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CHAPTER 1 - Man acts because of a strong desire to achieve

Man- is a being distinct and separate from the rest of - It is our moral responsibility and obligation to
god’s creation. make our life meaningful and worthy through
● Man is an individual composed of body, soul our adherence to a code of righteousness in
and spirit. accordance with natural and eternal law.
● Body- constitutes man’s physical, tangible self - Garcia 1981- whatever the area under
● Spirit- constitutes man’s mind and will. His consideration may be, when the question of
innermost self. ethics is raised, there is a problem of moral
● Soul- moral and emotional nature of man responsibility.
- Human acts- are actions which human performs
Theory of divine origin- out of his free will and love, God knowingly, freely and voluntarily.
created man. - Paul glenn 1965- actions are attributed to the
Values- are those that are desirable and meaningful to doer as his principal cause.
man as a rational and social being. Moral distinction
Zulueta- values reflects man’s aspirations for himself, Human acts may either be considered rational or
the society he lives in, and the environment he irrational based on man’s conformity or nonconformity
constantly interacts with. to the dictates of reasons.
Hall- the concept of value pertains to what makes Dictates of reason- refers to man’s common ideas about
something desirable, attractive, worthy of approval, the decency or indecency of a certain act or manner of
admirable; that which inspires feelings, judgments or behavior.
attitudes, uplifts self esteem; that which is useful in
view of certain ends. Three classes of action based on the conformity or
nonconformity of the norms or standard of morality
Sociologist look at values as model or goals of personal (agapay 1991)
behavior in social interaction.
1. Moral actions- conforms to the norms of
Ethics- is both the study of human conduct and practical morality.
science of morality of human behavior. 2. Immoral actions- are those which ore not in
● Greek word ethos meaning characteristic way conformity with the norms of morality.
of acting. 3. Amoral actions- are those actions which stand
● Latin word equivalent to mos or mores meaning neutral in relation to the norms of morality.
tradition or custom prevailing in a group or The study of ethics
groups of people and of the society as a whole.
Ethics is absolute knowledge.
Definition of ethics:
Purpose of ethics:
Garcia 1981- study that deals with human conduct
insofar as this conduct may be considered right or 1. It serves as an aid in effective decision making
wrong. 2. It aids to improve social life by enabling people
to live together in harmony.
Agapay 1991- defined as the science of morality of 3. It aids in reinforcing desirable ethical moral
human acts. systems and modifies those that are
Nature of ethics dysfunctional.
4. It guides individuals to develop genuine values
- Ethics is especially focused on the correct way in life.
of doing things.
- Study of human motivation and human rational Work- is an activity where man earns a living for himself
behavior and for others through the use of his knowledge, talents
and skills.
Employee- an individual who is being hired and is being Classical view
compensated for his work.
● Man is a creature of endower with hierarchical
Laborer- employee doing physical labor virtues whose nature is designed to serve as
building blocks of society.
Employer- the one who is hiring workers
● Aristotle’s view of man- man is rational and a
Occupation- is a term used if work is the result of social being.
training and executed on a regular basis.
Christian view
Professional employees- are persons whose work is
● Judaeo- Christian philosophers- considered man
chiefly non- routine and intellectual in nature.
ass the image of God.
Workplace- refers to a place of work. ● Man is endowed with divine attributes.

Work ethics- is a belief that productive physical or Existentialist view

mental labor is a prime virtue.
● Teilhard de chardin 1970- man is a being knows
- The purpose of work ethics is to help us what he knows.
determine what cultural and ethical values and ● Martin heideger- believes that man is
standards are needed to become effective, responsible not only for himself but for all men.
efficient and productive workers. ● Engelber van crooverburg 1963 thoughts about
- Articulo and Florendo 2003- work ethics man
provides standards that agree with rules of 1. Man is raised above the abyss of
behavior for carrying out the work. nothingness
2. He lives on the dividing line between the
CHAPTER 2 past, the present and the future
The nature of man 3. He is embodied
4. He is above all the subhuman
Man- scientifically known a homo sapiens. 5. He uses reason above lower levels of his
existence and teaches consciously beyond
himself into a being of which he partakes
● Man walks upright on two feet. and becomes more than he is.
● Man has two able hands with opposing thumbs
Msgr. Fulton sheen 1948- describe man as three level
which he uses for handling things.
structure: body, soul and spirit.
● Man has a more complex brain than animals
● Man has the capability to nourish and take care Karl marx- human nature has given potential, the nature
of his offspring of which cannot be changed.
Dignity- is acquired and felt by man as he perceives Van der poel- values have their own historicity
himself as an individual who can act based on his needs
in their varied dimensions. Andress- believes in relativility of values

Teilhard de chardin 1970- man is a special phenomenon Havighurst and neugarten- when a society changes, its
who knows what he knows. values also change.

Behavioral Existentialist consider existence of man endowed with

a free will. Not all men have the same essence.
1. Man is rational
2. Man has complex techniques of producing, Oriental philosophical view
procuring, preparing and cooking food. Mencius- human nature as originally good.
3. Human beings share curiosity, imitation,
attention, memory and imagination. Four beginnings that belong to man’s original nature
Philosophical values of man
1. Jen- the feeling of commensuration which is the Man as a national being
beginning of the virtue of human heartedness
Man is a rational being, gifted with intellect and free
2. Yi- the feeling of shame and dislike which is the
will. Hence he:
start of righteousness
3. Li- the feeling of modesty and yielding towards 1. Is able to distinguish good from evil, right from
the good. This is the beginning of ritual or wrong, moral to immoral
propriety 2. Desire within himself an obligation to do what is
4. Chin- the sense of right and wrong good and to shun what is evil
3. Feels himself accountable for his actions,
This four beginnings differentiate man from the beast
expecting rewards, praises, incentives or
- The only way for a man to be happy is to free punishments or rejections from them (agapay)
himself from slavery, selfishness, and
The educated man
inordinate sexual desire.
- Confucius- life is not a delusion, a curse or a - Education- is the most efficient system of
misery. It is a living reality, a blessing, a natural equipping people with knowledge, skills and
priceless right and opportunity to work together attitudes essential for effective membership in
with your fellows for the common good and the society.
attain happiness. - Education is a dynamic process of growth and
- Confucius- man’s greatest achievement is to development.
find the central clue to moral being that unites - The goal of education is to change man to be
us with the universal order. better physically, mentally, socially, morally and
Contemporary view
- Importance of people is a vital factor for the
Man is said to be multi- bejeweled crown of creation development of a nation ( Palispis)
- Joseph stalin- education is a weapon, whose
Immanuel kant- man is the only creature who governs
effect depends on who holds it in his hands and
and directs himself and his actions.
to whom it is aimed
- Man has the capacity to learn and be educated - Iba zambales’ different ideas and views of an
in the right sense of the word. educated man
● refined in his manners.
Man as a person ● acquired knowledge, skills, and
- Every man is born inimitable, each one is attitudes
different from others. ● values charity, love and justice in
- An individual’s nature is manifested and humanity.
fashioned by heredity, culture, and ● does things right
environment. ● cultivated mind, effective speech and
- Person- from greek word prosophon meaning refined manners.
mask. In latin, it is equivalent to personare refer ● Has faith in God
to the mask through which an actor forcefully ● Knows how to deal with others and not
projects his voice. to hinder the success of his fellowmen
- Palispis 1995- man has to be respected as a ● Has self-discipline and self- control
being who can think and act as a person. Every ● one who functions well in the
values teacher must address himself to the community to which he belongs
process of thinking (cognitive or acquiring ● Open to criticism, latest development
knowledge), feeling (affective or forming and new ideas
attitudes and values) and acting (psychomotor ● God fearing
or acquiring skills). Educational Qualifications
- Educational qualifications counts most if one is ● Through work, man provides for himself, family,
applying for a job. Once an individual obtains associates and others.
the position, his educational qualification ● Maslows hierarchy of needs
should be nurtured, protected and - Self actualization
complemented by his positive values. - Esteem
- Love and belongingness
The policies for education commission of the united
- Safety
states expresses the following views about an educated
- Physiological
person (tulio)
● Has appetite for learning
● Speaks the mother tongue clearly Work- man’s effort applied to the production of goods.(
● Read using mother tongue efficiently paul glenn)
● Write using the mother tongue effectively
● Solve his problems of counting and calculating Labor- refers to the work that is done wholly or partially
● Listen and observe skillfully for self- support or gain.
● Understand reliable facts about health and Work- is a unique human phenomenon.
● Protects his own health and that of his Classification of work (Tuazon)
dependents 1. Mental work- refers to those types of activities
● Participates in sports and past time in which remembering, thinking, reasoning,
● Devotes mental resources to the worthy use of judging and others are utilized
leisure 2. Physical work- refers to those activities where
● Appreciates beauty speed, coordination and intensity of muscular
● Directs his own life responsibly responses are the concern of the individual.
● Puts human relationship first
● Enjoys genuine and varied social life Antonio ozaeta’s classification of work
● Observes amenities of social behavior
1. Blue collar or manual workers- includes all
● Appreciates the family as a social institution and
those who account for direct labor cost
as a unique instrument for his own enrichment
2. Knowledge workers- professionals
● Maintains democratic family relationships and
guards its sanctity Elements of work

Questions that may consider us as educated: ● Will power- desire, motive, ways
● Objectives- aims, targets, goals
1. Can we entertain an idea?
● Responsibility- commitment, love, reliability
2. Can we entertain others?
- Compliance- responsibil/formance
3. Can we entertain ourselves?
- Obedience- submission to the guide of
Man and his values the authority. Responsibility for
● The values inherent in man show the kind of - Dependability- reliability and
person that he is. trustworthiness. Responsibility for duty
● Agapay- values is closely related to one’s search ● Knowledge- perception, understanding, wisdom
for meaning in human life.
● Values are the goals or end products of man’s CHAPTER 4
Santos- attitude is a manifestation of how one
Man as a worker communicates his or her moods to others.

● Human labor is exercised in the production and - Attitude is a tendency or a

exchange of goods or services. predisposition to react, either positively
or negatively to a person, place or Restructuring our attitudes
● Our attitude is predisposed by our culture, the
Positive and negative attitude wider society to which the individuals belong
and by primary groups, as well as by other
Positive attitudes- manifested in the form of desirable
factors in the physical environment.
traits that attract sympathy, admiration and emulation
● Value changes with our attitudes
from others.
● We can have some restructure or have some
Negative attitudes- are those that others generally shun form of attitude renewal or adjustment through
or dislike. change of values.

Fundamental types of attitudes Practical ways to cultivate positive attitudes

1. Utilitarian attitudes- adjusted attitudes that can ● Think about goodness of God’s creation
be recognized most easily in changed situation. ● Mentally optimize your strengths
2. Ego- defensive attitude- manifested by people ● Feel good about life and enjoy it
who are insecure and wish to preserve their
Tips on attitude renewal
self- confidence.
3. Value- expensive attitude- attitudes that 1. Understand yourself
maintain self- identity or lead to self- expression 2. Appreciate yourself for having positive attitudes
or determination. 3. Recognize and avoid negative attitudes
4. Knowledge function attitudes- attitudes that 4. Understand your challenges
promote meaningfulness in activities. 5. Choose which positive attitude can best meet
your challenge
Work attitudes
6. Reward yourself for every success
● Working well is part of the culture of excellence
Cultivating positive attitudes
that results in greater productivity
● Sir William c. van horne- the man feels no ● Insulate yourself
enthusiasm for his work will never accomplish 1. keep busy
anything worthwhile. 2. take things one day at a time
3. play your winners
4. exercise
Specific behavior= work effectiveness; productivity 5. use humor
6. simplify your life
● Attitude- positive work attitude 7. concentrate on positive thoughts
● Expectation of gain- a good and fulfilling life 8. do something for others
● Ideas= values system- hard work 9. spend time with a friend
● Truth system- work is the elixir of life 10. share your problems with God
Key excellent job performance ● attitude giveaway
1. visit friends who have attitude problems
● Enthusiasm 2. be positive around those with whom you
● Self esteem/ self worth have daily contact
● Responsibility 3. transmit positive attitudes to others
● Optimism 4. share positive attitudes by sending small
● Goal orientation- SMART (specific, measurable, tokens such as cards or flowers to those
attainable, and realistic) whom you care for.
● Imagination 5. Share some sense of humor through
● Awareness teasing, telling jokes and making others
● Creativity laugh
● Communicativeness 6. Be more sensitive as a listener
● Growth orientation
7. Laugh more to infect others with one’s joy. ● Sincerity, service, self- sacrifice, social justice to
8. Communicate attitude through positive make life better for mankind, self confidence
conversations, paying compliments and and oral proficiency
others ● Humility, honest, honor, helpfulness and hard
9. Share attitude by setting a better example work
as a positive person to others ● Integrity, interest, initiative, idealism
● Look better ● Patience, perseverance, beyond partisanship,
1. Admit that at times, you may look better to love for peace, progress and prosperity for
others than you do to yourself mankind and predictability
2. Play up you winning features- hair, smile,
Types and style of leadership
eyes, beautiful legs and others
3. Make improvements in rooming when 1. On the basis of their authority or position
improvement is possible ● Formal leader- is the one who officially
● How to get a positive attitude through image occupies a position of leadership in an
improvement. organization.
1. Wardrobe improvement ● Informal leader- is the one who has no
2. Hairstyle and cosmetics official position but who is followed by
3. Look healthy people on the basis of his character and
4. Be yourself contribution to the well being of the
5. Image attitude connection organization
2. On the basis of his relationship to his
Leadership- is somebody who motivates others to work subordinates and fellow workers
and do their best. ● Autocrat- puts no emphasis on the
1. Know the nature of every task thoroughly nature and objectives of tasks but has
2. Be constantly aware of current little or no concern for the workers
developments, principles and strategies of ● Benevolent leader- has the strongest
leadership sympathy for subordinates and their
3. Be familiar with the characteristics and circumstances
idiosyncrasies of your followers, including ● Compromiser- the company objectives
their strength and weaknesses even their and workers welfare are equal
personal circumstances. considerations for him.
4. Infect others with a mission of excellence 3. According to manner of participation
5. Be a model of strength, determination and ● Autocratic- has control on the
decisiveness in everything. employee’s behavior. No participation
of the group in decision- making
Leadership foundations
● Participatory- authority is decentralized.
● Leadership is loyalty to god, country and people Subordinates are involve in decision-
● Enthusiasm, energy to help and serve others making
● Action, accomplishment and achievement ● Free rein- depends upon the
● Dedication, discipline, dignity, dependability subordinates for decision- making
and devotion to duty, daring, determination 4. According to democratic practices
and decisiveness for the general welfare ● Authoritarian- the decision making
● Excellence, exemplary work for others to follow process is in the hands of one man.
and emulate ● Democratic- the decision making is in
● Reliability, responsibility, respect for the law the hands of the group.
and the rights, reconciliation for peace and
Styles of leadership
unity, fairness in rewarding.
1. Directive leadership- the leader provides 3. Behavior- explicit action pattern of man
guidance to employees about what should be
Individual similarities and differences
done and how to do it.
2. Supportive leadership- shows concern for the Three interrelated assumptions about human behavior
well being and needs of employees, is friendly
and approachable and treats all workers as 1. Behavior is caused- man’s reaction to stimuli
equal 2. Behavior is motivated- wants and needs
3. Participative leadership- the employees are 3. Behavior is goal oriented- motivated to achieve
consulted and/or their ideas are considered in goals.
decision making. Man’s motivation
4. Achievement-oriented leadership- the
employees are encouraged to perform at their ● Man must be properly motivated in order for
highest level by setting challenging goal, him to do and work his best.
emphasizing excellence and demonstrating ● Motive- end of man’s action
confidence in their abilities. The motive of an act
Leadership traits for a successful leader ● Agapay- motive of an act as the purpose which
1. Familiarity with the job the doer wishes to achieve by such actions.
2. High level of knowledge and awareness of Motivation and need
leadership events
3. Knowledge of subordinates’ traits and ● Sison- motivations is the willingness of an
aspiration individual or worker to exert effort to achieve a
4. A vision of service, excellence and goal or an objective for a reward.
achievements which one shares with others ● robbins three elements of motivation: effort,
5. Strength of character both in words and actions organizational goal and needs.

Characteristics of a good leader Effort- is related to the measure of intensity or the

degree of force exerted.
1. Provides rewards for goals achieved
2. Provides assistance, confidence and product Robbins motivation process
Unsatisfied need- tension- drive- search behavior-
3. Think of satisfaction, motivation and acceptable
satisfied need- reduction of tension
4. Establishes appropriate goals and anticipates Robbins- to ensure satisfaction of needs, individual’s
customer needs needs must be compatible and consistent with the
5. Performs effective performance and good organizations goals.
communication skills
Motivation is that concept that stands for the
6. Provides better understanding to both
underlying force impelling behavior and giving it
employer and employee to reach their goal
Martires- motivation is a intrinsic inducement that
Man’s behavioral pattern propels an individual to think, feel and perform in
certain ways.
Behavior- a manner of acting whether good or bad.
Importance of motivation
Kast and rosenzweig- behavioral patterns are style use
by a person in working out his activities. 1. it directs activities towards the achievement of
a goal
Distinct division in study of human system 2. it controls and directs human behavior
1. The study of anatomy- parts of human body 3. it inculcates spiritual and moral values in the
2. Physiology- vital functions of organs minds of the people
4. it gives satisfaction and happiness to the 2. Need for power- is the desire to have impact,
individual influence and control over others.
3. Need for affiliation- refers to the desire for
theories of motivation
friendly and closer interpersonal relationship.
1. theory X and theory Y
Herzberg’s two- factor theory
● douglas mcgregor- two diverse
assumption about workers. ● Also known as motivation- hygiene theories
● Under theory X, the assumption given ● Motivation factors- employees are motivated to
were negative: work when they are happy with their jobs. They
1. Employees have an inherent dislike are challenged to work with the expectations of
for work and if at all possible will accomplishment and reward.
avoid it ● Hygiene factors or maintenance factors- related
2. Because employees dislike work, to the job environment. Refer to company
they must be corrected, controlled, policies and administration, supervision,
directed or threatened with interpersonal relations and working conditions
punishment toward the attainment that can lead to employee dissatisfaction.
of goals - It only maintains current levels of
3. Employees will avoid responsibility efficiency and production but not lead
and look for direction at any time to improvement of production or to a
possible. better performance.
4. Most workers put security above all
Adams’ equity theory
other factors connected with work
and will exhibit little ambition ● J. Stacey adams maintains that when people
● Theory Y are positive assumptions work in exchange for pay, they tend to think in
1. Work is a natural occurrence as rest or play terms of their contributions to the job in
2. If workers are committed to the relation to what they get for working.
organizational objectives, they will exercise ● Inputs- corresponds to anything workers
self- direction and self- control perceive or see as deserving of a payoff such as
3. Commitment to objectives is a function of educational qualifications, experience, skills etc.
rewards associated with their goals ● Outcomes- refer to factors workers see as
4. Employees, if properly motivated, will not payoff for their invested efforts such as pay,
only accept but also seek responsibility fringe benefit, job status, seniority benefits etc.
5. The ability to create and make innovative Person’s outcomes/ person’s input = others outcome/
decisions in the solution of organizational others inputs
problems is widely appointed among the
population. Equity theory Basic assumption

Maslow’s hierarchy of needs theory 1. People strive to create and maintain a state of
1. Physiological needs 2. Workers tend to reduce or eliminate tension
2. Safety and security needs when a state of inequity is perceived.
3. Belongingness and love needs 3. Employees are greatly motivated to act or to
4. Esteem and prestige needs reduce the state of tension when the perceived
5. Self- actualization and self- realization needs equity is greater in magnitude.
4. People should perceive an unfavorable equity
Mcclelland’s theory of needs
like getting minimal pay, than a favorable one
1. Need for achievement- refers to the drive to like receiving too much pay.
excel, to achieve in relation to a set of
Alternative ways to reduce inequity
standards, to strive and to succeed.
1. Reduce work output
2. Reduce quality of work Custom- customary practice
3. Persuade the boss for a raise in salary
Norms- are the standard of behavior which are imposed
4. Quit from the job
by the society to its members.
5. Select another comparison person
6. Distort inputs or outcomes as well as those of Values- refers to things immaterial, which a person
the comparison person prizes, cherishes and esteems as important to him.
7. Harassment of the companion person
Manalang- values are supposed to animate people in
Locke’s goal theory conducting activities that are important to them.
● Explains the relationship between intention Human values- are ideas, actions, likes, or experience
(goal) and the behavior that contribute to the promotion of human life.
● Goals should be set clearly and specifically at a
high but realistic level. Kinds of values
● Management by objectives (MBO)- helps in goal 1. Biological values- necessary for the physical
setting. It calls attention of both management survival of man or an organization
and employees in setting goals ● Life and health
General ways of motivating people ● Food and shelter
● Work
1. By force- threat 2. Social values- necessary for the following needs
2. By enticement- giving incentives and fulfillment
3. By identification or ego- involvement- ● Leisure and sex
willingness to work ● Marriage
● Family and love
● Parental authority
Culture- is the sum total of material and non- material ● Education
products of social interaction. 3. Rational values- necessary to the functions and
fulfillment of the intellectual and the will
Edward taylor- culture is a complex whole that includes ● Understanding and control of values
knowledge, beliefs, arts, work, laws and customs and ● Guides for self- control
any other capabilities acquired by a man as a member ● Solidarity
of society ● Religion
Calderon- dresssler’s definition of culture as a social Orientals ( eastern race)- people oriented and
heritage, transmitted from one generation to another possessing high regard for human feelings which all
and shared. other values are subordinated.
Characteristics of culture Occidentals ( western race)- material oriented, having a
1. learned high regard for efficiency and productivity for the
2. varies across nations accomplishment of maximum results.
3. group product Two kinds of values:
4. can be transmitted
5. adaptive 1. Absolute moral values- are at all times and in all
places, ethically and socially binding to all men
Forms of culture who are aware of both the natural and moral
Tenedero- culture is the composite or learned laws
behaviors, attitudes, beliefs, ideas, and values held by a 2. Cultural behavioral values- are those which
particular society. emanate from within. They involve either
personal views of individual man or the
Lardizabal- culture is the totality of learned, socially collective concepts of cultural group based on
transmitted behavior. personal opinions and modes of conduct.
Functions of values

1. It serves as a means of social control

2. It promotes work efficiency
3. It can predict behavior
4. It promotes economic progress and security
5. It promotes health
6. It makes the world a better place to live in
7. It promotes safety
8. It provides for the future

The process of valuing

1. Choosing
● To choose freely
● To choose from alternatives
● To choose from alternatives after
considering the consequences of the
2. Prizing
● To cherish and be happy with the
● To be willing to affirm the choice
3. Acting
● To actually do something about the
● To act repeatedly to affirm the choice

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