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Republic ofthe Philippines Department of Health OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY 23 August 2019 DEPARTMENT CIRCULAR No, 2019 -. FOR: ALL _UNDERSECRETARIES, ASSISTANT SECRETARIES: DIRECTORS OF BUREAUS, DOH-CENTER FOR HEALTH DEVELOPMENT, SERVICES AND SPECIALTY HOSPITALS: HIEFS OF DOH-HOSPITALS AND MED) ENTERS: AND OTHERS CONCERNED. SUBJECT: 16% Annual Convention of the Philippine Council for Quality ‘Assurance in Clinical Laboratories ACL) on September 24-26, 2019 ‘The Philippine Council for Quality Assurance in Clinical Laboratories (PCQACL) will bbe holding its 16" Annual Convention with the theme “Patient-Centered Laboratory Medicine” on September 24-26, 2019 at the Crown Plaza Galleria, Ortigas Ave., Quezon City. Attendance of concerned pathologists and medical technologists in DOH hospitals shall be on Official Time at no expense to the government except salaries. Official Business shall be allowed to concemed DOH personnel provided that they comply with either of the following: 1) S/he is a presenter/discussant, facilitator, moderator or panelist/reactor; and 2) Attendance to the activity is part of a continuing professional education program related to current job or practice of profession. lll other transactions shall be in accordance with Department Order (DO) No. 2007- (0053, entitled “Guidelines on the A ttendance to Conventions/Seminars/Conference and Similar Human Resource Development Activities Outside of the Department of Health,” and DO No. 2014-0094, entitled “Guidelines on the Allowable Rates of Payment for Human Resource Development Activities.” Attached is the letter of invitation with other details for your ready reference. Dissemination of the information to all concerned is requested. By Authority of the Secretary of Health: TLLAVERDE, MD, MPH, MPM, CESO I Undersecretary of Health th Policy and Systems Development Team ene OSECOR-162 TBallding I, San lara Compound, Ral Aves, Sta Cr Manila 1003 «Tak Lin S1-78001eal 1113, 1108, 138 Diet Line 11950011803 73-1829 > URL: bap doh eng ema gash 8 gh Republic of ke Pilippines Department of Health OFFICE OF THE SECRETARY 15 August 2019 DEPARTMENT CIRCULAR No. 2019 -_ 0343 FOR: ALL _UNDERSECRETARIES, ASSISTANT SECRETARIES; DIRECTORS OF BUREAUS, DOH-CENTER FOR HEALTH DEVELOPM! ERVICES AND SPECIALTY HOSPITALS; AND OTHERS CONCERNED SUBJECT: yavention_Seminar-Workshop on “Quality Assurance_in inical Chemistry, Microbiology, and Blood Bank” of the {(PCOACL) on September 23, 2019 ‘The Philippine Council for Quality Assurance in Clinical Laboratories (PCQACL) will be holding its Pre-Convention Seminar-Workshop on “Quality Assurance in Clinical logy, and Blood Bank” on September 23,2019 at the Crowne Plaza Attendance of concerned pathologists and medical technologists in DOH hospitals shall be on Official Time at no expense to the government except salaries. Official Business shall be allowed to concerned DOH personnel provided that they comply with cither ofthe following: 1) S/he isa presenter/discussant, facilitator, moderator or panelisvreactor; and 2) Attendance to the activity ispart of a continuing professional education program related to curent ob or practice of profession. All other transactions shall be in accordance with Department Order (DO) No. 2007- (0053, entitled “Guidelines on the Attendance to Conventions/Seminars/Conference and Similar Human Resouree Development Activities Outside of the Department of Health,” and DO No. 2014-0094, entitled “Guidelines on the Allowable Rates of Payment for Human Resource Development Activities.” Attached is the letter of invitation with other details for your ready reference, Dissemination of the information to all concerned is requested. By Authority of the Secretary of Health LAVERDE, MD, MPH, MPM, CESO I Undersecretary of Health Hi&ath Policy and Systems Development Team ere POHL O888 ‘Bail, San Lara Copound Rizal Aven. Sa Cruz Na 108 «Tak Lib 63 7A oa 173, 1108 1138 ‘ued ine Trss00, 711 MPa TaS29° URL Mpa doh go eal None PUBACL~ De “15 PHILIPPINE COUNCIL FOR QUALITY ASSURANCE IN CLINICAL LABORATORIES, ‘Rin at sorwnt sito Woe ne: HO Here INE ‘ao eens sy 31,2019 Board of Trustoos Francisco T. Duque Il, MD. Se. a Sexey of elt lOtice ofthe Sscreary Deparmert of Hatt cers San Lazare Compound Sia Cr Manila sehece Anes of Fats an Maal tettlais of te DOM Frspats Maboncres 1G the Pre- Convention. Seminar-Workshop oa centeen e ty Assurance in Cline Chembiry. Merely, and Hod Bak to be condces fy the Phopine Cone fr Chali Asemace Cel Epatprermssnmme —[Tatsctomes (PCQACL) on September 2, 3019 at Crowne Plan Calera Mani Deo Seretary Duque: [The Philippine Cowl for Quay Assurance in Clinical Labomiorie anima | @CQACL) Corie on Contiing Edacaor, Tring, snd Research wi conduct «Pre Cowertion smin-nerkshop on “Quality Asouanes in Clee team noe Chemistry, Micrbielogy, nd Blood Bask’ The rain objective of this evi aay eto enable he paricpats to aguire Basie knowedgs and kills whish bey en foo apply in their ily werk for quality and accurate laboratory results, ‘eating We would greatly appreciate iti thee atendance to this senna nortshop sould be considered en official business. The now leasing fra ts et rl help than upgrade and improve te quaiy of prance and services Tansee For quay laboratory ests which will round to beter patel management emrcwmecemmmter | ur asst Sf may cet the POQACL tavugh Serra! Ofce Te aoe pl el aye Es campmor eee le eet ew — (mcmnciescsammiarmonnaniann hadartiat cmacmam, [rare fe ee commie on Cortnung Eéveaton, Tilting and Research ell A oie Freient

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