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International Dairy Journal 16 (2006) 555–562


Lipoprotein lipase and lipolysis in milk

Hilton C. Deeth
School of Land and Food Sciences, The University of Queensland, Brisbane 4072, Australia
Received 19 April 2005; accepted 26 August 2005


Bovine milk contains a lipoprotein lipase that accounts for most, if not all, of its lipolytic activity. The total lipase activity in raw milk
is sufficient to cause rapid hydrolysis of a large proportion of the fat. However, in reality this does not happen, because the lipase is
prevented from accessing the fat by the milkfat globule membrane. Physical damage to this membrane in raw milk initiates lipolysis.
Furthermore, simply cooling certain individual milks soon after secretion can initiate the so-called spontaneous lipolysis. The
biochemical basis of spontaneous lipolysis is still poorly understood, but it appears to be related to a balance between activating and
inhibiting factors in the milk. Lipolysis in milk and milk products causes rancid off-flavours and other problems, and is a constant
concern in the dairy industry. A thorough understanding of the mechanism of lipolysis and constant vigilance by operatives is required to
minimize lipase-related problems.
r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Lipoprotein lipase; Milk lipase; Lipolysis; Free fatty acids


1. Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 555
2. Milk lipase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 556
3. Lipolysis in milk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 557
3.1. Spontaneous lipolysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 557
3.1.1. Mechanism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 557
3.1.2. Practical aspects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 558
3.2. Induced lipolysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 558
3.2.1. Mechanism . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 558
3.2.2. Practical aspects. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 559
4. Comparison of lipoprotein lipase and bacterial lipase . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 559
5. Analytical methods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 560
6. Challenges. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 560
7. Conclusion . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 561
Acknowledgements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 561
References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 561

1. Introduction

Lipases are enzymes that catalyse the hydrolysis of

Tel.: +61 7 3346 9191; fax: +61 7 3365 1177. triglycerides (triacylglycerols), the major lipid components
E-mail address: of milk. This hydrolysis is commonly referred to as

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556 H.C. Deeth / International Dairy Journal 16 (2006) 555–562

lipolysis. The products of the reaction are free, or non- FFA) (Deeth & Smith, 1983). This effect is manifested in
esterified fatty acids, and partial glycerides (mono- and difficulty in producing an acceptable foam when making
diglycerides) and, in some cases, glycerol. By definition, cappuccino coffee. It is due to the partial glycerides
lipases act at the lipid–water interface of emulsions of long- produced during lipolysis, which are surface active and
chain, insoluble triglycerides, while the related esterases act displace the foam-stabilizing proteins at the air–water
on esters of short-chain fatty acids (and other acids) and interface of the foam bubbles (Buchanan, 1965). Some
soluble esters (Jaeger et al., 1994; Okuda & Fujii, 1968). other functionality defects, such as impaired creaming
The significance of lipolysis in milk is two-fold: flavour ability during separation and increased churning time in
production and altered functionality. Free fatty acids the manufacture of butter, have been reported (Deeth &
(FFAs), particularly those of short and medium chain Fitz-Gerald, 1995).
length, have strong flavours that, in most cases, are
considered undesirable. The flavour of whole milk with 2. Milk lipase
an elevated FFA level, 41.5 mmol L1, is unacceptable
to most people (IDF, 1987) and is variously described as Despite early research suggesting otherwise (Downey &
rancid, butyric, astringent or even bitter, although this last Andrews, 1969), it is now accepted that only one lipolytic
flavour is usually attributable to products of proteolysis enzyme, lipoprotein lipase (LPL), accounts for most, if not
not lipolysis. The term ‘‘rancid’’ is also used to describe the all, of the lipolytic activity in bovine milk (Olivecrona,
off-flavour due to lipid oxidation, but the two types of 1980; Olivecrona, Vilaro, & Olivecrona, 2003). This is not
rancidity are distinctly different in origin and flavour. In the case for human milk, which contains a bile-salt-
general, oxidative and hydrolytic rancidities are not stimulated lipase in addition to LPL. LPL is involved in
related, although there is some evidence that FFAs are the synthesis of milkfat triglycerides in the mammary gland
more susceptible to oxidation than the parent triglycerides and its presence in milk is due to a spillover from this
(Aubourg, 2001). Flavours due to lipolysed fat can also be gland. Bovine milk LPL does not serve any known
desirable; some cheeses such as certain hard Italian and biological purpose in milk. By contrast, the bile-salt-
Blue varieties owe their characteristic flavour to the stimulated lipase in human milk appears to have a major
presence of FFAs (Deeth & Fitz-Gerald, 1995). role in digestion of milkfat by the newborn (Fredrikzon,
A major functionality effect of lipolysis in milk is Hernell, Bläckberg, & Olivecrona, 1978).
depression of its foaming ability when injected with steam. LPL is a glycoprotein with two N-linked oligosacchar-
Fig. 1 demonstrates the relationship between foaming ides, which appear to be necessary for the activity of the
capacity (steam frothing value) and degree of lipolysis (as enzyme (Olivecrona et al., 2003). It exists as a homodimer
with a molecular mass of 100 kDa (Kinnunen, Huttunen,
& Ehnholm, 1976). In milk, it is normally associated with
the casein micelle. This association is largely electrostatic as
the enzyme can be released from the micelle by sodium
chloride or heparin. The negatively charged heparin has a
high affinity for LPL (Hoynes & Downey, 1973; Olivecrona
et al., 2003); heparin–sepharose affinity chromatography is
used for the separation and purification of the enzyme from
milk (Kinnunen et al., 1976). Hydrophobic interactions
Steam Frothing Value

between LPL and casein are also important, as the enzyme

can be released with dimethylformamide (Fox, Yaguchi, &
Tarassuk, 1967).
LPL is relatively unstable to heat. High-temperature,
short-time (HTST) pasteurization (72 1C for 15 s) inacti-
vates most, if not all, of the enzyme in milk (Farkye,
40 Imafidon, & Fox, 1995), and therefore LPL causes little, if
any, lipolysis in pasteurized milk and products derived
from pasteurized milk. It is also unstable to acid and hence
20 would normally be inactivated in the stomach.
LPL exhibits positional specificity but not fatty acid
specificity (Morley & Kuksis, 1977); it catalyses the
0 hydrolysis of fatty acids from the sn-1 and sn-3 positions
0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 of the triglyceride molecule (Somerharju, Kuusi, Paltauf, &
FFA (mmol L-1) Kinnunen, 1978). Fatty acids are only released from the
Fig. 1. Relationship between the steam frothing value (SFV) and free fatty
2-monoglyceride after rearrangement to a 1(3)-monogly-
acid (FFA) level of milks. SFV ¼ volume of froth  100/original volume ceride (Nilsson-Ehle, Egelrud, Belfrage, Olivecrona, &
of milk (redrawn from Deeth and Smith (1983) with permission). Borgström, 1973). Because the short-chain fatty acids are
H.C. Deeth / International Dairy Journal 16 (2006) 555–562 557

concentrated in the sn-3 position of bovine milk triglycer- correlation has been found between lipase activity and the
ides, the profile of FFAs released by LPL may give the level of spontaneous lipolysis in milks (Cartier & Chilliard,
impression of preferential release of short-chain fatty acids 1990). Similarly, the integrity or fragility of the MFGM
(Ouattara, Jeon, Hart-Thakur, & Schmidt, 2004). would appear to be an obvious factor in predisposing a
The optimum conditions for measuring milk LPL milk to spontaneous lipolysis. While it can be shown to be
activity using an emulsified triglycerides substrate contain- a factor, it cannot explain the major difference between
ing long-chain fatty acids (e.g., ultra-high-temperature milk susceptible to spontaneous lipolysis and ‘‘normal’’
(UHT)-treated (homogenized) cream) are pH 9.0, tem- milks (Cartier & Chilliard, 1990; Sundheim & Bengtsson-
perature 37 1C, with a blood serum lipoprotein activator Olivecrona, 1987).
(e.g., bovine or human blood serum) and a Ca2+ salt as a Components in the skim milk fraction other than LPL
fatty acid acceptor to minimize product inhibition. The have been shown to be important in spontaneous lipolysis.
total LPL activity in raw milk measured under these It has been known for some time that addition of normal
conditions suggests that there is sufficient activity to milk to milk susceptible to spontaneous lipolysis, soon
hydrolyse the fat in milk in a relatively short time. It has after secretion from the cow, has an inhibitory effect on
been reported that the typical LPL activity in milk, subsequent spontaneous lipolysis. That is, the level of
measured in an assay at pH 7, is 100 nmol min1 mL1 FFAs produced is less than the average of the levels
(Olivecrona et al., 2003); if lipolysis in milk proceeded at produced by both milks separately (Dunkley & Smith,
this rate, the milk would be unacceptably rancid in less 1951). This effect has been attributed to the presence of an
than 10 min. Lipolysis does not proceed rapidly because the inhibiting factor or factors in normal milk and a deficiency
milkfat is in the form of globules 0.2–10 mm in diameter, of such factors in susceptible milk. However, it was also
which are enveloped in the protective milkfat globule discovered that mixing two milks, which were susceptible
membrane (MFGM). In freshly secreted milk, this to spontaneous lipolysis, but to different degrees, could
biological membrane is intact and forms an effective result in more lipolysis than the average of the two separate
barrier to access by milk lipase to the fat. However, in milks. This suggested the presence of activating factors in
certain situations, this protection is reduced or completely the most susceptible milk. It therefore appears that milk
eliminated, and lipolysis proceeds. contains both activatory and inhibitory components, and
that the activator–inhibitor balance largely determines the
3. Lipolysis in milk susceptibility of a milk to spontaneous lipolysis (Deeth &
Fitz-Gerald, 1975).
Lipolysis in milk can be broadly categorized into The most likely candidates for activatory factors are
two types: spontaneous and induced. Spontaneous lipo- (apo)lipoproteins. Their presence in milk has been demon-
lysis is initiated by the simple act of cooling raw milk to strated (Castberg & Solberg, 1974; Anderson, 1979), and it
o10 1C soon after it is taken from the cow. By contrast, is known that addition of these blood components or whole
induced lipolysis is initiated by physical damage to the blood serum (Jellema, 1975) to milk initiates lipolysis.
MFGM, which allows the lipase access to the fat sub- However, such lipolysis proceeds without the need to cool
strate. Physical actions causing induced lipolysis include the milk, a prerequisite of spontaneous lipolysis. Heparin-
agitation, pumping and homogenization. Both sponta- like glycosaminoglycans in milk may also be activatory
neous and induced lipolysis progress during sub- (Iverius & Östlund-Lindqvist, 1976). Inhibitory factors
sequent storage of the milk, with most occurring in the have also been discovered in milk; proteose peptone
first 24 h when the milk is refrigerated (Ouattara et al., fraction PP3 inhibits lipolysis (Anderson, 1981; Cartier,
2004). Chilliard, & Paquet, 1990; Girardet, Linden, Loye,
Courthaudon, & Lorient, 1993), as does a peptide isolated
3.1. Spontaneous lipolysis from the MFGM, which is very similar to PP3 (Shimizu,
Miyaji, & Yamauchi, 1982).
3.1.1. Mechanism The susceptibility of milk to spontaneous lipolysis,
Three biochemical factors appear largely to determine measured by the level of FFAs developed in the milk
the susceptibility of milk to spontaneous lipolysis: the after overnight storage at low temperature, shows a
amount of lipase activity; the integrity of the MFGM; and high correlation with the amount of lipase activity
the balance of lipolysis-activating and -inhibiting factors which becomes associated with the milkfat globule
(Cartier & Chilliard, 1990; Deeth & Fitz-Gerald, 1975; (Ahrné & Björck, 1985; Sundheim & Bengtsson-
Sundheim, 1988). These have been demonstrated in Olivecrona, 1985). In highly susceptible milks, a large
experiments where two of these variables have been kept proportion of the lipase moves from the skim phase to the
constant and the other varied. Intuitively, one would cream phase. The extent of this redistribution appears to be
expect the amount of lipase activity in milk to be a major largely governed by the activator–inhibitor balance—
factor; however, it has to be considered that raw milk has activators promote the attachment of the lipase to the
more than enough lipase activity to cause extensive MFGM, while inhibitors prevent the attachment. Cooling
lipolysis under favourable conditions. Furthermore, a poor the milk soon after it leaves the cow triggers this
558 H.C. Deeth / International Dairy Journal 16 (2006) 555–562

attachment as it does not occur in uncooled susceptible 3.2. Induced lipolysis

milk, nor does such milk undergo lipolysis. The exact
nature of the attachment and the manner in which the 3.2.1. Mechanism
activatory and inhibitory factors influence the attachment The mechanism of induced lipolysis is more easily
are presently unknown. explained in terms of the known action of lipase than that
of spontaneous lipolysis. In contrast to other enzymes, the
3.1.2. Practical aspects rate at which a lipase-catalysed reaction proceeds is not
Spontaneous lipolysis occurs at the farm only. The governed by the substrate concentration at the interface
milk of some individual cows is particularly susceptible between the lipid substrate and the aqueous phase of an
to this type of lipolysis and its FFA level may reach as emulsion (Jaeger et al., 1994). In induced lipolysis in milk,
high as 10 mmol L1 after refrigerated storage for 24 h the physical forces involved disrupt the milkfat globule and
(Deeth & Fitz-Gerald, 1995). On the other hand, the milk expose the lipid substrate to the lipase; the more severe the
of other cows is resistant to spontaneous lipolysis treatment or the longer time it is applied, the greater the
and the FFA level may remain p0.5 mmol L1 during disruption and resulting surface area of the exposed or
storage (Bråthen, 1980; Connolly, Murphy, O’Connor, & ‘‘free’’ fat.
Headon, 1979); milk that remains at a low FFA level The concept of ‘‘free fat’’ is somewhat controversial as it
is sometimes referred to as ‘normal’ milk. Milks of can have different meanings according to how it is
other cows may develop FFA levels between these two measured (Evers, 2004). Two methods that have been used
extremes. Individual cow milks vary in their susceptibi- are warming the milk and centrifuging to reveal a layer of
lity to spontaneous lipolysis from day to day, although, molten fat on the top of the milk, and extraction with an
in general, cows that produce ‘normal’ milk do so organic solvent, which is unable to extract fat from natural,
consistently. intact fat globules. Both methods have been criticized, a
The major factors associated with spontaneous lipolysis major concern being the ability of the procedures
are late lactation (Chazal & Chilliard, 1986), poor-quality themselves to disrupt fat globules and create free fat
feed (Jellema, 1980) and mastitis (Downey, 1980). Sponta- (Evers, 2004; Evers, Crawford, Robinson, Harding, &
neous lipolysis becomes most noticeable in the milk from McCarthy, 2001). However, some workers have success-
farms with a majority of cows in late lactation at a time fully used a non-polar solvent such as hexane to extract
when the cows’ plane of nutrition is low. Therefore, free fat (Deeth & Fitz-Gerald, 1978). An alternative
districts where seasonal calving is practised may encounter method uses an exogenous lipase, which is unable to
this problem during periods of poor feed availability. attack intact fat globules; the amount of lipolysis produced
Lipolysis in late lactation milk may be initiated by under specified conditions gives a measure of lipase-
blood serum components, such as activatory lipoproteins, accessible fat (Cartier & Chilliard, 1990; Deeth & Fitz-
leaking into the milk through leaky tight junctions between Gerald, 1978).
lactating cells (Anderson, 1979; Castberg & Solberg, Agitation of milk can have two effects on the fat in milk
1974). and these have implications for the amount of lipolysis
Mastitis can contribute to spontaneous lipolysis. How- induced. At relatively low-intensity treatments, such as
ever, in this case, it is necessary to distinguish between an low-speed agitation, the fat globules coalesce (or churn as
elevated initial FFA level (i.e., at secretion) and the FFAs occurs in butter making), while under high-intensity
developed during storage of the milk. The former occurs conditions, the fat globules are dispersed and form much
because the infection and associated inflammation disrupts smaller globules, in a manner similar to homogenization
milk synthesis, and a higher level of fatty acids remain (Deeth & Fitz-Gerald, 1977). While the extent of fat
unesterified than in healthy glands. However, it has been globule membrane damage may be similar in both cases,
shown that spontaneous lipolysis also occurs in mastitic the extent of lipolysis resulting from the latter type is much
milk and contributes to the final FFA level (Fitz-Gerald, greater because the surface area of the lipase-accessible fat
Deeth, & Kitchen, 1981). is much greater. Conversely, the amount of free fat,
A variation of the classic spontaneous lipolysis is measured by either warming and centrifuging or solvent
temperature-induced lipolysis. This occurs when precooled extraction, is greater in the milk subjected to the former,
milk is warmed to 25–35 1C and then recooled to o10 1C low-intensity agitation. Therefore, the level of free fat
(Claypool, 1965; Kon & Saito, 1997). Following this measured by these two common methods may not be a
‘‘temperature activation’’, lipolysis proceeds in much the good indicator of the susceptibility of a milk to induced
same way as spontaneous lipolysis. In practice, this can lipolysis.
occur when warm milk straight from the cow is mixed with The temperature of agitation also influences its effect on
precooled milk, for example, milk in a refrigerated bulk the fat globule, with fat globule coalescence being favoured
farm vat from a previous milking. It has been shown that at low temperatures and homogenization at high tempera-
milk that is susceptible to spontaneous lipolysis is more tures. During low-intensity agitation at low temperature, a
susceptible to temperature-induced lipolysis than normal considerable proportion of the lipase in milk becomes
milk (Saito & Kim, 1995). associated with the cream fraction, presumably attached to
H.C. Deeth / International Dairy Journal 16 (2006) 555–562 559

the MFGM (Deeth & Fitz-Gerald, 1977). In contrast to the 5

situation in spontaneous lipolysis, the extent of lipolysis
induced under these conditions does not correlate well with
the amount of attached lipase.

3.2.2. Practical aspects

In the dairy industry, induced lipolysis can occur on the
farm, during transport or in the factory (Deeth & Fitz-
Gerald, 1995). The major causes are:

 agitation and pumping, especially with air incorporation 3.5

or high shear;

Acid Degree Value (mmol 100 g fat-1)

 mixing raw and homogenized milk; and 3
 freezing/thawing of milk.

Agitation of raw milk in such a way that the milkfat

globule is damaged is an effective means of inducing
lipolysis; in the laboratory, this can be accomplished using
a blender. Incorporation of air, with resulting froth
formation, is an important factor in this type of lipolysis 2
activation. The amount of lipolysis initiated in this way is
very temperature dependent, as illustrated in Fig. 2, which
shows two distinct maxima separated by a minimum (Fitz-
Gerald, 1974). The shape of this curve changes with the
intensity of the agitation treatment.
On farms, a significant cause of induced lipolysis is
excessive air intake at the teat cups, which causes milk to 1
surge in the milk lines, particularly in the ‘‘risers’’ of high-
line installations (Evers & Palfreyman, 2001; O’Brien,
O’Callaghan, & Dillon, 1998). In factories, excessive
pumping and use of centrifugal pumps sucking air through
faulty seals are the major causes (Downes, Nieuwoudt, &
Slabbert, 1974).
Homogenization is a very effective way of inducing 0
lipolysis in raw milk (Mulder & Walstra, 1974). In splitting 0 10 20 30 40 50 60
the natural fat globules into much smaller fat particles and Temperature (°C)
coating them with milk proteins, rather than the natural Fig. 2. Relationship between degree of lipolysis (acid degree value) and
MFGM, the LPL is brought into intimate contact with fat temperature of activation in precooled whole raw milk (redrawn from
with a large surface area. However, in practice in the dairy Fitz-Gerald (1974) with permission).
industry, milk is homogenized either immediately before or
after pasteurization. Since pasteurization inactivates the (Datta, Hayes, Kelly, & Deeth, 2005); the mechanism of
lipase, lipolysis does not occur in (pasteurized) homo- this activation has not been elucidated.
genized milk. Freezing and thawing disrupts the MFGM and allows
The effect of homogenization on natural milkfat access to the fat by LPL (Willart & Sjöström, 1966). The
globules as a substrate for LPL can be demonstrated by effect of this treatment has been demonstrated by several
mixing (pasteurized) homogenized milk and raw milk researchers who have used it to isolate the membrane from
(Nilsson & Willart, 1960). This initiates lipolysis and can (washed) cream (Walstra, 1985).
render the mixture rancid within 1–2 h at room tempera-
ture. Industry problems can arise from this phenomenon
when well-meaning operatives with no knowledge of the 4. Comparison of lipoprotein lipase and bacterial lipase
LPL system return excess homogenized milk to a bulk raw
milk supply at the end of a day’s operation. In the dairy industry, not all undesirable lipolysis is
In addition to affecting the milkfat globules in milk, caused by LPL. During cold storage of milk, psychro-
high-pressure homogenization also appears to activate the trophic bacteria such as Pseudomonas grow and produce
enzyme, as has been recently demonstrated in bovine milk enzymes such as lipases and proteases, which have major
560 H.C. Deeth / International Dairy Journal 16 (2006) 555–562

Table 1
Comparison of the characteristics of milk lipoprotein lipase (LPL) and lipases from psychrotrophic bacteria

Milk LPL Lipases from psychrotrophic bacteria

Destroyed by high temperature-short time (HTST) pasteurization Stable to HTST and even to ultra-high temperature (UHT) treatment
Milk fat globule membrane (MFGM) acts a barrier to lipid MFGM presents no barrier
Activated by serum lipoproteins Most not activated by serum lipoproteins
Effect mostly associated with fresh milk and cream Effect mostly associated with stored products—UHT milk, cheese, butter, milk
Effect in cheese/butter obvious at manufacture and does not Effect in cheese/butter obvious only after storage
change during storage
High levels in (raw) milk Trace levels only

effects on the quality of milk and milk products (Sørhaug gas chromatography and a measure of total FFA can be
& Stepaniak, 1997). The lipases produced by these bacteria obtained by summing the concentrations of the individual
have different characteristics from LPL and it is important FFA (e.g., De Jong & Badings, 1990). The methods to
to recognize these differences in order to be able to measure FFA have been reviewed by several authors (e.g.,
determine the cause of lipolysis in particular situations. Collomb & Spahni, 1995; Deeth & Fitz-Gerald, 1995; IDF,
A comparison of the two types of lipase is given in Table 1. 1991; Kuzdzal-Savoie, 1980).
A major difference in their mode of action is that the The other relevant analytical method is for lipase
MFGM does not appear to be a barrier to access of the activity. In contrast to FFA analyses, this has little use in
bacterial lipases to the fat in intact fat globules (Fitz- quality control programs because the level of milk lipase
Gerald & Deeth, 1983). While this is true for the lipases activity in raw milk is not directly related to any quality
produced by psychrotrophic bacteria, some other microbial issue and the enzyme is inactivated by pasteurization.
lipases do not have this characteristic. For example, the However, there is considerable interest in assaying for
lipase produced by Candida cylindracea cannot access the bacterial lipases. Even trace levels of these enzymes can
fat in intact fat globules, a property exploited in the test for cause severe problems in stored products, and hence their
free or lipase-accessible fat (Cartier & Chilliard, 1990; analysis presents a major challenge. Several methods have
Deeth & Fitz-Gerald, 1978). The reason for this difference been proposed, but to date no one method has been shown
between lipases is unclear. to be ideal or widely adopted (Deeth & Touch, 2000).
Another significant difference is their heat stabilities.
Normal HTST pasteurization inactivates LPL, while most 6. Challenges
of the lipases from psychrotrophic bacteria are heat
resistant (Fitz-Gerald & Deeth, 1983), with many of them Challenges in relation to LPL and lipolysis can be
surviving even intense heat treatments such as UHT considered in terms of the dairy industry or dairy scientists.
treatments (140 1C for 4 s) (Christen, Wang, & Ren, For the dairy industry, continuing education of the work
1986). Because only trace amounts of these heat-resistant force is the major challenge. Knowledge of the conditions
enzymes are likely to be produced in milk during normal under which lipolysis, either spontaneous or induced,
commercial operations, their effects are only observed in caused by LPL can be initiated is necessary if problems
products such as UHT milk, butter, cheese and milk are to be avoided. The severe consequences of seemingly
powders after a period of storage. Affected products, or innocuous actions such as mixing homogenized milk and
products manufactured from them, develop rancid off- raw milk illustrate this need. The other challenge for the
flavours and may become unacceptable for human industry is to recognize whether a problem with lipolysis is
consumption. the result of the action of LPL or bacterial lipase, as each
of these requires quite different remedial action.
5. Analytical methods Several challenges still await the dairy scientist. These
include elucidation of the activators and inhibitors in milk,
The major analysis performed in relation to LPL and which determine the extent of spontaneous lipolysis. An
lipolysis is for total FFA. This is usually performed by important aspect of this is the physiological determinants
either titrating aliquots of demulsified fat from milk or by of the balance and imbalance of these in the milk from
titrating organic solvent extracts of milk using an alcoholic certain cows under certain conditions. The most relevant
alkali. The classic method of the former type is the BDI situations are late lactation and poor-quality feed intake.
method (Evers, 2003), which gives the FFA level as the acid A related issue in spontaneous lipolysis, which has not been
degree value in mmol 100 g fat1, whereas the results from adequately explained, is the nature of the association of the
the solvent extraction methods are expressed in mmol L1 lipase with the MFGM and the form of the enzyme when
or meq L1. Individual fatty acids can be determined by attached. Another challenge that has arisen is to determine
H.C. Deeth / International Dairy Journal 16 (2006) 555–562 561

the mechanism for the apparent increase in activity of LPL Connolly, J. F., Murphy, J. J., O’Connor, C. B., & Headon, D. R. (1979).
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