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Electrodiagnostic Study of Peripheral Nerves in

High-Voltage Electrical Injury
Ki Han Kwon, MD,* Se Hoon Kim, MD, PhD,† Yang Ki Minn, MD, PhD*

It is well known that peripheral nerves are very vulnerable to electricity. However, only a
small portion of individuals who have had high-voltage electrical injury exhibit peripheral
nerve damage. The aim of this study was to investigate peripheral nerve damage in high-
voltage electrical injury, which often occurs in the industrial field. The authors reviewed
the medical records of patients who were admitted to their hospital from January 2009 to
December 2011, because of electrical injuries. The results of nerve conduction studies (NCSs)
were reviewed retrospectively. NCS data of the injured site were compared with those of the
opposite noninjured site and follow-up data. Thirty-seven extremities were reviewed. The
authors found that 18 of 33 median nerves (48.6%) showed abnormalities in at least one
parameter and 15 of 36 ulnar nerves (41.7%) exhibited abnormalities. There was no evidence
of demyelination. Eight patients had undergone NCS on the opposite normal extremities. The
compound muscle action potential and nerve conduction velocity were higher at the normal
site. Follow-up NCS were performed in 14 patients: the compound muscle action potential
and nerve conduction velocity values of all patients were improved. High-voltage electricity
damaged peripheral nerves by causing axonal injury rather than demyelinating injury. Hence,
even if NCSs yield normal findings, peripheral nerves may be damaged. F/U studies and
opposite examinations are required for the exact evaluation of peripheral nerve damage.
(J Burn Care Res 2014;35:e230–e233)

The mechanisms of electrical injury are 1) direct- the intermediate part between the input and output
contact injury, 2) thermal injury caused by an areas suffers minimal damage. Because most electri-
electric arc, 3) flame burn from cloth or the envi- cians work in elevated places, such as poles or roofs,
ronment, and 4) falling injury. Unlike electric arc or electrical burn injuries may be accompanied by fall-
flame burns, direct-contact injuries cause deep ther- ing injuries.
mal damage to small and restricted input and output Animal studies have demonstrated that nerves can
areas.1,2 The source of tissue injury resulting from be damaged by an electrical current without heat:
direct contact with electricity is Joule heating (Q = I2 the flow of the electrical current creates pores on
× R × t; Q, heating value; I, current; R, resistance; t, the membranes of nerves and damages nerve cells.4
time) and subsequent secondary injury.3 Because of However, it is unknown whether electrical current
the high resistance of the skin, especially in the kera- itself damages peripheral nerves between the input
tinized areas of hands, most of the electrical energy is and output areas, especially in injuries caused by
concentrated in input and output areas during a con- high-voltage electricity.5 Butler and Gant3 reported
tact injury. With the exception of secondary damage, that only a small portion (9.3%) of individuals with
this type of injury showed peripheral nerve damage.
From the *Department of Neurology, Hallym University College of
The results of our previous study revealed that about
Medicine, Seoul, Korea; and †Department of Pathology, Yonsei half of the individuals who had electrical injuries and
University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea. underwent an electrodiagnostic examination showed
S.H. Kim and Y.K. Minn contributed equally to this work.
Address correspondence to Yang Ki Minn, MD, PhD, Department abnormal findings, even in case of high-voltage
of Neurology, Kangnam Sacred Heart Hospital, Hallym electrical injuries.6 Some authors have claimed that
University College of Medicine, Shin-Gil Ro 1, Yeoungdeungpo peripheral nerve damage from electrical injuries is a
gu, Seoul 150-950, Korea.
Copyright © 2013 by the American Burn Association secondary injury.7
1559-047X/2014 Electrodiagnostic examination, such as nerve con-
DOI: 10.1097/BCR.0b013e31829b39b9 duction studies (NCSs), are the most objective and
Journal of Burn Care & Research
Volume 35, Number 4 Kwon, Kim, and Minn   e231

only method to check the condition of peripheral RESULTS

nerves. The aim of this study was to evaluate the
effect of electricity on peripheral nerves by analyzing A total of 346 patients visited our hospital because
NCS findings after high-voltage electrical injury. of electrical injuries during the period examined.
Thirty-seven extremities from 28 patients were
selected. All patients were men, and their mean age
METHODS was 45.0 years. The mean duration between acci-
We reviewed the medical records of patients who dents and NCsS was 197 days.
were admitted to our hospital from January 2009 to Eighteen of 33 median nerves (48.6%) showed
December 2011, because of electrical injuries. Only abnormalities in at least one parameter. In addition,
patients who had direct contact between their upper 15 of the 36 ulnar nerves (41.7%) showed abnor-
extremities and high-voltage currents (22,900  V) malities. The mean CMAP amplitudes were 5.5 and
were selected. Patients with thermal burns caused 6.3 mV in the median and ulnar nerves and 17 of the
by electric arcs, flashover, electrostatic induction, or 33 median nerves (51.5%), and 11 of the 36 ulnar
clothes that caught fire were excluded from the study. nerves (30.6%) exhibited abnormal CMAP findings.
Patients who had undergone electrodiagnostic stud- The mean NCV in the median and ulnar nerves was
ies (NCSs) were selected for the analysis. The median 47.7 and 53.2 m/s, respectively. Thirteen of 33
nerve and ulnar nerves were analyzed. Motor NCS median nerves (39.4%) and eight of 36 ulnar nerves
data were recorded on the abductor policis brevis (22.2%) exhibited NCV abnormalities (Table 1).
muscle (for median nerve) and abductor digiti quinti Two patients with median nerve injury and two
muscle (for ulnar nerve). For motor nerve analy- patients with ulnar nerve injury showed an NCV that
sis, compound muscle action potentials (CMAPs) was 70% below the normal limit. All these patients
on elbow stimulation (lower normal limits: median had low CMAP (<2 mV). No patients exhibited a
nerve, 5.4 mV and ulnar nerve, 4 mV) and nerve proximal–distal amplitude ratio lower than 0.7.
conduction velocity (NCV) on the wrist–elbow seg- Eight patients underwent NCS for the uninjured
ment (lower normal limits: 50 m/s) were analyzed. extremities. CMAP and NCV values were higher at
In the ulnar nerve, the stimulation site was distal to the normal site than at the injured site (Table 2).
the ulnar groove. Nerves that exhibited no CMAP Fourteen patents had follow-up NCS. The mean
duration between the first and second NCS was 139
during the test were excluded from the analysis.
days. All CMAP and NCV values were improved on
follow-up (Table 3).
Data Analysis
Data were analyzed using the paired t-test analysis in
the Statistical Package for the Social Sciences (SPSS; DISCUSSION
Windows version 18; SPSS Inc., Chicago, IL). The Electricity that enters the body forms a serial circuit
level of statistical significance was set at 0.05 for (power source → input area of the skin → periph-
validity testing. eral nerve → output area of the skin → ground; Fig-
ure 1). The total heat that is produced by this circuit
Ethics Statement can be calculated using Joule’s law: Q total = I 2 × Rtotal
The study protocol was reviewed and approved by × t. Because this circuit is a serial circuit, the total heat
the institutional review board of the Hangang Sacred can represent the sum of the heat of the fractions:
Heart Hospital (No. 2012–183). Informed consent Q total = Q Input skin + Q Peripheral nerve + Q Output skin = I 2 ×
was waived by the board. RInput skin × t + I 2 × RPeripheral nerve × t + I 2 × ROutput skin × t).

Table 1. Nerve conduction study findings in high-voltage electrical injury

Mean Lower Normal Limit Normal Abnormal

Median nerve (N = 33) 15 18

 CMAP (N = 33) 5.5 mV >5.4 mV 16 17
 NCV (N = 33) 47.7 m/s >50 m/s 20 13
Ulnar nerve (N = 36) 21 15
 CMAP (N = 36) 6.3 mV >4 mV 22 14
 NCV (N = 36) 53.2 m/s >50 m/s 28 8

CMAP, compound muscle action potential; NCV, nerve conduction velocity.

Journal of Burn Care & Research
e232   Kwon, Kim, and Minn July/August 2014

Table 2. Electrodiagnostic findings at the injury site and

opposite normal site
Injury Site Normal Site

Median nerve
 CMAP (N = 8) 7.7 mV 12.6 mV‡ Input Skin Peripheral Output Skin
 NCV (N = 8) 53 m/s 56.4 m/s (R1) nerve (R2) (R3)
Ulnar nerve
 CMAP (N = 7) 5.3 mV 10.2 mV‡
 NCV (N = 7) 53 m/s 56.2 m/s

CMAP, compound muscle action potential; NCV, nerve conduction velocity.

‡P < .05

The resistance of peripheral nerves is very small

compared with that of keratinized skin; thus, most
heat is produced in the input and output skin areas.
This is consistent with the results of previous clinical
reports.1,2 To exclude the local effect of burns, the Figure 1.  Electric circuit in high-voltage electrical nerve
wrist–elbow segment was chosen for analysis. As sen- injury. The circuit of power source → input skin area →
sory NCSs are more vulnerable to skin conditions, peripheral nerve → output skin area → ground consists of
only motor NCS was performed. a serial circuit. Because input (R1) and output (R2) skin
Among patients with abnormal NCS findings, resistances are much higher than that of peripheral nerves
abnormal CMAP findings were more common than (R2), most heat develops at input and output skin areas.
abnormal NCV findings Only four patients exhib-
ited slow NCV (>70% of the lower normal limit). study, only half or less of the nerves studied exhib-
All these patients had a very low CMAP (>0.1 mV). ited values outside the normal range. However, a
Although distal latency and temporal dispersion comparison between these values and those of the
were not known, demyelinating criteria were not opposite noninjured site revealed that the CMAPs of
fully met,8 thus, we concluded that the main pathol- the injured site were significantly lower than those of
ogy of nerve injury in high-voltage electrical burns the noninjured site. A follow-up study showed that
is axonal injury rather than demyelinating injury. CMAPs were improved significantly. These findings
These findings were consistent with a previous the- represented evidence that nerves were damaged by
ory that postulates that long axis cells exposed to an electricity, although their NCS findings were within
electrical current are more vulnerable to electricity- the normal range.
induced pore formation. Myelinating Schwann cells CMAP, and not NCV, was significantly lower in
have much shorter length for the electrical current injured vs noninjured sites and exhibited improve-
axis than do nerve axons. ment at follow-up. These findings constituted addi-
In our previous report, we claimed that the mech- tional evidence of axonal injury vs demyelinating
anism of nerve damage in high-voltage injury was injury.
Joule heat because the most proximal segment of The results presented here suggest that motor
peripheral nerves exhibited normal findings.6 In this nerve damage caused by electrical injury was com-
mon, although mild and reversible. Mean CMAPs
Table 3. Electrodiagnostic findings of the initial and were higher than the lower normal limit. However,
follow-up studies this conclusion was extracted from subjects with
mild damage (with measurable CMAP findings and
Initial Follow-up without amputation). In clinical field, many patient
Median nerve reported prolonged sensory symptoms such as tin-
 CMAP (N = 12) 5.3 mV 9.4 mV‡ gling sensation. We think that peripheral nerve dam-
 NCV (N = 11) 51.0 m/s 52.8 m/s age is reversible but not completely.
Ulnar nerve Heat is proportional not only to resistance but also
 CMAP (N = 7) 6.0 mV 9.4 mV‡ to time (Q = I2 × R × t). The heat that develops at
 NCV (N = 7) 54.6 m/s 51.7 m/s input and output skin sites leads to the rapid evapora-
CMAP, compound muscle action potential; NCV, nerve conduction velocity. tion of water content in tissues. Thus, tissues become
‡P < .05. nonconductors rapidly, and this interval of time is
Journal of Burn Care & Research
Volume 35, Number 4 Kwon, Kim, and Minn   e233

inversely proportional to the voltage of the shock: crude assessment of nerve function. Most laborato-
it occurs within 20 s at 125 V, within 8 s at 250 V, ries that perform NCSs consider findings to be abnor-
within 5 s at 500 V, and within 2.5 s at 1,000 V.9 mal if the test values are different from the mean by
According to this ratio, tissues may become noncon- more than 2 SD. Abnormal NCS findings mean a
ductors within 100 μs at 22,900 V. In fact, the flow- peripheral nerve is abnormal; in contrast, normal
ing time of electricity is thought to be very short. NCS findings do not mean that a peripheral nerve is
Therefore, peripheral nerves might not be damaged normal. Our data showed that more than half of the
severely in very high-voltage electrical injuries. nerves tested showed normal NCS findings. How-
In a clinical setting, it is difficult to assess periph- ever, comparison with the opposite extremity or the
eral nerve damage. Rhabdomyolysis and vascular follow-up study showed that the nerves exhibiting
damage commonly accompany high-voltage elec- normal NCS findings were not truly normal. This is
trical injuries.7 Kim and Kim10 reported that 82.6% an important result because the presence of periph-
of high-voltage electrical injury patients showed eral nerve damage is crucial for the compensation of
increased creatine kinease, 34% showed myoglobi- individuals who have had industrial accidents.
emia, and 27.1% had their extremities amputated. In conclusion, high-voltage electricity damaged
Electricity flows through low-resistance materi- peripheral nerves by causing axonal injury rather
als. However, high-voltage electricity passes through than demyelinating injury. Even if NCSs yield nor-
tissues as if they are a homogeneous single con- mal findings, peripheral nerves may be damaged.
ductor.7,9 An animal study showed that peripheral Follow-up studies and opposite-site examinations
nerves are very vulnerable to electrical current: 40 are required for the exact evaluation of peripheral
mA/3  mm of nerve diameter led to irreversible nerve damage
nerve damage.3 This is equivalent to 5.7 mA/mm2.
Assuming that the skin resistance at the input and
output areas is 50,000 Ω,7 and that the diameter ACKNOWLEDGMENT
of the forearm is 8 cm, the electrical density of the We give special thanks to Dr. K. Jang.
forearm is only 0.46 mA/mm2, which is too low to
generate nerve damage. We think that this is why
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