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Quiz #3: The Human Person in Society Test II. Modified True or False.

Write TRUE if the statement is

Name: ____________________________ Score: ________ correct. If it is False, underline the word/phrase which makes it
Grade/Strand/Section: _______________________________________ wrong, then, write the word/phrase to make it TRUE.

13. Tribal and feudal societies have high regard for individualism.
Test I. Multiple Choices.
14. Modern urban societies have a deep sense of community.
1. It is a group of people living in a definite territory having
15. Rural societies have highly secular belief systems.
the government of their own, sharing same culture,
16. Social contract is an agreement among individuals to
interdependent and interrelated to one another.
sacrifice some of their wants and submit to higher
a. Society c. Nation
b. Group d. Family
17. Thomas Hobbes believes that human beings enter into a
2. This element of society could relate to the saying that
social contract because man is inherently good.
“No man is an island,” because we need each other in
18. John Locke proposed that the aim of the government should
order to survive.
be the preservation of life, liberty and property.
a. People c. Interdependence
b. Culture d. Interrelated
3. This is the most important element of society; without it, Test III. Matching Type.
society will not exist. VIRTUES WHERE VIRTUE RESIDES
a. People c. Government
19. Wisdom a. Soldiers
b. Culture d. Territory
4. This is the element of society that refers the location 20. Courage b. Merchants
where people reside 21. Temperance c. Rulers
a. People c. Government
b. Culture d. Territory
22. Rousseau a. Man is selfish; social contract for
5. This is an element of society refers to the idea that all
people within the society are like members of the family 23. Hobbes
b. Man is good; surrender freedom for
a. People c. Government 24. Locke common good.
b. Culture d. Interrelated
25. Plato c. Society=justice=virtues
6. This element of society is created through the
d. Protection of life, liberty and property
interaction of people through norms, values, religion 26. Rawls
e. Inviolable freedom of man
etc. 27. Kant f. Government protects dignity and
a. People c. Government
freedom of the human person
b. Culture d. Interrelated
7. This society is based on knowledge, information, and
the sale of services Test IV. Enumeration.
a. Feudal c. Post industrial society
A. Different Classes of the Socio-Economic System
b. Hunting and gathering d. Agrarian or agricultural
8. The society is based on the ownership of land. 28. ______________________________________
a. Feudal c. Post industrial society
b. Hunting and gathering d. Agrarian or agricultural 29. ______________________________________
9. The earliest and simplest form of society
a. Feudal c. Post industrial society 30. ______________________________________
b. Hunting and gathering d. Agrarian or agricultural
B. Different Sectors of the Socio-Political System
10. It is an agreement among individuals to sacrifice some
of their wants and submit to higher authority. 31. ______________________________________
a. Social values c. Social contract
b. Social system d. Social norms 32. ______________________________________
11. an organization of individuals into groups or structure
that have different functions, characteristic origin or 33. ______________________________________
34. ______________________________________
a. Social values c. Social contract
b. Social system d. Social norms 35. ______________________________________
12. The Philippines’ Economic system is symbolically
represented as a ______ because most of the country’s
population belongs to the lower class while very few
actually hold the country’s wealth.
a. Diamond/Football c. Pyramid
b. Square d. Line

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