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Those who Pray Dionon doesn't derp...
May 3, 2017 at 4:22pm
Old Revised Reiatsu Categories -

Small: 1-500
Moderate: 501-2,000
Strong: 2,001-8,000
Very Strong: 8,001-30,000
Massive: 30,001-150,000
Incredible: 150,001-500,000
Immense: 500,001-2,000,000
Titanic: 2,000,001-5,000,000
Ungodly: 5,000,001-20,000,000
Godly: 20,000,001+

New Revised Reiatsu Categories -

Minor: 1 - 3,000
Medium: 3,001 - 10,000
Major: 10,001 - 50,000
Incredible: 50,001 - 200,000
Immense: 200,001 - 750,000
Titanic: 750,001 - 2,000,000
Godly: 2,000,001 - 10,000,000
Divine: 10,000,001+

Minor - 1 - 3k
Small: 1-250
Moderate: 251-500
Strong: 501-1,000
Very Strong: 1,001-2,000
Massive: 2,001-3,000

Medium - 3k-10k
Small: 3,001-4,000
Moderate: 4,001-5,000
Strong: 5,001-6,000
Very Strong: 7,001-8,000
Massive: 8,001 - 10,000

Major - 10k - 50k

Small: 10,001 - 15,000
Moderate: 15,001 - 20,000
Strong: 20,001 - 30,000
Very Strong: 30,001 - 40,000
Massive: 40,001 - 50,000
Incredible: 50,001 - 200,000
Small: 50,001 - 75,000
Moderate: 75,001 - 100,000
Strong: 100,001 - 125,000
Very Strong: 125,001 - 150,000
Massive: 150,001 - 200,000

Immense: 200,001 - 750,000

Small: 200,001 - 250,000
Moderate: 250,001 - 300,000
Strong: 300,001 - 400,000
Very Strong: 400,001 - 500,000
Massive: 500,001 - 750,000

Titanic: 750,001 - 2,000,000

Small: 750,001 - 1,000,000
Moderate: 1,000,001 - 1,250,000
Strong: 1,250,001 - 1,500,000
Very Strong: 1,500,001 - 1,750,000
Massive: 1,750,001 - 2,000,000

Godly: 2,000,001 - 10,000,000

Small: 2,000,,001 - 3,000,000
Moderate: 3,000,001 - 4,000,000
Strong: 4,000,001 - 6,000,000
Very Strong: 6,000,001 - 8,000,000
Massive: 8,000,001 - 10,000,000

Divine: 10,000,001+
Those who Pray Dionon doesn't derp... Quote
Aug 17, 2017 at 4:26pm
Talonhawke likes this
Jutsu System -
E-Rank: 1-10 points (10-100 Chakra)
D-Rank: 11-20 points (110-200 Chakra)
C-Rank: 21-30 points (210-300 Chakra)
B-Rank: 31-40 points (310-400 Chakra)
A-Rank: 41-50 points (410-500 Chakra)
S-Rank: 51+ points (510+ Chakra)

Restrictions: "+Xd6 Damage" and "+X Enhancement Bonus" are restricted to Signature Jutsu and those derived from
Restrictions: "Penetrating" May only be on a Jutsu once, unless it's your signature jutsu, or a jutsu derived from it,
and is S-Rank.

Bonus Jutsu points above and beyond those given by rank do not increase the chakra cost.

To create a jutsu the user must have the following ability score modifiers:

In the relevant ability score for the type of jutsu they are creating
Taijutsu: Strength/Dexterity
Ninjutsu: Intelligence
Genjutsu: Charisma
Sensory/Medical Ninjutsu: Wisdom
Those who Pray Dionon doesn't derp... Quote
Aug 18, 2017 at 1:09pm
~ General Feats ~


Prerequisites: Exclusive of any other racial feat
Benefits: You gain an unarmed strike that deals 1d6, +1d6 for every 5 ranks in Unarmed Strike above 1. You also
gain a Jutsu Attack used with Ninjutsu or Genjutsu, it deals 1d6, +1d6 for every 5 ranks in Spellcraft above 1. You
may use Recover Reiatsu once per battle, and an additional time at level 5 and every 5 levels after. You may use the
higher of Constitution or Charisma as your Spellscore for determining Chakra. Shinboi may not use Shinigami skills.
May not use Flash Step naturally. Shinobi are always considered to be making a Running jump when they do so, and
are not limited by their height when jumping. You gain a natural affinity to one of the five basic nature
transformations (Fire, Wind, Lightning, Earth, or Water). You gain a Ninja Ability at level 1 and every 2 levels


Prerequisites: Concentration 4+, Spellcraft 4+, Exclusive: Oceanic Spiritual Pressure
Benefits: You reduce the chakra cost of jutsu by 10%.
Special: You use half as many hand seals as a typical Shinobi.


Prerequisites: Concentration 8+, Spellcraft 8+, Improved Hand Seals
Benefits: You reduce the chakra cost of jutsu by an additional 15%, stacking with Improved Hand Seals for a total of
25% reduction.
Special: You use only a quarter as many hand seals as a typical Shinobi.


Prerequisites: Concentration 12+, Spellcraft 12+, Superior Hand Seals
Benefits: You reduce the chakra cost of jutsu by an additional 25%, stacking with Improved and Superior Hand Seals
for a total of 50% reduction.

Those who Pray Dionon doesn't derp...
Aug 18, 2017 at 3:04pm
~ Clan and Bloodline Feats ~

~ Uchiha ~

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Prerequisites: Exclusive of any other Clan Feat, Shinobi
Benefits: You are born from the Uchiha bloodline, and have inherited their inherent combat capabilities. You gain
proficiency with all Simple and Martial Nin weapons, and may select Exotic Nin weapons with your advancing
ranks in the Weapon Attack Skill. Uchiha gain a Fire Affinity, in addition to the one granted by the Shinobi feat.
Uchiha gain access to the Uchiha Ninja abilities.


Prerequisites: Sharingan – 3 Tomoe, Concentration 8+, Spellcraft 8+
Benefits: You may activate your Sharingan as a swift action instead of a move action.


Prerequisites: Battle-Ready Sharingan, Concentration 11+, Spellcraft 11+
Benefits: You may activate your Sharingan as an immediate action.


Prerequisites: Mangekyou Sharingan
Benefits: The cost to activate the Mangekyou Sharingan is reduced to 50 chakra, and spending an additional 10
chakra for every minute after the first. The user loses all Blind Points and is immune to them henceforth. Increase
the numerical bonuses of the Mangekyou Sharingan by +2. Add an additional 4 points to each Mangekyou Jutsu.


Prerequisites: Mangekyou Jutsu – Susano’o, Stage 1 mastered
Benefits: You may activate your Susano’o as an immediate action for twice the activation cost.


Prerequisites: Mangekyou Jutsu – Susano’o, Stage 2 mastered
Benefits: You may spend 50 Chakra to repair 1 Damage Mitigation of your Susano’o as a free action, once per round
on your turn. You may spend multiple iterations at once.

~ Hyuuga ~

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Prerequisites: Exclusive of any other Clan Feat, Shinobi
Benefits: You are born from the Hyuuga bloodline, and have inherited their inherent Taijutsu and ocular
capabilities. You gain Combat Martial Arts as a bonus feat, and gain a bonus to your Taijutsu Saving Throw DCs
equal to the bonus granted by Combat Martial Arts. Hyuuga gain access to the Hyuuga Ninja abilities.


Prerequisites: Byakugan – Stage 1, Concentration 8+, Spellcraft 8+
Benefits: You may activate your Byakugan as a swift action instead of a move action.


Prerequisites: Battle-Ready Byakugan, Concentration 11+, Spellcraft 11+
Benefits: You may activate your Byakugan as an immediate action.


Prerequisites: Byakugan – Stage 2
Benefits: While the Byakugan is active, the user may concentrate as a Standard action to multiply the range of their
Blindsense by 10.


Prerequisites: Byakugan – Stage 3, Extended Vision
Benefits: While the Byakugan is active, the user may concentrate as a Standard action to multiply the range of their
Blindsense by 100.

Those who Pray Dionon doesn't derp...
Dec 6, 2017 at 10:01pm

Totally a mental ability score rip of Momentum Swing.


Cost: 1 Super Points/level
Level Range: 1-20
Relevant Ability Score: Intelligence, Wisdom, or Charisma
Power Description: Choose one ability score from the Relevant section, and one type of action/emotion. While you
are feeling that emotion or doing that action, your chosen ability score increases by +2 per level of this power every
three turns. Your ability score cannot more than double with this power. The effects of this power last until the end
of combat at which point the effects end immediately.
- Sorrow (Increasing your Charisma while suffering from negatives)
- Fear (Increasing your Intelligence while under the effects of a fear effect)
Special: You may take this power beyond level 20 with GM permission.
- Swift Adaptation: Your Ability Score increase comes every other round instead of every third round. (+1 Super
- Super Swift Adaptation: Requires Swift Adaptation. Your Ability Score increase comes every round instead of every
other round. (+1 Super Point/level)
- Strategic Mind: For each iteration of bonus you receive, you gain a +2 to all Reflex Saving Throws and Defense rolls
(+2 Super Points/level)
- Double Adaptation: You now gain this power’s benefits to two ability scores using the same action/emotion (+2
Super Points/level)
- Triple Adaptation: You now gain this power’s benefits to all three ability scores using the same action/emotion (+4
Super Points/level)
- Increased Wick: Increase the multiplier to which you can increase your ability scores to by 1. (+1 Super
- Versatile Mind: You may choose an additional action/emotion that triggers your Adaptive Mind. (+1 Super
Those who Pray Dionon doesn't derp...
Jan 8, 2018 at 9:23pm
House Rule: Natural 20's Matter

A Natural 20 on an attack roll are an automatic hit. Incidentally, they also are a Critical Hit and deal Critical Damage.

All other rolls that happen to be a Critical Threat must still beat the Defense check as normal.
Those who Pray Dionon doesn't derp...
Jan 8, 2018 at 9:43pm
New Armor Special Ability:

Bulwak: +1 Ability
Double your Critical Defense range, this has the same restrictions as Keen.
Special: May not be used in a game that uses the House Rule "Natural 20's Matter".

New Feat:

Defensive Master [GENERAL]

Prerequisites: Defense, Fortitude Save, Reflex Save, or Will Save 4+ Ranks, Defensive Skill Focus: Any
Benefits: You gain 3 Defensive Points that may spent on the following benefits:
Increase your Critical Defense on Defense Rolls and Saving Throws by 1. (Max 3)
Lower the Critical Damage you receive by 1 (Max 3, minimum critical damage dealt is 1.5x)
Special: May not be used in a game that uses the House Rule "Natural 20's Matter".

Improved Critical Defense [General]

Prerequisites: Chosen Defense Skill or Saving Throw 11+ Ranks
Benefits: Double the range of your chosen Defense Skill or Saving Throw's Critical Defense.
Special: May not be used in a game that uses the House Rule "Natural 20's Matter".

NOTE: None of these abilities should be used in a game that uses the House Rule "Natural 20's Matter"
Those who Pray Dionon doesn't derp...
Jan 10, 2018 at 1:42pm
New Feat Subtype:
Heroic -
Each time you gain a Heroic Feat, you gain an additional super point.

Prestige Path:
Technological Warrior

Some heroes create technological armor that enhances their abilities.

Feats: Academic Knowledge

Skills: Craft (Electronics) 15+
Powers: At least 4 of your Superpowers must have the Removable flaw and have a power level of 6+
Special: Each feat in this Prestige Path counts as a Heroic feat.
Exclusive: Power Manipulation
You gain the Power Manipulation power with a power level of 5 + number of feats in this Prestige Path. You may
purchase additional levels, but may not purchase any Advantages. You gain Higher Disadvantage Rebate once. You
may only Overclock powers with the Removable flaw with your Power Manipulation.

2 – Bonus Feat


You gain +1 Dexterity for each level of Power Manipulation. You may now assign the Overclock from your Power
Manipulation as a Swift Action. You gain an additional iteration of the Higher Disadvantage Rebate.

4 – Bonus Feat


You may now spend levels of your Overclock from Power Manipulation on gaining additional Advantages instead of
increasing the level of a power. You pay 1 power level for each +1/level of an Advantage, after reductions are
applied. You gain an additional iteration of the Higher Disadvantage Rebate. You may now assign the Overclock
from your Power Manipulation as a free action, once per round.
Those who Pray Dionon doesn't derp...
Jan 15, 2018 at 4:12pm
Absolute Dragonball: Power Saver - Fix
There are those that are just good at using Ki. Some even have trained to the point where it takes less of a strain to
form attacks.

Feats: Ki Conservation taken at least twice.
Skills: Spellcraft 10+ Ranks, Knowledge (Mystic Arts) 10+ Ranks, Concentration 10+ Ranks


Reduce the cost of all Special Attacks you possess by 5%. Also, reduce the number of rounds it takes to charge a
Special Attack by 2, minimum 1.

2 – Bonus Feat
Reduce the cost of all Special Attacks you possess by 10%. This overlaps Special Conservation. Also, reduce the
number of rounds it take to charge a Special Attack by an additional 2, minimum 1.

4 – Bonus Feat


Reduce the cost of all Special Attacks you possess by 20%. This overlaps Improved Special Conservation. Also, reduce
the number of rounds it take to charge a Special Attack by an additional 2, minimum 1.

Those who Pray Dionon doesn't derp...
Jan 28, 2018 at 11:44am
Random Maddwaffles content I am saving so he doesn't lose it ever again.

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Saiyan Paragon (Ki, Paragon)

Prerequisites: Saiyan, Constitution 18+, Exclusive Oldblood.
Benefits: Add +20 to spellscore for ki calculation. You are considered 2 levels higher for saiyan feats. As well, your
saiyan racial feat and saiyan feats are considered ki feats. Saiyans with this feat gain Trained-Off Tail Weakness as a
bonus feat.
Changeling Paragon (Ki, Paragon)
Prerequisites: Changeling, Exclusive Oldblood, Charisma 18+
Benefits: A Changeling Paragon is considered 2 levels higher for all Changeling-related feats, and for purposes of BW
calculation on their unarmed strikes. The Changeling also gains Extra ki twice, and increased reiatsu capacity, as
bonus feats.

Ki-Using Human Paragon (Ki, Paragon)

Prerequisites: Wisdom 18+, Exclusive Oldblood
Benefits: You gain +20 to your spellscore for ki calculation. You are treated as 2 levels higher for all ki-using human
feats, additionally, you gain extra ki and psychic ability as bonus feats regardless of prerequisites.

Shin-Jin Paragon (Ki, Paragon)

Prerequisites: Shin-Jin, Wisdom 18+, Exclusive Oldblood
Benefits: You gain +20 to your spellscore for ki calculation. You are treated as 2 levels higher for all shin-jin feats,
additionally the kaio-shin Prestige Path no longer has the epic tag, and does away with the skill-related

Namekian Paragon (Ki, Paragon)

Prerequisites: Namekian, Wisdom or Constitution 18+, Exclusive Oldblood Benefits: You gain +20 to your spellscore
for ki calculation. You are treated as 2 levels higher for all namekian feats, additionally, you gain Namek Limb
Regrowth and qualify for Multifusion, both regardless of the prerequisites

More of Madd's Content to Save -

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Cost: 5/Level
Level Range: 1 - 20
Relevant Statistic: Intelligence or Charisma (Your choice)
Power Description: Magic is a catchall mechanism that pools powers below it. Each level of this power grants
you 10 Super Points to purchase other powers that will be listed under this power. In order to purchase
powers in this manner, you must learn, study, or invent, the spell. A character may access any of their spells
during combat, but before entering combat, must select the spells they wish to use, which cannot be changed
until the end of combat. A spell's duration is equal to the caster's relevant statistic modifier in rounds
They are magical in nature, and to use them requires a Standard Action to activate them as you make with an
incantation or quick word or gesture, once cast the spell's effect takes place immediately. If someone strikes
you in combat while you're casting a spell, you must make a Strength-Based Concentration check or fail to cast
your spell.
Special: You may take this beyond level 20 with GM permission
• Lengthy Casting: In order to cast a spell, you must take a full-round action to complete the necessaries
of the spellcasting. (-1 Super Point/Level)

• Limited Memory: Spells learned, and thus Super Points spent on this power, are permanent and cannot be
changed between encounters. This means that the character stops learning spells when they've learned their
maximum points granted by this power. (-2 Super Points/Level)
• Accumulate Magic: You may make a special Concentration Check. You gain that many temporary points
to enhance spells you already have. They don't have a maximum level for this effect. The points bleed
off after one hour. (+2 Super Points/Level)

•Speedy Spellslinger: You may cast a spell as a swift action, rather than a standard action. (+1 Super

•Permanence: When casting a spell, its duration is increased from rounds to minutes. (+2 Super Points/
Level, Reslectable, when selected again it increases from minutes to hours, then hours to days. Spells are
still always timed out by an encounter finishing.)

•Versatile Mage: At the start of an encounter you no longer have to establish all of the spells you intend
to use, you may instead choose to establish spells as you use them DURING combat. (+3 Super Points/Level)

•Spell-Swapper: Throughout combat, with a movement action, you may unspend your points gained from this
for one spell so that you may choose to use those points on other spells. (+3 Super Points/Level)

SPOILER: Click to hide

Cost: 5 Super Points
Level Range: 1 Level
Relevant Statistic: Intelligence/Constitution
Power Description: You gain the ability to create a singular melee weapon made of a selected energy as a move
action. You choose one type of melee weapon when you take this power, it cannot be changed later. This weapon
deals 1d6 [BW] + 1 [BW] per 5 ranks after 1 in Weapon Attack. If this weapon is sundered, or you are disarmed, you
may re-manifest it as a swift action next round.
Light Weapon: Your weapon deals 1d4[BW] damage intead of 1d6. (-1 Super Points)

Linked Weapon: (Special Prerequisite: Slashing, Piercing, or Bludgeoning Energy Type) The energy weapon you
manifest is now linked to your physiology, when sundered you now suffer the same damage the weapon did to your

Fast Weapon: You may create your weapon as a Swift Action (+7 Super Points)
Enhancement Bonus: You may add a +1 enhancement bonus to your energy weapon. You may grant weapon
enhancement to your weapon as well as long as you have at least a +1 enhancement bonus left after granting
abilities. (+2 Super Points/Reselectable/Stackable, cannot take more times than 5 + your character level)

Any Weapon Will Do: You may create any melee weapon as an energy weapon instead of selecting only one type. (+1
Super Points)

Ranged Weapon: Select one type of ranged weapon, your Energy Weapon now manifests as this instead. If you have
selected Any Weapon Will Do, it reads “Any Ranged Weapon that deals fewer than 3 damage dice” instead. Now,
your Damage Dice improves with Ranged Shot, rather than Weapon Attack. (+2 Super Points)

Fisticuffs Weapon: Your Energy Weapon now manifests as an extension of your Unarmed Strike, dealing the same
damage. Now, your Damage Dice improves with Unarmed Strike, rather than Weapon Attack. (+1 Super Points)

Additional Energy: Select one type of energy you did not previously with this power at selection, you now deal that
energy type, and the original selection, for all positive purposes. (+5 Super Points/Reselectable/Stackable)

Powerful Weapon: The damage dice that your weapon deals increases by 1 size. (+3 Super
Points/Reselectable/Stackable/Exclusive of Fisticuffs Weapon)

Those who Pray Dionon doesn't derp...
Feb 4, 2018 at 1:18pm
Prerequisites: A racial weapon
Benefits: Select a racial weapon you possess, double the hardness of your selected racial weapon, and its hitpoints.
Special: You may select this feat multiple times. Its effects stack, following normal stacking rules.
Those who Pray Dionon doesn't derp...
Feb 10, 2018 at 1:21pm

You have developed your Busoshoku Haki to such a degree that you begin to master it.

Feats: Busoshoku Haki Nullification, Busoshoku Improved Haki Defense, Busoshoku Improved Haki Offense
Skills: Unarmed Strike 11+ Ranks OR Weapon Attack 11+ Ranks, Fortitude Save 11+ Ranks OR Will Save 11+ Ranks
Special: All feats in this Prestige Path are considered Haki feats.


You increased the duration of Busoshoku Haki Defense to minutes instead of rounds, in addition you may add your
Constitution Modifier to the Damage Mitigation. In addition this Damage Mitigation now extends to your Weapon(s)
that have been enhanced by Busoshoku Haki.

2 - Bonus Feat


You may activate Busoshoku Haki Defense or Busoshoku Offense feats as an immediate action. You may activate
them as a Free Action on your turn by increasing the cost by 50 Haki.

4 - Bonus Feat


For every 2d6 damage you increase your damage by, you gain a +1 bonus to Unarmed Strike and Weapon Attack
rolls for the encounter. For every 2 Damage Mitigation you gain from Busoshoku Haki Defense, you gain a +1 to
Defense Rolls. Additionally, you now add your Constitution Score to Busoshoku Haki Defense Damage Mitigation
instead of Constitution Modifier.
A_Shadow_of_Life Quote
Those who Pray Dionon doesn't derp... Options
Feb 10, 2018 at 1:25pm


You have developed your Kenbunshoku Haki to such a degree that you begin to master it.

Feats: Improved Kenbunshoku Haki Defense
Skills: Defense 11+ Ranks, Reflex Save 11+ Ranks
Special: Each feat in this Prestige Path is considered a Haki feat.


You gain Uncanny Dodge, Improved Uncanny Dodge, and Touch Defense as bonus feats. In addition, you may add
your Wisdom Modifier to the Insight bonus from Kenbunshoku Haki Defense.

2 - Bonus Feat


You gain a bonus to all attack and damage rolls equal to your Wisdom Modifier.

4 - Bonus Feat


You've mastered Kenbunshoku Haki to such a degree that all incoming attacks have their damage reduced by your
Wisdom score. This damage penalty is applied before Resilience, Damage Reduction/Mitigation, and any other
damage decreasing factors.
Those who Pray Dionon doesn't derp...
Feb 10, 2018 at 1:26pm

You have developed your Haoshoku Haki to such a degree that you begin to master it.
Feats: Haoshoku Improved Haki
Skills: Will Save 13+ Ranks, Intimidate 13+ Ranks, Diplomacy 13+ Ranks
Special: Each feat in this Prestige Path is considered a Haki feat.


The range of your Haoshoku Haki doubles, and you may select a number of targets equal to your Charisma modifier
to not be effected. The duration of your Haoshoku Haki becomes minutes instead of rounds.

2 - Bonus Feat


You gain a bonus to Defense checks equal to your Charisma modifier, and allies within your Haoshoku Haki burst
range gain a morale bonus to d20 rolls equal to half your Charisma modifier. Double the range of your Haoshoku
Haki again.

4 - Bonus Feat


You may use Haoshoku Haki as a Swift Action. The bonus your allies receive from Haoshoku Aura now becomes
your Charisma modifier. You gain a bonus to Attack, Damage, and Saving Throws equal to your Charisma modifier.
You are immune to the negative effects of Haoshoku Haki.
Those who Pray Dionon doesn't derp... Quote
Jun 1, 2018 at 11:00am
NEW W.A.S. Archive Aspects –

Enhanced Resilience Aspect

Tier 1: When using the Resilience feat, you increase the amount of damage reduced per iteration by 0.5 per point
Tier 2: You reduce the cost of the Resilience feat to 3 RR per 1 point of damage reduced.
Tier 3: When using the Resilience feat, you increase the amount of damage reduced per iteration by 1 per point
Tier 4: You reduce the cost of the Resilience feat to 2 RR per 1 point of damage reduced.
Tier 5: You reduce the cost of the Resilience feat to 1 RR per 1 point of damage reduced. You increase the amount of
damage reduced per 1 RR spent by 2 per reishi point invested.
Improved Weapon Aspect
Tier 1: Increase the enhancement bonus of your Quincy Weapon by 1 per point invested
Tier 2: You may exchange any number of enhancement bonuses for Weapon Properties, reducing your
enhancement bonus as appropriate.
Tier 3: Increase the enhancement bonus of your Quincy Weapon by 2 per point invested
Tier 4: As Tier 2, but you only pay half the cost of Weapon Properties.
Tier 5: Increase the enhancement bonus of your Quincy Weapon by 3 per point invested

Superior Reishi Capacity [REISHI, SOUL]

Prerequisites: Power Reishi, Expanded Capacity x2, Spellcraft 14+ Ranks
Benefits: You double the capacity of all Aspects, Feats, and abilities that can hold reishi.
Those who Pray Dionon doesn't derp... Quote
Jul 12, 2018 at 11:00am
Advantage Revision -
It's now a power on its own, and is still an advantage of Regeneration.

Regrow Limb [Body]

Cost: 2/level
Level Range: 1-20
Relevant Statistic: Constitution
Power Description: You may regenerate limbs if they are removed. They regenerate at a rate based on the following
1: 1 year
2: 6 months
3: 3 months
4: 1 month
5: 2 weeks
6: 1 week
7: 3 days
8: 24 hours
9: 12 hours
10: 8 hours
11: 4 hours
12: 2 hours
13: 1 hour
14: 30 minutes
15: 10 minutes
16: 5 minutes
17: 1 minute
18: 5 rounds
19: 1 round later at the beginning of your turn
20: At the beginning of your next turn
Those who Pray Dionon doesn't derp... Quote
Jul 25, 2018 at 11:35am

Some Quincy prefer using their own reiatsu to create their weapons, in place of Reishi. Those Quincy find their
powers greatly enhanced by the power of their own soul.

Feats: Senrai Training, Enhanced Spiritual Absorption, Oceanic Spiritual Pressure
Skills: Any Attack Skill 6+ Ranks, Concentration 6+ Ranks, Spellcraft 6+ Ranks
Special: Exclusive of Reishi Holster
Special: Each feat in this Prestige Path counts as a Reiatsu feat.


Your Quincy Weapon can now be created without a Quincy cross, using your own reiatsu in place of reishi. Your
Quincy Weapon is now a constant release with 1 Shikai power for each type it has. It gains an additional Shikai
power for every 2 levels thereafter.

2 - Bonus Feat


Your Geist Rustung's changes color to match your Aspect of Victory, and you gain an additional Shikai Type based on
this color, as well as a special Weapon Aspect. You may select an Aspect of Victory from the following list:
Justice: White is the color of this Victory Aspect and grants the Justice Shikai Type
Anger: Red is the color of this Victory Aspect and grants the War Shikai Type
Power: Orange is the color of this Victory Aspect and grants the Mystic Shikai Type
Loyalty: Yellow is the color of this Victory Aspect and grants the Temperance Shikai Type
Love: Green is the color of this Victory Aspect and grants the Celerity Shikai Type
Honor: Royal Blue is the color of this Victory Aspect and grants the Prudence Shikai Type
Faith: Purple is the color of this Victory Aspect and grants the Zen Shikai Type
Fear: Black is the color of this Victory Aspect and grants the Courage Shikai Type

4 - Bonus Feat


You gain a second Aspect of Victory. Your Quincy Weapon now is comprised of both colors from your Aspect of

Weapon Aspects of Victory -

Aspect of Victory - Justice

Tier 1: You deal an additional 1 point of Divine Damage with your Quincy Weapon per Reishi Invested.
Tier 2: You gain a stack of the Penetrating special ability for every 3 Reishi invested
Tier 3: You gain a stack of the Negate Defenses Bankai ability for every 5 Reishi invested
Tier 4: Double the benefits of Tier 1
Tier 5: Double the benefits of Tier 4

Aspect of Victory - Anger

Tier 1: Increase the bonuses from the Rage feat by 1 per Reishi invested
Tier 2: Increase the number of times per day you can Rage and the duration by 1 per Reishi invested
Tier 3: Double the benefits of Tier 1
Tier 4: Double the Benefits of Tier 2
Tier 5: Double the benefits of Tier 3 and 4

Aspect of Victory - Power

Tier 1: Increase your release multiplier by 0.5x per Reishi invested
Tier 2: Increase the amount of Reishi invested of all Weapon Aspects by 1 for every 2 Reishi invested, and increase
their maximum by the same amount.
Tier 3: Increase all ability scores by 1 per 2 Reishi invested
Tier 4: Double the benefits of Tier 1
Tier 5: Double the benefits of Tier 3

Aspect of Victory - Loyalty

Tier 1: All allies within 10 ft per Reishi invested gain a bonus to d20 rolls equal to 1 per 2 Reishi invested
Tier 2: Double the range of Tier 1, and increase the Critical Range of allies by 1 per 2 Reishi invested
Tier 3: Double the range of Tier 2 and increase the Damage Mitigation of allies by 2 per Reishi invested
Tier 4: Increase the Critical Multiplier of allies in range by 1 per 5 Reishi invested
Tier 5: You now count as an ally and gain the benefits of this Aspect.

Aspect of Victory - Love

Tier 1: +1 Defense, Reflex Save, and Initiative rolls per Reishi invested
Tier 2: +1 Super Speed Level per 2 Reishi invested
Tier 3: Double the benefits of Tier 1
Tier 4: Increase the range you critically defend on Defense and Reflex Save rolls by 1 per 2 Reishi invested
Tier 5: You may reroll a Defense or Reflex Save once per round as a free action. May be used before or after the roll
is determined a fail.

Aspect of Victory - Honor

Tier 1: Increase the Critical Range of your Quincy Weapon by 1 per 2 Reishi invested
Tier 2: Opponents receive a -1 to all d20 rolls, and save DCs per Reishi invested when attacking anyone other than
Tier 3: Increase the Critical Multiplier of your Quincy Weapon by 1 per 5 Reishi invested
Tier 4: Tier 2 now applies to all Opponents d20 rolls when more than one are in combat with you
Tier 5: Double the penalties of Tier 2, and half the penalties from Tier 4 always apply

Aspect of Victory - Faith

Tier 1: You gain Fast Healing equal to twice the number of invested Reishi
Tier 2: You recover 10 times Reishi invested Reiatsu per round
Tier 3: Increase the Fast Healing granted by Tier 1 by your Spellscore modifier
Tier 4: Double the benefits of Tier 2
Tier 5: Double the benefits of Tier 1 and increase your Reiatsu recovery from Tier 2 by 10 times your Spellscore

Aspect of Victory - Fear

Tier 1: You gain a Frightful Presence equal to 10 ft per Reishi invested
Tier 2: Increase the Frightful Presence DC by Reishi invested
Tier 3: Anyone suffering from your Frightful Presence are considered Flat-footed
Tier 4: Double the range of your Frightful Presence
Tier 5: Double the benefits of Tier 4. Anyone suffering from your Frightful Presence loses the benefits of Damage
Mitigation and may not use Resilience or its equivalent


Prerequisites: 4[BW] Quincy Weapon Damage, Geist Rustung
Benefits: You may now unleash the power of your Geist Rustung. This functions as the Bankai feat.
Those who Pray Dionon doesn't derp...
Jan 15, 2019 at 11:16am

Some Hollows have taken the time to master the Bala, to turn it into a powerful weapon.

Feats: Improved Combat Bowmanship, Rapid Shot
Skills: Unarmed Strike 6+, Ranged Shot 6+, Concentration 6+, Spellcraft 6+
Special: Bala at least twice
Special: Each feat in this Prestige Path counts as a Reiatsu feat.

1 - BALA SAVANT [Prestige]

You may fire a number of Bala's equal to the number of attacks per round you are capable of in a single full-attack
action, as a standard action. You may add your Wisdom Modifier to Bala damage rolls.

2 - Bonus Feat

3 - BALA EXPERT [Prestige]

Your Bala gain an Enhancement bonus equal to half your character level. In addition, once you fire a Bala, you may
as a standard action on a subsequent turn, spend 10 Reiatsu to allow the Bala to attack again with a bonus equal to
your Charisma Modifier. You may keep a number of such Bala flying around equal to your Wisdom Modifier as long
as you pay the requisite 10 Reiatsu per Bala per turn, up to a maximum of 1 round per character level.

4 - Bonus Feat

5 - BALA MASTER [Prestige]

Your Bala gain the Auto-Fire ability. In addition, your Bala now have a range of 400 feet + 40 feet / level.

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