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Advanced International Training

Programme • 2007

Efficient Energy Use in Industry


The Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida) Addressing the problem by simply increasing the generating
is a government agency responsible for the major part of Sweden’s capacity might thus not be the most feasible long-term solution.
development cooperation. Focus on long-term knowledge and com- Rather should priority be given to the concept of energy efficiency
petence development constitutes a major feature in all develop- since it is a more pro-active approach in terms of sustainable
ment cooperations. development. In this context it can be defined as energy supply
Sida offers, as part of its bilateral development assistance, alterations that give lower business-economical, environmental or
Advanced International Training Programmes of strategic impor- socio-economical costs. All measures that will foster the industry’s
tance to the social and economic development of cooperating performance regarding energy consumption are therefore ultimate-
countries based on identified priorities and needs. In the long-term ly of interest for the development of other sectors of the society.
perspective the programmes shall contribute to institutional strength- Sweden has many energy intensive industrial plants like pulp
ening and capacity development in the cooperating countries. and paper mills, mines, smelters and steel works, cement facto-
These programmes aim at enhancing managerial and technical ries, refineries and chemical plants. Energy represents a substan-
skills and cover subjects of strategic importance to economic and tial part of the operational costs for this type of industries that in
social development. The Training Programmes are designed for addition also are subject to international competition. Based on
experienced executives in middle and top management positions in many years experience efficient methods and tools for reducing
their respective organisations. energy consumption have been developed and today Sweden is
With the Training Programmes, Sida aim to contribute to proc- one of the forerunners in energy efficient technologies. This knowl-
esses of change and development in the participants’ organisa- edge helps Swedish industry to be competitive in today’s global
tions and lines of businesses. The foundation of the entire pro- market.
gramme is a project assignment. The assignment shall be well The training of personnel is a key issue in both the short and
established in the participant’s organisation and is a basic part of long term perspective of development. Sida is therefore sponsor-
the programme concept. ing this programme on Efficient Energy Use in Industry and has
Energy is a crucial component for economic growth in most entrusted Centek at Luleå University of Technology with the task of
economies, not the least in developing countries. Lack of energy is carrying out the programme.
thus many times a limiting factor for a country’s development, The programme will be conducted in English and is designed
either directly because of insufficient capacity or indirectly because for engineers holding management positions in energy intensive
the need for import of energy at high costs. In addition various industries or affiliated authorities and organizations.
studies show that the industrial sector in developing countries has We trust that the programme will be of interest to you and here-
a higher specific energy use compared to corresponding industries by invite you to nominate candidates.
in developed countries. Women are encouraged to apply.

Maria Norrfalk Sven-Erik Österlund

Director General Programme Manager

Programme Objectives Contents Week 3

The overarching goals for the train- Week 1 – Energy conservation possibilities
ing are: – Energy management – Environmental aspects of energy
– To provide applied knowledge – Energy Audits use
about technologies and method- – Information retrieval – Energy economy
ologies for improved energy effi- – Project work – Financing of energy efficiency
ciency in industry – Plants and site visits projects
– To demonstrate applications and – Case studies/project work
Week 2
working solutions used in industry – Plants and site visits
– Heat conservation and recovery
– To learn more about energy eco- – Efficient use of electricity Week 4
nomics and project financing – Efficient combustion technologies – Energy management
models – Control systems – Implementing projects
– To develop skills for implementing – Operation and maintenance – Energy economy
energy efficiency projects – Case studies/project work – Case studies/project work
– To understand the role of efficient – Plants and site visits – Plants and site visits
energy use in sustainable develop-
Week 5 and specialists from relevant authori- If there is no Swedish Embassy/
– Implementing projects ties and institutions responsible for Consulate in the applicant’s country,
– Financing of energy efficiency energy issues in industry. The pro- the application should be submitted
projects gramme is not designed for power directly to Program Secretariat.
– Case studies/project work utilities and electricity distribution Selected applicants will be notified
– Plants and site visits management. by e-mail or telefax. Once accepted,
the applicant must confirm partici-
Programme Structure Professional and Academic Requirements pation. An invitation letter will be
The candidate should hold a univer- sent out, containing additional infor-
Date and Place
sity degree at least equivalent to a mation on the programme and the
May 07–June 08, 2007 in Luleå,
B.Sc. within a relevant study area practical arrangements.
(eg. mechanical, electrical or chemi-
cal engineering or similar related Cost of Participation
subjects) and have a few years work- The cost of the programme is divid-
The course will include lectures, dis-
ing experience in a management ed between a participation fee and
cussions in small groups, study visits
position. The successful applicant should accommodation cost. The participa-
and case studies. All participants will
provide details and facts on planned or on- tion fee covers all training cost such
work on actual energy savings
going energy efficiency projects that he/she is as lectures, literature, documenta-
projects and selected applicants will
currently involved in and which could be tion, study tours and certain social
be requested to present planned or
used as references and case studies in the activities as well as accommodation
on-going projects in their respective
course. costs include board and lodging.
organisations. The teaching draws
The Swedish International Develop-
upon experiences from industry and
Language Requirements ment Cooperation Agency (Sida) will
successful applications in Sweden
A high proficiency in the English cover these costs.
and internationally. Much time is de-
language is requested. The applicant International travel cost to and
voted to groupwork with the partici-
must have access to and be able to from Sweden will not be covered by
pants’ own projects guided by expert
work with computers. Sida.
Due to the character of the pro- Personal expenses are not included.
The course is demanding and re-
gramme family members are not
quires the participants to be active
and attend the entire programme.
allowed to accompany participants Accommodation
to the programme. In Luleå all participants will be ac-
commodated in a student residence
Management and Staff
The programme is managed by a
Application Process located within the campus area of
Luleå University. The training center
team of experts with many years of
Closing date for application is as well as other facilities and services
experience from international train-
December 15, 2006. are within walking distance from the
ing within the subject area.
accommodation. Each participant
Lecturerers are drawn from the
Applications submitted after closing will have his/her own single room
University’s permanent staff, expert
date will not be considered. with shower/bath and a fully
consultants and specialists from the
Application should be written on equipped kitchen for cooking.
the special form attached and in- Facilities for washing of clothes are
clude a recent photograph and re- also available.
quired information and documents.
Target Region: An English language test should Visa
Africa, Asia, Latin America, Middle be made with an official body in the Participants are responsible for ob-
East/North Africa, Balkan Region. home country of the applicant, un- taining all visas necessary for their
less the applicant can provide other journey and stay during the training
Target Group: documentation to support her/his programme. The visa should be
The programme will admit a total of ability. valid for the whole period of the pro-
25 participants from energy intensive The Swedish Embassy/Consulate gramme and the passport should be
industrial plants (e.g. mining and does not carry out language tests but valid for three months longer than
metallurgy, pulp and paper, chemical may be able to recommend appro- the entry visa. Inquires should be
and process industries). Candidates priate language institutes for con- directed to respective Swedish Em-
should be engineers and responsible ducting tests. bassy/Consulate alternatively other
for production, energy or mainte- When necessary, the application Schengen representation as soon as
nance matters in these industries. should be approved by the official possible after acceptance into the
Consultants working with demand nominating authority in the country. programme. Participants visiting
side energy efficiency and conserva- The application should be submit- other countries on their way to or
tion in the industry are also invited ted to the nearest Swedish Embassy/ from Sweden must ensure that cor-
to the programme as well as experts Consulate. rect visas are obtained before leaving
home country, especially for coun- Insurance
tries not included in the Schengen All participants are covered by a Contact information
agreement. group insurance while in Sweden and The address for all communication is:
The costs for obtaining visas are on organised tours during the pro- CENTEK, Aurorum Science Park
carried by the participant. gramme. This insurance includes SE-977 75 Luleå, Sweden
For more information, this website costs for medical care in the event of Fax: +46 920 990 20
offers Swedish visa information: acute illness or accident. Medical E-mail: and dental check-ups are not in- Web site:
english.html cluded. Programme Manager:
Sven-Erik Österlund
Telephone: +46 920 491842
Programme co-ordinator:
Aksel Österlöf
Telephone: +46 920 491876

Programme Manager:
Sven-Erik Österlund

Programme co-ordinator:
Aksel Österlöf

Presentation of Programme Management and Secretariat

CENTEK – International Training and Devel- Luleå University is one of twelve universi-
opment Centre at Luleå University is an ties in Sweden having a fully developed
organization founded by the university and research organization. Research is prima-
the regional municipalities. CENTEK is of- rily connected with the mechanical engi-
fering countinuous education programmes neering industries, mining and mineral
for industiry and society, using the univer- processing industries, computer and elec-
sity as a resource base. The training pro- tronic industries, building and construction
grammes cover a wide range of subjects industries. Undergraduate education is Halving poverty by 2015 is one of the greatest
challenges of our time, requiring cooperation and
and span from short seminars to complete given primarily in the fields of engineering, sustainability. The partner countries are responsible
MSc-programmes. business administration, economics and for their own development. Sida provides resources
and develops knowledge and expertise, making the
world a richer place.
Printed in Sweden by Edita Communication AB, 2006


Division for International Training Programmes

SE-105 25 Stockholm Sweden
Phone: +46 (0)8 698 50 00
Fax: +46 (0)8 20 88 64,

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