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a : A Piping Flexibility -) SB .Pipiig Movement ~Engineersirecognize that pipe expands when itis heated and contracts when itis chilled, When con fronted with the design of a piping system the engineer, because of high piping cost, must survey the entire system to eliminate all unnecessary piping. This concept results in + system that is broken down. into.a-series of sections or Piping section iinks with suitable flexibi lity designed into each link, i Table 1 Linear Thermal Expansion (7) from 70°F to iE Indicated Temperature (in 100 ft.) ; ‘See page 41 for expansion eles table starting from O°F ‘Aastenite een temps | “Siee?_| sicei 8 | xumiaum | ences “= @ o_|-008 | -072 | -097 | ~075 : @ ° i23 | dea Thermal ee ; 2a3_[ 2147 Expansion 366 | 276 siping system to. inches of ther. ipeion | ean » eomat expansion ‘per 100 feet of | piping. Because thermal expan 303 | 6.80 Sion is. independent of pipin, ~ a 753 826 9.02 9.78 10.57 11.35 Solution: From Table t. the thermal. 1.82 in/ 1008. TxP Total Expansion € = 1 en P8219. x 1801 = ‘100, €= 2.73 inches Where T Pp thermal exoansion in/ 100 ft. iength cf pipe feet 7h e@ — sy Atitot- Natural Pipe Flexibility vl piping systems have such flexibility is ade be: placed on the (arger simple system, Some natural flexibility, therefore, the initiat desi quate. In general, piping 244" and smaller is sufficiently ameter piping. The following layout in Figure ign consideration is to determine. if iy tlexible: therefore, emphasis should 1 is Riven to show the analysis of 2 sanction . Figure 1 Solution: to pining sections assuming anchors are at 2. In each section between anchors add the number of feet of piping atong axis ¥ and a: Axis Z fine BC = 10" line O€ = 7" fine EF = 15" fine FG = 40" 25° 7 3. Find thermal expansion from Table 1 (page 3) for the longest un of pipe which is along axis ¥. = 125" x 2.4, TOOT, 4. Determine the most flexible pipe link in axis Z by selecting the fongest link FG. Now check Chart I (page 5) to lind wheter FG is long enough to provide adequate flexibility, Thus, for an 8" pipe at 3° expansion, we find the mini is 37 ft. Therefore, FG provides adequate flexibilit allowable stress values.”ygo! » imum length ty within the note that Chart 1 (page 5) shows that the abitit ‘quare of the pipe length. Hence, halt the ten, Primes Bat’ Similarly twice the length wil handle (2)! or a times the offsets BC idle a total of less than 4" each, which required to be handled 1.12 Bpe of ay anen size to nance tht on oie ui ae ia a ara TONG. Dolan, © temember 1s that the total offsets are not additive. For example. we had a tolat offset length ot pete’ 1 reer o2 Chat] shows 57° will nandle 7". I would be incovseel to assume inal thee ese ett operated at a temperature causing 7" of expansion along Axis Y. Chart Natural Pipe Flexibility Minimum offset 100 F required to sof provide natural ee flexibility ei without stressing 2 pipe beyond ts 10,000 Pst 5 £0 sg e is s Bas 2 ‘ 2 2 1s fe ‘6 an . 46 Figure 2 Start. above, is constructed on the basis of the “guided cantilever” Setlect Dut lockee agsinst rotation. Knowing expansion of the longo Seas Ci minimum length of teg Xv. (Values of 10,000 pst for sine ywable tiust. ans 26.008.000 p81 for modulus of elasticity, wese chosen lo make sure answers osu ee ie ae side) fe Pipe Loops etre inplento hws aint tay exits nenaiea ety mune poet, asl te more cammony eed ethos inte pps ap gan ean must be poe, inseose he ope Hon ‘ANCHOR {Figure 3, 2 150 pound steam boilers connected toa 12 header, {then through an &* branch. An anchor has been placed at points Band J and guides a¢ a single-plane stop at 8. Our calculated expansion for line CJ is 4.3 inches. Our proliminary check by referring to Chart | shows that BC provides insullielent saturn flexibility, therefore, loop DEFG has been added. For conditince fot requiring exact analysis, itis permissible to use expanann oops designed by means of the following equations 776 Ce Length of pipe toop in tt. © = Outside diameter of pipe in inches © = Expansion in inches (with fiber stress of 10,000 PSI for ' schedule 40 pipe} Figure 3 Solution: Using the above formula =7.76\ De L=7.76\ 8625xX43 = 47 4. Assuming a 2 o I ratio of width to height, L = 2% Hoe H W = 9 feet, in this formula, the bends are designed with a radii of 6 times the give diameter, resulting in a stress intensification factor of one Should long radius elbows be used, the stress intensification factor Will increase to approximately 2.5, the H and W dimensions ect Re considerably increased. Table 2 contains the pipe loop length > for various pipe sizes for expansion ftom one through eight inches Steet, TUJUAN DARI PIPING FLEXIBILITY Malam suatu perencanaan industri besar ataupun i uustri kecil, searang Piping Engineer sangat berperan didalam keterlibatannya diperencanaan ini. Karena biasanya sistim perencanaan tersebut banyak menggunakan sistim pemipaan. Perencanaan industri ini bisa kita ambil sebagai contoh misalnya = ~ Proses Pembuatan Minyak (Kilang Minyak) - Proses Pembuatan LNG Proses Fembuatan LPG Proses Pembuatan Aromatic dsb. Perencanaan industri seperti contoh diatas, sebagian besar adalah sistim pemipaan disamping juga Vessel, Instrument dan structure/foundation. Oleh karena itu Piping Engineer dalam hal ini banyak s@piwenentukan = kwalitas dari pada perencanaan temsebut. Untuk mendapatkan kwalitas pekerjaan yang baik tentu Piping Engineer dituntut untuk menguasai seluruh permasalahan didalam Piping Engineering. Dengan perkataan lain selain ia bisa merencanakan lay out dari pipa sesuai dengan flow diagram dan persyaratan-persyaratan lainnya, juga harus mempertimbangkan apakah pipa yang direncanakan itu Jah aman terhadap tegangan. yang terjadi atau apakah uruh rotari equipment sudah aman terhadap beban dari Pipa akibat panas dan berat pipa. Jadi pemipaan seorang Piping Engineer selain menguasai perencanaan sistem pemipaan juga harus menguasaimengenai perhitungan Piping Flexibility sehingga ia dapat memutuskan bahwa sistim pemipaan yang direncanakan itu sudah betul-betul aman terhadap tegangan-tegangan yang terjadi pada saat_—pipa b@prerasi. Memang kadang-kadang terjadi pertentangan diwalam cara berpikir antara perencanaan pipa_ dan perhitungan kekuatan pipa. Misalkan Piping Design menginginkan pipa sependek mungkin dengan tujuan untuk menghemat biaya, sedangkan perhitungan pipa menuntut pipa yang panjang agar flexibilititas pipa bisa terpenuhi. Jadi disinilah Piping Engineer diharapkan untuk bisa mengambil jalan keluar yang terbaik. Lingkup Kerja daripada Piping Flexibiltiy. 1. Menghitung tegangan yang terjadi dipipa dan gaya juga moment pada nozzle dari suatu sistim pemipaan yang direncanakan oleh Piping Designer. f i % ae RE a «sess Memberikan jalan keluar untuk mendapatkan bentuk pemipaan yang aman terhadap tegangan kepada Piping Designer bila ternyata tegangan didalam pipa melebihi tegangan yang diizikan atau gaya dan moment yang terjadi pada nozzle melebihi batas-batas yang diizinkan. Menetntukan letak dudukan pipa (pipe support) dari suatu sistim pemipaan supaya flexibility pipe bisa terpenuhi. Satu hal yang sangat penting untuk diingat oleh seorang Piping Engineer didalam kerjanya ialah familiar dengan piping code dan standar-standar lain yang berhubungan dengan pemipaan sebagai guidance book didalam kerjanya. Piping Design code yang paling umum digunakan iseluruh dunia adalah ANSI B31 Codes. ANSI B31 Codes ini sangat luas kegunaanya didalam menyelesaikan perhitungan-perhitungan pipa oleh karena itu ANSI BS dibagi lagi menjadi lebih spesific seperti : ANSI B3i.1 Power Piping ANSI B31i.2 Industrial Gas & Air Piping ANSI B31.3 Chemical Plant and Petroleum Refinery Piping. ANSI BS1.4 Oil Transportation Piping ANSI B31.5 Refrigeration Piping ANSI BSi.6 Chemical Industry Process Piping ANSI B3i-8 Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Rumus-rumus perhitungan didalam code diatas sangat sederhana dan praktis tetapi banyak macamnya jadi yang penting untuk kita adalah bagaimana kita dapat memilih rumus-rumus tersebut yang sesuai dengan kasus ang kita sedang tangani. Memang untuk dapat melakukan ini dibutuhkan pengalaman yang cukup. Piping Engineer didalam melakukan kerjanya tidal perlu menghitung seluruh pipa yang ada. Karena hal ini akan membutuhkan waktu yang banyak sekali. Maka dari itu perlu diadakan klasifikasi dari seluruh kasus mulai dari yang paling sulit sampai yang mudah. Fembagian ini dapat dikategorikan sbb. + 1. Critical Line (Pipa-pipa yang kritis) Ialah pipa-pipa yang mempunyai temperatur eee tinggi, diameter besar atau pipa-pipa yang e@ disambung ke Rotary equipment misalnya Fompa, Turbin, Compressor dll. Pipa-pipa ini biasanya dihitung dengan menggunakan — fasilitas Computer —_selain mengingat sistim pemipaan ini cukup rumit juga Gibutuhkan hasil perhitungan yang terperinci. 2. Perhitungan Tangan Diluar dari pipa-pipa yang kritis tidak perlu menggunakan fasilitas Computers. cukup dihitung dengan tangan. Dan hasil perhitungannya pun tidak dibutuhkan hasil perhitungan yang terperinci dan tepat — sehingga dalam perhitungan tangan ini kita dapat membuat suatu pendekatan-pendekatan dari setiap kasus agar kasus menjadi sederhana mungkin. @ 5. tisae rorty dinitung Biasanya, piparpips ini adalah pipa-pipa yang menpunyat "Conperatur’ dingin” tau ‘menpunyed Bentul pipa yang sangat fiexibiie, “diemecer Bipa yang kectiy dsb. Wntuk menentukan katagori ini sangat diperlukan pengalaman dari seorang Piping Engineer, semakin banyak pengalaman semakin banyak pula sistim @ —veminaan” yang, tidak perlu diniturgs | Bengan perkataan lain waktu bisa dihemat sebanyak mungkin. - 2ING FLEXIBIL: Faktor-taktor yang menentukan didalam perhitungan Piping Flexbility dapat di klasifikasikan sbb. : eengarun panas 2. Pengarun erat, 3: Kombinasiakibat panas + berat 3. Bengaruh geseban 5. Pengacun engin 8! Pengerun gowpa Selanjutnya marilah kita bahas satu demi satu dari faktor-faktor diatas. ee Witney conrrortnaesi cmc: que Panas (Thermal Effect Simplified Methode. Kita semua tahu bahwa pada saat pemasangan pipa dari equipment satu ke equipment lainnya, dipasana pada keadaan dingin dimana temperatur berkisar antara 20 C - 30C. Tetapi apabila pada saat operasi, pipa tersebut dilewati oleh fluida dengan terperatur tinggi maka akan terjadilah proses pemuaian didalam pipa itu sendiri, kita: ambil contah pada gambar dibawah + -- — a Gambar (1) pipa sepanjang Lo (M) dipasang antara 2 buah Vezzel dengan’ kondisi seperti pada’ gambar (1) dengan temperatur to Jika pipa dipanaskan sampai @ is maka pipa akan bertambah — panjang. Dimana perpanjangan ini dapat dihitung dengan Li = Lof{i + *& (ti - tod} ~ ore a Lo = Panjang sebelum dipanaskan o = Coeficiend pemuaian ti-to = Perbedaan Temperatur Karena pipa ini dipasang diantara dua vessel, maka @ sertambanan panjang akan terhalang oleh nozzel dari kedua vessel. Dan hal ini akan mengakibatkan timbulnya gaya yang! tak terhingga pada pipa maupun pada nozzel vessel. Kondisi ini dapat kita buktikan dengan Hukum Hoake crt F SESSION 4 SIMPLIFIED FLEX ANALYSIS § ANALYSIS BASIS PER ANSI/ASME B3I-3-19%0 CODE EQUATION . D=O-D. OF PIPE (IN) = RESULTANT OF TOTAL DISPLACEMENT CIN) r f DEVELOPED LENGTH OF PIPING BETWEEN ANCHORS ( FT) ANCHOR DISTANCE quo: LINE BETWEEN ANCHORS CFT) : LIMITATIONS OF EQUATION PIPE WITH UNIFORM SIZE, HAVE No MORE THAN TWO POINTS OF FIXATION, NO INTERMEDIATE RESTRAINTS> on vm ‘on bor ousay ANVaWOD DDOTISN MW 3HL aa fale Ive SKETCH No.4l ¢ PAGE 5S Se AFH ~ GWaIL ITS SIWS 9 ¥S-E54 dd OF HIE, ae wv adld nae [anv aeveo] oe | i Ee sent EXAMPLE 4 BASED ON SKETCH X4 PAGE 5 D=6-625 ; COEFF: OF EXPANSION @ 450% = 3.16"/100' C BASED ON ¢C-S. FkoM APPEND C) AX 520x316 fioo = 0-632" ~-.. - 4¥=3x3-i6/ioo = aa “See Ad= 4-5x3-l6/joo = 0-/42" 4 Ys Vax sare y ae _ ois oorstoue Ye a: 655" (Peat An “f Hind Bsecewt ) l= 4-5+3 +20 =27.5 Us [xteye pe ze = /4.5% 374 20% U=20-7' * Tee (27.5 - 20-7)* SYSTEM _1$ NoT—FEexi1Bter TRY ALTERNATE ¥4 PER SkETCH w4 oh PRY EZ 9.03 Z-v)* cy Ot O94 442 0220230 L = 27-54+3-043-0 = 33-5! ALL OTHER ITEMS ARE SAME AS BEFORE i 6-625 X0-655 = 09.026 < 0-03; - (33-3 = 20-7)> ; = SYSTEM 1$ FLEXIBLE. or L &uh ht bow nay on uma son eor vau|ssvr9] Naini 38) ae w “| Ge _Anvanoo oooTIaN ww SH 19 E ma fl E ° Nn 3 z ® \7 w . LOGO GWIL “NII yA & SIWS EA YO-ESY 4 . Fd'd -O4 HPS, 3 IN: “LV Fd wy g : Eis nace 2 ov EXAMPLE 2 BASED ON SIKETCH ¥2, PAGE 7 D= 6625" CoeFR, OF EXR @ 650% = 5-1"hoo! (BASED ON CS. FROM APPENDIX C) Ax =o AY=0 Az=200 x Sil foo =10.22" Y = 10-22" L=200+6+40 = 246! U= 200" $1625 xX10+-22 = 00-0416 = 0°03 (246:0 - 200-0)*, SYSTEM IS NoT FLEXIBLE SRIEM 1S NOT FLEXIBLE TRY ALTERNATE #4 SkeTCH #2 c= 246 + 7-0 +70 = 260:0 8-625 x 10.22 = 00-0245 < 0:08 (260 - 200) a SYSTEM 15 FLEXIBLE ne 7 eG ANvariog DOT MW SHE i al a Sp Si ae —g i oar : f » g . re & 4 o y wv g 154 29862 24S (eswsn ste + ssooo0z) sei) .¥s5 (Ssrot ssety sts ae OSH 8S AWEL'XA7g SIWS PYO-ESY Mel ~ Ot HIS 7 VLOG ld } 3a 2 ar eal feusateazant CHECK THE MAXIMUM STRESS LEVEL FOR THE THREE DIMENSIONAL CONFIGURATION (N SKETCH No.3 USIUG THE IIT GainiléLe METHOD. loctTe THE Figure WHICH BES, RESEMBLES THE CONFIGURATION TO BE CHECKEO “THREE Dimed StomAt. 90° TRS" fe! 23 4 34 OF favour e fAGES FR Lb, 2h; i : CHCLATE Bom Hee a e ferns Hee Zs 3 FROM THE TABLE FoR mz5 You Ger kee obs @ ket ar C2570 sue Lg wits PWG Mert Eeex Sone. ” KES Titee prince Canine SUBSTITUTE INTO Tif STRESS EQUATIONS : D skh, eg 5g > 61 x 510 «K =e Sg 2 9697 PSE a WA ’ 4cZ£ Sp = h3S x 510 x $625 $E99 Pst COMBINE THESE STRESSES AND COMPARE TO a Se = (5,7 ra s,2)% iy C ha ass long 72+ Ye (ergy? 293 asm ee 137 P51 eI THERF PORE THE LAYOT 1s OXAK EXPANSION AND STRESSES EXPANSION FACTOR, ¢ Gey Ge Fearon Trap. | Carton | caboe Seite | Assenite : n ‘tea Sel | ceatay | SESE | Sable |e ic.| Ber | “me + c sho | codon | Soe | MoZoq | “steele Ee : ieee aero 7 ° 7 7 ° 7 7 + 0 z © 0 3 # * « « 10 8 108 106 a 13 * Bs Pe) 0 100 1 zm us ey 185, 20 us 1m 22 Ft 2 a mm 0 mm as an 4 24 368 332 aease -} oss a as] ~ so | sams” | ass oe] wo 436 “a 4 326 es a a a 0 310 sa at + oo 455 py 08 0 34 as os st 74 smo m8 oat 30 4 m o|- om oss a3 300 x 168 co m8 16 me o 980 60 sot 5 «0 = 0 a nm 1089 70 25 “6 700 00 7 wm as 1160 70 103s seas 70 soo | ts 1088 a we ae | tse 15 7 toss as 13 wo | ime 09 1s un 0 10 ser | ass us st ie gs woe | soos | teas 383 1538 0 1286 108 1500 x2 st a ia ost 1882 tot 13s 00 st at 160s | 1007 184 : ws 108 ust ise | x 1s 330 14s ee 158s =| 584 as Me wo fares | ame | ae | 100 138 ua 1220 1250 16s woo | 1699 17 1238 123 rat 100 iat ras | 205 104 1809 130 in| ne 160 1990 5 : oa in Latex per 100 fe Ee Expansion Factor ¢ = Espenton inicio pet 100. x Fe PROPERTIES OF PIPE Suri : ; wt For Straight and Curved Pipe Inside Area ar= TT D, = Nominal Pipe Size ‘Metal Ares dn = e(D — D = Outside Diameter oe = Wal hie Moment of Inertia Ze a > Z 4 = Inside Diameter —— ee =D-2 Section Modulus 5. 2 un PAGE 13 ITT GRINNELL — PIPING DESIGN AND ENGINEERING PROPERTIES OF PIPE Factors Find? 88 8g 88 8g BR 8g Radius of Curvacure ‘Nominal Pipe Diameters rspTépsy.e] 88 8g 88 Shore | Lon Radias| Rach filo | Elbow 88 gg gg|ue sa ue ng B32 ., ;;/88 84 ., Hee 2 gh eg gfe alg ee afe ae ale ae a] SPREE EEE PEPE EPG bala aa glee a ale DECREE LEER IDEEEILES SILER ILE VEE aEG Ra eee ap ds eleay ieee as g g 3 28 a 8 aan EERIE PIE SIESEILEE IEEE I PPP PERE T ae ee ae et eee eo ale an Blae Blan plan; plan Blan aly es 8 8 @ 8 sR e 8 & e 8 8 = 8 8 s] 42: a) [oe # ' e e : Oe age . ITT GRINNELL—PIPING DESIGN AND ENGINEERING PAGE 15 PROPERTIES OF PIPE : ra | Faas Fad e ea ‘eget ih pes Social Bipe Barer Tachest 3 i 6 12 nat] esa | welt] - |e] ES ta 2 s.26| us. | aso | = a ig | 2 to.138] o.ser| a0.7| 10.07] 37s | | F ie Le 40] set. |10.020] 0.265 | 1.0] 12.01 | 100.8 | 29.00 | # th tet col xs | 9.720) 0.100] 14.2] 10:10] azo | sous | # mR a | te = o.see{ 0. | s.8[ 18.02] 2a0 | | # fad follies 19 o.s| ext | 2200 | 2902 | sss] F is 0 | 183 s.oce|0.sia| o1s| 2.20] ae | o0.a¢ | F rs ee Pe 8.130 1.000} o.1| oo] sere | osaa | | =: | =: | Be ry eed 160 4.300) 1.125] s0.7| st.or | sone | rast | ¥ EB] LETS LES » 220) 020] urs] ose] ue] ma |e] | - |e |e | | eS » 12,000) 0.390 | 14.8 | 12.88] 208.5 | 39.0] 8) 2 | -> | $38] £00 | $49 | B58 sea, |r2.00| os }13.1| 1438] as | os | #] 498 ee ee esee Li | 11.938] 0.40 | 111.9 ea fe} co [pi [he | tat | tat . 7 XE [11.750] 0.500} 108.4 sor | 2 (ah) 8 Ee | pee | 2B ray | : 11.626] 0,s62 | 108.2 | 2t.s2| aoo.s | ozs | & 453 | 2H | 1 | bs ~ ® sco. | tt. mas |t ta ee cele | e vo] fasose] ose] so| sors | sea | # x [AS] es | tas] ts | fsa ver] 10] sos}aser| eur | wor | t| tag [ts | is I Lee 10,300] 14125 | 28.8] s1.08| v0.7 | ioe | ees (tes | eee ke i | |i ro.s26| a.a12| 20.5 | 7.14 | sara | cone | E] ES [bs bet ee | v.00) oa] isi] so] asa] aes | F Pe eaeace I wl va.|o.st2| is] i.e] sus] so | f 8 28/23 all so] sed, [13,250] 0.375} 137.9] 16.05] a72.8 | sas | * 3 oie t $ 72/28 | al 13.128| 0.437 | 135.3 | 18.62 amo.t | ot.2 | # Maa is | E PAGE 15 ITT GRINNELL— PIPING DESIGN AND ENGINEERING il 8s Sh & z a8 =} 3 ag 33 iM = : ay & 2 “| 3 ee BY BA 8 g/2 5 8 2 8 3 4 9 ele ee 4 eeas 2 e]2 32 aja & 8 &@ 8-9 8 8 # ze se 8 $8 8 G22 22 RR G8 22292 2222 2 alae ee g/8 § 3 2 8 2 4g gle gg eig 8 8 3 eB H/R Be ae}]*® ¢ ¢ 8 2 d@ 8 & #]/° S = 43 2 k 8 BR F SiS # SF 8 ajo g 8 2 2 eo 3s 8/8 28 2g ge 28 Fe Fas RG B)R 8288 2g 8 Ha ee eee ee Baa EES SS rrrrrr—=—r—TCLLCLrlrcelrcslrcelrcerclri i rsss=i‘s ier els ss ee Ss 8 slg og os a2 5 3 3 8 2 si[e8 2 8 8 a4 2 8 a gi/® a ¢ 8 @ § § g gla 8 Lae @ 8s g|2 ® & 81 a oe 2 e ° e .,° PROPERTIES OF PIPE a8 88 8S 2g 8B 88 PAGE 17 Be 88 88 ag Factors baad? (GN AND ENGINEERING | Boat lee eee =a ee oo - owHls a g/8 2 22a E22 G ZR 88 8292 8 S| ileal ga gle eae s tales ; ; 6S APHE EE i]t tae aes alee age asap ga El gijigl2 22 822-9234 2 2 elf fe > ee pa ee i} RRM |s 2s g]he 2292889 3)8 22332 gs da 3 lgetle ee 3leene8 5 22 @ tly 22 2 2 ge a ee] & Radi be i GREET ELGG TE Ea aa ea a a] (HH[/2 2 § e/h PEP eae ease eee aa Ee El fqa/e ff af) eat aa ea terrae ee saai|a 8 2 s|3 4 8 8 # & fs $$ S[gy ff i ds se ke Ss & ga aa Hi g a ¢ g[2 @ & § @ &@ @ § & Bla A a 9 @ 8 ees s EXPANSION AND STRESSES TABLES OF COMMON SHAPES ‘The fourteen tables of common shapes on pages 20 to $3 may be used to determine thermal expansion stresses and anchor forces with 2 minimum of ealeula~ tion, as indicated by the following examples. Values may be interpolated between the tabulated factors ‘without sacrificing accuracy. Example 1: ' fe a | Given: An 8 inch Sch. 40 piping system, in accordance with the sketch, made from AS.T-AML A-106 Grade A steel pipe. ‘The maximum operating temperature is 700° F. ‘The Bending Stress, a2, tttst not exceed 17,900 ‘pai (lor method of determining see page 3). page 11 Find:.The maximum beading stress ¢x, the anchor Crvet F, and Fy and the resultant anchor force F. Solution: Los a7 ag 75 then by interpolation from table on page 20: e=957 9 byf199 0 y= 151 wg Dw ast oc 9X 862 san S = 151 x SESS = 12,400 psi (which is less than 17,900 allowable) Fem 8 = 93.7 x SBS «684 pounds 57 Ft 2 ao t9g x OX BS = 3 x Ee = 165 pounds F = V (G84) + (a5)? = 699 pounds Example — 4 te, Gicen: A 10 inch Sch. 40 piping system, in accordance with the sketch, made from A°S.T.M. 4-106 Grade A steel pipe. ‘The maximum opérating temperature is 600° F. ~The Bending Stress, a2, aust not exceed 18,000 pi (for method of determining see pege 3). Data: D = 10.75 inches page 13 Tp = 1603 inches seer = 743 page 11 Find: The height, h, which wil satisiy the maximum stress requirement, and the anchor force, F,, for this condition. Solution: Refer to page 23. L=60 anh? tal 18,000 x 60 D ~ 743 x 1075 For a y of 135.2, L/h = 3.72then ke = 195.2 For L/h of 3.72, ke = 103.9 cp 33 x 1608 Fy = be TE = 103.9 x EAS ~ 3448 pounds ‘The results derived from the use of these tables will be accurate when all of the turns of « piping system are raters or rigid fittings. ‘When all of the turns are welding elbows or bends the anchor forces derived from the tables will be aecurate for practice! purposes. The actual forces will be sorae- ‘what smaller than tne velues obtained from the tables, ‘The stresses in the elbows or bends, however, may exceed the values computed frou the tables ifthe stress intensification factor { for these curved sections is seater than 1. ee pages 2 wo 16) IF che peo portion of stra to curved pipe is large, a ow appreciation ef the mresvea in the curved sections may be obtained in the following manne: Determine the location of the centroid ia 3 sesie diagram. Pass the resultant anchor force through the ITT GRINNELL — PIPING DESIGN AND ENGI ‘centroid. This force multiplied by its distance from the curved section gives thé bending moment, M. The stress thea is (3/S.)6. Example 3: Given: The same piping system as in Example 1, except that the tum at point b is « long radius welding elbow. Data: Sq = 16.81 inches" page 13 moe : The approximate bending stress, ¢n, in the welding elbow at point & ‘Solution: Assuming all of the sections to be straight Pipe, determine the locatioa of the centroid: z ob 95 KAS = 4513 be 38x 0% _0 a eb 95% 38 = 3610 be 38X19 = 722 Bs 332 = 15,220 psi (approximately) The tables are also helpful in comparing the relative meritsof several tentative piping layouts. This func- tion is Mlustrated in the scale sketches below, wherein two points are connected with the same total footage NEERING PAGE /9 of pipe arranged in various conZgurations. ‘The com- parative values for Bending Stress and Anchor Force are derived (rom che & values in the various tables and ‘are expressed a5 a percentage of she lowest value. ‘COMPARATIVE Reveltant Aschoe Force 109 29 108 100 Bending stresses due to thermal expansion are not, ‘Sgnificanty affected by incressing the pipe wall thick- ness, rathe:, increasing pipe wall thickness hes @ more or less uncesiratis edfect in that the reacting forces and moments se incceased in a dizect ratio, This fact is illustrated by stedying the equation for the Maximum Bending Stress, ¢2 = kxcD/L, in the Tables of Common Shapes. tion is indenendest of the pipe wall thickness. Likewise studying the equation for Re- acting Force wil show that the pipe wall thickness affects J,, whick directly affects the reacting force. ‘The aforesentioned is true not only in the Tables of : EXPANSION AND STRESSES PAGE 20 ‘A commonly encountered piping expansion problem intervals to prevent lateral movement of the pipe. is the long straight run of pipe with a U shape of equal The following example illustrates the appiication of the ength legs provided to absorb the expansion. The Tables of Common Shapes to this type of problem. straight piping runs are usually guided at regular Example 4 —\} LAt vere! Gicea: A 6 inch Sch. 40 piping system in accordance k= 120 Kym 180 trom page 22 ' | with the sketch, made from AS.T.M. A-33 Grade B : D seamless steel pipe. sankey :) ‘The maximum operating temperature is 350° F. 4625 ps0 : ‘The maximum Bending Stress, sp, must not exceed = 18 x 965 x 8 x (2) « 000 pi 22,500 psi (for method of determining see page 3). If 6 inch S10 90° Long Radius Welding Elbows are Date: ‘used, the stress intensification factor, i, must be D = 6.625 inches 7 considered. . Tp = w.ltinchest} 6° ‘i= 227 for 6 inch G0" LRW Elbow trom page 13 Case = 365 page 11 ( bye 12) 227 X 9058 = 20,584 pa ~ a a (hich is less than 22,500 Find: The makimum bending stress, #4, and the | aaeaes és allowable stress range) aie @ . 7 ape weve para Wparine MPKANIKA Teli: MaTeMaTic = al pr Trae a Med td aia, ic (ye Ceapt) a Conpsee 4H he) =a Gon | - Fels he tes Mh* | . — “ Jp eat Me pad, ek — A) 8 BE cating Os see eo AS ore ge a ke: Rec Hache ane 6408 pataey i = PK (Ure) hey, ied ies w = Mb We C.NVG yee KT Rete lt ay e@ rem k ee aceaa 4 bre ays 8 uy) SS Fy say nel oy e504 On TE hae 6, Pa Py 26: shes ft pipe . Ufc A Sa 2 lees WY diyinkaw . Par: Nowinal pipe Size BLD a at pipe dy nl BRE AYt Lage (= “eas OF (pt-¢) S943. Hts 41, be by tte ats ie ed) Pp 2 DEL an a \ 2 Bint lop 4 y 13, Kat Spring

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