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Question8: Identify 3 social issues along with causes

and effect and legal remedy.

1. A Soaring unemployment rate:
The North African country’s unemployment rate reached 13.2% in the first
quarter of 2013, according to a report by Egypt Central Agency for Public
Mobilization and Statistics.Unemployment was a key motivator in the 2011
revolution, and it hasn’t improved since.The economy has been called a
“socioeconomic time bomb” by former Finance Minister Samir Radwan because
of the combination of a large jobless youth population and a faltering gross
domestic product growth rate.There are lot of reasons for unemployment but one
of the major reason is overpopulation. The population is increasing day by day
but job opportunity can’t be created same proportion so a huge percentage of
people remain unemployed. Only 10% of area is used for living, agriculture and
other 90% are unused. There are some cities and areas in Egypt which has
higher density population pressure. Education system is also plays vital role in
unemployment problems. The present bookish education responsible for it.
Subjects which are taught at school, college or university not compatible or not
related or not at the level of present job requirement.

2. The Crime Rate:

The crime rate has almost tripled since 2010.The latest bloodshed shocked
Egyptian’s and the world but it’s part of a larger increase in crime and violence in
Egypt since before the 2011 revolution.According to research by the Wilson
Center, in 2010, there were about 200 report incidents of armed robbery in
Egypt, by 2012, that number had risen to 2807 reported incidents. But now Egypt
robbery rate was at level of 3.2 cases per 100,000 population in 2011, up from
0.9 cases per 100,000 population previous year, this is a change of 275.29
%.Victims of unfair or incorrect rulings from court often cause people to
enter a life of crime. Drugs are a bane, no matter how we look at
them.People with depression, grave mental disorders also end up
committing crimes.

3. Egypt - Rape
As an Egyptian woman, you spend your entire life dealing with sexual violence,
According to a 2013 study by the United Nations, more than 99 percent of all
Egyptian women have been the victim of harassment.In 2011, rape for Egypt was
102. Rape of Egypt increased from 44 in 2005 to 102 in 2011 growing at an
average annual rate of 16.43 %.Rapes have been carried out during festivals and
the Egyptian protests, and include the public rapes of women, and female
journalists,military men had raped a civilian.In April 2014, it was reported that the
Egyptian police was using rape as a weapon against the political dissidents, in
relation to this report, one of the victim had raised the issue during the first
judicial hearing, although the victim's complaint was ignored Childhood.
Another factor involving social relationships is a family's response that blames women
without punishing men, concentrating instead on restoring lost family honor. Such a
response creates an environment in which rape can occur with impunity.Factors operating at
a societal level that influence sexual violence include laws and national policies relating to
gender equality in general and to sexual violence more specifically, as well as norms relating
to the use of violence

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