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Meghan Posey

Emily Kretzer

ENG 1201

27 October 2019


I have chosen the topic of abortion for my research project. Abortion recently is

something that has become more talked about and in the spotlight. While I do not believe it is

acceptable to use abortion as a form of birth control, I do believe that every woman has earned a

right to her own body and she at least deserves the right to a choice. With not only male

lawmakers but female lawmakers trying to make abortion illegal, I want to answer one of my

many questions: Is abortion a female right or a human right?

“Abortion as One Aspect of Women's Health.” Health Care for Women International, vol. 38,

no. 9, Sept. 2017, pp. 907–912.

“Abortion as One Aspect of Women's Health.” comes from a journal on women’s healthcare

around the globe. It talks about how abortion is part of a women’s health and how it could even

affect other aspects of life. This is a credible source with credible, current information.

“Challenging TRAP Laws: A Defense of Standing for Abortion Providers.” Berkeley Journal of

Gender, Law & Justice., vol. 34, 2019, pp. 235–266.

The article “Challenging TRAP Laws: A Defense of Standing for Abortion Providers.” comes

from the Berkeley Journal of Gender, Law, and Justice. The article was just published this year

so the information is up to date and Berkeley is a well known and recognized school. The article

talks of how abortion laws have recently come into question and abortion providers’ reactions to

how they are being opposed.

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“EVERY WOMAN'S LIFE IS WORTH SAVING: The Right to Safe Abortion in Asia.”

Colombian Journal of Anesthesiology, vol. 47, no. 3, 2019, pp. 11–13.

The article, “EVERY WOMAN'S LIFE IS WORTH SAVING: The Right to Safe Abortion in

Asia.” talks of how the importance of a safe abortion in Asia. Yes, this has nothing to do with

American women, but it provides the perspective from women around the world. This is a

credible source with reliable information.

“Gender Linked Fate Explains Lower Legal Abortion Support among White Married Women.”

PLoS ONE, vol. 14, no. 10, 10 Oct. 2019, pp. 1–16.

“Gender Linked Fate Explains Lower Legal Abortion Support among White Married Women.”

is a credible source explaining why there is little support for abortion in the married white

community of women.

“Relationship of Knowledge and Attitude Towards Legal Abortion Laws with the Performance

of Midwives in Qazvin, Iran.” Health, Spirituality and Medical Ethics., June 2019,

“Relationship of Knowledge and Attitude Towards Legal Abortion Laws with the Performance

of Midwives in Qazvin, Iran.” was another article able to provide me with some knowledge on

abortion in other countries. This was a credible source providing me with reliable information on

my topic.

“Using the Synthetic Control Method to Determine the Effect of Ultrasound Laws on State-Level

Abortion Rates.” Atlantic Economic Journal, June 2019.

“Using the Synthetic Control Method to Determine the Effect of Ultrasound Laws on State-Level

Abortion rates” is a current piece, going into detail on the different effects of ultrasound laws in
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different states. This article also goes on to talk about abortion rates in different states. I found

this to be a reliable website with credible information.

“Women's Rights Advocates and Abortion Laws.” Journal of Women's History, vol. 31, no. 3,

2019, pp. 102–123.

“Women's Rights Advocates and Abortion Laws.” is an article detailing abortion laws and

women’s rights. Just published recently this year this source is reliable and can be accounted for.

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