverty Schools. Office of Research and
Graduate Studies New Faculty Startup Support Program, Illinois State University, $2,500.

National Center for Urban Education Course Redesign Grant

Bazemore-Bertrand, S. (2018). National Center of Urban Education Course Redesign
Grant. Illinois State University, $4,500.

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