Reflective Summary M2 Learning Journal

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Reflective Summary M2

Learning Journal

In this activity, I have learned, I have learned how to analyze some descriptive here I learn to
understand, apply, and compare the social functions, text structures, and lexico-grammatical features of
descriptive texts relevant to the contexts of situation.
I also do some activities to demonstrate the ability to analyses the social functions, text structures, and
lexico-grammatical features of descriptive texts from varied contexts of situation.

The key features of descriptive texts to do with jobs include Social Function

A descriptive text:
Describes particular things, animals, persons, or others, for instance: pets or persons we know well.
Appeals to the senses, tells how something looks, feels, smells, tastes, and/ or sounds; something like
a word picture enabling readers to imagine the described objects, places, or persons Is used to show,
report, describe, and present information.
Significant Lexicogrammatical Features
The features of a descriptive text are:
 Focusing on a specific object
 Generally using Present Tense
 Using linking verbs and verbs to classify things and describe appearances, characteristics,
parts, and functions
 Frequently using pre-and post-modified noun phrases;
 Using adjectives and adverbs to add information to nouns and verbs in the provision of detailed
 Using adverbial phrases of manner, place, or time
 Using words explaining characteristics or features (size, shape, location, colour,etc)
 Using details to visualize the topic
 Providing examples (using the phrases for instance, such as, to illustrate, or to demonstrate)
 Using the topic word or the topic-synonymous word repeatedly
What I like most about this activity is
Understand about something in detail

What I need to improve/learn more is

Comparing the text structure of descriptive text, comparing the lexico-grammatical features of report
texts, and constructing some report texts related to jobs

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